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DNA sequences encoding hypothetical proteins homologous to S1 nuclease from Aspergillus oryzae are found in many organisms including fungi, plants, pathogenic bacteria, and eukaryotic parasites. One of these is the M1 nuclease of Mesorhizobium loti which we demonstrate herein to be an enzymatically active, soluble, and stable S1 homolog that lacks the extensive mannosyl-glycosylation found in eukaryotic S1 nuclease homologs. We have expressed the cloned M1 protein in M. loti and purified recombinant native M1 to near homogeneity and have also isolated a homogeneous M1 carboxy-terminal hexahistidine tag fusion protein. Mass spectrometry and N-terminal Edman degradation sequencing confirmed the protein identity. The enzymatic properties of the purified M1 nuclease are similar to those of S1. At acidic pH M1 is 25 times more active on single-stranded DNA than on double-stranded DNA and 3 times more active on single-stranded DNA than on single-stranded RNA. At neutral pH the RNase activity of M1 exceeds the DNase activity. M1 nicks supercoiled RF-I plasmid DNA and rapidly cuts the phosphodiester bond across from the nick in the resultant relaxed RF-II plasmid DNA. Therefore, M1 represents an active bacterial S1 homolog in spite of great sequence divergence. The biochemical characterization of M1 nuclease supports our sequence alignment that reveals the minimal 21 amino acid residues that are necessarily conserved for the structure and functions of this enzyme family. The ability of M1 to degrade RNA at neutral pH implies previously unappreciated roles of these nucleases in biological systems.  相似文献   

The arylamine N-acetyltransferases (NAT; EC are xenobiotic-metabolizing enzymes (XME) that catalyze the transfer of an acetyl group from acetylCoA (Ac-CoA) to arylamine, hydrazines and their N-hydroxylated metabolites. Eukaryotes may have up to three NAT isoforms, but Mesorhizobium loti is the only prokaryote with two functional NAT isoforms (MLNAT1 and MLNAT2). The three-dimensional structure of MLNAT1 has been determined (Holton, S.J., Dairou, J., Sandy, J., Rodrigues-Lima, F., Dupret, J.M., Noble, M.E.M. and Sim, E. (2005) Structure of Mesorhizobium loti arylamine N-acetyltransferase 1. Acta Cryst, F61, 14-16). No MLNAT2 crystals have yet been produced, despite the production of sufficient quantities of pure protein. Using purified recombinant MLNAT1 and MLNAT2, we showed here that MLNAT1 was intrinsically more stable than MLNAT2. To test whether different structural features could explain these differences in intrinsic stability, we constructed a high-quality homology model for MLNAT2 based on far UV-CD data. Despite low levels of sequence identity with other prokaryotic NAT enzymes ( approximately 28% identity), this model suggests that MLNAT2 adopts the characteristic three-domain NAT fold. More importantly, molecular dynamics simulations on the structures of MLNAT1 and MLNAT2 suggested that MLNAT2 was less stable than MLNAT1 due to differences in amino-acid sequence/structure features in the alpha/beta lid domain.  相似文献   

The (1-->3)-beta-D-pentaglucoside was synthesized as its (R)-2,3-epoxypropyl glycoside via 2+3 strategy. The disaccharide donor 8 was obtained by 3-selective coupling of 2 with 4, followed by deallylation, and trichloroacetimidation. Meanwhile, the trisaccharide acceptor 12 was prepared by coupling of 10 with 4, followed by deacetylation. Condensation of 8 with 12, followed by epoxidation, and deprotection, gave the target pentaoside. The results of these bioassays demonstrated that the (1-->3)-beta-D-glucanase was obviously inactivated by 15 with k(app)=3.79 x 10(-4) min(-1). At the same time, we found that the 15 was more active as compared to the laminaripentaose in eliciting phytoalexin accumulation in tobacco cotyledon tissue, and it could be kept longer time than laminaripentaose, which indicated it is much more stable than laminaripentaose.  相似文献   

An extracellular polysaccharide producing bacterium Zoogloea sp. was isolated from an agro-industrial environment in the north-eastern region of Brazil. The extracellular polysaccharide produced from sugarcane molasses was hydrolysed with trifluoroacetic acid (mild and strong conditions) giving 88% of soluble material. The main monosaccharides present in the soluble fraction were glucose (87.6%), xylose (8.6%), mannose (0.8%), ribose (1.7%), galactose (0.1%), arabinose (0.4%) and glucuronic acid (0.8%). Methylation analysis of the polysaccharide showed mainly 2,3,6-tri-O-methylhexitol (74.7%) and 2,3,-di-O-methylhexitol (17.7%). Enzyme hydrolysis of the polysaccharide with a cellulase confirmed the presence of (1→4)-β- -glucopyranosyl residues.  相似文献   

