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Gao F  Zhang LF  Huang WQ  Sun L 《生理学报》2007,59(6):821-830
我们以前的工作提示,在模拟失重所引起的血管区域特异性适应变化中,局部肾素.血管紧张素系统(local reninangiotensin system,L-RAS)可能发挥关键调控作用。本文以losartan慢性阻断血管紧张素Ⅱ1型受体(angiotensin Ⅱtypelreceptor,AT1R),观察模拟失重是否仍能引起血管的这种适应性改变,并检测大血管管壁L-RAS主要成分的表达是否也发生相应变化。以尾部悬吊大鼠模型模拟失重的生理影响。制作基底动脉、胫前动脉、颈总动脉和腹主动脉的HE染色切片,在光学显微镜下进行形态观测:用免疫组织化学技米测量颈总动脉和腹主动脉壁的血管紧张素原(angiotensinogen,AGT)及AT-R的表达变化。结果表明:4周模拟失重引起大鼠基底动脉中膜和颈总动脉管壁各平滑肌肌层肥厚,而胫前动脉和腹主动脉则发生萎缩性改变;给予losartan4周引起上述4种血管皆发生萎缩性变化;阻断AT1R,模拟失重仍然能引起基底动脉、颈总动脉发生相对肥厚性改变和腹主动脉萎缩加重。4周模拟失重还引起颈总动脉壁中AGT和AT1R表达上调,而腹主动脉壁及血管周围组织中AGT和AT1R表达下调;给予losartan4周仅引起腹主动脉壁中AGT和AT1R表达减少;阻断AT1R,模拟失重使腹主动脉壁AT1R表达进一步减少。结果提示,4周模拟失重引起大鼠脑、颈部与后身大、中动脉血管的形态结构改变和L-RAS主要成分表达发生上调或下调,血管L-RAS在其中可能发挥关键性调控作用;但在慢性阻断AT1R的条件下,其它调控机制仍可能在脑血管适应性调节中发挥一定作用。  相似文献   

钱忠明  邓柏澧 《动物学报》1996,42(4):394-400
长期以来,血管紧张素-(1-7)「Ang-(1-7))」-直被认为是血管紧张素Ⅱ的无生物活性代谢产物。近年的研究证明Ang-(1-7)在神经系统和心血管功能调节中起有作用,是血管紧张素系统中一种新的重要激素。  相似文献   

血管紧张素转换酶2(ACE2)和Mas受体的发现使人们对肾素-血管紧张素(RAS)有了更全面的认识。ACE2可水解血管紧张素Ⅰ和血管紧张素Ⅱ直接或间接生成血管紧张素1-7(Ang 1-7),并与高血压的形成密切相关。Ang 1-7主要通过Mas受体引起血管舒张、抑制细胞增殖。ACE2-Ang1-7-Mas轴的发现为RAS的研究、高血压等心血管疾病的防治和新药开发提供了新的思路和方向。  相似文献   

肾素—血管紧张素系统——应激激素反应系统   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
万瑜  杨钢 《生理学报》1996,48(6):521-528
各种急性与慢性庆激时,循环血中及脑、心血管、肾上腺等组织中血管紧张素Ⅱ(AⅡ)显著增多;人剧烈运动后血浆AⅡ与皮质醇一样均剧烈增加,在慢性应激性高血压动物循环及组织中,AⅡ含量持续地增高。还发现高浓度AⅡ对肾上腺糖皮质激素的分泌有直接的刺激作用,而组织AⅡ含量增多又受肾上腺素能β受体的激发。根据近年来的系列工作,并结合文献,我们认为AⅡ是一种重要的应激激素;肾素-血管紧张素系统是一个应激激素反应系  相似文献   

