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Sensory exploitation occurs when signals trigger behavioral reactions that diminish the receiver's fitness. Research in this area focuses on the match between the signal's form and the receiver's sensitivity, but the effect of habitat on interspecific sensory exploitation is rarely addressed. Myioborus redstarts use conspicuous wing and tail displays of contrasting black-and-white plumage patches to flush dipteran insects, which are then pursued and captured in flight. Previous studies have shown that by increasing the distance at which insects perform an escape response, conspicuous visual displays improve the birds' foraging performance. We tested the hypothesis that selection for a visual signal that maximizes prey escape distance under local habitat conditions can lead to the evolution of geographic variation in plumage pattern among Myioborus redstarts. Using models of foraging birds, we recorded the escape responses of Dipterous insects to a range of plumage patterns and background tones (from light to dark) to determine whether the plumage pattern that maximizes prey flushing is dependent upon that habitat (background) against which birds are viewed by their prey. Our results indicate that the effectiveness of a particular plumage pattern in flushing dipteran prey depends strongly on the background against which that plumage pattern is displayed, and darker habitat (background) conditions generally favor plumages with more extensive patches of white in the tail. However, the addition of white wing patches that imitate the plumage of the painted redstart (Myioborus pictus) generally increases insect escape responses but reduces the effect that tail pattern variation and background tone have on escape behavior. These experiments support the hypothesis that habitat-specific natural selection to enhance sensory exploitation of prey escape responses could produce geographic variation in plumage patterns of flush-pursuers.  相似文献   

Chemical sensory signals play a crucial role in eliciting motor behaviors. We now review the different motor behaviors induced by chemosensory stimuli in fish as well as their neural substrate. A great deal of research has focused on migratory, reproductive, foraging, and escape behaviors but it is only recently that the molecules mediating these chemotactic responses have become well-characterized. Chemotactic responses are mediated by three sensory systems: olfactory, gustatory, and diffuse chemosensory. The olfactory sensory neuron responses to chemicals are now better understood. In addition, the olfactory projections to the central nervous system were recently shown to display an odotopic organization in the forebrain. Moreover, a specific downward projection underlying motor responses to olfactory inputs was recently described.  相似文献   

Initial work examining crab foraging from optimality premisesexplored fundamental foraging scope (the capacity of animalsto graze), often within an abstract experimental context. Anemergent theme involves explicit consideration of biologicalconstraints (e.g., predation risk) and environmental factors(e.g., substrate type) which, by modulating grazing capacity,determine the realized foraging pattern seen in nature. We briefly review two studies that illustrate the contemporaryfocus on realized foraging pattern. One defines field grow-outtechniques for bivalves (raised in mariculture and resourceenhancement programs) that minimize losses from predators suchas the portunid crab, Ovalipes ocellatus. By focusing on marginalregions of predator: prey interaction (in this case, foragingon low densities of clams planted in heterogenous substrates),the study yielded novel insight into limits on portunid crabforaging on infaunal clams. The second study analyses the foragingperformance of a deposit feeding ocypodid crab, Scopimera inflata,over different temporal and spatial scales. We demonstrate thatwhereas S. inflata performs sub-optimally at micro-scales (secondsto minutes; mm to cm), the crabs nearly optimize performanceover macro-scales (days to years; cm to m). Continued research on the fundamental foraging scope of crabsis warranted, but should be explicitly referenced to naturalhistorical context and, in particular, to the forager's ontogeneticstage. We also perceive a need for collaborative research incorporatingbehavioral, physiological, and biochemical facets in an integratedexperimental setting. This would ensure that context does notbias information, as can occur in studies that emphasise a particularresearch perspective, methodological approach, or scale at whichforaging is analysed.  相似文献   

