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Blade-forming red algae occur worldwide and, prior to DNA sequencing, had been notoriously difficult to identify and classify, especially when lacking critical reproductive features. This, coupled in New Zealand with many longstanding assumptions that taxa were identical to non-New Zealand species or genera, resulted in many misapplied names. Pugetia delicatissima R.E. Norris, an endemic New Zealand blade-forming species of the family Kallymeniaceae, is actually comprised of one existing and one new species belonging to two distinct genera, as established by our phylogenetic analyses of DNA sequences from the rbcL gene. Analyses of combined rbcL and LSU genes showed that neither is closely related to the generitype of Pugetia, the northern-eastern Pacific, P. fragilissima Kylin. We propose the names Judithia and Wendya for these two newly revealed genera. In addition to diagnostic rbcL and LSU sequences, Judithia is morphologically and anatomically characterized by rounded to oblong blades that do not taper basally at the stipe, loosely aggregated surface cortical cells and cystocarps lacking both a pericarp and an ostiole, all features observed in the holotype of P. delicatissima. Wendya, in contrast, is characterized by blades that taper both apically and basally, compactly arranged surface cortical cells and cystocarps that have both a pericarp and a distinct ostiole. The two genera also are distinguished from one other, as well as from Pugetia by features of pre- and post-fertilization development, including the number of subsidiary cells produced on carpogonial and auxiliary branch systems, whether subsidiary cells in the carpogonial branch system fuse with the supporting cell or not, and the site of origin of gonimoblast cells. Although small in area, New Zealand hosts ten of the 27 currently recognized genera in the Kallymeniaceae and is the southern-hemisphere region of greatest generic diversification in this family.  相似文献   

The polysaccharide extracted from cystocarpic Callophyllis variegata was fractionated with potassium chloride yielding three small fractions that precipitated in the ranges of 0–0.05 M KCl, 1.20–1.25 M KCl, and 1.80–2.00 M KCl, and a main product soluble in 2.00 M KCl. These fractions were analyzed, and as the first one contained very high amounts of protein, it was not studied further. Structural analysis of the rest of the fractions (F1–F3) was carried out by methylation, desulfation–methylation, IR, and 13C NMR spectroscopy. The results are consistent for F1 with a carrageenan-type backbone mainly constituted by β-d-galactose 2-sulfate linked to -d-galactose 2,3,6-trisulfate and β-d-galactose 2,4-disulfate linked to 3,6-anhydro-d-galactose 2-sulfate as dominant diads. In F2 these diads are present together with low amounts of β-d-galactose 2-sulfate linked to 3,6-anhydro-d-galactose 2-sulfate, whose contribution becomes higher in F3. In addition, minor but significant amounts of l-galactose were detected. F1–F3 showed potent antiviral activity against herpes simplex types 1 and 2 and dengue type 2.  相似文献   

Critical examination of the literature and specimens of the three described species of Euthora indicates that the acceptance of the northern species E. cristata (C. Ag.) J. Ag. and E. fruticulosa (Rupr.) J. Ag. has been based on lack of familiarity with the degree of variation normal within one species, and these two species should be united. The carpogonial branch system of this combined species is typical of that found in the genus Callophyllis within which it should therefore be included as Callophyllis cristata (C. Ag.) Kütz. The taxonomic position of the only other species of Euthora, E. tristanensis Baardseth, cannot be determined until information on the carpogonial structure is available.  相似文献   

Callophyllis variegata is a red alga that has been exported to Japan as an edible seaweed over the past few years. Available data strongly suggest that after a few years of exploitation of the C. variegata stands in southern Chile, a decline of its abundance seems to be occurring. However, there is not sufficient knowledge available to sustain harvesting strategies or to develop cultivation techniques. This study describes the C. variegata landings in the south of Chile and also provides some basic data on the biology of this species. Experiments related to the cultivation of early developmental stages, frond cultivation under controlled conditions and the regeneration capacity of the holdfast of this red alga are also presented. Spore production occurs mainly in autumn and winter and survival of carpospores decreased as the temperature increased from 8 to 12°C. Survival of tetraspores increased significantly, from 50 to 60% to over 80%, when temperature was raised from 8 to 12°C. Carpospore survival was also significantly affected by the photon flux density. This effect was mainly at 8°C, whereas at 33 µmol m?2 s?1 the survival of the spores is always low. The cultivation of apical portions of C. variegata under laboratory conditions showed that lower temperatures (8°C) significantly increased growth. Salinity and photon flux density did not have an effect on specific growth rate. Laboratory experiments demonstrated that holdfasts can regenerate fronds and that these fronds can be excised and cultivated, and are far more tolerant to environmental factors than the apical portions.  相似文献   

