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ABSTRACT Forest edges often have increased species richness and abundance (edge effect) and affect spatial behaviors of species and dynamics of species interactions. Landscapes of intensively managed pine (Pinus spp.) stands are characterized by a mosaic of patches and linear forest edges. Managed pine forests are a primary landscape feature of the southeastern United States, but the effects of intensive management on bat communities are poorly understood. Insectivorous bats are important top predators in nocturnal forest food webs. We examined bat foraging behavior along forest edges and in 4 structurally distinct stand types (open-canopy pine, prethinned pine, thinned pine, and unmanaged forest) within a managed pine forest in the coastal plain of North Carolina, USA. During May-August, 2006 and 2007, we recorded echolocation calls using Pettersson D240X bat detectors linked to digital recorders at 156 sites. We also sampled nocturnal flying insects at each site using Malaise insect traps. We used negative binomial count regression models to describe bat foraging behavior relative to forest edges, stand types, and prey availability. Although some species showed affinities for certain stand types and prey items, bat activity patterns were most strongly related to forest edges. Edges were used extensively by 6 aerial-hunting bat species, but avoided by Myotis species. Forest edges function similarly to natural forest gaps, by providing foraging opportunities for aerial-hunting bat species. Therefore, the maintenance of forest edges in managed pine landscapes may enhance foraging habitat for aerial-hunting bat species.  相似文献   

The impact of atmospheric N deposition on the dynamics of various carbon fractions was investigated in two Scots pine forest soils (cambisol, podzol) of Northern Germany in microcosm experiments. Total organic carbon (TOC), CO2 emission, microbial carbon (Cmic) as well as organic hot- and coldwater extractable carbon fractions (Chwe, Ccwe) were analyzed before, during, and after soil incubation in microcosms, run in three treatments: 0, +45, and +90 kg N ha−1a−1. On both sites, the N treatment showed no response to total organic carbon (TOC) contents in most of the investigated soil layers. Microbial carbon (Cmic) was significantly increased in the organic layer of both soil types by the N application. Subsequent to the N application, the CO2 emission increased in all mineral soil layers of the cambisol but remained almost unaffected in the podzol. After the N application, a remarkable increase of hotwater extractable C (Chwe) was detected for the organic layer of the cambisol but not for the podzol, whereas coldwater extractable C (Ccwe) concentrations decreased at both sites. The N application did not have a significant impact on the leachate concentrations of total organic carbon (TOC), dissolved organic carbon (DOC), and particulate organic carbon (POC) in the podzol, whereas the concentrations of these C fractions were decreased in the organic layer and the 35–70~cm mineral soil layer of the cambisol. The N treatment changed the contents of most of the investigated C fractions in both soil types and resulted in a considerable C~mobilization. But the processes of the C~mobilization between the cambisol and the podzol were completely different. According to the presented data, the cambisol obtaining moderate atmospheric N loads is much more sensitive to additional N inputs than the podzol that already received high amounts of atmospheric N.  相似文献   

Rain Forest Structure at Forest-Pasture Edges in Northeastern Costa Rica   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
Land-use change in the Sarapiquí region of Costa Rica has resulted in a fragmented forest landscape with abrupt edges between forest and pasture. Forest responses to edge effects vary widely and can significantly affect ecosystem integrity. Our objective was to examine forest structure at 20+ yr old forest-pasture edges in Sarapiquí. Three transects with 0.095-ha plots at seven distances from forest edges were established in each of six forest patches. Stem density, basal area, and aboveground biomass in trees and palms ≥ 10-cm diameter at breast height were measured in all plots. In addition, hemispherical photographs were taken to determine leaf area index, understory light availability, and percent canopy openness. Linear mixed-effects models showed significantly higher tree stem density at forest edges, relative to interiors, a pattern reflected by increased stem density, basal area, and aboveground biomass in small diameter trees (≤ 20 cm) growing near edges. No differences in total tree basal area, aboveground biomass, or hemispherical photograph-derived parameters were detected across the forest edge to interior gradient. The recruitment of small diameter trees following edge creation has contributed to the development of dense vegetation at the forest edge and has aided in the maintenance of similar tree basal area and aboveground biomass between edge and interior environments. These data reflect on the robustness of forest edges in Sarapiquí, a characteristic that will likely minimize future detrimental edge effects and promote a number of high-value environmental services in these forests.  相似文献   

