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Random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) analysis was used to characterize genetic diversity and genetic distinctiveness of Andropogon gerardii from remnant Arkansas prairies. Six oligonucleotide primers, which generated 37 RAPD bands, were used to analyse 30-32 plants from six Grand Prairie populations, Baker Prairie (Arkansas Ozarks), two Illinois prairies and two cultivars. Genetic diversity of the Arkansas remnants ranged from 82.7 to 99.3%, with 89% of the total genetic variation within and 11% among populations. The partitioning of genetic variation was consistent with that reported for other outcrossing perennial grasses, using the more conservative allozyme markers. Principal component analysis indicated a northern and southern association within Arkansas' Grand Prairie. Although there was no genetic structuring at the landscape level, the Illinois prairies and cultivars were different from all Arkansas prairies tested. There was significant within-population structuring in four of the seven Arkansas remnants, with a negative relationship between genetic similarity and geographical distance. The three nonstructured populations were from a linear railroad remnant, suggesting different population-level dynamics from nonlinear prairies. The results of this study indicated that small isolated remnant big bluestem populations were not genetically depauperate and that genetic relationships among populations could not be predicted solely on geographical proximity.  相似文献   

Big bluestem (Andropogon gerardii) is an ecologically dominant grass with wide distribution across the environmental gradient of U.S. Midwest grasslands. This system offers an ideal natural laboratory to study population divergence and adaptation in spatially varying climates. Objectives were to: (i) characterize neutral genetic diversity and structure within and among three regional ecotypes derived from 11 prairies across the U.S. Midwest environmental gradient, (ii) distinguish between the relative roles of isolation by distance (IBD) vs. isolation by environment (IBE) on ecotype divergence, (iii) identify outlier loci under selection and (iv) assess the association between outlier loci and climate. Using two primer sets, we genotyped 378 plants at 384 polymorphic AFLP loci across regional ecotypes from central and eastern Kansas and Illinois. Neighbour‐joining tree and PCoA revealed strong genetic differentiation between Kansas and Illinois ecotypes, which was better explained by IBE than IBD. We found high genetic variability within prairies (80%) and even fragmented Illinois prairies, surprisingly, contained high within‐prairie genetic diversity (92%). Using Bayenv 2, 14 top‐ranked outlier loci among ecotypes were associated with temperature and precipitation variables. Six of seven BayeScan FST outliers were in common with Bayenv 2 outliers. High genetic diversity may enable big bluestem populations to better withstand changing climates; however, population divergence supports the use of local ecotypes in grassland restoration. Knowledge of genetic variation in this ecological dominant and other grassland species will be critical to understanding grassland response and restoration challenges in the face of a changing climate.  相似文献   

Big bluestem (Andropogon gerardii) is a key grass of tallgrass prairies and is commonly included in restoration projects. In many cases, it has been found to benefit significantly from arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi, however results have varied under non-sterile soil conditions. This study investigated the effects of two types of AM fungi inoculum (commercial and prairie) on growth and root colonization of big bluestem from five different seed sources grown in non-sterile soils. Seed sources were collected from five remnant prairies in the Tallgrass Prairie Peninsula located in the Midwestern United States. Growth of big bluestem and root length colonized by AM fungi was highly variable among seed source treatments. Overall, percentage of root length colonized by AM fungi was positively correlated with the total dry weight of plants, and plants that received inoculum generally grew better than those that did not receive inoculum. Inoculum treatment affected both big bluestem growth and percentage root length colonized and there was an interaction between seed source and inoculum treatment relative to colonization. Root colonization responses were not significantly different between the prairie and commercial inoculum types, although there was a significant response between plants that received additional inoculum as opposed to no additional inoculum. Seed sources from Ohio and Illinois had the highest biomasses and greatest percentage of root length colonized while plants from Wisconsin and Missouri grew poorly and had low root colonization. These results demonstrate the importance of considering both seed source and inoculum type before the incorporation of AM inoculum to prairie restoration projects.  相似文献   

