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A key pathogenicity factor of the cholera etiologic agent is cholera toxin (CT) whose synthesis is encoded by the ctxAB operon forming apart of the CTXphi ptophage. Alterations in the virulent properties of the cholera vibrios are based on the variability of the CTXphi prophage containing the genes for ctxAB, zot, ace, cep, orfU, and psh in its core region. At the same time, the mechanism of the porophage genome reorganization needs further and more profound analysis. The goal of this work was to demonstrate that transposon Tn5-Mob (Kmr), when introduced into the chromosome of the V. cholera model strain MAK757 El Tor biovar containing two copies of the CTXphi prophage provoked a reorganization in the CTXphi prophage consisting in the deletion of zot, ace, cep, orfU genes. The level of the CT biosynthesis in the insertion mutants MAK757 chr::Tn5-Mob still retaining only the ctxAB operon, increased more than 2000 times as compared to that of the original strain. The enhanced CT production was shown to be associated with the altered structure of the chromosomal DNA region containing one copy of the ctxAB operon encoding this protein biosynthesis. The mutation in the CTXphi genome induced by Tn5-Mob was unstable. Among 600 isolated colonies obtained after dissemination of the MAK757 chr::Tn5-Mob transposant capable of CT overproduction in the full medium with no antibiotics, 5.8% gave clones that in parallel to the loss of Kmr marker, appeared to be deprived of the ctxAB operon thus becoming non-toxinogenic. The observed formation of the V. cholerae insertion mutants both capable of CT overproduction and non-toxinogenic ones, may be indicative of an important role played in the evolution of the cholera pathogen by the CTXphi genome variability induced by Tn elements. The plasmidless V. cholerae El Tor strain characterized by type II CT hyperproduction thus obtained in our experiments could be used for the production of this protein routinely applied to construct efficient cholera diagnostic and prophylactic preparations.  相似文献   

Summary We have demonstrated that precise excision of bacterial transposon Tn5 can occur in the yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Tn5 insertions in the yeast gene LYS2 were generated by transposon mutagenesis made in Escherichia coli by means of a ::Tn5 vector. Nine insertions of Tn5 into the structural part of the yeast LYS2 gene situated in a shuttle epsiomal plasmid were selected. All the plasmids with a Tn5 insertion were used to transform yeast strains carrying a deletion of the entire LYS2 gene or a deletion of the part of LYS2 overlapping the point of insertion.All insertions inactivated the LYS2 gene and were able to revert with low (about 10-8) frequencies to lysine prototrophy. Restriction analysis of revertant plasmids revealed them to be indistinguishable from the original plasmid without Tn5 insertion. DNA sequencing of the regions containing the points of insertions, made for two revertants, proved that Tn5 excision was completely precise.  相似文献   

Azospirillum lipoferum 4B harbors five cryptic plasmids. Several suicide plasmids were used to transfer Tn5-Mob to A. lipoferum 4B. Tn5-Mob insertion mutations of this strain could be obtained at frequencies of 10(-8)-10(-7) per recipient cell. One hundred Tn5-Mob A. lipoferum 4B mutants were used in bacterial matings with a plasmid-free Agrobacterium tumefaciens recipient strain. This is the first report of mobilization, transfer, and replication of an Azospirillum plasmid in Agrobacterium tumefaciens. One transconjugant was found which had lost an indigenous plasmid.  相似文献   

RK2::Mu plasmids and transposon Tn5-Mob were used to mobilize the Legionella pneumophila chromosome. Plate matings between L. pneumophila donors that contained RK2::Mu plasmids and auxotrophic recipients yielded recombinants at frequencies ranging from 10(-6) to 10(-7) per recipient for the markers tested. The presence of a Mu insertion in the chromosome of donors that harbored RK2::Mu plasmids increased the frequency of chromosome transfer of certain selected markers as compared with strains that contained RK2::Mu alone. Cotransfer experiments with Mu-containing donors and a thymidine and tryptophan auxotroph failed to reveal any linkage between the thy and trp loci in L. pneumophila. A strain that contained a chromosomal Tn5-Mob insertion and helper plasmid pRK24.4 transferred chromosomal markers at frequencies of 10(-7) per recipient. These findings suggest that RK2::Mu plasmids and Tn5-Mob may be useful for genetic mapping experiments with L. pneumophila.  相似文献   

