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Human serum containing sperm-agglutinating antibodies was used to screen a testis cDNA expression library to identify the cognate antigens that may be responsible for this biological effect. The longest positive phage clone (1.9 kb) was sequenced and found to be a testis-specific isoform of calpastatin (tCAST). The testis-specific segment of tCAST is encoded by a single exon within intron 14 of the calpastatin gene. A unique protein isoform is produced that differs in domain structure from the somatic calpastatins (sCAST). Human sCAST most commonly has an N-terminal domain L plus the four functional calpain inhibitory domains. Human tCAST consists of a 40-amino-acid N-terminal T domain plus a part of domain II and all of domains III and IV from the somatic isoform. Our data show that the T domain can target cytosolic localization and membrane association of tCAST, whereas domain I of sCAST exhibits a nuclear localization function. Calpastatin is the endogenous inhibitor of calpain. The calpain/calpastatin system is involved in membrane fusion events for several cell types, and calpain has been localized to the sperm acrosome. We detected tCAST in human sperm and testes extracts by Western blotting with specific antisera. These observations suggest that tCAST may modulate calpain in the calcium-mediated acrosome reaction that is required for fertilization.  相似文献   

As previously suggested by PCR analysis [R. DeTullio, R. Stifanese, F. Salamino, S. Pontremoli, E. Melloni, Characterization of a new p94-like calpain form in human lymphocytes, Biochem. J. 375 (2003) 689-696], a p94-like calpain was now established to be present in six different human cells resembling the various peripheral blood cell types. This protease resulted to be the predominant calpain isoforms whereas the conventional mu- and m-calpains are also expressed although at lower or almost undetectable amounts. The p94-like calpain has been identified by a specific mAb and displays unique features such as: Ca2+ requirement for half maximum activity around 30 microM; no autolytic conversion to a low Ca2+ requiring form and lower sensitivity to calpastatin inhibition. Following cell stimulation, the p94-like calpain undergoes inactivation, a process indicating that the protease is activated and participates in the cell responses to stimuli. The involvement of this protease isoform in immunocompetent cell activation is further supported by its partial recruitment on plasma membranes, the site of action of the conventional calpain forms. The amount of calpain translocated to the membranes correlates to the level of calpastatin which has been shown to control this process through the formation of a complex with calpain, which maintains the protease in the cytosol. These results provide new information on the calpain/calpastatin system expressed in immunocompetent cells and on the functional relationship between the p94-like calpain and the biological function of these cells.  相似文献   

A cDNA portion coding for one of the repetitive regions of pig heart calpastatin (107 kDa) was subcloned into E. coli plasmid pUC119 to express the portion of the proteinase inhibitor gene in bacteria. The expressed protein was a chimaeric protein whose calpastatin segment (130 amino acid residues) was fused with an amino-terminus portion (7 amino acid residues) of beta-galactosidase. The chimaeric protein could inhibit proteolytic activity of calpain (Ca2+-dependent cysteine proteinase), and maintained properties of the authentic calpastatin concerning inhibition specificity and heat stability. These findings led us to conclude that the repetitive region is a functional unit of the proteinase inhibitor.  相似文献   

为了研究STT3a基因在杜氏盐藻耐盐及鞭毛再生方面的作用,根据衣藻、拟南芥等STT3a蛋白的氨基酸高度保守序列VCVFTA、DVDYVL设计一对简并引物,采用RT-PCR及3'RACE的方法扩增杜氏盐藻STT3a蛋白功能结构域的cDNA序列。序列分析显示克隆的cDNA全长1650bp,具有一定保守性,与衣藻、拟南芥和人的相似性分别为48%、50%和46%。实时荧光定量PCR结果显示杜氏盐藻STT3amRNA水平随着盐浓度的升高而逐渐增加,其水平在3.5mol/LNaCl浓度时比在1.5mol/LNaCl浓度时升高了11倍(P0.01)。另外,与没有脱鞭毛的杜氏盐藻相比,STT3amRNA在鞭毛再生过程中持续高表达。本研究显示杜氏盐藻STT3a基因的高表达可以增强其盐适应和鞭毛再生能力。  相似文献   

