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Marine ecosystems have expanded into the infaunal realm below the surface of soft sediments throughout the Phanerozoic eon. During the Palaeozoic era, this expansion largely involved sedentary animals living in permanent resting places. Active sand‐burrowing animals colonized the infaunal environment later, but when this happened and when specialization for infaunal life evolved remain open questions. Here, phylogenetic evidence, fossil occurrences and previously established criteria for recognizing the sand‐burrowing habit in marine gastropods are used to determine how many gastropod clades became infaunal and when the transitions from surface‐dwelling to infaunal life occurred. At least 20, and as many as 35, clades (all but one of post‐Palaeozoic age) contain actively infaunal species. The overwhelming majority (15 of 20 clades) became infaunal during the Cenozoic, and clades with hundreds of infaunal species in the living fauna diversified beginning in the Early Miocene. The repeated evolution of, and specialization to, the sand‐burrowing habit by gastropods and other animals was enabled by increased habitat availability and higher marine productivity, and was necessitated by intensifying predation. As a result, the infaunal realm was transformed from a marine refuge to an integrated part of the marine biosphere in which high performance in locomotion and defence has become the norm.  相似文献   

On a global scale, morphological variability of the extant coccolithophorid Calcidiscus leptoporus (Murray and Blackman, 1898) Loeblich and Tappan was investigated in surface sediments and plankton samples and from an Early Pleistocene time-slice (1.8 Ma to 1.6 Ma). In the bivariate space coccolith diameter versus number of rays in the distal shield, Holocene samples follow a single, unimodal morphocline. Sample means of coccolith size and number of elements group in three clusters, I, II and III, which are of biogeographic significance. Clusters II and III coccoliths (mean coccolith size of 5.0 μm and 20.9 elements, and 6.6 μm and 25.6 elements, respectively) are found in a tropical belt extending from 11 °N to 17 °S with an annual minimum sea-surface temperature above 23.5 °C. Cluster I coccoliths (5.8 μm, 20.7 elements) are found in samples outside that belt. The distribution of coccoliths in the surface sediments is tentatively interpreted to be a result of mixing to a varying degree of at least three different morphotypes (‘small’, ‘intermediate’ and ‘large’), which were identified in the living plankton, and which are separated from each other at 5 μm and 8 μm mean coccolith diameter, respectively. A comparison of the surface sediments with the Early Pleistocene assemblages revealed that between 1.6 Ma and 1.8 Ma two morphoclines A and B existed, the first of which persisted until the Holocene in the form of C. leptoporus, while the second comprises only extinct morphotypes including Calcidiscus macintyrei as one end-member. During the Early Pleistocene morphocline A was more homogeneous and no clusters were evident.Morphocline B shows a clear bimodality with a separation of morphotypes at 9.5 μm. Our observations suggest that morphoclines are subsets within the total stratigraphical range of a single species, and represent the global variability of that species in a particular time interval. Morphotypes, which belong to a morphocline, represent the infra-specific variability of that species within the biogeographic and stratigraphic limits of that species.  相似文献   

The abundant species of infaunal soft-bodied organisms from two geographically separated sites with very different predatory regimes were examined for the occurrence of volatile brominated compounds. Of the 10 species, three contained substantial amounts of brominated compounds while two others contained trace amounts. A greater proportion of species from the Western Atlantic site with large, sediment-disturbing predators and much lower infaunal densities contained these compounds. The occurrence of the compounds did not follow phylogenetic lineages or food sources. The toxicity of such compounds and potential for predator deterrence may be major determinants of their occurrence.  相似文献   

