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To permit a more detailed analysis of neural crest cell migratory pathways in the chick embryo, neural crest cells were labelled with a nondeleterious membrane intercalating vital dye, DiI. All neural tube cells with endfeet in contact with the lumen, including premigratory neural crest cells, were labelled by pressure injecting a solution of DiI into the lumen of the neural tube. When assayed one to three days later, migrating neural crest cells, motor axons, and ventral root cells were the only cells types external to the neural tube labelled with DiI. During the neural crest cell migratory phase, distinctly labelled cells were found along: (1) a dorsolateral pathway, under the epidermis, as well adjacent to and intercalating through the dermamyotome; and (2) a ventral pathway, through the rostral portion of each sclerotome and around the dorsal aorta as described previously. In contrast to those cells migrating through the sclerotome, labelled cells on the dorsolateral pathway were not segmentally arranged along the rostrocaudal axis. DiI-labelled cells were observed in all truncal neural crest derivatives, including subepidermal presumptive pigment cells, dorsal root ganglia, and sympathetic ganglia. By varying the stage at which the injection was performed, neural crest cell emigration at the level of the wing bud was shown to occur from stage 13 through stage 22. In addition, neural crest cells were found to populate their derivatives in a ventral-to-dorsal order, with the latest emigrating cells migrating exclusively along the dorsolateral pathway.  相似文献   

Vital dye analysis of cranial neural crest cell migration in the mouse embryo.   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
The spatial and temporal aspects of cranial neural crest cell migration in the mouse are poorly understood because of technical limitations. No reliable cell markers are available and vital staining of embryos in culture has had limited success because they develop normally for only 24 hours. Here, we circumvent these problems by combining vital dye labelling with exo utero embryological techniques. To define better the nature of cranial neural crest cell migration in the mouse embryo, premigratory cranial neural crest cells were labelled by injecting DiI into the amniotic cavity on embryonic day 8. Embryos, allowed to develop an additional 1 to 5 days exo utero in the mother before analysis, showed distinct and characteristic patterns of cranial neural crest cell migration at the different axial levels. Neural crest cells arising at the level of the forebrain migrated ventrally in a contiguous stream through the mesenchyme between the eye and the diencephalon. In the region of the midbrain, the cells migrated ventrolaterally as dispersed cells through the mesenchyme bordered by the lateral surface of the mesencephalon and the ectoderm. At the level of the hindbrain, neural crest cells migrated ventrolaterally in three subectodermal streams that were segmentally distributed. Each stream extended from the dorsal portion of the neural tube into the distal portion of the adjacent branchial arch. The order in which cranial neural crest cells populate their derivatives was determined by labelling embryos at different stages of development. Cranial neural crest cells populated their derivatives in a ventral-to-dorsal order, similar to the pattern observed at trunk levels. In order to confirm and extend the findings obtained with exo utero embryos, DiI (1,1-dioctadecyl-3,3,3',3'-tetramethylindo-carbocyanine perchlorate) was applied focally to the neural folds of embryos, which were then cultured for 24 hours. Because the culture technique permitted increased control of the timing and location of the DiI injection, it was possible to determine the duration of cranial neural crest cell emigration from the neural tube. Cranial neural crest cell emigration from the neural folds was completed by the 11-somite stage in the region of the rostral hindbrain, the 14-somite stage in the regions of the midbrain and caudal hindbrain and not until the 16-somite stage in the region of the forebrain. At each level, the time between the earliest and latest neural crest cells to emigrate from the neural tube appeared to be 9 hours.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Crest cells individualized at the dorsal border of the neural tube, while they became surrounded by a fibronectin-rich matrix. Crest cells initiated their migration between the basement membranes of the neural tube and the ectoderm. In the vagal region, crest cells migrated in a fibronectin-rich environment between the ectoderm and the dermomyotome, very rapidly reaching the apex of the pharynx. In the trunk region, crest cells opposite the bulk of the somite accumulated at the junction between the somite, the neural tube, and the ectoderm; they resumed their migration at the onset of the dissociation of the somite into dermomyotome and sclerotome. Migration occurred more ventrally along the neural tube; nevertheless, the formation of the rapidly expanding sclerotome prevented crest cells from reaching the paranotochordal region. Thereafter, crest cells accumulated between the neural tube, the dermomyotome, and the sclerotome, where ultimately they formed the dorsal root ganglia. In contrast, cells opposite the intersomitic space did not encounter these obstacles and utilized a narrow pathway formed between the basement membranes of the two adjacent somites. This pathway allowed crest cells to reach the most ventral regions of the embryo very rapidly; they accumulated along the aorta to form the aortic plexuses, the adrenal medulla, and the sympathetic ganglia. The basic features of the migration pathways are (1) a strict delimitation by the fibronectin-rich basement membranes of the surrounding tissues, (2) a formation of space concomitant with the migration of crest cells, (3) a transient existence: continued migration is correlated with the presence of fibronectin, whereas cessation is correlated with its focal disappearance. The crest cells are characterized by their inability to traverse basement membranes and penetrate within tissues. We propose that the combination of active proliferation, unique motility properties, and the presence of narrow pathways are the major mechanisms ensuring correct directionality. Morphologically defined transient routes of migration along with developmentally regulated changes in the extracellular matrix and in the adhesive properties of crest cells are most probably involved in their stabilization in defined territories and their aggregation into ganglia.  相似文献   

