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《FEBS letters》2014,588(9):1542-1548
Cellular nucleic acid binding protein (CNBP) contains seven zinc finger (ZF) repeats and an arginine and glycine (RG) rich sequence between the first and the second ZF. CNBP interacts with protein arginine methyltransferase PRMT1. Full-length but not RG-deleted or mutated CNBP can be methylated. Treatment with a methylation inhibitor AdOx reduced CNBP methylation, but did not affect the concentrated nuclear localization of CNBP. Nevertheless, arginine methylation of CNBP appeared to interfere with its RNA binding activity. Our findings show that arginine methylation of CNBP in the RG motif did not change the subcellular localization, but regulated its RNA binding activity.Structured summary of protein interactionsPRMT1 binds to CNBP by pull down (View interaction)PRMT1 methylates CNBP by enzymatic study (View interaction)CNBP physically interacts with PRMT1 by anti tag coimmunoprecipitation (View interaction)  相似文献   

Viral proteins are known to be methylated by host protein arginine methyltransferases (PRMTs) necessary for the viral life cycle, but it remains unknown whether severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) proteins are methylated. Herein, we show that PRMT1 methylates SARS-CoV-2 nucleocapsid (N) protein at residues R95 and R177 within RGG/RG motifs, preferred PRMT target sequences. We confirmed arginine methylation of N protein by immunoblotting viral proteins extracted from SARS-CoV-2 virions isolated from cell culture. Type I PRMT inhibitor (MS023) or substitution of R95 or R177 with lysine inhibited interaction of N protein with the 5’-UTR of SARS-CoV-2 genomic RNA, a property required for viral packaging. We also defined the N protein interactome in HEK293 cells, which identified PRMT1 and many of its RGG/RG substrates, including the known interacting protein G3BP1 as well as other components of stress granules (SGs), which are part of the host antiviral response. Methylation of R95 regulated the ability of N protein to suppress the formation of SGs, as R95K substitution or MS023 treatment blocked N-mediated suppression of SGs. Also, the coexpression of methylarginine reader Tudor domain-containing protein 3 quenched N protein–mediated suppression of SGs in a dose-dependent manner. Finally, pretreatment of VeroE6 cells with MS023 significantly reduced SARS-CoV-2 replication. Because type I PRMT inhibitors are already undergoing clinical trials for cancer treatment, inhibiting arginine methylation to target the later stages of the viral life cycle such as viral genome packaging and assembly of virions may represent an additional therapeutic application of these drugs.  相似文献   

Sik (mouse Src-related intestinal kinase) and its orthologue BRK (human breast tumor kinase) are intracellular tyrosine kinases that are distantly related to the Src family and have a similar structure, but they lack the myristoylation signal. Here we demonstrate that Sik and BRK associate with the RNA binding protein Sam68 (Src associated during mitosis, 68 kDa). We found that Sik interacts with Sam68 through its SH3 and SH2 domains and that the proline-rich P3 region of Sam68 is required for Sik and BRK SH3 binding. In the transformed HT29 adenocarcinoma cell cell line, endogenous BRK and Sam68 colocalize in Sam68-SLM nuclear bodies (SNBs), while transfected Sik and Sam68 are localized diffusely in the nucleoplasm of nontransformed NMuMG mammary epithelial cells. Transfected Sik phosphorylates Sam68 in SNBs in HT29 cells and in the nucleoplasm of NMuMG cells. In functional studies, expression of Sik abolished the ability of Sam68 to bind RNA and act as a cellular Rev homologue. While Sam68 is a substrate for Src family kinases during mitosis, Sik/BRK is the first identified tyrosine kinase that can phosphorylate Sam68 and regulate its activity within the nucleus, where it resides during most of the cell cycle.  相似文献   

We describe a new RNA binding protein from Xenopus we have named ePABP2 (embryonic poly(A) binding protein type II). Based on amino acid similarity, ePABP2 is closely related to the ubiquitously expressed nuclear PABP2 protein that directs the elongation of mRNA poly(A) tails during pre-mRNA processing. However, in contrast to known PABP2 proteins, Xenopus ePABP2 is a cytoplasmic protein that is predominantly expressed during the early stages of Xenopus development and in adult ovarian tissue. Biochemical experiments indicate ePABP2 binds poly(A) with specificity and that this binding requires the RRM domain. Mouse and human ePABP2 proteins were also identified and mouse ePABP2 expression is also confined to the earliest stages of mouse development and adult ovarian tissue. We propose that Xenopus ePABP2 is the founding member of a new class of poly(A) binding proteins expressed in vertebrate embryos. Possible roles for this protein in regulating mRNA function in early vertebrate development are discussed.  相似文献   

