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Kneale  Pauline E.  Howard  Alan 《Hydrobiologia》1997,349(1-3):59-63
Data on cyanobacteria (blue-green algae) are generallycollected on a reactive basis, frequently in responseto bloom events. Such data presents a biased andincomplete snapshot of water quality. This paper looksat two typical data sets for UK waters showing thatwhile statistics may be used to describe the data theyare of limited use in forecasting. Suggestions ofappropriate tests for small and sparse data sets aremade.  相似文献   

The Kromme is a small estuary in rural eastern Cape, South Africa with a relatively unpopulated and undisturbed catchment. Physical and chemical variables including the major nutrients and E. coli were examined. It was found to be a well oxygenated, well mixed estuary with some stratification in its upper reaches. Nutrient levels were generally low with nitrate values higher in winter than during summer. While no overt seasonality was detected for phosphorus, levels were comparatively high. Faecal E. coli levels were low with a mean count of 26 per 100 ml for the estuary. Along the Kromme, nutrients were highest at the confluence of the Geelhoutboom tributary suggesting it was a major nutrient contributor. At the head of the Kromme, silicate and E. coli were significantly linked to riverflow, while nitrate was correlated with rainfall. In the Geelhoutboom, only nitrate was correlated with riverflow and rainfall. When nutrient gradients (total inorganic nitrogen, total phosphorus and silicate) were correlated against salinity, significant relationships were observed for nitrogen and silicate (Kromme and Geelhoutboom) and for phosphorus along the Geelhoutboom, but not the Kromme, reflecting differences in sub-catchments. An overall N:P atomic ratio of 0.89:1 was found for the system, with more nitrogen relative to phosphorus at the head of the Kromme and vice versa for the Geelhoutboom and mouth. The Kromme is low in nitrogen, conservative in silicate and low in phosphorus while the Geelhoutboom supplies nitrogen, phosphorus and silicate to the system. Although there may be nutrient absorption by sediments in the upper estuary, and by macrophytes in the lower estuary, the Kromme may be classified as a non-conservative mesotrophic marine-dominated estuary which probably exhibits some nutrient recycling.  相似文献   

Grazing effects of ayu, Plecoglossus altivelis Temminck et Schegel, on the benthic algal assemblages were investigated in the Chikuma River, Japan. Comparison of the algal composition on boulders with and without intensively grazed patches indicated that fish grazing decreased the abundance of diatoms and prostrate filamentous cyanobacteria and caused upright filamentous cyanobacteria to predominate. Differential consumption by ayu was estimated by comparing the relative abundance of algae in the stomach contents of ayu and that in the algal assemblages within the grazed patches. The results showed that ayu consumed the prostrate filamentous cyanobacteria proportionally to their abundance, whereas they ingested diatoms and the upright filamentous cyanobacteria in a larger and lower quantity, respectively, than that expected from their abundance. Differential consumption would involve the change in the algal composition toward the predominance of upright filamentous cyanobacteria under fish grazing conditions.  相似文献   

The tolerance of microbenthic algal communities to two model toxicants,atrazine and copper, was studied in the Ter river during spring and summer.Artificial substrata were colonised at 9 sites and used to perform short-term(1–4 h) toxicity tests in the laboratory and to obtain photon yield as theecotoxicological endpoint. The tolerance was lower in spring than insummer for both toxic substances and varied according to the site studied.Copper toxicity was associated with physico-chemical conditions (totalsuspended solids and water pH) and, especially, with severalbiomass-related parameters, whereas atrazine toxicity was related to algalabundance and species composition. Temporal and spatial changes innutrient concentration may alter the biomass and species composition ofthe communities and thus affect their tolerance to toxic substances. It hasto be therefore considered that the environmental characteristics of theriver system may determine relevant direct and indirect effects on the algalcommunities, then affecting their specific ecotoxicological responses. Oncethis is assumed, the empirical expressions obtained on calculatingEC50 and EC10 can be used to predict the community-leveltransient effects of toxic exposures.  相似文献   

