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Heterochrony and the origin of tetrapods   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Long, J. A. 1990 04 15: Heterochrony and the origin of tetrapods. Lethaia , Vol. 23, pp. 157–166. Oslo. ISSN 0024–1164.
Juveniles of the osteolepifonn fish Eusthenopteron show more features in common with primitive tetrapods than any other crossopterygian group. These similarities indicate that paedomorphosis may have played an important role directing anagenesis of cranial characters in the fish-tetrapod transition. The development of the tetrapod limb, however, probably resulted from peramorphosis. The first tetrapods may have originated in the East Gondwana vertebrate Province early in the Devonian, based on the oldest known tetrapod footprints from Australia. Furthermore, the biogeographic distribution of plesiomorphic osteichthyans indicates that the monophyletic group 'rhizodontiforms. osteolepiforms and tetrapods' most likely arose in east Gondwana.  相似文献   

Along with supernumerary bones, sesamoids, defined as any organized intratendinous/intraligamentous structure, including those composed of fibrocartilage, adjacent to an articulation or joint, have been frequently considered as enigmatic structures associated with the joints of the skeletal system of vertebrates. This review allows us to propose a dynamic model to account for part of skeletal phenotypic diversity: during evolution, sesamoids can become displaced, attaching to and detaching from the long bone epiphyses and diaphysis. Epiphyses, apophyses and detached sesamoids are able to transform into each other, contributing to the phenotypic variability of the tetrapod skeleton. This dynamic model is a new paradigm to delineate the contribution of sesamoids to skeletal diversity. Herein, we first present a historical approach to the study of sesamoids, discussing the genetic versus epigenetic theories of their genesis and growth. Second, we construct a dynamic model. Third, we present a summary of literature on sesamoids of the main groups of tetrapods, including veterinary and human clinical contributions, which are the best‐studied aspects of sesamoids in recent decades. Finally, we discuss the identity of certain structures that have been labelled as sesamoids despite insufficient formal testing of homology. We also propose a new definition to help the identification of sesamoids in general. This review is particularly timely, given the recent increasing interest and research activity into the developmental biology and mechanics of sesamoids. With this updated and integrative discussion, we hope to pave the way to improve the understanding of sesamoid biology and evolution.  相似文献   

A genus-level supertree for early tetrapods is built using a matrix representation of 50 source trees. The analysis of all combined trees delivers a long-stemmed topology in which most taxonomic groups are assigned to the tetrapod stem. A second analysis, which excludes source trees superseded by more comprehensive studies, supports a deep phylogenetic split between lissamphibian and amniote total groups. Instances of spurious groups are rare in both analyses. The results of the pruned second analysis are mostly comparable with those of a recent, character-based and large-scale phylogeny of Palaeozoic tetrapods. Outstanding areas of disagreement include the branching sequence of lepospondyls and the content of the amniote crown group, in particular the placement of diadectomorphs as stem diapsids. Supertrees are unsurpassed in their ability to summarize relationship patterns from multiple independent topologies. Therefore, they might be used as a simple test of the degree of corroboration of nodes in the contributory analyses. However, we urge caution in using them as a replacement for character-based cladograms and for inferring macroevolutionary patterns.  相似文献   

Studies examining the effects of invasive species have focussed traditionally on the direct/lethal effects of the invasive on the native community but there is a growing recognition that invasive species may also have non-lethal effects. In terrestrial systems, non-lethal effects of invasive species can disrupt early life-history phases (such as fertilisation, dispersal and subsequent establishment) of native species, but in the marine environment most studies focus on adult rather than early life-history stages. Here, we examine the potential for an introduced sessile marine invertebrate (Styela plicata) to exert both lethal and non-lethal effects on a native species (Microcosmus squamiger) across multiple early life-history stages. We determined whether sperm from the invasive species interfered with the fertilisation of eggs from the native species and found no effect. However, we did find strong effects of the invasive species on the post-fertilisation performance of the native species. The invasive species inhibited the settlement of native larvae and, in the field, the presence of the invasive species was associated with a ten-fold increase in the post-settlement mortality of the native species, as well as an initial reduction of growth in the native. Our results suggest that larvae of the native species avoid settling near the invasive species due to reduced post-settlement survival in its presence. Overall, we found that invasive species can have complex and pervasive effects (both lethal and non-lethal) across the early life-history stages of the native species, which are likely to result in its displacement and to facilitate further invasion.  相似文献   