Human protein arginine methyltransferase (PRMT) 9 symmetrically dimethylates arginine residues on splicing factor SF3B2 (SAP145) and has been functionally linked to the regulation of alternative splicing of pre-mRNA. Site-directed mutagenesis studies on this enzyme and its substrate had revealed essential unique residues in the double E loop and the importance of the C-terminal duplicated methyltransferase domain. In contrast to what had been observed with other PRMTs and their physiological substrates, a peptide containing the methylatable Arg-508 of SF3B2 was not recognized by PRMT9 in vitro. Although amino acid substitutions of residues surrounding Arg-508 had no great effect on PRMT9 recognition of SF3B2, moving the arginine residue within this sequence abolished methylation. PRMT9 and PRMT5 are the only known mammalian enzymes capable of forming symmetric dimethylarginine (SDMA) residues as type II PRMTs. We demonstrate here that the specificity of these enzymes for their substrates is distinct and not redundant. The loss of PRMT5 activity in mouse embryo fibroblasts results in almost complete loss of SDMA, suggesting that PRMT5 is the primary SDMA-forming enzyme in these cells. PRMT9, with its duplicated methyltransferase domain and conserved sequence in the double E loop, appears to have a unique structure and specificity among PRMTs for methylating SF3B2 and potentially other polypeptides.  相似文献   

The exosome is a complex of eleven subunits in yeast, involved in RNA processing and degradation. Despite the extensive in vivo functional studies of the exosome, little information is yet available on the structure of the complex and on the RNase and RNA binding activities of the individual subunits. The current model for the exosome structure predicts the formation of a heterohexameric RNase PH ring, bound on one side by RNA binding subunits, and on the opposite side by hydrolytic RNase subunits. Here, we report protein-protein interactions within the exosome, confirming the predictions of constituents of the RNase PH ring, and show some possible interaction interfaces between the other subunits. We also show evidence that Rrp40p can bind RNA in vitro, as predicted by sequence analysis.  相似文献   

The signal recognition particle (SRP) plays an important role in the delivery of secretory proteins to cellular membranes. Mammalian SRP is composed of six polypeptides among which SRP68 and SRP72 form a heterodimer that has been notoriously difficult to investigate. Human SRP68 was purified from overexpressing Escherichia coli cells and was found to bind to recombinant SRP72 as well as in vitro-transcribed human SRP RNA. Polypeptide fragments covering essentially the entire SRP68 molecule were generated recombinantly or by proteolytic digestion. The RNA binding domain of SRP68 included residues from positions 52 to 252. Ninety-four amino acids near the C terminus of SRP68 mediated the binding to SRP72. The SRP68-SRP72 interaction remained stable at elevated salt concentrations and engaged approximately 150 amino acids from the N-terminal region of SRP72. This portion of SRP72 was located within a predicted tandem array of four tetratricopeptide (TPR)-like motifs suggested to form a superhelical structure with a groove to accommodate the C-terminal region of SRP68.  相似文献   

Summary Heterogeneous nuclear RNP protein A1, one of the major proteins in hnRNP particle (precursor for mRNA), is known to be post-translationally arginine-methylatedin vivo on residues 193, 205, 217 and 224 within the RGG box, the motif postulated to be an RNA binding domain. Possible effect of NG-arginine methyl-modification in the interaction of protein A1 to nucleic acid was investigated. The recombinant hnRNP protein A1 wasin vitro methylated by the purified nuclear protein/histone-specific protein methylase I (S-adenosylmethionine:protein-arginine N-methyltransferase) stoichiometrically and the relative binding affinity of the methylated and the unmethylated protein A1 to nucleic acid was compared: Differences in their binding properties to ssDNA-cellulose, pI values and trypsin sensitivities in the presence and absence of MS2-RNA all indicate that the binding property of hnRNP protein A1 to single-stranded nucleic acid has been significantly reduced subsequent to the methylation. These results suggest that posttranslational methyl group insertion to the arginine residue reduces protein-RNA interaction, perhaps due to interference of H-bonding between guanidino nitrogen arginine and phosphate RNA.Abbreviations hnRNP heterogeneous ribonucleoprotein particle - AdoMet S-adenosyl-L-methionine - AdoHcy S-adenosyl-L-homocysteine - MBP myelin basic protein - HMG high mobility group - ss single stranded  相似文献   

