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Mapping of QTLs conferring resistance to bacterial leaf streak in rice   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
A large F2 and a RI population were separately derived from a cross between two indica rice varieties, one of which was highly resistant to bacterial leaf streak (BLS) and the other highly susceptible. Following artificial inoculation of the RI population and over 2 years of testing, 11 QTLs were mapped by composite interval mapping (CIM) on six chromosomes. Six of the QTLs were detected in both seasons. Eight of the QTLs were significant following stepwise regression analysis, and of these, 5 with the largest effects were significant in both seasons. The detected QTLs explained 84.6% of the genetic variation in 1997. Bulked segregant analysis (BSA) of the extremes of the F2 population identified 3 QTLs of large effect. The 3 QTLs were dentical to 3 of the 5 largest QTLs detected by CIM. The independent detection of the same QTLs using two methods of analysis in separate mapping populations verifies the existence of the QTLs for BLS and provides markers to ease their introduction into elite varieties. Received: 13 October 1999 / Accepted: 29 October 1999  相似文献   

1996~1999年,在不同纬度、不同海拔和不同稻作生态类型的重病区设立5个持久抗性稻瘟病鉴定圃.试验材料为云南的74份地方稻种资源,其中粳稻56份,籼稻18份(含野生稻3份).通过多个抗性组分进行了系统研究,初步表明大白谷(粳、墨江县)、毫弄早(籼、勐海县)、毫玉浪(籼、勐海县)、疣粒野生稻(野、西双版纳自治州)等具有持久抗瘟性能;其中疣粒野生稻高抗细菌性条斑病,对白叶枯病抗性为0级,接近免疫,中抗稻瘟病.通过对品种多抗性组分分析和品种抗性系统聚类分析,提出在不同生态类型时、空动态的病叶片上的产孢量和病斑表型可作为简易、快速鉴定持久抗瘟性指标.  相似文献   

Barley is compatible with the rice blast pathogen (Pyricularia oryzae Cav.). Fiftyfour barley cultivars of diverse geographic origin and pedigree were inoculated with three isolates of the rice blast pathogen. All barley genotypes showed blast disease symptoms when inoculated at the seedling stage with each of the three isolates. However, one genotype showed quantitative resistance to all three isolates and three genotypes showed quantitative resistance to one or two of the isolates. By inoculating a set of doubled-haploid lines derived from the cross ’Harrington’ (susceptible) and ’TR306’ (resistant) with isolate Ken 54–20, we mapped quantitative trait loci (QTLs) determining seedling stage blast resistance. At all QTLs, TR306 contributed the resistance alleles. The four QTLs, when considered jointly, explained 43.6% of the phenotypic variation in blast symptom expression. A comparison of the blast resistance QTLs with other disease resistance QTLs reported in this population revealed a region on chromosome 4 (4H) with multiple disease resistance loci. It will be useful to capitalize on the syntenic relationship of rice and barley and to integrate information on species-specific resistance genes with information on the reaction of the two species to the same pathogen. Received: 7 January 2000 / Accepted: 22 September 2000  相似文献   

The use of molecular markers in the mapping of traits of agronomic importance holds great promise for speeding the development of improved plant varieties and increasing our understanding of the physiological or molecular mechanisms behind biological phenomena. The technique is now being applied to drought resistance in rice (Oryza sativa L.). Drought is important because a considerable proportion of the world rice area is not irrigated and can be prone to water deficit. A large number of people, particular some of the poorest rice farmers, stand to gain if new varieties which combine high yield and drought resistance can be developed. Rice should be particularly useful for the molecular genetic analysis of drought resistance because of its growing role as a model monocot species and the diversity of drought resistance mechanisms which are found in the germplasm. We briefly review the traits which might be considered important in improving drought resistance in rice, before explaining the molecular mapping approach. We review progress at locating quantitative trait loci (QTLs) for individual mechanisms of drought resistance in controlled environment conditions. This includes a detailed comparison of reported QTLs related to root morphological characters. The search for QTLs associated with field performance under drought stress is analysed and the problems associated with understanding the genetic control of a complex physical and physiological phenomenon under conditions of substantial environmental variation are highlighted. We emphasise that the use of near isogenic lines in overcoming some of the problems offers considerable promise for the future.(seconded from CIRAD-CA, France)  相似文献   