Nitrogen Translocation to Fresh Litter in Northern Hardwood Forest   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Nitrogen immobilization in fresh litter represents a significant N flux in forest ecosystems, and changes in this process resulting from atmospheric N deposition could have important implications for ecosystem responses. We conducted two leaf decay experiments, using 15N-labeled sugar maple leaf litter, to quantify N transport from old litter and soil to fresh litter during early stages of decomposition, and we examined the influence of litter N concentration and soil N availability on upward N transfer in a northern hardwood forest. After one year of decay, the average N transfer from soil to fresh litter (2.63 mg N g?1 litter) was much higher than the N transfer from older litter (1- to 2-years-old) to fresh litter (0.37 mg N g?1 litter). We calculated the ratio of annual N transfer per unit of excess 15N pool for these two N sources. The ratio was not significantly different between old litter and soil, suggesting that fungi utilize N in the old litter and mineral soil pools for transport to decaying fresh litter with similar efficiency. Initial litter N concentration had a significant effect on upward N flux into decaying leaf litter, whereas no effect of soil N fertilization was observed. Reduction in the flux from soil to fresh litter owing to anthropogenic N inputs probably contributes significantly to changing soil N dynamics. Future work is needed on fungal N acquisition and transport as well as the fungal taxa involved in this process and their responses to changing environments.  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to quantify rates of nitrogen inputs to the forest floor, determine rates of nitrogen losses via leaching and to partition the sources of NO3 from healthy, declining, and salvage or preemptively cut eastern hemlock (Tsuga canadensis) stands in both an urban forest at the Arnold Arboretum in Boston, MA and a rural forest at Harvard Forest in Petersham, MA. Rates of nitrogen inputs (NH4 + and NO3 ) to the forest floor were 4–5 times greater, and rates of nitrogen losses via leachate were more than ten times greater, at the Arnold Arboretum compared to Harvard Forest. Nitrate that was lost via leachate at Harvard Forest came predominantly from atmospheric deposition inputs, whereas NO3 losses at the Arnold Arboretum came predominantly from nitrification. Although our study was limited to one urban and one rural site, our results suggest that current management regimes used to control the hemlock woolly adelgid (Adelges tsugae), such as salvage cutting, may be reducing nitrogen losses in urban areas due to rapid regrowth of vegetation and uptake of nitrogen by those plants. In contrast, preemptive cutting of trees in rural areas may be leading to proportionately greater losses of nitrogen in those sites, though the total magnitude of nitrogen lost is still smaller than in urban sites. Results of our study suggest that the combination of the hemlock woolly adelgid, nitrogen inputs, and management practices lead to changes in the movement and source of NO3 losses from eastern hemlock forest ecosystems.  相似文献   

