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Two new distributional records of the snake catfish Clarias theodorae (Clariidae: Pisces) from Transvaal tributaries of the Limpopo River are documented. This is also the first record of the snake catfish from the Transvaal. The habitat preference of this species is briefly discussed and brief comment is made on probable migration routes.  相似文献   


Freshwater crabs (Potamonautes perlatus) are the largest naturally occurring invertebrates in southern African rivers. The ecology of these animals in South African riverine ecosystems is little understood. This study investigates some aspects of the population and feeding ecology of P. perlatus in the upper reaches of the Buffalo River. The densities of crabs (carapace width larger than 25 mm) at two sites in the river ranged between 1.72 and 5.25 crabs m2, higher than previously recorded for freshwater crabs in rivers in southern Africa and southern Italy. Twenty-four hour observations revealed that P. perlatus has a nocturnal habit. The diet of P. perlatus was established by examination of the contents of the fore-gut. Crabs with a carapace width smaller than 40 mm fed predominantly on aquatic invertebrates while larger crabs fed on allochthanous material (leaf litter), detritus and algae. Through feeding, crabs reduced the surface area of leaves in the stream by 99.95%.  相似文献   


The Treur River Barb (Barbus treurensis) was reintroduced into the Treur River after being extinct in this river for about twenty years. During March 1995, 504 individuals were released at a carefully selected site. Recent surveys have shown that, within only five years, Barbus treurensis has successfully repopulated about seven kilometres of the Treur River.  相似文献   

20世纪70年代以前,全世界已知宽鳃鮟鱇属Sladenia Regan(1908)鱼类仅有3种。1980~1982年期间,东海水产研究所"东方"号和南海水产研究所"南锋"号调查船分别在东海和南海的大陆架渔场调查时,共采集到4尾珍稀的深海鮟鱇鱼类。经研究,认为这4尾标本是1新种,定名为朱氏宽鳃鮟鱇Sladenia zhui sp.nov.。  相似文献   

记述采自云南省东南部地区蚱属1新种,白条蚱Tetrix albistriatus sp.nov..模式标本保存于陕西师范大学动物研究所昆虫标本室.  相似文献   

Herholdt, J.J., Kemp, A.C. & Du Plessis, D. 1996. Aspects of the breeding status and ecology of the Bateleur and Tawny Eagle in the Kalahari Gemsbok National Park. Ostrich 67:126-137.

The nesting success at 13 nesting territories of Bateleur Terathopius ecaudatus and 19 nesting territorites of Tawny Eagle Aquila rapax was monitored for seven successive years (1988–1994) in a protected area in the Kalahari desert of South Africa. On average Bateleurs laid one year in two (51/95 pair-years) and fledged 0.33 young/pair/year (31/95). Tawny Eagles laid, on average, in two out of three years (66/105), and fledged 0.4 young/pair/year (42/105). Most Bateleurs laid eggs in January and February, while Tawny Eagles mostly laid from May to June. Almost all Bateleur and Tawny Eagle nesting territories located were in the Acacia erioloba savanna in the dry Auob and Nossob riverbeds. Bateleur nesting territories were spaced at intervals of 7.2 km (2.5–14.6 km; n = 9) along the Nossob River. Tawny Eagle nesting territories were spaced at intervals of 17.6 km (6.1–32.7 km) in the Nossob River and 11.3 km (8–14 km) in the Auob River respectively. A total of 13 Bateleur and 30–40 Tawny Eagle nesting territories (27 known active nesting territories) respectively occurred in the Kalahari Gemsbok National Park during the study period. There was evidence of a 13% decline in active nesting territories of Bateleur during the seven year study, and at least a 40% decline over the previous 10 years. Vacated nesting territories were not reoccupied. There was no safe buffer zone around the Kalahari Gemsbok National Park and persecution in the adjacent farmlands, when foraging Bateleur from the protected Park enter these areas, as well as nesting site disturbance, could have been part of the reason for this decline. Poisoned and suspected poisoned Bateleurs have been found in the Park during the study period. There was no obvious decline in active Tawny Eagle nesting territories.  相似文献   


AN account is given of some aspects of the reproductive ecology and larval development of Lubeo umbrutus which is of great importance in the Eastern Cape due to its abundance in rivers and dams.

