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Fluorescently labeled alpha-actinin, isolated from chicken gizzards, breast muscle, or calf brains, was microinjected into cultured embryonic myotubes and cardiac myocytes where it was incorporated into the Z-bands of myofibrils. The localization in injected, living cells was confirmed by reacting permeabilized myotubes and cardiac myocytes with fluorescent alpha-actinin. Both living and permeabilized cells incorporated the alpha-actinin regardless of whether the alpha-actinin was isolated from nonmuscle, skeletal, or smooth muscle, or whether it was labeled with different fluorescent dyes. The living muscle cells could beat up to 5 d after injection. Rest-length sarcomeres in beating myotubes and cardiac myocytes were approximately 1.9-2.4 microns long, as measured by the separation of fluorescent bands of alpha-actinin. There were areas in nearly all beating cells, however, where narrow bands of alpha-actinin, spaced 0.3-1.5 micron apart, were arranged in linear arrays giving the appearance of minisarcomeres. In myotubes, alpha-actinin was found exclusively in these closely spaced arrays for the first 2-3 d in culture. When the myotubes became contraction-competent, at approximately day 4 to day 5 in culture, alpha-actinin was localized in Z-bands of fully formed sarcomeres, as well as in minisarcomeres. Video recordings of injected, spontaneously beating myotubes showed contracting myofibrils with 2.3 microns sarcomeres adjacent to noncontracting fibers with finely spaced periodicities of alpha-actinin. Time sequences of the same living myotube over a 24-h period revealed that the spacings between the minisarcomeres increased from 0.9-1.3 to 1.6-2.3 microns. Embryonic cardiac myocytes usually contained contractile networks of fully formed sarcomeres together with noncontractile minisarcomeres in peripheral areas of the cytoplasm. In some cells, individual myofibrils with 1.9-2.3 microns sarcomeres were connected in series with minisarcomeres. Double labeling of cardiac myocytes and myotubes with alpha-actinin and a monoclonal antibody directed against adult chicken skeletal myosin showed that all fibers that contained alpha-actinin also contained skeletal muscle myosin. This was true whether alpha-actinin was present in Z-bands of fully formed sarcomeres or present in the closely spaced beads of minisarcomeres. We propose that the closely spaced beads containing alpha-actinin are nascent Z-bands that grow apart and associate laterally with neighboring arrays containing alpha-actinin to form sarcomeres during myofibrillogenesis.  相似文献   

We have stably expressed in HeLa cells a chimeric protein made of the green fluorescent protein (GFP) fused to the transmembrane and cytoplasmic domains of the mannose 6-phosphate/insulin like growth factor II receptor in order to study its dynamics in living cells. At steady state, the bulk of this chimeric protein (GFP-CI-MPR) localizes to the trans-Golgi network (TGN), but significant amounts are also detected in peripheral, tubulo-vesicular structures and early endosomes as well as at the plasma membrane. Time-lapse videomicroscopy shows that the GFP-CI-MPR is ubiquitously detected in tubular elements that detach from the TGN and move toward the cell periphery, sometimes breaking into smaller tubular fragments. The formation of the TGN-derived tubules is temperature dependent, requires the presence of intact microtubule and actin networks, and is regulated by the ARF-1 GTPase. The TGN-derived tubules fuse with peripheral, tubulo-vesicular structures also containing the GFP-CI-MPR. These structures are highly dynamic, fusing with each other as well as with early endosomes. Time-lapse videomicroscopy performed on HeLa cells coexpressing the CFP-CI-MPR and the AP-1 complex whose gamma-subunit was fused to YFP shows that AP-1 is present not only on the TGN and peripheral CFP-CI-MPR containing structures but also on TGN-derived tubules containing the CFP-CI-MPR. The data support the notion that tubular elements can mediate MPR transport from the TGN to a peripheral, tubulo-vesicular network dynamically connected with the endocytic pathway and that the AP-1 coat may facilitate MPR sorting in the TGN and endosomes.  相似文献   

