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All of the samples yielded podocopid ostracods. Most of the faunas from Pitcairn and Oeno were poorly preserved and sparse; those from Henderson were much more abundant, more diverse and better preserved. Only 33 species are recorded from the joint fauna and this may reflect the limited number of environments sampled or the remote geographical situation of the islands. At least 20 species (and a new genus) are restricted to the islands. Other species are known from the Solomon Islands, Australia and Indonesia. Of a considerable number of Indo-Pacific pandemic species, only three Kotoracythere inconspicua (Brady), Tenedocythere transoceanica (Teeter) and Triebelina sertata (Triebel) have been identified to date. The fauna is not, however, nearly so endemic as that of Easter Island on which the two authors are currently working.  相似文献   

Notes are given on the presence and distribution of reef fishes at Henderson Island (24o21'S, 128o19'W) from two separate visits in 1971 and 1991. Limited collections were made in 1971, whilst 1991 records are based on confirmed sightings and in situ photographs. 183 species from 49 families are listed, with museum numbers and lengths being given for collected specimens. This is thought to represent 80–90% of species present. The family with the greatest representation is the Labridae with 21 species. Only 31% of species appear to be shared with neighbouring Ducie Atoll, 390 km to the east, from where 138 species have been recorded, though this low percentage may simply reflect the greater recording effort undertaken at Henderson. Levels of endemism in the Pitcairn Group as a whole appear low (<2%).  相似文献   

The coral reef which surrounds two thirds of Henderson Island, Pitcairn Group, consists of a reef flat, reef margin and fore-reef which slopes gradually into deeper water. The range of sublittoral habitats provided by this topography is limited, reflecting a low level of coral diversity. Spur and groove formations of the fore-reef are present around the northern end of the island which contrasts with the south-western corner, where, in the absence of a fringing reef platform, subaerial cliff faces are fronted by a cliff foot submarine 'trench'. In general, live coral cover on the fore-reef was estimated at between 10–30%, though at sites off the east coast it reached 80%. The associated communities, particularly of sessile filter-feeding groups, were found to be impoverished. The two factors of biogeographical isolation and of local bioerosion processes are proposed as being the main reasons for the depauperate nature of the island's reef. Brief notes are included on the lagoon and fore-reef bathymetry and habitats of Ducie and Oeno Atolls for comparative purposes.  相似文献   

They had said that it couldn't be done-the worldwide eradication of smallpox. To hear D.A. Henderson tell it, the job of leading the World Health Organization's initiative to conquer the disease in the 1960s and 1970s rather fell into his lap. In fact, he describes each of the posts that he has held with great modesty, beginning with his military service at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention all the way through his assignments as Dean of Public Health at Johns Hopkins, Associate Director of the Office of Science and Technology Policy in the Executive Office of the President, and more recently as Director of the Office of Public Health Preparedness under Secretary Thompson at the Department of Health and Human Services. Confronted with enormous challenges in terms of public health initiatives, Henderson describes each assignment as a matter of communicating with the people he works with and the people that he serves, and drawing on their insights to devise strategies for accomplishing the task at hand. With bioterrorism posing one of the major public health concerns to face the United States and the world, it's gratifying to know that someone with Henderson's track record and wide-ranging expertise is paying attention and making sure that medical and government officials are preparing to respond to the threat. Again and again, Henderson appears to have the knack for showing up in the right place at the right time with just the right idea.  相似文献   

Henderson Island, in the Pitcairn Group, preserves a Pleistocene atoll physiography with the rim of the raised reef structure, supporting spur and groove topography, enclosing a central lagoon. Excellent preservation of coral reef communities occurs along the ancient atoll rim and within the central lagoon. The previously interpreted depositional nature of the fossil atoll structure is herein corroborated with geomorphologic and stratigraphic evidence from previously un-visited portions of the island. Stratigraphic and lateral facies relationships indicate a physiographic zonation which includes spur and grooves, outer reef flat, lagoon margin, and an interior lagoon with patch reefs. The in situ occurrence and zonation of reef coral communities around the periphery and within the interior of the island appear to reflect the original physiography of the atoll lagoon, with the most pronounced reef development on the SE side of the original atoll. Stratigraphic units which comprise the raised atoll lagoon structure represent different time intervals, so the atoll lagoon structure formed during various sea level fluctuations. The modern atolls of the Pitcairn Group, Oeno and Ducie, provide some comparisons (similarities and differences) with the fossil lagoon on top of Henderson Island.  相似文献   

Biodiversity and biogeography of Henderson Island's insects   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Henderson Island is an example of a raised coral atoll, and as such supports a much more diverse biota than geographically similar low atolls. It is also, due to its remote location, largely undisturbed by the activities of humans. It is therefore unique in the Pacific Ocean, and comparable to Aldabra in the Indian Ocean. Biogeographically it is also interesting as it is amongst the most easterly islands of the Indo-West Pacific region, and has been largely colonized by species dispersing from island to island across the ocean from the west. New and extensive collections of insects were made in 1991. Although not fully identified yet, it is clear that the fauna is depauperate, with only about 180 species known to date. Despite its easterly location almost all species are derived from the west, and much of the fauna is likely to be indigenous. The most diverse orders are the Lepidoptera ( c. 53 spp.), Coleoptera ( c. 38 spp.), Diptera ( c. 37 spp.), Hymenoptera ( c. 21 spp.), Homoptera ( c. 14 spp.) and Heteroptera (4 spp.). Of particular interest are the weevils, Heteroptera and Homoptera which exhibit considerable endemism with perhaps some examples of intra-island radiation. Although depauperate, Henderson supports a much larger insect fauna than that of nearby Ducie Atoll (total known insect fauna =15 spp).  相似文献   