Glycoproteins from tobacco line xFxG1, in which expression of a hybrid β-(1→4)-galactosyltransferase (GalT) and a hybrid α-(1→3)-fucosyltransferase IXa (FUT9a) is combined, contained an abundance of hybrid N-glycans with Lewis X (LeX) epitopes. A comparison with N-glycan profiles from plants expressing only the hybrid β-(1→4)-galactosyltransferase suggested that the fucosylation of the LacNAc residues in line xFxG1 protected galactosylated N-glycans from endogenous plant β-galactosidase activity.  相似文献   

Geotrichum candidum is well known for the reduction of prochiral ketones to chiral alcohol with high yield and excellent enantioselectivity. Carbonyl reductase from G. candidum was purified by ammonium sulphate precipitation, anion exchange and hydrophobic interaction chromatographies. Gel filtration chromatography together with SDS-PAGE revealed this protein to be a dimer of 60 kDa subunits. Maximum enzyme activity was found in acetate buffer at pH 5.4 with t1/2 of 7.13 h at 30 °C and t1/2 of 2.8 h at 65 °C. The enzyme was inhibited by p-hydroxymercuribenzoate and hydroxylamine indicating the involvement of thiol and carbonyl groups in the reduction reaction catalyzed by the enzyme. Chelating agents also reduced the enzyme activity indicating the requirement of metal ions as cofactors. The purified carbonyl reductase was found to be highly selective for ketones containing naphthyl ring, whereas aryl or hetero-aryl ketones showed very less or no activity at all.  相似文献   

Anish R  Rao M 《Biochimie》2007,89(12):1489-1497
A bifunctional high molecular weight (Mr, 64,500 Da) beta-1-3, 1-4 glucan 4-glucanohydrolase was purified to homogeneity from Thermomonospora sp., exhibiting activity towards lichenan and xylan. A kinetic method was used to analyze the active site that hydrolyzes lichenan and xylan. The experimental data was in agreement with the theoretical values calculated for a single active site. Probing the conformation and microenvironment at active site of the enzyme by fluorescent chemo-affinity label, OPTA resulted in the formation of an isoindole derivative with complete inactivation of the enzyme to hydrolyse both lichenan and xylan confirmed the results of kinetic method. OPTA forms an isoindole derivative by cross-linking the proximal thiol and amino groups. The modification of cysteine and lysine residues by DTNB and TNBS respectively abolished the ability of the enzyme to form an isoindole derivative with OPTA, indicating the participation of cysteine and lysine in the formation of isoindole complex.  相似文献   

Kim H  Jeong K  Cho KW  Paik SR  Jung S 《Carbohydrate research》2006,341(8):1011-1019
The conformational preferences of a cyclic osmoregulated periplasmic glucan of Ralstonia solanacearum (OPGR), which is composed of 13 glucose units and linked entirely via beta-(1-->2) linkages excluding one alpha-(1-->6) linkage, were characterized by molecular dynamics simulations. Of the three force fields modified for carbohydrates that were applied to select a suitable one for the cyclic glucan, the carbohydrate solution force field (CSFF) was found to most accurately simulate the cyclic molecule. To determine the conformational characteristics of OPGR, we investigated the glycosidic dihedral angle distribution, fluctuation, and the potential energy of the glucan and constructed hypothetical cyclic (CYS13) and linear (LINEAR) glucans. All beta-(1-->2)-glycosidic linkages of OPGR adopted stable conformations, and the dihedral angles fluctuated in this energy region with some flexibility. However, despite the inherent flexibility of the alpha-(1-->6) linkage, the dihedral angles have no transition and are more rigid than that in a linear glucan. CYS13, which consists of only beta-(1-->2) linkages, is somewhat less flexible than other glycans, and one of its linkages adopts a higher energy conformation. In addition, the root-mean-square fluctuation of this linkage is lower than that of other linkages. Furthermore, the potential energy of glucans increases in the order of LINEAR, OPGR, and CYS13. These results provide evidence of the existence of conformational constraints in the cyclic glucan. The alpha-(1-->6)-glycosidic linkage can relieve this constraint more efficiently than the beta-(1-->2) linkage. The conformation of OPGR can reconcile the tendency for individual glycosidic bonds to adopt energetically favorable conformations with the requirement for closure of the macrocyclic ring by losing the inherent flexibility of the alpha-(1-->6)-glycosidic linkage.  相似文献   

