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双组分核定位信号介导Apoptin定位于肿瘤细胞核   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Apoptin是一种来源于鸡贫血病毒的小蛋白,在肿瘤细胞中定位于细胞核,而在正常细胞中主要分布于细胞质。根据预测,Apoptin分子中有2段序列(NLS1和NLS2)可能是单组分核定位信号。通过基因突变和缺失构建了Apoptin各种不同的核定位信号突变体和磷酸化突变体,利用增强型绿色荧光蛋白(EGFP)作标签,观察了其在肿瘤细胞中亚细胞定位的变化。结果表明,NLS1和NLS2单独均不是有效的单组分核定位信号。Apoptin的核定位信号是由NLS1和NLS2这2段序列共同组成的双组分核定位信号,缺少任何一段序列都会严重影响Apoptin在肿瘤细胞中的核定位。其中,NLS2对于Apoptin的核定位起主要作用。Apoptin的获得型磷酸化突变体并不能转位到正常细胞的细胞核中,而其磷酸化负突变体仍定位于肿瘤细胞的细胞核。另外,丝氨酸/苏氨酸蛋白激酶抑制剂H7也不影响Apoptin在肿瘤细胞中的核定位。很可能,Apoptin的磷酸化并不参与调控其核定位信号的功能。  相似文献   

In 5-aminolevulinic acid (ALA)-based photodynamic therapy (PDT), ALA taken up by tumor cells is metabolized to protoporphyrin IX (PpIX), which sensitizes photodamage leading to apoptotic or necrotic cell death. Since lipophilic PpIX originates in mitochondria, we postulated that photoperoxidation of highly unsaturated cardiolipin (CL), which anchors cytochrome c (cyt c) to the inner membrane, is an early proapoptotic event. As initial evidence, PpIX-sensitized photooxidation of liposomal CL to hydroperoxide (CLOOH) species precluded cyt c binding, but this could be reinstated by GSH/selenoperoxidase (GPX4) treatment. Further support derived from site-specific effects observed using (i) a mitochondrial GPX4-overexpressing clone (7G4) of COH-BR1 tumor cells, and (ii) an ALA treatment protocol in which most cellular PpIX is either inside (Pr-1) or outside (Pr-2) mitochondria. Sensitized cells were exposed to a lethal light dose, and then analyzed for death mechanism and lipid hydroperoxide (LOOH) levels. Irradiated Pr-1 vector control (VC) cells died apoptotically following cyt c release and caspase-3 activation, whereas 7G4 cells were highly resistant. Irradiated Pr-2 VC and 7G4 cells showed negligible cyt c release or caspase-3 activation, and both types died via necrosis. CLOOH (detected long before cyt c release) accumulated approximately 70% slower in Pr-1 7G4 cells than in Pr-1 VC, and this slowdown exceeded that of all other LOOHs. These and related findings support the hypothesis that CL is a key upstream target in mitochondria-dependent ALA-PDT-induced apoptosis.  相似文献   

The strategy of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) transplantation is limited by the inability to deliver a large number of grafted cells that resist peri-transplantation apoptosis in ischemic tissues, and this led us to investigate methods of improving the viability of these cells. We demonstrate the presence of voltage-gated potassium channels in rat MSCs that can be activated by staurosporine (ST). MSCs exposed to ST underwent apoptotic cell changes. Tetraethylammonium (TEA), a classic blocker of K+ channels, blocked the ST-induced augmentation of K+ currents, and reduced ST-induced apoptosis. Furthermore, we found that TEA prevented the ST-induced increase in expression of the pro-apoptotic protein Bax and decrease of the anti-apoptotic protein Bcl-2. Taken together, our findings suggest that voltage-gated potassium is involved in ST-induced apoptosis of rat MSCs. TEA blocks the ST-induced augmentation of K+ currents, alters the expression of Bcl-2 family proteins induced by ST, and attenuates the apoptosis of rat MSCs.  相似文献   