Area-restricted searches have been described as important componentsof the foraging behavior of many organisms. It is unclear, however,whether individual foragers can use learning to fine-tune theirsearches, or even whether these searches are efficiently performed.I used a simulation model to make qualitative predictions aboutsearch behavior in a laboratory system. The simulation modelindicates that the sinuosity and path length of searches stronglyaffect search efficiency. The model predicts that, for a rate-maximizingforager, path length should increase and search sinuosity shoulddecrease as prey become less clumped. Foraging animals may thereforebe selected to learn the path length and sinuosity of searchesin response to changing degrees of dumping of prey. These predictionswere tested in a laboratory system involving ferrets (Mustelaputorius furo) foraging for oil-drop "prey items." Search pathschanged in a graded manner to experimental manipulations ofthe dumping of prey. As predicted by the model, ferrets learnedto perform longer and less sinuous search paths as prey becameless clumped. This study provides the first evidence that area-restrictedsearch behavior is learned and can be fine-tuned to efficientlyexploit different spatial distributions of food.  相似文献   

The ability to integrate multisensory information is a fundamental characteristic of the brain serving to enhance the detection and identification of external stimuli. Weakly electric fish employ multiple senses in their interactions with one another and with their inanimate environment (electric, visual, acoustic, mechanical, chemical, thermal, and hydrostatic pressure) and also generate signals using some of the same stimulus energies (electric, acoustic, visual, mechanical). A brief overview provides background on the sensory and motor channels available to the fish followed by an examination of how weakly electric fish 'benefit' from integrating various stimulus modalities that assist in prey detection, schooling, foraging, courtship, and object location. Depending on environmental conditions, multiple sensory inputs can act synergistically and improve the task at hand, can be redundant or contradictory, and can substitute for one another. Over time, in repeated encounters with familiar surrounds, loss of one modality can be compensated for through learning. Studies of neuronal substrates and an understanding of the computational algorithms that underlie multisensory integration ought to expose the physiological corollaries to widely published concepts such as internal representation, sensory expectation, sensory generalization, and sensory transfer.  相似文献   

Beekey MA  McCabe DJ  Marsden JE 《Oecologia》2004,141(1):164-170
The introduction of zebra mussels (Dreissena spp.) to North America has resulted in dramatic changes to the complexity of benthic habitats. Changes in habitat complexity may have profound effects on predator-prey interactions in aquatic communities. Increased habitat complexity may affect prey and predator dynamics by reducing encounter rates and foraging success. Zebra mussels form thick contiguous colonies on both hard and soft substrates. While the colonization of substrata by zebra mussels has generally resulted in an increase in both the abundance and diversity of benthic invertebrate communities, it is not well known how these changes affect the foraging efficiencies of predators that prey on benthic invertebrates. We examined the effect of zebra mussels on the foraging success of four benthic predators with diverse prey-detection modalities that commonly forage in soft substrates: slimy sculpin (Cottus cognatus), brown bullhead (Ameirus nebulosus), log perch (Percina caprodes), and crayfish (Orconectes propinquus). We conducted laboratory experiments to assess the impact of zebra mussels on the foraging success of predators using a variety of prey species. We also examined habitat use by each predator over different time periods. Zebra mussel colonization of soft sediments significantly reduced the foraging efficiencies of all predators. However, the effect was dependent upon prey type. All four predators spent more time in zebra mussel habitat than in either gravel or bare sand. The overall effect of zebra mussels on benthic-feeding fishes is likely to involve a trade-off between the advantages of increased density of some prey types balanced against the reduction in foraging success resulting from potential refugia offered in the complex habitat created by zebra mussels.  相似文献   

Foragers base their prey-selection decisions on the information acquired by the sensory systems. In bats that use echolocation to find prey in darkness, it is not clear whether the specialized diet, as sometimes found by faecal analysis, is a result of active decision-making or rather of biased sensory information. Here, we tested whether greater horseshoe bats decide economically when to attack a particular prey item and when not. This species is known to recognize different insects based on their wing-beat pattern imprinted in the echoes. We built a simulation of the natural foraging process in the laboratory, where the bats scanned for prey from a perch and, upon reaching the decision to attack, intercepted the prey in flight. To fully control echo information available to the bats and assure its unambiguity, we implemented computer-controlled propellers that produced echoes resembling those from natural insects of differing profitability. The bats monitored prey arrivals to sample the supply of prey categories in the environment and to inform foraging decisions. The bats adjusted selectivity for the more profitable prey to its inter-arrival intervals as predicted by foraging theory (an economic strategy known to benefit fitness). Moreover, unlike in previously studied vertebrates, foraging performance of horseshoe bats was not limited by costly rejections of the profitable prey. This calls for further research into the evolutionary selection pressures that sharpened the species's decision-making capacity.  相似文献   