The nuclear poly(A) binding protein, PABPN1, promotes mRNA polyadenylation in the cell nucleus by increasing the processivity of poly(A) polymerase and contributing to poly(A) tail length control. In its C-terminal domain, the protein carries 13 arginine residues that are all asymmetrically dimethylated. The function of this modification in PABPN1 has been unknown. Part of the methylated domain serves as nuclear localization signal, binding the import receptor transportin. Here we report that arginine methylation weakens the affinity of PABPN1 for transportin. Recombinant, unmethylated PABPN1 binds more strongly to transportin than its methylated counterpart from mammalian tissue, and in vitro methylation reduces the affinity. Transportin and RNA compete for binding to PABPN1. Methylation favors RNA binding. Transportin also inhibits in vitro methylation of the protein. Finally, a peptide corresponding to the nuclear localization signal of PABPN1 competes with transportin-dependent nuclear import of the protein in a permeabilized cell assay and does so less efficiently when it is methylated. We hypothesize that transportin binding might delay methylation of PABPN1 until after nuclear import. In the nucleus, arginine methylation may favor the transition of PABPN1 to the competing ligand RNA and serve to reduce the risk of the protein being reexported to the cytoplasm by transportin.  相似文献   

The secondary structures of hepatitis C virus (HCV) RNA and the cellular proteins that bind to them are important for modulating both translation and RNA replication. However, the sets of RNA-binding proteins involved in the regulation of HCV translation, replication and encapsidation remain unknown. Here, we identified RNA binding motif protein 24 (RBM24) as a host factor participated in HCV translation and replication. Knockdown of RBM24 reduced HCV propagation in Huh7.5.1 cells. An enhanced translation and delayed RNA synthesis during the early phase of infection was observed in RBM24 silencing cells. However, both overexpression of RBM24 and recombinant human RBM24 protein suppressed HCV IRES-mediated translation. Further analysis revealed that the assembly of the 80S ribosome on the HCV IRES was interrupted by RBM24 protein through binding to the 5′-UTR. RBM24 could also interact with HCV Core and enhance the interaction of Core and 5′-UTR, which suppresses the expression of HCV. Moreover, RBM24 enhanced the interaction between the 5′- and 3′-UTRs in the HCV genome, which probably explained its requirement in HCV genome replication. Therefore, RBM24 is a novel host factor involved in HCV replication and may function at the switch from translation to replication.  相似文献   

A majority of Trypanosoma brucei proteins have unknown functions, a consequence of its independent evolutionary history within the order Kinetoplastida that allowed for the emergence of several unique biological properties. Among these is RNA editing, needed for expression of mitochondrial-encoded genes. The recently discovered mitochondrial RNA binding complex 1 (MRB1) is composed of proteins with several functions in processing organellar RNA. We characterize two MRB1 subunits, referred to herein as MRB8170 and MRB4160, which are paralogs arisen from a large chromosome duplication occurring only in T. brucei. As with many other MRB1 proteins, both have no recognizable domains, motifs, or orthologs outside the order. We show that they are both novel RNA binding proteins, possibly representing a new class of these proteins. They associate with a similar subset of MRB1 subunits but not directly with each other. We generated cell lines that either individually or simultaneously target the mRNAs encoding both proteins using RNAi. Their dual silencing results in a differential effect on moderately and pan-edited RNAs, suggesting a possible functional separation of the two proteins. Cell growth persists upon RNAi silencing of each protein individually in contrast to the dual knockdown. Yet, their apparent redundancy in terms of cell viability is at odds with the finding that only one of these knockdowns results in the general degradation of pan-edited RNAs. While MRB8170 and MRB4160 share a considerable degree of conservation, our results suggest that their recent sequence divergence has led to them influencing mitochondrial mRNAs to differing degrees.  相似文献   

Ribonuclease activity and RNA binding of recombinant human Dicer   总被引:44,自引:0,他引:44  