The Mary River, in the Australian wet/dry tropics, flows seasonally. When the river ceases flowing in the dry season, a series of isolated lakes remain along the river’s main floodplain channel. The limnology of a channel lake, which is 14 km long and 6-9 m deep in the dry season, was examined between April and December 2000. Four hydraulic phases were identified, these being (1) riverine (April), (2) riverine to lake transition (May), (3) lake (June–late-November), and (4) lake to riverine transition (late-November–December). These phases differ with respect to their duration and flow direction from lakes located on tropical floodplains of perennially flowing rivers. Despite the variable hydraulic conditions, the main channel remained thermally stratified, with only infrequent and short-lived deep mixing events, and sufficient light for photosynthesis in the diurnal mixed layer. During the period of isolation and in contrast to floodplain lakes in tropical South America, the depth of the Mary River channel lake always exceeded, by at least 2-fold, the depth of the diurnal mixed layer. The water quality (conductivity, dissolved oxygen, pH, Si and water clarity) and phytoplankton assemblage of the channel lake was primarily driven by its hydraulics, though this was not evident for the channel’s nutrient concentrations. Dissolved oxygen concentrations during lentic conditions were double values during the riverine and transition phases. This was attributed to the cessation of inflowing waters with a high biological oxygen demand, and enhanced photosynthetic activity of higher concentrations of phytoplankton retained under lentic conditions. The channel’s phytoplankton assemblage reflected the channel’s hydraulics, with the most common phytoplankton throughout the study period belonging to functional groups Lo(Peridinium inconspicuum), W1 (euglenoids), W2 (Trachelmonas) and Y (Cryptopmonas, Rhodomonas), with groups A (Acanthoceras) and D (Nitzschia agnita, Synedra alna) prominent during the lentic phase. Despite persistent stratification under lentic conditions, there was no clear evidence of autogenic succession or domination by any single phytoplankton functional group.  相似文献   

This study focused on the spring-fed upper reaches of the economically important Great Fish River with the aim of determining if diatoms could be used for biomonitoring in semi-arid conditions in southern Africa. Five sites were monitored monthly from 2010 to 2012. Of the 269 diatom taxa belonging to 51 genera identified, the dominant taxa were mostly those considered to be pollution-tolerant: Amphora pediculus, Craticula buderi, Fragilaria biceps, Nitzschia frustulum, Nitzschia paleacea, Planothidium lanceolatum and Rhopalodia gibba. A number of diatom-based numerical indices were used to infer water quality, including the generic diatom index, the specific pollution sensitivity index, the biological diatom index, and percentage pollution-tolerant valves, which forms part of the UK trophic diatom index. All index scores showed the Great Fish River to be impacted, and showed significant correlations of diatom species abundance with pH, NO3-N, electrical conductivity, NH4-N and CaCO3. Analysis revealed EC and NO3-N as the main environmental drivers affecting diatom community composition, followed by pH and PO4-P. The percentage of diatom deformities at all sites was high, at 3.5%. Diatom indices showed the river to be impacted by decades of agricultural activity, which was confirmed by chemical water analysis. Thus diatom indices can be used for biomonitoring in semi-arid areas.  相似文献   

The canopies of many tree species sustain a large diversity of folivorous arthropods and phytopathogenic fungi. These organisms are thought to influence overall tree and stand productivity. Leaf diseases caused by Phyllosticta owaniana and Periconiella velutina, phytopathogenic fungi commonly found on the native riparian tree Brabejum stellatifolium (wild almond), like any other leaf disease, can potentially reduce a plant's photosynthetic efficiency. In addition to these two phytopathogens, the weevils Setapion provinciale and Setapion quantillum are abundant in wild almond canopies. Despite their pervasive occurrence, the impacts of these phytopathogens and arthropods on host tree leaf physiology have not been examined. The gas exchange response of wild almond leaves to phytopathogens and folivore damage was assessed. Leaf nitrogen, phosphorus and water content were also determined. Declines in photosynthetic rates and other physiological parameters were associated with increasing damage severity by weevils and phytopathogens in leaves of B. stellatifolium. Nitrogen and phosphorus contents were negatively associated with disease severity. Water and phosphorus contents were also negatively correlated with increased weevil damage, while nitrogen content was positively correlated with it. The observed responses of B. stellatifolium metabolic functioning to fungal pathogen and folivory indicate a possibility of suppressed wild populations of wild almond.  相似文献   