在过去的十几年中,重组抗体工程在基础研究、医学和药物生产上已经成为最有希望的领域之一。重组抗体及其片段在正在进行诊断和治疗的临床试验中占所有生物蛋白的30%以上。研究集中在抗体作为理想的癌症靶向试剂方面,最近由于FDA批准使用第一个工程化治疗抗体而使热度达到极点。过去的几年中,在设计、筛选及生产新型工程化抗体方面已经取得了重大进展。改革的筛选方法已经能够分离出高亲和力的癌-靶向及抗病毒的抗体,后能够抑制病毒用于基因治疗。癌症诊断和治疗的另一个策略是将重组抗体片段与放射性同位素、药物、毒素、酶以及生物传感器表面进行融合。双特异性抗体及相关融合蛋白也已经生产出来用于癌症的免疫治疗,在抗癌疫苗以及T细胞补充策略上有效地增强了人免疫应答。  相似文献   

Messenger RNA expression of a human endogenous provirus, ERV3, has been characterized in 170 specimens of normal and malignant human tissues and cells. In contrast to the high expression in first-trimester and full-term placental chorionic villi, most other human tissues expressed ERV3 mRNAs at a level of 2-30% of placenta. However, ERV3 mRNAs were not detected in choriocarcinoma tumor cell lines. These studies suggest that the ERV3 provirus may have been preempted for a biological function and disruption of its mRNA expression results in choriocarcinoma.  相似文献   

Previously, we designed a ribozyme that targets the H-ras oncogene at the 12th codon mutation site (Chang et al., 1997). Ribozymes have antisense molecule and site-specific ribonuclease potential. In this study, an adenoviral vector was used to transduce the H-ras ribozyme into laryngeal cancer cells (HEp-2). This served to downregulate the H-ras gene expression in which this ribozyme performed antisense activity due to HEp-2 cells containing wild-type alleles in the 12th H-ras codon. Together, our data demonstrated that the recombinant adenovirus encoding H-ras ribozyme can be broadly regarded as a cytotoxic gene therapy in laryngeal cancer cells regardless of containing wild-type or mutant ras gene. In addition, the mechanism through which the H-ras ribozyme inhibited tumor growth was apoptosis and involved both caspase- and mitochondria-mediated pathways. The activators caspase-8 and -9 as well as the effector caspase-3 in the induction phase of apoptosis and the substrate PARP of caspase-3 in the execution phase were activated 48h following the H-ras ribozyme treatment. Mitochondrial events characterized by the production of superoxide anion and the release of cytochrome c started at 24h. Mitochondrial transmembrane potential loss occurred 48h after the ribozyme treatment. However, Bcl-2 delayed cytochrome c release to the cytosol, but it could not protect the apoptosis effect, suggesting that cytochrome c release from mitochondria may not play a role in H-ras ribozyme-induced apoptosis.  相似文献   

The von Hippel-Lindau (VHL) is a known tumor suppressor that binds to alpha-subunits of hypoxia-inducible factors and induces ubiquitin-mediated degradation of the protein in an oxygen-dependent manner. VHL is also involved in the regulation of tumor angiogenesis, glycolysis, cell cycle regulation, and apoptosis. In the present study, we showed that ectopic expression of VHL induces apoptosis in renal cell carcinoma 786-O cells which contain only the mutant VHL, evidenced by TUNEL assay and DAPI staining. Furthermore, biochemical studies indicated that expression of VHL in 786-O cells results in both PARP and CPP32 cleavage, suggesting that VHL-induced apoptosis in 786-O cells is caspase dependent. Moreover, we also observed that apoptosis induced by ectopic VHL expression was associated with up-regulation of p27 as well as Bax, implicating the roles of these two proteins in VHL-induced apoptosis. The up-regulation of p27 and Bax by VHL was specific since we did not detect any changes in the level of other apoptotic factors including Fas and Bcl2 by the expression of VHL. We next examined the effect of VHL expression on the tumor growth of 786-O renal cell carcinoma cells in nude mouse. The results showed that injection of Ad.VHL adenovirus regresses the tumor growth of 786-O cells in nude mouse. The analysis by TUNEL assay as well as DAPI staining of 786-O tumors injected with Ad.VHL showed clear evidence of apoptosis. These results suggest that ectopic VHL expression induces apoptotic response in 786-O VHL mutant cells both in vitro and in vivo.  相似文献   