《Marine Micropaleontology》2006,58(2):135-157
The stable carbon and oxygen isotope composition of different benthic foraminiferal species of the latest Campanian and earliest Maastrichtian from Ocean Drilling Project Hole 690C (Weddell Sea, southern South Atlantic, ∼1800 m paleowater depth) have been investigated. The total range of measured isotope values of all samples exceeds ∼4‰ for δ13C and 1.1‰ for δ18O. Carbon isotope values of proposed deep infaunal species are generally similar or only slightly lower when compared to proposed epifaunal to shallow infaunal species. Interspecific differences vary between samples probably reflecting temporal changes in organic carbon fluxes to the sea floor. Constantly lower δ13C values for Pullenia marssoni and Pullenia reussi suggest the deepest habitat for these species. The strong depletion of δ13C values by up to 3‰ within lenticulinids may be attributed to a deep infaunal microhabitat, strong vital effects, or different feeding strategy when compared to other species or modern lenticulinids. The mean δ18O values reveal a strong separation of epifaunal to shallow infaunal and deep infaunal species. Epifaunal to shallow infaunal species are characterized by low δ18O values, deep infaunal species by higher values. This result possibly reflects lower metabolic rates and longer life cycles of deep infaunal species or the operating of a pore water [CO32−] effect on the benthic foraminiferal stable isotopes.Pyramidina szajnochae shows an enrichment of oxygen isotopes with test size comprising a total of 0.6‰ between 250 and 1250 μm shell size. Although δ13C lacks a corresponding trend these data likely represent the presence of changes in metabolic rates during ontogenesis. These results demonstrate the general applicability of multi-species stable isotope measurements of pristine Cretaceous benthic foraminifera to reconstruct past microhabitats and to evaluate biological and environmental effects on the stable isotope composition.  相似文献   

Quantitative analysis of benthic foraminifera is used to characterize the paleoenvironments of the Upper Coniacian-Lower Campanian succession in the Jbil section of north-western Tunisia. Foraminiferal parameters and benthic foraminiferal assemblages show that the studied section includes four distinct paleoenvironmental phases. From oldest to youngest, these are as follows: (1) an interval with a Praebulimina reussi assemblage with infaunal ratios as high as 96.1%. High abundances of P. reussi, reflecting an increase in organic matter flux to the seafloor (meso-to eutrophic) under oxygenated bottom-water conditions. (2) An interval characterized by a Gavelinella costulata assemblage with mixed infaunal/epifaunal foraminifera with higher Fisher's alpha values (ranging from 4 to 15.2), reflecting mesotrophic conditions in an outer shelf environment. (3) An interval with a Gaudryina laevigata assemblage indicative of a middle to outer shelf environment; there is a considerable increase in infaunal agglutinated foraminifera, as well as a relatively abundant and moderately diversified oxic/suboxic foraminifera. (4) The final interval occurs in the lower Campanian (the Globotruncana ventricosa Zone) and includes a Bolivinoides decoratus assemblage reflecting an outer shelf to upper bathyal environment. It contains a higher planktonic percentage and biodiversity with a slight increase in dysoxic species; the mixed infaunal/epifaunal content (57.6 to 73.3%) reflects mesotrophic conditions. Four well-recognized major sea-level falls are matched by the dual signatures of eustatic sea-level changes. These are coincident with the results of this study, which represent the first documentation of these events in Tunisian faunal and paleoenvironmental changes, at the following boundaries: Coniacian/Santonian, intra-Santonian, Santonian/Campanian, and intra-early Campanian.  相似文献   

Williams  R. 《Hydrobiologia》1988,165(1):151-159
Selected epifaunal and infaunal species from three sites of differing substrate were examined over a 12 month period. The characteristic species comprising the epifauna at each site were found to be dictated by substrate type whereas the infaunal amphipods and tanaids were relatively similar between sites. No distinct seasonality of abundance was noted for the macroscopic species; however, the infaunal amphipods and tanaids exhibited distinct seasonal cycles of abundance. These temporal changes in population size can be correlated with the seasonal cycle of primary producers. Females, of each of the infaunal species that were monitored, exhibited brood protection throughout the winter period and released juveniles at times that coincided with the period of high primary productivity. All species exhibited properties characteristic of K-strategists; a result of the very stable and predictable nature of the antarctic benthic environment.  相似文献   

A major biotic crisis affecting virtually all major marine invertebrate clades occurred at the close of the Triassic. Species‐level data on bivalves from the Lombardian Alps of Italy record the extinction and suggest a possible causal mechanism. A significant decline in species richness is observed during the lower Rhaetian, where 51% of bivalve species, equally distributed among infaunal and epifaunal filter‐feeders, went extinct. The taxonomic loss at the middle Rhaetian was more severe, where 71% of the bivalve species were eliminated, including all infaunal and 50% of the epifaunal species. The data indicate that the extinction selectively eliminated infaunal bivalves.

