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The scale studies indicate that the annulus is a reliable year mark. A linear relationship exists between anterior scale radius and body length so that back-calculations of length were possible. Males and females had a similar growth rate. The growth rate is similar to that found by Mulder (1973) for L. capensis in the Vaal River. Fish under 35 centimetres in length had a sex ratio of 1:1, but in larger fish, only 16 per cent were males. Males reach sexual maturity at a length of 15 to 25 centimetres and females at a length of 20 to 25 centimetres. The spawning season extends from September to March with a peak in November. Fecundity increased with an increase in length from 12 664 for a fish of 22.8 centimetres to 106 286 for a fish of 34.8 centimetres.

The results are basically similar to those found by Mulder (1973) in the Vaal River except for fecundity and length at sexual maturity.  相似文献   

P. A. Clancey 《Ostrich》2013,84(1):23-24

Hustler, K. &; Marshall, B.E. 1996. The abundance and food consumption of piscivorous birds on Lake Kariba, Zimbabwe-Zambia. Ostrich 67:23-32.

About 40 species of piscivorous birds have been recorded on Lake Kariba (Zimbabwe-Zambia) but only 26 were observed during this study, carried out in 1986–87. The Reed Cormorant Phalacrocorax africanus was the most numerous and made up 51.4% of all the birds seen, followed by the Whitewinged Black Tern Chlidonias leucoptera (26.7%), and the Darter Anhinga melanogaster (10.8%). Several species roosted or bred in the drowned trees which project above the lake surface but gently sloping shores were the most important feeding grounds. Relatively few birds were seen on steeply sloping shores or in open water. There was a distinct pattern of seasonal abundance, with birds being most numerous in the rainy season (November-April). The relative abundance of some fish species also was greatest during this period. There was a positive relationship between the numbers of some bird species and the relative abundance of these fish. The mean density of piscivores (0.05 ha?1) was low compared to some other African waters. This is attributed to the fact that Lake Kariba is relatively deep and its shoreline is mostly steep. The mean population of 25 000 birds consumed less than 1000 t of fish per annum, compared to almost 40000 t taken by the commercial fisheries. A considerable portion of the birds' diet was fish that were not taken commercially.  相似文献   


Two and a half years of data were collected from the lower Great Fish River, head region and estuary to determine the fish species composition within these areas. Gilchristella aestuaria, Liza dumerilii, Rhabdosargus holubi and Pomadasys commersonnii were the four most abundant species captured, with riverine flow rate having an important effect on both species composition and numbers of fishes in the different regions. Most marine species displayed a strong inverse relationship between catch per unit effort and elevated freshwater inputs. Euryhaline marine species dominated the catches at all sampling sites during low flows but were less common during high flow periods when catadromous species were most abundant. Based on the available evidence it is suggested that for most marine species in the river this decline in abundance is related to low conductivity levels following floods rather than avoidance of elevated flows. The impact of elevated suspensoid concentrations and lowered dissolved oxygen concentrations on freshwater and estuarine fish populations during major river flooding is also discussed.  相似文献   


Two incidences of mass mortality of fish were recorded in two saline waterbodies (Swartvlei estuary and Rondevlei) in the Wilderness National Park. Species affected were the Knysna seahorse (Hippocampus capensis) and longsnout pipefish (Syngnathus acus) in the Swartvlei estuary, and Cape stumpnose (Rhabdosargus holubi) and white steenbras (Lithognathus lithognathus) in Rondevlei. Comparison of water quality parameters during fish mortalities to past ranges and reported species tolerances indicated that the probable causes for the mortalities were high water temperature in the Swartvlei estuary, and low dissolved oxygen concentration in Rondevlei.  相似文献   


Growth of the sharptooth catfish Clarias gariepinus from four southern African impoundments was estimated by back-calculating age from vertebrae and spines. Length frequency analysis supported the growth estimates derived from vertebrae but not those from spines.- Spines under-estimated the age of fish from all four dams; this discrepancy increased with age. Ring formation occurred in the winter months (April to July) and not at the time of spawning (November to February) or low water levels (August to December).