Multiple isoforms of calpastatin have been identified with unique N-terminal regions followed by identical calpain inhibitory domains (II-IV). In many instances the isoforms are cell-type specific, although the precise functional differences among these N-terminal regions are largely unknown. Here we report a germ cell-specific isoform of calpastatin (tCAST) that consists of a novel N-terminal peptide of 40 amino acids (domain T) followed by domains II to IV of somatic calpastatin (sCAST). Domain T is responsible for membrane association of tCAST through a protein modification by myristylation. Mutation of the myristylation site eliminates membrane targeting. Unlike most of the isoforms of calpastatin that are generated through alternative RNA splicing or post-translational proteolysis, the testis-specific isoform is transcribed from an intronic promoter in haploid germ cells of the testis. The intronic promoter directs specific expression of a reporter transgene in developing germ cells of the mouse testis.  相似文献   

Claspin is a mediator of the ATR-dependent DNA replication checkpoint in human cells and also promotes DNA replication fork progression and stability. Though Claspin has been shown to bind DNA and co-immunoprecipitate with other replication fork-associated proteins, the specific protein-protein and protein-DNA interactions that are important for Claspin function are not known. We therefore purified several domains of human Claspin and then tested for direct interactions of these fragments with several replication fork-associated proteins and with DNA. Our data show that the N terminus of Claspin binds to the replicative helicase co-factor Cdc45, the Timeless protein and a branched, replication fork-like DNA structure. In contrast, the C terminus of Claspin associates with DNA polymerase epsilon and Rad17-Replication Factor C (RFC). We conclude that multiple protein-DNA and protein-protein interactions may be important for Claspin function during DNA replication and DNA replication checkpoint signaling.  相似文献   

Claspin is a mediator of the ATR-dependent DNA replication checkpoint in human cells and also promotes DNA replication fork progression and stability. Though Claspin has been shown to bind DNA and co-immunoprecipitate with other replication fork-associated proteins, the specific protein-protein and protein-DNA interactions that are important for Claspin function are not known. We therefore purified several domains of human Claspin and then tested for direct interactions of these fragments with several replication fork-associated proteins and with DNA. Our data show that the N terminus of Claspin binds to the replicative helicase co-factor Cdc45, the Timeless protein and a branched, replication fork-like DNA structure. In contrast, the C terminus of Claspin associates with DNA polymerase epsilon and Rad17-Replication Factor C (RFC). We conclude that multiple protein-DNA and protein-protein interactions may be important for Claspin function during DNA replication and DNA replication checkpoint signaling.Key words: Claspin, DNA replication, checkpoint, DNA damage, Cdc45, DNA polymerase, Rad17  相似文献   

Prolactin (PRL)-dependent signaling occurs as the result of ligand-induced homodimerization of the PRL receptor (PRLr). To date, short, intermediate, and long human PRLr isoforms have been characterized. To investigate the expression of other possible human PRLr isoforms, RT-PCR was performed on mRNA isolated from the breast carcinoma cell line T47D. A 1.5-kb PCR fragment was isolated, subcloned, and sequenced. The PCR product exhibited a nucleotide sequence 100% homologous to the human long isoform except bp 71-373 were deleted, which code for the S1 motif of the extracellular domain. Therefore, this isoform was designated the deltaS1 PRLr. Northern analysis revealed variable deltaS1 PRLr mRNA expression in a variety of tissues. Transfection of Chinese hamster ovary cells with deltaS1 cDNA showed the isoform is expressed at the protein level on the cell surface with a molecular mass of approximately 70 kDa. Kinetic studies indicated the deltaS1 isoform bound ligand at a lower affinity than wild-type receptor. The deltaS1 PRLr was also shown to activate the proximal signaling molecule Jak2 upon addition of ligand to transfected cells, and, unlike the long PRLr, high concentrations of ligand did not function as a self-antagonist to signaling during intervals of PRL serum elevation, i.e. stress and pregnancy. Given its apparent widespread expression, this PRLr isoform may contribute to PRL action. Furthermore, the functionality of this receptor raises interesting questions regarding the minimal extracellular domain necessary for ligand-induced receptor signaling.  相似文献   

