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In mitochondrial preparations the oxidation of palmitate and of palmitoyl carnitine is stimulated by dilute extracts of the glandular lobes of the corpora cardiaca. Extracts of the storage lobes of the corpora cardiaca or of corpora allata are without effect. In a working single muscle preparation the entry of diglyceride into the muscle is also stimulated by tissue extracts containing adipokinetic hormone. This stimulation is, however, prevented by the addition of 2-bromostearic acid to the perfusion fluid. It is suggested that adipokinetic hormone may have a single site of action in the flight muscle and this may be in stimulating the entry of acyl groups into the mitochondria; perhaps by acting on the inner acyl carnitine transferase.  相似文献   

《Insect Biochemistry》1990,20(3):319-323
Vitellogenesis in locusts is synchronized with the cyclic maturation of oocytes. Vitellogenesis by excised fat body of gravid females is differentially inhibited 80–90% when locust adipokinetic hormone I (AKH-I) is added to the incubation media. Hemolymph methanolic extracts completely inhibit fat body protein synthesis in vitro when the donor females are at the end of the ovarian cycle (6 mm stage), but not when taken from earlier stages. Hemolymph methanolic extracts from vitellogenic females at the 6 mm stage are separated by HPLC into three distinct inhibitors of protein synthesis, one of which is AKH-I. AKH-RIA of hemolymph during the first ovarian cycle reveals no AKH-I during active vitellogenesis, but a marked increase to about 5 ng per female at the end of egg maturation. A development of responsiveness to AKH-I is evident in female fat body as vitellogenesis proceeds. AKH-I is involved in the negative control of vitellogenesis.  相似文献   

The reversible association of a low molecular weight hemolymph protein (mol wt 20,000 estimated by SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis) with lipophorin, following treatment with adipokinetic hormone (AKH), was demonstrated by density gradient ultracentrifugation and by specific precipitation of lipophorin from the hemolymph of resting and AKH-injected locusts. The injection of AKH also stimulated the loading of diacylglycerol from fat body by lipophorin and resulted in a lower density lipophorin ("activated lipophorin"). The activated lipophorin particles (diameter 21.7 +/- 3.0 nm, 15.8 to 33.6 nm) were larger and more heterogeneous in size than those of resting lipophorin (14.5 +/- 1.6 nm, 11.9 to 19.2 nm). A theoretical analysis based on the experimental data (e.g., density gradient profile, electron microscopic observation, and diacylglycerol content) suggests that very large lipophorin particles result from intermolecular fusion of the lipophorin molecules that are activated by AKH. Attempts to demonstrate the effect of AKH on the structure of lipophorin, in vitro, were unsuccessful.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Detailed studies of lipoprotein A+ formation during AKH action have been made in Locusta migratoria L. using gel filtration combined with the use of radiolabeled haemolymph protein probes. In addition, we have assessed the quantitative contribution of the CL-proteins to A+ formation by direct measurement of the changes in concentration of free CL-proteins and report some properties of the C-I and C-II proteins: they appear to be glycoproteins of 20,000 and 16,000 MW respectively, but do not bind to concanavalin A. We have confirmed earlier observations (using different techniques) which showed that liproprotein Ayellow is not involved per se in A+ formation during the first 15 min of AKH action. In contrast, the (two) CL-proteins take part in A+ formation without any apparent delay after hormone injection. Our observations show that A+ formation is essentially complete within 30 min of AKH injection, although further CL-protein binding and lipid-loading do occur subsequently. After 30 min there is no further decrease in the Ayellow titre. It is argued that much, if not all, CL-protein is located at the surface of the A+ particle. From the changes in titres which occur in Ayellow and CL-proteins during AKH action we estimate that A+ is formed from 1 mole of Ayellow and approximately 28 moles of CL-proteins. Using these figures we calculate an apparent molecular weight for A+ within the range of 1.65–2.12×106, which is in reasonable agreement with estimates derived from gel exclusion chromatography data. These studies emphasize the dynamic and fully reversible nature of lipoprotein A+ formation and highlight the complex nature of the lipoprotein transformations occurring during hormone-stimulated lipid transport in locusts.  相似文献   

《Insect Biochemistry》1984,14(2):151-157
In fifth instar larvae of Locusta migratoria the haemolymph lipid concentration is elevated after injection of adipokinetic hormone (AKH). This hyperlipaemic response in larvae remains substantially lower than in adults; over 75% of the mobilized lipid consists of diacylglycerol. In addition, unlike adult locusts, fifth instar larvae also exhibit a consistent, though moderate, hypertrehalosaemic response to AKH. The increases of both lipid and carbohydrate concentrations in larvae are dose-dependent, showing a significant linear regression on log dose in the range 0.2–20 pmol AKH.Glycogen phosphorylase in the fat body of fifth instar larvae as well as young adults is activated on injection of AKH, the percentage active phosphorylase increasing linearly with log dose in the range 0.04–20 pmol AKH. For a given response, a somewhat higher dose of AKH is needed in larvae than in young adults.Fat body glycogen phosphorylase is strongly activated during the period of the larval-adult ecdysis, when active phosphorylase accounts for almost half of the total enzyme, which is approximately ten times more than it is two days before, and two days after the ecdysis.The corpora cardiaca of fifth larval instar locusts already possess the potencies to elevate carbohydrate and lipid concentrations in larval haemolymph, and to activate fat body glycogen phosphorylase.  相似文献   