肾素-血管紧张素系统的新调节分子:ACE2   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Li YT  Cheng GF 《生理科学进展》2006,37(2):179-181
血管紧张素转化酶(angiotensin—converting enzyme,ACE)为含锌的金属蛋白酶,是肾素-血管紧张素系统(renin—angiotensin system,RAS)重要的调节分子。血管紧张素转化酶2(angiotensin—con—verting enzyme2,ACE2)是迄今发现的唯一的ACE同系物(homologue),它主要分布于睾丸、肾脏和心脏。ACE2可水解血管紧张素Ⅰ(angiotensinⅠ,AngⅠ)和血管紧张素Ⅱ(angiotensinⅡ,AngⅡ)羧基端的1个氨基酸残基,分别形成Ang1-9和有血管舒张作用的Ang1-7。ACE2的生理病理作用还不甚明了,传统的ACE抑制剂不能抑制ACE2的活性。ACE2在心血管、肾脏系统的作用可能与ACE相反.与ACE共同调节心脏、肾脏等脏器的正常功能。  相似文献   

肾素-血管紧张素系统过度激活导致血管氧化应激损伤,进而影响血管功能.xanthine氧化酶、NAD(P)H氧化酶和脱耦联的NO合酶是血管组织中活性氧的主要来源.超氧化物阴离子和活性氧簇中的其他成分通过多种机制失活NO在心血管疾病的发生和发展中具有重要作用.随着对氧化应激损伤参与血管反应性调节机制的认识逐渐加深,有希望通过抑制氧化应激损伤改善血管内皮功能.  相似文献   

肾素-血管紧张素-醛固酮系统起初被认为是较简单的神经体液调节机制之一。但是,这一想法随着RAAS阻滞剂:肾素阻滞剂、血管紧张素转换酶抑制剂(ACEI)、AT1受体拮抗剂及盐皮质激素受体拮抗剂的深入研究而受到挑战。因此,RAAS的组成、以上药物发挥作用的具体通路及副作用均得到重新定义。在RAAS阻滞剂的应用过程中,机体肾素水平升高,并刺激肾素原受体(即无活性的肾素前体,PRR),进而对机体造成不良影响。同理,在AT1受体拮抗剂的应用过程中,血浆血管紧张素II的水平升高,并与2型血管紧张素II(AT2)受体结合,进而对机体产生有利作用。此外,随着ACEI及ARB的应用,血管紧张素1-7水平升高,其与Mas受体结合,发挥心脏及肾脏保护的作用,还可通过刺激干细胞发挥组织修复作用。  相似文献   

血管紧张素转换酶2作为肾素—血管紧张素系统的新成员,对心脏功能及心脏节律发挥着重要的调节作用。缺乏ACE2会造成心功能的下降,原因可能是心肌慢性缺氧、血管紧张素Ⅱ水平的提高、血管紧张素(1-7)对心脏保护作用的缺失以及其他肽类底物的增加。但同时ACE2的过度表达又会引起心脏传导紊乱和致死性的心律失常。因此,ACE2精确的生理作用有待进一步明确,但调节ACE2的活性可能为心血管疾病的治疗提出了新的思路。本文主要介绍了ACE2的分布与特性,及其对心功能及心脏节律的影响。  相似文献   

血管紧张肽转化酶2与肾素-血管紧张肽系统的研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
肾素-血管紧张肽系统(RAS)在维持血压稳态、水盐平衡,及局部组织器官的正常功能等方面具有重要的作用。局部RAS的失衡将导致这些器官的疾病。血管紧张肽转化酶2(ACE2)是ACE的同源物,作为RAS的重要负调节因子,平衡血管紧张肽Ⅱ的产生,维持循环系统和局部组织中RAS的稳态。本文综述了在心血管、肺、肾、肝等器官的多种急、慢性疾病患者或动物模型中,RAS与ACE2所发挥的重要作用。  相似文献   