Constitutive activation of the PI3 kinase/Akt pathway is associated with the neoplastic phenotype of a large number of human tumor cells. As the anti-apoptotic role of the PI3 kinase/Akt pathway has been established, we have examined whether specific blockade of this pathway sensitizes tumor cells to DNA-damaging agent-induced cytotoxicity by enhancing apoptotic cell death. Although a PI3 kinase inhibitor, LY294002, by itself does not induce apoptotic cell death, LY294002 selectively and markedly enhances the apoptosis-inducing efficacy of doxorubicin: such an enhanced cell death is only detected in tumor cells in which the PI3 kinase/Akt pathway is constitutively activated, and it is totally dependent on the functional p53 pathway. These results suggest that the combination of a PI3 kinase/Akt pathway inhibitor and doxorubicin provides an efficient chemotherapeutic strategy for the treatment of tumor cells in which the PI3 kinase/Akt pathway is constitutively activated and the p53 pathway is functional.  相似文献   

We tested the activity of a p53 carboxy-terminal peptide containing the PARC-interacting region in cancer cells with wild type cytoplasmic p53. Peptide delivery was achieved by fusing it to the TAT transduction domain (TAT-p53-C-ter peptide). In a two-hybrid assay, the tetramerization domain (TD) of p53 was necessary and sufficient to bind PARC. The TAT-p53-C-ter peptide disrupted the PARC-p53 complex. Peptide treatment caused p53 nuclear relocation, p53-dependent changes in gene expression and enhancement of etoposide-induced apoptosis. These studies suggest that PARC-interacting peptides are promising candidates for the enhancement of p53-dependent apoptosis in tumors with wt cytoplasmic p53.  相似文献   

Kidney cancer is a devastating disease; however, biological therapies have achieved some limited success. The murine renal cancer Renca has been used as a model for developing new preclinical approaches to the treatment of renal cell carcinoma. Successful cytokine-based approaches require CD8(+) T cells, but the exact mechanisms by which T cells mediate therapeutic benefit have not been completely identified. After successful biological therapy of Renca in BALB/c mice, we generated CTLs in vitro using mixed lymphocyte tumor cultures. These CTL mediated tumor-specific H-2K(d)-restricted lysis and production of IFN-gamma, TNF-alpha, and Fas ligand (FasL) in response to Renca. CTL used both granule- and FasL-mediated mechanisms to lyse Renca, although granule-mediated killing was the predominant lytic mechanism in vitro. The cytokines IFN-gamma and TNF-alpha increased the sensitivity of Renca cells to CTL lysis by both granule- and FasL-mediated death pathways. Adoptive transfer of these anti-Renca CTL into tumor-bearing mice cured most mice of established experimental pulmonary metastases, and successfully treated mice were immune to tumor rechallenge. Interestingly, we were able to establish Renca-specific CTL from mice gene targeted for perforin (pfp(-/-)) mice. Although these pfp(-/-) CTL showed reduced cytotoxic activity against Renca, their IFN-gamma production in the presence of Renca targets was equivalent to that of wild-type CTL, and adoptive transfer of pfp(-/-) CTL was as efficient as wild-type CTL in causing regression of established Renca pulmonary metastases. Therefore, although granule-mediated killing is of paramount importance for CTL-mediated lysis in vitro, some major in vivo effector mechanisms clearly are independent of perforin.  相似文献   

Tumor cells are elusive targets for standard anticancer chemotherapy due to their heterogeneity and genetic instability. On the other hand, proliferating host endothelial cells (ECs) are genetically stable and have a low mutational rate. Thus, antiangiogenic therapy directed against tumor's ECs should, in principle, improve the efficacy of antitumor therapy by inducing little or no drug resistance. Here we present a gene-directed enzyme prodrug therapy (GDEPT) strategy for targeting the tumor vasculature, using the Escherichia coli nitroreductase (ntr) gene delivery associated with the treatment with the prodrug CB1954. In a first time we demonstrated the ability of the ntr/CB1954 system to induce an apoptotic-mediated cell death on monolayer cultures of human umbilical vein ECs (HUV-EC-C). Then, when ntr-transfected HUV-EC-C cells (HUV-EC-C/ntr(+)) were associated in a three-dimensional (3-D) multicellular nodule model with untransfected B16-F10 murine melanoma cell line, we observed a CB1954-mediated bystander cell killing effect from endothelial to neighboring melanoma cells. To our knowledge, this is the first report indicating that GDEPT-based antiangiogenic targeting may be an effective approach for cancer treatment relied on the spreading of the bystander effect from endothelial to tumor cells.  相似文献   

