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<正> 由严静君等编著,1989年5月中国林业出版社出版,16开本300页。 该书介绍我国林木害虫的常见天敌昆虫132种,其中寄生性天敌昆虫73种,捕食性昆虫59种。内容包括天敌昆虫的寄主、分布、形态特征、生物学特性、饲养繁殖及利用方法等。书中有形  相似文献   

王小艺  杨忠岐 《生态学报》2006,26(4):1251-1260
膜翅目昆虫利用高效的毒素进行自身防卫、攻击猎物和调节寄主生长发育.从寄生性膜翅目昆虫毒素的产生、类别、组份、性质、毒素的生态功能以及毒素的作用机制等方面综述了寄生性膜翅目昆虫毒素的研究概况.膜翅目的泌毒器官起源于外胚层,由生殖系统的附腺演化而来.毒液由成熟雌蜂的毒腺或酸腺所分泌,并贮于毒囊中.昆虫毒素是成分复杂的混合物,已知膜翅目昆虫毒素中含有烃类、醇类、醛类、酮类、羧酸类、酯类、内酯类、酶类等多种化合物.寄生性膜翅目昆虫的毒素在提高自身适应能力方面的作用是巨大的,如通过麻痹寄主提高产卵成功的概率、通过抑制寄主的生长发育和免疫功能提高后代的存活率、通过干扰寄主的生理活动改善后代的营养需求等.体外寄生蜂毒素可造成寄主幼虫停止发育、永久性的麻痹甚至死亡,这类毒素常为抑性的、广谱的,一般作用于中枢神经系统或神经-肌肉连接点.而体内寄生蜂多为容性寄生,其毒液中含有多分DNA病毒(PDV),PDV通过抑制寄主免疫系统而巧妙地调节寄主的生理活动和发育,影响寄主的正常变态,大多数种类直到寄主结茧或做好蛹室时才将其杀死在安全的场所,从而使寄生蜂后代能够顺利完成发育.容性寄生蜂毒素对PDV的功能具有显著的增效或协同作用,而不会使寄主产生永久性麻痹.PDV对寄生蜂本身是非致病性的,与寄生蜂是一种分子水平上的共生或依生关系.寄生性膜翅目昆虫毒素显示了良好的应用前景,特别是在开发人类医药和特异性生物杀虫剂方面.但分离和纯化毒液中各个活性成分是应用的前提,也是生化和毒理研究的需要.  相似文献   

全书分二卷。第一卷:寄生性天敌;第二卷:病原微生物。论述了昆虫与寄生性天敌和病原微生物的相互作用和影响。从基础生物学、生物化学和分子生物学的角度进行研究。第一卷:寄生性天敌(V.1Parasites)。共14章,364页。分1.昆虫寄生性天敌发育的模式;2寄生性天敌的作用:在寄生性天敌和寄主相互关系中蛋白质和肽所起的作用;3.昆虫内寄生性天敌和寄主相互关系中激素的作用;4.昆虫寄生性天敌和病原微生物引起的繁殖干扰;5.昆虫寄生性天敌和病原微生物对寄主行为的影响;6.寄生新陈代谢的变化对奇生性天敌营养的影响;7.畸形细…  相似文献   

多寄主型寄生性天敌昆虫的寄主适应性及其影响因素   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
王小艺  杨忠岐 《生态学报》2010,30(6):1615-1627
寄生性天敌昆虫对不同寄主资源的适应能力是其存活和繁殖的必要条件,它们的寄主选择行为则是其重要的适应结果。多寄主型寄生性天敌昆虫虽然对某种特定寄主资源的利用效率可能不如单寄主型寄生蜂,但却有利于拓展更宽的寄主范围,因此对环境的适应能力更强,更容易在自然界维持其种群的生存。统计结果也表明多寄主型天敌的生物防治效果往往比专食性天敌更高。有时生物防治成功的关键可能并不在于所利用的天敌种类的不同,而在于天敌的不同生物型或地理宗。总结了多寄主型寄生性天敌昆虫的寄主适应能力及其影响因素。寄生性天敌昆虫不仅因地理隔离产生种群分化,也可能因寄生不同的寄主产生种群内的分化,从而更加适应寄主的生活特性和栖境条件。寄主种类、寄主发育阶段、寄主大小、寄主营养、寄主免疫反应、寄主逃避反应、其它天敌的竞争、寄主共生或共栖生物的存在、寄主植物、天敌自身的学习能力及其共生微生物等多种因素对寄生性天敌昆虫的寄主适应性可产生影响。展望了多寄主型寄生性天敌昆虫对新寄主资源的拓展利用能力和适应性在生产上的可能应用前景和途径,以期为明确天敌与寄主间的互作关系,人工驯化寄生性天敌昆虫增强对靶标害虫的控制作用,合理利用天敌提高生物防治效率提供新的思路和理论支持。  相似文献   