Nutrient resorption from senescing leaves is a key mechanism of nutrient conservation for plants. The nutrient resorption efficiency is highly dependent on leaf nutrient status, species identity and soil nutrient availability. Nitrogen is a limiting nutrient in most ecosystems, it is widely reported that nitrogen resorption efficiency (NRE) was highly dependent on the soil nitrogen availability and vary with N deposition. The effects of nitrogen deposition on NRE and nitrogen concentration in green and senescing leaves have been well established for forests and grasslands; in contrast, little is known on how plants in shrublands respond to nitrogen deposition across the world. In this study, we conducted a two-year nitrogen addition manipulation experiment to explore the responses of nitrogen concentration in green and senescing leaves, and NRE of seven dominant species, namely, Vitex negundo, Wikstroemia chamaedaphne, Carex rigescens and Cleistogenes chinensis from the Vitex negundo community, and Spirea trilobata, Armeniaca sibirica, V. negundo, C. rigescens and Spodiopogon sibiricus from the Spirea trilobata community, to nitrogen deposition in two typical shrub communities of Mt. Dongling in northern China. Results showed that NRE varied remarkably among different life forms, which was lowest in shrubs, highest in grasses, and intermediate in forbs, implying that shrubs may be most capable of obtaining nitrogen from soil, grasses may conserve more nitrogen by absorption from senescing leaves, whereas forbs may adopt both mechanisms to compete for limited nitrogen supply from the habitats. As the N addition rate increases, N concentration in senescing leaves ([N]s) increased consistent from all species from both communities, that in green leaves ([N]g) increased for all species from the Vitex negundo community, while no significant responses were found for all species from the Spirea trilobata community; NRE decreased for all species except A. sibirica from the Vitex community and W. chamaedaphn from the Spirea community. Given the substantial interspecific variations in nutrient concentration, resorption and the potentially changing community composition, and the increased soil nutrient availability due to fertilization may indirectly impact nutrient cycling in this region.  相似文献   

To address the link between soil microbial community composition and soil processes, we investigated the microbial communities in forest floors of two forest types that differ substantially in nitrogen availability. Cedar-hemlock (CH) and hemlock-amabilis fir (HA) forests are both common on northern Vancouver Island, B.C., occurring adjacently across the landscape. CH forest floors have low nitrogen availability and HA high nitrogen availability. Total microbial biomass was assessed using chloroform fumigation-extraction and community composition was assessed using several cultivation-independent approaches: denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) of the bacterial communities, ribosomal intergenic spacer analysis (RISA) of the bacterial and fungal communities, and phospholipid fatty acid (PLFA) profiles of the whole microbial community. We did not detect differences in the bacterial communities of each forest type using DGGE and RISA, but differences in the fungal communities were detected using RISA. PLFA analysis detected subtle differences in overall composition of the microbial community between the forest types, as well as in particular groups of organisms. Fungal PLFAs were more abundant in the nitrogen-poor CH forests. Bacteria were proportionally more abundant in HA forests than CH in the lower humus layer, and Gram-positive bacteria were proportionally more abundant in HA forests irrespective of layer. Bacterial and fungal communities were distinct in the F, upper humus, and lower humus layers of the forest floor and total biomass decreased in deeper layers. These results indicate that there are distinct patterns in forest floor microbial community composition at the landscape scale, which may be important for understanding nutrient availability to forest vegetation.  相似文献   

Despite the widely recognized importance of disturbance in accelerating the loss of elements from land, there have been few empirical studies of the effects of natural disturbances on nitrogen (N) dynamics in forest ecosystems. We were provided the unusual opportunity for such study, partly because the intensively monitored watersheds at the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest (HBEF), New Hampshire, experienced severe canopy damage following an ice storm. Here we report the effects of this disturbance on internal N cycling and loss for watershed 1 (W1) and watershed 6 (W6) at the HBEF and patterns of N loss from nine other severely damaged watersheds across the southern White Mountains. This approach allowed us to test one component of N limitation theory, which suggests that N losses accompanying natural disturbances can lead to the maintenance of N limitation in temperate zone forest ecosystems. Prior to the ice storm, fluxes of nitrate (NO3 ) at the base of W1 and W6 were similar and were much lower than N inputs in atmospheric deposition. Following the ice storm, drainage water NO3 concentrations increased to levels that were seven to ten times greater than predisturbance values. We observed no significant differences in N mineralization, nitrification, or denitrification between damaged and undamaged areas in the HBEF watersheds, however. This result suggests that elevated NO3 - concentrations were not necessarily due to accelerated rates of N cycling by soil microbes but likely resulted from decreased plant uptake of NO3 -. At the regional scale, we observed high variability in the magnitude of NO3 - losses: while six of the surveyed watersheds showed accelerated rates of NO3 loss, three did not. Moreover, in contrast to the strong linear relationship between NO3 loss and crown damage within HBEF watersheds [r 2: (W1 = 0.91, W6 = 0.85)], stream water NO3 concentrations were weakly related to crown damage (r 2 = 0.17) across our regional sites. The efflux of NO3 associated with the ice storm was slightly higher than values reported for soil freezing and insect defoliation episodes, but was approximately two to ten times lower than NO3 fluxes associated with forest harvesting. Because over one half of the entire years worth of N deposition was lost following the ice storm, we conclude that catastrophic disturbances contribute synergistically to the maintenance of N limitation and widely observed delays of N saturation in northern, temperate zone forest ecosystems. Present address: Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Princeton University, Guyot Hall, Princeton, New Jersey 08544, USA.  相似文献   