Switchgrass (Panicum virgatum) has been planted extensively for habitat restoration across the United States, such as with the Conservation Reserve Program (CRP). However, genetic profiles of these populations have never been studied nor compared with those of remnant prairies or cultivars. In this study, we sampled 16 CRP and 17 prairie populations across eastern Kansas. We assessed ploidy levels of all populations and compared genetic diversity and structure of 10 prairies, 10 CRP areas, and 5 standard cultivars, using nine simple sequence repeat (SSR) DNA markers. All CRP and prairie populations were octaploid (8x), except two prairies with both hexaploid (6x) and octaploid (8x) individuals. Based on the results of SSR analyses, there were no significant differences between CRP and prairie populations in genetic diversity, and 94% of total variation was partitioned within populations. Similarities among prairie and CRP populations were also observed in Bayesian clustering algorithms and principal coordinate analysis, suggesting that they had similar genetic compositions. In addition, positive spatial autocorrelations were detected up to 42 and 46 km among prairie and among CRP populations, respectively. To conclude, the CRP and prairie populations shared similar genetic profiles. However, remnant prairies still harbored unique genotypes and a high level of genetic diversity, highlighting the importance of seed sources for restoration efforts, that is using local wild seeds or cultivars from the same geographical region. A popular tetraploid (4x) cultivar known as “Kanlow” was genetically distinct from the prairie populations and therefore is not recommended for habitat restoration in this region.  相似文献   

Fungal endophytes may alter plant responses to the environment, but how does the environment affect the communities of fungal symbionts within plants? We examined the impact of nutrient addition and herbivore exclusion on endophyte communities of the prairie grass Andropogon gerardii in a full factorial field experiment. Fungi were cultured from stems, young leaves, and mature leaves, ITS sequences obtained, and endophyte incidence, community richness, and composition analyzed. Results indicate that in plots where nutrient addition and herbivore exclusion treatments had been applied separately, fungal endophyte incidence, community composition or evenness did not differ, but that greater species richness was observed in plots with nutrient addition and herbivore exclusion treatments applied in combination, compared to other treatments. Further, although fungal community composition was significantly different in stem and leaf tissues, OTU richness was greater in all endophyte communities in nutrient addition plus herbivore exclusion treatments, regardless of tissue type. Our results indicate the distinct fungal endophyte communities found in different plant tissues respond similarly to environmental factors.  相似文献   

To test whether Rhizobium loti are coadapted to nodulate local plant genotypes, we competed R. loti strains in a common environment with clonally propagated Lotus corniculatus. Both the plants and bacterial strains were originally collected from natural populations in three localities and the R. loti strains used were distinguishable by enzyme electrophoretic markers and differed in geographical origin relative to host plant origin. The proportions of nodules occupied by symbiont strains varied widely and depended on both host plant and symbiont genotype. Nonrandom nodulation patterns resulted primarily from preferential nodulation of host genotypes by the symbiont strain that had been associated with the host in the natural environment. Symbionts nodulating their original hosts were preferentially found in nodules on adventitious tap roots as opposed to the younger, lateral roots (for one host-symbiont pair) or in large nodules, independent of location on the root system (for a second host-symbiont pair). The proportion of nodules occupied by a symbiont on novel host genotypes varied, ranging from nearly random expectation to a significant reduction in the proportion of nodules occupied. The analysis of the bacteria recovered from 994 nodules by multilocus enzyme electrophoresis revealed that 952 (95.8%) nodules were occupied by one of the four inoculant strains and 11 (1.1%) were co-occupied by two inoculant strains. A total of 31 (3.1%) nodules were occupied by strains that did not match the electrophoretic profiles of the original inoculant strains. Based on the comparison of multilocus profiles for 23 enzyme loci, we concluded that these bacteria were foreign strains and not recombinants of the original inoculant strains. Our findings indicate a strong host genotype by strain interaction underlying the outcome of rhizobial competition for nodulation sites and suggest there are distinct mechanisms leading to differential recognition of compatible host and symbiont genotypes.  相似文献   

