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Escape response, triggered by an approaching predator, is acommon antipredatory adaptation of arthropods against insectivores.The painted redstart, Myioborus pictus, represents insectivorousbirds that exploit such antipredatory behaviors by flushing,chasing, and preying upon flushed arthropods. In field experimentsI showed that redstarts evoke jump and flight in prey by spreadingwings and tail: this display increased frequency of aerial chasesby redstarts. Artificial models with spread tails also elicitedescape responses more often than models with closed tails and wings.The white patches on black wings and tails additionally help:the frequency of chases decreased when the white patches werecovered with black dye. Black models also tended to elicit escaperesponse less often than black-and-white models did, at leastin some situations. Hence, the prey's ability to detect birdsand to flee could cause the evolution of predators specializedat using conspicuous behavior and contrast in body colorationto elicit and exploit such antipredatory responses. Redstartsconstitute only a small proportion of the predatory guild, andtheir adaptations to exploit the prey's behavior illustratethe theoretically modeled "rare enemy" effect present in multispeciespredator-prey systems. This is the first experimental studyof morphological and behavioral adaptations of a rare predatorthat both elicits and exploits antipredator escape behaviorof its prey against more common predators. Hence, the studydocuments a behavior that could be evolutionarily explainedonly if indirect interactions in predator-prey communities aretaken into account.  相似文献   

Murphy  Troy G. 《Behavioral ecology》2006,17(4):547-553
Both sexes of the turquoise-browed motmot (Eumomota superciliosa)perform a wag-display in the presence of predators, wherebytheir long racketed tail is repeatedly rocked side-to-side ina pendulous fashion. I tested 3 hypotheses for the functionof the predator-elicited wag-display: 1) pursuit-deterrent signal,2) warning alarm signal, and 3) self-preservation alarm signal.These hypotheses were evaluated by testing whether the presenceof potential receivers (kin, conspecifics, mate) modified theway in which the wag-display was performed. Data on wag-displaywere collected when I experimentally presented predators tomotmots and when naturally occurring predators were observedat nesting colonies. The wag-display was performed by male andfemale motmots who were 1) alone and not within signaling distanceof conspecifics, 2) unpaired and therefore not signaling toa mate, and 3) paired but away from their mate. Motmots in thesecontexts performed the wag-display with similar probabilityand in a similar manner as individuals that were within signalingdistance of conspecifics, paired birds, and paired birds whowere near their mate. These results support the hypothesis thatthe predator-elicited wag-display is directed to the predatorand functions as a pursuit-deterrent signal.  相似文献   

We examined environmental and social factors affecting reproductivesuccess across a 20-year data set of individually known cheetahson the Serengeti Plains of Tanzania. Because cheetahs are seeninfrequently and are not amenable to mark–recapture techniques,we devised a model to estimate time of death for individualsthat disappeared from our records. We found that males had markedlylower survival than females. Recruitment was negatively affectedby rainfall but positively affected by numbers of Thomson'sgazelles, the cheetahs' chief prey. There was a negative associationbetween recruitment and numbers of lions, demonstrating thatthe high rates of predation observed in previous studies haveimplications for the dynamics of cheetah populations. Recruitmentwas related to mother's age, peaking when she reached 6–7years. Sociality affected survival in two ways. First, adolescentsliving in temporary sibling groups had higher survival thansingletons, particularly males with sisters. Second, adult malesliving in coalitions had higher survival than singletons inperiods when other coalitions were numerous, yet they had lowersurvival when other coalitions were rare. These results corroborateobservations of enhanced prey capture by female adolescentsand antipredator benefits for adolescents in groups, as wellas competitive advantages for adult males in groups. Furthermore,our findings stress the importance of interactions between environmentaland social factors in affecting reproductive success in mammals.  相似文献   

