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A congenic strain of C3HSS mice, which is histocompatible with C3H mice but differs from them in susceptibility to mouse hepatitis virus (MHV), has been developed by introducing the gene for susceptibility to the MHV-PRI virus from the PRI mice. This was accomplished by continual back-crossing of the hybrids to the C3H mice, but at the same time by selection of susceptibility by use of macrophage culture tests. After 20 back-crosses, a strain homozygous for susceptibility was produced by brother-sister mating of individual mice whose potential for carrying the recessive gene for resistance was tested in progeny. Since the original choice of mice for breeding was based on in vitro macrophage susceptibility, and since highly susceptible mice were developed on the same basis, it seems evident that macrophage susceptibility is an integral aspect of mouse susceptibility. The continued production of almost 50% susceptible mice in the back-crosses is further evidence of the dominant one-locus explanation of genetic susceptibility to this agent. Incomplete penetrance may also be present in 8 and 9 week old mice of the C3HSS strain since there was a sharp decrease in susceptibility of these mice even though their macrophages in culture maintained full susceptibility.  相似文献   

Monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) were used to study antigenic differences among strains of Aleutian disease virus (ADV) and to characterize viral proteins in vitro and in vivo. A number of ADV field strains could be discriminated, and highly virulent Utah I ADV was clearly delineated from the tissue culture-adapted avirulent ADV-G strain. This specificity could be demonstrated by indirect immunofluorescence against infected cultures of Crandell feline kidney cells or against tissues of Utah I ADV-infected mink. Viral antigens were demonstrated in both the nuclei and the cytoplasm of infected tissue culture cells. However, in mink mesenteric lymph node, spleen, and liver, viral antigen was observed only in the cytoplasm. Absence of nuclear fluorescence suggested that the detected antigen represented phagocytized viral antigens rather than replicating virus. This conclusion was supported by the finding that mAbs reactive only against low-molecular-weight polypeptides derived from intact viral proteins gave the same pattern of in vivo fluorescence as mAbs with broad reactivity for large or small (or both) viral polypeptides. The distribution of infected cells was the same as that described for macrophages in these tissues and suggested that cells of the reticuloendothelial system had sequestered viral antigens.  相似文献   

After intraperitoneal inoculation with a high-virulent mouse hepatitis virus (MHV) a significant difference was seen in survival time between DDD and CDF1 (BALB/c X DDD) mice, while 50% lethal doses were not significantly different. With 3 X 10(3) PFU of the virus CDF1 and DDD mice died in 45 and 120 hr, respectively, on the average. This difference of susceptibility between DDD and CDF1 mice was first demonstrable at the age of 1 week and was more pronounced at the age of 4 weeks but showed no dependence of the sex. Virus titers ran 2 to 3 log higher in the liver and blood of CDF1 than in those of DDD mice, while being only 1 log higher in the spleen. At an early stage of infection viral antigen was demonstrable by immunofluorescence in sinusoidal lining cells of the liver more prominently in VDF1 than in DDD mice. Interferon production occurring in parallel with virus growth was significantly higher in CDF1 than in DDD mice. In DDD mice, liver lesions were rather focal with some accumulation of round cells, while they were confluent with poor cellular response in CDF1 mice. Viral growth in cultured peritoneal macrophages from CDF1 mice was 1 log higher than in those from DDD mice. The results suggest that the divergence in response to MHV among susceptible mice greatly depends upon the susceptibility of macrophages and reticuloendothelial cells which constitute primary targets of the virus.  相似文献   

T Itoh  M Saitoh  H Iwai 《Jikken dobutsu》1989,38(3):269-273
Susceptibility of inbred mouse strains to Sendai virus (Mol strain) infection was studied. Although some mouse strains showed age differences in susceptibility between 3-to 4-week-old and 7-to 8-week-old mice, such age differences in susceptibility were not observed in susceptible DBA/2N and resistant BALB/cA mice. In 7-to 8-week-old mice, remarkable strain differences were observed in mortality and intensity of the lung lesions, but not in lung virus titers and serum antibody, between resistant BALB/cA and susceptible DBA/2N mice.  相似文献   