Aphis gossypii and Bemisia tabaci are severe hemipteran pests of melon crops and breeding for resistance to both insects is required to reduce pesticide use. Resistance was evaluated for its effect on behaviour and biotic potential of both hemipterans in a population of recombinant inbred lines (RILs) derived from the cross Védrantais × PI 161375. Insect variability was considered using two A. gossypii clones and two B. tabaci populations. Two additive QTLs affected the whiteflies. Four additive QTLs and two couples of epistatic QTLs affected the aphids. Amongst them, a major QTL affects both behaviour and biotic potential of A. gossypii and therefore a same R gene induces both antixenosis and antibiosis. This major QTL colocalizes with the Vat gene belonging to the NBS-LRR gene family. No loci affected both aphids and whiteflies contrary to what was observed for the Mi1.2 gene, a NBS-LRR gene in tomato. Original populations with different allelic compositions at QTLs affecting A. gossypii were built by one inter-crossing of RILs used for the mapping process. The genetic background was shown homogeneous between these populations what allowed validating QTLs and investigating the effect of allelic combinations at QTLs. Effects of QTLs were stronger than expected and some QTLs had a wider spectrum than expected. This strategy of validation appeared rapid and low cost.  相似文献   

Field resistance is defined as the resistance that allows effective control of a parasite under natural field conditions and is durable when exposed to new races of that parasite. To identify the genes for field resistance to rice blast, quantitative trait loci (QTLs) conferring field resistance to rice blast in Japanese upland rice were detected and mapped using RFLP and SSR markers. QTL analysis was carried out in F4 progeny lines from the cross between Nipponbare (moderately susceptible, lowland) and Owarihatamochi (resistant, upland). Two QTLs were detected on chromosome 4 and one QTL was detected on each of chromosomes 9 and 12. The phenotypic variation explained by each QTL ranged from 7.9 to 45.7% and the four QTLs explained 66.3% of the total phenotypic variation. Backcrossed progeny lines were developed to transfer the QTL with largest effect using the susceptible cultivar Aichiasahi as a recurrent parent. Among 82 F3 lines derived from the backcross, resistance segregated in the expected ratio of resistant 1 : heterozygous 2 : susceptible 1. The average score for blast resistance measured in the field was 4.2 ± 0.67, 7.5 ± 0.51and 8.2 ± 0.66, for resistant, heterozygous and susceptible groups, respectively. The resistance gene, designated pi21, was mapped on chromosome 4 as a single recessive gene between RFLP marker loci G271 and G317 at a distance of 5.0 cM and 8.5 cM, respectively. The relationship to previously reported major genes and QTLs conferring resistance to blasts, and the significance of marker-assisted selection to improve field resistance, are discussed. Received: 8 June 2000 / Accepted: 24 November 2000  相似文献   

Rice blast caused by Magnaporthe oryzae is the most destructive disease of rice worldwide. Development of resistant varieties is considered as the most cost‐effective and sustainable way to manage rice blast. However, there remains a lack of knowledge about the resistance of rice varieties to blast disease in Australia. This study was conducted to determine if there was any resistance existing among the rice varieties grown in Australia to M. oryzae isolates from this country that belong to different races. There was a resistant reaction of the variety SHZ‐2 to all the five races of IA‐1, IA‐3, IA‐63, IB‐3 and IB‐59, with a percent disease index (%DI) less than 40. Varieties NTR587, BR‐IRGA‐409, Ceysvoni and Rikuto Norin 20 showed a resistant reaction to races IA‐3, IA‐63, IB‐3 and IB‐59; and the variety Kyeema exhibited a resistant reaction to races IA‐3, IB‐3 and IB‐59. For the races IA‐1 and IB‐59 with more than one isolate, varieties with differential disease reactions across different isolates belonging to the same race were also revealed: five varieties, Langi, Opus, Sherpa, Viet 1 and Topaz, exhibited differential disease reactions to the three IA‐1 isolates; 10 varieties showed differential disease reactions to the four IB‐59 isolates; in addition, the varieties that had differential disease reactions to the IA‐1 isolates also exhibited differential disease reactions to the IB‐59 isolates of race. This study provides valuable resistance sources for breeding programmes to develop rice varieties with resistance to multiple races of M. oryzae in Australia.  相似文献   