Desmin intermediate filaments play important role in the mechanical integrity and elasticity of muscle cells. The mechanisms of how desmin contributes to cellular mechanics are little understood. Here, we explored the nanomechanics of desmin by manipulating individual filaments with atomic force microscopy. In complex, hierarchical force responses we identified recurring features which likely correspond to distinct properties and structural transitions related to desmin's extensibility and elasticity. The most frequently observed feature is an initial unbinding transition that corresponds to the removal of approximately 45-nm-long coiled-coil dimers from the filament surface with 20-60 pN forces in usually two discrete steps. In tethers longer than 60 nm we most often observed force plateaus studded with bumps spaced approximately 16 nm apart, which are likely caused by a combination of protofilament unzipping, dimer-dimer sliding and coiled-coil-domain unfolding events. At high stresses and strains non-linear, entropic elasticity was dominant, and sometimes repetitive sawtooth force transitions were seen which might arise because of slippage within the desmin protofilament. A model is proposed in which mechanical yielding is caused by coiled-coil domain unfolding and dimer-dimer sliding/slippage, and strain hardening by the entropic elasticity of partially unfolded protofilaments.  相似文献   

Microtubule-associated proteins (MAPs) from calf brain were fluorescently labeled with 6-iodoacetamido fluorescein (I-AF). The modified MAPs (especially enriched for MAP2) were fully active in promoting tubulin polymerization in vitro and readily associated with cytoplasmic filaments when microinjected into living cultured cells. Double-labeling experiments indicated that the microinjected AF-MAPs were incorporated predominantly, if not exclusively, into cytoplasmic microtubules in untreated cells or paracrystals induced within vinblastine-treated cells. Similar results were obtained with different cell types (neuronal, epithelial, and fibroblastic) of diverse origin (man, mouse, chicken, and rat kangaroo). Mobility measurements of the microinjected AF-MAPs using the method of fluorescence-photobleaching recovery (FPR) revealed two populations of AF-MAPs with distinct dynamic properties: One fraction represents the soluble pool of MAPs and is mobile with a diffusion coefficient of D = 3 X 10(-9) cm2/s. The other fraction of MAPs is associated with the microtubules and is essentially immobile on the time scale of FPR experiments. However, it showed slow fluorescence recovery with an apparent half time of approximately 5 min. The slow recovery of fluorescence on defined photobleached microtubules occurred most probably by the incorporation of AF-MAPs from the soluble cytoplasmic pool into the bleached area. The bleached spot on defined microtubules remained essentially immobile during the slow recovery phase. These results suggest that MAPs can associate in vivo with microtubules of diverse cell types and that treadmilling of MAP2-containing microtubules in vivo, if it exists, is slower than 4 micron/h.  相似文献   

Within muscle fibers, desmin intermediate filaments (IFs) are major constituents of the extrasarcomeric cytoskeleton. However, their contribution to the mechanical properties of myocytes has remained elusive. We present an experimental approach to measure the extensibility and the tensile strength of in vitro reconstituted desmin IFs adsorbed to a solid support. The tip of an atomic force microscope (AFM) was used to push on single filaments perpendicular to the filament axis. The torque of the AFM cantilever was monitored during the pushing events to yield an estimate of the lateral force necessary to bend and stretch the filaments. Desmin IFs were stretched up to 3.4-fold with a maximum force of ∼3.5 nN. Fully stretched filaments exhibited a much smaller diameter than did native IFs, i.e., ∼3.5 nm compared to 12.6 nm, both by AFM and electron microscopy. Moreover, we combined the morphological and lateral force data to compute an average stress-strain curve for a single desmin filament. The main features were a pronounced strain-hardening regime above 50% extension and a tensile strength of at least 240 MPa. Because of these nonlinear tensile properties, desmin IFs may dissipate mechanical energy and serve as a physical link between successive sarcomeres during large deformation.  相似文献   