Molecular Genetics and Genomics - IS2 has been marked genetically by the in vitro insertion into its HindIII site of a 3.3 Kb HindIII fragment of Tn5 conferring resistance to kanamycin. The...  相似文献   

Transposases mediate transposition first by binding specific DNA end sequences that define a transposable element and then by organizing protein and DNA into a highly structured and stable nucleoprotein 'synaptic' complex. Synaptic complex assembly is a central checkpoint in many transposition mechanisms. The Tn5 synaptic complex contains two Tn5 transposase subunits and two Tn5 transposon end sequences, exhibits extensive protein-end sequence DNA contacts and is the node of a DNA loop. Using single-molecule and bulk biochemical approaches, we found that Tn5 transposase assembles a stable nucleoprotein complex in the absence of Tn5 transposon end sequences. Surprisingly, this end sequence-independent complex has structural similarities to the synaptic complex. This complex is the node of a DNA loop; transposase dimerization and DNA specificity mutants affect its assembly; and it likely has the same number of proteins and DNA molecules as the synaptic complex. Furthermore, our results indicate that Tn5 transposase preferentially binds and loops a subset of non-Tn5 end sequences. Assembly of end sequence-independent nucleoprotein complexes likely plays a role in the in vivo downregulation of transposition and the cis-transposition bias of many bacterial transposases.  相似文献   

K A Orle  N L Craig 《Gene》1991,104(1):125-131
The bacterial transposon, Tn7, encodes an elaborate array of transposition genes, tnsABCDE. We report here the direct identification of the TnsA, TnsB, TnsC and TnsD polypeptides by immunoblotting. Our results demonstrate that the complexity of the protein information devoted to Tn7 transposition is considerable: the aggregate molecular size of the five Tns polypeptides is about 300 kDa. We also report the sequence of the tnsA gene and of the 5' ends of tnsB and tnsD. This analysis reveals that all five tns genes are oriented in the same direction within Tn7.  相似文献   

A method has been developed for the introduction of Tn5 into Escherichia coli plasmid chimeras containing Streptococcus faecalis DNA. Tn5 could be introduced via a lambda::Tn5 delivery vehicle. The system proved to be particularly efficient and facilitated insertions at numerous sites on DNA containing the 16-kilobase conjugative transposon Tn916. It was possible to introduce some of the resulting Tn916::Tn5 derivatives back into S. faecalis by using a recently developed protoplast transformation procedure. A presumed zygotic induction resulted in insertion of the Tn916 derivatives at multiple sites in the S. faecalis chromosome.  相似文献   

Transposition of the ampicillin-resistant transposon Tn3 was reproduced in vitro using the Escherichia coli cell extract. In this cell-free system, we used plasmid DNA carrying mini-Tn3 as donor and phage lambda DNA as target and assayed for ampicillin-resistance transducing phages formed by cointegration of these DNA molecules. Ampicillin-resistance transducing phages, which were obtained by in vitro packaging of lambda DNA after the in vitro transposition reaction, were formed only in the presence of Tn3 transposase. The reaction required mini-Tn3 with the proper sequence and orientation of the terminal inverted repeats of Tn3. The reaction also required DNA synthesis but not RNA synthesis by E. coli RNA polymerase.  相似文献   