A critical review of ageing studies shows a lack of consistency in the choice of formula used for back-calculation. The correct choice of formula for age and growth estimates derived from back-calculation must be based upon detailed analysis of fish size versus body part size. Unquestioning acceptance of the Lee equation with its “correction factor” should he avoided.  相似文献   


Microcystis aeruginosa toxic strain UV-006 stored a fixed amount of polyphosphate in spherical granules located in the centroplasm. Twenty four hours of phosphate starvation induced use of stored polyphosphate, manifested by reduction in granule numbers. Reintroduction of 2, 4 or 8 mg l?1 K2HPO4 resulted in redeposition of polyphosphate in a critical number of centroplasmic polyphosphate granules. Growth rate was unaffected by phosphate concentrations, although the final cell yield was slightly lower at 8 mg l ?1

Continued starvation decreased photosynthetic rate and growth ceased. Cells appeared senescent. Cyanophycin and polyglucoside reserves apparently increased in these cells, whilst thylakoids were reduced in number and reorientated away from. the cell wall and polyhedral bodies were lost. After the initial decrease, centroplasmic polyphosphate bodies increased to about half of the maximum numbers stored in cells grown in the presence of phosphate, suggesting that translocation of phosphorus from other areas in the phosphate-starved cell occurred.

Two further polyphosphate deposition areas were observed. DNA fibrils may have represented nucleation sites for developing polyphosphate granules. Intrathylakoidal deposits were rare.  相似文献   

R. C. Bolster 《Ostrich》2013,84(2):109-110
Avian mortality on power lines in South Africa is currently recorded on the Central Incident Register (CIR), which is a collation of incidentally reported cases. The true scale of the problem is unknown, so we report here on a survey of representative power lines in the Overberg region of the Western Cape. On the 199 km surveyed, 123 birds of at least 18 species were found. Collisions were more common than electrocutions, apparently killing 88% of the birds found on distribution lines. Large terrestrial birds were the most numerous victims, with large numbers of Blue Cranes Anthropoides paradiseus and Denham's Bustards Neotis denhami killed. In comparison with mortality rates from the CIR, we estimate that only 2.6% of power-line mortalities are reported, emphasising the importance of systematic surveys in quantifying mortality and directing mitigation. Our survey highlights the general hazard that power lines pose to avifauna, and the urgent need for further research into the population impacts of the high incidence of collisions.  相似文献   