Association of spectrin with desmin intermediate filaments   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The association of erythrocyte spectrin with desmin filaments was investigated using two in vitro assays. The ability of spectrin to promote the interaction of desmin filaments with membranes was investigated by electron microscopy of desmin filament-erythrocyte inside-out vesicle preparations. Desmin filaments bound to erythrocyte inside-out vesicles in a spectrin-dependent manner, demonstrating that spectrin is capable of mediating the association of desmin filaments with plasma membranes. A quantitative sedimentation assay was used to demonstrate the direct association of spectrin with desmin filaments in vitro. When increasing concentrations of spectrin were incubated with desmin filaments, spectrin cosedimented with desmin filaments in a concentration-dependent manner. At near saturation the spectrin:desmin molar ratio in the sedimented complex was 1:230. Our results suggest that, in addition to its well characterized associations with actin, spectrin functions to mediate the association of intermediate filaments with plasma membranes. It might be that nonerythrocyte spectrins share erythrocyte spectrin's ability to bind to intermediate filaments and function in nonerythroid cells to promote the interaction of intermediate filaments with actin filaments and/or the plasma membrane.  相似文献   

Actin and the light chains of myosin were labeled with fluorescent dyes and injected into interphase PtK2 cells in order to study the changes in distribution of actin and myosin that occurred when the injected cells subsequently entered mitosis and divided. The first changes occurred when stress fibers in prophase cells began to disassemble. During this process, which began in the center of the cell, individual fibers shortened, and in a few fibers, adjacent bands of fluorescent myosin could be seen to move closer together. In most cells, stress fiber disassembly was complete by metaphase, resulting in a diffuse distribution of the fluorescent proteins throughout the cytoplasm with the greatest concentration present in the mitotic spindle. The first evidence of actin and myosin concentration in a cleavage ring occurred at late anaphase, just before furrowing could be detected. Initially, the intensity of fluorescence and the width of the fluorescent ring increased as the ring constricted. In cells with asymmetrically positioned mitotic spindles, both protein concentration and furrowing were first evident in the cortical regions closest to the equator of the mitotic spindle. As cytokinesis progressed in such asymmetrically dividing cells, fluorescent actin and myosin appeared at the opposite side of the cell just before furrowing activity could be seen there. At the end of cytokinesis, myosin and actin were concentrated beneath the membrane of the midbody and subsequently became organized in two rings at either end of the midbody.  相似文献   

This study reports the first development of a fluorescently labeled filamin. Smooth muscle filamin was labeled with fluorescent dyes in order to study its interaction with stress fibers and myofibrils, both in living cells and in permeabilized cells. The labeled filamin bound to the Z bands of isolated cross-striated myofibrils and to the Z bands and intercalated discs in both permeabilized embryonic cardiac myocytes and in frozen sections of adult rat ventricle. In permeabilized embryonic chick myotubes, filamin bound to early myotubes but was absent at later stages. In living embryonic chick myotubes, the fluorescently labeled filamin was incorporated into the Z bands of myofibrils during early and late stages of development but was absent during an intermediate stage. In living cardiac myocytes, filamin-IAR was incorporated into nascent as well as fully formed sarcomeres throughout development. In permeabilized nonmuscle cells, labeled filamin bound to attachment plaques and foci of polygonal networks and to the dense bodies in stress fibers. The periodic bands of filamin in stress fibers had a longer spacing in fibroblasts than in epithelial cells. When injected into living cells, filamin was readily incorporated into stress fibers in a striated pattern. The fluorescent filamin bands were broader in injected cells, however, than they were in permeabilized cells. We have interpreted these results from living and permeabilized cells to mean that native filamin is distributed along the full length of the actin filaments in the stress fibers, with a higher concentration present in the dense bodies. A sarcomeric model is presented indicating the position of filamin with respect to other proteins in the stress fiber.  相似文献   

We present a protocol to tag proteins expressed from their endogenous chromosomal locations in individual mammalian cells using central dogma tagging. The protocol can be used to build libraries of cell clones, each expressing one endogenous protein tagged with a fluorophore such as the yellow fluorescent protein. Each round of library generation produces 100-200 cell clones and takes about 1 month. The protocol integrates procedures for high-throughput single-cell cloning using flow cytometry, high-throughput cDNA generation and 3' rapid amplification of cDNA ends, semi-automatic protein localization screening using fluorescent microscopy and freezing cells in 96-well format.  相似文献   