Home-range relocation occurs during natal and breeding dispersal,ontogenetic habitat shifts, and the maintenance of resource-or density-dependent patterns of distribution. Relocating animalsare expected to change their behavior to compensate for limitedfamiliarity with the new home range and with neighboring conspecifics;such changes may indicate some of the costs of relocation. Littleis known, however, about the magnitude and duration of the changesor about the types of behavior affected. We investigated theshort-term (2 day) behavioral changes associated with relocationin the highly territorial longfin damselfish, Stegastes diencaeus.We compared the behavior of newcomers settling into experimentallycreated vacancies in an established neighborhood with that ofthe original residents of the same territories. The greatestdifference was an increase in the rate of agonistic interactions.Newcomers also used smaller territories, moved more, and fedless. Neighboring damselfishes were less aggressive toward neighborsthat expanded into vacant territories than toward "strangers"that relocated from elsewhere. The behavior of newcomers approachedthat of original residents within 2 days but territory sizedid not. These observations suggest that relocating a territoryincreases energy expenditure and decreases energy intake. Suchcosts could explain the philopatry of reef fish when alternativelocations are of uncertain quality or are only slightly better.Nevertheless, they are unlikely to outweigh the long-term benefitsof obtaining a superior territory—especially for individualsfrom adjacent territories.  相似文献   

Greenbaum  Eli 《Behavioral ecology》2004,15(2):345-350
Viperid snakes strike, envenomate, and release mammalian preyto prevent being harmed by the prey; snakes must then trackprey in the process of strike-induced chemosensory searching.Because rattlesnakes prefer to track and consume envenomatedprey, it would seem that the scent of envenomated tissue iskey to the tracking process. After striking rodents, rattlesnakesalso retain a specific chemical search image of prey items.I examined this behavioral pattern in copperheads (Agkistrodoncontortrix) from three US populations with documented dietarybiases toward mammals (Kansas), lepidopteran larvae (Texas),and amphibians (Louisiana), respectively. Experiments were conductedto assess whether copperheads form a specific search image ofnon-envenomated mouse, hornworm, and frog prey items. Additionalexperiments tested the relative importance of envenomated tissueto prey scent. Results indicate that copperheads do not forma specific search image of prey items. Preference for non-envenomatedprey items is in the order mouse > hornworm > frog forall three populations; therefore, the innate behavioral preferencefor types of prey does not match the dietary biases noted inthe literature. Envenomated mice and hornworms were preferredto all nonenvenomated prey items, but most trials involvingenvenomated frogs did not suggest envenomated prey preference.Overall, these results suggest that when the snakes search forprey, envenomated tissue stimuli are more important to snakesthan scents arising from the prey itself. Searching and consumptionbehaviors seem to be independent, suggesting that strike-inducedchemosensory searching and consumption are more complicatedbehavioral processes than previously recognized.  相似文献   

Area-restricted searches have been described as important componentsof the foraging behavior of many organisms. It is unclear, however,whether individual foragers can use learning to fine-tune theirsearches, or even whether these searches are efficiently performed.I used a simulation model to make qualitative predictions aboutsearch behavior in a laboratory system. The simulation modelindicates that the sinuosity and path length of searches stronglyaffect search efficiency. The model predicts that, for a rate-maximizingforager, path length should increase and search sinuosity shoulddecrease as prey become less clumped. Foraging animals may thereforebe selected to learn the path length and sinuosity of searchesin response to changing degrees of dumping of prey. These predictionswere tested in a laboratory system involving ferrets (Mustelaputorius furo) foraging for oil-drop "prey items." Search pathschanged in a graded manner to experimental manipulations ofthe dumping of prey. As predicted by the model, ferrets learnedto perform longer and less sinuous search paths as prey becameless clumped. This study provides the first evidence that area-restrictedsearch behavior is learned and can be fine-tuned to efficientlyexploit different spatial distributions of food.  相似文献   

