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C. J. Brown 《Ostrich》2013,84(1-2):24-32
Brown, C. J. 1990. Breeding biolo of the Bearded Vulture in southern Africa, Part I: The pre-laying and incubation periods. Ostrich 61: 24–32.

In southern Africa the Bearded Vulture Gpaetus barbatus lays its eggs in mid-winter. between the second half of May and the first week of July. Pairs became more active in their nesting areas about six weeks before laying and usually roosted there at night. Courtship flights were less frequent and demonstrative than in Eurasian birds and took place mainly in the late afternoons. During the pre-laying period most nest visits (77%) were to bring nesting material, 92% by the male. All nesting material was arranged by the female. Copulation was always preceded by allopreening, and occurred most frequently in the mornings. No copulation or courtship display took place after the first egg had been laid. Of 18 clutches, 16 (89%) contained two eggs and the remainder one egg. The laying interval was usually 3–5 days (range 2–9 days). Incubation started with the first egg and was evenly shared by both parents during the day, but only the female incubated at night, individual pairs maintained distinctive nest attendance and foraging period timetables, which allowed sufficient time for self-foraging by both parentes. No food was brought into the nest during the pre-laying and incubation periods, but in some pairs food was cached in nearby potholes in cliffs. The incubation period was 56–57 days.  相似文献   

非线性映射和聚类分析在中风病证候分类中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文用非线性映射和聚类分析方法,给出了中风病的四个类型,为中风病的证候分类提供了分析方法和信息.  相似文献   


The ocypodid genus Paratylodiplax was described in 1974 and contains four species, three of which are endemic to southern Africa where they form an important component of the estuarine benthic fauna. However, very little is known about the biology and ecology of the genus, with discrepancies existing between the commonly quoted distributions and actual records of the species. This comment outlines the current taxonomic status of the genus and attempts to resolve the discrepancies in the distributions of the southern African species Paratylodiplax blephariskios has been recorded from the Morrumbene estuary in Mozambique to the Mngazana estuary in the eastern Cape, while the distributions of P. algoensis and P. edwardsii are given as being from the Mngazana to the Eerste estuary and Langebaan Lagoon in the western Cape respectively.  相似文献   

晋冀鲁豫接壤区生态灾害及灾情评估研究   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
晋冀鲁豫接壤区的发展在我国经济发展战略中起着承东启西的重要作用。而制约该区经济发展和主要因素之一则是生态灾害,通过对自然灾害类型的划分及其成因的分析,进行灾情评估与排序,找出不同地区所受影响较大的灾种,以及所受不同灾害的轻重程度,以便为发展经济制定对策,使该区在生态上得以改善,经济上得以发展。  相似文献   

Abstract:  The gharial-like Archegosaurus decheni from the Permian/Carboniferous boundary of south-west Germany is one of the best known temnospondyls. Based largely on new material, we restudied the postcranial anatomy of this species, including ontogenetic aspects. A. decheni has 24 presacral vertebrae, and the length of the deep tail exceeds the length of the rest of the body. Neural spines are moderately high and slowly become differentiated during ontogeny. The intercentra start to ossify very late. Distal uncinate processes are developed on the anterior ribs in adult specimens. Only the ventral portion of the scapula is ossified. The slender ilium and the ischium are not co-ossified, and the pubis remained cartilaginous. Among stereospondylomorph temnospondyls, the very short and rudimentarily developed humerus exhibits a unique morphology. Carpals and tarsals start to ossify only in the largest specimens. The poorly ossified postcranium indicates that A. decheni was primarily an aquatic temnospondyl. We undertook a phylogenetic study of A. decheni and 16 other temnospondyls, based exclusively on postcranial characters. We analysed 52 characters, obtaining a single most parsimonious tree that agrees in many aspects with cranium-based analyses: Trimerorhachis and Dvinosaurus form a basal clade (Dvinosauria), followed by monophyletic euskelians (dissorophoids plus eryopids) and finally the stereospondylomorphs, within which A. decheni is nested above Sclerocephalus . Among stereospondyls, trematosaurids and metoposaurids form a clade, whereas the chigutisaurid Siderops is nested with capitosauroids. The primitive condition of Temnospondyli is still not adequately understood, especially the degree of terrestriality of the earliest temnospondyls.  相似文献   

国人颅骨弧弦周长的测量及其性别的判别分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
本文对青岛地区出土、已知性别的成年颅骨249个(男142,女107)进行了弧、弦、周长的测量,计算了有关指数,对额、顶、枕骨的弧长作了比较和分型,并用判别分析方法鉴定颅骨性别。  相似文献   