1. The issue of freshwater species being threatened by invasion has become central in conservation biology because inland waters exhibit the highest species richness per unit area, but apparently have the highest extinctions rates on the planet. 2. In this article, we evaluated the effects of an exotic, invasive aquatic grass (Urochloa subquadripara– tropical signalgrass) on the diversity and assemblage composition of native macrophytes in four Neotropical water bodies (two reservoirs and two lakes). Species cover was assessed in quadrats, and plant biomass was measured in further quadrats, located in sites where tropical signalgrass dominated (D quadrats) and sites where it was not dominant or entirely absent (ND quadrats). The effects of tropical signalgrass on macrophyte species richness, Shannon diversity and number of macrophyte life forms (a surrogate of functional richness) were assessed through regressions, and composition was assessed with a DCA. The effects of tropical signalgrass biomass on the likelihood of occurrence of specific macrophyte life forms were assessed through logistic regression. 3. Tropical signalgrass had a negative effect on macrophyte richness and Shannon and functional diversity, and also influenced assemblage composition. Emergent, rooted with floating stems and rooted submersed species were negatively affected by tropical signalgrass, while the occurrence of free‐floating species was positively affected. 4. Our results suggest that competition with emergent species and reduction of underwater radiation, which reduces the number of submersed species, counteract facilitation of free‐floating species, contributing to a decrease in plant diversity. In addition, homogenisation of plant assemblages shows that tropical signalgrass reduces the beta diversity in the macrophyte community. 5. Although our results were obtained at fine spatial scales, they are cause for concern because macrophytes are an important part of freshwater diversity.  相似文献   

We studied the interpecific competition between 2 species of predatory aquatic bugs, Diplonychus japonicus and D. major by conducting a field experiment. We set up 3 types of experimental plots in the paddy fields where D. major predominated. The two plots contained single species of either D. japonicus or D. major, respectively, and one plot had both species in equal number. We compared the development and the reproductive performance between plots in each species. In D. japonicus, the number of eggs and early instar nymphs were significantly smaller in the plots containing both species than in the monospecific plots. However, the numbers of late instar nymphs and newly emerged adults were not significantly different between plots. The proportions of starved nymphs in both plots were larger than those in the D. japonicus's natural habitats. The final densities of adults in both plots were lower than those in the natural habitats. These results suggest that lower density of D. japonicus in these paddy fields is due to the lack of available food for nymphs rather than the effects of interspecific competition with D. major. In D. major, significant differences were not found in the number of eggs, each instar nymphs and adults. These results suggest that the effects of interspecific competition did not affect the reproductive performance of D. major.  相似文献   

Hipparchia autonoe belongs to the family Nymphalidae (Lepidoptera) and is designated as an endangered insect and national monument in Korea. It only inhabits a very restricted area on Mt. Halla but is widely distributed in several Asian countries including Mongolia. A previous study conducted to understand the genetic relationship between Mt. Halla and Mongolian H. autonoe for conservation purposes suffered from a limited number of samples. Therefore, we sequenced the DNA barcode region of an additional 36 H. autonoe individuals, combined them with previous data from 19 individuals, and performed phylogenetic and population genetic analyses. Furthermore, the internal transcribed spacer 2 (ITS2) region was also sequenced from the 36 samples as a nuclear DNA marker. The existence of independent haplotypes, sequence types, and significant FST estimates (P < 0.05) between Mt. Halla and Mongolian populations indicated hampered gene flow between the populations. Nevertheless, an absence of a reciprocal monophyletic group in Mt. Halla and Mongolian populations by cytochrome oxidase subunit I gene‐ and ITS2‐based phylogeny suggests that the genetic isolation of the Mt. Halla population from the Mongolian populations seemed not large enough to consider them independent genetic entities.  相似文献   

Loss of genetic diversity and increased population differentiation from source populations are common problems associated with translocation programmes established from captive-bred stock or a small number of founders. The bridled nailtail wallaby is one of the most endangered macropods in Australia, having been reduced to a single remnant population in the last 100 years. A translocated population of bridled nailtail wallabies was established using animals sourced directly from the remnant population (wild-released) as well as the progeny of animals collected for a captive breeding programme (captive-bred). The aims of this study were to compare genetic diversity among released animals and their wild-born progeny to genetic diversity observed in the remnant population, and to monitor changes in genetic diversity over time as more animals were released into the population. Heterozygosity did not differ between the translocated and remnant population; however, allelic diversity was significantly reduced across all released animals and their wild-born progeny. Animals bred in captivity and their wild-born progeny were also significantly differentiated from the source population after just four generations. Wild-released animals, however, were representative of the source population and several alleles were unique to this group. Both heterozygosity and allelic diversity among translocated animals decreased over time with the additional release of captive-bred animals, as no new genetic stock was added to the population. Captive breeding programmes can provide large numbers of animals for release, but this study highlights the importance of sourcing animals directly from remnant populations in order to maintain genetic diversity and minimise genetic drift.  相似文献   