The numbers of antigen-reactive antibody-secreting cells, levels of parasite antigen-specific serum antibodies and numbers of red blood cells staining positive for surface immunoglobulin were determined for susceptible and resistant mouse strains following infection with Plasmodium yoelii 17x. As a control, these parameters also were measured using antigen prepared from normal red blood cells. The relatively susceptible C57BL/6 mice produced more antigen-specific antibody-secreting cells and had higher levels of immunoglobulin positive red blood cells than did DBA/2 mice, but the DBA/2 mice had more antigen-specific IgG in their sera. Both mouse strains possessed cells secreting antibody reactive with soluble normal red blood cell antigen; however, C57BL/6 mice had more IgG positive unparasitized RBC than did DBA/2 mice. Despite possessing fewer antibody positive normal RBC, DBA/2 mice had significantly higher levels of serum antibodies that reacted with soluble red blood cell antigen. These data indicate that levels of serum antibody may not reflect the amounts of antibody produced and that use of any single assay to assess the magnitude of the antibody response may give rise to misleading results.  相似文献   

Seven strains of mice were examined to determine why susceptibility differences and variations in clinical central nervous system (CNS) disease occurred among these animals after intraperitoneal inoculation of street rabies virus (SRV). Trace experiments for infectious virus indicated that these differences were associated with restriction of virus replication within the CNS. Limitation of viral replication appeared to correlate with the antibody response in that prominent serum anti-SRV neutralizing antibody titers were detected in resistant strains, whereas susceptible strains produced minimal amounts of antibody until their death. The importance of the immune response was reaffirmed with cyclophosphamide studies in that all resistant SJL/J mice died after immunosuppressive treatment. In contrast, cyclophosphamide-treated SJL/J mice whose immune systems were reconstituted with either unfractionated immune spleen cells or with sera 24 h after SRV inoculation survived a lethal dose of SRV. More importantly, immunosuppressed SJL/J and immunodeficient athymic mice were protected when reconstituted with immune serum 72 h after SRV inoculation, a time in which infectious virus was detected in the spinal cords of some mice but was not present in the peritoneal cavity. Additional studies showed that antibody in the cerebrospinal fluid was unimportant in the resistance of mouse strains which remained clinically asymptomatic, but it appeared to be associated with the survival of mice which developed clinical CNS disease. Furthermore, CNS resistance to intranasal or intracerebral inoculation with challenge virus standard rabies virus developed as early as 5 days post-intraperitoneal inoculation of SRV.  相似文献   

A panel of 150 clinical isolates of methicillin resistant and susceptible Staphylococci were investigated using a rapid and simple PCR-RFLPs technique to detect DNA nucleotide changes at the site of the most frequently reported mutations in grlA (codons 79, 80) and gyrA (codons 83, 84) genes which confer fluorquinolone resistance in Staphylococci. Convergent dual mutations in and gyrA and grlA were found in all strains exhibiting resistance to ciprofloxacin (MIC, 8 to > or =128 mg/l) and levofloxacin (MIC, 8 to > or =64 mg/l). Mutations in grlA and gyrA were also found in strains susceptible to levofloxacin and resistant to ciprofloxacin. In our sample no strains with only grlA mutations were found. Our data indicate that methicillin-resistant fluorquinolone-resistant strains are likely to have mutations in both grlA and gyrA. In contrast, methicillin-susceptible strains do not show any mutation. The genetic relatedness of a sample of representative epidemiologically unrelated MRSA strains, tested by PFGE and rep-PCR, are in agreement with the hypothesis of a clonal selection of these resistant strains.  相似文献   

Cytokines and chemokines play an important role in the first line of defence against viral infections. Moreover, these groups of proteins also contribute significantly to regulation of the acquired immune response. Therefore, knowledge of the expression of cytokines, chemokines and factors involved in their action may provide information about the immune reaction responsible for elimination of viral infections and for immune-mediated pathology. Using cDNA arrays, we have evaluated the expression of cytokines and genes related to cytokine function in resting murine peritoneal cells and in inflammatory macrophages infected with Herpes simplex virus (HSV)-1 and -2. To allow comparison, the experiments were performed using both the resistant mouse strain C57BL/6 and the susceptible strain BALB/c. The work identified a group of genes that is differentially expressed during HSV infection of cells from the two strains. Another group of genes was affected by HSV-1 but not HSV-2 infection and vice versa. Further analysis of these genes may provide new information about host defense against viral infections and could also lead to identification of the molecular basis for the pathological differences between infections with HSV-1 and -2.  相似文献   