Alpha 1 chain (Colα1(I)) and alpha 2 chain (Colα2(I)) are universal components of type I collagen in tetrapods, but rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) and zebrafish (Danio rerio) have a third: alpha 3 chain (Colα3(I)). This study tests whether Colα3(I) is a duplicate of Colα1(I) by whole-genome duplication (WGD) that occurred early in the ray-fin fish lineage. We also examine how their promoter sequence was modified after WGD. We cloned Colα1(I), Colα2(I) and Colα3(I) cDNAs and their promoters from flounder (Paralichthys olivaceus) and obtained corresponding sequences from the genome databanks of two pufferfishes Takifugu rubripes and Tetraodon nigroviridis, by BLAST-Search using flounder sequences. Phylogenetic analysis of N-terminal sequences of ca. 100 amino acids, including signal peptide and N-propeptide sequences before short triple helical domain, indicates that Colα3(I), found only in teleosts, is a duplicate of Colα1(1) by WGD. Colα1(I) and Colα3(I) genes begin to be transcribed at different stages of Takifugu embryogenesis, suggesting that their structure of promoter is modified differently after WGD. In flounder, Takifugu and Tetraodon, the structure of proximal region of promoter is highly conserved within Colα1(I) and within Colα3(I); no homology is apparent except for the TATA element motif between Colα1(I) and Colα3(I) of each species. Unexpectedly, zebrafish Colα1(I) promoter is more homologous to Colα3(I) of flounder and fugu than Colα1(I) is. These results suggest that each duplicated Colα1(I) gene promoter inherited a unique structure after WGD, but the manner of modification differed between the phylogenetically separated zebrafish and flounder/pufferfish lineages.  相似文献   

The extracellular β-agarase LSL-1 produced by an agar-liquefying, soil bacterium Acinetobacter sp., AG LSL-1 was purified to homogeneity by combination of ion-exchange and size exclusion chromatography with final yield of 44%. The enzyme has a specific activity of 397 U mg−1 protein and with a molecular mass of 100 kDa. The agarase was active in the pH range of 5.0–9.0, optimally at pH 6.0 and temperature between 25 °C and 55 °C and optimal at 40 °C. The enzyme retained 63% of native activity at 50 °C suggesting it is a thermostable. The activity of the agarase was completely inhibited by metal ions, Hg2+, Ag+ and Cu2+, whereas 25–40% of native activity was retained in the presence of Zn2+, Sn2+ and SDS. Neoagarobiose was the final product of hydrolysis of both agarose and neoagarohexaose by the purified agarase LSL-1. Based on the molecular mass and final products of agarose hydrolysis, the β-agarase LSL-1 may be further grouped under group III β-agarases and may be a member of GH-50 family. This is the first report on the purification and biochemical characterization of β-agarase from an agar-liquefying Acinetobacter species.  相似文献   

Leaf and stem material of Passiflora edulis (Passifloraceae) contains the new cyanogenic glycosides (2R)-beta-D-allopyranosyloxy-2-phenylacetonitrile (1a) and (2S)-beta-D-allopyranosyloxy-2-phenylacetonitrile (1b), along with smaller amounts of (2R)-prunasin (2a), sambunigrin (2b), and the alloside of benzyl alcohol (4); the major cyanogens of the fruits are (2R)-prunasin (2a) and (2S)-sambunigrin (2b). The major cyanogenic glycoside of Carica papaya (Caricaceae) is 2a; only small amounts of 2b also are present. We were not able to confirm the presence of a cyclopentenoid cyanogenic glycoside, tetraphyllin B, in Carica papaya leaf and stem materials. In detailed 1H NMR studies of 1a/b and 2a/b, differences in higher order effects in glucosides and allosides proved to be valuable for assignment of structures in this series. The diagnostic chemical shifts of cyanogenic methine and anomeric protons in 1a/b are sensitive to anisotropic environmental effects. The assignment of C-2 stereochemistry of 1a/b was made in analogy to previous assignments in the glucoside series and was supported by GLC analysis of the TMS ethers.  相似文献   

A gas chromatographic–mass spectrometric method was developed for the enantioselective analysis of levetiracetam and its enantiomer (R)-α-ethyl-2-oxo-pyrrolidine acetamide in dog plasma and urine. A solid-phase extraction procedure was followed by gas chromatographic separation of the enantiomers on a chiral cyclodextrin capillary column and detection using ion trap mass spectrometry. The fragmentation pattern of the enantiomers was further investigated using tandem mass spectrometry. For quantitative analysis three single ions were selected from the enantiomers, enabling selected ion monitoring in detection. The calibration curves were linear from 1 μM to 2 mM for plasma samples and from 0.5 mM to 38 mM for urine samples. In plasma and urine samples the inter-day precision, expressed as relative standard deviation was around 10% in all concentrations. Selected ion monitoring mass spectrometry is suitable for quantitative analysis of a wide concentration range of levetiracetam and its enantiomer in biological samples. The method was successfully applied to a pharmacokinetic study of levetiracetam and (R)-α-ethyl-2-oxo-pyrrolidine acetamide in a dog.  相似文献   