Genetic organization of the bacterial conjugative transposon Tn916.   总被引:40,自引:18,他引:22       下载免费PDF全文
Tn916, which encodes resistance to tetracycline, is a 16.4-kilobase conjugative transposon originally identified on the chromosome of Streptococcus faecalis DS16. The transposon has been cloned in Escherichia coli on plasmid vectors, where it expresses tetracycline resistance; it can be reintroduced into S. faecalis via protoplast transformation. We have used a lambda::Tn5 bacteriophage delivery system to introduce Tn5 into numerous sites within Tn916. The Tn5 insertions had various effects on the behavior of Tn916. Some insertions eliminated conjugative transposition but not intracellular transposition, and others eliminated an excision step believed to be essential for both types of transposition. A few inserts had no effect on transposon behavior. Functions were mapped to specific regions on the transposon.  相似文献   

A method has been developed for the introduction of Tn5 into Escherichia coli plasmid chimeras containing Streptococcus faecalis DNA. Tn5 could be introduced via a lambda::Tn5 delivery vehicle. The system proved to be particularly efficient and facilitated insertions at numerous sites on DNA containing the 16-kilobase conjugative transposon Tn916. It was possible to introduce some of the resulting Tn916::Tn5 derivatives back into S. faecalis by using a recently developed protoplast transformation procedure. A presumed zygotic induction resulted in insertion of the Tn916 derivatives at multiple sites in the S. faecalis chromosome.  相似文献   

Tn5-rpsL: a new derivative of transposon Tn5 useful in plasmid curing   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The rpsL gene of Escherichia coli was inserted into the BamHI site of transposon Tn5. This transposon was called Tn5-rpsL. Tn5-rpsL may be useful in microbiological studies when one wants to cure various bacterial genera of certain plasmid(s). A streptomycin-resistant (SmR) derivative of the host bacterial strain is first isolated. The plasmid(s) later to be cured are then labelled with Tn5-rpsL, which makes the cells Sm-sensitive. These cells can regain their resistance to Sm if they lose the Tn5-rpsL-tagged plasmid. Thus, plasmid-free bacteria are easily selected among SmR survivors. The frequency of occurrence of the plasmid-less variants of plasmid-containing wild-type Salmonella typhimurium measured by this method is given as an example.  相似文献   

Drug-resistance element Tn5 coding for kanamycin resistance was used for mutagenesis of Alcaligenes eutrophus strain H16. The vehicle for introducing Tn5 into A. eutrophus was plasmid pJB4JI harboured by Escherichia coli. Kanamycin-resistant transconjugants occurred at a frequency of approximately 5×10-8. One third of the transconjugants exhibited other plasmid-coded resistances such as gentamycin and spectinomycin. However, the latter markers were not stably maintained in the new host. Among the kanamycin-resistant transconjugants three classes of mutants were found: (i) Auxotrophic mutants occurred at a frequency of 0.8% and showed requirements for histidine, methionine, aspartate orisoleucine. Out of eleven auxotrophic mutants examined eight reverted to prototrophy. However, none of the revertants was kanamycin-sensitive. (ii) Mutants unable to grow with fructose as the carbon source occurred at a frequency of almost 10%. (iii) Mutants which had lost the ability to grow autotrophically with hydrogen and carbon dioxide were found at a frequency of 1%. Further analyses revealed that this class of mutants was either defective in carbon dioxide fixation or impaired in hydrogen metabolism.  相似文献   

Tn5-induced insertion mutants were generated in Azospirillum brasilense Sp7 and A. lipoferum SpBr17 by mating with Escherichia coli strains carrying suicide plasmid vectors. The sources of Tn5 were the suicide plasmids pGS9 and pSUP2021. Kanamycin-resistant Azospirillum colonies appeared from crosses with E. coli at maximum frequencies of 10−7 per recipient cell. Transposon Tn5 also conferred streptomycin resistance on Azospirillum colonies as was observed earlier for Rhizobium sp. Eight Tn5-induced Kmr SmrA. brasilense Sp7 mutants with reduced nitrogen-fixing capacity were isolated. The potential use of Tn5-Mob for labeling and mobilization of Azospirillum-indigenous plasmids was demonstrated by isolating Tn5-Mob insertions in the megaplasmids of A. brasilense Sp7.  相似文献   