In several recent decades, a wealth of evidence was obtained (including new fossils and new nucleotide sequences) that allows a revision of the current evolutionary theories. The primary structure was determined for orthologous regions from a variety of genomes. Complete genome sequences were established for some organisms. The review considers the modern concepts of the origin and diversification of tetrapods and of the formation of modern vertebrate classes.  相似文献   

Summary Since the discovery of the coelacanth, Latimeria chalumnae, more than 50 years ago, paleontologists and comparative morphologists have debated whether coelacanths or lungfishes, two groups of lobe-finned fishes, are the closest living relatives of land vertebrates (Tetrapoda). Previously, Meyer and Wilson (1990) determined partial DNA sequences from two conservative mitochondrial genes and found support for a close relationship of lungfishes to tetrapods. We present additional DNA sequences from the 12S rRNA mitochondria gene for three species of the two lineages of lungfishes that were not represented in the first study: Protopterus annectens and Protopterus aethiopicus from Africa and Neoceratodus forsteri (kindly provided by B. Hedges and L. Maxson) from Australia. This extended data set tends to group the two lepidosirenid lungfish lineages (Lepidosiren and Protopterus) with Neoceratodus as their sister group. All lungfishes seem to be more closely related to tetrapods than the coelacanth is. This result appears to rule out the possibility that the coelacanth lineage gave rise to land vertebrates. The common ancestor of lungfishes and tetrapods might have possessed multiple morphological traits that are shared by lungfishes and tetrapods [Meyer and Wilson (1990) listed 14 such traits]. Those traits that seem to link Latimeria and tetrapods are arguably due to convergent evolution or reversals and not to common descent. In this way, the molecular tree facilitates an evolutionary interpretation of the morphological differences among the living forms. We recommended that the extinct groups of lobe-finned fishes be placed onto the molecular tree that has lungfishes and not the coelacanth more closely related to tetrapods. The placement of fossils would help to further interpret the sequence of morphological events and innovations associated with the origin of tetrapods but appears to be problematic because the quality of fossils is not always high enough, and differences among paleontologists in the interpretation of the fossils have stood in the way of a consensus opinion for the branching order among lobefinned fishes. Marshall and Schultze (1992) criticized the morphological analysis presented by Meyer and Wilson (1990) and suggest that 13 of the 14 morphological traits that support the sister group relationship of lungfishes and tetrapods are not shared derived characters. Here we present further alternative viewpoints to the ones of Marshall and Schultze (1992) from the paleontological literature. We argue that all available information (paleontological, neontological, and molecular data) and rigorous cladistic methodology should be used when relating fossils and extant taxa in a phylogenetic framework. Offprint requests to: Axel Meyer  相似文献   

Caruso, JA. & Tomescu, AM.F. 2012: Microconchid encrusters colonizing land plants: the earliest North American record from the Early Devonian of Wyoming, USA. Lethaia, Vol. 45, pp. 490–494. Plant fossils in the Early Devonian Beartooth Butte Formation (Wyoming, USA) are colonized by microconchid encrusters which are found on several plant taxa, at two fossil localities in the formation, and whose tube coil diameters range from 230 to 1170 μm. Colonization is densest on broad Drepanophycus devonicus stems where microconchid individuals encompassing broad size ranges co‐occur in close vicinity. This indicates exposure to microconchid colonization and, therefore, submergence of the plant material for relatively extended periods of time prior to burial. For in situ preserved Drepanophycus, this suggests that the plants grew partially submerged and their submerged parts were colonized by microconchids while still alive. In turn, this indicates that by the Early Devonian microconchids were colonizing freshwater environments. The Beartooth Butte Formation provides the first record of plant colonization by microconchids in North America and, along with only one other Early Devonian record from Germany, the oldest evidence for microconchids colonizing plant substrates. □Devonian, encrusters, microconchid, vascular plants, Wyoming.  相似文献   