In riparian forest, insectivorous birds are largely dependent on aquatic preys. However, the contribution made by aquatic preys to bird diets varies considerably among bird species. In the present study, bird foraging behaviors were observed in order to examine the relationship between bird foraging method and the variation in the contribution of aquatic preys. The great tit, the black-faced bunting, and the wren are largely dependent on aquatic preys by capturing them on the ground. Sallyers, the brown flycatcher, the pale-legged willow warbler, and the narcissus flycatcher are also largely dependent on aquatic preys and capture them mostly during flight. The narcissus flycatcher frequently utilises aquatic invertebrates dwelling on the ground. The leaf and branch gleaner, the crowned willow warbler, does not depend on aquatic prey as much. Although both the pygmy woodpecker and nuthatch are branch and trunk gleaners, the nuthatch utilises aquatic preys frequently by capturing them on the ground as well as during flight, but the pygmy woodpecker does not depend on aquatic preys. The marsh tit also does not depend on aquatic preys but carefully searches terrestrial prey that hide in the vegetation. The differential dependence on aquatic preys among species can lead to the heterogeneous distribution of birds within a riparian forest, suggesting that the indirect effect of aquatic preys on a forest ecosystem via birds can vary within a forest–stream ecotone.  相似文献   

In the trade-off between food and safety, the role of aggressiveintraspecific interactions has not been extensively examined.Here I present information on this system using a kleptoparasiticspider, Argyrodts antipodiana, and its host spider and potentialpredator, Eriophora pustulosa. A. antipodiana can feed eitherat a potentially dangerous site (the hub of its host's web withthe host), or at a relatively safe site (on food bundles aroundthe edge of the host's web). I found that A. antipodiana cangain food very quickly when feeding with the host, apparentlyby exploiting the host's ability to digest the prey. Thus A.antipodiana follows predictions based on foraging models inthat it accepts a higher predation risk at the hub because ofthe higher food payoff. A. antipodiana also aggressively competesfor access to more food. However, aggressive competition increasesthe predation risk from the host, especially at tile hub wherethe host is very close. Consequently, A. antipodiana modifiesits level of intraspecific aggressiveness in accordance withits position on the web: at the hub, where the cost of aggressionis high (due to predation risk), A. antipodiana reduces itsaggressiveness, but it is aggressive away from the hub whencompeting for food bundles. The ability of A. antipodiana tochange interaction intensity as a function of its position onthe web enables it to exploit a rich, but risky, food sourceand provides a new angle for examining food and safety tradeoffs in light of intraspecific competition for food  相似文献   

We present two models of optimal resource exploitation for sit-and-waitforagers. The first model assumes immediate recognition of sitequality and that site quality does not change over time. Thismodel predicts a forager's minimum acceptable site quality.We present a graphical analysis to show how (1) the distributionof site qualities, (2) the travel time between sites, (3) costof search, and (4) expected duration of the foraging processinfluence the minimum acceptable rate. Our second model allowssite qualities to change and relaxes the assumption of immediaterecognition. This model defines conditions of (1) state duration,(2) recognition time, (3) site abundance, and (4) cost of searchwhere the optimal policy is to stay put in a site regardlessof experience. We discuss the implications of these models forthe design and interpretation of field experiments of site useand habitat selection.  相似文献   

Individuals foraging in large groups are thought to benefitbecause they are better able to detect and avoid predators.As a consequence, individuals in groups can adopt more risky,but rewarding, foraging behaviors without exposing themselvesto excessive danger. I experimentally manipulated the size ofblack-tailed prairie dog (Cynomys ludovicianus) groups to determineif individuals in large groups do forage in a more risky manner.I found that prairie dogs foraged more alertly and in less riskylocations (nearer to burrows, nearer to the center of the group,and in shorter vegetation) when group size was reduced. Effectsof group-size reductions were reversed when removed individualswere replaced, and persisted for at least three weeks in experimentswhere group size was permanently reduced. My results provideevidence that the relationships between group size and bothalertness and risk-place foraging are causal.  相似文献   