To gain additional information about the arrangement of intermediate filaments (IF) in normal smooth muscle, fresh avian gizzard was processed for immunoelectron microscopy. The protein A-gold immunocytochemical technique was applied for the localization of desmin antigenic sites. Desmin-containing IFs were located in an axial bundle that partially surrounds the nucleus and were associated with numerous mitochondria near the poles of the nucleus. The bundle probably extends the length of the cell. Antibody labeling also showed concentrations of IF around and between cytoplasmic dense bodies (CDB) and also between CDB and membrane-associated dense bodies (MADB). The relationship between the axial bundle and the nucleus and associated mitochondria suggests that the bundle may support and define the position of these organelles in the cell. A fraying or branching of the bundle may integrate the bundle into the remaining cytoskeletal network of the cell.  相似文献   

Monoclonal antibodies ( McAbs ) have been generated against a preparation of intermediate filament proteins (IFP) from adult chicken gizzard. Two antibodies, D3 and D76 , have been characterized in detail. They bind specifically to desmin but recognize different epitopes. In the adult chicken, both McAbs produced equivalent immunofluorescent staining patterns, reacting in frozen sections with all forms of muscle tissue, including vascular smooth muscle, but with no other tissue types. In isolated skeletal myofibrils and in longitudinal frozen sections of cardiac and skeletal muscle, desmin was detected with both McAbs at the Z-band and in longitudinally-oriented filament bundles between myofibrils. In contrast to these results in the adult, the intermediate filaments (IF) of embryonic cardiac myocytes in primary cultures were decorated only with McAb D3, whereas McAb D76 was completely unreactive with these cells. Similarly, frozen sections through the heart at early stages of embryonic chick development (Hamburger-Hamilton stages 17-18) revealed regions of myocytes, identified by double immunofluorescence with myosin-specific McAbs , that were unstained with McAb D76 even though similar regions were stained by McAb D3. That McAb D76 reacted with desmin in all adult cardiac myocytes but not with all embryonic heart cells indicates that embryonic and adult cardiac IF are immunologically distinct and implies a conversion in IF immunoreactivity during cardiac development.  相似文献   

alpha-Actinins, isolated from muscle and nonmuscle sources and labeled with various fluorescent dyes, were microinjected into living PtK2 cells during interphase to observe the reformation of stress fibers following cell division. Fluorescently labeled ovalbumin and bovine serum albumin were also injected as control proteins. alpha-Actinin was incorporated into stress fibers within 5 minutes after injection and remained present in the fibers for up to 11 days. The pattern of incorporation was the same regardless of whether the alpha-actinin was isolated from muscle or nonmuscle tissues or whether it was labeled with fluorescein, Lucifer Yellow, or rhodamine dyes. In contrast, neither labeled ovalbumin nor bovine serum albumin were incorporated into stress fibers. When the injected cells entered prophase, all stress fibers disassembled, resulting in a distribution of the fluorescent alpha-actinin throughout the cytoplasm. During cytokinesis, the fluorescent alpha-actinin was concentrated in the broad area between the separated chromosomes and along the edge of the cell in the cleavage area. Within 10 minutes after the completion of cleavage, the first fluorescent stress fibers reformed parallel to the spreading edges of the daughter cells and in close association with the midbody with a concomitant loss of alpha-actinin in the former cleavage furrow. Additional fibers formed adjacent to these first stress fibers. In some cases, new stress fibers formed between two existing stress fibers and some stress fibers moved up to 4 micron apart from one another in the course of 2 hours. Thus, fluorescent alpha-actinin, injected into living cells, undergoes the same cyclical changes in distribution as endogenous alpha-actinin during the cell cycle: from stress fibers to cleavage furrow and back to stress fibers.  相似文献   