Resorption of nitrogen (N) from senescing leaves is an important conservation mechanism that allows plants to use the same N repeatedly. Seasonal variations in leaf nitrogen of mature green and senescing leaves and N resorption in Salix gordejevii Chang, a sandy shrub in northern China, were studied. Our objective was to compare N resorption of this Salix species that successfully occupy different habitats (shifting sandland, fixed sandland and lowland) with differences in soil N availability and moisture. Nitrogen concentrations in green and senescing leaves were higher in June and July. N resorption efficiency (percentage reduction of N between green and senescing leaves) was highest at shifting sandland, intermediate at fixed sandland, and lowest at lowland. There was a clear seasonal variation in N-resorption efficiency, with a lower value at the early growing season and a higher value during summer. N resorption efficiency was lower at the sites with higher soil N availability, suggesting that the efficiency of the resorption process is determined by the availability of the nutrient in the soil. Resorption from senescing leaves may play an important role in the nitrogen dynamics of sandy plants and reduce the nitrogen requirements for plant growth. We conclude that N resorption from senescing leaves in S. gordejevii was correlated to soil characteristics and higher N resorption on poor soils is a phenotypic adjustment by this species to maximize N-use at low availability.  相似文献   

Land-use intensification is a central element in proposed strategies to address global food security. One rationale for accepting the negative consequences of land-use intensification for farmland biodiversity is that it could ‘spare’ further expansion of agriculture into remaining natural habitats. However, in many regions of the world the only natural habitats that can be spared are fragments within landscapes dominated by agriculture. Therefore, land-sparing arguments hinge on land-use intensification having low spillover effects into adjacent protected areas, otherwise net conservation gains will diminish with increasing intensification. We test, for the first time, whether the degree of spillover from farmland into adjacent natural habitats scales in magnitude with increasing land-use intensity. We identified a continuous land-use intensity gradient across pastoral farming systems in New Zealand (based on 13 components of farmer input and soil biogeochemistry variables), and measured cumulative off-site spillover effects of fertilisers and livestock on soil biogeochemistry in 21 adjacent forest remnants. Ten of 11 measured soil properties differed significantly between remnants and intact-forest reference sites, for both fenced and unfenced remnants, at both edge and interior. For seven variables, the magnitude of effects scaled significantly with magnitude of surrounding land-use intensity, through complex interactions with fencing and edge effects. In particular, total C, total N, δ15N, total P and heavy-metal contaminants of phosphate fertilizers (Cd and U) increased significantly within remnants in response to increasing land-use intensity, and these effects were exacerbated in unfenced relative to fenced remnants. This suggests movement of livestock into surrounding natural habitats is a significant component of agricultural spillover, but pervasive changes in soil biogeochemistry still occur through nutrient spillover channels alone, even in fenced remnants set aside for conservation. These results have important implications for the viability of land-sparing as a strategy for balancing landscape-level conservation and production goals in agricultural landscapes.  相似文献   