Histone deacetylases (HDACs) regulate chromatin status and gene expression, and their inhibition is of significant therapeutic interest. To date, no biological substrate for class IIa HDACs has been identified, and only low activity on acetylated lysines has been demonstrated. Here, we describe inhibitor-bound and inhibitor-free structures of the histone deacetylase-4 catalytic domain (HDAC4cd) and of an HDAC4cd active site mutant with enhanced enzymatic activity toward acetylated lysines. The structures presented, coupled with activity data, provide the molecular basis for the intrinsically low enzymatic activity of class IIa HDACs toward acetylated lysines and reveal active site features that may guide the design of class-specific inhibitors. In addition, these structures reveal a conformationally flexible structural zinc-binding domain conserved in all class IIa enzymes. Importantly, either the mutation of residues coordinating the structural zinc ion or the binding of a class IIa selective inhibitor prevented the association of HDAC4 with the N-CoR.HDAC3 repressor complex. Together, these data suggest a key role of the structural zinc-binding domain in the regulation of class IIa HDAC functions.  相似文献   

Equine infectious anemia virus (EIAV) Rev is an essential regulatory protein that facilitates expression of viral mRNAs encoding structural proteins and genomic RNA and regulates alternative splicing of the bicistronic tat/rev mRNA. EIAV Rev is characterized by a high rate of genetic variation in vivo, and changes in Rev genotype and phenotype have been shown to coincide with changes in clinical disease. To better understand how genetic variation alters Rev phenotype, we undertook deletion and mutational analyses to map functional domains and to identify specific motifs that are essential for EIAV Rev activity. All functional domains are contained within the second exon of EIAV Rev. The overall organization of domains within Rev exon 2 includes a nuclear export signal, a large central region required for RNA binding, a nonessential region, and a C-terminal region required for both nuclear localization and RNA binding. Subcellular localization of green fluorescent protein-Rev mutants indicated that basic residues within the KRRRK motif in the C-terminal region of Rev are necessary for targeting of Rev to the nucleus. Two separate regions of Rev were necessary for RNA binding: a central region encompassing residues 57 to 130 and a C-terminal region spanning residues 144 to 165. Within these regions were two distinct, short arginine-rich motifs essential for RNA binding, including an RRDRW motif in the central region and the KRRRK motif near the C terminus. These findings suggest that EIAV Rev utilizes a bipartite RNA-binding domain.  相似文献   

Purification and some properties of human erythrocyte calpastatin   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
By means of a new type of microinjection apparatus, which has a micropipette located in a hole through the optical axis of the condenser lens, we injected interferon (IFN) or 2',5'-oligoadenylate (2-5A) into mouse L cells, and observed their antiviral effects on the multiplication of vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV). After injection, cells were infected with VSV, and labeled with [3H]uridine in the presence of actinomycin D. The proportion of cells infected with VSV which carried radioactive virus-RNA was determined by autoradiography. IFN introduced directly into L cells had no effect on the virus growth. This result supports the idea that IFN molecules exert their effect from outside the cell membrane without penetrating into the cytoplasm. 2-5A, on the other hand, was able to inhibit the growth of VSV effectively when injected into L cells. The antiviral effect was dependent on the dose of 2-5A injected, and moreover the effect was transient, since it disappeared completely after 24-h incubation.  相似文献   

An optical fiber biosensor to detect calpastatin has been investigated as a preliminary step in developing tenderness detection instrumentation. Longissimus dorsi samples were taken from beef carcasses (n=21) at 0, 24, 36 and 48h postmortem. Muscle homogenates were assayed for calpastatin activity using traditional methods and an optical fiber biosensor. Warner-Bratzler shear force was also performed on a steak from each carcass at 14d postmortem. Results demonstrated that the measurements with highest correlation between traditional calpastatin assays and optical biosensor readings were taken at 48h postmortem (r=0.597, P< or =0.01), suggesting that this is the best time for use of this biosensor in an on-line grading system. This research further advances the development of a calpastatin biosensor and would be useful in laboratory determination of the presence of biologically active calpastatin concentrations.  相似文献   

Thyroid hormone metabolism is catalyzed by a small family of selenoenzymes. Type I deiodinase (D1) is the best characterized family member and is an integral membrane protein composed of two 27-kDa subunits that assemble to a functional holoenzyme after translation. To characterize the protein domain(s) responsible for this post-translational assembly event, we used deletion/truncation analysis coupled with immune depletion assays to map the dimerization domain of D1. The results of our studies show that a highly conserved sequence of 16 amino acids in the C-terminal half of the D1 subunit, -D148FL-YI-EAH-DGW163-, serves as the dimerization domain. Based on the high conservation of this domain, we synthesized a novel bait peptide-green fluorescent protein fusion probe (DDD(GFP)) to examine holoenzyme assembly of other family members. Overexpression of either the DDD(GFP) or an inert D1 subunit (M4) into SeD2 (accession number U53505)-expressing C6 cells specifically led to the loss of >90% of the catalytic activity. Catalytically inactive D2 heterodimers composed of SeD2: DDD(GFP) subunits were rescued by specific immune precipitation with anti-SeD2 IgG, suggesting that SeD2 requires two functional subunits to assemble a catalytically active holoenzyme. These findings identify and characterize the essential dimerization domain responsible for post-translational assembly of selenodeiodinases and show that family members can intermingle through this highly conserved protein domain.  相似文献   