寄生蜂核型特征及其在分类上的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
回顾了寄生性膜翅目昆虫(寄生蜂)染色体数目和核型的研究情况及其在寄生蜂分类中的应用,并对寄生蜂核型分类的前景作了讨论。核型对众多的寄生性膜翅目类群来说可以提供许多分类上的信息,并在种类研究上作用最为显著。通过核型数据的进一步积累和染色体显带方法的进一步应用,寄生蜂的核型分类学将得到进一步的发展。  相似文献   

寄生性昆虫避免过寄生的现象及其研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
<正> 寄生性昆虫的过寄生现象(superparasitism)是指在一奇主上产下的子代个数超过了能在该寄主上健康发育的个数,从而导致一部分或全部寄生昆虫发育不良、或不能发育而死亡。约在一个世纪前,昆虫学工作者就观察到了许多寄生性昆虫具有辩别寄主是否被寄生过、从而避免过寄生的能力(Howard,1897)。由于寄生性昆虫的这种行为对于寄生——寄生性昆虫相互关系的研究、寄生性昆虫的利用和昆虫信息素(phero-mone)的研究都具有一定的意义,不少人在这方面做  相似文献   

闫家河  张辉  赵新勇  王光成 《昆虫知识》2006,43(1):104-107,F0004
宽槽胫叶蝉Drabescus ogumaeMatsumura主要危害桑、槐、榆等林木,记述了各虫态形态特征、生物学特性、天敌种类,进行了防治试验。在山东商河1年发生2代,以卵在寄主枝条内越冬;天敌主要有螳螂、蜘蛛等,首次报道双距螯蜂Conatopussp.为其寄生性天敌。  相似文献   

为明确江西材小蠹族种类,通过系统调查,对江西材小蠹族昆虫进行了分类学研究。研究发现江西材小蠹族共16属21种,其中江西新记录种13种,中国新记录种3种:Ancipitis depressus(Eggers)、Debus fallax(Eichhoff)、Leptoxyleborus sordicauda(Motschulsky)。文中给出了标本信息及其在中国的分布、寄主和部分具有重要经济意义的种类的生物学特性以及新记录种的主要形态特征和成虫特征图。  相似文献   

闫家河  夏明辉  王宏琦 《昆虫知识》2005,42(6):708-710,F0004
恶性席瓢蜡蝉Sivaloka damnosusChouetLu是山东省最近发现的新害虫。首次记述了其幼期形态特征、生物学特性及其天敌种类,首次报道其寄生性天敌宽额螯蜂Dryinus latusOlmi。该虫在山东商河1年发生2代,以卵在寄主枝条内越冬。用吡虫啉和阿维菌素类制剂4 000~5 000倍液喷雾防治若虫,具有较好的防治效果。  相似文献   

介绍一种研究寄主-寄生昆虫关系的四臂气流式测定仪   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
许多膜翅目寄生性昆虫首先通过嗅觉反应趋向于寄主栖息地,然后再寻找寄主,为了研究这个过程,就需要一种嗅觉测定仪。过去采用的Y型或T型嗅觉测定仪,因为它们不能形成边界分明而毗连的气味区域而让天敌自由进出,此外,在Y型或T型管的三臂相交处会导致气味的混合,因而存在干扰效应。在这种情况下,小型寄生昆虫难以进行趋化性试验,通常由于行为上的诱导(例如强烈的趋光性反应),寄  相似文献   