Ecology and morphology are different, and yet in comparative studies of fossil vertebrates the two are often conflated. The macroevolution of Mesozoic marine tetrapods has been explored in terms of morphological disparity, but less commonly using ecological‐functional categories. Here we use ecospace modelling to quantify ecological disparity across all Mesozoic marine tetrapods. We document the explosive radiation of marine tetrapod groups in the Triassic and their rapid attainment of high ecological disparity. Late Triassic extinctions led to a marked decline in ecological disparity, and the recovery of ecospace and ecological disparity was sluggish in the Early Jurassic. High levels of ecological disparity were again achieved by the Late Jurassic and maintained during the Cretaceous, when the ecospace became saturated by the Late Cretaceous. Sauropterygians, turtles and ichthyosauromorphs were the largest contributors to ecological disparity. Throughout the Mesozoic, we find that established groups remained ecologically conservative and did not explore occupied or vacant niches. Several parts of the ecospace remained vacant for long spans of time. Newly evolved, radiating taxa almost exclusively explored unoccupied ecospace, suggesting that abiotic releases are needed to empty niches and initiate diversification. In the balance of evolutionary drivers in Mesozoic marine tetrapods, abiotic factors were key to initiating diversification events, but biotic factors dominated the subsequent generation of ecological diversity.  相似文献   

Past research on the emergence of digit-bearing tetrapods has led to the widely accepted premise that this important evolutionary event occurred during the Late Devonian. The discovery of convincing digit-bearing tetrapod trackways of early Middle Devonian age in Poland has upset this orthodoxy, indicating that current scenarios which link the timing of the origin of digited tetrapods to specific events in Earth history are likely to be in error. Inspired by this find, we examine the fossil record of early digit-bearing tetrapods and their closest fish-like relatives from a statistical standpoint. We find that the Polish trackways force a substantial reconsideration of the nature of the early tetrapod record when only body fossils are considered. However, the effect is less drastic (and often not statistically significant) when other reliably dated trackways that were previously considered anachronistic are taken into account. Using two approaches, we find that 95 per cent credible and confidence intervals for the origin of digit-bearing tetrapods extend into the Early Devonian and beyond, spanning late Emsian to mid Ludlow. For biologically realistic diversity models, estimated genus-level preservation rates for Devonian digited tetrapods and their relatives range from 0.025 to 0.073 per lineage-million years, an order of magnitude lower than species-level rates for groups typically considered to have dense records. Available fossils of early digited tetrapods and their immediate relatives are adequate for documenting large-scale patterns of character acquisition associated with the origin of terrestriality, but low preservation rates coupled with clear geographical and stratigraphic sampling biases caution against building scenarios for the origin of digits and terrestrialization tied to the provenance of particular specimens or faunas.  相似文献   

Isolation of myxobacteria from the marine environment   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
In an attempt to isolate indigenous marine myxobacteria from coastal samples, we obtained two swarm forming bacteria. Both isolates formed cell aggregates which, at least in one isolate, developed to fruiting body-like structures consisting of a mass of myxospore-like cells. The optimum NaCl concentrations for their growth were between 2 and 3%, comparable to the NaCl concentration of seawater. This growth characteristic strongly suggests that the two isolates are specific marine bacteria. The 16S rDNA sequence studies indicated that the two isolates were related to the genus Nannocystis. Based on the phylogenetic distances between branches, we concluded that the isolates should be assigned to two new myxobacterial genera.  相似文献   