1. The introduction of Salmo trutta into an artificial pond was followed by great reduction in the numbers of tadpoles, certain beetles and Notonecta, all species to be seen in the open water. Of the species that sheltered more securely in the plant cover, the effect on some was a curtailment of their range; on others there was little reduction of range or numbers, particularly the numbers at the end of a generation. This was attributed to self-regulation of numbers and the creation of a reserve from which losses due to predation by fish on larger specimens could be replenished. 2. Changes in the number of fish in stretches of a stony stream exerted little effect on the Ephemeroptera, but records indicate that Gammarus and fish are rarely numerous in the same stretch. 3. The most abundant invertebrate carnivores in the fishpond wait for prey to come to them; of two others, a leech swims well but has poor seizing organs, a caddis-larva the reverse. The amount consumed by such predators falls rapidly as the prey becomes scarce. Moreover the main source of prey for the common predators is from the small Crustacea which are abundant only in summer and reproduce quickly. This prey thus has properties that prevent much reduction of numbers by predation. 4. On the stony substrata of Lake District lakes, Asellus and Planaria are numerous where conditions are productive, Ephemeroptera and Plecoptera elsewhere. The absence of these insects from productive places is attributed to predation. 5. Planaria cannot move fast and have no efficient seizing organs, but compensate to some extent by laying trails of slime in which prey becomes entangled. As Asellus grows, its chances of being overpowered by Planaria decrease. Planaria, therefore, feed regularly only when prey is abundant. When it is scarce they rest, and they are able to withstand starvation for a long period. 6. Planaria are preyed upon extensively by Odonata, newts and Plecoptera, and the first two keep them out of weedy ponds. The last may keep their numbers low in streams and perhaps also on stony shores of unproductive lakes, though here scarcity of food is important too. In productive lakes predation on flatworms is slight. 7. Protozoa exhibit three relationships between predator and prey, two of which have been seen in larger organisms. Prey avoid predation in cover. Predators cease activity when prey becomes scarce. Prey occurs in isolated colonies which when found are destroyed by the predator, but generally not before some individuals have dispersed and founded new colonies. 8. Only small invertebrates can survive predation by fish in the open water. Many also reproduce rapidly as long as conditions are favourable and enter a resting stage when they are not. Intense predation may eliminate large species. In some ponds in the Colorado mountains salamanders eliminate a large carnivorous copepod, which enables small Cladocera to survive. Absence of the copepod and presence of Cladocera of suitable size for it to feed on enable a Chaoborus larva to co-exist with the salamander. 9. Small planktivorous fish occur in the open water of some African lakes. The great size of these lakes probably makes possible the co-existence of small fish and their predators, but also makes investigation of the relations between the two difficult. 10. When species not previously present have gained access to lakes, the numbers of the native species of fish have often been greatly reduced. The exact nature of the relationship between newcomer and native has, however, not been established because other factors have been varying, observations have been scanty, or records have not been made for long enough. 11. In temporary and very small bodies of water predation is mainly by invading individuals that were reared somewhere else. Characteristic organisms are phyllopods in impermanent pools and mosquito larvae in both types of water, two groups that feed in the open and away from cover, an activity possible only where predation is slight.  相似文献   

Culm (ramet) demography of two bamboos, Fargesia robusta and Bashania fangiana, was studied over 7 yr in southwest China to determine if: 1) ramet numbers remain relatively constant; 2) ramet mortality was constant; 3) density response was greater in spreading vs. compact clones; 4) extrinsic factors (e.g., predation, climate) influenced ramet dynamics; and 5) ramets that die are smaller than ones that live. Culm numbers remained relatively constant (±20%) in most plots, but culm numbers increased (>;20%) on some sites. Mortality of culms >;6 mo old over 7 yr was low and constant, but mortality of younger culms (≤6 mo) was high and variable due to predation. Spreading clones had greater recruitment response to density than compact clones, but predation and climate may have diminished or amplified the observed demographic patterns. Predators and perhaps climate influenced culm demography, and culms that died were smaller than remaining live culms. The demography of the two bamboos we studied is compared to other clonal plants, including bamboos, to identify common processes controlling ramet demography.  相似文献   


Small stockwatering dams are usually ignored in the Transkei and Ciskei in fishfarming ventures. This paper reports on experimental results in fish production studies, using Aischgrund carp, which were obtained in the Ciskei and which indicate that economically worthwhile fish production can be achieved in such dams.  相似文献   

Shoot apices of a short-day sensitive line of Nicotiana tabacum L. cv. NCTG-22 have been examined by electron microscopy for ultrastructural changes which occurred in the central zone over a 17-day period during the transition from vegetative to reproductive growth. Plants were grown in controlled-environment chambers of the NCSU Phytotron and exposed to an inductive photoperiod after a 6-wk juvenile phase. Ultrastructural changes were investigated from photomicrographs using a semi-automatic stereological procedure and a microcomputer. After exposure to only one inductive cycle cell and nuclear cross sectional areas in short-day plants were significantly larger than in long-day controls. Subsequently, under short days cross sectional areas of cells, nuclei, vacuoles and proplastids decreased, while mitochondrial cross sectional area and relative volume increased during the course of the induction period. In induced apices as cross sectional areas and relative volumes of vacuoles and proplastids decreased, their profile numbers increased. The reduction in cross sectional areas of cells and most organelles was associated with an increase in rate of leaf initiation and size of the apical dome. The demand for sufficient energy input to maintain the surge in growth and activity preceding floral initiation was reflected by the significant increases in cross sectional area, profile numbers and density of the mitochondria population. Even though the transition period is quite long for Nicotiana, cells and organelles in the central zone were observed to progress through similar changes in morphology that are known to occur in Sinapis and Xanthium which exhibit a more rapid and absolute response to photo-induction.  相似文献   