Cytoskeletal intermediate filaments were studied in muscular dysgenesis (mdg) and tetrodotoxin-treated inactive mouse embryo muscle cultures during myofibrillogenesis. Both muscular dysgenesis and tetrodotoxin-treated muscles are characterized in vitro by a total lack of contractile activity and an abnormal development of myofibrils. We studied the organization of the microtubule and intermediate filament networks with immunofluorescence, using anti-tubulin, anti-vimentin, and anti-desmin antibodies during normal and mdg/mdg myogenesis in vitro. Mdg/mdg myotubes present a heterogeneous microtubule network with scattered areas of decreased microtubule density. At the myoblast stage, cells expressed both vimentin and desmin. After fusion only desmin expression is revealed. In mutant myotubes the desmin network remains in a diffuse position and does not reorganize itself transversely, as it does during normal myogenesis. The absence of a mature organization of the desmin network in mdg/mdg myotubes is accompanied by a lack of organization of myofibrils. The role of muscle activity in the organization of myofibrils and desmin filaments was tested in two ways: (i) mdg/mdg myotubes were rendered active by coculturing with normal spinal cord cells, and (ii) normal myotubes were treated with tetrodotoxin (TTX) to suppress contractions. Mdg/mdg innervated myotubes showed cross-striated myofibrils, whereas desmin filaments remained diffuse. TTX-treated myotubes possessed disorganized myofibrils and a very unusual pattern of distribution of desmin: intensively stained desmin aggregates were superimposed upon the diffuse network. We conclude, on the basis of these results, that myofibrillar organization does not directly involve intermediate filaments but does need contractile activity.  相似文献   

For 30 years, the mammalian cell nucleus has been hypothesized to contain a filamentous framework, the nuclear matrix or karyoskeleton, which regulates nuclear structure and function. However, such an organized network of filaments has never been observed in living cells. Here we show that human Cdc14B phosphatase in living cells tightly associates with long filaments that begin at the nucleolar periphery and extend to the nuclear envelope, frequently making close connections with nuclear pore complexes. We demonstrate that Cdc14B contains a bipartite signal that directs it to the intranuclear filaments, and we also detect a small amount of Cdc14B on interphase and mitotic centrosomes. Furthermore, we show that Cdc14B is critical for the maintenance of proper nuclear structure together with polo-like kinase Plk1. This work provides the first direct evidence for the existence of an intranuclear filamentous framework in living mammalian cells and implicates Cdc14B in the control of mammalian nuclear architecture.  相似文献   

Surfactant protein A (SP-A), a member of the collectin family that modulates innate immunity, has recently been involved in the physiology of reproduction. Consistent with the activation of ERK-1/2 and COX-2 induced by SP-A in myometrial cells, we reported previously the presence of two major proteins recognized by SP-A in these cells. Here we identify by mass spectrometry one of these SP-A targets as the intermediate filament (IF) desmin. In myometrial preparations derived from desmin-deficient mice, the absence of binding of SP-A to any 50 kDa protein confirmed the identity of this SP-A-binding site as desmin. Our data based on partial chymotrypsin digestion of pure desmin suggested that SP-A recognizes especially its rod domain, which is known to play an important role during the assembly of desmin into filaments. In line with that, electron microscopy experiments showed that SP-A inhibits in vitro the polymerization of desmin filaments. SP-A also recognized in vitro polymerized filaments in a calcium-dependent manner at a physiological ionic strength but not the C1q receptor gC1qR. Furthermore, Texas Red-labeled SP-A colocalized with desmin filaments in myometrial cells. Interestingly, vimentin, the IF characteristic of leukocytes, is one of the major proteins recognized by SP-A in protein extracts of U937 cells after PMA-induced differentiation of this monocytic cell line. Interaction of SP-A with vimentin was further confirmed using recombinant vimentin in solid-phase binding assays. The ability of SP-A to interact with desmin and vimentin, and to prevent polymerization of desmin monomers, shed light on unexpected and wider biological roles of this collectin.  相似文献   

A detection scheme is described by which the histamine contents of biological samples can be established. The scheme is based on the use of methylamine dehydrogenase (MADH) which converts primary amines into the corresponding aldehydes and ammonia. The generated reducing equivalents are subsequently transferred to the physiological partner of MADH, amicyanin, which thereby is converted from the oxidized blue-colored form into the reduced colorless form. The change in absorption is detected by monitoring the fluorescence of a covalently attached Cy5 dye label whose fluorescence is (partly) quenched by Förster resonance energy transfer (FRET) to the Cu-site of the amicyanin. The quenching efficiency and, thereby, the label fluorescence, depends on the oxidation state of the amicyanin. When adding histamine to the assay mixture the proportionality between the substrate concentration and the observed rate of the fluorescence increase has enabled this assay as a sensor method with high sensitivity. The MADH and amicyanin composition can be tuned so that the sensor can be adapted over a broad range of histamine concentrations (13 nM–225 μM). The lowest concentration detected so far is 13 nM of histamine. The sensor retained its linearity up to 225 μM with a coefficient of variation of 11% for 10 measurements of 100 nM histamine in a 100 μL sample volume. The use of a label fluorescing around 660 nm helps circumventing the interference from background fluorescence in biological samples. The sensor has been tested to detect histamine in biological fluids such as fish extracts and blood serum.  相似文献   

