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1194 individuals from eight different regions of Slovakia have been typed for haptoglobin (HP) types and for transferrin (TF), group specific component (GC) and alpha-1-antitrypsin (PI) subtypes. Whereas the HP allele frequencies do not show a remarkable regional variability within Slovakia, this could be demonstrated concerning the TF, GC and PI allele frequencies. The reason for these distribution heterogeneities seems to be due to the incomplete panmixia of the Slovakian population by which local variations in the distribution of genetic markers could be maintained.  相似文献   

Four population samples from different regions of Turkey (Thracia, Karadeniz Bölgesi, West Anatolia and East Anatolia) with a total of 338 individuals have been typed for haptoglobin (HP) and for group specific component (GC), transferrin (TF) and alpha1-antitrypsin (PI) subtype polymorphisms. The allele frequencies show some regional differences, which, however, are statistically insignificant. In general the Turkish HP, GC, TF and PI allele frequencies do not differ obviously from those observed in other populations of Caucasoid origin.  相似文献   

Four red cell enzyme polymorphisms: Esterase-D (ESD), Glyoxalase-I (GL01), Superoxide Dismutase (SOD) and Phosphoglucomutase (PGM1 and 2), have been studied in two endogamous populations (paidi and Valmiki) of North Coastal Andhra Pradesh, South India. Inter group comparison by chisquare analysis revealed no significant differences among them. An attempt was made to compare with those available for other populations from Andhra Pradesh.  相似文献   

Two population groups of Jammu and Kashmir (India) — Muslims and Bodhs-have been typed for haptoglobin and for CG and PI subtype polymorphisms. The allele frequencies do not show significant differences between these two populations. HP and GC allele frequencies of Bodhs and Muslims differ considerably from with that observed in other North Indian populations. The PI allele frequencies of Bohds and Muslims differ considerably from those found in other Indian populations and are more similar to Mongoloid ones.  相似文献   

Endogamous populations belonging to Brahmin, Vysya, Mala, and Madiga castes of Andhra Pradesh, South India, were investigated for certain red cell enzyme and serum protein genetic markers. Frequency values were statistically analyzed to assess genetic variation among the populations. Average heterozygosity of ten loci and genetic diversity within and between the populations were calculated by using the methods of Nei. Nei's index was used to calculate genetic distances between the pairs of populations. A dendrogram was drawn adapting the modified unweighted pair group method suggested by Li, which agreed with the history of the populations.  相似文献   

Haptoglobin (HP), transferrin (TF), group specific component (GC) and protease inhibitor (PI) polymorphisms were studied in three population samples from Thuringia: Jena, n=204; Erfurt, n=213; Suhl, n=180. GC and in particular TF allele frequencies show some statistically significant distribution heterogeneity, whereas HP and PI allele frequencies do not show any remarkable distribution differences. The results are discussed and compared with those obtained previously on other population samples from the eastern parts of Germany.  相似文献   

Haptoglobin (HP), transferrin (TF), group specific component (GC) and protease inhibitor (PI) polymorphisms were studied in a population sample (n=272) from Tyrol (Austria). Comparing the allele frequencies of these polymorphic serum protein systems with those reported on other Austrian population samples some heterogeneity in the regional distribution of allele frequencies was seen, especially concerning the GC system. The reasons for that may be due to different historical backgrounds in the various regions of Austria.  相似文献   

Slender lorises live in forests of southern India and Sri Lanka. Little is known about their distribution patterns and relative densities. We report the results of a survey conducted in 6 forest divisions in the southern parts of the state of Andhra Pradesh, South India. Relatively high densities of lorises occurred in mixed deciduous forests and in adjoining farm lands interspersed with trees. Three distinct populations inhabit the study area. We recommend conservation measures for Loris tardigradus.  相似文献   

One-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (1D PAGE) followed by immunoblotting revealed genetic polymorphism of GC protein in sheep (variants F, S, V) and mouflon (variants F and S, apparently identical to F and S of sheep). The frequency of Gcs allele ranged from 0.84 to 1.0 in the 12 breeds of sheep studied. GcV allele was observed only in Tsigai breed with a frequency of 0.017.  相似文献   

