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Efferent connections of the caudate nucleus were studied experimentally in 13 cats after electrolytic destruction of various parts of it. Preparations were stained by the methods of Nauta, Knook, and Fink-Heimer. Direct caudatocortical connections with a definite topical organization were discovered: a ventrodorsal projection in the cortex corresponds to a rostrocaudal and ventrodorsal distribution of neurons in the caudate nucleus. Striatocortical fibers are few in number and very thin. Their predeterminals were found in both the deep and the superficial layers of the cortex on granule cells and pyramidal cells of different sizes. The results are in agreement with those of most of the recent physiological investigations indicating a close functional connection between the caudate nucleus and the cortex.  相似文献   

Structural features of metzincin metalloendopeptidases, their physiological role in a cell, and their potential use in medicine are discussed in this article. The authors published their own results of investigations of the new extracellular Bacillius pumilus metalloendopeptidase that exhibited a unique combination of characteristics of both astacin and adamalysin metzincin families.  相似文献   

In membranes of Acholeplasma laidlawii two consecutively acting glucosyltransferases, the (i) alpha-monoglucosyldiacylglycerol (MGlcDAG) synthase (alMGS) (EC ) and the (ii) alpha-diglucosyl-DAG (DGlcDAG) synthase (alDGS) (EC ), are involved in maintaining (i) a certain anionic lipid surface charge density and (ii) constant nonbilayer/bilayer conditions (curvature packing stress), respectively. Cloning of the alDGS gene revealed related uncharacterized sequence analogs especially in several Gram-positive pathogens, thermophiles and archaea, where the encoded enzyme function of a potential Streptococcus pneumoniae DGS gene (cpoA) was verified. A strong stimulation of alDGS by phosphatidylglycerol (PG), cardiolipin, or nonbilayer-prone 1,3-DAG was observed, while only PG stimulated CpoA. Several secondary structure prediction and fold recognition methods were used together with SWISS-MODEL to build three-dimensional model structures for three MGS and two DGS lipid glycosyltransferases. Two Escherichia coli proteins with known structures were identified as the best templates, the membrane surface-associated two-domain glycosyltransferase MurG and the soluble GlcNAc epimerase. Differences in electrostatic surface potential between the different models and their individual domains suggest that electrostatic interactions play a role for the association to membranes. Further support for this was obtained when hybrids of the N- and C-domain, and full size alMGS with green fluorescent protein were localized to different regions of the E. coli inner membrane and cytoplasm in vivo. In conclusion, it is proposed that the varying abilities to bind, and sense lipid charge and curvature stress, are governed by typical differences in charge (pI values), amphiphilicity, and hydrophobicity for the N- and (catalytic) C-domains of these structurally similar membrane-associated enzymes.  相似文献   

V-ATPase is a multi-subunit membrane protein complex, it translocates protons across biological membranes, generating electrical and pH gradients which are used for varieties of cellular processes. V-ATPase is composed of two distinct sub-complexes: a membrane bound V0 sub-complex, composed of 6 different subunits, which is responsible for proton transport and a soluble cytosolic facing V1 sub-complex, composed of 8 different subunits which hydrolyse ATP. The two sub-complexes are held together via a flexible stator. One of the main features of eukaryotic V-ATPase is its ability to reversibly dissociate to its sub-complexes in response to changing cellular conditions, which arrest both proton translocation and ATP hydrolysis, suggesting a regulation function. Subunit C (vma5p in yeast) was shown by several biochemical, genetic and recent structural data to function as a flexible stator holding the two sectors of the complex together and regulating the reversible association/dissociation of the complex, partly via association with F-actin filaments. Structural features of subunit C that allow smooth energy conversion and interaction with actin and nucleotides are discussed.  相似文献   

Structural and functional features of eukaryotic mRNA untranslated regions   总被引:28,自引:0,他引:28  
Pesole G  Mignone F  Gissi C  Grillo G  Licciulli F  Liuni S 《Gene》2001,276(1-2):73-81

Serine-rich repeat glycoproteins (SRRPs) are a growing family of bacterial adhesins found in many streptococci and staphylococci; they play important roles in bacterial biofilm formation and pathogenesis. Glycosylation of this family of adhesins is essential for their biogenesis. A glucosyltransferase (Gtf3) catalyzes the second step of glycosylation of a SRRP (Fap1) from an oral streptococcus, Streptococcus parasanguinis. Although Gtf3 homologs are highly conserved in SRRP-containing streptococci, they share minimal homology with functionally known glycosyltransferases. We report here the 2.3 ? crystal structure of Gtf3. The structural analysis indicates that Gtf3 forms a tetramer and shares significant structural homology with glycosyltransferases from GT4, GT5, and GT20 subfamilies. Combining crystal structural analysis with site-directed mutagenesis and in vitro glycosyltransferase assays, we identified residues that are required for UDP- or UDP-glucose binding and for oligomerization of Gtf3 and determined their contribution to the enzymatic activity of Gtf3. Further in vivo studies revealed that the critical amino acid residues identified by the structural analysis are crucial for Fap1 glycosylation in S. parasanguinis in vivo. Moreover, Gtf3 homologs from other streptococci were able to rescue the gtf3 knock-out mutant of S. parasanguinis in vivo and catalyze the sugar transfer to the modified SRRP substrate in vitro, demonstrating the importance and conservation of the Gtf3 homologs in glycosylation of SRRPs. As the Gtf3 homologs only exist in SRRP-containing streptococci, we conclude that the Gtf3 homologs represent a unique subfamily of glycosyltransferases.  相似文献   