The possibility of a high-temperature origin of life has gained support based on indirect evidence of a hot, early Earth and on the basal position of hyperthermophilic organisms in rRNA-based phylogenies. However, although the availability of more than 80 completely sequenced cellular genomes has led to the identification of hyperthermophilic-specific traits, such as a trend towards smaller genomes, reduced protein-encoding gene sizes, and glutamic-acid-rich simple sequences, none of these characteristics are in themselves an indication of primitiveness. There is no geological evidence for the physical setting in which life arose, but current models suggest that the Earth's surface cooled down rapidly. Moreover, at 100 °C the half-lives of several organic compounds, including ribose, nucleobases, and amino acids, which are generally thought to have been essential for the emergence of the first living systems, are too short to allow for their accumulation in the prebiotic environment. Accordingly, if hyperthermophily is not truly primordial, then heat-loving lifestyles may be relics of a secondary adaptation that evolved after the origin of life, and before or soon after separation of the major lineages.  相似文献   

Coelacanths were believed to have gone extinct more than 80 million years ago - until the sensational rediscovery of one surviving member of this leneage, Latimeria chalumanae, in 1938. Since then, plaeontologists and comparative morphologists have argues whether coelacanths or lungfish (two groups of lobe-finned fish) are the living sistergroup of the third extant lineage, the tetrapods. Recent molecular phylogenetic data on this debate tend to favor the hypothesis that lungfish are the closest relatives of land vertebrates. Somewhat surprisingly, the strongest molecular support for this hypothesis stems from mitochondrial rather than nuclear DNA sequences, despite the expectation that the more-slowly evolving nuclear genes should be more appropriate in addressing a phylogenetic issue involving taxonomic groups that diverged around 400 million years ago. This molecular estimate might serve as a framework to test palepntological and physiological innovations and preadaptations that allowed Devanian lobe-finned fish to colonize land.  相似文献   

A new species of late Mid Devonian seed-megaspore from East Greenland is described and named as Spermasporites allenii . The formerly monotypic genus Spermasporites is emended to accommodate this new species. Rare specimens of S. allenii , with near complete sporangial contents, occur together with specimens showing proximally adhering microspores. These demonstrate that S. allenii was contained within a sporangium exhibiting extreme anisospory, which is interpreted here as functionally bisexual. This is a key element in understanding its reproductive function. The megaspore was shed along with some attached microspores giving it potential for both cross- and self-fertilization. This confers the advantages of heterospory without recourse to separate micro- and megasporangia. This provides a more likely mechanism for seed plant origin than the archaeopteridalean sporangium reduction model. Ultrastructural study of the megaspore wall confirms the progymnosperm affinity of S. allenii . Comparable forms include the Frasnian Spermasporites devonicus and the Famennian seed-megaspores isolated from Archaeosperma arnoldii .  相似文献   

The first herbivorous tetrapods date from the Late Carboniferous, about 300 million years ago. By the Late Permian, continental ecosystems of `modern' aspect had been established, with a vast standing crop of herbivores supporting relatively few carnivores. Processing of high-fibre plant material requires (1) structural modifications of the dentition, jaw apparatus and digestive tract and (2) the acquisition of microbial endosymbionts that produce the enzymes needed for fermentative digestion of cellulose, the principal compound of cell walls in plants. Recent phylogenetic analyses of tetrapods indicate that endosymbiotic cellulysis was acquired independently in a number of lineages during the late Palaeozoic.  相似文献   

Five types of scolecodont microornamentation are recognized: striate, regular, granular, rhombic, and columnar. The connection between the type of ornamentation and the position of the scolecodont element in the jaw is analyzed. The ability of scolecodonts to regenerate is examined based on material from the Devonian of the Voronezh Anteclise.  相似文献   