When Newcastle disease virus (NDV) is treated with NP-40 and ether a membrane fraction of 150,000 m.w. is obtained. This fraction which is composed of two polypeptides with m.w. of 56,000 and 76,000 was used in a radioimmunoassay (RIA). The assay was developed for both antigen and antibody and was found to be reproducible, specific, and highly sensitive. Titers of 1:51,200 were determined by RIA as compared to 1:4 by agar gel diffusion and 1:200 by hemaglutination inhibition (HI). As little as 5 ng of viral protein were detected by RIA inhibition technique. Labeled antigen could be stored in the presence of serum, KCI and Triton X-100 at -20 degrees C for as long as 6 weeks and retained similar reactivity as fresh reagent.  相似文献   

The genetic sensitivity of mouse strains to mouse hepatitis virus 3 (MHV 3) has been related in vitro to a delay of virus replication in liver sinusoidal cells. In vivo immuno-histochemical studies of the liver from infected mice have demonstrated that mechanisms other than direct viral injury are in operation. To examine potential mechanisms, the interaction of lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-stimulated Kupffer cells with MHV 3 was studied. We first observed a dramatic inhibition in viral replication in LPS-treated Kupffer cells explanted from A/J resistant mice. Second, we demonstrated that MHV 3 induced a dose-dependent interleukin 1 (IL-1) activity in the supernatants of infected Kupffer cells of both strains. These results led us finally to examine the antigen-processing function of the Kupffer cells of both strains of mice. No striking differences were observed in the ability of Kupffer cells from resistant or sensitive mice to collaborate with immunocompetent lymphocytes. Our data suggest that Kupffer cells play a double role which is crucial in the pathogenesis of MHV 3-induced hepatitis. First, they act directly as the genetically determined sensitivity of mice to MHV 3 infection is correlated with the efficiency of the antiviral activity induced in Kupffer cells by LPS. Second, they act indirectly through the synthesis of different amounts of IL-1 induced by MHV 3. This hypothesis is further borne out by the effects of indomethacin treatment on the course of MHV 3 infection in A/J resistant mice in vivo.  相似文献   

Abstract The genetic sensitivity of mouse strains to mouse hepatitis virus 3 (MHV 3) has been related in vitro to a delay of virus replication in liver sinusoidal cells. In vivo immuno-histochemical studies of the liver from infected mice have demonstrated that mechanisms other than direct viral injury are in operation. To examine potential mechanisms, the interaction of lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-stimulated Kupffer cells with MHV 3 was studied. We first observed a dramatic inhibition in viral replication in LPS-treated Kupffer cells explanted from A/J resistant mice. Second, we demonstrated that MHV 3 induced a dose-dependent interleukin 1 (IL-1) activity in the supernatants of infected Kupffer cells of both strains. These results led us finally to examine the antigen-proceesing function of the Kupffer cellsof both strains of mice. No striking differences were observed in the ability of Kupffer cells from resistant or sensitive mice to collaborate with immunocompetent lymphocytes. Our data suggest that Kupffer cells play a double role which is crucial in the pathogenesis of MHV 3-induced hepatitis. First, they act directly as the genetically determined sensitivity of mice to MHV 3 infection is correlated with the efficiency of the antiviral activity induced in Kupffer cells by LPS. Second, they act indirectly through the synthesis of different amounts of IL-1 induced by MHV 3. This hypothesis is further borne out by the effects of indomethacin treatment on the course of MHV 3 infection in A/J resistant mice in vivo.  相似文献   

Natural resistance to the growth of Leishmania donovani in mice is controlled by a gene (Lsh) which is expressed, in an unknown fashion, in macrophages. Early net growth rate of the parasite is much higher in mice strains bearing the susceptible allele (Lshs) than in resistant (Lshr) mice. Intracellular events occurring in the Kupffer cells during this period have been studied at the ultrastructural level. It was found that the number of dividing amastigotes per thin section of infected cell was approximately 10-fold greater in susceptible (B10.A SgSn) than in resistant (A/J) strains of mice, both 7 and 14 days following infection. These findings support the hypothesis that high natural resistance to leishmaniasis (Lshr) is expressed as a microbistatic effect, exerted within the parasitized macrophage of the host.  相似文献   