Primary tropical rain forests are being rapidly perforated with new edges via roads, logging, and pastures, and vast areas of secondary forest accumulate following abandonment of agricultural lands. To determine how insectivorous Amazonian understory birds respond to edges between primary rain forest and three age classes of secondary forest, we radio‐tracked two woodcreepers (Glyphorynchus spirurus, N = 17; Xiphorhynchus pardalotus, N = 18) and a terrestrial antthrush (Formicarius colma, N = 19). We modeled species‐specific response to distance to forest edge (a continuous variable) based on observations at varying distances from the primary‐secondary forest interface. All species avoided 8–14‐yr‐old secondary forest. Glyphorynchus spirurus and F. colma mostly remained within primary forest <100 m from the young edge. Young F. colma rarely penetrated >100 m into secondary forest 27–31 yr old. Young Formicarius colma and most G. spirurus showed a unimodal response to 8–14‐yr‐old secondary forest, with relative activity concentrated just inside primary forest. After land abandonment, G. spirurus was the first to recover to the point where there was no detectable edge response (after 11–14 yr), whereas X. pardalotus was intermediate (15–20 yr), and F. colma last (28–30 yr +). Given the relatively quick recovery by our woodcreeper species, new legislation on protection of secondary forests > 20‐yr old in Brazil's Pará state may represent a new opportunity for conservation and management; however, secondary forest must mature to at least 30 yr before the full compliment of rain forest‐dependent species can use secondary forest without adverse edge effects.  相似文献   

The rhizosphere is a hot-spot for biogeochemical cycles, including production of greenhouse gases, as microbial activity is stimulated by rhizodeposits released by roots and mycorrhizae. The biogeochemical cycle of nitrogen (N) in soil is complex, consisting of many simultaneously occurring processes. In situ studies investigating the effects of roots and mycorrhizae on gross N turnover rates are scarce. We conducted a 15N tracer study under field conditions in a spruce forest on organic soil, which was subjected to exclusion of roots and roots plus ectomycorrhizae (ECM) for 6 years by trenching. The forest soil had, over the 6-year period, an average emission of nitrous oxide (N2O) of 5.9 ± 2.1 kg N2O ha?1 year?1. Exclusion of roots + ECM nearly tripled N2O emissions over all years, whereas root exclusion stimulated N2O emission only in the latest years and to a smaller extent. Gross mineralization–ammonium (NH4 +) immobilization turnover was enhanced by the presence of roots, probably due to high inputs of labile carbon, stimulating microbial activity. We found contrasting effects of roots and ECM on N2O emission and mineralization, as the former was decreased but the latter was stimulated by roots and ECM. The N2O emission was positively related to the ratio of gross NH4 + oxidation (that is, autotrophic nitrification) to NH4 + immobilization. Ammonium oxidation was only stimulated by the presence of ECM, but not by the presence of roots. Overall, we conclude that plants and their mycorrhizal symbionts actively control soil N cycling, thereby also affecting N2O emissions from forest soils. Consequently, adapted forest management with permanent tree cover avoiding clearcutting could be a means to reduce N2O emissions and potential N leaching; despite higher mineralization in the presence of roots and ECM, N2O emissions are decreased as the relative importance of NH4 + oxidation is decreased, mainly due to a stimulated microbial NH4 + immobilization in the mycorrhizosphere.  相似文献   

Forest fires often result in a series of biogeochemical processes that increase soil nitrate (NO3 ?) concentrations for several years; however, the dynamic nature of inorganic nitrogen (N) cycling in the plant–microbe–soil complex makes it challenging to determine the direct causes of increased soil NO3 ?. We measured gross inorganic N transformation rates in mineral soils 2 years after wildfires in three central Idaho coniferous forests to determine the causes of the elevated soil NO3 ?. We also measured key factors that could affect the soil N processes, including temperature during soil incubation in situ, soil water content, pH and carbon (C) availability. We found no significant differences (P = 0.461) in gross nitrification rates between burned and control soils. However, microbial NO3 ? uptake rates were significantly lower (P = 0.078) in burned than control soils. The reduced consumption of NO3 ? caused slightly elevated NO3 ? concentrations in the burned soils. C availability was positively correlated with microbial NO3 ? uptake rates. Despite reduced microbial NO3 ? uptake capacity in the burned soils, soil microbes were a strong enough N sink to maintain low soil NO3 ? concentrations 2 years post fire. Soil NH4 + concentrations between the treatments were not significantly different (P = 0.673). However, gross NH4 + production and microbial uptake rates in burned soils were significantly lower (P = 0.028 and 0.035, respectively) than in the controls, and these rates were positively correlated with C availability. Our results imply that C availability is an important factor regulating soil N cycling of coniferous forests in the region.  相似文献   