Foraging behaviors of the piscivorous cornetfish Fistularia commersonii were observed at shallow reefs in Kuchierabu-jima Island, southern Japan. This fish foraged on two types of prey fishes: one was reef fish that typically dwell on or near substrata (e.g., Tripterygiidae and Labridae), and the other was pelagic fish that shoal in the water column (e.g., Clupeidae and Carangidae). The prey sizes, prey types and foraging behaviors changed as the predator size increased. Prey sizes were largely limited by gape size of the cornetfish, and small predators consumed small prey. The small cornetfish (10–30 cm in total length) fed only on reef fish captured after stalking (where the fish slowly approaches the prey and then suddenly attacks). The stalking was done either solitarily or in foraging association with conspecifics. Large fish (30–120 cm) fed on both types of fishes by stalking and/or chasing (where the fish chases the prey using its high mobility and attacks), either solitarily or in foraging association with con- or heterospecifics. Thus, chasing was only performed by the large cornetfish against pelagic prey fish in associative foraging with other con- and heterospecific predators. As their body sizes increased, F. commersonii began to show a diversification of foraging behaviors, which was strongly related not only to the habitat types and anti-predatory behaviors of the prey fishes but also to associative foraging with con- or heterospecifics, which improves their foraging success.  相似文献   

Animals face a constant conflict between gaining benefits andthe risks associated with achieving them. In particular, thetrade-off between gaining food and avoiding predation has beenthe subject of much attention. Here, I investigate the preferencesfor foraging sites in the group-living Siberian jay (Perisoreusinfaustus), focusing on how energy intake is traded againstproximity to cover. The main predator of this species reliesprimarily on visual cues to locate its prey, and thus, foragingin open habitat should be associated with higher exposure toa predator. Jays generally chose to feed in cover, a patternthat became stronger toward late winter. In particular, thestrength of this preference varied with age, relatedness toother group members, and large-scale habitat quality. Adultterritory holders and their retained offspring demonstratedsimilar preference for cover over seasons, a pattern not observedin nonrelated immigrants that showed no response to either foreststructure or season. These results suggest that the benefitsof parental nepotism enables retained offspring to take lessrisk, in regards to predators while foraging compared to similar-agedimmigrants whose foraging options are constrained by socialinterference. Also, this study indicates that large-scale foreststructure influences small-scale individual behavioral decisions.  相似文献   

Timing of foraging independence may be controlled by parents,offspiing, or both and may have consequences for dispersal,reproduction, and survival In a study of juvenile Eurasian dippers(Cinclus cinchus), I examined the relationship between individualdifferences in parental provisioning, the development of foraging,and the timing of independence. Young dippers forage very differentlyfrom adults, specializing on small, stationary pre such as simuliidlarvae (Diptera), and avoiding energetically costly and highlyskilled foraging techniques, such as diving, by which adultsobtain larger prey In my Welsh study area, age at independencevaried substantially within and between broods. Juveniles thatrelied more on simuliids and less on larger prey were independentsooner, as were juveniles with higher rates of intake whileforaging the effect was obvious 3–4 days after fledging.Provisioning rate and total caloric intake over the dependentperiod was unrelated to age at independence, although greaterreliance on parental feeding was associated with higher totalcaloric intake. Higher rates of intake from begging were correlatedwith reduced foraging time. The results demonstrate that theacquisition of the adult foraging strategy is not a prerequisitefor independence or, hence, dispersal. In fact, mastering theskills necessary to capture larger prey may delay independence.Individual juvenile dippers seem to find different solutionsto the trade-off between gaining sufficient food (either frombegging or from foraging for simuliids) and the eventual necessityof learning to forage like an adult.  相似文献   