The effect of monoclonal antibodies on the growth of herpes simplex virus type 1 in trigeminal ganglia was investigated. Four-week-old mice were infected on an abrased cornea with herpes simplex virus type 1. Forty-eight hours after infection, trigeminal ganglia ipsilateral with infected eyes were removed and placed in culture. Incubation of infected ganglia in the presence of a pool of nonneutralizing monoclonal antibodies specific for glycoproteins of gB and gE suppressed virus growth by greater than 90%. This was comparable to the amount of suppression observed when infected ganglia were incubated in hyperimmune serum. Individual monoclonal antibodies were less efficient, being able to inhibit virus growth by only two- to threefold. The mechanism of suppression was examined. Reduction in virus growth was observed under conditions in which all susceptible ganglion cells were infected in vitro before nonneutralizing monoclonal antibody was added. Similar results were obtained in tests with virus-infected neuroblastoma cells. Furthermore, suppression of infectious progeny was seen in the absence of complement and immunologically reactive cells. Thus, neither virus neutralization nor immunocytolysis could account for the effects of antibody on virus growth. Rather, the data suggest that antibody can bind to herpes simplex virus type 1-infected neuronal cells and suppress intracellular virus replication.  相似文献   

Deciphering the genes involved in disease resistance is essential if we are to understand host–pathogen coevolutionary processes. The rabbit haemorrhagic disease virus (RHDV) was imported into Australia in 1995 as a biocontrol agent to manage one of the most successful and devastating invasive species, the European rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus). During the first outbreaks of the disease, RHDV caused mortality rates of up to 97%. Recently, however, increased genetic resistance to RHDV has been reported. Here, we have aimed to identify genomic differences between rabbits that survived a natural infection with RHDV and those that died in the field using a genomewide next‐generation sequencing (NGS) approach. We detected 72 SNPs corresponding to 133 genes associated with survival of a RHD infection. Most of the identified genes have known functions in virus infections and replication, immune responses or apoptosis, or have previously been found to be regulated during RHD. Some of the genes identified in experimental studies, however, did not seem to play a role under natural selection regimes, highlighting the importance of field studies to complement the genomic background of wildlife diseases. Our study provides a set of candidate markers as a tool for the future scanning of wild rabbits for their resistance to RHDV. This is important both for wild rabbit populations in southern Europe where RHD is regarded as a serious problem decimating the prey of endangered predator species and for assessing the success of currently planned RHDV variant biocontrol releases in Australia.  相似文献   

Baliji S  Liu Q  Kozak CA 《Journal of virology》2010,84(24):12841-12849
Laboratory mouse strains carry endogenous copies of the xenotropic mouse leukemia viruses (X-MLVs), named for their inability to infect cells of the laboratory mouse. This resistance to exogenous infection is due to a nonpermissive variant of the XPR1 gammaretrovirus receptor, a resistance that also limits in vivo expression of germ line X-MLV proviruses capable of producing infectious virus. Because laboratory mice vary widely in their proviral contents and in their virus expression patterns, we screened inbred strains for sequence and functional variants of the XPR1 receptor. We also typed inbred strains and wild mouse species for an endogenous provirus, Bxv1, that is capable of producing infectious X-MLV and that also contributes to the generation of pathogenic recombinant MLVs. We identified the active Bxv1 provirus in many common inbred strains and in some Japanese Mus molossinus mice but in none of the other wild mouse species that carry X-MLVs. Our screening for Xpr1 variants identified the permissive Xpr1(sxv) allele in 7 strains of laboratory mice, including a Bxv1-positive strain, F/St, which is characterized by lifelong X-MLV viremia. Cells from three strains carrying Xpr1(sxv), namely, SWR, SJL, and SIM.R, were shown to be infectable by X-MLV and XMRV; these strains carry different alleles at Fv1 and vary in their sensitivities to specific X/P-MLV isolates and XMRV. Several strains with Xpr1(sxv) lack the active Bxv1 provirus or other endogenous X-MLVs and may provide a useful model system to evaluate the in vivo spread of these gammaretroviruses and their disease potential in their natural host.  相似文献   