Continental tropical forests are thought to be resistant to alien plant invasion due to a lack of disturbance, or low propagule pressure from introduced species. We assessed the importance of disturbance and edge effects by surveying areas of submontane and lowland forest of Amani Nature Reserve in the East Usambara mountains, Tanzania. These areas are in the vicinity of Amani Botanic Garden (ABG)—a propagule source for many alien plant species. We surveyed three edges in the vicinity of the ABG plantations, using plots interspersed along multiple 250 m transects. Survey plots were either in secondary or seminatural forest, representing a difference in past disturbance). Alien plant species richness and abundance declined with increasing distance from forest edges, indicating that edge effects were important. In addition, the effect of distance on richness and abundance of alien species as adults was much smaller in seminatural than secondary forest, emphasizing that invasion of seminatural forest is less likely to occur. Abundance and occurrence of individual species showed broadly similar declines with increasing distance from the forest edge, and lower abundance in seminatural compared to secondary forest. Alien species were dominant in 15 percent of plots surveyed. As 28 percent of the Amani nature reserve forest is within 250 m of an edge, the importance of disturbance and edges could make a potentially large proportion of the forest vulnerable to alien species invasion.  相似文献   

Bird  Adam  Watmough  Shaun A.  Carson  Michael A.  Basiliko  Nathan  McDonough  Andrew 《Ecosystems》2019,22(6):1308-1324
Ecosystems - The Athabasca Oil Sands in Alberta, Canada, is one of the largest point sources of nitrogen oxides in Canada. There are concerns that elevated nitrogen (N) deposition will adversely...  相似文献   

Forests of western North America are currently experiencing extensive tree mortality from a variety of bark beetle species, and insect outbreaks are projected to increase under warmer, drier climates. Unlike the abrupt biogeochemical changes typical after wildfire and timber harvesting, the outcomes of insect outbreaks are poorly understood. The mountain pine bark beetle (Dendroctonus ponderosae) began to attack lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta) at the Fraser Experimental Forest in 2002 and spread throughout the research area by 2007. We compared streamwater nitrogen (N) from 2003 through 2012 with data from the previous two decades in four watersheds with distinct forest management histories, stand structures, and responses to the beetle outbreak. Watersheds dominated by old-growth had larger trees and lost 85% of overstory pine and 44% of total basal area to bark beetles. In contrast, managed watersheds containing a mixture of second-growth (30–60 year old) and old-growth (250- to 350-year old) had higher density of subcanopy trees, smaller mean tree diameter, and lower bark beetle-induced mortality (~26% of total basal area). Streamwater nitrate concentrations were significantly higher in old-growth watersheds during the outbreak than pre-outbreak levels during snowmelt and base flow seasons. In mixed-age stands, streamwater nitrate concentrations were unaffected by the outbreak. Beetle outbreak elevated inorganic N export 43 and 74% in two old-growth watersheds though the amounts of N released in streamwater were low (0.04 and 0.15 kg N ha?1) relative to atmospheric inputs (<2% of annual N deposition). Increased height, diameter, and foliar N of measured in residual live trees augmented demand for N, far in excess of the change in N export during the outbreak. Reallocation of soil resources released after pine mortality to overstory and understory vegetation helps explain high nutrient retention in watersheds affected by bark beetle outbreaks.  相似文献   