The sex ratio was found to be approximately 1:1 and females probably have a longer life span than males. Spawning takes place from October to January. Males become sexually mature at a length of 14 cm and females at a length of 20 cm. A spawning site is described. There is a curvilinear relationship between length and fecundity with the average fecundity increasing from 11 000 in fishes with a length of 20 cm to 48 000 in fishes with a length of 32 cm. Larval development from hatching to an age of 12 days is described.  相似文献   

耳河螺生殖器官和精子的形态学研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
周永灿 《动物学报》1996,42(4):343-348
耳河螺「Rivularia auriculata (Martens)」为雌雄异体。雄性生殖器官由精巢,输精小管,贮精囊,输精管,前列腺和阴茎组成。精巢内有精子,精子有典型精子和非典型精子两种。扫描电镜下,典型精子头部呈螺旋状,尾端只有一根较粗壮;非典型精子头部和中部为棒状,尾部呈扫帚状,由8-15根鞭毛组成。  相似文献   


Data on the relative abundance, penetration and breeding biology of the freshwater mullet Mugil cephalus and the flathead mullet Mugil cephalus in the freshwater reaches of some Eastern Cape coastal rivers are described. The differences found between the two species indicate that Myxus capensis is more specialized for a catadromous life history in an unstable riverine environment. Evidence showing the importance of the freshwater phase for the latter species is given and the disastrous effects of the erection of barriers to fish movement are stressed.  相似文献   

中国须鳗属鱼类一新种(鱼纲,鳗鲡目,蛇鳗科)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在编写中国动物志(鳗鲡目)过程中,检测了保存于中国科学院动物研究所和上海水产大学历年采集的蛇鳗科鱼类标本,发现其中有1新种,定名为元鼎须鳗Cirrhimu-raena yuanding sp.nov.,以纪念中国第一代鱼类学家朱元鼎教授对中国鱼类学研究的贡献。该新种由于其上颌下表面中央所具有的凹槽和头背部后1/3处的背鳍起点等特征,是已知的其他9种须鳗属鱼类中所特有的特征,可明显区别于本属的已知种类。  相似文献   

中国蛇鳗科鱼类一新种(鱼纲:鳗鲡目:蛇鳗科)   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
报道采自福建沿海的蛇鳗科鱼类一新种,命名为张氏螺鳗Ophichthus tchangi sp.nov.。张氏蛇鳗由于其背鳍和臀鳍在接近尾端之前各有一段长约为头长之半的鳍棘,是蛇鳗属鱼类中所特有的特征,可明显区别于本属其他种类。  相似文献   

 该文比较系统地综述了美国东部杜克森林76年来植物种类变化、种群动态和森林演替研究的基本情况。重点介绍了该森林内永久性森林样地的 设置和调查规范,以及最近10年来利用永久样地数据进行树木空间格局和自然干扰研究的最新进展,并将杜克森林永久样地监测规范和数据管 理方法与目前主要的森林监测网络进行了一定的比较,旨在对目前国际上蓬勃开展的长期定位植物多样性监测和空间格局研究有所启示和帮助 。  相似文献   


