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Components of quantitative resistance, spore production, incubation period, infection frequency and mean lesion size were measured in 17 sunflower accessions inoculated with conidia of Alternuria helianthi under controlled conditions. The same accessions were also rated for disease reaction in the field in 1994 and 1995 using a generated epidemic and varied in their disease reactions from highly susceptible to highly resistant. Spearman's ranking of accessions was highly correlated (r = 0.9) for both years; however, the ranking of components measured under controlled conditions with field severity was generally poor. Regression analysis of components with field severity ratings of the accessions showed that mean lesion size was highly correlated (r = O.74) and infection frequency was moderately correlated (r = 0.58) with the field severity ratings taken over the two years. Infection frequency was also well correlated (r = 0.75) with mean lesion size. Spore production and incubation period were poorly correlated with the field severity ratings for both years. An index based on infection frequency and mean lesion size gave a better correlation with the 1995 field severity ratings than either component alone, but in 1994 the index was not as well correlated with field severity as mean lesion size alone. It is suggested that mean lesion size, determined from plants 7–9 days after inoculation could be used to select for resistance to A. helianthi in the greenhouse. Infection frequency could also be used as a predictor of resistance, but to a lesser degree.  相似文献   

The phytotoxic compound deoxyradicinin, a metabolite of Alternaria helianthi, was isolated from naturally infected leaves of sunflower (Helianthus annuus). The production of this toxin in liquid culture together with 3-epideoxyradicinol is discussed. Production of deoxyradicinin by liquid cultures was observed to decrease after successive sub-culture of the fungus on solid medium. All 10 accessions of Helianthus tested were sensitive to deoxyradicinin although some quantitative differences between lines were noted. Evidence is presented for the metabolism of deoxyradicinin by host leaf tissue.  相似文献   

A greenhouse assay to screen sunflower for resistance to Alternaria helianthi is described. A comparison of conditions led to the following standard conditions being recommended. The first or second pair of leaves of seedling plants at the V8 growth stage are inoculated using inoculum grown on sunflower leaf extract agar for 5–10 days at an inoculum density of 1–2 spores cm2 of leaf tissue. A 48 h dew period should be applied to plants covered by a plastic tent. A dew period temperature of 26/26°C night/day and a post-dew period temperature relative to that experienced under local growing conditions should be applied. Lesions are measured 7 days after inoculation, and mean lesion size per plant is calculated. Mean lesion size of lines being tested is expressed as a proportion of the mean lesion size of a susceptible standard included in each screening experiment.  相似文献   

A novel major metabolite which possesses phytotoxic and antifungal properties has been isolated from culture filtrates of Alternaria helianthi and its structure elucidated as deoxyradicinin.  相似文献   

Alternaria helianthi is an important seed-borne pathogenic fungus responsible for blight disease in sunflower. The current detection methods, which are based on culture and morphological identification, are time-consuming, laborious and are not always reliable. A PCR-based diagnostic method was developed with species-specific primers designed based on the sequence data of a region consisting of the 5.8S RNA gene and internal transcribed spacers—ITS 1 and ITS 2 of nuclear ribosomal RNA gene (rDNA) repeats of A. helianthi. The specificity of the primer pairs AhN1F and AhN1R designed was verified by PCR analysis of DNA from 18 Alternaria helianthi strains isolated from India, 14 non-target Alternaria spp. and 11 fungal isolates of other genera. A single amplification product of 357-bp was detected from DNA of A. helianthi isolates. No cross-reaction was observed with any of the other isolates tested. The detection limit of the PCR method was of 10?pg from template DNA. The primers could also detect the pathogen in infected sunflower seed. This species-specific PCR method provides a quick, simple, powerful and reliable alternative to conventional methods in the detection and identification of A. helianthi. This is the first report of an A. helianthi-specific primer set.  相似文献   

Phytophthora ramorum has been found in waterways outside infested nurseries, but little is known about its behavior in water. This study examined the effect of salinity on survival, growth, sporulation, and infection. P. ramorum survival and growth was negatively correlated with salt concentration (range of 0–45 g l−1), but showed a level of tolerance even at 45 g l−1. No sporangia were observed in cultures with higher than 20 g l−1 of salt and zoospores were not released from sporangia above 14 g l−1. Water sources with different salinity were used to understand the environment where P. ramorum can survive and infect host material. Water from natural bodies and water amended with different salt concentrations were added to P. ramorum-infested sand and baited with rhododendron leaf disks. Infection decreased with increasing salt concentration and increased with higher initial concentration of P. ramorum. This research helps to better understand the effects of water quality on survival and infectivity of P. ramorum, expanding the potential survey range.  相似文献   

When liquid cultures of Alternaria helianthi were supplemented with aqueous extracts of leaf tissue of its host plant (sunflower), pronounced effects on both growth and production of the toxin deoxyradicinin were apparent. Very low levels of leaf extract stimulated toxin production but did not significantly affect growth, while higher levels markedly stimulated mycelial growth and at the same time toxin production was greatly suppressed. Leaf extracts of non-host plant species were also stimulatory to phytotoxin biosynthesis.  相似文献   