The Karoo is a unique region in South Africa in terms of its ecological processes and endemic species. Large areas are needed to maintain viable populations of nomadic birds that follow erratic rainfall events and subsequent food and nesting resources, as well as ephemeral standing water. Whereas many species are adapted to arid conditions, our trait-based analysis found that an unusually large percentage (almost 45%) of 315 bird species in the semi-arid Karoo region rely on water to some degree. Indeed, some birds may have benefited from human activities to date, such as through the provision of water for livestock. However, this reliance on water makes birds vulnerable to changes in water quality stemming from various industrial developments. Given the large areas of the Karoo under consideration for concessions, the most noteworthy of these is hydraulic fracturing for shale gas, which results in a large quantity of waste water (‘produced water’) that contains a wide variety of chemicals, including petroleum byproducts. Given the negative impacts of secondary waste water on wildlife in other parts of the world where shale-gas exploration is being undertaken, careful attention must be given to preventing access to such produced water by an estimated 60 to 141 species of birds that make use of the water in the Karoo.  相似文献   

Kamfers Dam, a wetland near Kimberley, South Africa, supports a population of Near Threatened lesser flamingos Phoeniconaias minor. The cyanobacterium Arthrospira fusiformis (Voronikhin) Komarek and Lund 1990, the flamingos’ food source, was in bloom in April 2009. The city's wastewater treatment plant discharges partially treated and untreated sewage directly into Kamfers Dam, creating elevated water levels, poor water quality and hypereutrophication. Subsequently, a crash in the A. fusiformis population compromised the lesser flamingos’ food source. The water quality and algal community of Kamfers Dam were monitored using historical water quality data plus water quality analyses from 2009 to 2011. Conductivity, pH, sodium, chloride and total dissolved salts showed significant decreases over time. Spearman rank correlation was used to measure relationships among physico-chemical parameters and densities of algae. Arthrospira fusiformis was positively correlated with conductivity (Spearman ρ = 0.561, p = 0.029), total dissolved salts (Spearman ρ = 0.572, p = 0.026) and negatively correlated with total phosphorus (Spearman ρ = ?0.718, p = 0.003). While significant correlations were found, attempts to develop a model for predicting algal community composition were unsuccessful due to strong multicollinearity among the water chemistry parameters.  相似文献   

The algal and cyanobacterial flora and the chemical environment of six freshwater streams of Schirmacher Oasis, Antarctica were investigated. Over 30 species of algae, predominantly cyanobacteria (Cyanophyceae), were recorded. N2-fixing species, both heterocystous and unicellular diazotrophs, contributed more than 50% to the counts and their dominance was greatest in the middle of the stream where nitrogen and other nutrients were low. Green algae and diatoms also contributed to the flora. The species composition varied between streams. Glacial and snow drift meltwater streams contained a distinctive community. Based on diversity indices, these streams could be classified into two clusters.  相似文献   

A collection of almost 830 specimens of birds and their eggs was made at Deelfontein, Northern Cape province, South Africa, in 1901 and 1902, by two soldiers who had enlisted in the Yeomanry during the South African (Boer) War. A total of 151 bird species has been recorded in the Deelfontein area in two periods, 1901–1902 and 1987–1992. There has been no apparent change in occurrence in 82 species, but 40 species were recorded only in 1901–1902, and 29 species were recorded only by observers who completed field cards for the area for the SABAP surveys in 1987–1992. It is suggested that the differences in bird species composition are most likely associated with anthropogenic influences including land-use changes and over-utilisation of shrublands as grazing for domestic livestock.  相似文献   