Trontelj  Peter  Sket  Boris 《Hydrobiologia》2000,438(1-3):227-235
The three most abundant and species-rich genera of erpobdellid leeches – Erpobdella, Dina and Trocheta – have traditionally been distinguished by their annulation pattern. Erpobdella has five unsubdivided annuli per somite, in Dina the last annulus is widened and subdivided once, and in Trocheta, the last and often also the first annulus is further subdivided. The last two genera are often referred to as the subfamily Trochetinae. The presented molecular phylogenetic analysis, based on mitochondrial 12S rDNA sequences and nuclear ITS2 sequences, has revealed a sister relationship between Trocheta and Erpobdella rather than between Trocheta and Dina. Furthermore, the annulation pattern has proved to be inappropriate for the diagnosis of Dina and Trocheta. The taxon Trocheta bykowskii krasensehas been classified on the basis of its Trocheta-like annulation; however, according to the molecular phylogeny, it belongs to the Dina clade. A pair of diagnostic PCR primers were developed to identify unambiguously individuals with intermediate annulation. In summary, (1) the traditional genus diagnosis of Dina and Trocheta is no longer tenable, and the genera are not always morphologically distinguishable by traditional characters; (2) T. b. krasense Sket, 1968, should be re-classified as Dina krasensis; (3) the subfamily Trochetinae should be annulled because it does not represent a monophyletic assemblage.  相似文献   

Despite much effort in the past decade to resolve the taxonomy of algae in the Gracilariaceae, the family remains problematic. Genetic concepts have become equivocal as their diagnostic reproductive features have been reported as mixed in single species. Species concepts are often also uncertain since the full phenotypic range of a species is seldom known or appreciated. This paper reviews some of the recent taxonomic controversy from the viewpoints of morphology and molecular biology. As more observations are made, features like spermatangial configuration and mode of gonimoblast nutrition, once considered characteristic of genera and subgenera, are emerging as a continuum of types that may vary within species. Culture studies to establish the reproductive anatomy of a life history and to test crossabilities are invaluable to species concepts but also may yield false results owing to clonal variability and intraspecific sterility. Characteristics of DNA have been effective in clarifying some aspects of gracilariacean taxonomy and phylogeny, and may be able to resolve the major inconsistencies if more widely applied. NRCC 38089  相似文献   

A key to the genera of the Gracilariaceae is provided along with a short diagnosis for each genus. Features of the mature cystocarp and spermatangial configurations that separate genera are illustrated.  相似文献   

Small-subunit ribosomal DNA (SSU) sequences for 14 members of the rhodophyte order Acrochaetiales were used to generate phylogenetic trees to determine whether the Acrochaetiales is monophyletic and to assess the relationships of acrochaetioid algae to closely related taxa. Within the Acrochaetiales, two strongly supported groups are recognized: one group that includes, in addition to three other species, the type species of the genera Acrochaetium, Audouinella and Rhodochorton; and a second group that includes an unequivocal representative of Colaconema and nine additional species. The relationships of these groups with the Batrachospermales, Palmariales and Nemaliales were not resolved and the possibility that the Acrochaetiales is polyphyletic was not eliminated. Resolution of relationships for species within these groups was strong in only a few cases, with many of the phylogenetic issues at this level remaining equivocal. Our results do not position Camontagnea in the Acrochaetiales, as has recently been suggested, but strongly ally this genus to the family Rhodothamniellaceae of the Palmariales. The phylogenetic position of Rhododraparnaldia, an alga intermediate between the Acrochaetiales and Batrachospermales, remains unresolved. These molecular results provide a foundation for assessing the taxonomic significance of phenotypic characters (e.g. anatomy, life histories, morphology, phycoerythrin type and plastid details) variously considered taxonomically significant in the Acrochaetiales.  相似文献   