Polymorphism at the GC locus in goats was detected using isoelectric focusing (pH 4.5-5.4) and immunoblotting with antiserum to human GC. Three variants, designated A, B and C in order of decreasing mobility to the anode, were detected and were shown to be controlled by three codominant alleles, GCA, GCB and GCC. GCA and GCB occurred in all four breeds (Australian and Texan Angora, Cashmere and Dairy) with GCA being the most common and having gene frequencies ranging from 0.851 to 0.993. GCC was found only in Australian Angora and Cashmere animals. The products of the three GC alleles had isoelectric points in the range pH 4.63-4.95 and M(r) of approximately 54,375. The major isoforms of the three alleles were shown to contain sialic acid. Linkage between the GC and albumin loci was unable to be demonstrated due to the low frequency of ALBA (0.02) in the Cashmere breed.  相似文献   

Genetic polymorphisms of three serum proteins Transferrin (TF), Group Specific Component (GC), and Alpha-l-Antitrypsin were investigated by isoelectric focusing (IEF) in the Basque and non Basque populations from Vizcaya and Guipuzcoa, Spain. Two of the three genetic systems (TF and PI) showed conclusive genetic heterogeneity between the Basque populations of these two provinces. In addition to the past genetic drift, the present day genetic differentiation in the Basque country seems to be contributed by the unique structure of its populations.  相似文献   

14 population samples from various Italian regions with a total of 2.577 unrelated male and female individuals were typed for four polymorphic serum protein polymorphisms: HP, and TF, GC and PI subtypes. The regional distribution of the allele frequencies of these four polymorphisms shows a considerable heterogeneity, which is for the most part statistically significant, thus indicating an obvious genetic variability of the population of the Italian Peninsula.  相似文献   

A total of 154 individuals belonging to three populations located at different altitude levels in northwest Argentina (San Salvador de Jujuy, 1,200 m; Tilcara, 2,500 m; Abra Pampa, 3,500 m) were studied for the GM, KM, HP, GC, PI and TF genetic systems. Individuals were selected on the basis of ethnocultural affiliation. Gene frequency values were found to be comparable to those reported for other South American populations. The populations studied showed a close genetic identity and an absence of interpopulation heterogeneity. Distribution of the GM phenotypes and haplotypes corresponds to historical data on human settlements in Jujuy Province. The presence of some alleles and the anthropological significance of the allele distribution are discussed, as are the effects of the admixture with Africans and Spaniards. The genetic pattern appears to be the result of a varying admixture due to the genetic isolation in populations located at various altitude levels.  相似文献   

We used RAPDs (Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA) to test genetic divergence between two populations of Bosmina spp. in Lake Östersjön, Sweden. Previous taxonomic studies on European species within the genus Bosmina have been based on morphological characters alone. RAPD markers distinguished the two populations and supported the specific status of B. coregoni and B. longispina based on morphological characters. Furthermore, juveniles with a long antennule and a mucro were classified as B. coregoni. RAPDs also revealed genetic differences among the tested individuals, suggesting several clones within each species.  相似文献   

Abstract  Contrary to the statements by Morris and Mound (2004), Scirtothrips aurantii were first found outside the quarantine facility on mother-of-million plants ( Bryophyllum spp.) sourced from the western suburbs of Brisbane and in January 2003 the distribution of the thrips in south-eastern Queensland was from at least 20 km south-east and 70 km west of the detection site. Some records in South Africa of thrips from mother-of-million plants may not refer to this species.  相似文献   