Trunk neural crest cells follow a common ventral migratory pathway but are distributed into two distinct locations to form discrete sympathetic and dorsal root ganglia along the vertebrate axis. Although fluorescent cell labeling and time‐lapse studies have recorded complex trunk neural crest cell migratory behaviors, the signals that underlie this dynamic patterning remain unclear. The absence of molecular information has led to a number of mechanistic hypotheses for trunk neural crest cell migration. Here, we review recent data in support of three distinct mechanisms of trunk neural crest cell migration and develop and simulate a computational model based on chemotactic signaling. We show that by integrating the timing and spatial location of multiple chemotactic signals, trunk neural crest cells may be accurately positioned into two distinct targets that correspond to the sympathetic and dorsal root ganglia. In doing so, we honor the contributions of Wilhelm His to his identification of the neural crest and extend the observations of His and others to better understand a complex question in neural crest cell biology.  相似文献   

Pathways of avian neural crest cell migration in the developing gut   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The NC-1 and E/C8 monoclonal antibodies recognize a similar population of neural crest cells as they migrate from vagal levels of the neural tube and colonize the branchial arch region of 2- to 3-day-old chicken embryos. Some of these immunoreactive cells then appear to enter the gut mesenchyme on the third day of incubation just caudal to the third branchial cleft. After entering the gut, these cells migrate in a rostral-caudal direction, using primarily the superficial splanchnic mesodermal epithelium of the gut as a substratum. The antigen-positive cells remain preferentially associated with the splanchnopleure. Few antigenic cells enter the mesenchyme surrounding the endoderm at anterior levels whereas they are found throughout the mesenchyme when nearing the umbilicus. At postumbilical levels, immunoreactive cells are distributed on both sides of the differentiating muscle layer but not within it. Although fibronectin immunoreactivity can be found throughout the wall of the gut, there is no apparent relationship between the distribution of fibronectin and the location of the immunoreactive cells. These results suggest that a mechanism more complex than a mere interaction with fibronectin may account for migration of crest-derived cells in the gut.  相似文献   