The development of an enzyme-linked immunoassay (ELISA) for the adipokinetic neuropeptide hormone, Pya-AKH, from the firebug Pyrrhocoris apterus L. is described. The ELISA measures as little as 20 fmol of Pya-AKH. Tested against a range of synthetic peptides, the assay has a high sensitivity for peptides containing the C-terminal motif FTPNWamide. The amounts of Pya-AKH in the brain, corpora cardiaca, suboesophageal ganglia, and fused thoracic and abdominal ganglionic mass are very small, with only the corpora cardiaca containing appreciable levels of the hormone (ca. 4 pmol per bug). Preliminary estimates of the persistence of the hormone in the haemolymph are consistent with values determined for AKHs in other insects, and suggest that Pya-AKH has a rapid turnover with a half-life of ca. 18 min. Measurements of circulating titres of AKH in Pyrrhocoris are only possible in the ELISA described here by using pooled samples of haemolymph, and after preliminary clean-up of the haemolymph samples. The titre of Pya-AKH in resting reproductive female Pyrrhocoris is ca. 1 fmol/μl.  相似文献   

Lom-AKH-I is a member of the adipokinetic hormone/red pigment concentrating hormone (AKH/RPCH) family of peptides found in flying insects. A molecular dynamics simulation at room temperature (293 K) in water has been performed to survey the folding path of the Lom-AKH-I peptide in water and to establish the secondary structure of Lom-AKH-I. The obtained results indicate the presence of an undefined extended conformation.  相似文献   

The involvement of CL-proteins in the formation of lipoprotein A+ during adipokinetic hormone action has been investigated using radiolabelling experiments. Injected [3H]-CL-proteins associate rapidly with lipoprotein A+ during its formation. Both [3H]-CL-proteins and [3H]-Ayellow are liberated from [3H]-A+ during its natural degradation in the haemolymph (when adipokinetic hormone action is declining). It appears that [3H]-CL-proteins bind reversibly to A+, since they are easily displaced in vivo and in vitro by competing concentrations of non-labelled CL-proteins. It is suggested that Ayellow is an integral component of the A+ lipoprotein complex, whereas CL-proteins may play only a relatively minor part in its structural organisation. Possible functions of the binding of CL-proteins to A+ are discussed.  相似文献   

Locusta adipokinetic hormone (AKH) has been purified from glandular lobes of corpora cardiaca by a series of chromatographic steps that have allowed a 58 to 77% recovery of activity. Methanolic extracts of the glandular lobes were fractionated on Sephadex LH-20 and then on thin-layer plates. The average recovery of AKH activity after separation on Sephadex LH-20 approached 100%, whereas recoveries of between 58 to 77% were obtained after TLC on cellulose plates. In practice, the highest recoveries were obtained with separations of large amounts of the hormone on cellulose plates. In the course of this investigation it was found that AKH activity can be extracted efficiently from aqueous solutions using Florisil. The hormone activity was recovered from the Florisil by eluting with 80% methanol. The purified hormone was found to be homogeneous in composition when subjected to rechromatography on Sephadex LH-20 and to amino acid analysis of the acid hydrolysate. From the amino acid analysis we estimate that one pair of glandular lobes contains on average 188 pmoles of AKH.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Pure adipokinetic hormone (AKH) extracted from the glandular lobes of locusts induces hyperglycaemia in cockroaches. Larger doses (20–200 pmol) of AKH are required to induce hyperglycaemia in the cockroach than are required to produce hyperlipaemia in locusts (1–20 pmol).  相似文献   

Fractionation of methanolic extracts of haemolymph on Sephadex LH-20 made possible the measurement of the titre of adipokinetic hormone in the haemolymph of locusts. Experimentally produced high concentrations of haemolymph carbohydrate caused a delay in the mobilization of lipid during flight, and very low titres of the hormone were present in the haemolymph of locusts injected with trehalose immediately before a 25 min flight. In these locusts flight speed was higher than saline-injected controls. Although delayed lipid mobilization during flight was also seen in locusts injected with sucrose, sucrose is not utilized for flight metabolism and flight speed was not increased by the injection. Tentative estimates of the release rate (c. 1000pg/20min flight) and half life (c. 20 min) of adipokinetic hormone during flight are made. The results described suggest that during flight the rate at which trehalose disappears from the haemolymph does not play a major role in the initiation of the release of adipokinetic hormone.  相似文献   