Malaysian rice, Pongsu Seribu 2, has wide-spectrum resistance against blast disease. Chromosomal locations conferring quantitative resistance were detected by linkage mapping with SSRs and quantitative trait locus (QTL) analysis. For the mapping population, 188 F3 families were derived from a cross between the susceptible cultivar, Mahsuri, and a resistant variety, Pongsu Seribu 2. Partial resistance to leaf blast in the mapping population was assessed. A linkage map covering ten chromosomes and consisting of 63 SSR markers was constructed. 13 QTLs, including 6 putative and 7 putative QTLs, were detected on chromosomes 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 10, 11 and 12. The resulting phenotypic variation due to a single QTL ranged from 2 to 13 %. These QTLs accounted for approx. 80 % of the total phenotypic variation within the F3 population. Therefore, partial resistance to blast in Pongsu Seribu 2 is due to combined effects of multiple loci with major and minor effects.  相似文献   

Li X  Yan W  Agrama H  Jia L  Shen X  Jackson A  Moldenhauer K  Yeater K  McClung A  Wu D 《Planta》2011,234(2):347-361
Yield is the most important and complex trait for genetic improvement in crops, and marker-assisted selection enhances the improvement efficiency. The USDA rice mini-core collection derived from over 18,000 accessions of global origins is an ideal panel for association mapping. We phenotyped 203 O. sativa accessions for 14 agronomic traits and identified 5 that were highly and significantly correlated with grain yield per plant: plant height, plant weight, tillers, panicle length, and kernels/branch. Genotyping with 155 genome-wide molecular markers demonstrated 5 main cluster groups. Linkage disequilibrium (LD) decayed at least 20 cM and marker pairs with significant LD ranged from 4.64 to 6.06% in four main groups. Model comparisons revealed that different dimensions of principal component analysis affected yield and its correlated traits for mapping accuracy, and kinship did not improve the mapping in this collection. Thirty marker–trait associations were highly significant, 4 for yield, 3 for plant height, 6 for plant weight, 9 for tillers, 5 for panicle length and 3 for kernels/branch. Twenty-one markers contributed to the 30 associations, because 8 markers were co-associated with 2 or more traits. Allelic analysis of OSR13, RM471 and RM7003 for their co-associations with yield traits demonstrated that allele 126 bp of RM471 and 108 bp of RM7003 should receive greater attention, because they had the greatest positive effect on yield traits. Tagging the QTLs responsible for multiple yield traits may simultaneously help dissect the complex yield traits and elevate the efficiency to improve grain yield using marker-assisted selection in rice.  相似文献   

Thanatin is an antimicrobial peptide with a strong and wide-ranging antimicrobial spectrum, including certain species of fungi and Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacteria. To evaluate the application of thanatin to the generation of disease-resistant plants, we introduced a synthetic thanatin gene into rice. Several transformants that expressed the introduced gene showed significant level of antimicrobial activity. The substances showing antimicrobial activity were partially purified from these transformants and their properties were determined. The molecule with characteristics similar to those of native thanatin on the elution pattern in HPLC analysis had an identical molecular mass to that of native molecule. It should also be noted that the transformant acquired a sufficient level of resistance to the rice blast fungus, Magnaporthe oryzae, presumably due to the repressive activity of thanatin to its initial stage of infection. This result demonstrates that thanatin has antifungal activity for M. oryzae and that the introduction of the thanatin gene into rice is effective in generating a plant resistant to rice blast disease.  相似文献   

By combining the amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) technique with selective genotyping, we constructed a linkage map for rice and assigned each linkage group to a corresponding chromosome. The AFLP map, consisting of 202 AFLP markers, was generated from 74 recombinant inbred lines (RIL) which were selected from both extremes of the population (250 lines) with respect to the response to complete submergence. Map length was 1756 cM, with an average interval size of 8.5 cM. To assign linkage groups to chromosomes, we used 50 previously mapped AFLP markers as anchor markers distributed over the 12 chromosomes. Other AFLP markers were then assigned to specific chromosomes based on their linkage to anchor markers. This AFLP map is equivalent to the RFLP/AFLP map constructed previously as the anchors were in the same order in both maps. Furthermore, tests with two restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) markers and two sequence-tagged site (STS) markers showed that they mapped in the expected positions. Using this AFLP map, a major gene for submergence tolerance was localized on chromosome 9. Quantitative trait loci (QTL) associated with submergence tolerance were detected on chromosomes 6, 7, 11, and 12. We conclude that the combination of AFLP mapping and selective genotyping provides a much faster and easier approach to QTL identification than the use of RFLP markers. Received: 20 December 1996 / Accepted: 21 January 1997  相似文献   