Data on the relative abundance, penetration and breeding biology of the freshwater mullet Mugil cephalus and the flathead mullet Mugil cephalus in the freshwater reaches of some Eastern Cape coastal rivers are described. The differences found between the two species indicate that Myxus capensis is more specialized for a catadromous life history in an unstable riverine environment. Evidence showing the importance of the freshwater phase for the latter species is given and the disastrous effects of the erection of barriers to fish movement are stressed.  相似文献   

Gargett, V., Gargett, E. & Damania, D. 1995. The influence of rainfall on Black Eagle breeding over 31 years in the Matobo Hills, Zimbabwe. Ostrich 66: 114–121.

The effect of rainfall from 1964 to 1994 on the annual reproductive rate and number of resident pairs of Black Eagles Aquila verreauxii in the Matobo Hills, Zimbabwe, and on the abundance of their staple prey, hyrax, Procavia capensis and Heterohyrax brucei is reviewed. The number of resident pairs of Black Eagles increased with increased rainfall, when hyrax numbers were estimated to be at a very high level. Subsequent poor rainfall years coincided with a decrease in the number of resident pairs, a smaller proportion of pairs breeding, a lower reproductive rate and a dramatic decline in prey numbers.  相似文献   


The replacement of fish-meal (two sources, arbitrarily designated FMA and FMB), with either freeze dried (GVD) or oven dried (GOD) gonads of Clarias gariepinus in a starter diet for larvae of this species, was tested. No significant difference in larval growth rates was noted between the various protein sources, although fish receiving FMA had a significantly lower final body weight (p ≤ 0.05). Fish which received gonads as a protein source had a significantly higher total body lipid (GOD = 28.47% Dry Mass—DM) than those receiving fish-meal (FMA = 13.97% DM). The whole body fatty acid composition was influenced by that of the fatty acid composition of the protein source. The hepatocytes of the fish receiving the gonads as protein source showed 100% lipid accumulation and degenerative changes, whilst those from fish-meal fed fish showed none.  相似文献   


Exposure of adult Oreochromismossambicusto sublethal concentrations (5 to 20 g silt ??1) of natural silt from the Phalaborwa Barrage altered routine oxygen consumption by causing increased rates of oxygen consumption. This indicates that sublethal levels of suspended silt result in a significant (p<0.05) increase in oxygen consumption by the exposed fish due to an increase in metabolic rate associated with increased activity and stress. Any species unable to compensate for this increase in energy expenditure over time would not be able to sustain itself.  相似文献   


The food preferences and rates of growth of the omnivorous pasture wireworm, Conoderus exsul (Sharp) were studied. Larvae of soil-living insects were preferred to germinating maize seed, and wireworm growth rate was greater on insect compared with plant food. In glasshouse pot trials, wireworms increased their attack rate as the density of grass grub (Costelytra zealandica (White)) or white-fringed weevil (Graphthognathus leucoloma Boheman) larvae was increased. In field experiments that compared grass grub numbers in cages accessible to wireworms or protected from predators, predation varied with season from a low of 15% in late summer up to 82% in late autumn. White-fringed weevil larval mortality was increased by addition of wireworms in two field experiments, but not affected in a third trial where initial white-fringed weevil density was low. Grass grub mortality was increased by the presence of wireworms in field plots. Adult C. exsul were observed feeding on sweetcorn pollen.  相似文献   


This study aimed to determine the distribution and relative abundance of freshwater fish in the Addo Elephant National Park. A total of 1578 fish specimens of 12 species were collected during surveys carried out in the Sundays River and four tributaries during 1996 and 1997. The redfin minnow Pseudobarbus afer comprised 81.6% of the total catch. Length frequency analysis of P. afer populations indicated recent successful recruitment in several rivers. Differences between rivers in the concentrations of dissolved and suspended solids and pH are possible reasons for different species complements. These surveys show the distribution of P. afer and Barbus aeneus in the Eastern Cape Province to be wider than previously reported. Management action is required to minimise opportunities for further establishment and spread of alien and translocated fish species and to conserve indigenous fish assemblages within the Park.  相似文献   