An initial loss of bivalve species richness during the middle and upper Rhaetian correlates with changes in sedimentary facies related to a fall in relative sea level. This sea level fall is marked by the onset of peritidal micrites and shifting ooid shoals which may have rendered substrates unsuitable for both epifaunal and infaunal bivalves. The possible influences of temperature and salinity fluctuations are difficult to assess, but they may also have had a deleterious effect on the local bivalve fauna. The loss due to peritidal conditions is not consistent with the selective survivorship of epifaunal taxa recurring in overlying Jurassic rocks.

We propose that physiologic differences and selective resistance to physical stress are consistent with the pattern of selective extinction. Facies shifts associated with the marine regression are not sufficient to account for the extremely high magnitude of infaunal extinction. This selection against infaunal bivalves is probably caused by their decreased capacity to filter feed relative to their metabolic demands. A decrease in primary productivity could have selectively eliminated the infauna. Oceanographic processes or atmospheric darkening, perhaps caused by an extraterrestrial impact, could drastically limit food resources (primary productivity) and is consistent with the selective extinction at the end of the Triassic.  相似文献   

R. Fisher 《Hydrobiologia》2003,493(1-3):43-63
The changes in the community dynamics of infaunal nematodes associated with tropical Australian intertidal seagrasses at 4 estuarine sites were investigated through 3 seasons (autumn, winter and spring). Nematode densities were highest in winter in all but one of the sites, ranging from 1971 to 3084 inds./10 cm2, with one site showing a highest density of 3411 inds./10 cm2 in spring. Multiple regression revealed significant correlations between nematode density peaks and seasonal changes in temperature, salinity and surface seagrass cover. Non-metric Multi-Dimensional Scaling revealed that the communities were characterised by relatively low within-site spatial variability but relatively high temporal variability through the three seasons. This temporal variability was largely due to significant increases in abundance of epistrate-feeding species in winter and spring. An investigation of the dominant epistrate-feeding nematodes revealed that predominantly infaunal species were responsible for overall winter and spring density increases. This study provides further evidence of the role played by temperature in regulating tropical, intertidal meiobenthic communities but also indirectly provides evidence of micro-scale seagrass canopy effects (micro-algal supply and availability) that may further enhance the impacts of these larger-scale seasonal environmental changes on the infaunal nematode community.  相似文献   

Burrowing ability was experimentally determined for a range (3–150 g) of sizes of the blood ark, Anadara ovalis , in sieved sediments ranging from very coarse sand (-1 φ) to silt (>4 φ). Small individuals (<5 g) could penetrate the complete range of sieved sediments, but the ability to reburrow apparently decreases with size (age) so that adults larger than 50 g can only reburrow in fine sands (2.5–3.0φ). This semi-infaunal species has a length/height ratio of 1.16 and is most commonly found in sand. The infaunal A. cheninitzi and A. braziliana , with L/H values of 1.10 and 1.18, respectively, are also most common in sands. The ovate (L/H ratio = 1.07–1.25) forms of the Pliocene A. trilineata from the Kettleman Hills of California are inferred to have been infaunal, based on the absence of muricid boreholes and the infrequent occurrence of epizoans. Ovate specimens are restricted to fine sands (2–3φ) in the Etchegoin and San Joaquin Formations, sediment textures into which the adults could probably reburrow. Elongated shell morphotypes (L/H = 1.5–1.67) have muricid boreholes and epizoans concentrated posterodorsally on the inferred exposed portion of the shells in life position. Populations of elongated shells were associated with gravelly, sandy and silty sediments, as is the living epibyssate A. lienosa (L/H = 1.72) and A. transversa (L/H = 1.48).□ Anadarids, burrowing, epifounal, infaunal, Pliocene, sediment influence .  相似文献   