Molecular genetic analysis of phenotypic variation has revealed many examples of evolutionary change in the developmental pathways that control plant and animal morphology. A major challenge is to integrate the information from diverse organisms and traits to understand the general patterns of developmental evolution. This integration can be facilitated by evolutionary metamodels—traits that have undergone multiple independent changes in different species and whose development is controlled by well-studied regulatory pathways. The metamodel approach provides the comparative equivalent of experimental replication, allowing us to test whether the evolution of each developmental pathway follows a consistent pattern, and whether different pathways are predisposed to different modes of evolution by their intrinsic organization. A review of several metamodels suggests that the structure of developmental pathways may bias the genetic basis of phenotypic evolution, and highlights phylogenetic replication as a value-added approach that produces deeper insights into the mechanisms of evolution than single-species analyses.  相似文献   

鄂尔多斯高原植被与生态因子的多元分析   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:12  
牛建明  李博 《生态学报》1992,12(2):105-112

The results of field work undertaken along the tropical reachesof the Mekong river in Thailand and Laos are presented. Demographicdata concerning the schistosome-transmitting snail y-Neotriculaaperta are examined and related to the life-cycle of this species.On the basis of these data, and a review of the literature,the only available, empirically substantiated, model for thelife-cycle of y-N. aperta (see Upatham et al., 1980) is shownto be equivocal. In this model snails survive the annual spatein the Mekong river as eggs, which remain dormant below theflood waters, whilst the adults die soon after the waters beginto rise. Here, the above described model of ‘egg survival’is shown to fail to balance the demographic equation for y-N.aperta. An alternative model of delayed oviposition with post-spatesurvival of mature snails is proposed and shown to be a betterfit to the available data. The implications of this alternativemodel for the evolutionary biology and ecology of N. apertaare discussed. The possible effects of the Pak-Mul dam project(Northeast Thailand) on local populations of schistosome-transmittingsnails are assessed and the hydrodynamic conditions conduciveto vector snail proliferation are considered. Attenuation ofthe normal flood-cycle of the Mekong river anc alteration ofthe river bed topography will probably lead to increased numbersof N. aperta at Pak-Mul. These changes, together with the influxof casual labour from endemic areas in Laos, may result in anepidemic of human schistosomiasis in Northeast Thailand. (Received 18 April 1994; accepted 23 June 1994)  相似文献   

There are a number of evolutionary hypotheses about why species distributions are limited, but very little empirical information to test them. We present data examining whether the southern distribution of Drosophila serrata is limited by cold responses. Species comparisons were undertaken for cold resistance, development time, and viability at 15°C and 25°C for D. serrata and other species with a more southerly distribution (D. melanogaster, D. simulans, and D. immigrans). Relative to the other species, D. serrata had a long development time at both temperatures and a low level of cold resistance. Using isofemale lines collected in different seasons, central and marginal populations were compared for cold resistance, as well as development time and viability at 14°C. The border population had a relatively higher resistance to cold shock in postwinter collections, but there was no population differentiation for prewinter collections or for the other traits. The presence of variation among isofemale lines within the border populations suggests that genetic variation as measured in the laboratory is unlikely to limit range expansion. Population cages were used in the field to determine if D. serrata persisted over winter at borders. Although all cages yielded adult offspring at northern sites, only a few produced offspring at or just south of the border. In contrast, all cages with D. simulans produced adult offspring, suggesting that climatic factors limited D. serrata numbers. Offspring from surviving adults showed a phenotypic trade-off between fecundity and cold resistance. Comparisons of the cold resistance of field males and females with their laboratory-reared offspring provided evidence for heritable variation in field-reared flies. Overall, the results suggest that cold stress is important in limiting the southern distribution of D. serrata, but it seems unlikely that a lack of genetic variation restricts range expansion.  相似文献   


During 1973/74, Barbus poechii, Oreochromis macrochir, O. andersonii, Serranochromis angusticeps, S. codringtonii, S. robustus and S. thumbergi from the Okavango System were introduced into the Shashe Dam (Limpopo System, Botswana). These species are alien to the Limpopo System. A fish survey during September 1991 disclosed the presence of two specimens of the greenhead tilapia O. macrochir in a large natural pool in the Limpopo River 7 tan downstream from the Shashe/Limpopo confluence. In August 1992 another specimen was caught in this pool. It is surmised that the likely origin of these specimens is the Shashe Dam. There is a possibility that the greenhead tilapia may interbreed with the indigenous Mocambique tilapia O. mossambicus. Consequently the genetic integrity of O. mossambicus in the Limpopo River may become suspect. If the other alien species introduced into the Shashe Dam reach the Limpopo River, O. andersonii may also interbreed with O. mossambicus while the Serranochromis spp. could be detrimental for feeding relationships in the Limpopo River and its tributaries. The impact that B. poechii could have is uncertain but it does not appear to co-exist with the closely related B. trimaculatus of the Limpopo System. Eradication of O. macrochir in the Limpopo River is not practical. Further stocking of the Shashe Dam as well as other impoundments in the Limpopo System with alien fish species should be discouraged.  相似文献   