Protein arginine methyltransferase 1 (PRMT1) catalyses the methylation of substrate arginine by transferring the methyl group from SAM (S-adenosyl-l-methionine), which leads to the formation of S-adenosyl homocysteine (SAH) and methylated arginine. We have shown previously that the Asp84 on PRMT1 could be a potential inhibitor binding site. In the current study, 28 compounds were designed and synthesized that were predicted to bind the Asp84 and substrate arginine sites together. Among them, 6 compounds were identified as potential PRMT1 inhibitors, and showed strong inhibitory effects on cancer cell lines, especially HepG2. The most potent PRMT1 inhibitor, compound 13d, was selected for molecular dynamic simulations to investigate binding poses. Based on the free energy calculations and structural analysis, we predicted that the ethylenediamine group would tightly bind to Asp84, and the trifluoromethyl group should occupy part of substrate arginine binding site, which is consistent with our original goal. Our results show for the first time that PRMT1 inhibitors can target the Asp84 binding site, which will be helpful for future drug discovery studies.  相似文献   

Sam68 (Src-associated during mitosis, 68 kDa) is a prototypical member of the STAR (signal transducer and activator of RNA) family of RNA-binding proteins. STAR proteins bind mRNA targets and modulate cellular processes such as cell cycle regulation and tissue development in response to extracellular signals. Sam68 has been shown to modulate alternative splicing of the pre-mRNAs of CD44 and Bcl-xL, which are linked to tumor progression and apoptosis. Sam68 and other STAR proteins recognize bipartite RNA sequences and are thought to function as homodimers. However, the structural and functional roles of the self-association are not known. Here, we present the solution structure of the Sam68 Qua1 homodimerization domain. Each monomer consists of two antiparallel α-helices connected by a short loop. The two subunits are arranged perpendicular to each other in an unusual four-helix topology. Mutational analysis of Sam68 in vitro and in a cell-based assay revealed that the Qua1 domain and residues within the dimerization interface are essential for alternative splicing of a CD44 minigene. Together, our results indicate that the Qua1 homodimerization domain is required for regulation of alternative splicing by Sam68.  相似文献   

Due to Ca2+‐dependent binding and the sequence diversity of Calmodulin (CaM) binding proteins, identifying CaM interactions and binding sites in the wet‐lab is tedious and costly. Therefore, computational methods for this purpose are crucial to the design of such wet‐lab experiments. We present an algorithm suite called CaMELS (CalModulin intEraction Learning System) for predicting proteins that interact with CaM as well as their binding sites using sequence information alone. CaMELS offers state of the art accuracy for both CaM interaction and binding site prediction and can aid biologists in studying CaM binding proteins. For CaM interaction prediction, CaMELS uses protein sequence features coupled with a large‐margin classifier. CaMELS models the binding site prediction problem using multiple instance machine learning with a custom optimization algorithm which allows more effective learning over imprecisely annotated CaM‐binding sites during training. CaMELS has been extensively benchmarked using a variety of data sets, mutagenic studies, proteome‐wide Gene Ontology enrichment analyses and protein structures. Our experiments indicate that CaMELS outperforms simple motif‐based search and other existing methods for interaction and binding site prediction. We have also found that the whole sequence of a protein, rather than just its binding site, is important for predicting its interaction with CaM. Using the machine learning model in CaMELS, we have identified important features of protein sequences for CaM interaction prediction as well as characteristic amino acid sub‐sequences and their relative position for identifying CaM binding sites. Python code for training and evaluating CaMELS together with a webserver implementation is available at the URL: http://faculty.pieas.edu.pk/fayyaz/software.html#camels .  相似文献   

Biogenesis of the vast majority of plant siRNAs depends on the activity of the plant-specific RNA polymerase IV (PolIV) enzyme. As part of the RNA-dependent DNA methylation (RdDM) process, PolIV-dependent siRNAs (p4-siRNAs) are loaded onto an ARGONAUTE4-containing complex and guide de novo DNA methyltransferases to target loci. Here we show that the double-stranded RNA binding proteins DRB2 and DRB4 are required for proper accumulation of p4-siRNAs. In flowers, loss of DRB2 results in increased accumulation of p4-siRNAs but not ta-siRNAs, inverted repeat (IR)-derived siRNAs, or miRNA. Loss of DRB2 does not impair uniparental expression of p4-dependent siRNAs in developing endosperm, indicating that p4-siRNA increased accumulation is not the result of the activation of the polIV pathway in the male gametophyte. In contrast to drb2, drb4 mutants exhibit reduced p4-siRNA levels, but the extent of this reduction is variable, according to the nature and size of the p4-siRNAs. Loss of DRB4 also leads to a spectacular increase of p4-independent IR-derived 24-nt siRNAs, suggesting a reallocation of factors from p4-dependent to p4-independent siRNA pathways in drb4. Opposite effects of drb2 and drb4 mutations on the accumulation of p4-siRNAs were also observed in vegetative tissues. Moreover, transgenic plants overexpressing DRB2 mimicked drb4 mutants at the morphological and molecular levels, confirming the antagonistic roles of DRB2 and DRB4.  相似文献   