The role of infaunal predators in structuring marine soft-bottomcommunities was evaluated according to these predators': 1)effects on prey density based on manipulative field experiments,2) feeding rates, 3) effects on prey distribution, 4) effectson species diversity, and 5) interactions with their prey. Estimatesof feeding rates indicate that many predatory taxa have thepotential to reduce the size of prey populations and suggestthat nemerteans are likely to have a larger impact on infaunalabundances than polychaetes. Infaunal predators have been demonstratedto have a significant effect on infaunal densities and to affectthe spatial and temporal distribution of their prey. The effectsof these predators on species diversity apparently depend onthe predator and the diversity of the system. These conclusionsmay not be applicable to all soft-bottom habitats or all groupsof infaunal predators because they are based on studies of veryfew taxa conducted almost exclusively in intertidal, unvegetated,mud habitats. Additional studies are needed on the effects ofpredation by infauna on infaunal population dynamics and onthe mechanisms of interactions between predator and prey. Furtherinvestigation will probably reveal that different groups ofinfaunal predators play different roles in structuring soft-bottomcommunities.  相似文献   

The effects of a macroalgal mat (Ulva lactuca) on intertidal sand flat copepods were studied in Jamaica Bay, NY. In 1999, Ulva was removed from paired quadrats in the algal mat. Density and species richness were estimated from sediment cores over seven biweekly periods and compared with Ulva-removal quadrats and with an unvegetated reference site. In a separate analysis at the same site, species composition and density of all copepods within the algal mat were determined from replicated quadrat samples over seven dates. Emergence traps were deployed in all treatments in 1999 to quantify copepod movements from sediments into the water column during flooding tide. Dissolved oxygen (DO) was continuously monitored over several 96-h periods in and above the algal mat. In 2000, three biomass levels of Ulva (0, 100, 200 g DW per m2) were added to paired quadrats in the unvegetated zone. Density and species richness were estimated over eight time periods. Ulva removal resulted in significant increases in density and species richness, but levels remained lower than at the unvegetated site. Likewise, addition of Ulva biomass produced significant declines in copepod density. However, the differences between low- and high-Ulva-addition treatments were insignificant. Increases in phytal copepods after Ulva addition did not compensate for losses of epibenthic and infaunal species. The overall effect of the Ulva mat was a net loss of copepod density, including the loss of nearly all infaunal species. Anoxia in sediments and within the algal mat are correlated with declines in infaunal species and with escape by some infaunal species from the sediment into the water column.  相似文献   

Perhaps the most pressing issue in predicting biotic responses to present and future global change is understanding how environmental factors shape the relationship between ecological traits and extinction risk. The fossil record provides millions of years of insight into how extinction selectivity (i.e., differential extinction risk) is shaped by interactions between ecological traits and environmental conditions. Numerous paleontological studies have examined trait‐based extinction selectivity; however, the extent to which these patterns are shaped by environmental conditions is poorly understood due to a lack of quantitative synthesis across studies. We conducted a meta‐analysis of published studies on fossil marine bivalves and gastropods that span 458 million years to uncover how global environmental and geochemical changes covary with trait‐based extinction selectivity. We focused on geographic range size and life habit (i.e., infaunal vs. epifaunal), two of the most important and commonly examined predictors of extinction selectivity. We used geochemical proxies related to global climate, as well as indicators of ocean acidification, to infer average global environmental conditions. Life‐habit selectivity is weakly dependent on environmental conditions, with infaunal species relatively buffered from extinction during warmer climate states. In contrast, the odds of taxa with broad geographic ranges surviving an extinction (>2500 km for genera, >500 km for species) are on average three times greater than narrow‐ranging taxa (estimate of odds ratio: 2.8, 95% confidence interval = 2.3–3.5), regardless of the prevailing global environmental conditions. The environmental independence of geographic range size extinction selectivity emphasizes the critical role of geographic range size in setting conservation priorities.  相似文献   