Synopsis Black surfperch, Embiotoca jacksoni, and striped surfperch, Embiotoca lateralis, coexisted along steep sloping rocky habitats at Santa Cruz Island, California. The range of depths occupied (to 15 m) was characterized by a strong gradient in abundance of prey and a changing mosaic of substrate types from which surfperch harvested food. Availability of prey and diversity of benthic substrates were greatest in shallowest areas and both declined with increasing depth. Individuals of both surfperch species were residential within a narrow range of depths, with the result that different segments of their populations were consistently exposed to different foraging environments. These two phenomena (residential behavior combined with a gradient in availability of resources) resulted in variation in foraging behaviors and diets among individuals that resided at different depths. The pattern of within-population variation differed between the surfperch species. Black surfperch individuals achieved similar taxonomic diets and expended similar foraging effort at all depths, but deep-water foragers captured much less prey biomass per unit effort. The taxonomic composition of striped surfperch diets differed among depths, and although similar amounts of prey biomass were captured everywhere, individuals in deep areas expended much greater effort to obtain that level of food return. For both species, habitat profitability (food return to foraging effort) declined with depth. The difference in habitat profitability appeared to influence fitness components of both surfperches. Individuals occupying deep habitats were about 5% shorter in standard length than conspecifics of the same chronological age living in shallow areas; the disparity in body size resulted in an estimated difference in clutch size of 10–18%.  相似文献   

1. Olfactory predator search processes differ fundamentally to those based on vision, particularly when odour cues are deposited rather than airborne or emanating from a point source. When searching for visually cryptic prey that may have moved some distance from a deposited odour cue, cue context and spatial variability are the most likely sources of information about prey location available to an olfactory predator. 2. We tested whether the house mouse (Mus domesticus), a model olfactory predator, would use cue context and spatial variability when searching for buried food items; specifically, we tested the effect of varying cue patchiness, odour strength, and cue-prey association on mouse foraging success. 3. Within mouse- and predator-proof enclosures, we created grids of 100 sand-filled Petri dishes and buried peanut pieces in a set number of these patches to represent visually cryptic 'prey'. By adding peanut oil to selected dishes, we varied the spatial distribution of prey odour relative to the distribution of prey patches in each grid, to reflect different levels of cue patchiness (Experiment 1), odour strength (Experiment 2) and cue-prey association (Experiment 3). We measured the overnight foraging success of individual mice (percentage of searched patches containing prey), as well as their foraging activity (percentage of patches searched), and prey survival (percentage of unsearched prey patches). 4. Mouse foraging success was highest where odour cues were patchy rather than uniform (Experiment 1), and where cues were tightly associated with prey location, rather than randomly or uniformly distributed (Experiment 3). However, when cues at prey patches were ten times stronger than a uniformly distributed weak background odour, mice did not improve their foraging success over that experienced when cues were of uniform strength and distribution (Experiment 2). 5. These results suggest that spatial variability and cue context are important means by which olfactory predators can use deposited odour cues to locate visually cryptic prey. They also indicate that chemical crypsis can disrupt these search processes as effectively as background matching in visually based predator-prey systems.  相似文献   

Animals learn to associate sensory cues with the palatability of food in order to avoid bitterness in food (a common sign of toxicity). Associations are important for active foraging predators to avoid unpalatable prey and to invest energy in searching for palatable prey only. However, it has been suggested that sit-and-wait predators might rely on the opportunity that palatable prey approach them by chance: the most efficient strategy could be to catch every available prey and then decide whether to ingest them or not. In the present study, we investigated avoidance learning in a sit-and-wait predator, the praying mantis (Tenodera aridifolia). To examine the effects of conspicuousness and novelty of prey on avoidance learning, we used three different prey species: mealworms (novel prey), honeybees (novel prey with conspicuous signals) and crickets (familiar prey). We sequentially presented the prey species in pairs and made one of them artificially bitter. In the absence of bitterness, the mantises consumed bees and crickets more frequently than mealworms. When the prey were made bitter, the mantises still continued to attack bitter crickets as expected. However, they reduced their attacks on bitter mealworms more than on bitter bees. This contrasts with the fact that conspicuous signals (e.g. coloration in bees) facilitate avoidance learning in active foraging predators. Surprisingly, we found that the bitter bees were totally rejected after an attack whereas bitter mealworms were partially eaten (~35%). Our results highlight the fact that the mantises might maintain a selection pressure on bees, and perhaps on aposematic species in general.  相似文献   