RNA 结合蛋白 Sam68 是细胞有丝分裂期 Src 酪氨酸磷酸化的靶蛋白 . 尽管确切机制尚不清楚,一些人还是认为 Sam68 可通过调控 RNA 的代谢参与细胞周期调控 . 利用基因打靶技术,在 DT40 细胞分离出 Sam68 基因缺失的细胞系 . 利用该细胞系,进行 Sam68 的功能解析 . 与野生型细胞系相比, Sam68 基因缺失细胞表现出明显的生长速度迟缓 . 通过细胞周期研究揭示 , 这些细胞生长速度延迟是由于细胞周期中的 G2/M 期延长 . 因为参与细胞周期 G2/M 期调控的周期因子 Cdc2 激酶的活性没有改变,所以提示 Sam68 不依赖于 Cdc2 激酶的活性参与细胞周期中 G2/M 期调控 .  相似文献   

Elevated levels of asymmetric dimethylarginine (ADMA) correlate with risk factors for cardiovascular disease. ADMA is generated by the catabolism of proteins methylated on arginine residues by protein arginine methyltransferases (PRMTs) and is degraded by dimethylarginine dimethylaminohydrolase. Reports have shown that dimethylarginine dimethylaminohydrolase activity is down-regulated and PRMT1 protein expression is up-regulated under oxidative stress conditions, leading many to conclude that ADMA accumulation occurs via increased synthesis by PRMTs and decreased degradation. However, we now report that the methyltransferase activity of PRMT1, the major PRMT isoform in humans, is impaired under oxidative conditions. Oxidized PRMT1 displays decreased activity, which can be rescued by reduction. This oxidation event involves one or more cysteine residues that become oxidized to sulfenic acid (-SOH). We demonstrate a hydrogen peroxide concentration-dependent inhibition of PRMT1 activity that is readily reversed under physiological H2O2 concentrations. Our results challenge the unilateral view that increased PRMT1 expression necessarily results in increased ADMA synthesis and demonstrate that enzymatic activity can be regulated in a redox-sensitive manner.  相似文献   

Murtola T  Vattulainen I  Falck E 《Proteins》2008,71(4):1995-2011
Tryptophan biosynthesis in Bacillus stearothermophilus is regulated by a trp RNA binding attenuation protein (TRAP). It is a ring-shaped 11-mer of identical 74 residue subunits. Tryptophan binding pockets are located between adjacent subunits, and tryptophan binding activates TRAP to bind RNA. Here, we report results from all-atom molecular dynamics simulations of the system, complementing existing extensive experimental studies. We focus on two questions. First, we look at the activation mechanism, of which relatively little is known experimentally. We find that the absence of tryptophan allows larger motions close to the tryptophan binding site, and we see indication of a conformational change in the BC loop. However, complete deactivation seems to occur on much longer time scales than the 40 ns studied here. Second, we study the TRAP-RNA interactions. We look at the relative flexibilities of the different bases in the complex and analyze the hydrogen bonds between the protein and RNA. We also study the role of Lys37, Lys56, and Arg58, which have been experimentally identified as essential for RNA binding. Hydrophobic stacking of Lys37 with the nearby RNA base is confirmed, but we do not see direct hydrogen bonding between RNA and the other two residues, in contrast to the crystal structure. Rather, these residues seem to stabilize the RNA-binding surface, and their positive charge may also play a role in RNA binding. Simulations also indicate that TRAP is able to attract RNA nonspecifically, and the interactions are quantified in more detail using binding energy calculations. The formation of the final binding complex is a very slow process: within the simulation time scale of 40 ns, only two guanine bases become bound (and no others), indicating that the binding initiates at these positions. In general, our results are in good agreement with experimental studies, and provide atomic-scale insights into the processes.  相似文献   

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