To study structure/function relationships of tissue plasminogen activator (t-PA) activity, one of the simplest modified t-PA structures to activate plasminogen in a fibrin-dependent manner was obtained by constructing an expression vector that deleted amino acid residues 4-175 from the full-length sequence of t-PA. The expression plasmid was introduced into a Syrian hamster cell line, and stable recombinant transformants, producing high levels of the modified plasminogen activator, were isolated. The resulting molecule, mt-PA-6, comprising the second kringle and serine protease domains of t-PA, produced a doublet of plasminogen activator activity having molecular masses of 40 and 42 kDa. The one-chain mt-PA-6 produced by cultured Syrian hamster cells was purified in high yield by affinity and size exclusion chromatography. The purified mt-PA-6 displayed the same two types of microheterogeneity observed for t-PA. NH2-terminal amino acid sequencing demonstrated that one-chain mt-PA-6 existed in both a GAR and a des-GAR form. Purified mt-PA-6 also existed in two glycosylation forms that accounted for the 40- and 42-kDa doublet of activity produced by the cultured Syrian hamster cells. Separation of these two forms by hydrophobic interaction chromatography and subsequent tryptic peptide mapping demonstrated that both forms contained N-linked glycosylation at Asn448; in addition, some mt-PA-6 molecules were also glycosylated at Asn184. Plasmin treatment of one-chain mt-PA-6 converted it to a two-chain molecule by cleavage of the Arg275-Ile276 bond. This two-chain mt-PA-6, like t-PA, had increased amidolytic activity. The fibrinolytic specific activities of the one- and two-chain forms of mt-PA-6 were similar and twice that of t-PA. The plasminogen activator activity of one-chain mt-PA-6 was enhanced greater than 80-fold by CNBr fragments of fibrinogen, and the one-chain enzyme lysed human clots in vitro in a dose-dependent manner. The ability to produce and purify a structurally simple plasminogen activator with desirable fibrinolytic properties may aid in the development of a superior thrombolytic agent for the treatment of acute myocardial infarction.  相似文献   

Mammalian chitinase, a chitinolytic enzyme expressed by macrophages, has been detected in atherosclerotic plaques and is elevated in blood and tissues of guinea pigs infected with Aspergillus. Its normal physiological function is unknown. To understand how the enzyme interacts with its substrate, we have characterized the chitin-binding domain. The C-terminal 49 amino acids make up the minimal sequence required for chitin binding activity. The absence of this domain does not affect the ability of the enzyme to hydrolyze the soluble substrate, triacetylchitotriose, but abolishes hydrolysis of insoluble chitin. Within the minimal chitin-binding domain are six cysteines; mutation of any one of these to serine results in complete loss of chitin binding activity. Analysis of purified recombinant chitin-binding domain revealed the presence of three disulfide linkages. The recombinant domain binds specifically to chitin but does not bind chitosan, cellulose, xylan, beta-1, 3-glucan, beta-1,3-1,4-glucan, or mannan. Fluorescently tagged chitin-binding domain was used to demonstrate chitin-specific binding to Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Candida albicans, Mucor rouxii, and Neurospora crassa. These experiments define structural features of the minimal domain of human chitinase required for both specifically binding to and hydrolyzing insoluble chitin and demonstrate relevant binding within the context of the fungal cell wall.  相似文献   

Distribution of calpains and calpastatin in human blood cells   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The occurrence and molecular sizes of calpains and calpastatin in the lysates of human erythrocytes, platelets, lymphocytes/monocytes, and polymorphonuclear cells were studied by immunoelectrophoretic blot analysis. The basic uniformity among these cells of the 85-kDa and 83-kDa heavy subunits of low- and high-Ca2+-requiring calpains I and II, respectively, and of the 29-kDa light subunit was confirmed. Molecular diversity of calpastatin species, ranging from 70 kDa to 107 kDa, among different blood cells was also shown. The obtained data are consistent with those known for other animal tissues, thus settling hitherto uncertain or rather controversial issues on the distribution of calpains and calpastatin in human blood cells.  相似文献   