Control of neural crest cell dispersion in the trunk of the avian embryo   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
Many hypotheses have been advanced to explain the orientation and directional migration of neural crest cells. These include positive and negative chemotaxis, haptotaxis, galvanotaxis, and contact inhibition. To test directly the factors that may control the directional dispersion of the neural crest, I have employed a variety of grafting techniques in living embryos. In addition, time-lapse video microscopy has been used to study neural crest cells in tissue culture. Trunk neural crest cells normally disperse from their origin at the dorsal neural tube along two extracellular pathways. One pathway extends laterally between the ectoderm and somites. When either pigmented neural crest cells or neural crest cells isolated from 24-hr cultures are grafted into the space lateral to the somites, they migrate: (1) medially toward the neural tube in the space between the ectoderm and somites and (2) ventrally along intersomitic blood vessels. Once the grafted cells contact the posterior cardinal vein and dorsal aorta they migrate along both blood vessels for several somite lengths in the anterior-posterior axis. Neural crest cells grafted lateral to the somites do not immediately move laterally into the somatic mesoderm of the body wall or the limb. Dispersion of neural crest cells into the mesoderm occurs only after blood vessels and nerves have first invaded, which the grafted cells then follow. The other neural crest pathway extends ventrally alongside the neural tube in the intersomitic space. When neural crest cells were grafted to a ventral position, between the notochord and dorsal aorta, in this intersomitic pathway at the axial level of the last somite, the grafted cells migrate rapidly within 2 hr in two directions: (1) dorsally, in the intersomitic space, until the grafted cells contact the ventrally moving stream of the host neural crest and (2) laterally, along the dorsal aorta and endoderm. All of the above experiments indicate that neither a preestablished chemotactic nor adhesive (haptotactic) gradient exists in the embryo since the grafted neural crest cells will move in the reverse direction along these pathways toward the dorsal neural tube. For the same reason, these experiments also show that dispersal of the neural crest is not directed passively by other environmental controls, since the cells can clearly move counter to their usual pathway and against such putative passive mechanisms.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Draxin is a repulsive axon guidance protein that plays important roles in the formation of three commissures in the central nervous system and dorsal interneuron 3 (dI3) in the chick spinal cord. In the present study, we report the expression pattern of mouse draxin in the embryonic mouse trunk spinal cord. In the presence of draxin, the longest net migration length of a migrating mouse trunk neural crest cell was significantly reduced. In addition, the relative number of apolar neural crest cells increased as the draxin treatment time increased. Draxin caused actin cytoskeleton rearrangement in the migrating trunk neural crest cells. Our data suggest that draxin may regulate mouse trunk neural crest cell migration by the rearrangement of cell actin cytoskeleton and by reducing the polarization activity of these cells subsequently.  相似文献   

Clinical observations have demonstrated that isotretinoin (13-cis-retinoic acid; cis-RA) is a human teratogen causing primarily heart and craniofacial malformations. Isotretinoin exposure to the early postimplantation mouse embryo in culture results in specific defects in craniofacial development that may be due to an interference in the early migration of cranial neural crest (CNC) cells [Goulding and Pratt, 1986]. The present study was designed to test this hypothesis by examining the migration of these cells in whole embryo culture. Day 8 CD-1 mouse embryos were cultured for 6-48 hr in the presence or absence of cis-RA at 2 X 10(-6) to 2 X 10(-5) M. Embryos either were fixed for light microscopy using Nichols' method for localization of CNC cells or were processed for scanning and transmission electron microscopy. At the light microscopic level, CNC cells in the mid-brain region of control embryos had migrated to the region of the first and second visceral arches after 6 hr in culture. Cis-RA interfered with this migration; CNC cells in treated embryos either did not leave the neuroepithelium (NE) or were aggregated near the NE. Autoradiographic studies indicated that cis-RA did not affect the overall viability or DNA synthesis of the CNC cells. However, at the TEM level, there was a dramatic increase in the number of cellular blebs in the CNC cells. Our results demonstrate a direct effect of 13-cis-RA on the CNC cells and suggest that this effect is due to alterations in the cell surface.  相似文献   

Of all the model organisms used to study human development, rodents such as mice most accurately reflect human craniofacial development. Collective advances in mouse embryology and mouse genetics continue to shape our understanding of neural crest cell development and by extrapolation the etiology of human congenital head and facial birth defects. The aim of this review is to highlight the considerable progress being made in our understanding of cranial neural crest cell patterning in mouse embryos.  相似文献   