Marine and terrestrial animals show a mosaic of lineage extinctions and diversifications during the Jurassic–Cretaceous transition. However, despite its potential importance in shaping animal evolution, few palaeontological studies have focussed on this interval and the possible climate and biotic drivers of its faunal turnover. In consequence evolutionary patterns in most groups are poorly understood. We use a new, large morphological dataset to examine patterns of lineage diversity and disparity (variety of form) in the marine tetrapod clade Plesiosauria, and compare these patterns with those of other organisms. Although seven plesiosaurian lineages have been hypothesised as crossing the Jurassic–Cretaceous boundary, our most parsimonious topology suggests the number was only three. The robust recovery of a novel group including most Cretaceous plesiosauroids (Xenopsaria, new clade) is instrumental in this result. Substantial plesiosaurian turnover occurred during the Jurassic–Cretaceous boundary interval, including the loss of substantial pliosaurid, and cryptoclidid diversity and disparity, followed by the radiation of Xenopsaria during the Early Cretaceous. Possible physical drivers of this turnover include climatic fluctuations that influenced oceanic productivity and diversity: Late Jurassic climates were characterised by widespread global monsoonal conditions and increased nutrient flux into the opening Atlantic‐Tethys, resulting in eutrophication and a highly productive, but taxonomically depauperate, plankton. Latest Jurassic and Early Cretaceous climates were more arid, resulting in oligotrophic ocean conditions and high taxonomic diversity of radiolarians, calcareous nannoplankton and possibly ammonoids. However, the observation of discordant extinction patterns in other marine tetrapod groups such as ichthyosaurs and marine crocodylomorphs suggests that clade‐specific factors may have been more important than overarching extrinsic drivers of faunal turnover during the Jurassic–Cretaceous boundary interval.  相似文献   

A new basal land plant, Teruelia diezii gen. et sp. nov., is described from the shallow‐water marine deposits of the Lower Devonian (Lochkovian–Pragian) Nogueras Formation of the Iberian Peninsula (north Gondwana palaeocontinent). Teruelia is preserved as a compression fossil and consists of isotomously branched, robust stems terminated in large, fusiform, twisted sporangia. This morphology suggests that Teruelia is very probably equivalent to Aglaophyton, a permineralized early polysporangiophyte known up to now only from the Lower Devonian (early Pragian to ?earliest Emsian) Rhynie Chert in Scotland (Laurussia palaeocontinent), which represents an early terrestrial hot‐spring ecosystem. Accepted phylogenies identify Aglaophyton as sister to vascular plants. Our phylogeny‐based results identify the Aglaophyton/Teruelia biological entity (i.e. Aglaophyton anatomical characters plus Teruelia external morphology) as the most direct vascular plant precursor. It shows that at least one Rhynie Chert type plant had a much wider distribution than previously known and suggests that Aglaophyton was not restricted to hydrothermal environments, unlike other Rhynie Chert plants.  相似文献   

《Journal of morphology》2017,278(9):1262-1283
A variety of vertebral centrum morphologies have evolved within early tetrapods which range from multipartite centra consisting of intercentra and pleurocentra in stem‐tetrapods, temnospondyls, seymouriamorphs, and anthracosaurs up to monospondylous centra in lepospondyls. With the present study, we aim to determine the formation of both intercentrum and pleurocentrum and asked whether these can be homologized based on their bone histology. Both intercentra and pleurocentra ossified endochondrally and periosteal bone was subsequently deposited on the outer surface of the centra. Our observations indicate low histological variation between intercentrum and pleurocentrum in microstructural organization and growth which inhibits the determination of homologies. However, intercentrum and pleurocentrum development differs during ontogeny. As previously assumed, the intercentrum arises from ventrally located and initially paired ossification centers that fuse ventromedially to form the typical, crescentic, rhachitomous intercentrum. In contrast, presacral pleurocentra may be ancestrally represented by four ossification centers: a ventral and a dorsal pair. Subsequently, two divergent developmental patterns are observed: In stem‐tetrapods and temnospondyls, the pleurocentrum evolves from the two dorsally located ossification centers which may occasionally fuse to form a dorsal crescent. In some dvinosaurian temnospondyls, the pleurocentrum may even ossify to full rings. In comparison, the pleurocentrum of stem‐amniotes (anthracosaurs, chroniosuchids, seymouriamorphs, and lepospondyls) arises from the two ventrally located ossification centers whereby the ossification pattern is almost identical to that of temnospondyls but mirror‐inverted. Thus, the ring‐shaped pleurocentrum of Discosauriscus ossifies from ventral to dorsal. We also propose that the ossified portions of the intercentrum and pleurocentrum continued as cartilaginous rings or discs that surrounded the notochord in the living animals.  相似文献   

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