Convergent evolution represents one of the best lines of evidence for adaptation, but few cases of phenotypic convergence are understood at the genetic level. Guppies inhabiting the Northern Mountain Range of Trinidad provide a classic example of phenotypic convergent evolution, where adaptation to low or high predation environments has been found for a variety of traits. A major advantage of this system is the possibility of long‐term experimental studies in nature, including transplantation from high to low predation sites. We used genome scans of guppies from three natural high and low predation populations and from two experimentally established populations and their sources to examine whether phenotypic convergent evolution leaves footprints at the genome level. We used population‐genetic modelling approaches to reconstruct the demographic history and migration among sampled populations. Naturally colonized low predation populations had signatures of increased effective population size since colonization, while introduction populations had signatures of decreased effective population size. Only a small number of regions across the genome had signatures of selection in all natural populations. However, the two experimental populations shared many genomic regions under apparent selection, more than expected by chance. This overlap coupled with a population decrease since introduction provides evidence for convergent selection occurring in the two introduced populations. The lack of genetic convergence in the natural populations suggests that convergent evolution is lacking in these populations or that the effects of selection become difficult to detect after a long‐time period.  相似文献   

The introgression of transgenes into wild relatives or weeds through pollen-mediated gene flow is a major concern in environmental risk assessment of transgenic crops. A large-scale (1.3–1.8 ha) rice gene flow study was conducted using transgenic rice containing the bar gene as a pollen donor and Oryza rufipogon as a recipient. There was a high frequency of transgene flow (11%−18%) at 0–1 m, with a steep decline with increasing distance to a detection limit of 0.01% by 250 m. To our knowledge, this is the highest frequency and longest distance of gene flow from transgenic rice to O. rufipogon reported so far. On the basis of these data, an adequate isolation distance from both conventional and transgenic rice should be taken for in situ conservation of common wild rice. Meanwhile, there is no evidence of transgene introgression into barnyard grass, even when it has coexisted with transgenic rice containing the bar gene for five successive years. Thus, the environmental risk of gene flow to this weedy species is of little concern.  相似文献   

In Oleaceae the most outstanding biological issue is to clarify the taxonomic relationships of cultivated and wild olives. To establish the genetic relationships between the wild (Olea europaea subsp. europaea var. sylvestris (Mill.) Lehr.), the cultivated olive (Olea europaea subsp. europaea var. europaea), and other taxa of the genus Olea (Olea europaea subsp. cuspidata (Wall. ex G. Don) Cif., Olea europaea subsp. cerasiformis G. Kunkel & Sunding, Olea paniculata R. Br.) and other Oleaceae (represented by Ligustrum vulgaris) we carried out the amplification by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and the sequencing of the third nuclear intron of the nitrate reductase gene (nia-i3). Sequence analyses showed the presence of two different functional variants of the intron (nia1 and nia2) in the Oleaceae, in addition to a shorter non-functional one. Notably, while the shortest and the nia1 variants were present in all the taxa analysed, the nia2 variant was present only in the wild and the cultivated olive. These data confirm the close phylogenetic relationship between wild and cultivated olives and suggest that this gene could be duplicated in these two taxa after its divergence from the remaining Oleaceae. The presence of a target for AflII enzyme in nia2 and its absence in nia1 variant enables easy distinction by PCR-RFLP between, on the one hand, wild and cultivated olive, and on the other the remaining subspecies of the Olea europaea L. complex (O. e. subsp. cuspidata and O. e. subsp. cerasiformis) as well as other Oleaceae (O. paniculata, L. vulgaris L.). Additionally, nia1 sequences provide useful information about phylogeny of the wild and cultivated olives inside the genus Olea.  相似文献   