The phylogenetic systematics of the Gigartinaceae is discussed for seven genera and three undescribed generic lineages and 65 taxa representing 62 species based on an analysis of rbcL sequences and morphological evidence. An examination of rbcL trees resulting from analyses of these taxa identifies seven lineages: (i) ‘Gigartina’ alveata; (ii) Rhodoglossum/Gigartina; (iii) Chondracanthus; (iv) Ostiophyllum; (v) Sarcothalia; (vi) ‘Gigartina’ skottsbergii; and (vii) a large clade containing Iridaea/‘Sarcothalia’, Mazzaella and Chondrus. These lineages and Chondrus are strongly supported; however, two groups, Iridaea/‘Sarcothalia’ and Mazzaella, receive no bootstrap support. The morphology of the female reproductive system is investigated with the aid of computer-generated, color-coded tracings of photographs of cystocarps seen in cross section at different developmental stages. Seven basic cystocarp types were found which corresponded to species groups seen in rbcL trees. These were: (i) a ‘Gigartina’ alveata group in which the carposporangia-bearing filaments develop apomictically from gametophytic cells; (ii) a Rhodoglossum/Gigartina group in which gonimoblast filaments penetrate the surrounding envelope fusing progessively with envelope cells; (iii) a Chondracanthus group in which gonimoblast filaments penetrate the envelope but fuse with envelope cells only at late developmental stages; (iv) a Sarcothalia group in which the gonimoblast filaments displace an envelope composed mainly of secondary gametophytic filaments and link to envelope cells by terminal tubular gonimoblast cells; (v) an Iridaea group similar to the Sarcothalia group, but with an envelope composed of a mixture of medullary cells and secondary gametophytic filaments; (vi) a Mazzaella group that lacks a true envelope and in which gonimoblast filaments connect to modified gametophytic cells by means of terminal tubular cells; (vii) a Chondrus group in which gonimoblast filaments penetrate the medulla and link to modified medullary cells by means of conjunctor cells forming secondary pit connections. The further separation of these groups into genera is based largely on tetrasporangial characters.  相似文献   

Approximately 500 species of ascomycetous yeasts, including members of Candida and other anamorphic genera, were analyzed for extent of divergence in the variable D1/D2 domain of large subunit (26S) ribosomal DNA. Divergence in this domain is generally sufficient to resolve individual species, resulting in the prediction that 55 currently recognized taxa are synonyms of earlier described species. Phylogenetic relationships among the ascomycetous yeasts were analyzed from D1/D2 sequence divergence. For comparison, the phylogeny of selected members of the Saccharomyces clade was determined from 18S rDNA sequences. Species relationships were highly concordant between the D1/D2 and 18S trees when branches were statistically well supported.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic relationships of 18 Thlaspi s.l. species were inferred from nuclear ribosomal internal transcribed spacer (ITS) sequence data. These species represent all sections of the basic classification system of Schulz primarily based on fruit characters. The molecular phylogeny supported six clades that are largely congruent with species groups recognized by Meyer on the basis of differences in seed coat anatomy, i.e. Thlaspi s. s., Thlaspkeras, Moccaea {Raparia included), Microthhspi, Vania and Neurotropy. Some of these lineages include species which are morphologically diverse in fruit shape (e.g. Thlaspi s. s.: T. arvense - fruits broadly winged, T. ceratocarpum - fruits with prominent horns at apex, T. alliaceum - fruits very narrowly winged). Furthermore, the same fruit shape type is distributed among different clades. For instance, fruits with prominent horns at apex are found in Thlaspi s. s. ( T. ceratocarpum) and Thlaspiceras (T oxyceras). These results clearly indicate convergence in fruit characters previously used for sectional classification in Thlaspi s. l.  相似文献   

The taxonomic relationship between Gelidium elegans Kützing and Gelidium subfastigiatum Okamura, two morphologically similar species of the red algal genus Gelidium (Gelidiaceae) growing in the north‐western Pacific, was critically re‐examined. Gelidium subfastigiatum has been distinguished from G. elegans by its more robust thalli, which have antrorse tooth‐like branches, although their distinction has been said to be often difficult or impossible. We determined the nuclear encoded internal transcribed spacer 1 (ITS1) for 14 samples from eight populations of this G. elegans/ G. subfastigiatum complex, and two types of ITS1 sequences were found. Analysis of seasonal variations of subterminal portions of major branches revealed that this complex includes two groups: one possessing the type 1 ITS1 sequence and antrorse tooth‐like branches that are subterminally thickened and widened during only colder months, and another possessing the type 2 ITS1 sequence and thin and narrow branches throughout the year. These groups should be recognized as separate species; the former is assigned to G. subfastigiatum and the latter to G. elegans.  相似文献   

Generic boundaries among the genera Cheilosporum, Haliptilon, and Jania—currently referred to the tribe Janieae (Corallinaceae, Corallinales, Rhodophyta)—were reassessed. Phylogenetic relationships among 42 corallinoidean taxa were determined based on 26 anatomical characters and nuclear SSU rDNA sequence data for 11 species (with two duplicate plants) referred to the tribe Corallineae and 15 species referred to the tribe Janieae (two species of Cheilosporum, seven of Haliptilon, and six of Jania, with five duplicate plants). Results from our approach were consistent with the hypothesis that the tribe Janieae is monophyletic. Our data indicate, however, that Jania and Haliptilon as currently delimited are not monophyletic, and that Cheilosporum should not be recognized as an independent genus within the Janieae. Our data resolved two well‐supported biogeographic clades for the included Janieae, an Indian‐Pacific clade and a temperate North Atlantic clade. Among anatomical characters, reproductive structures reflected the evolution of the Janieae. Based on our results, three genera, Cheilosporum, Haliptilon, and Jania, should be merged into a single genus, with Jania having nomenclatural priority. We therefore propose new combinations where necessary of some species previously included in Cheilosporum and Haliptilon.  相似文献   