I staged replicate encounters between unrestrained lizards andsnakes in outdoor enclosures to examine size-dependent predationwithin the common garden skink (Lampropholis guichenoti). Yellow-facedwhip snakes (Demansia psammophis) forage widely for activeprey and most often consumed large skinks, whereas death adders(Acanthophis antarcticus) ambush active prey and most oftenconsumed small skinks. Small-eyed snakes (Rhinoplocephalusnigrescens) forage widely for inactive prey and consumed bothsmall and large skinks equally often. Differential predationmay reflect active choice by the predator, differential preyvulnerability, or both. To test for active choice, I presentedforaging snakes with an inert small lizard versus an inertlarge lizard. They did not actively select lizards of a particularbody size. To test for differential prey vulnerability, I quantifiedvariation between small and large lizards in behavior thatis important for determining the outcome of predator—prey interactions. Snakes did not differentiate between integumentarychemicals from small and large lizards. Large lizards tendto flee from approaching predators, thereby eliciting attackby the visually oriented whip snakes. Small lizards were moremobile than large lizards and therefore more likely to passby sedentary death adders. Additionally, small skinks were more effectively lured by this sit-and-wait species and less likelyto avoid its first capture attempt. In contrast, overnightretreat site selection (not body size) determined a lizard'schances of being detected by small-eyed snakes. Patterns ofsize-dependent predation by elapid snakes may arise not becauseof active choice but as a function of species-specific predatortactics and prey behavior.  相似文献   

We conducted a two-part study to assets predator avoidance byreproductive male fathead minnows (Pimephales promelos) subjectedto predation threat from northern pike (Esox lucius). First,we determined if patterns of nest use by egg-guarding male minnowsin a boreal lake were related to pike densities. We samplednorthern pike and identified four areas of "high pike-density"and three areas of "low pike-density." We censused natural nestsand placed nest boards in these areas. We found eggs on naturalnests more frequently in areas with low densities of pike thanin areas with high densities of pike. However, we could notfully explain the distribution of nests by predation risk. Second,we evaluated the behavioral response of egg-guarding males toa control stimulus (a piece of wood) or a live pike in a wirecage. We used time to return to the nest after a stimulus asa measure of risk taking. Males took different amounts of riskbased on predation threat; males in the predator treatment tooklonger to return to their nests than control males. Risk takingwas not related to the number or age of the eggs but to distanceto nearest egg-guarding neighbor; males with close neighborsreturned sooner than more isolated males. Males in the predatortreatment had lower total activity and egg rubbing than controlmales after they returned to their nests. We conclude that malefathead minnows altered their reproductive behavior in waysthat reduced predation risk, but the cost of predator avoidancemight include egg predation, lost mating opportunities, or usurpationof nests  相似文献   

Through computer simulations, we model three different foodfinding strategies: searcher, no information transfer, watcher,limited information transfer; follower, full information transfer.The aim of this article was to study how frequency-dependentselection affects the proportion of these strategies at a simulatedcolony under different patterns of food distribution. Furthermore,we determined how information transfer in a population witha mixed evolutionarily stable strategy (ESS) modified the averageforaging efficiency of an individual compared to that of anindividual in a population with mutual information exchange.We found that the proportion of information gaining strategiesincreases as the food resources become more clumped. The improvementin foraging efficiency through the operation of an informationcenter need not require mutuality in information exchange. Onthe basis of the presented study, at the ESS only a small percentageof colony members need discover food patches, yet the foragingefficiency may be high because of the operation of an informationcenter.  相似文献   

We studied the effect of operational sex ratio on female reluctanceand male persistence to mate as well as on the length of copulationand postcopulatory guarding in Gerris lacustris by adding fivesurplus males or females to the basin with a pair in tandem.In the control treatment, a pair alone was tested. Accordingto the copulatory guarding hypothesis (CGH), males should prolongmating and guard females in the presence of surplus males. Accordingto the convenience polyandry hypothesis (CPH), females shouldshow lower levels of resistance to prolonged mating in the presenceof surplus males because the mating male protects the femaleagainst harassment from other males. As expected on the basisof both the CGH and CPH, mating (copulation + guarding) averagedlonger in the male-biased treatment. The behavior of males andfemales during mating suggested that both hypotheses hold true:females showed less resistance to prolonged mating (as predictedfrom CPH), and male behavior suggested stronger efforts to stayon the female when surplus males were present (as predictedfrom CGH). Comparisons of the treatment with surplus femaleswith the results from the mating pair without surplus individualssuggested that the capabilities of water striders in tandemto assess the sex of nearby nonmating striders are limited.  相似文献   