The Plant List ( http://www.theplantlist.org/ ) is an on‐line database of plant names that aims to be comprehensive for all described plant species. Version 1 of The Plant List includes 1 040 426 plant name records, of which 298 900 are accepted names. The Plant List is the product of a consortium of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, and the Missouri Botanical Garden. In this review, I evaluate the use of this plant taxonomic database for plant ecologists. The web interface of The Plant List allows a quick search for species names and corresponding synonyms. Moreover, users are able to download search or browse results to compile a customized checklist of plant names. The combination of a straightforward web design and the possibility to download search results provides a valuable resource of plant nomenclature information for a wide range of plant ecologists.  相似文献   

多道检索表的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在没有利用计算机技术之前,多道检索表停留在“穿孔卡”检索表形式,目前,在计算机辅助下的多道检索表已很快发展出多种检索系统,如DELTA、Lucid和NaviKey等。本文主要比较了在国内外影响较大的6种多道检索系统在体系结构、用户界面、数据库和检索策略等方面的异同,并从性状选取自由、容错度、模糊表达、数值型性状、最佳检索性状、保留性状未知的分类群以及检索特征等7个方面对检索策略进行了深入分析。鉴于多道检索表存在多种异名,不便于研究交流,我们建议使用“Multi access keys”作为正式名称。最后本文就多道检索表的发展趋势提出了展望。  相似文献   

在没有利用计算机技术之前, 多道检索表停留在“穿孔卡”检索表形式, 目前, 在计算机辅助下的多道检索表已很快发展出多种检索系统, 如DELTA、Lucid和NaviKey等。本文主要比较了在国内外影响较大的6种多道检索系统在体系结构、用户界面、数据库和检索策略等方面的异同, 并从性状选取自由、容错度、模糊表达、数值型性状、最佳检索性状、保留性状未知的分类群以及检索特征等7个方面对检索策略进行了深入分析。鉴于多道检索表存在多种异名, 不便于研究交流, 我们建议使用“Multi-access keys”作为正式名称。最后本文就多道检索表的发展趋势提出了展望。  相似文献   