In vertebrate embryos, neural crest cells migrate extensively to defined sites where they differentiate into a complex array of derivatives, ranging from neurons to pigment cells. Neural crest cells emerge uniformly from the neural tube but their subsequent migratory pattern is segmented along much of the body axis. What factors control this segmental migration? At trunk levels, it is imposed by the intrinsic segmentation of the neighbouring somitic mesoderm, while in the head, intrinsic information within the neural tube as well as extrinsic influences from the ectoderm are involved. A variety of cell-cell and cell-extracellular matrix interactions are thought to influence initiation and movement of neural crest cells. This review summarizes recent progress from both experimental embryology and cell biology approaches in uncovering the mechanisms underlying neural crest cell migration.  相似文献   

Trunk neural crest cells migrate extensively and give rise to diverse cell types, including cells of the sensory and autonomic nervous systems. Previously, we demonstrated that many premigratory trunk neural crest cells give rise to descendants with distinct phenotypes in multiple neural crest derivatives. The results are consistent with the idea that neural crest cells are multipotent prior to their emigration from the neural tube and become restricted in phenotype after leaving the neural tube either during their migration or at their sites of localization. Here, we test the developmental potential of migrating trunk neural crest cells by microinjecting a vital dye, lysinated rhodamine dextran (LRD), into individual cells as they migrate through the somite. By two days after injection, the LRD-labelled clones contained from 2 to 67 cells, which were distributed unilaterally in all embryos. Most clones were confined to a single segment, though a few contributed to sympathetic ganglia over two segments. A majority of the clones gave rise to cells in multiple neural crest derivatives. Individual migrating neural crest cells gave rise to both sensory and sympathetic neurons (neurofilament-positive), as well as cells with the morphological characteristics of Schwann cells, and other non-neuronal cells (both neurofilament-negative). Even those clones contributing to only one neural crest derivative often contained both neurofilament-positive and neurofilament-negative cells. Our data demonstrate that migrating trunk neural crest cells can be multipotent, giving rise to cells in multiple neural crest derivatives, and contributing to both neuronal and non-neuronal elements within a given derivative.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Neural crest cells are remarkable in their extensive and stereotypic patterns of migration. The pathways of neural crest migration have been documented by cell marking techniques, including interspecific neural tube grafts, immunocytochemistry and Dil-labelling. In the trunk, neural crest cells migrate dorsally under the skin or ventrally through the somites, where they move in a segmental fashion through the rostral half of each sclerotome. The segmental migration of neural crest cells appears to be prescribed by the somites, perhaps by an inhibitory cue from the caudal half. Within the rostral sclerotome, neural crest cells fill the available space except for a region around the notochord, suggesting the notochord may inhibit neural crest cells in its vicinity. In the cranial region, antibody perturbation experiments suggest that multiple cell-matrix interactions are required for proper in vivo migration of neural crest cells. Neural crest cells utilize integrin receptors to bind to a number of extracellular matrix molecules. Substrate selective inhibition of neural crest cell attachment in vitro by integrin antibodies and antisense oligonucleotides has demonstrated that they possess at least three integrins, one being an α1β1 integrin which functions in the absence of divalent cations. Thus, neural crest cells utilize complex sets of interactions which may differ at different axial levels.  相似文献   

In avians and mice, trunk neural crest migration is restricted to the anterior half of each somite. Sclerotome has been shown to play an essential role in this restriction; the potential role of other somite components in specifying neural crest migration is currently unclear. By contrast, in zebrafish trunk neural crest, migration on the medial pathway is restricted to the middle of the medial surface of each somite. Sclerotome comprises only a minor part of zebrafish somites, and the pattern of neural crest migration is established before crest cells contact sclerotome cells, suggesting other somite components regulate the pattern of zebrafish neural crest migration. Here, we use mutants to investigate which components regulate the pattern of zebrafish trunk neural crest migration on the medial pathway. The pattern of trunk neural crest migration is aberrant in spadetail mutants that have very reduced somitic mesoderm, in no tail mutants injected with spadetail morpholino antisense oligonucleotides that entirely lack somitic mesoderm and in somite segmentation mutants that have normal somite components but disrupted segment borders. Fast muscle cells appear dispensable for patterning trunk neural crest migration. However, migration is abnormal in Hedgehog signaling mutants that lack slow muscle cells, providing evidence that slow muscle cells regulate the pattern of trunk neural crest migration. Consistent with this idea, surgical removal of adaxial cells, which are slow muscle precursors, results in abnormal patterning of neural crest migration; normal patterning can be restored by replacing the ablated adaxial cells with ones transplanted from wild-type embryos.  相似文献   