In the rainfed lowlands, rice ( Oryza sativa L.) develops roots under anaerobic soil conditions with ponded water, prior to exposure to water stress and aerobic soil conditions that arise later in the season. Constitutive root system development in anaerobic soil conditions has been reported to have a positive effect on subsequent expression of adaptive root traits and water extraction during progressive water stress in aerobic soil conditions. We examined quantitative trait loci (QTLs) for constitutive root morphology traits using a mapping population derived from a cross between two rice lines which were well-adapted to rainfed lowland conditions. The effects of phenotyping environment and genetic background on QTLs identification were examined by comparing the experimental data with published results from four other populations. One hundred and eighty-four recombinant inbred lines (RILs) from a lowland indica cross (IR58821/IR52561) were grown under anaerobic conditions in two experiments. Seven traits, categorized into three groups (shoot biomass, deep root morphology, root thickness) were measured during the tillering stage. Though parental lines showed consistent differences in shoot biomass and root morphology traits across the two seasons, genotype-by-environment interaction (GxE) and QTL-by-environment interaction were significant among the progeny. Two, twelve, and eight QTLs for shoot biomass, deep root morphology, and root thickness, respectively, were identified, with LOD scores ranging from 2.0 to 12.8. Phenotypic variation explained by a single QTL ranged from 6% to 30%. Only two QTLs for deep root morphology, in RG256-RG151 in chromosome 2 and in PC75M3-PC11M4 in chromosome 4, were identified in both experiments. Comparison of positions of QTLs across five mapping populations (the current population plus populations from four other studies) revealed that these two QTLs for deep root morphology were only identified in populations that were phenotyped under anaerobic conditions. Fourteen and nine chromosome regions overlapped across different populations as putative QTLs for deep root morphology and root thickness, respectively. PC41M2-PC173M5 in chromosome 2 was identified as an interval that had QTLs for deep root morphology in four mapping populations. The PC75M3-PC11M4 interval in chromosome 4 was identified as a QTL for root thickness in three mapping populations with phenotypic variation explained by a single QTL consistently as large as 20-30%. Three QTLs for deep root morphology were found only in japonica/indica populations but not in IR58821/IR52561. The results identifying chromosome regions that had putative QTLs for deep root morphology and root thickness over different mapping populations indicate potential for marker-assisted selection for these traits.  相似文献   

Tagging genes for blast resistance in rice via linkage to RFLP markers   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24  
Summary Both Pi-2(t) and Pi-4(t) genes of rice confer complete resistance to the blast fungal pathogen Pyricularia oryzae Cav. As economically important plant genes, they have been recently characterized phenotypically, yet nothing is known about their classical linkage associations and gene products. We report here the isolation of DNA markers closely linked to these blast resistance genes in rice. The DNA markers were identified by testing 142 mapped rice genomic clones as hybridization probes against Southern blots, consisting of DNA from pairs of nearly isogenic lines (NILs) with or without the target genes. Chromosomal segments introgressed from donor genomes were distinguished by restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs) between the NILs. Linkage associations of the clones with Pi-2(t) and Pi4(t) were verified using F3 segregating populations of known blast reaction. Cosegregation of the resistant genotype and donor-derived allele indicated the presence of linkage between the DNA marker and a blast resistance gene. RFLP analysis showed that Pi-2(t) is closely linked to a single-copy DNA clone RG64 on chromosome 6, with a distance of 2.8+1.4(SE) cMorgans. Another blast resistance gene, Pi-4(t), is 15.3+4.2(SE) cMorgans away from a DNA clone RG869 on chromosome 12. These chromosomal regions can now be examined with additional markers to define the precise locations of Pi-2(t) and Pi-4(t). Tightly linked DNA markers may facilitate early selection for blast resistance genes in breeding programs. These markers may also be useful to map new genes for resistance to blast isolates. They may ultimately lead to the cloning of those genes via chromosome walking. The gene tagging approach demonstrated in this paper may apply to other genes of interest for both monogenic and polygenic traits.  相似文献   