During 1973/74, Barbus poechii, Oreochromis macrochir, O. andersonii, Serranochromis angusticeps, S. codringtonii, S. robustus and S. thumbergi from the Okavango System were introduced into the Shashe Dam (Limpopo System, Botswana). These species are alien to the Limpopo System. A fish survey during September 1991 disclosed the presence of two specimens of the greenhead tilapia O. macrochir in a large natural pool in the Limpopo River 7 tan downstream from the Shashe/Limpopo confluence. In August 1992 another specimen was caught in this pool. It is surmised that the likely origin of these specimens is the Shashe Dam. There is a possibility that the greenhead tilapia may interbreed with the indigenous Mocambique tilapia O. mossambicus. Consequently the genetic integrity of O. mossambicus in the Limpopo River may become suspect. If the other alien species introduced into the Shashe Dam reach the Limpopo River, O. andersonii may also interbreed with O. mossambicus while the Serranochromis spp. could be detrimental for feeding relationships in the Limpopo River and its tributaries. The impact that B. poechii could have is uncertain but it does not appear to co-exist with the closely related B. trimaculatus of the Limpopo System. Eradication of O. macrochir in the Limpopo River is not practical. Further stocking of the Shashe Dam as well as other impoundments in the Limpopo System with alien fish species should be discouraged.  相似文献   

The pollination ecology of four Dalechampia species was studied in three areas in northern Natal, South Africa. All species were pollinated by resin- and/or pollen-collecting megachilid bees (Hymenoptera: Megachilidae). The most common of these at all study sites was Heriades sp. (Megachilini), which collected both pollen and resin. This bee was the primary pollinator of D. galpinii and D. volubilis, and a secondary pollinator of D. aff. parvifolia and D. capensis. The primary pollinators of these latter two Dalechampia were Pachyanthidium near cucullatum and P. cordatum (Anthididiini), respectively. These are larger bees that collected mainly resin. Other visitors varied among Dalechampia species and among sites. Pairs of Dalechampia species were often found in sympatry (within 30 m of each other) and shared pollinators to varying extents. “Transfer experiments,” in which we placed inflorescences of two Dalechampia species together, reinforced observations of flower discrimination by bees foraging among naturally occurring sympatric pairs. Heriades sp. showed no obvious discrimination between Dalechampia species, but Pachyanthidium spp. “preferred” the Dalechampia species with the greater resin reward. Occasionally, however, Pachyanthidium would visit less rewarding species. Thus, although sympatric African Dalechampia species showed some pollinator partitioning, it was much weaker than found among New World species, and cannot alone explain the general absence of Dalechampia hybrids in northern Natal.  相似文献   


The habitat preferences of the sharptooth catfish, Clarias gariepinus, in a clear coastal lake, Lake Sibaya, are described. Larval and small juvenile catfish inhabit flotsam and the rootstocks of plants in very shallow marginal areas. Larger juveniles inhabit densely-vegetated marginal pools, and may venture into open areas at night. Adult catfish (over 350 mm TL) occupy offshore areas, where their density is highest in terrace and sheltered bay habitats, and least in slope and profundal habitats. Adult catfish undergo a diel migration into shallow water at night and into deeper water during the day which is more marked at low lake levels. The methods used to capture catfish, and the main habitats in Lake Sibaya, are also described.  相似文献   

The marine otter ( Lutra felina ) lives exclusively along exposed rocky shorelines on the South American Pacific coast from Peru (6°S), to Cape Horn, Chile (56°S), and Isla de los Estados, Argentina. L. felina diet and its relationship to prey availability and energy content was assessed by spraint and prey remains analysis, direct observation, and the use of crab pots and fish traps, at four sites on the Valdivian coast in the south of Chile, between June 1999 and June 2000. Based on spraints analysis, the diet was composed of 25 species; 52% (13/25) of the species identified were crustaceans, 40% (10/25) were fish, and 8% (2/25) were mollusks. Crustaceans were found in 78% of 475 spraints, 100% of 929 prey remains, and 90.8% of prey determined by direct observation, fish in 20% of spraints and 9.0% of prey determined by direct observation, and mollusks in 2% of spraints and 0.2% of prey determined by direct observation. Observed seasonal variation in prey availability was reflected in the otter diet. Fourteen prey species were trapped; 43% (6/14) were crustaceans and 57% (8/14) fish, crustaceans were 93% of 566 trapped individuals, fish 7%. L. felina showed opportunistic feeding behavior, selecting prey seasonally according to their availability rather than to their energy input.  相似文献   

Alan C. Kemp 《Ostrich》2013,84(2-3):61-68
Kemp, A. C. 1995. Aspects of the breeding biology and behaviour of the Secretarybird Sagittarius serpentarius near Pretoria, South Africa. Ostrich 66: 61–68.