The paper deals with the present-day ideas of the structure and functions of membranes with different cholesterol content and relative sterols. The data on the molecular bases of lipids and sterols interaction in model systems, monolayers and liposomes, are obtained using 1H-, 13C-, 31P-NMR, EPR-investigations, methods of differential scanning calorimetry and X-ray diffraction. The methods for obtaining biomembranes with the different content of cholesterol and its effect on the membrane structure and functions are discussed. Reasons are analyzed of principal differences in behaviour of biomembranes with different content of cholesterol and respective model systems. The nature of cholesterol binding with phospholipids, proteins and its asymmetric distribution in biomembranes is considered. The cholesterol effect on the erythrocyte membrane charge density and possible changes in structural and functional properties of the membranes are demonstrated through the author's own experimental data. It is concluded that the cholesterol effect on structure and functions of the membranes is determined to a considerable extent by their phospholipid composition, localization and phase behaviour of phospholipids and sometimes depends on the membrane charge density.  相似文献   

The secondary structure of Pseudomonas cytochrome c peroxidase (ferrocytochrome c: hydrogen-peroxide oxidoreductase, EC has been predicted from the established amino acid sequence of the enzyme using a Chou-Fasman-type algorithm. The amount of alpha-helicity thus obtained is in agreement with previously obtained results based on circular dichroic measurements at far UV. The two heme c moieties of the enzyme have earlier been shown to have widely different characteristics, e.g., the redox potentials of the hemes differ with about 600 mV, and carry out different functions in the enzyme molecule. The structural comparisons made in this study enlighten the observed functional differences. The first heme in the polypeptide chain, heme 1, has in its environment a folding pattern generally encountered in cytochromes. In the region of the sixth ligand, however, profound differences are noted. The cytochromal methionine has been replaced by a lysine with a concomitant lowering of redox-potential thus making peroxidatic activity possible. Around heme 2, extra amino acid residues have been added to the peroxidase as compared with Rhodospirillum molischianum cytochrome c2 core structure in the 20's loop. After completion of the cytochromal fold around heme 2 an additional tail consisting of 25 residues is linked. This tail shows no stabilizing elements of secondary structure, but contains a strongly hydrophobic segment which suggests a possible membrane contact site of this extrinsic membrane protein. Heme 2 is concluded to have a cytochromal function in the molecule. To further elucidate the functional properties of the enzyme, a noncovalent two-fragment complex was produced by specific cleavage of the peroxidase by Pseudomonas elastase. The complex was studied with respect to its properties to the native enzyme. The two-fragment complex of Pseudomonas peroxidase retains the overall conformation of the native enzyme showing, however, no heme-heme interaction. Thus, a comparison of the properties of the native enzyme with those of the two-fragment complex permitted some conclusions to be drawn on the structure of the enzyme as well as the mechanism of heme-heme interaction. From the present results we conclude that the two distal heme surfaces in the peroxidase are oriented toward each other. This structural arrangement allows an inter-heme communication in the enzyme molecule and it also forms the structural basis for the enzyme mechanism. The structural comparisons also give insight into the evolution of an ancestral cytochrome c into an efficient peroxidase that has a versatile control mechanism in heme-heme interaction.  相似文献   

Ten strains of aerobic methanotrophic bacteria represented by halophilic neutrophiles or halotolerant alkaliphiles were isolated from saline and alkaline lakes of southeast Siberia, Mongolia, Africa, and North America. Based on analysis of the nucleotide sequences of 16S rRNA gene and the pmoA gene encoding particulate methane monooxygenase, the isolates were classified as Methylomicrobium alcaliphilum, Methylomicrobium buryatense, and Methylobacter marinus. All strains of the genus Methylomicrobium were shown to synthesize glycoprotein S-layers located on the cell surface with hexagonal symmetry (p6) as a monolayer of cup-shaped structures or fine “inverted” conical structures and as plates consisting of protein subunits with inclined (p2) symmetry. During adaptation to the high salinity of the medium, isolated methanotrophs synthesize osmoprotectants: ectoine, sucrose, and glutamate. The ectC gene encoding ectoine synthase (EctC) was identified in six methanotrophic strains. Phylogenetic analysis of translated amino acid sequence of the ectC gene fragment suggests lateral transfer of the genes of ectoine synthesis as the most probable way for methanotrophs to acquire resistance to high external salinity.  相似文献   