The 27-mer peptide CP1B-[1-27] derived from exon 1B of calpastatin stands out among the known inhibitors for mu- and m-calpain due to its high potency and selectivity. By systematical truncation, a 20-mer peptide, CP1B-[4-23], was identified as the core sequence required to maintain the affinity/selectivity profile of CP1B-[1-27]. Starting with this peptide, the turn-like region Glu(10)(i)-Leu(11)(i+1)-Gly(12)(i+2)-Lys(13)(i+3) was investigated. Sequence alignment of subdomains 1B, 2B, 3B and 4B from different mammalians revealed that the amino acid residues in position i+1 and i+2 are almost invariably flanked by oppositely charged residues, pointing towards a turn-like conformation stabilized by salt bridge/H-bond interaction. Accordingly, using different combinations of acidic and basic residues in position i and i+3, a series of conformationally constrained variants of CP1B-[4-23] were synthesized by macrolactamization utilizing the side chain functionalities of these residues. With the combination of Glu(i)/Dab(i+3), the maximum of conformational rigidity without substantial loss in affinity/selectivity was reached. These results clearly demonstrate that the linear peptide chain corresponding to subdomain 1B reverses its direction in the region Glu(10)-Lys(13) upon binding to mu-calpain, and thereby adopts a loop-like rather than a tight turn conformation at this site.  相似文献   

Human granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF) is a hemopoietic growth factor that is being used successfully to treat various forms of neutropenia. To define functionally important regions of G-CSF, we have prepared 37 monoclonal anti-G-CSF antibodies and mapped the regions of G-CSF recognized by different antibody groups. Antibodies recognizing similar epitopes were identified by competition assays, neutralization assays, conformation dependence and cross-reactivity with canine G-CSF. Seven of eight neutralizing antibodies fell into two related epitope groups and were conformation-dependent. The eighth was unrelated and conformation-independent. Peptides of G-CSF were generated by chemical or enzymatic digestion and tested for antibody reactivity. One of the neutralizing antibodies (LMM351) recognized a small, disulfide-bonded peptide from the V8 protease digest (residues 34-46). A synthetic peptide (residues 20-58) was recognized by all the neutralizing antibodies, implicating this disulfide-bonded loop in receptor binding. The epitopes recognized by nonneutralizing antibodies were found throughout G-CSF. Thus, regions of G-CSF that are not involved in receptor binding have also been defined. A CNBr peptide (residues 1-121) had greatly reduced biological activity, indicating that the COOH terminus is required for receptor binding. We predict that residues 20-46 and the COOH terminus bind to the G-CSF receptor.  相似文献   

Anti-peptide antibodies that bind to the amino terminus of human erythropoietin (residues 1-26) do not inhibit the hormone's biological activity, indicating that this region of the protein does not play a role in receptor recognition (Sytkowski, A. J., and Fisher, J. W. (1985) J. Biol Chem. 260, 14727-14731). We have now identified six other regions of the primary sequence that are relatively hydrophilic and, therefore, have a higher probability of being accessible to such antibody probes. Antibodies raised against synthetic peptides homologous to five of these regions, corresponding to residues 40-59, 80-99, 99-118, 111-129, and 131-150 recognize erythropoietin, confirming the prediction based upon relative hydrophilicity. Antibodies to a carboxyl terminal peptide 147-166 failed to bind the hormone, presumably due to steric hindrance imposed by a disulfide bond between Cys161 and one of the other cysteinyl residues. The antibodies were affinity purified on the relevant immobilized peptide and their capacity to inhibit (neutralize) erythropoietin's activity was assessed. Only anti-peptide 99-118 and anti-peptide 111-129 antibodies inhibited erythropoietin. This effect was reversed by excess peptide, demonstrating that the neutralizing action of the antibody was due to its antigen-specific binding. The results strongly suggest that the portion of erythropoietin's amino acid sequence represented by these peptides plays a functional role in the hormone's action, most probably by forming part of the receptor-binding domain.  相似文献   

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