Secretarybirds in three adjacent territories were monitored from 1977 to 1988 on grass- and croplands near Pretoria, South Africa. Most observations of breeding biology and behaviour confirmed or extended previous studies. There was no correlation between pairs in occupancy of territory, productivity or development periods of young: this confirms the flexible breeding abilities which are unusual for such a large bird. Some aspects of breeding biology (egg shape and texture, watering of chicks) and behaviour (Wings open and Up-down greeting displays) may be homologous with storks and important in understanding the phylogeny and evolution of the Sagitariidae and other diurnal raptors.  相似文献   

20世纪70年代以前,全世界已知宽鳃鮟鱇属Sladenia Regan( 1908)鱼类仅有3种.1980~1982年期间,东海水产研究所“东方”号和南海水产研究所“南锋”号调查船分别在东海和南海的大陆架渔场调查时,共采集到4尾珍稀的深海鮟鱇鱼类.经研究,认为这4尾标本是1新种,定名为朱氏宽鳃鮟鱇Sladenia zhui sp.nov..  相似文献   

The helically coiled mid-Cretaceous family Turrilitidae Meek,1876 are abundant in late Albian and Cenomanian sediments ofEastern South Africa, including representatives of the generaPseudhelicoceras, Turrilites, Hypoturrilites, Ostlingocerasand Mariella, together with a new genus, Neostlingoceras (typespecies Turrilites carcitanensis Matheron, 1842).a Hypoturriliteshomoeomorph derived from Ostlingoceras. Twenty-two species andsubspecies are described, four of them new: Hypoturrilites crickisp. nov., Mariella (Mariella) acanthotuberculata sp. nov., Mariella(Mariella) oehlerti (Pervinquière) sulcata subsp. nov.and Mariella (Mariella) gallienii evoluta subsp. nov. The systematicpart.of the paper providesa basis for the discussion of thephylogeny, and some of the evolutionary trends shown by thefamily. An annotated synopsis of all genera and species referred tothe family is also included (Received 10 March 1977;  相似文献   

Vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal (VAM) fungal colonization of prairie dropseed and rhizosphere spore abundance were sampled seasonally at two sites in Illinois. At Goose Lake Prairie (GLP), Gaussian ordination of 49 vegetation stands, using plant cover data for 40 species, assigned stands x-vector values and ordered them along a soil moisture-nutrient gradient. Prairie dropseed cover data plotted over ordered stands yielded a significant Gaussian curve across a relatively narrow gradient segment. In contrast, colonization and spore abundance had significant negative linear correlations with stand x-vector values that decreased from the drier, low-nutrient portion of the gradient to the wetter, high-nutrient sector. Variation in spore abundance suggested that no VAM fungal species responded to environmental gradient conditions in a manner similar to that of prairie dropseed. The differential responses of host and VAM mycobionts across the gradient suggest that their respective success may be partially independently determined or limited by different parameters. Also, the generally ubiquitous VAM fungal distributions suggest that the host may be more sensitive to gradient conditions than its mycobiont associates. Colonization and spore abundance at GLP were significantly negatively correlated with available Ca and Mg, and pH. Spore abundance was significantly positively correlated with available K. Neither colonization nor spore abundance were significantly correlated with available P, total N, or organic matter. Seasonally, patterns of VAM colonization and rhizosphere spore abundance varied, having significant positive correlations at GLP and Weston Cemetery Prairie (WCP) in some seasons but not others. In general, colonization levels were highest in fall 1983 for GLP and fall 1984 for WCP. For 1984, increasing colonization was observed from spring (WCP) or summer (GLP) to fall.  相似文献   

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