Platonia insignis Mart. (Clusiaceae), the bacurizeiro, is a native tree species from the Brazilian Amazon forests. Three populations of P. insignis have been observed in the north-east region of the state of Maranhão that differ in flower color: the red population that produces dark pink flowers, the pink population that produces light pink flowers, and the white population with yellowish-white flowers. From multivariate statistical analysis, we aimed at characterizing such populations using morpho-anatomical leaf and flower morphology parameters. A total of 40 P. insignis individuals have been sampled in the cities of São Luís and Chapadinha. The morphological traits varied more than the anatomical traits. Area, fresh mass, and dry mass were the leaf parameters that show more variations. Platonia insignis have hypostomatic or amphihypostomatic leaves. The length of the gynoecium+the length of the nectary, the total length and the length of gynoecium were the principal components considering flower analysis. The three populations did not show significant differences nor did they group using Ward's method. Individuals from the Chapadinha and São Luís red population have been separated according to leaf and flower morphological traits, and the morphological difference between individuals may represent early stages of geographical speciation.  相似文献   

 Genetic variation and structure of ten wild, three domesticated and one wild-cultivated populations of pepper (Capsicum annuum) from northwestern Mexico were studied in order to find out if the domestication process has reduced the genetic variation of the modern cultivars of this species. The analysis was based on 12 polymorphic loci from nine isozymes. Wild populations were sampled in different habitats along a latitudinal gradient of ca. 500 km. All populations had high genetic variation (i.e. wild: A = 2.72, P = 90.8%, He = 0.445; wild-cultivated: A = 2.50, P = 92.3%, He = 0.461; domesticated: A = 2.60, P = 84.6%, He = 0.408), indicating little genetic erosion in modern cultivars of pepper. Genetic diversity estimated by Nei's method showed that most genetic variation is found within, rather than among populations. However, genetic differentiation is greater among cultivated (G ST=0.167) than among wild (G ST=0.056) populations. Wild populations had an average genetic identity (I) of 0.952, indicating little differentiation and high gene flow (Nm=4.21) among these populations. Average genetic identity between wild and domesticated populations was of I=0.818, revealing that the domestication process has modified the genetic composition of commercial varieties of pepper. Changes in genetic composition among commercial varieties seem to have occurred in different directions, as indicated by the average value of I = 0.817 among these populations. The high level of diversity found in wild populations of C. annuum suggests that the wild relatives of cultivated peppers are a valuable genetic resource which must be conserved. Received May 5, 1999 Accepted October 30, 2000  相似文献   

Zygodactylids (Zygodactylidae) are the extinct sister taxon of passerines (Passeriformes) and among the more abundant small arboreal birds in the early Eocene German fossil site Messel. Four species of the taxon Primozygodactylus have previously been identified and here two new species are described. In addition, new fossils of the poorly known P. eunjooae are reported. The fossils corroborate the presence of two very long central tail feathers for Primozygodactylus, and the feathering of the taxon corresponds with that of extant birds foraging in scrub and undergrowth. Species diversity of zygodactylids falls short of that of passerines, the most species-rich extant avian clade, and in bill shapes they also do not reach the diversity seen in extant Passeriformes. Because zygodactylids closely resemble passerines in skeletal morphology, the evolutionary success of passerines is unlikely to be due to particular skeletal features. Passerines and zygodactylids coexisted in Europe from the early Oligocene to the middle Miocene, and both groups probably differed in ecological characteristics. The zygodactyl foot of zygodactylids may have represented an adaptation for clinging to tree trunks, and if nesting in tree cavities, zygodactylids may have succumbed to competition for safe nesting places with avian or mammalian competitors.

http://zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:7F142141-7E1F-4568-89BF-E2363D128C36  相似文献   