We report here a novel system for the conjugal transfer of bacterial chromosomes which utilizes the transfer origin (oriT) of plasmid RK2 cloned into transposon Tn5. Tn5 with oriT was inserted by transposition into the chromosomes of Escherichia coli and Rhizobium meliloti. The oriT sequence then served as the origin of high-frequency chromosome transfer when a helper RK2 plasmid was present in the same cell. The broad host range features of RK2 make this system of oriented chromosome mobilization applicable to most gram-negative bacteria.  相似文献   

DNA transposition is an important biological phenomenon that mediates genome rearrangements, inheritance of antibiotic resistance determinants, and integration of retroviral DNA. Transposition has also become a powerful tool in genetic analysis, with applications in creating insertional knockout mutations, generating gene-operon fusions to reporter functions, providing physical or genetic landmarks for the cloning of adjacent DNAs, and locating primer binding sites for DNA sequence analysis. DNA transposition studies to date usually have involved strictly in vivo approaches, in which the transposon of choice and the gene encoding the transposase responsible for catalyzing the transposition have to be introduced into the cell to be studied (microbial systems and applications are reviewed in ref. 1). However, all in vivo systems have a number of technical limitations. For instance, the transposase must be expressed in the target host, the transposon must be introduced into the host on a suicide vector, and the transposase usually is expressed in subsequent generations, resulting in potential genetic instability. A number of in vitro transposition systems (for Tn5, Tn7, Mu, Himar1, and Ty1) have been described, which bypass many limitations of in vivo systems. For this purpose, we have developed a technique for transposition that involves the formation in vitro of released Tn5 transposition complexes (TransposomesTM) followed by introduction of the complexes into the target cell of choice by electroporation. In this report, we show that this simple, robust technology can generate high-efficiency transposition in all tested bacterial species (Escherichia coli, Salmonella typhimurium, and Proteus vulgaris) We also isolated transposition events in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae.  相似文献   

The conjugative streptococcal transposon Tn916 was found to transfer naturally between a variety of gram-positive and gram-negative eubacteria. Enterococcus faecalis hosting the transposon could serve as a donor for Alcaligenes eutrophus, Citrobacter freundii, and Escherichia coli at frequencies of 10(-6) to 10(-8). No transfer was observed with several phototrophic species. Mating of an E. coli strain carrying Tn916 yielded transconjugants with Bacillus subtilis, Clostridium acetobutylicum, Enterococcus faecalis, and Streptococcus lactis subsp. diacetylactis at frequencies of 10(-4) to 10(-6). Acetobacterium woodii was the only gram-positive organism tested that did not accept the transposon from a gram-negative donor. The results prove the ability of conjugative transposable elements such as Tn916 for natural cross-species gene transfer, thus potentially contributing to bacterial evolution.  相似文献   

The bacterial transposon Tn7 is distinguished among mobile genetic elements by its targeting abilities. Recently, we reported that Tn7 is able to selectively insert adjacent to triple-helical DNA. The binding of TnsC, a Tn7-encoded protein, to the triplex DNA target leads to the specific transposition of Tn7 adjacent to both inter- and intramolecular pyrimidine motif triplexes. Here, we further probe how Tn7 targets triplex DNA. We report that TnsC discriminates between different types of triplexes, showing binding preference for pyrimidine but not for purine motif intermolecular triplex DNA. The binding preferences of TnsC and the Tn7 insertion profiles were obtained using psoralenated, triplex- forming oligonucleotides annealed to plasmid DNAs. Although the presence of psoralen is not required for targeting nor is it alone able to attract TnsC, we show that the location of psoralen within the pyrimidine motif triplex does alter the position of Tn7 insertion relative to the triplex. Comparison between the triplex-targeting pathway and the highly site-specific targeting pathway mediated by the binding of the Tn7-encoded protein, TnsD, to the unique site attTn7, suggests that similar structural features within each target DNA are recognized by TnsC, leading to site-specific transposition. This work demonstrates that a prokaryotic protein involved in the targeting and regulation of Tn7 translocation, TnsC, can selectively recognize pyrimidine motif triplexes.  相似文献   

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