Sialyl-Lewisx (NeuAcα2→3Galβ1→4[Fucαl→3]GlcNAc] has been identified as a ligand for E-selectin, P-selectin and recently also for L-selectin. We have synthesized the sialyl-Lewisx tetrasaccharide by total enzymatic synthesis from N-acetyllactosamine using a placental α2→3-sialyltransferase specific for type-2 chain acceptors, followed by a cloned human α1→3-fucosyltransferase (FucTV, the ‘plasma-type’ enzyme). This procedure resulted in the tetrasaccharide in a 61% overall yield.  相似文献   

Botryosphaeran (EPSFRU), an exopolysaccharide of the β-(1→3,1→6)-d-glucan type with 31% branching at C-6, is produced by the fungus Botryosphaeria rhodina MAMB-05 when grown on fructose as carbon source. Botryosphaeran was derivatized by sulfonation to induce anticoagulant activity. The effectiveness of the sulfonation reaction by chlorosulfonic acid in pyridine was monitored by the degree of substitution and FT-IR analysis of the sulfonated EPSFRU (once sulfonated, EPSFRU SULF; and re-sulfonated, EPSFRU RESULF). Activated partial thromboplastin time (APTT) and thrombin time (TT) tests of EPSFRU RESULF indicated significant in vitro anticoagulant activity that was dose-dependent. EPSFRU did not inhibit any of the coagulation tests.  相似文献   

Magnoni F  Sala C  Forti F  Dehò G  Ghisotti D 《Plasmid》2006,56(3):216-222
The genetic element P4 propagates in its host Escherichia coli both as a satellite phage and as a plasmid. Two partially overlapping replicons coexist, namely replicon I and replicon II. The former is composed of two sites, ori1 and crr, and depends on P4 alpha gene product for replication. The P4 alpha protein has primase and helicase activities, and binds specifically to both ori1 and crr. Replicon II is composed of two sites, ori2 and crr, and its replication also depends on P4 alpha primase and helicase activities. In replicon II, the alpha protein binds only crr. Here we show that for replicon II the relative orientation of ori2 and crr is essential for replication to occur. Furthermore we delimit ori2 to a 22 bp region (6234-6255), internal to the alpha gene, sufficient for replicon II replication. We mutagenized this region and identified two mutants, which carry one and two base substitutions, respectively, that prevent replicon II replication. In electrophoretic mobility shift experiments of ori2, ori1, and crr DNA fragments with E. coli extracts, ori2 was not shifted, whereas both ori1 and crr were specifically bound, suggesting that other host protein(s), beside P4 alpha, are able to bind to these cis essential regions. Apparently, no binding to ori2 could be identified, thus suggesting that neither alpha nor other bacterial proteins specifically bind to this region.  相似文献   

Four exopolysaccharides (EPS) obtained from Botryosphaeria rhodina strains isolated from rotting tropical fruit (graviola, mango, pinha, and orange) grown on sucrose were purified on Sepharose CL-4B. Total acid hydrolysis of each EPS yielded only glucose. Data from methylation analysis and (13)C NMR spectroscopy indicated that the EPS from the graviola isolate consisted of a main chain of glucopyranosyl (1-->3) linkages substituted at O-6 as shown in the putative structure below: [carbohydrate structure: see text]. The EPS of the other fungal isolates consisted of a linear chain of (1-->6)-linked glucopyranosyl residues of the following structure: [carbohydrate structure: see text]. FTIR spectra showed one band at 891 cm(-1), and (13)C NMR spectroscopy showed that all glucosidic linkages were of the beta-configuration. Dye-inclusion studies with Congo Red indicated that each EPS existed in a triple-helix conformational state. beta-(1-->6)-d-Glucans produced as exocellular polysaccharides by fungi are uncommon.  相似文献   

The release of polysaccharide from the plant cell wall is a key process to release the stored energy from plant biomass. Within the ruminant digestive system, a host of commensal microorganisms speed the breakdown of plant cell matter releasing fermentable sugars. The presence of phenolic compounds, most notably ferulic acid (FA), esterified within the cell wall is thought to pose a significant impediment to the degradation of the plant cell wall. The structure of a FA esterase from the ruminant bacterium Butyrivibrio proteoclasticus has been determined in two different space groups, in both the apo‐form, and the ligand bound form with FA located in the active site. The structure reveals a new lid domain that has no structural homologues in the PDB. The flexibility of the lid domain is evident by the presence of three different conformations adopted by different molecules in the crystals. In the FA‐bound structures, these conformations show sequential binding and closing of the lid domain over the substrate. Enzymatic activity assays demonstrate a broad activity against plant‐derived hemicellulose, releasing at least four aromatic compounds including FA, coumaric acid, coumarin‐3‐carboxylic acid, and cinnamic acid. The rumen is a complex ecosystem that efficiently degrades plant biomass and the genome of B. proteoclasticus contains greater than 130 enzymes, which are potentially involved in this process of which Est1E is the first to be well characterized. Proteins 2010. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

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