The past year has witnessed the expected increase in the number of solved structures of glycoside hydrolases and glycosyltransferases, and their constitutive modules. These structures show that, while glycoside hydrolases display an extraordinary variety of folds, glycosyltransferases and carbohydrate-binding modules appear to belong to a much smaller number of folding families.  相似文献   

The osmotically inducible protein OsmC, like its better-characterized homolog, the organic hydroperoxide protein Ohr, is involved in defense against oxidative stress caused by exposure to organic hydroperoxides. The crystal structure of Escherichia coli OsmC reported here reveals that the protein is a tightly folded domain-swapped dimer with two active sites located at the monomer interface on opposite sides of the molecule. We demonstrate that OsmC preferentially metabolizes organic hydroperoxides over inorganic hydrogen peroxide. On the basis of structural and enzymatic similarities, we propose that the OsmC catalytic mechanism is analogous to that of the Ohr proteins and of the structurally unrelated peroxiredoxins, directly using highly reactive cysteine thiol groups to elicit hydroperoxide reduction.  相似文献   

CD34 is a heavily glycosylated type I transmembrane molecule, that can be phoshorylated by a variety of kinases including Protein kinase C and Tyrosine kinases. The classification of epitopes detected by different CD34 MAbs has aided the selection of appropriate antibodies for use in specific clinical and research laboratory settings. Detailed structural analyses and cloning studies have confirmed that CD34 is a sialomucin, and have suggested that the fine composition of the carbohydrate moieties contained in its extended N-terminal region is important in determining its interactions with a variety of different ligands. For high endothelial venules (HEV) CD34 to serve as a ligand for L-selectin, the O-linked glycans of HEV CD34 are modified in an exquisitely specific manner with a variety of sialyl- and sulfo-transferases. In contrast, CD34 is not the ligand for L-selectin in hematopoietic stem/progenitor cells (HSPCs) and despite much endeavour, ligands for hematopoietic CD34 remain to be identified.  相似文献   

部分革兰氏阴性菌TonB蛋白的结构特点及作用机制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
摘要:在革兰氏阴性菌内,TonB系统对环境中的重要营养物质的摄取至关重要。TonB系统由锚定在内膜的ExbB-ExbD和周质蛋白TonB组成,它为TonB依赖性外膜受体(TBDTs)提供能量,使其转运营养物质。TonB系统普遍参与了铁、血红素、维生素B12、碳水化合物及多种过渡金属元素等多种重要物质的转运过程。TonB蛋白的功能与其特殊的结构密切相关,它的结构包括起固定作用的氨基端结构域、柔韧可变的脯氨酸富集的中间结构域和与TonB依赖性受体相互作用的羧基端结构域。虽然TonB蛋白结构特点较为清晰,但 其精确作用机制尚未被完全揭示。本文综述了革兰氏阴性菌TonB依赖性的营养物质摄取、TonB蛋白的结构特点、作用机制模型及表达调控,以期为进一步研究TonB蛋白功能提供理论基础和参考。  相似文献   

Glycosylation is a widespread modification of plant secondary metabolites. It is involved in various functions, including the regulation of hormone homeostasis, the detoxification of xenobiotics and the biosynthesis and storage of secondary compounds. In plants, these reactions are controlled by a specific subclass of the ubiquitous glycosyltransferase family. Although these enzymes have been studied intensively for many years, to date only a handful have been characterized in planta. Plant genome projects have uncovered unsuspected complexity within this family that is hindering the characterization of single genes. However, genome information also paves the way for the development of functional genomic approaches. Here, we highlight recent progress and the outcomes of novel strategies developed to uncover the physiological roles of these glycosyltransferases.  相似文献   

DNA methylation is an integral part of the mechanism of a remodeling and modification of the chromatin structure. The global complex net of chromatin modification and remodeling reactions is still to be determined, and studies of the mechanisms controlling the epigenetic processes of histone modification and DNA methylation are in their infancy. Cytosine methylation occurs predominantly in CpG sequences of the eukaryotic genome, and it also takes place at symmetric CpHpG and nonsymmetric CpHpH sites (where H is A, T, or C). The modification efficiency of the three types of DNA methylation sites depends on their genomic localization. Different regions of the eukaryotic genome are remarkable for their methylation features: CpG-islands, CpG-island shores, differentially methylated regions of imprinted genes, and regions of nonalternative site-specific modification. The three canonical sites (CpG, CpHpG, and CpHpH) differ in DNA methylation efficiency depending on their nucleotide context. An epigenetic code of DNA methylation can be assumed with context differences playing a specific functional role. The review summarizes the main up-to-date data on the structural and functional features of site-specific cytosine methylation in eukaryotic genomes. Pathogenesis-related alterations in the methylation pattern of the eukaryotic genome are considered.  相似文献   

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