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The aim of the technological treatment of microbial processes is the optimal working of the production plant. The treatment itself is to be seen as a process whose realization requires a certain amount of expenditure. The problem of optimization of this process can with certain restictions be approximately solved in a series of steps. After a general formulation of the problem explanations are given for two important and typical steps – the determination of the extend of modelling and the choice of production cultures.  相似文献   

A rhamnolipid released by Pseudomonas aeruginosa 196 Aa into the culture medium reduced the number of local lesions induced by tobacco mosaic virus on leaves of the hypersensitive host Nicotiana glutinosa L. by up to 90%. The content of potato virus X in the systemically infected host Nicotiana tabacum L. ‘Samsun’ is decreased in inoculated as well as in secondarily infected leaves by up to 50%. In a smaller degree red clover mottle virus is influenced in the systemic host Pisum sativumconvar.speciosum (Dierb.) Alef ‘Nadja’.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: Payne, A. P., und H. H. Swanson (1972): The effect of a supranormal threat stimulus on the growth rates and dominance relationships of pairs of male and female Golden Hamsters (Die Wirkung künstlicher Schwarzfärbung auf Wachstum und Rangordnung bei Goldhamstern). Frey, Dennis F., und Rudolph J. Miller (1972): The establishment of dominance relationships in the Blue Gourami (Trichogaster triehopterus Pallas) (Vom Entstehen der Rangordnung bei blauen Gurami-♂♂ T. t.). Figler, Michael H. (1972): The relation between eliciting stimulus strength and habituation of the threat display in male Siamese fighting fish, Betta splendens (Reizstärke und Gewöhnung im Drohen des Kampffisch-♂). Jenni, Donald A. (1972): Effects of conspecifics and vegetation on nest site selection in Gasterosteus aculeatus L. (Der Einfluß von Artgenossen und Pflanzenbewuchs auf die Wahl des Nestorts beim Dreistachligen Stichling). Greenberg, Gary (1972): The effects of ambient temperature and population density on aggression in two inbred strains of mice, Mus musculus (Wirkungen von Temperatur und Bevölkerungsdichte auf die Angriffsbereitschaft bei zwei Inzuchtmäusestämmen. Lea, R. Geraldine, und John R. G. Turner (1972): Experiments on mimicry: II. The effect of a Batesian mimicry on its model (Mimikryversuche: II. Die Wirkung eines Batesschen Nachahmers auf sein Vorbild). Ewing, Leonie S. (1972): Hierarchy and its relation to territory in the Cockroach Nauphocta cinerea (Rangordnung und ihre Beziehung zum Revierverhalten bei der Schabe N. c). Fricke, H. W. (1972): Korallenmeer. Belser-Verlag Stuttgart. Stebbins, Robert C. (1972): Amphibians and Reptiles of California (Kalifornische Lurche und Kriechtiere). University of California Press, Berkeley, Los Angeles and London. Schmidt, U., und U. Manske (1973): Die Jugendentwicklung der Vampirfledermäuse (Desmodus rotundus). Schaller, George B. (1972): The Serengeti Lion, a Study of Predator-Prey Relations (Der Serengetilöwe, eine Untersuchung der Beziehungen zwischen Raubtier und Beute). Wildlife Behavior and Ecology Series. The University of Chicago Press, Chicago and London. 480 S., 43 Fotos, 46 Textabb., Zeichnungen von Richard Keane. Dolezol, Theodor (1973): Delphine—Menschen des Meeres. Brink, F. H. van den (1972): Die Säugetiere Europas, westlich des 30. Längengrades. Ein Taschenbuch für Zoologen und Naturfreunde. Übersetzt von Th. Haltenorth. Remane, Adolf, Volker Storch und Ulrich Welsch (1972): Kurzes Lehrbuch der Zoologie. Gustav Fischer-Verlag Stuttgart. Illies, Joachim (1973): Anthropologie des Tieres. Fouts, Roger S. (1972): Use of guidance in teaching sign-language to a Chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes) (Eine Schimpansin lernt durch Handführen Zeichensprache). Zelazo, Philip R., Nancy Ann Zelazo und Sarah Kolb (1972): “Walking” in the Newborn (Gehbewegungen des Neugeborenen). Jakobson, Roman (1972): Child language, aphasia, and phonological universals. Lorenz, Konrad (1973): Die acht Todsünden der zivilisierten Menschheit, piper-Verlag. Bronowski, J., und Ursula Bellugi (1970): Language, Name and Concept. Language expresses the human mode of analysing experience in conceptual units and the rule that link them (Sprache, Wort und Begriff. Die menschliche Sprache zerlegt Erfahrung in Begriffseinheiten und die sie verbindenden Regeln).  相似文献   