B-lymphoma cells express a highly tumor-specific antigen, monoclonal Ig, which is a promising target for immunotherapy. Previous work has demonstrated that B-lymphoma cells spontaneously process their endogenous monoclonal Ig and present variable (V) region peptides (Id-peptides) on their MHC class II molecules to CD4+ T cells. Id-specific CD4+ T cells protect mice against B-lymphoma cells in the absence of anti-idiotypic antibodies. The molecular mechanism by which Id-specific CD4+ T cells kill B-lymphoma cells is hitherto unknown. We here demonstrate in an Id-specific T-cell receptor (TCR)–transgenic mouse model that Id-specific CD4+ T cells induce apoptosis of Fas+ B-lymphoma cells in vitro by FasLigand (FasL)–Fas interaction. Moreover, the rare B lymphomas that had escaped rejection in TCR-transgenic mice had down-regulated their sensitivity to Fas-mediated apoptosis. Although these results suggest that FasL-Fas interaction is important, Id-specific CD4+ T cells could eliminate Id+ B-lymphoma cells in vivo by other mechanisms, since three independent ways of blocking FasL-Fas–mediated killing failed to abrogate tumor protection in TCR-transgenic mice. These results suggest that there are several redundant pathways by which Id-specific CD4+ T cells eliminate Id+ B-lymphoma cells in vivo, of which FasL-Fas interaction is only one.Supported by grants from the Norwegian Cancer Society, the Research Council of Norway, and the Multiple Myeloma Research Foundation.  相似文献   

Recombinant balsamin (rBalsamin), a type I ribosome inactivating protein classified as RNA N-glycosidase, is known to possess antibacterial and DNase like activity. However, its anticancer properties have not yet been examined. In this study, we aimed to investigate the potential cytotoxicity of rBalsamin on hepatocellular (HepG2 and H4IIE) and breast (MCF-7 and BT549) carcinoma cells and the related mechanism. rBalsamin arrested cell cycle at G or S phase and increased the level of caspase-3/8. The expression of Bax, Bid, Bad and p53 increased and that of Bcl-2 and BCL-xl decreased in liver and breast cancer cells with rBalsamin treatment. We found that rBalsamin inhibited cell viability of liver and breast cancer cells in a concentration and time dependent manner with IC50 ranging between 18.92 to > 200 μg/mL. These findings suggest that rBalsamin induced apoptosis in liver and breast cancer cells via death receptor and mitochondrial associated apoptotic pathways, could prove beneficial in the field of cancer therapeutics, highlighting its potential as a functional food ingredient.  相似文献   

The C21-steroidal glycoside auriculoside A (1), recently isolated from the roots of Cynanchum auriculatum, was found to inhibit the growth of several human tumor cell lines and to induce apoptosis in human breast cancer (MCF-7) cells. Compound 1 was evaluated for its in vitro cytotoxicity against MCF-7, HO-8910, and Bel-7402 cells, and for its in vivo antitumor effects on implanted sarcoma-180 (S180) tumors in mice. It showed significant, concentration-dependent inhibition of the cancer cells, both in vitro and in vivo. MCF-7 Cells exposed to 1 displayed typical morphological apoptosis characteristics such as cytoplasm contraction and nuclear-chromatin condensation. Flow-cytometric analysis showed that the MCF-7 cell cycle was arrested at the G0/G1 phase. When treated with 40 microg/ml of 1 for 24, 48, and 72 h, respectively, the apoptotic rates of the cells were ca. 5, 8, and 18.5%, respectively.  相似文献   

Cell death was induced by electroporation in HL60 cells, a human promyeloid leukaemia strain, in order to determine by both morphological and biochemical criteria whether necrotic or apoptotic processes occurred. Cells sampled at several times after electroporation were analyzed for the assessment of the following end-points: (i) chromosomal DNA fragmentation; (ii) cell viability; (iii) mono- and oligonucleosomes in the cytoplasmic fraction; (iv) apoptotic index; and (v) morphology of treated cells. The results indicate that about 50% of the cells killed by electroporation die through necrosis, while the remaining 50% of the cells undergo apoptosis. Chromosome damage was also studied by cytogenetic analysis at metaphase. The possibility of killing tumour cells by electroporation, as a variant of electrotherapy, constitutes, in our opinion, a promising procedure in cancer therapy, avoiding the undesirable side effects normally derived from treatment with cytotoxic drugs.  相似文献   



We have investigated the potential anticancer effects of karanjin, a principal furanoflavonol constituent of the Chinese medicine Fordia cauliflora, using cytotoxic assay, cell cycle arrest, and induction of apoptosis in three human cancer cell lines (A549, HepG2 and HL-60 cells).