跗跖骨是鸟类后肢骨骼的重要组成之一,其形态特征对恢复鸟类的行为和习性具有重要的指示意义。本文以鸟类的跗跖骨为研究对象,共观察了200余例有代表性的现生鸟类标本,并对其中15个目中的154例标本进行了多组数据的测量。还将跗跖骨各形态特征进行量化分析研究,引入相关分析和因子分析等统计分析方法。对现生鸟类跗跖骨5组(12个)变量进行分析,研究各变量间的相关程度,对变量进行主成分分析,提取出2个主成分,其中第1主成分包括第Ⅱ,Ⅲ,Ⅳ三个跖骨的宽度变量;第2主成分包括第Ⅱ跖骨滑车相对于第Ⅲ跖骨滑车的上下及前后位置两变量,以及第Ⅳ跖骨滑车相对于第Ⅲ跖骨滑车的前后位置变量。对这6个变量的分析表明,它们对于区别鸟类的栖息习性具有显著的指示作用。通过对在中国(辽西为主)已发现的25例中生代鸟类跗跖骨远端4个变量的统计分析,表明它们同样具有区别树栖和地栖鸟类的显著意义,而且分析的结果与参考鸟类其他特征(如爪的形态、脚趾的比例等)所得出的结论基本一致。  相似文献   

祁连山北坡中段森林植被梯度分析及环境解释   总被引:24,自引:4,他引:24       下载免费PDF全文
 利用梯度分析方法,对祁连山北坡中段森林植被类型进行了划分,并探讨了植被空间格局与环境梯度的关系。结果表明:1)76个样方可划分为9个群系,即盐爪爪(Kalidium foliatum)灌丛、红砂(Reaumuria soongorica)灌丛、白刺(Nitraria tangutorum)灌丛、蒙古莸(Caryopteris mongolica)灌丛、狭叶锦鸡儿(Caragana stenophylla)灌丛、青海云杉(Picea crassifolia)林、祁连圆柏(Sabina przewalskii)林、金露梅(Potentilla fruticosa)灌丛和鬼箭锦鸡儿(Caragana jubata)灌丛。2)53个木本植物种类可划分为5个生态类型:即超旱生荒漠类型、山地旱生类型、山地中生类型、山地湿生类型、山地高寒类型。3)群落类型及物种生态型的划分主要反映了海拔梯度所决定的水热梯度及坡向和土壤腐殖质变化的内涵。4)影响群落物种多度格局的变量中,环境和空间因子解释了物种多度变化的23.98%,其中环境因子占17.66%,空间因子占1.40%,空间因子和环境因子交互作用解释的部分占4.92%,空间因子和环境因子未能解释的部分占76.02%,这部分主要反映了群落自身互作及人类活动(采伐、放牧)对群落物种多度格局的影响。  相似文献   

明党参中水溶性活性成分的分离,鉴定及定量分析   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
本文报道从伞形科植物明党参根的水溶液中,分离得一种无色结晶(晶Ⅵ),经理化、色谱、光谱和x-衍射分析,确定晶Ⅵ为L-天门冬酰胺(L-Asparagine)。晶Ⅵ是从该植物中首次得到,药理实验证明其具有祛痰、止咳、平喘作用。用高效薄层扫描法测定其不同产地药材中的含量,结果表明,江苏句容产者含量最高,为1.07%。  相似文献   

秦岭植物区系的性质、特点和起源   总被引:65,自引:2,他引:65  
秦岭是中国长江和黄河两大水系的分水岭,位于北纬32°5′至34°45′;东经104°30′至115°52′,最高峰达3767m。该山区是我国温带植物区系最丰实的地区之一,约有种子植物3124种,隶属于158科,892属。包括热带属220属,温带属563属,和中国特有属39属。根据该山区植物区系中各大科、主要植物群落优势种和组成种类的温带性质以及温带属在整个植物区系中的主导地位。该山区的植物区系和植被具有明显的温带性特点。特有种和非特有种的分析结果表明,该山区植物区系的特点还表现在高度特有性和以中国-日本森林植物区系为主体方面。 根据古植物学资料分析,秦岭地区植物区系的起源时间不会晚于晚白垩纪;植物群落的主要成份可能以原地生长的种类为主;秦岭及其邻近古老山区,不仅对自身的植物区系和植被具有较大的发生意义,而且对东亚植物区系具有始生性质。  相似文献   