A molecular survey of red algae collected by technical divers and submersibles from 90 m in the mesophotic zone off the coast of Bermuda revealed three species assignable to the Kallymeniaceae. Two of the species are representative of recently described genera centered in the western Pacific in Australia and New Zealand, Austrokallymenia and Psaromenia and the third from the Mediterranean Sea and the eastern Atlantic, Nothokallymenia. A phylogenetic analysis of concatenated mitochondrial (COI‐5P) and chloroplast (rbcL) genes, as well as morphological characteristics, revealed that two are shown to be new species with distant closest relatives (N. erosa and Psaromenia septentrionalis), while the third represents a deep water western Atlantic species now moved to an Australasian genus (A. westii).  相似文献   

Monophyly of the genus Leporinus (Characiformes: Anostomidae) was tested by sequencing and analysing a total of 4732 bp, including two mitochondrial [cytochrome oxidase subunit 1 (CO1) and cytochrome b (Cytb)] and three nuclear [myosin heavy chain 6 cardiac muscle alpha (Myh6), recombination activating gene 1 (RAG1) and recombination activating gene 2 (RAG2)] loci for 22 species of Leporinus, or c. 25% of all described species in the genus. Phylogenetic tree analyses (maximum parsimony, maximum likelihood and Bayesian species tree) indicate Leporinus to be paraphyletic, with monophyly being rejected by both Kishino–Hasegawa and Shimodaira–Hasegawa tests. The sequenced species of Leporinus are distributed across five clades that are interleaved among other anostomid genera. Several taxonomic changes are suggested as being necessary to restore monophyly for the group. The clade containing the type species, Leporinus fasciatus, should be considered Leporinus sensu stricto and at least three new genera should be described for other species currently considered part of Leporinus.  相似文献   

A critical reassessment of the morphological features of two closely related red algal genera,Grateloupia C.Agardh and Sinotubimorpha W.X.Li & Z.F.Ding (Halymeniaceae),pointed out that members of the t...  相似文献   

An extended molecular phylogenetic analysis of Uvaria (Annonaceae) is presented, using maximum parsimony, maximum likelihood and Bayesian methods, based on sequences of four plastid DNA regions (matK, psbA‐trnH spacer, rbcL and trnL‐F). The additional taxa include the monotypic West African genus Balonga, the monotypic South‐East Asian genus Dasoclema and seven Australian representatives of the genus Melodorum. The results indicate that all of these taxa are nested within a well‐supported clade otherwise consisting of Uvaria species, indicating that their taxonomic treatment needs to be reassessed. The distinguishing morphological characteristics of the taxa are re‐evaluated and interpreted as specialized adaptations of the basic Uvaria structure. The genus Uvaria is accordingly extended following the transfer of these species, necessitating six new nomenclatural combinations and two replacement names. © 2010 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2010, 163 , 33–43.  相似文献   

The genus Lesleigha gen. nov., based on L. hawaiiensis sp. nov. from Oahu in the Hawaiian Islands, is characterized morphologically and anatomically and strongly supported as distinct from the other genera of the family Sebdeniaceae (Sebdenia and Crassitegula) primarily on the basis of mitochondrial COI-5P and nuclear SSU and LSU ribosomal DNA sequences. Characters distinguishing Lesleigha from Sebdenia include the repent, dorsiventral habit, nemathecial tetrasporangia, and irregularly cruciate tetrasporangial division pattern. Although these features are equally displayed by the recently described Crassitegula from Bermuda, that genus appears to differ from Lesleigha anatomically by its lack of a fusion cell subtending the gonimoblast, although in the absence of carposporophytes it is virtually necessary that DNA-sequence analyses be conducted before a distinction between Lesleigha and Crassitegula can be certain. Besides Lesleigha hawaiiensis, L. howensis sp. nov. is newly described from Lord Howe Island in the southern Pacific, and the Japanese and Korean Sebdenia yamadae is transferred to Lesleigha as L. yamadae, based on habit and anatomical conformity as well as DNA sequences. In addition, a new species of Crassitegula, C. imitans, is described from Lord Howe Island. The existence of further sebdenialean taxa is documented although not formally treated, indicating that substantial additional diversity most likely still awaits discovery in this reputedly species-poor order.  相似文献   

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