A total of 3226 walleye were removed from Henderson Lake, Ontario over 3 years (1980–2), causing the stock to collapse. This removal tested the applicability of 'pulse' fishing as a management alternative, and also provided an opportunity to determine which population characteristics might be monitored to serve as predictors of stock collapse in this species.
Following initial exploitation, increased length at age occurred only within younger age-lasses. To use this response as a predictor, one must first obtain pre-exploitation length-at-age data through using the proper gear to sample small fish. Abrosov's mean age to mean age at maturity index may also forewarn of stress (1.2 critical t value for Henderson Lake), but poor recruitment usually invalidates this index, since the lower angling vulnerability of large fish biases mean age calculations. While annual production estimates were a good indicator of the collapse, their determination required much effort. Petersen population estimates produced much more realistic estimates of population size than Schumacher–Eschmeyer estimates, but both estimates not only require much effort but also are influenced by changes in recruitment.
Poor predictors of the walleye collapse included: catch-per-unit-effort data, which, while giving some idea of fish density, were not good indices of exploitation stress; condition factors, which were not correlated to fish abundance; fecundity increases, which suffered far too much of a retarded response in Henderson Lake to serve as a predictor of stock collapse. The inability to determine accurately sex ratios of measure recruitment made these parameters unless.
At least over the short term, neither northern pike nor white sucker populations have increased following the walleye collapse. As yet, walleye have not returned to their former abundance, so the operational usefulness of 'pulse' fishing remains an unknown.  相似文献   

Recent studies of island biotas have suggested that the impact of man on indigenous flora and fauna is much greater than previously suspected. This impact resulted in the introduction of many new species and the extinction of many unique life-forms. Henderson Island, in the Pitcairn Group, has been found to be an excellent laboratory for the study of natural faunal turnover and the impact of people on the natural environment. This was principally due to the island's remote location and its limestone structure, which resulted in the excellent preservation of fossil remains. During the Sir Peter Scott Commemorative Expedition to the Pitcairn Islands, extensive excavations were undertaken resulting in the collection of 42213 bird bones. It was possible to identify 31%. Of the 31 taxa identified, four seabirds appear to be vagrants, a surprisingly high number illustrating that the uncritical evaluation of fossil bird lists from other islands risks over-estimating the number of indigenous species. As a result of the arrival of Polynesian people during the first half of this millennium, half of Henderson's endemic landbirds became extinct, as did most of the small ground-nesting seabirds. The lower sea level during cold stages creates many temporary limestone 'high' islands. This results in many 'former-atolls' developing geological and ecological similarity to Henderson. Hence lower sea-level greatly facilitates the movement of flora and fauna between currently isolated oceanic 'high' islands.  相似文献   

Over 13 months we studied the diet of the fruit dove Ptilinopus insularis , endemic to the exceptionally remote South Pacific island of Henderson. Nineteen plant species were recorded in the diet by faecal analysis and direct observation. The fruit of Procris pedunculata (Urticaceae) was the most common food. When it was unavailable, the doves turned to the young shoots of the fern Phymatosorus scolopendria. Subject to a maximum diameter of about 18 mm, the doves ate nearly all types of available fruit. By combining the diet studies with studies of plant phenology we were able to assess which, of the fruits available, were preferred. The doves preferred the larger fruit. Given that the fruit dove today eats nearly all available fruit species, we ponder on how it co-existed with at least two other pigeon species that formerly lived on Henderson Island.  相似文献   

The little known endemic Henderson Island rail (or Henderson rail) Porzflna atra , inhabits forest on the coastal plain and upraised plateau of Henderson Island. Rails were studied for 15 months from January 1991 to March 1992. The population was estimated at c. 6200 individuals living in pairs or cooperative groups of 3–4 adults on territories averaging about 1 ha. Two or three eggs were laid in covered or open nests near the ground from mid-July to mid-February. Up to five consecutive nesting attempts were made in cases where eggs or young chicks were lost. Adults laid a second clutch when chicks were fully feathered at about one month of age. Both sexes incubated and helped rear the young. Older chicks sometimes helped feed younger siblings. Dispersal of juveniles from the natal territory took place in April. Adult birds underwent a rapid, simultaneous post-nuptial moult of the remiges in February-April; the post-juvenile moult involved body feathers only. Data on morphometries, breeding ecology, courtship behaviour and voice are compared with available information for the spotless crake P. tabuensis , the Henderson rail's closest relative and probable ancestor. These comparisons provide some information on how these two taxa have differentiated since rails arrived on Henderson Island some time in the last 380000 years.  相似文献   

Henderson Island, a raised coral island on the extreme south-easterly edge of the Indo-Pacific plate, is of great importance as one of the few examples of a Pacific island with intact lowland forest. It is also of biogeographic interest as it is practically the final island in a series of island chains, along which the fauna of Polynesia has colonized, reaching back to New Guinea. New collections of the non-flying terrestrial arthropod fauna were made on Henderson Island in 1991. In excess of 100 taxa are now known. There is a rich mite fauna (especially oribatids), with many apparently endemic, some 26 species of spider, and nine species of isopod (including three endemic to Henderson or nearby Ducie Atoll). In addition Diplopoda, Chilopoda, Amphipoda, Pseudoscorpiones, Diplura, Protura and Collembola are represented. The majority of the fauna is derived from the west, as expected, though many taxa appear to be introduced, some of them from the neotropics (e.g. Frigga crocuta and perhaps Hoplophorella stilifer).  相似文献   

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