The Zebrafish Information Network, ZFIN, is a WWW community resource of zebrafish genetic, genomic and developmental research information (http://zfin.org). ZFIN provides an anatomical atlas and dictionary, developmental staging criteria, research methods, pathology information and a link to the ZFIN relational database (http://zfin. org/ZFIN/). The database, built on a relational, object-oriented model, provides integrated information about mutants, genes, genetic markers, mapping panels, publications and contact information for the zebrafish research community. The database is populated with curated published data, user submitted data and large dataset uploads. A broad range of data types including text, images, graphical representations and genetic maps supports the data. ZFIN incorporates links to other genomic resources that provide sequence and ortholog data. Zebrafish nomenclature guidelines and an automated registration mechanism for new names are provided. Extensive usability testing has resulted in an easy to learn and use forms interface with complex searching capabilities.  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: In recent years, the Protein Data Bank (PDB) has experienced rapid growth. To maximize the utility of the high resolution protein-protein interaction data stored in the PDB, we have developed PIBASE, a comprehensive relational database of structurally defined interfaces between pairs of protein domains. It is composed of binary interfaces extracted from structures in the PDB and the Probable Quaternary Structure server using domain assignments from the Structural Classification of Proteins and CATH fold classification systems. RESULTS: PIBASE currently contains 158,915 interacting domain pairs between 105,061 domains from 2125 SCOP families. A diverse set of geometric, physiochemical and topologic properties are calculated for each complex, its domains, interfaces and binding sites. A subset of the interface properties are used to remove interface redundancy within PDB entries, resulting in 20,912 distinct domain-domain interfaces. The complexes are grouped into 989 topological classes based on their patterns of domain-domain contacts. The binary interfaces and their corresponding binding sites are categorized into 18,755 and 30,975 topological classes, respectively, based on the topology of secondary structure elements. The utility of the database is illustrated by outlining several current applications. AVAILABILITY: The database is accessible via the world wide web at http://salilab.org/pibase SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: http://salilab.org/pibase/suppinfo.html.  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: Much research has been devoted to the characterization of interaction interfaces found in complexes with known structure. In this context, the interactions of non-homologous domains at equivalent binding sites are of particular interest, as they can reveal convergently evolved interface motifs. Such motifs are an important source of information to formulate rules for interaction specificity and to design ligands based on the common features shared among diverse partners. RESULTS: We develop a novel method to identify non-homologous structural domains which bind at equivalent sites when interacting with a common partner. We systematically apply this method to all pairs of interactions with known structure and derive a comprehensive database for these interactions. Of all non-homologous domains, which bind with a common interaction partner, 4.2% use the same interface of the common interaction partner (excluding immunoglobulins and proteases). This rises to 16% if immunoglobulin and proteases are included. We demonstrate two applications of our database: first, the systematic screening for viral protein interfaces, which can mimic native interfaces and thus interfere; and second, structural motifs in enzymes and its inhibitors. We highlight several cases of virus protein mimicry: viral M3 protein interferes with a chemokine dimer interface. The virus has evolved the motif SVSPLP, which mimics the native SSDTTP motif. A second example is the regulatory factor Nef in HIV which can mimic a kinase when interacting with SH3. Among others the virus has evolved the kinase's PxxP motif. Further, we elucidate motif resemblances in Baculovirus p35 and HIV capsid proteins. Finally, chymotrypsin is subject to scrutiny wrt. its structural similarity to subtilisin and wrt. its inhibitor's similar recognition sites. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: A database is online at scoppi.biotec.tu-dresden.de/abac/.  相似文献   

56 Algaebase     
AlgaeBase ( http://www.algaebase.org ) is a web-searchable store of information on those protists generally considered to be algae. Access is free and some 10,000 browser searches on average now take place each month. The database was established in 1996 and at first only included seaweeds. Its main function at this time was as a catalog of the marine algae of Europe for the European Union-funded BioMar and European Register of Marine Species (ERMS) projects, and for the recently published Atlas and Check-list of the Seaweeds of Britain and Ireland. The data are now being extended to cover all algae. Over 50,000 names, of which about half are presently accepted species names, are now included, together with the names of some 3500 genera, about 3000 common names, approximately 700 pictures, and in excess of 28,000 literature references. URL-based links from a number of other databases including the Species 2000 Annual Check-list, BIOSIS, GenBank, and Codes for Australian Aquatic Biota have been implemented. It is intended to initiate similar connections from new initiatives such as EuroCat and SPICE, and a number of other global biodiversity databases. As part of a further EU-funded project, SeaweedAfrica ( http://www.seaweedafrica.org ), AlgaeBase is being completely rewritten as an SQL database with a browser-enabled interface, enabling access by a panel of taxonomic experts. AlgaeBase hopes thereby to continue to provide high-quality access to community-serviced data in the best traditions of the Internet.  相似文献   

SEMEDA: ontology based semantic integration of biological databases   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
MOTIVATION: Many molecular biological databases are implemented on relational Database Management Systems, which provide standard interfaces like JDBC and ODBC for data and metadata exchange. By using these interfaces, many technical problems of database integration vanish and issues related to semantics remain, e.g. the use of different terms for the same things, different names for equivalent database attributes and missing links between relevant entries in different databases. RESULTS: In this publication, principles and methods that were used to implement SEMEDA (Semantic Meta Database) are described. Database owners can use SEMEDA to provide semantically integrated access to their databases as well as to collaboratively edit and maintain ontologies and controlled vocabularies. Biologists can use SEMEDA to query the integrated databases in real time without having to know the structure or any technical details of the underlying databases. AVAILABILITY: SEMEDA is available at http://www-bm.ipk-gatersleben.de/semeda/. Database providers who intend to grant access to their databases via SEMEDA are encouraged to contact the authors.  相似文献   

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