THE transfer of a sample of Bulinus (Physopsis) africanus from water in their natural habitat containing 490 ppm TDS to a laboratory culture medium of 126 ppm TDS was found to be accompanied by a marked increase in the variability of the rate of oxygen consumption among individuals, and resulted in a 46% mortality. Transfer through the same gradient, but through two acclimatory stages of intermediate dissolved solid content, eliminated both these effects, suggesting an ability to acclimate and therefore to cope with the more gradual changes which may be expected to occur under field conditions.  相似文献   

Water quality, microbial contamination, prior fish health, and variable results have been major impediments to identifying the cause and mechanism of fish mortality in standard aquarium‐format Pfiesteria bioassays. Therefore, we developed a sensitive 96‐h larval fish bioassay for assessing Pfiesteria spp. pathogenicity using six‐well tissue culture plates and 7‐day‐old larval cyprinodontid fish. We used the assay to test pathogenicity of several clonal lines of Pfiesteria piscicida Steidinger and Burkholder and P. shumwayae Glasgow and Burkholder that had been cultured with algal prey for 2 to 36 months. The P. shumwayae cultures exhibited 80%–100% cumulative mortality in less than 96 h at initial zoospore densities of approximately 1000 cells·mL?1. No fish mortalities occurred with P. piscicida at identical densities or in controls. In a dose‐response assay, we demonstrated a strong positive correlation between dinospore density and fish mortality in a highly pathogenic culture of P. shumwayae, generating a 96‐h LD50 of 108 zoospores·mL?1. Additionally, we applied the assay to evaluate a 38‐L P. shumwayae bioassay that was actively killing fish and compared results with those from exposures of juvenile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) in a 500‐mL assay system. Water from the fish‐killing 38‐L assay was filtered and centrifuged to produce fractions dominated by dinoflagellates, bacteria, or presumed ichthyotoxin (cell‐free fraction). After 96 h, the larval fish assay exhibited 50%–100% cumulative mortality only in fractions containing dinoflagellates, with no mortalities occurring in the other fractions. The 500‐mL bioassay with tilapia produced inconsistent results and demonstrated no clear correlation between mortality and treatment. The new larval fish bioassay was demonstrated as a highly effective method to verify and evaluate dinoflagellate pathogenicity.  相似文献   

Ido Izhaki 《Ostrich》2013,84(2):213-217
Izhaki, I. 1994. Preliminary data on the importance of Israel for the conservation of the White Pelican Pelecanus onocrotalus L. Ostrich 65:213-217.

The majority of the western Palaearctic populations of the Great White Pelican Pelecanus onocrotalus stop over in Israel during their autumn migration. The annual average number of pelicans observed over Israel in autumn was 71,421±5,027. Although most of these birds were transient over Israel, increasing numbers of individuals (1130±303, between 1990 and 1993) stay and winter in the northern part of Israel. The natural feeding sites for pelicans were diminished during recent decades due to human activities such as the drainage of the Hula swamp in northern Israel 40 years ago. However, intensive fishery and aqua-culture sites became their favourite feeding laces either during migration or in winter. The fish industry complained that the birds seriously affect fish yield. The pelicans not only cause direct damage to the fix industry by predation, but they also transfer nematodes to fish (Oreochromis sp.). As et. there is no solution to the problem of these parasitic nematodes. This preliminary study revealed that the average daily fish consumption per individual was 0,52kg and the small sample size did not indicate any selection for certain fish species or size. Flight range estimation indicated that the pelicans, especially the weak individuals, nee xo feed during their stopover in Israel or in the relatively rare appropriate feeding sites along their southward migratory route over the desert in order to reach their wintering areas in eastern central Africa.  相似文献   

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