By optimizing the Mg2+ concentration, Taq enzyme dosage, SYBR Green I (SGI) concentration, and plate reading temperature in PCR system, we established the method for detecting the expression levels of nitrogen assimilation-related genes in rice by using RT-PCR technique. Based on this qualified method, we investigated the variations of OsAMT1.1 (one of nitrogen uptake genes) and OsGlt1 (one of nitrogen metabolism genes) expression levels in rice seedlings under conditions of varying nitrogen supply. The results show that by optimizing the parameters in the PCR system to fit the characters of target genes best, we can successfully quantify the low-abundant nitrogen transport and metabolism genes in rice quickly and exactly using fluorescence RT-PCR technique. Published in Russian in Fiziologiya Rastenii, 2006, Vol. 53, No. 4, pp. 625–636. The text was submitted by the authors in English.  相似文献   

A real-time RT-PCR assay using newly designed primers was developed to analyze developmental and adult MHC mRNA expression both in skeletal muscles and single fibers. Only 4 ng of total RNA was necessary for the analysis of the relative mRNA expression of MHC genes. Different validation steps were realized concerning both specificity and sensitivity of each primer set, and linearity and efficiency of each real-time PCR amplification. Then, quantification of MHC mRNA in neonatal and adult muscles as well as in single fibers was done by the ΔCT method, with CycA gene as the reference gene. Due to a higher sensitivity than that of a competitive PCR method, we demonstrated that this assay is suitable to study very low level of MHC mRNA expression as developmental MHC in adult muscle and to quantify mRNA from very small samples.  相似文献   

To investigate the molecular mechanism(s) of action of catecholamines on the expression of the angiotensinogen (ANG) gene in kidney proximal tubular cells, we used opossum kidney (OK) cells with a fusion gene containing the 5-flanking regulatory sequence of the rat ANG gene fused with a human growth hormone (hGH) gene as a reporter, pOGH (rANG N-1498/+18), permanently integrated into their genomes. The level of expression of the ANG-GH fusion gene was quantified by the amount of immunoreactive-hGH (IR-hGH) secreted into the medium. The addition of norepinephrine (NE), isoproterenol (a 1/2-adrenergic receptor (AR) agonist) and iodoclonidine (an 2-AR agonist) stimulated the expression of the ANG-GH fusion gene in a dose-dependent manner, whereas the addition of epinephrine and phenylephrine (1-AR agonist) had no effect. The stimulatory effect of NE was blocked by the presence of propranolol (-AR blocker), atenolol (1-AR blocker), yohimbine (2-AR blocker), Rp-cAMP (an inhibitor of cAMP-dependent protein kinase AI & AII) and staurosporine (an inhibitor of protein kinase C), but was not blocked by ICI 118, 551 (2-AR blocker) and prazosin (1-AR blocker). The addition of a combination of isoproterenol and iodoclonidine or a combination of 8-Bromo-cAMP (8-Br-cAMP) and phorbol 12-myristate (PMA) synergistically stimulated the expression of the ANG-GH fusion gene as compared to the addition of isoproterenol, iodoclonidine, 8-Br-cAMP or PMA alone. Furthermore, the addition of NE, 8-Br-cAMP or PMA stimulated the expression of pOGH (rANG N-806/-779/-53/+18), a fusion gene containing the putative cAMP responsive element (CRE, ANG N-806/-779) upstream of the ANG promoter (ANG N-53/+18) in OK cells, but had no effect on the expression of fusion genes containing the mutant of the CRE. Gel mobility shift assays revealed that the ANG-CRE binds with the DNA-binding domain (bZIP 254-327) of the cAMP-responsive binding protein (CREB). The binding of the labeled ANG-CRE to CREB (bZIP254-327) was displaced by unlabeled ANG-CRE and the CRE of the somatostatin gene but not by the mutants of the ANG-CRE. Finally, NE stimulated the phosphorylation of CREB in OK cells. These studies demonstrate that the molecular mechanism(s) of NE action on the expression of the ANG gene in OK cells may be mediated via both the PKA and PKC signalling pathways and via the phosphorylation of CREB. The phosphorylated CREB then interacts with the CRE in the 5-flanking region of the ANG gene and subsequently stimulates the gene expression.  相似文献   