Biological herbicides will assume greater importance for weed control as the number of chemicals registered for use decreases. Two promising fungi pathogenic on Datura stramonium and Cassia obtusifolia are, respectively, Alternaria crassa and Alternaria cassiae. In order to develop technologies for the efficient production of spore inocula in submerged liquid culture, we studied the effect of volatile factors which influenced sporulation on solid media. Sporulation was quantified on Richard's V8 agar under individual and joint variation of carbon dioxide (CO2) and relative humidity (RH). Sporulation of both fungi was suppressed when the two factors increased but not when CO2 was absorbed and RH remained high. Incubation of cultures in a CO2 controlled cabinet with RH constant indicated that CO2 was the suppressant.The mention of firm names or trade products does not imply that they are endorsed or recommended by the US Department of Agriculture over other firms or similar products not mentioned.  相似文献   

Seven genotypes of sunflower, including populations and hybrids, showing differential susceptibility to Alternaria leaf and stem blight were crossed to CMS 234A with pollen selection and without pollen selection. The pathogen culture filtrate was used as selective pressure at stylar tissue by applying it 1 h before pollination. Distilled water applied to stigmas and styles served as control. Two sets of seven hybrids, one set from selective and the other from non-selective fertilization, were evaluated for reaction to Alternaria leaf and stem blight during the rainy season under natural epiphytotic conditions. Selection for resistant pollen on the stigmatic surface resulted in a corresponding increase in progeny resistance. The study demonstrates the transmission of the selected trait from the pollen generation to progeny. Further, it was observed that the effect of pollen selection was high in the progenies of moderately resistant parents compared to progenies of highly susceptible parents. The effect of successive pollen selection was studied by backcrossing the progeny derived through selective fertilization to the fertile parent using selective fertilization. Successive pollen selection further improved disease resistance of progeny. However, the improvement was not very great. Hence, repeated cycles of selection are required to achieve a useful level of resistance in the case of sunflower, since resistance is polygenetically controlled. Received: 17 May 1999 / Revision accepted: 13 September 1999  相似文献   

培养条件对茄链格孢产孢的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
茄链格孢Alternaria solani在体外培养条件下不产生或产生极少量的分生孢子。研究了培养基、菌丝损伤、紫外线照射和温度变化对7个茄链格孢菌株产孢的影响,发现这些处理方法对供试大多数菌株的产孢都有显著影响,确立了茄链格孢大量产孢的最优条件。利用优化后的条件对160株采自不同地区的茄链格孢进行体外诱导产孢,发现120株可大量产孢,占总数的75%,产孢量为1.26×104–5.03×104个/cm2。  相似文献   

A dew immediately after inoculation is normally required for the mycoherbicidal activity of Alternaria helianthi on common cocklebur. The formulation of A. helianthi conidia in an emulsion of unrefined corn oil enabled the pathogen to infect the weed, regardless of whether dew was immediate or delayed for 24 h. Corn oil emulsion and the surface-active agents Tween 20, 40, 60 and 80 maintained the germination ability of 14-day-old conidia to some degree for up to 4 days in suspension. Both the corn oil emulsion and Silwet stimulated the germination of A. helianthi on common cocklebur leaves, but Silwet did not enhance infectivity when dew was delayed. Unrefined corn oil enhanced mycoherbicide efficacy by protecting the conidia during a dew-free period and by stimulating germination when a dew occurred. Corn oil emulsion, Silwet and Tween 20, 40, 60 and 80 reduced the dew period required for disease activity. Unrefined corn oil emulsion has potential as a formulation for the application of this mycoherbicide in the field because it maintained the germination ability and virulence of conidia on the weed during a dew-free period.  相似文献   

Among the three different light sources viz. incandescent electric light, infra-red light and sunlight, only sunlight was effective in inducing sporulation in petri dish cultures ofA. solani. The intensity of sporulation depended upon the age and growth stage of the cultures, duration and number of exposures to light and the presence or absence of a sporulating zone in the culture. Maximum sporulation was obtained in the case of 6 days old partially grown cultures by inducing the formation of sporulating zone which appeared in 24 hours after every exposure of 60 minutes to sunlight.  相似文献   

The Pseudomonas fluorescens (Pf1), Bacillus subtilis (Bs1) are the major potential biocontrol agents against foliar pathogens. MPf1 and MBs1 were found to be the most effective in inhibiting the mycelial growth of Alternaria helianthi. These biocontrol agents have the maximum capacity in controlling the spore germination, and data showing the growth-promoting effect of biocontrol agents and inhibition of seed-borne fungi are available. Seed-borne infections of A. helianthi are controlled by seed treatment with P. fluorescens, which showed least seed infection. The root length and shoot length has also been increased.  相似文献   