The North Pacific Ocean has been of great significance to understanding biogeography and speciation in temperate faunas, including for two species of char (Salmonidae: Salvelinus) whose evolutionary relationship has been controversial. We examined the morphology and genetics (microsatellite and mitochondrial DNA) of Arctic char (Salvelinus alpinus) and Dolly Varden char (Salvelinus malma) in lake systems in western Alaska, the eastern and western Arctic, and south of the Alaskan Peninsula. Morphologically, each lake system contained two forms: one (Arctic char) largely confined to lake habitats and characterized by greater numbers of pyloric caeca, gill rakers, and shallower bodies, and another (Dolly Varden) predominated in adjacent stream habitats and was characterized by fewer pyloric caeca, gill rakers, and deeper bodies. MtDNA partial (550 bp) d-loop sequences of both taxa were interspersed with each other within a single 'Bering' clade and demographic inferences suggested historical gene flow from Dolly Varden to Arctic char had occurred. By contrast, the taxa were strongly differentiated in sympatry across nine microsatellite loci in both lakes. Our data show that the two taxa are highly genetically distinct in sympatry, supporting their status as valid biological species, despite occasional hybridization. The interaction between these species highlights the importance of the North Pacific, and Beringia in particular, as an evolutionary wellspring of biodiversity.  相似文献   

Tuatara (Sphenodon spp) populations are restricted to 35 offshore islands in the Hauraki Gulf, Bay of Plenty and Cook Strait of New Zealand. Low levels of genetic variation have previously been revealed by allozyme and mtDNA analyses. In this new study, we show that six polymorphic microsatellite loci display high levels of genetic variation in 14 populations across the geographic range of tuatara. These populations are characterised by disjunct allele frequency spectra with high numbers of private alleles. High F ST (0.26) values indicate marked population structure and assignment tests allocate 96% of all individuals to their source populations. These genetic data confirm that islands support genetically distinct populations. Principal component analysis and allelic sequence data supplied information about genetic relationships between populations. Low numbers of rare alleles and low allelic richness identified populations with reduced genetic diversity. Little Barrier Island has very low numbers of old tuatara which have retained some relictual diversity. North Brother Island’s tuatara population is inbred with fixed alleles at 5 of the 6 loci.  相似文献   

Red‐bellied piranhas (Pygocentrus nattereri) are widely caught with different intensities throughout the region of Solimões‐Amazonas River by local fishermen. Thus, the management of this resource is performed in the absence of any information on its genetic stock. P. nattereri is a voracious predator and widely distributed in the Neotropical region, and it is found in other regions of American continent. However, information about genetic variability and structure of wild populations of red‐bellied piranha is unavailable. Here, we describe the levels of genetic diversity and genetic structure of red‐bellied piranha populations collected at different locations of Solimões‐Amazonas River system. We collected 234 red‐bellied piranhas and analyzed throughout eight microsatellite markers. We identified high genetic diversity within populations, although the populations of lakes ANA, ARA, and MAR have shown some decrease in their genetic variability, indicating overfishing at these communities. Was identified the existence of two biological populations when the analysis was taken altogether at the lakes of Solimões‐Amazonas River system, with significant genetic differentiation between them. The red‐bellied piranha populations presented limited gene flow between two groups of populations, which were explained by geographical distance between these lakes. However, high level of gene flow was observed between the lakes within of the biological populations. We have identified high divergence between the Catalão subpopulation and all other subpopulations. We suggest the creation of sustainable reserve for lakes near the city of Manaus to better manage and protect this species, whose populations suffer from both extractive and sport fishing.  相似文献   

The main aim of this study was to assess the groundwater quality and human health risks of fluoride and nitrate contamination in Nirmal Province, South India, where groundwater is the primary source for drinking water. Hazard quotient (HQ) and total hazard index (THI) were calculated to estimate the non-carcinogenic risk to men, women, and children using the most substantial method recommended by United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA). The results of the study reveal that 26% and 20.59% of groundwater samples have significantly high nitrate and fluoride concentrations, exceeding the maximum permissible limits set by Bureau of Indian Standards (45 mg/L and 1.5 mg/L, respectively). Therefore, ingestion of high fluoride and nitrate water could be the chief reason for health risk in the study region. The total non-carcinogenic health risks for men, women, and children ranged from 2.95E?01 to 4.07E+00, 3.49E?01 to 4.80E+00, and 3.99E?01 to 5.50E+00, respectively. Moreover, 67.65%, 79.41%, and 82.35% of the total collected groundwater samples exceeded the permissible limit for acceptable total health index (THI = 1) for men, women, and children, respectively. Therefore, the health risk assessment suggests that children face higher health risk than men and women in the study region.  相似文献   

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