The acquisition of complex foraging behaviors by young is a proposed cause of a prolonged juvenile phase in many vertebrates, including primates. I compared the foraging behaviors of infant, juvenile and adult squirrel monkeys to determine if significant age‐related differences in foraging behavior and efficiency were present. Infants and juveniles differed from each other in patterns of prey and fruit foraging, but few differences existed between juveniles and adults. Despite differing in the use of foraging substrates, young juveniles (8–12 mo) were as efficient as older juveniles (1–4 yr) and adults at capturing and processing large prey. Young juveniles (<1 yr) were limited in their ability to consume husked palm fruits due to an inability to peel them to obtain pulp. By 1 yr of age, however, foraging behaviors of adults and juveniles were nearly indistinguishable. The absence of meaningful differences between adults and juvenile foraging is not consistent with the hypothesis that the need to develop foraging skills accounts for the pattern of extended juvenility in squirrel monkeys.  相似文献   

Small herbivores face risks of predation while foraging and are often forced to trade off food quality for safety. Life history, behaviour, and habitat of predator and prey can influence these trade‐offs. We compared how two sympatric rabbits (pygmy rabbit, Brachylagus idahoensis; mountain cottontail, Sylvilagus nuttallii) that differ in size, use of burrows, and habitat specialization in the sagebrush‐steppe of western North America respond to amount and orientation of concealment cover and proximity to burrow refuges when selecting food patches. We predicted that both rabbit species would prefer food patches that offered greater concealment and food patches that were closer to burrow refuges. However, because pygmy rabbits are small, obligate burrowers that are restricted to sagebrush habitats, we predicted that they would show stronger preferences for greater cover, orientation of concealment, and patches closer to burrow refuges. We offered two food patches to individuals of each species during three experiments that either varied in the amount of concealment cover, orientation of concealment cover, or distance from a burrow refuge. Both species preferred food patches that offered greater concealment, but pygmy rabbits generally preferred terrestrial and mountain cottontails preferred aerial concealment. Only pygmy rabbits preferred food patches closer to their burrow refuge. Different responses to concealment and proximity to burrow refuges by the two species likely reflect differences in perceived predation risks. Because terrestrial predators are able to dig for prey in burrows, animals like pygmy rabbits that rely on burrow refuges might select food patches based more on terrestrial concealment. In contrast, larger habitat generalists that do not rely on burrow refuges, like mountain cottontails, might trade off terrestrial concealment for visibility to detect approaching terrestrial predators. This study suggests that body size and evolutionary adaptations for using habitat, even in closely related species, might influence anti‐predator behaviors in prey species.  相似文献   

Lennart Persson 《Oecologia》1985,67(3):338-341
Summary The foraging efficiency of a visually feeding fish, perch (Perca fluviatilis) was studied on two prey species (Daphnia magna and Chaoborus obscuripus) presented either separately or combined. It is shown that when both prey species are present, the foraging efficiency of the predator is reduced. This is due to the predator's inability to simultaneously cope with prey species with different anti-predatory behaviour. In the mixed-meal experiment the predator captured both prey species in equal proportions in disagreement with optimal foraging models assuming that handling time and encounter rate for a prey species are independent of other prey species. The results are, however, in agreement with optimal foraging models assuming that handling time and encounter rate are influenced by short time learning.  相似文献   