The influence of long-term storage on the stability of the cellulolytic enzyme and protein biosynthesis ability, was determined. Microorganisms belonging to genera Aspergillus, Fusarium, Penicillium, Sporotrichum, Allescheria and Mucor were used. The strains were stored on wort agar slants, on SAUNDER'S medium and on a medium according to MANDELS -WEBER , under paraffin oil or without it. After 3 years storage no influence of the storage method on the biosynthesis of cellulolytic enzymes (strain A. niger 33/2 and 33/20) was found. A systematic increase in the celluloslytic activity was exhibited by strains A.n. 33/2 and A.n. 33/20 on wort agar (40 and 98%, respectively) and on SAUNDER'S medium (79 and 66%, respectively), as well as by the new strain CEL 2 on Saunder's medium without paraffin oil.  相似文献   

Remarks on the evolution of “languages” of mammals. The variability of the intraspecific communication of canids The canid species mainly considered in this study, the golden jackal (Canis aureus), the cojote (Canis latrans), and especially the wolf (Canis lupus) have an extremely variable species-specific intraspecific communication. Communities, but also differences between the species become evident; the wolf with its distinct social behavior has the greatest differentiation. These results make also clear, that forms of communication in mammals develop in evolutionary processes and events. A safe statement on the beginning of the forms of communication in canids cannot be given so far. This is also true for humans. The ideas of Lenneberg (1967) of the parallel and disjunct origin of the forms of communication in mammals has a high probability for higher systematic units, but on lower systematic level a gradual change can be observed. The forms of communication in mammals are highly differentiated structures, where specific pecularities of the brain are of a special importance. The observations on the variability of intraspecific communication of canids, representing nonhuman mammals, suggest to define “language” in a very general form. In this way, similarities, analogies, and differences between the species of mammals, inclusive man, can be seen more clearly. In only this way the material can be gained to answer the question, if the language of man has in principle exceptional position biologically. It is important for the valuation of forms of intraspecific communication, the “languages”, of mammals not to choose human theory of life and human thinking as a basis, but to start with the biological pecularities of the species. Also canids, as higher mammals, have the ability to abstract, a form of thinking. In their special, species-specific way also non-human mammals arrange their area of experience and thinking. They form for themselves a species-specific “theory of live”. This will of course be different from the human one, according to the systematic position and the biological environment of the species. It is generally accepted that man has special abilities of thinking, he possesses an extraordinary developed brain, compared to all other mammals. This must effect his communication, his language, and result in differences to other mammal species. Gipper (1977) pointed out especially these differences, but they should not be interpreted as differences in principle. Canids use different gestures and sounds for communication within the species; dialog relations can be observed. Different connections of gestures and sounds have different contents of information. It is remarkable that canids do not use their total abilities in using the means of communication in the same way. This is very striking in the change from the wolf, as the only ancestor, to the domestic dog. It is evident that the brain has a greater importance in developing intraspecific communication, than do the peculuarities of organs causing the understanding. A dependanc of intraspecific communication from the environment can be observed either in differences of wird species of canids as well as in the domestication. In the domestic dog, but also in other domestic animals, there is an increase in vocalisations. But the content of information of sounds and gestures decreases in domestication, expressions of arousal become more important. A remarkable plasticity of intraspecific communication becomes evident by domestication. The transformations can be evaluated in the sense of Kosswig (1963, 1965) as first stages of a regressive evolution. Experiments of cross-breeding canid species show exemplarily that forms of communication within these mammal species have a highly polygene regulation, and that processes of learning have an influence. Also from this point of view, no basic differences between nonhuman mammals and humans can be assured, especially when taking into account the facts and thoughts described by Lenneberg. The findings in the canids give useful hints for a better understanding of the human language and its relations to the forms of communication in other mammals. Altogether one can conclude that genetic variability, numerous recombinations, the synorganisation of the processes caused in this way, and natural selection plays definite role in the evolution of “languages”.  相似文献   

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