The genetic integrity and evolutionary persistence of declining wildcat populations are threatened by crossbreeding with widespread free-living domestic cats. Here we use allelic variation at 12 microsatellite loci to describe genetic variation in 336 cats sampled from nine European countries. Cats were identified as European wildcats (Felis silvestris silvestris), Sardinian wildcats (F. s. libyca) and domestic cats (F. s. catus), according to phenotypic traits, geographical locations and independently of any genetic information. Genetic variability was significantly partitioned among taxonomic groups (FST = 0.11; RST = 0.41; P < 0.001) and sampling locations (FST = 0.07; RST = 0.06; P < 0.001), suggesting that wild and domestic cats are subdivided into distinct gene pools in Europe. Multivariate and Bayesian clustering of individual genotypes also showed evidence of distinct cat groups, congruent with current taxonomy, and suggesting geographical population structuring. Admixture analyses identified cryptic hybrids among wildcats in Portugal, Italy and Bulgaria, and evidenced instances of extensive hybridization between wild and domestic cats sampled in Hungary. Cats in Hungary include a composite assemblage of variable phenotypes and genotypes, which, as previously documented in Scotland, might originate from long lasting hybridization and introgression. A number of historical, demographic and ecological conditions can lead to extensive crossbreeding between wild and domestic cats, thus threatening the genetic integrity of wildcat populations in Europe.  相似文献   

In Ips acuminatus (Gyll.) parthenogenetic females occur together with sexual females and with sexual males upon which they depend for sperm. In a reciprocal‐transplant experiment, I studied fecundity differences among parthenogenetic and sexual females from two populations that differ dramatically in the proportion of clonal females. In a second experiment, I studied competition between larvae from different mothers and between females from the two source populations. Fecundity measured by the number of eggs per egg tunnel was influenced by the ambient environment at the sites of the experiment as well as the origin of the female, and was generally higher for clonal than for sexual females at both sites. In experimental groups where larvae competed with larvae from their own population (pure treatments), the number of surviving pupae was significantly lower than in groups where females from the two source populations were mixed. The high fecundity of clonal females makes coexistence of the two types of females difficult to explain. It makes the reproductive advantage associated with clonality in I. acuminatus even higher than the two‐fold difference due to asexuality per sé. The significant differences in the number of pupae in mixed vs. pure groups suggest ecological divergence between sexual and clonal females. This would make the mortality of larvae not only density dependent, but also frequency dependent, which could explain the coexistence of sexual and clonal females.  相似文献   

The racer goby Neogobius gymnotrachelus , along with several other neogobiin fishes, has been spreading north and west from its native Ponto-Caspian range for the past two decades via shipping and canals. It has been predicted as a likely future invader of the North American Great Lakes, where it would join its neogobiin relatives – the round and freshwater tubenose gobies. The present study is the first to analyse the population genetic and biogeographic relationships of the racer goby, establishing a baseline to aid interpretation of its future spread patterns and likely donor-recipient population relationships. The mitochondrial DNA cytochrome b gene was sequenced from representative areas of the racer goby's range, including rivers of the northern Black Sea and areas of spread upstream in the Danube River and outside the Ponto-Caspian region to the Vistula River in Poland. Results discerned nine haplotypes, with few shared among drainages of native rivers and most sites housing unique alleles. Racer goby populations significantly diverged among watersheds, supporting historic low migration and little non-anthropogenic gene flow. The Dnieper River was identified as a likely donor source for the Vistula River colonization, where appreciable variability suggests a relatively large number of founding genotypes.  相似文献   

The Balkan endemic species Microtus (Terricola) thomasi – Thomas' vole – is widely distributed in the Greek mainland and presents regionally confined karyotypic forms. In order to test the significance of geographical isolation and/or karyological differences in microevolutionary processes at the intraspecific level we used restriction enzymes and partial sequencing to study the polymorphism of the mtDNA d -loop control region in ten Greek populations. An overall high rate of both inter- and intrapopulation polymorphism was observed. The mtDNA diversity was unevenly distributed so that most of the populations studied were very similar and closely related, and only a few of them were clearly differentiated from the others. The mtDNA analysis failed to reveal any clear variation pattern that could be correlated with karyotypic forms or geographical proximity of the populations studied. Instead, the mtDNA phylogeny gave evidence in support of the coexistence of non-polymorphic (2 n  = 44) and polymorphic (2 n  < 44) karyotypic forms within the ancestral Greek M. (T.) thomasi stock. Interestingly, only one population (Agios Stefanos) seemed to significantly diverge from all the others in both methods used, forming a well-supported paraphyletic clade. Allozymic studies have already reported similar results, corroborating the genetic peculiarity of this population.  © 2005 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2005, 84 , 55–68.  相似文献   

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