Abstract.The intracisternal (= ergastoplasmic) granules in the adipokinetic hormone-secreting cells of the glandular lobes of the corpora cardiaca in Locusta migratoria migratorioides represent accumulations of adipokinetic prohormones within cisternae of the rough endoplasmic reticulum. Solitary locusts have more and larger intracisternal granules than gregarious locusts. This coincides with the general locomotor activity and thus the energy metabolism in solitary locusts being quite different from that of gregarious locusts, which apparently has consequences for the amounts of adipokinetic hormones synthesized and/or released and, consequently, for the storage of these hormones in the intracisternal granules. These granules apparently function as supplementary stores of secretory material.  相似文献   

Insect flight requires rapid mobilization of energy reserves during flight, which is mediated and regulated by hormonal control via adipokinetic hormones. The structure of the G-protein receptors to which these hormones bind, are crucial in understanding many of the physiological processes in which they play a central role. To date no 3D structure of an insect G-protein coupled receptor (GPCR) is available. Here, the first models of the 3D structures of a GPCR from the malaria mosquito are presented. Homology modeling of the receptor identified from the genome of Anopheles gambiae was used to construct two models of the receptor. The 7 transmembrane helical bundles of these two models are based on the crystal structures of beta2-adrenergic receptor and rhodopsin. The flexible loop regions were modeled using high temperature simulated annealing and constrained molecular dynamic simulations. The two receptor models differ in a number of critical features, the most important of which is that the rhodopsin-based model has a ‘closed’ structure while the beta2-based structure is ‘open’. The ‘open’ conformation provides easy access of the hormone to the binding pocket. Docking calculations with the insect adipokinetic hormones, AKH-1 (pGlu-Leu-Thr-Phe-Thr-Pro-Ala-Trp-NH2) from the malaria mosquito and Del-CC (pGlu-Lys-Asn-Phe-Ser-Pro-Asn-Trp-Gly-Asn-NH2) from the blister beetle showed that while the binding motif of the two is similar, AKH-1 has more than 30 times higher affinity than Del-CC, which strongly suggests that the binding is specific, and that the correct binding site was identified. Using these models it is possible to design antagonists, which block the binding site and are thus species-specific insecticides.  相似文献   

《Insect Biochemistry》1987,17(8):1133-1137
Methanol extracts of vitellogenic female locust brains contain two factors that inhibit protein synthesis in fat body tissue excised from such individuals. One of these factors (BI) elicits lipid mobilization when injected into adult male locusts. The retention times of BI on an RP-18 column and on an RP-4 column are identical to those of synthetic locust adipokinetic hormone (AKH-I) on each of these columns. Half maximal inhibition of protein synthesis in excised adult locust fat bodies is exerted by 0.05 brain extract equivalents of BI, which is equivalent to activity elicited by 1.5 pmol of AKH-I, as previously determined by AKH-radioimmunoassay. Enzymatic hydrolysis of the N-terminal pyroglutamate, followed by amino acid sequence analysis, indicates that the structure of BI is similar to that of the decapeptide AKH-I synthesized in the glandular lobe of the locust corpora cardiaca (CC). Incorporation of [5-3H]tryptophan into BI of locust brains incubated in vitro indicates that the AKH-I present in the brain is synthesized in situ and is not transported from the CC. Similar incorporation of radiolabel into AKH-I is obtained when excised CC are incubated in vitro.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. In fifth instar nymphs of Locusta there is only a feeble adipokinetic response to extracts of corpora cardiaca. In fledglings, this poor response persists for a few days but then increases dramatically to reach a plateau by day 8. The response declines to almost zero as the locusts age beyond 35 days of adult life. This pattern of change in response is similar in both males and females but there are some differences in magnitude depending upon whether the response is measured as changes in haemolymph total lipid (vanillin-positive material) or total diglyceride (gas liquid chromatography). The poor response to adipokinetic hormone in nymphs and newly fledged locusts is not a result of shortage of stored lipid in the fat body and cannot be improved by injection of extra hormone.  相似文献   

Adipokinetic hormone, a decapeptide isolated from the locust, stimulates mobilization of diacylglycerols from the locust fat body and loading of the lipid transport protein, lipophorin. Injection of the synthetic locust adipokinetic hormone into a sphinx moth, Manduca sexta, causes lipid loading of lipophorin. The lipophorin decreases in density from 1.11 to 1.06 g/ml, and a soluble protein from the hemolymph (apolipophorin III) associates with the lipophorin particle. Administration of intermediate doses of hormone indicates that lipophorin is converted directly to the low density form; no appreciable amounts of intermediate density particles are formed.  相似文献   

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