The sporulation was induced when fully grown cultures were given dip or spray treatment with distilled water (cold or hot) and thereafter, kept partially covered at different temperatures. Cultures dipped in cold water (4° C) for 4 minutes or sprayed with cold water (4° C) or hot water (58° C) and thereafter incubated at room temperature (13–26° C) in diffused sunlight, produced maximum number of spores within 60 hours. Incubating water treated cultures in diffused sunlight or complete darkness and age and scraping of the cultures had a considerable effect upon intensity of sporulation. The cultures yield a number of subsequent crops of spores when scraped and given dip treatment with cold or hot water, after obtaining each crop of spores.  相似文献   

The study aims at assessment of morphological, molecular and pathogenic variability of Alternaria helianthi, incitant of leaf blight of sunflower. Morphological characteristics determined for 26 isolates of A. helianthi from India revealed variations in shape of culture, pigmentation, conidial measurements, number of septa and colony growth. The conidia of isolate Ah‐7 were long, while conidia of isolate Ah‐15 were short. Based on cultural characters, isolates were classified into four groups. Genetic variability of the isolates was assessed by random amplified polymorphic DNA analysis. Good polymorphism was observed and cluster analysis indicated presence of six genetically distinct groups among the isolates. The isolates Ah‐1, Ah‐7 and Ah‐14 were genetically distinct. Resistant sources are not available in cultivated sunflower, while wild Helianthus species possess resistance to multiple stresses. We evaluated reaction of wild Helianthus species to isolates of A. helianthi. Among wild Helianthus species, H. tuberosus followed by H. occidentalis showed moderately to highly resistant reaction to all the isolates and recorded less disease incidence. The species H. argophyllus followed by H. laevigatus showed more disease incidence. The cultivated sunflower recorded susceptible reaction to most of the isolates and recorded high disease incidence. The isolates differed significantly for pathogenic reaction and were grouped into three pathogenicity groups; low, medium and high. Six isolates induced <20% disease incidence and were included in the low pathogenicity group. Majority of isolates were in the medium pathogenicity group. Six isolates i.e. Ah‐9, Ah‐10, Ah‐18, Ah‐20, Ah‐24 and Ah‐26 induced more than 50% disease incidence and were considered high pathogenicity group. Our results demonstrate the existence of considerable variation in resistance of Helianthus species to A. helianthi and also in morphological and genetic characters of A. helianthi isolates prevalent in India.  相似文献   

Leaf spot disease of sunflower is one of the most important foliar diseases on this crop worldwide. Several fungal groups are known to cause leaf spot disease on sunflower. Species of the genus Alternaria are the most common and serious leaf spot causing fungi on this crop. Leaf spot disease is the most destructive foliar diseases on sunflower in northern Iran; however, the identity of the causal agent remains unknown. The present study was aimed to characterise the identity of the causal agent of the disease by means of morphological and molecular data as well as to evaluate the pathogenicity of the responsible species. For this purpose, a total number of 97 fungal isolates were recovered from sunflower leaves with leaf spot disease symptoms from the sunflower fields in northwestern zone of Iran. All of the isolates were identified as Alternaria alternata based on cultural and morphological characteristics. A subset of isolates was subjected to phylogenetic analysis using sequence data from ITS-rDNA region, gpd and rpb2 genes. Sequence data from ITS-rDNA and gpd did not discriminate A. alternata from the other small-spored Alternaria species. A phylogeny inferred using sequence data from rpb2 gene clustered our isolates in several sub-clades within a single monophyletic clade. Sequence data for the type strain of the other small-spored Alternaria species has to be included in phylogenetic analysis, in order to make sure, whether the observed variations in rpb2 gene sequences are an indication for the population variation in sunflower isolates of A. alternata or define species boundaries among the small-spored Alternaria species. The results of pathogenicity assay on sunflower plants (cultivar Euroflor) under greenhouse condition revealed that A. alternata is pathogenic on sunflower.  相似文献   

The aim of the present work was to determine the influence of Alternaria alternata upon aflatoxin production by Aspergillus parasiticus.A mixture of spores of both strains was inoculated in sunflower seeds at 0,90 aw, and incubated for 42 days at 28 °C ±1.The cultures were observed and analyzed every 7 days to determine the infection level of the seeds and the production of aflatoxins. Results showed that when the seeds were inoculated only with Aspergillus parasiticus, 100% were infected from the 7th day.When Aspergillus parasiticus and Alternaria alternata were simultaneously inoculated the infection level of the seeds was 100% for Aspergillus parasiticus following 7 days of inoculation and 0% for Alternaria alternata. After the 14th day of inoculation there was no significant difference in the infection percentage of both strains (approximately 80% of each one). As far as toxin production is concerned a remarkable decrease was observed when seeds were inoculated with both strains simultaneously.In accordance to the results, Alternaria alternata would not compete with Aspergillus parasiticus in colonization of seeds but would either degrade the aflatoxins by Aspergillus parasiticus or compete for aflatoxin biosynthesis precursors. Alternaria alternata could also secrete some substance that specifically inhibits aflatoxin synthesis.  相似文献   

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