MTT cytotoxic assay showed that karanjin could inhibit the proliferation and viability of all three cancer cells. The induction of cell cycle arrest was observed via a PI (propidium iodide)/RNase Staining Buffer detection kit and analyzed by flow cytometry: karanjin could dose-dependently induce cell cycle arrest at G2/M phase in the three cell lines. Cell apoptosis was assessed by Annexin V-FITC/PI staining: all three cancer cells treated with karanjin exhibited significantly increased apoptotic rates, especially in the percentage of late apoptosis cells.


Karanjin can induce cancer cell death through cell cycle arrest and enhance apoptosis. This compound may be effective clinically for cancer pharmacotherapy.  相似文献   

Chemo- as well as immunotherapeutical approaches induce apoptosis in tumor cells. Apoptotic cells are known to activate homologous complement and to be opsonized with iC3b. Since maturation of dendritic cells (DC) can be inhibited by binding of iC3b to the complement receptor 3 (CR3, CD11b/CD18) and because immature DC induce tolerance, we investigated the induction of tolerance after pulsing DC with apoptotic cells in the presence or absence of native serum. Apoptosis in pancreatic carcinoma cells was induced either by heat-stress, chemotherapy or anti-Her2 antibody. Monocyte-derived DC were pulsed with apoptotic cells with or without native serum. DC were analyzed for the maturation state by flow cytometry and the cytotoxic activity was determined. Tolerance was prevented by addition of substances such as anti CD11b or N–acetyl-D-Glucosamine (NADG) which block iC3b binding to CR3. Furthermore, binding of iC3b from apoptotic cells to DC was blocked in a syngeneic pancreatic carcinoma mouse model. All of the former strategies for apoptosis induction resulted in iC3b release. Pulsing DC with apoptotic cells in the presence of serum prevents maturation of DC and induces finally tolerance. This tolerance could be prevented almost completely by blocking the interaction of iC3b with the CR3 receptor. This could be shown as well in an immunocompetent mouse model. Chemo- as well as immunotherapeutical approaches induce apoptosis in tumor cells. Release of iC3b from apoptotic tumor cells prevents fully maturation of DC and immature DC induce antigen-specific silencing or tolerance. Blocking of iC3b-binding could mostly prevent this effect.  相似文献   

This study demonstrates cytotoxic and genotoxic potential of juglone, a chief constituent of walnut, and its underlying mechanisms against melanoma cells. MTT assay and clonogenic assay were used to study cytotoxicity, micronucleus assay to assess genotoxicity, glutathione (GSH) assay and 2′,7′-dicholorofluorescein diacetate (DCFH-DA) assay to evaluate the oxidative stress induction. Apoptosis/necrosis induction was analysed by flow cytometry. We observed a concentration-dependent decrease in cell survival with a corresponding increase in the lactate dehydrogenase levels. A dose-dependent increase in the frequency of micronucleated binucleate cells indicated the potential of juglone to induce cytogenetic damage in melanoma tumor cells. Moreover, results of the micronuclei study indicated division delay in the proliferating cell population by showing decrease in the cytokinesis blocked proliferation index. Further, juglone-induced apoptosis and necrosis could be demonstrated by oligonucleosomal ladder formation, microscopic analysis, increase in the hypodiploid fraction (sub Go peak in DNA histogram), as well as an increased percentage of AnnexinV(+)/PI(+) cells detected by flow cytometry. A significant concentration-dependent decrease in the glutathione levels and increase in dichlorofluorescein (DCF) fluorescence after juglone treatment confirmed the ability of juglone to generate intracellular reactive oxygen species. The cytotoxic effect of juglone can be attributed to mechanisms including the induction of oxidative stress, cell membrane damage, and a clastogenic action leading to cell death by both apoptosis and necrosis.  相似文献   

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