Twenty-seven near-isogenic lines (NILs) with the genetic background of a blast-susceptible variety, CO 39, were developed by repeated backcrossing as a first set of a large number of differential varieties (DVs) with Indica-type genetic background. The NILs included 14 resistance genes—Pish, Pib, Piz-5, Piz-t, Pi5(t), Pik-s, Pik, Pik-h, Pik-m, Pik-p, Pi1, Pi7(t), Pita, and Pita-2—derived from 26 donor varieties. The reaction patterns of NILs against 20 standard isolates from the Philippines were similar to those of blast monogenic lines with the same resistance gene, except for those against two isolates that are avirulent to Pia in the genetic background of CO 39. A genome-wide DNA marker survey revealed that chromosome segments were introgressed in the regions where each resistance gene was previously mapped and most of the other chromosome regions in each NIL were CO 39 type. Segregation analysis of resistance and co-segregation analysis between resistance and DNA markers using F3 populations derived from the crosses between each NIL and the recurrent parent, CO 39, revealed a single-gene control of resistance and association between resistance and target introgressed segments. The morphological characters of each NIL were almost the same as those of the recurrent parent except for some lines, suggesting that these NILs can be used even under tropical conditions where Japonica-type DVs are not suitable for cropping. Thus, these NILs are useful not only as genetic tools for blast resistance study but also as sources of genes for breeding of Indica-type rice varieties.  相似文献   

The rice cultivar Chubu 32 possesses a high level of partial resistance to leaf blast. The number and chromosomal location of genes conferring this resistance were detected by restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) linkage mapping and quantitative trait locus (QTL) analysis. For the mapping, 149 F3 lines derived from the cross between rice cultivar Norin 29, with a low level of partial resistance, and Chubu 32 were used, and their partial resistance to leaf blast was assessed in upland nurseries. A linkage map covering six chromosomes and consisting of 36 RFLP markers was constructed. In the map, only one significant QTL (LOD>2.0) for partial resistance was detected on chromosome 11. This QTL explained 45.6% of the phenotypic variation. The segregation ratio of the F3 lines was 3:1 for partial resistance to susceptibility. These results suggest that the partial resistance in Chubu 32 is controlled by a major gene. Received: 15 March 2001 / Accepted: 13 August 2001  相似文献   

 Phosphorus (P) deficiency of soils is a major yield-limiting factor in rice production. Increasing the P-deficiency tolerance of rice cultivars may represent a more cost-effective solution than relying on fertilizer application. The objective of this study was to identify putative QTLs for P-deficiency tolerance in rice, using 98 backcross inbred lines derived from a japonica×indica cross and genotyped at 245 RFLP marker loci. Lines were grown on P-deficient soil and P uptake, internal P-use efficiency, dry weight, and tiller number were determined. Three QTLs were identified for dry weight and four QTLs for P uptake, together explaining 45.4% and 54.5% of the variation for the respective traits. Peaks for both traits were in good agreement which was to be expected considering the tight correlation of r=0.96 between dry weight and P uptake. For both traits the QTL linked to marker C443 on chromosome 12 had a major effect. Two of the three QTLs detected for internal P-use efficiency, including the major one on chromosome 12, coincided with QTLs for P uptake; however, whereas indica alleles increased P uptake they reduced P-use efficiency. We concluded that this was not due to the tight linkage of two genes in repulsion but rather due to an indirect effect of P uptake on P-use efficiency. Most lines with high use efficiency were characterized by very low P uptake and dry weight and apparently experienced extreme P-deficiency stress. Their higher P-use efficiency was thus the result of highly sub-optimal tissue-P concentrations and did not represent a positive adaptation to low P availability. The number of tillers produced under P deficiency is viewed as an indirect indicator of P-deficiency tolerance in rice. In addition to the major QTL on chromosome 12 already identified for all other traits, two QTLs on chromosome 4 and 12 were identified for tiller number. Their position, however, coincided with QTLs for tiller number reported elsewhere under P-sufficient conditions and therefore appear to be not related to P-deficiency tolerance. In this study P-deficiency tolerance was mainly caused by differences in P uptake and not in P-use efficiency. Using a trait indirectly related to P-deficiency tolerance such as tiller number, we detected a major QTL but none of the minor QTLs detected for P uptake or dry weight. Received: 9 February 1998 / Accepted: 29 April 1998  相似文献   