R. Fisher  M.J. Sheaves 《Hydrobiologia》2003,495(1-3):143-158
The spatial variability in the community structure of infaunal free-living marine nematodes of pioneer seagrass (Halophilaand Halodule) meadows within a deltaic mangrove estuarine system and a bay mangrove system in tropical north-eastern Australia were examined. Nematode mean densities were intermediate ranging from 609 to 2744 inds./10 cm2. A total of 152 putative species from 94 genera and 22 families were found across the four sites. The communities exhibited a high degree of dominance by Terschellingia longicaudata, Catanema sp 1, Terschellingia sp 2 and Metalinhomoeus insularis.Non-metric multi-dimensional scaling (nMDS) revealed that intra-site variability was low. This was reinforced by 1-way MANOVA, showing no significant inter-station differences between the six most dominant species at each site. The main system difference was reflected by a greater percentage of the Desmodoridae combined with a reduction of the Linhomoeidae in the bay system. At a species level system differences were manifested by a stenohaline, brackish water nematode assemblage in the deltaic system (M. insularis, Terschellingoidessp 1, Pseudolellasp 1) and, by a stenohaline, marine nematode assemblage in the bay system (Catanema sp 1, Spirinia parasitifera, Actinonemasp 1). These communities represent `hotspots' of diversity within a wider, mangrove-influenced depauperate fauna. The high degree of dominance found in each community was countered by moderate diversity and this, combined with the high number and speciation of deposit-feeding species, suggests that nematodes were more abundant in the meadows due to the abundance of microbial food. Notwithstanding the different salinity/CaCO3 regimes, these communities exhibit both intra- and inter-site homogeneity with dominance by a conservative, deep-dwelling guild. The fact that this homogeneity exists suggests that these small-bladed seagrass species may play a greater role (sediment stability, fine particle settlement, organic detritus) in influencing the infaunal nematode community than was previously thought.  相似文献   

Neanthes succinea (Frey & Leuckart, 1847) is a common nereidid polychaete of both epifaunal and infaunal estuarine habitats. The gut contents of individuals collected from two epifaunal and two infaunal habitats are compared. Our a priori expectation was that individuals from epifaunal habitats would be classified as macrophagous with guts indicating carnivory and/or macroalgal herbivory, while individuals from infaunal habitats would be classified as microphagous with guts indicating deposit feeding. At all four locations gut contents indicated deposit feeding with little indication of macrophagous feeding. Average particle sizes for mineral grains did not differ between the four collection sites. For the two infaunal locations mean size of the mineral grains in gut contents was significantly smaller than ambient sediments. In addition to mineral grains, guts contained diatoms, dinoflagellates, macrophytic detritus, protozoan tests, and a variety of metazoans. Our study demonstrates that caution is necessary when inferring feeding type from morphology and that population and habitat specific differences in diet can occur within the same species.  相似文献   

Haplochromis pharyngalis and Haplochromis petronius, two endemic cichlids from the Lake Edward system (Uganda, Democratic Republic of the Congo), are very similar in general morphology but have been reported to differ in pharyngeal jaw morphology and distribution. This study analysed 51 morphometrics and various qualitative characteristics of 48 specimens from different localities. The morphological traits of both species strongly overlap, and differences in the pharyngeal jaw morphology correspond to a geographic morphocline. We conclude that all specimens belong to one valid species, H. pharyngalis, and consider H. petronius to be a synonym.  相似文献   

The distribution of Rose Bengal stained calcareous benthic foraminifera was determined in six ☐ cores raised from water depths between 200 and 3000 m on the Nova Scotian continental margin and Gulf of Maine. The taxa can be separated into four microhabitats within the surficial sediments. Epifaunal taxa are generally found in the top cm, intermediate infaunal taxa are found from about 1 to 4 cm and deep infaunal taxa are found at > 4 cm sediment depth in at least one ☐ core. A fourth group, shallow infaunal taxa, is found in the top 2 cm and is inferred to be infaunal based on wall porosity characteristics and test shapes similar to infaunal taxa. The epifaunal, shallow infaunal and intermediate infaunal taxa maintain their positions within the sediments from core to core, whereas the deep infaunal taxa are found at progressively shallower sediment depths in cores within increasing organic carbon contents from shallower water depths.Each microhabitat category has distinct morphological characteristics. Epifaunal taxa have plano-covex or biconvex cross sections, trochospiral coiling and large pores absent or found on only one side. Shallow infaunal taxa have uniserial, triserial, or planispiral coiling, with surface ornamentation present on a number of taxa. The intermediate infaunal taxa have rounded peripheries, pores over the entire test and planispiral coiling, with the exception ofCibicidoides bradyi which has trochospiral coiling. The deep infaunal taxa have, in general, planispiral or triserial coiling with cylindrical or ovate shaped tests.  相似文献   