Vegetation complexity is an important predictor of animal species diversity. Specifically, taller vegetation should provide more potential ecological niches and thus harbor communities with higher species richness and functional diversity (FD). Resource use behavior is an especially important functional trait because it links species to their resource base with direct relevance to niche partitioning. However, it is unclear how exactly the diversity of resource use behavior changes with vegetation complexity. To address this question, we studied avian FD in relation to vegetation complexity along a continental‐scale vegetation gradient. We quantified foraging behavior of passerine birds in terms of foraging method and substrate use at 21 sites (63 transects) spanning 3,000 km of woodlands and forests in Australia. We also quantified vegetation structure on 630 sampling points at the same sites. Additionally, we measured morphological traits for all 111 observed species in museum collections. We calculated individual‐based, abundance‐weighted FD in morphology and foraging behavior and related it to species richness and vegetation complexity (indexed by canopy height) using structural equation modeling, rarefaction analyses, and distance‐based metrics. FD of morphology and foraging methods was best predicted by species richness. However, FD of substrate use was best predicted by canopy height (ranging 10–30 m), but only when substrates were categorized with fine resolution (17 categories), not when categorized coarsely (8 categories). These results suggest that, first, FD might increase with vegetation complexity independently of species richness, but whether it does so depends on the studied functional trait. Second, patterns found might be shaped by how finely we categorize functional traits. More complex vegetation provided larger "ecological space" with more resources, allowing the coexistence of more species with disproportionately more diverse foraging substrate use. We suggest that the latter pattern was driven by nonrandom accumulation of functionally distinct species with increasing canopy height.  相似文献   

Wei JN  Kang L 《Chemical senses》2006,31(5):467-477
In the present study, Y-tube olfactometric assays demonstrated that headspace volatile extracts collected from leaf miner-damaged, or artificially damaged, bean plants were more attractive to naive females of the parasitoid insect Opius dissitus than those collected from healthy plants. Headspace extracts from both Liriomyza huidobrensis and Liriomyza sativae second-instar larvae-damaged beans were analyzed by coupled gas chromatography-electroantennographic detection (GC-EAD). Of nine EAD-active volatiles identified, (3E)-4,8-dimethyl-1,3,7-nonatriene, (3Z)-hexenyl acetate, (syn)-2-methylpropanal oxime, and (syn)-2-methylbutanal oxime were the most abundant compounds that evoked significant electroantennogram (EAG) responses. Compounds (3Z)-hexen-1-ol, (anti)-2-methylbutanal oxime, linalool, beta-caryophyllene, and (3E,7E)-4,8,12-trimethyl-1,3,7,11-tridecatetraene also elicited clear EAG responses but were present in smaller amounts. Choice experiments in a Y-tube olfactometer indicated that synthetic versions of (3Z)-hexen-1-ol, 2-methylpropanal oxime, 2-methylbutanal oxime, 3-methylbutanal oxime, linalool, (E,E)-alpha-farnesene, and (3E,7E)-4,8,12-trimethyl-1,3,7,11-tridecatetraene were attractive individually, while (3Z)-hexenyl acetate and (3E)-4,8-dimethyl-1,3,7-nonatriene were unattractive at concentrations similar to those obtained from the headspace collection. Moreover, a blend of nine EAD-active volatiles was significantly more attractive relative to hexane (solvent). A mixture of oximes, tereponids, and green leaf volatiles may facilitate host location by female O. dissitus.  相似文献   