Evaluating, and possibly ameliorating, the effects of base cation depletion in forest soils caused by acid deposition is an important topic in the northeastern United States. We added 850 kg Ca ha−1 as wollastonite (CaSiO3) to an 11.8-ha watershed at the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest (HBEF), a northern hardwood forest in New Hampshire, USA, in fall 1999 to replace calcium (Ca) leached from the ecosystem by acid deposition over the past 6 decades. Soil microbial biomass carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) concentrations, gross and potential net N mineralization and nitrification rates, soil solution and stream chemistry, soil:atmosphere trace gas (CO2, N2O, CH4) fluxes, and foliar N concentrations have been monitored in the treated watershed and in reference areas at the HBEF before and since the Ca addition. We expected that rates of microbial C and N cycle processes would increase in response to the treatment. By 2000, soil pH was increased by a full unit in the Oie soil horizon, and by 2002 it was increased by nearly 0.5 units in the Oa soil horizon. However, there were declines in the N content of the microbial biomass, potential net and gross N mineralization rates, and soil inorganic N pools in the Oie horizon of the treated watershed. Stream, soil solution, and foliar concentrations of N showed no response to treatment. The lack of stimulation of N cycling by Ca addition suggests that microbes may not be stimulated by increased pH and Ca levels in the naturally acidic soils at the HBEF, or that other factors (for example, phosphorus, or Ca binding of labile organic matter) may constrain the capacity of microbes to respond to increased pH in the treated watershed. Possible fates for the approximately 10 kg N ha−1 decline in microbial and soil inorganic pools include components of the plant community that we did not measure (for example, seedlings, understory shrubs), increased fluxes of N2 and/or N storage in soil organic matter. These results raise questions about the factors regulating microbial biomass and activity in northern hardwood forests that should be considered in the context of proposals to mitigate the depletion of nutrient cations in soil.  相似文献   

Urbanization is proceeding rapidly in several developing countries such as China. This accelerating urbanization alters the existing land use types in a way that results in more Non-Point Source (NPS) pollution to local surface waters. Reasonable land use planning is necessary. This paper compares seven planning scenarios of a case study area, namely Wulijie, China, from the perspective of NPS pollution. A System Dynamics (SD) model was built for the comparison to adequately capture the planning complexity. These planning scenarios, which were developed by combining different land use intensities (LUIs) and construction speeds (CSs), were then simulated. The results show that compared to scenario S1 (business as usual) all other scenarios will introduce more NPS pollution (with an incremental rate of 22%-70%) to Wulijie. Scenario S6 was selected as the best because it induced relatively less NPS pollution while simultaneously maintaining a considerable development rate. Although LUIs represent a more critical factor compared to CSs, we conclude that both LUIs and CSs need to be taken into account to make the planning more environmentally friendly. Considering the power of SD in decision support, it is recommended that land use planning should take into consideration findings acquired from SD simulations.  相似文献   

Zheng  Mianhai  Zhang  Wei  Luo  Yiqi  Wan  Shiqiang  Fu  Shenglei  Wang  Senhao  Liu  Nan  Ye  Qing  Yan  Junhua  Zou  Bi  Fang  Chengliang  Ju  Yuxi  Ha  Denglong  Zhu  Liwei  Mo  Jiangming 《Ecosystems》2019,22(5):955-967
Ecosystems - Asymbiotic nitrogen (N) fixation (ANF) is an important source of N in pristine forests and is predicted to decrease with N deposition. Previous studies revealing N fixation in response...  相似文献   

We evaluated spatial patterns of soil N and C mineralization, microbial community composition (phospholipid fatty acids), and local site characteristics (plant/forest floor cover, soil pH, soil %C and %N) in a 0.25-ha burned black spruce forest stand in interior Alaska. Results indicated that factors governing soil N and C mineralization varied at two different scales. In situ net N mineralization was autocorrelated with microbial community composition at relatively broad scales (∼ ∼8 m) and with local site characteristics (`site' axis 1 of non-metric scaling ordination) at relatively fine scales (2–4 m). At the scale of the individual core, soil moisture was the best predictor of in situ net N mineralization and laboratory C mineralization, explaining between 47 and 67% of the variation (p < 0.001). Ordination of microbial lipid data showed that bacteria were more common in severely burned microsites, whereas fungi were more common in low fire severity microsites. We conclude that C and N mineralization rates in this burned black spruce stand were related to different variables depending on the scale of analysis, suggesting the importance of considering multiple scales of variability among key drivers of C and N transformations.  相似文献   

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