Four phases of neural crest migration characteristic of early avian trunk regions are described: (a) appearance, during which crest cells reside in the dorsal neural tube, but are separated from each other dorsally by large spaces; (b) condensation, during which large spaces between the crest cells become reduced, the cells elongate, flatten upon the surface of the neural tube, and become oriented tangentially (i.e., with their long axes perpendicular to the longitudinal axes of the neural tube); (c) early migration, during which the crest population expands uniformly to meet the dorsal apex of the somites; and (d) advanced migration, during which crest cells appear in the extracellular space dorsal to the somites. At the most advanced phases, the crest population at the dorsal midline decreased in number, with a concomitant loss of tangential orientation and the appearance of spaces between the cells. Extracellular components of the acellular spaces through which crest cells migrate are also described. The observations are discussed in terms of (1) those morphological changes undergone by crest cells during migration, and (2) possible factors that might delimit crest pathways. It is suggested that the operation of contact inhibition of movement within the crest population is sufficient to determine the direction of crest migration.  相似文献   

Neural crest cell migratory pathways in the trunk of the chick embryo   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:14  
Neural crest cells migrate during embryogenesis to give rise to segmented structures of the vertebrate peripheral nervous system: namely, the dorsal root ganglia and the sympathetic chain. However, neural crest cell arise from the dorsal neural tube where they are apparently unsegmented. It is generally agreed that the somites impose segmentation on migrating crest cells, but there is a disagreement about two basic questions: exactly pathways do neural crest cells use to move through or around somites, and do neural crest cells actively migrate or are they passively dispersed by the movement of somite cells? The answers to both questions are critically important to any further understanding of the mechanisms underlying the precise distribution of the neural crest cells that develop into ganglia. We have done an exhaustive study of the locations of neural crest cells in chick embryos during early stages of their movement, using antibodies to neural crest cells (HNK-1), to neural filament-associated protein in growing nerve processes (E/C8), and to the extracellular matrix molecule laminin. Our results show that Some neural crest cells invade the extracellular space between adjacent somites, but the apparent majority move into the somites themselves along the border between the dermatome/myotome (DM) and the sclerotome. Neural crest cells remain closely associated with the anterior half of the DM of developing somites as they travel, suggesting that the basal lamina of the DM may be used as a migratory substratum. Supporting this idea is our observation that the development of the DM basal lamina coincides in time and location with the onset of crest migration through the somite. The leading front of neural crest cells advance through the somite while the length of the DM pathway remains constant, suggesting active locomotion, at least in this early phase of development. Neural crest cells leave the DM at a later stage of development to associate with the dorsal aorta, where sympathetic ganglia form, and to associate with newly emerging fibers of the ventral root nerve, where they presumably give rise to neuronal supportive cells. Thus we propose that the establishment of the segmental pattern of the peripheral ganglia and nerves depends on the timely development of appropriate substrata to guide and distribute migrating neural crest cells during the early stages of embryogenesis.  相似文献   