Hughes AR  Grabowski JH 《Oecologia》2006,149(2):256-264
Despite increasing evidence that habitat structure can shape predator–prey interactions, few studies have examined the impact of habitat context on interactions among multiple predators and the consequences for combined foraging rates. We investigated the individual and combined effects of stone crabs (Menippe mercenaria) and knobbed whelks (Busycon carica) when foraging on two common bivalves, the hard clam (Mercenaria mercenaria) and the ribbed mussel (Geukensia demissa) in oyster reef and sand flat habitats. Because these species co-occur across these and other estuarine habitats of varying physical complexity, this system is ideal for examining how habitat context influences foraging rates and the generality of predator interactions. Consistent with results from previous studies, consumption rates of each predator in isolation from the other were higher in the sand flat than in the more structurally complex oyster reef habitat. However, consumption by the two predators when combined surprisingly did not differ between the two habitats. This counterintuitive result probably stems from the influence of habitat structure on predator–predator interactions. In the sand-flat habitat, whelks significantly reduced their consumption of their less preferred prey when crabs were present. However, the structurally more complex oyster reef habitat appeared to reduce interference interactions among predators, such that consumption rates when the predators co-occurred did not differ from predation rates when alone. In addition, both habitat context and predator–predator interactions increased resource partitioning by strengthening predator dietary selectivity. Thus, an understanding of how habitat characteristics such as physical complexity influence interactions among predators may be critical to predicting the effects of modifying predator populations on their shared prey.  相似文献   

Both in foraging groups and in a sequential prey encounter context, learning had a visible effect on the pattern of selection for three live prey types ( Ecdyonurus larvae, Hydropsyche larvae, and Gammarus ) by juvenile Atlantic salmon Salmo salar . Compared to wild-caught fish, naive, hatchery-reared fish that had not been exposed to natural prey ate Hydropsyche larvae in a remarkably low proportion, and consumed a higher proportion of Gammarus. Ecdyonurus experienced a high and rather steady predation rate across the experience gradient, but after a short period of experience with live prey the consumption rate for Hydropsyche increased drastically, and that of Gammarus decreased, matching the selection pattern exhibited by wild fish. Individual fish offered prey in a sequential encounter context increased consumption rates of all the prey types as they gained experience, but the improvement was higher for the prey that were less consumed initially. Fish became more selective as they approached satiation, conforming to the prediction of optimal foraging theory that higher predator's energy requirements, as well as low food availability, result in reduced selectivity. The results also suggest that fish from distinct populations can differ in the degree of diet selectivity according to their energetic requirements for growth. The fast learning response of Atlantic salmon parr towards novel prey probably allows fish to maintain a high foraging efficiency when faced with frequent changes in the availability of different prey types.  相似文献   

Many predators display two foraging modes, an ambush strategy and a cruising mode. These foraging strategies have been classically studied in energetic, biomechanical and ecological terms, without considering the role of signals produced by predators and perceived by prey. Wolf spiders are a typical example; they hunt in leaf litter either using an ambush strategy or by moving at high speed, taking over unwary prey. Air flow upstream of running spiders is a source of information for escaping prey, such as crickets and cockroaches. However, air displacement by running arthropods has not been previously examined. Here we show, using digital particle image velocimetry, that running spiders are highly conspicuous aerodynamically, due to substantial air displacement detectable up to several centimetres in front of them. This study explains the bimodal distribution of spider's foraging modes in terms of sensory ecology and is consistent with the escape distances and speeds of cricket prey. These findings may be relevant to the large and diverse array of arthropod prey-predator interactions in leaf litter.  相似文献   

Charnov's (1976) marginal value theorem, MVT, addresses howlong a forager should stay in a patch of prey to maximize itsgain. Information-sharing models of group foraging suggest thatindividuals should join groups to improve their patch-findingrate. This is achievable if group members share informationabout the location of food patches. The determinants of theMVT are searching time and cumulative gain against time in apatch, those of the group foraging models are searching time,group size, and individual differences in ability to monopolizethe prey found. After combining the MVT and information-sharingmodels we explore the consequences of unequal competitors (good,G, and poor, P) foraging in groups. Under this domain G andP differ in their accumulated harvest against time in a patch.When the gain function of P is obtained by mere scaling of thatof G, optimal patch residence times for individuals of the twophenotypes do not differ. However, if the gain functions ofG and P cannot be derived from each other by a constant scalingmultiplier, the optimal patch times for G and P are not necessarilythe same. Under these conditions the model suggests that foraginggroups should become assorted by foraging ability.  相似文献   

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