Mapping QTLs for phosphorus deficiency tolerance in rice (Oryza sativa L.)   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
 The amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) technique combined with selective genotyping was used to map quantitative trait loci (QTLs) associated with tolerance for phosphorus (P) deficiency in rice. P deficiency tolerant cultivar IR20 was crossed to IR55178-3B-9-3 (sensitive to P-deficiency) and 285 recombinant inbred lines (RILs) were produced by single-seed descent. The RILs were phenotyped for the trait by growing them in P-sufficient (10.0 mg/l) and P-deficient (0.5 mg/l) nutrient solution and determining their relative tillering ability at 28 days after seeding, and relative shoot dry weight and relative root dry weight at 42 days after seeding. Forty two of each of the extreme RILs (sensitive and tolerant) and the parents were subjected to AFLP analysis. A map consisting of 217 AFLP markers was constructed. Its length was 1371.8 cM with an average interval size of 7.62 cM. To assign linkage groups to chromosomes, 30 AFLP and 26 RFLP markers distributed over the 12 chromosomes were employed as anchor markers. Based on the constructed map, a major QTL for P-deficiency tolerance, designated PHO, was located on chromosome 12 and confirmed by RFLP markers RG9 and RG241 on the same chromosome. Several minor QTLs were mapped on chromosomes 1, 6, and 9. Received: 21 April 1998 / Accepted: 9 June 1998  相似文献   

The basic prerequisite for an efficient breeding program to improve levels of resistance to pathogens in plants is the identification of genes controlling the resistance character. If the response to pathogens is under the control of a multilocus system, the utilization of molecular markers becomes essential. Stalk and ear rot caused by Gibberella zeae is a widespread disease of corn: resistance to G. zeae is quantitatively inherited. Our experimental approach to understanding the genetic basis of resistance to Gibberella is to estimate the genetic linkage between available molecular markers and the character, measured as the amount of diseased tissue 40 days after inoculation of a suspension of Fusarium graminearum, the conidial form of G. zeae, into the first stalk internode. Sensitive and resistant parental inbreds were crossed to obtain F1 and F2 populations: the analysis of the segregation of 95 RFLP (restriction fragment length polymorphism) clones and 10 RAPD (random amplified polymorphic DNA) markers was performed on a population of 150 F2 individuals. Analysis of resistance was performed on the F3 families obtained by selfing the F2 plants. Quantitative trait loci (QTL) detection was based either on analysis of regression coefficients between family mean value and allele values in the F2 population, or by means of interval mapping, using MAPMAKER-QTL. A linkage map of maize was obtained, in which four to five genomic regions are shown to carry factors involved in the resistance to G. zeae.  相似文献   

A major QTL for grain dormancy, QPhs.ocs-3A.1, derived from the highly dormant wheat Zenkoujikomugi (Zen), has been identified in a study made under a controlled environment. Further investigations were needed to dissect the precise position and expression of QPhs.ocs-3A.1 under different field conditions because the ability to detect genetic loci for grain dormancy traits is compromised by environmental effects and genotype/environment interactions. Group 4 chromosomes have also been shown to be possible sites of QTLs for grain dormancy. The objectives of this study were (1) to locate additional molecular markers in the QPhs.ocs-3A.1 region, (2) to identify QTLs on the group 4 chromosomes and (3) to elucidate their combined effects. We examined the recombinant inbred lines (RILs) from a cross between Chinese Spring (CS) and Zen over a 3-year period in one location and 1 year in a different location. In an interval mapping study QPhs.ocs-3A.1 was mapped to within the 4.6 cM region flanked by Xbarc310 and Xbcd907 at the proximal end of the short arm of chromosome 3A. QPhs.ocs-3A.1 was confirmed to be the predominant dormancy QTL since it explained a large portion (11.6–44.8%) of the phenotypic variation, and was strongly displayed under dormancy-breaking conditions or at low germination temperatures. For QPhs.ocs-4A.1, identified on the long arm of chromosome 4A, and QPhs.ocs-4B.1, on the centromeric region of the long arm of Chr 4B, the LOD peak positions and the desirable allele were consistent between the trials, while the LOD scores and contribution to the phenotypic variation varied. Transgressive segregants were observed among the 125 RILs and most of them had a combination of the three alleles conferring a higher dormancy: the Zen alleles at QPhs.ocs-3A.1 and QPhs.ocs-4A.1 and the CS allele at QPhs.ocs-4B1. This demonstrated a combined effect of the desirable alleles on accelerating grain dormancy, with their total effect being superior to that of Zen.  相似文献   

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