We have examined the distribution in Xenopus embryos of beta 1 subunits of integrin, as recognized by cross-reactive antibodies against the avian integrin beta 1 subunit. These antibodies recognize a doublet of bands of approximately 120 kD in Xenopus embryos. The distribution pattern of these integrin cell surface receptors was compared with that of two possible ligands, fibronectin and laminin, in the extracellular matrix during the time of neural crest cell migration. Integrin immunoreactivity in the early neurula was observed lightly outlining somite and epidermal cells and the notochord. The integrin immunostaining increased with developmental age and was observed on most cell types in the embryo but was particularly notable in the intersomitic clefts through which motoraxons grow. The immunoreactivity in this region was not, however, wholly on the axon surfaces, since intersomitic integrin remained detectable in embryos in which the neural tube had been ablated. Fibronectin and laminin were more extensively distributed than integrin at all stages examined. Immunoreactivity for both was observed around the neural tube, notochord, somites, epidermis, dorsal mesentery, and lateral plate mesoderm. The distribution of laminin and fibronectin around the somites was particularly interesting since it was non-uniform and similar to that of integrin. Strongest staining was observed in the intersomitic clefts, and weakest staining was observed on the medial surface of the somites, which faces the neural tube and notochord. The major differences in distribution pattern between the fibronectin and laminin immunoreactivities were that only fibronectin was detected in the mesenchyme of the dorsal fin. Our results demonstrate that a molecule homologous to avian integrin is present in Xenopus embryos during neural crest cell migration and motoraxon outgrowth. Its presence in the intersomitic clefts and on the surface of many embryonic cell types together with the abundant distribution of its ligands are consistent with a potentially important developmental function in neurite outgrowth and/or muscle development.  相似文献   

We have used the vital dye, DiI, to analyze the contribution of sacral neural crest cells to the enteric nervous system in chick and mouse embryos. In order to label premigratory sacral neural crest cells selectively, DiI was injected into the lumen of the neural tube at the level of the hindlimb. In chick embryos, DiI injections made prior to stage 19 resulted in labelled cells in the gut, which had emerged from the neural tube adjacent to somites 29-37. In mouse embryos, neural crest cells emigrated from the sacral neural tube between E9 and E9.5. In both chick and mouse embryos, DiI-labelled cells were observed in the rostral half of the somitic sclerotome, around the dorsal aorta, in the mesentery surrounding the gut, as well as within the epithelium of the gut. Mouse embryos, however, contained consistently fewer labelled cells than chick embryos. DiI-labelled cells first were observed in the rostral and dorsal portion of the gut. Paralleling the maturation of the embryo, there was a rostral-to-caudal sequence in which neural crest cells populated the gut at the sacral level. In addition, neural crest cells appeared within the gut in a dorsal-to-ventral sequence, suggesting that the cells entered the gut dorsally and moved progressively ventrally. The present results resolve a long-standing discrepancy in the literature by demonstrating that sacral neural crest cells in both the chick and mouse contribute to the enteric nervous system in the postumbilical gut.  相似文献   

The white mutation in Mexican axolotls has long been thought to be a defect associated with the embryonic extracellular environment, but not with embryonic neural crest cells. Thus it was believed that pigment cells in white axolotls disappear from the skin during early development, not because they are intrinsically defective but because they have no choice but to move into an unfavorable environment. We present evidence to suggest that: (1) white neural crest cells are in fact intrinsically different from dark (wild-type) cells, and (2) an inhibitor is produced in white embryonic ectoderm that actively suppresses the migration, differentiation, and survival of pigment cells in this animal. How these observations fit into the existing body of literature on the white mutant and a model for how the white phenotype might develop are discussed.  相似文献   

Chick embryos carrying transplants labeled with tritiated thymidine demonstrate that the neural crest originates in the anterior epiblast, at the junction of areas destined for epidermis and neural tube. As the neural tube begins to fold and the axis lengthens, cells along this junction are drawn dorsomedially; at the seven-somite stage they begin to separate from the epithelium of the head, and migrate into the angle between the epidermis and the neural tube. The paraxial mesoderm already populating this angle originates in more posterior and medial portions of the epiblast than do the neural crest cells; after invagination at the primitive streak, it migrates anterolaterally, ventral to the ectoderm layer, until it too is folded dorsomedially into the angle between the epidermis and the neural tube.  相似文献   

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