The properties of keratin intermediate filaments (IFs) have been studied after transfection with green fluorescent protein (GFP)-tagged K18 and/or K8 (type I/II IF proteins). GFP-K8 and -K18 become incorporated into tonofibrils, which are comprised of bundles of keratin IFs. These tonofibrils exhibit a remarkably wide range of motile and dynamic activities. Fluorescence recovery after photobleaching (FRAP) analyses show that they recover their fluorescence slowly with a recovery t(1/2) of approximately 100 min. The movements of bleach zones during recovery show that closely spaced tonofibrils (<1 microm apart) often move at different rates and in different directions. Individual tonofibrils frequently change their shapes, and in some cases these changes appear as propagated waveforms along their long axes. In addition, short fibrils, termed keratin squiggles, are seen at the cell periphery where they move mainly towards the cell center. The motile properties of keratin IFs are also compared with those of type III IFs (vimentin) in PtK2 cells. Intriguingly, the dynamic properties of keratin tonofibrils and squiggles are dramatically different from those of vimentin fibrils and squiggles within the same cytoplasmic regions. This suggests that there are different factors regulating the dynamic properties of different types of IFs within the same cytoplasmic regions.  相似文献   

Fluorescently labeled (bearing N-4-nitrobenzo-2-oxa-1,3-diazole-phosphatidylethanolamine (N-NBD-PE)) reconstituted Sendai virus envelopes (RSVE) were used to study fusion between the viral envelopes and cultured living cells such as lymphoma, Friend erythroleukemia cells (FELC) and L cells. Incubation of fusogenic viruses with the above cell lines resulted in a relatively high degree (40-45%) of fluorescence dequenching. On the other hand, incubation of unfusogenic (trypsin or phenylmethylsulfonylfluoride (PMSF)-treated) RSVE with these cells led to very little (6-9%) fluorescence dequenching. The degree of fluorescence dequenching was linearly correlated to the surface density of the virus-inserted N-NBD-PE molecules. Fluorescence photobleaching recovery experiments showed that fusion of fluorescent RSVE with FELC resulted in an infinite dilution of the fluorescent molecules in the recipient cell membranes. The fluorescent probe 4-chloro-7-nitrobenzo-2-oxa-1,3-diazole (N-NBD-Cl) was covalently attached to envelopes of intact Sendai virions without significantly impairing their biological activity. Incubation of fluorescently labeled, intact Sendai virions with cultured cells resulted in about 20% fluorescence dequenching. The present data clearly indicate that fluorescently labeled Sendai virions can be used for a quantitative estimation of the degree of virus-membrane fusion.  相似文献   

Rabbit skeletal muscle actin was labeled with 5-iodoacetamidofluorescein (5-IAF) and purified by gel filtration, ion-exchange chromatography, and polymerization-depolymerization. The resultant fluorescent conjugates retained full biochemical activities. The labeled actin was incorporated into unfertilized eggs of Lytechinus pictus by direct microinjection and the distribution of fluorescence was investigated after fertilization through the first division cycle. The results were interpreted by comparing the images with those of control eggs injected with fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC)-labeled ovalbumin. After fertilization of eggs containing IAF actin, the membrane-cortical regions showed dramatic increases in fluorescence intensity which were not observed in FITC ovalbumin controls. During the first division, spindle regions of both IAF-actin-injected eggs and control eggs became distinctly fluorescent. However, no distinctly fluorescent contractile ring was detected in the cleavage furrow. After cytokinesis, the surface between blastomeres containing IAF actin exhibited an increase in fluorescence intensity. These observations have been compared with those of previous studies using different methods, and the possible implications have been discussed in relation to cellular functions.  相似文献   

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