Thioredoxin (Trx) is a multifunctional protein with a redox-active disulfide/dithiol in the active site. Thioredoxin, with its redox-regulating and reactive oxygen species (ROS) scavenging activities, plays several important biologic roles both in intracellular and extracellular compartments. The purpose of this report was to quantify the relative expression of Trx in rat hippocampus following an oxidative stress-involving treatment such as kainic acid (KA) using real-time PCR and the 2(-DeltaDeltaC(T)) method. The relative changes in expression of Trx mRNA in KA-treated and control animals were significantly different as 2.02 +/- 0.77 and 1.0 +/- 0.26, respectively (P<0.05). Minimum and maximum n-fold changes in Trx expression in KA-treated and control animals were determined as (1.4-5.2) and (0.8-1.3), respectively. Thus, real-time PCR and the 2(-DeltaDeltaC(T)) method for data analysis from real-time PCR were found to be an accurate and sensitive method for quantifying Trx mRNA levels.  相似文献   

Several real-time PCR (rtPCR) quantification techniques are currently used to determine the expression levels of individual genes from rtPCR data in the form of fluorescence intensities. In most of these quantification techniques, it is assumed that the efficiency of rtPCR is constant. Our analysis of rtPCR data shows, however, that even during the exponential phase of rtPCR, the efficiency of the reaction is not constant, but is instead a function of cycle number. In order to understand better the mechanisms belying this behavior, we have developed a mathematical model of the annealing and extension phases of the PCR process. Using the model, we can simulate the PCR process over a series of reaction cycles. The model thus allows us to predict the efficiency of rtPCR at any cycle number, given a set of initial conditions and parameter values, which can mostly be estimated from biophysical data. The model predicts a precipitous decrease in cycle efficiency when the product concentration reaches a sufficient level for template-template re-annealing to compete with primer-template annealing; this behavior is consistent with available experimental data. The quantitative understanding of rtPCR provided by this model can allow us to develop more accurate methods to quantify gene expression levels from rtPCR data.  相似文献   

应用real-timePCR法快速定量人类粪便中双歧杆菌的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的建立快速、准确从粪便标本中定量双歧杆菌的RT—PCR技术。方法传统培养定量法,普通PCR定量法,real—timePCR比较测量。结果(I)粪便标本前处理采取简单的离心和清洗、稀释步骤能去除粪便标本中的抑制物,实现不提取DNA直接进行PCR、real—time定量粪便中双歧杆菌。(2)本实验建立的PCR方法直接半定量粪便双歧杆菌技术在双歧杆菌值介于10^3~10^7CFU/ml时具有较好的分辨率,粪便标本普通PCR得理论菌数与培养得菌数值之间差异无显著性(P〉0.05);real-timePCR直接定量双歧杆菌技术在双歧杆菌值介于10^1-10^7CFU/ml时具有较好的分辨率,粪便标本RT—PCR得理论菌数与培养得菌数值之间差异无显著性(P〉0.05)。结论利用PCR、real—timePCR直接半定量和定量粪便中的双歧杆菌可行。  相似文献   

同步PCR是一种集生化、光电和计算机技术于一体的封闭式DNA扩增系统,采用荧光染料将扩增与检测过程结合在一起,实现了在PCR过程中在线显示PCR反应,通过检测荧光强度来绝对定量起始模板的拷贝数.该技术大大简化和加速了核酸分子的定量过程,不仅快速、灵敏、准确、重复性好,而且很容易计算出待测样品中核酸分子的绝对起始拷贝数.同微阵列等分子生物技术一起,同步PCR技术将会在功能基因解析和病害分子诊断等方面发挥重要作用.本综述除了介绍同步PCR技术的原理和应用外,还介绍了定量拟南芥Aux/IAA基因的转录水平的实验,并就同步PCR操作过程中的问题进行了讨论.  相似文献   

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