Hybridomas secreting monoclonal antibodies directed against polyprotein gene products of the Gardner, Snyder-Theilen, and McDonough strain of feline sarcoma virus have been isolated. Antibody produced by one hybridoma recognizes immunological determinants localized within a feline leukemia virus gag gene structural component (p15) common to polyproteins encoded by each feline sarcoma virus isolate while antibody produced by a second is specific for p30 determinants unique to P170gag-fms. Additional hybridomas secrete antibody directed against v-fes specific determinants common to the Gardner and Snyder-Theilen feline sarcoma virus-encoded polyproteins and to v-fms determinants unique to P170gas-fms polyprotein. GA P110gas-fes and ST P85gas-fes immunoprecipitated by antibody directed against p15 exhibit readily detectable levels of protein kinase activity but lack such activity when precipitated by antibody specific for their acquired sequence (v-fes) components. P170gas-fms immunoprecipitated by monoclonal antibody to either p15 or p30 lacks detectable levels of autophosphorylation but represents a substrate for the GA P110gag-fes and ST P85gag-fes enzymatic activities. These findings argue that the v-fes-associated protein kinase represents an intrinsic property of the v-fes gene product and recognizes tyrosine acceptor sites within polyprotein gene products of all three strains of feline sarcoma virus.  相似文献   

利用蔗糖密度梯度离心技术从自然发病的栉孔扇贝 (Chlamysfarrreri)组织分离纯化急性病毒性坏死症(Acutevirusnecrobioticdisease,AVND)病毒 ,并以此为抗原免疫Balb c小鼠。将免疫小鼠的脾细胞与NS_1骨髓瘤细胞进行融合 ,最终筛选出 4株能稳定传代并分泌该病毒特异性单克隆抗体 (MonoclonalAntibody ,MAb)的杂交瘤细胞系。应用胶体金标记免疫电镜技术在超微水平上对这 4株MAbs进行测定表明 ,它们对AVND病毒均具有高度的特异性 ,并且所识别的特异性位点均位于病毒粒子囊膜的纤突上。应用该单克隆抗体对不同养殖季节的一龄贝进行间接ELISA检测发现 ,7月中旬至 7月底病毒感染率与感染强度均处于当年的最高峰 ,与这一时期栉孔扇贝所表现出的最高死亡率完全吻合  相似文献   

The outcome of Trypanosoma cruzi infection in inbred strains of mice is under genetic control. The lymphocyte responses to T-cell mitogens and their regulation were investigated in strains of mice resistant or susceptible to T. cruzi. Six to eight days after the inoculation of T. cruzi, resistant and susceptible mice had depressed responses to T-cell mitogens. In resistant B6 mice, suppression was maximal 18 days after infection and it persisted for at least 320 days. The duration of immunosuppression correlated with the persistence of a subpatent parasitemia. In cell mixing experiments, it was determined that the concanavalin A (Con A) responses in the resistant B6 and B6C3F1 mouse strains were suppressed by highly active T-suppressor cells. In the susceptible C3H mice, intense suppression of the Con A responses was detected 14 days after inoculation of T. cruzi. Nevertheless, only weak suppressor cell activity was detected in the infected C3H mice, and suppression was not abrogated by passage through a nylon wool column nor by treatment with antitheta antibodies and complement. Thus, it was suggested that, during the course of infection with T. cruzi, splenic T cells from C3H mice acquired a block in the metabolic pathway for cellular activation by Con A. The influences of T. cruzi epimastigotes on the Con A responses of spleen cells from uninfected mice were then studied. The Con A responses of spleen cells from C3H mice were depressed in the presence of epimastigotes, whereas they were either unaffected or enhanced in spleen cells from B6 mice. Hence, the immunoregulatory events provoked by T. cruzi infection differed in genetically resistant and susceptible mice, and lymphocytes from C3H mice were predisposed to a parasite-induced block in the responses to Con A. Thus, the gene(s) determining the outcome of infection with T. cruzi may be phenotypically expressed through an influence on immunoregulatory events.  相似文献   

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