I compared the role of ornate plumage, behavior, and body sizeduring male—male competition in two species of New Worldquail. Gambel's quail (Callipepla gambelii) is a highly ornateand dichromatic species, whereas scaled quail (C. squamata)is unornamented and monochromatic. During paired contests betweenunfamiliar males, high rates of testosterone-mediated behaviors(tidbitting, calling) and large body size (mass, tarsus, andtail length) corresponded to winners. In the highly ornate Gambel's quail, male head plumes also influenced the outcomeof contests. Plume enhancement made Gambel's quail more likelyto win contests, whereas plume removal made males more likelyto lose. Plume position also reflected male status. Winningmales erected plumes, whereas losers frequently flattened them.Some plumage ornaments, such as belly patches, did not playa primary role during male contests. Unlike static ornaments,head plumes are highly modifiable and likely signal immediateinformation regarding a male's intent, similar to a coverablebadge. Combined, intrasexual selection favored dynamic traits(fast display rates, modifiable ornaments) and static traits(body size) as indicators of male condition or motivation.In scaled quail only, male size was favored both by male—malecompetition and female choice. Accordingly, the degree of sizedimorphism (tarsus length) is greater in scaled than in Gambel'squail. The frequency of overt aggression (chases, pecks, displacement)also differed between species. Gambel's quail were very aggressive,and subordinates often challenged their opponents. In contrast, scaled quail were less aggressive, and subordinates rarely disputedrank. Interspecific comparison indicated differences in themaintenance of male status and possibly in the honesty of signaling.Both appear to be related to differences in social system.  相似文献   

Predators not only consume prey but exert nonconsumptive effects in form of scaring, consequently disturbing feeding or reproduction. However, how alternative food sources and hunting mode interactively affect consumptive and nonconsumptive effects with implications for prey fitness have not been addressed, impending functional understanding of such tritrophic interactions. With a herbivorous beetle, two omnivorous predatory bugs (plant sap as alternative food, contrasting hunting modes), and four willow genotypes (contrasting suitability for beetle/omnivore), we investigated direct and indirect effects of plant quality on the beetles key reproductive traits (oviposition rate, clutch size). Using combinations of either or both omnivores on different plant genotypes, we calculated the contribution of c onsumptive (eggs predated) and n onc onsumptive (fewer eggs laid) effect on beetle fitness, including a prey density‐independent measure (c:nc ratio). We found that larger clutches increase egg survival in presence of the omnivore not immediately consuming all eggs. However, rather than lowering mean, the beetles generally responded with a frequency shift toward smaller clutches. However, female beetles decreased mean and changed clutch size frequency with decreasing plant quality, therefore reducing intraspecific exploitative competition among larvae. More importantly, variation in host plant quality (to omnivore) led to nonconsumptive effects between one‐third and twice as strong as the consumptive effects. Increased egg consumption on plants less suitable to the omnivore may therefore be accompanied by less searching and disturbing the beetle, representing a “cost” to the indirect plant defense in the form of a lower nonconsumptive effect. Many predators are omnivores and altering c:nc ratios (with egg retention as the most direct link to prey fitness) via plant quality and hunting behavior should be fundamental to advance ecological theory and applications. Furthermore, exploring modulation of fitness traits by bottom‐up and top‐down effects will help to explain how and why species aggregate.  相似文献   

The predatory slime mold, D. caveatum, feeds upon other amoebae by phagocytosis. The D. caveatum amoebae begin feeding upon cells the same size or larger by nibbling pieces of cells. While feeding upon other amoebae as opposed to bacteria, they increase in size. This behavior resembles that of phagocytes in higher organisms. A novel method was used to follow the time course of phagocytosis. A lytic toxin, phallolysin, and mutants resistant to the toxin were utilized in an assay to separate the phagocytes from the prey cells. Since a broad spectrum of cells are sensitive to the toxin, the method has general applicability.  相似文献   

The calls produced by male katydids serve to attract femalesand repel rivals. Males generally exhibit overt aggressive responsesto conspecifics that call within their territories, and intermalespacing is maintained by properties of the call. Here we examinethe acoustic behavior of a zaprochiline katydid in which maleaggressive behavior and even the ability to detect conspecificsappear greatly reduced. Despite reduced hearing sensitivity,males were shown to detect and respond to the calls of conspecificsusing substrate-borne vibrations. During playback experimentsmales increased their calling rates by decreasing the intervalbetween chirps. However, rather than exhibit overt aggressionmales would simply change their calling sites when the intensityof playback song was increased. These results were supportedby observations of natural encounters between males in the field.The interval between chirps decreased as the distance betweencalling males decreased, and encounters were always terminatedwhen one male moved away from the other. We suggest that theloss in auditory sensitivity and reduced aggressive behaviorof this species may be a consequence of the necessity to aggregatearound highly localized feeding sites.  相似文献   

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