Ichnological investigations were carried out on late Quaternary shells of the intertidal deep infaunal bivalve Tagelus plebeius (Lightfoot, 1786) found along the southwestern Atlantic, between Uruguay and the southernmost Buenos Aires Province in Argentina. Analyses reveal distinctive marks that are spread on the outer shell surface only. The marks are regular-unbranched-elongate, perpendicular to the outer shell growth lines, with deflections on the margins, never interconnected, without bifurcations, conforming bottom-up constructions. They occur in hundreds of specimens from many samples taken from sediments ranging in age from the late Pleistocene to the Recent. These marks have never been reported or described for this species and their origin and formation remain elusive. We describe these traces thoroughly and we propose an explanation for their preservation on about half the shells examined. Potential destructive boring structures (excavated from outside-in) or bioerosion activities by other macro- or micro-organisms are dismissed. These antimarginal asymmetric traces point instead to a process of constructive bioclaustrations (grown from the bottom-up) produced in situ during the life of the bivalve by unknown symbiont organisms. Additionally, the regular pattern observed for the marks exclude host growth as a consequence of abiotic/extrinsic causes. From a palaeoecological perspective, these structures suggest a biotic interaction that was hitherto undescribed neither for bivalves nor for the late Quaternary of the southwestern Atlantic.  相似文献   

Ecology and biodiversity research are underpinned by species richness patterns and their environmental drivers. However, a key topic in this discussion is the accuracy of these patterns which are greatly dependent on species detection probabilities. Due to variations in detection of species, true ecological patterns may be distorted. This is particularly true for subtidal macro‐infaunal communities. We tested three hypothesized relationships between marine benthic macrofaunal diversity and depth using species richness per site estimated with a capture–recapture heterogeneity model that accounts for variable detection probabilities. These metrics were based on data from 42 replicated sites across the continental shelf of the Southern Benguela. Average detection probability decreased with greater depth but species richness increased along the same depth gradient. The conflation of these trends in observed diversity data resulted in a positively near‐linear depth–diversity relationship, while accounting for variable species detection revealed a much stronger relationship. Ignoring species detection in ecosystems with imperfect detection could therefore distort species richness patterns, which has implications for ecological theory, management and conservation.  相似文献   

Transect sampling on the continental shelf off the Banc d'Arguin, Mauritania, revealed a patchy distribution of sponge species and populations. Major sponge habitats are inshore coastal sandstone flats harbouring a diverse infaunal sponge fauna, and the moving substrate of shells of live gastropods or empty shells occupied by hermit crabs which harbour a numerically important but species-poor incrusting sponge fauna. The latter forms occur over most of the depth profile. Horizontal distribution of the sponges shows a distinct gap in species and numbers associated with a muddy bottom area where the sediment-rich Banc d'Arguin run-off is found. North and south of this gap the specific composition of the infaunal sponges is considerably different and this is explained as evidence for limitation of range extensions, notably of the southern sponge fauna, by the muddy area.  相似文献   

During the Antarctic summers of 2002–2003 and of 2005–2006, the Spanish BENTART cruises were conducted to the Bellingshausen Sea (Western Antarctica), aiming to study its benthic communities, from depths ranging from 100 to 2,000 m. To achieve it, 30 stations were selected; each one was surveyed in such a way that the infaunal, epifaunal and suprabenthic components of the communities were sufficiently characterized. As a part of the study, some spionid individuals were identified as belonging to a new species of the genus Laonice Malmgren, 1867. The new species belongs to a group within the genus that is characterized by the presence of more than two rows of very numerous capillary chaetae in both noto- and neuropodial fascicles of anterior part of the body. However, it can be readily distinguished from the rest of species within the group by the posterior position in which neuropodial pouches appear (chaetiger 16 or 17) and by the caruncle reaching posteriorly chaetiger 19. In addition, other remarkable features of the new species are the short and triangular occipital tentacle, the rudimentary eyes, the hooded neuropodial hooks first appearing in chaetigers 34–37 and the sabre neurochaetae first occurring in chaetigers 20–27.  相似文献   

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