为了研究抗脂多糖因子ALFs在日本沼虾先天性免疫中的功能作用, 研究从日本沼虾中克隆了2种抗脂多糖因子MnALF1、MnALF2。MnALF1 cDNA 全长1008 bp, 编码121个氨基酸; MnALF2 cDNA 全长836 bp, 编码124个氨基酸。这2种氨基酸均包含有一个信号肽序列和一个LPS结合位点, 并且在结合位点的两端(N-端和C-端)都有2个保守的半胱氨酸残基。这2种MnALFs与之前发现的甲壳动物的ALFs是非常相似的。qRT-PCR结果显示MnALFs在所有被检测的组织中均有表达。其中MnALF1主要在心脏和小肠内表达, 而MnALF2则主要在血细胞和肝胰脏中表达。在用嗜水气单胞菌刺激之后发现2种MnALFs在心脏、小肠、血细胞、肝胰脏中都呈现出明显的时间依赖表达模式(MnALF1在刺激之后呈现出先减少后增加的趋势, 之后分别在不同组织的不同时间点达到最大值; 然而, 对于MnALF2, 在心脏和小肠中先减少后增加, 在血细胞和肝胰脏中呈现出先增加后减少, 最后都在24h达到最大值)。结果提示这2种MnALF具有不同的组织特异性, 并且在细菌侵染的免疫防御中起着重要的保护作用。  相似文献   

滴水湖作为人工新建湖泊,其生态系统形成过程中的跟踪数据对重建其他湖泊生态系统具有重要的参考意义。2013年7月和2014年8月对滴水湖现生介形类分布状况及水环境因子分别进行了调查,结果发现,滴水湖湖水盐度范围介于1.4‰—2.0‰之间,属于微咸水湖。12个采样点共鉴定出现生介形类13种,包括非海相类克氏丽星介Cypria kraepelini(G.W.Müller)和无偶斗星介Cypridopsis vidua(O.F.Müller),海相类中华洁面介Albileberis sinensis Hou、向岛薄丽星介Dolerocypria mukaishimensis Okubo、腹结细花介Leptocythere ventriclivosa Chen、东台新单角介Neomonoceratina dongtaiensis Yang et Chen、长新中华花介Neosinocythere elongata(Hu)、闪光似异口介Paradoxostoma nitida Ho、典型中华美花介Sinocytheridea impressa(Brady)、长中华海花介Sinopontocythere elongata(Gou)、古屋刺花介Spinileberis furuyaensis Ishizaki et Kato、美丽刺面介Spinileberis pulchra Chen和丰满陈氏介Tanella opima Chen。应用典范对应分析(CCA)方法对滴水湖12个样点的8种介形类和9个环境因子进行了相关性研究,结果显示:介形类和环境因子间具有明显的相关性;9个环境因子中叶绿素、总磷和电导率对介形类的分布影响最大,总氮和湖水水温对介形类也有一定影响;从物种分布状况看,相对于低分布频度物种,高分布频度(Y>0.01)物种对环境的耐受性更大,其中Cypria kraepelini和Neomonoceratina dongtaiensis对环境因子的敏感性明显高于其它物种。结合历史资料分析发现,不仅自然环境因子(如电导率、水温等),而且人为干扰因素(如总磷、总氮)都对介形类分布的改变起到重要影响。  相似文献   

作者在传统的 PAP 及 ABC 染色方法的基础上,通过重复使用桥抗及 PAP 的次数或重复使用生物素化桥抗及 PAP 和 ABC 的次数,使 PAP 与 ABC 方法成功地结合,增加连接于抗原部位的酶分子数,建立起两种敏感的免疫细胞化学方法。染色结果经显微分光光度图象分析,方差分析,回归分析及染色效果的直接观察表明,重复染色可增加阳性强度,扩大阳性染色范围,提高信噪比,从而提高方法的敏感性,以生物素化桥抗取代非生物素化桥抗,将 ABC 引入到多重 PAP 方法中,可使方法的敏感性进一步提高。该方法结合单克隆抗体及多克隆抗体成功地检测出用传统双PAP 及 ABC 难以或不能检测出的常规福尔马林固定石蜡包埋的肾综合征出血热尸检组织中的病毒抗原及石蜡包埋肿瘤活检组织中的桥粒抗原。  相似文献   

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