Attached algal communities were studied during ice-free periods along the borders of the main channel and in backwaters of the Upper Mississippi River. Diatoms strongly dominated the phycoperiphyton except during late June through August when the green alga Stigeoclonium was abundant. Two distinct assemblages were apparent: a diverse, complex assemblage during spring and late fall annd a less complex, adnate, two-dimensional summer assemblage dominated by Cocconeis placentula var. euglypta and Navicula tripunctata var. schizonemoides. Simultaneous studies revealed two-dimensional periphytic colonization in the main channel and more complex communities in backwaters. Greater physical turbulence (e.g., surface waves) in the main channel may have favored adnate taxa and two-dimensional architecture, whereas lesser turbulence (e.g. protected backwaters) favored the more diverse, complex community. Community architecture and species composition were similar among communities on artificial substrates within each navigation pool (median SIMI0.87), but communities on artificial substrates were not taxonomically very similar (median SIMI=0.44) to epiphytic communities on Cladophora.Accrual of algal cells, chlorophyll a, and aufwuchs ash-free dry weight was usually greater in Pool 5 than in Pool 9. This may have been due to differences in discharges and/or sampler placement. The greatest accrual of cells and chlorophyll a occurred during summer and early fall. Chironomid and tricopteran larvae were common at that time and are known to affect algal accumulation by grazing.  相似文献   

Field and laboratory nutrient (nitrogen and phosphorus) enrichment experiments were performed using natural phytoplankton and microphytobenthic assemblages from the brackish water Öresund, S.W. Sweden. The response of algae from a low-nutrient area (Falsterbo Canal) was compared to that of algae from a polluted, nutrient-rich area (Lomma Bay).The biomass (measured as chlorophyll a) of both phytoplankton and microphytobenthos from the Falsterbo Canal increased after the addition of nitrogen. Phytoplankton growth was stimulated by the addition of phosphorus to the nitrogen-rich water of the polluted Lomma Bay. Sediment chlorophyll a showed no significant increase after the addition of nutrients in the Lomma Bay. In containers without sediment, phytoplankton uptake was calculated to account for ≈ 90% of the disappearance of inorganic fixed nitrogen from the water. In the sediment containers the microphytobenthos was estimated to account for ≈20% of the nitrogen uptake. The rest was presumably lost mainly through denitrification.When containers with microphytobenthos from Lomma Bay were kept in the dark, phosphorus was released at a rate of up to ≈ 180 μM · m?2 · day?1. We suggest that by producing oxygen microbenthic algae keep the sediment surface oxygenated thereby decreasing phosphorus transport from the sediment to the overlying water.  相似文献   

Modelling of water and sediment quality in the Scheldt estuary   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In 1987 the Tidal Waters Division (Ministry of Transport, Public Works and Water Management, The Netherlands) initiated the SAWES project (Systems Analysis WEstern Scheldt). In the framework of this project, a water quality model for the Scheldt estuary was made. The model aims to establish the relation between pollution inputs and the concentration of pollutants in the abiotic compartments and to establish the fate of wasted substances. The model includes oxygen, nitrogen and trace metals. Due to the low oxygen content of the upper Scheldt estuary, a new model approach for trace metals had to be developed, taking into account precipitated metal sulphides. The calibration, verification and sensitivity analysis of the model provided a good understanding of the chemistry of the estuary. Afterwards the model was used to support policy making by computing how the water and sediment quality in the estuary respond to reduced inputs of waste.  相似文献   

A cryptoendolithic cyanobacterial community is described from Clarens sandstone in a montane ecosystem of the north-eastern Orange Free State, South Africa. The community is dominated by a species of the unicellular cyanobacterial genus Chroococcidiopsis. Chlorophylla content of the colonised sandstone ranged between 44.3 and 51.8mg m?2. The establishment and species composition of an artificially created tintenstrich cyanobacterial community is documented. The possible contribution of cryptoendolithic cyanobacterial communities in the biological formation of hollows and caves in Clarens sandstone cliffs is discussed.  相似文献   

This study focuses on the saxicolous lichens and cyanobacteria of the open, exposed rock surface of inselbergs. Twenty-three species of cyanobacteria and 17 cyanobacterial lichen species (“cyanolichens”) from several inselbergs and other rocky outcrops of three major climatic regions, savanna, transition zone and rain forest, are reported from the Ivory Coast. Inselbergs are isolated and frequently mountains consisting of Precambrian granites or gneisses that abruptly rise from the surrounding plains. Cyanobacteria were found to be the dominating organisms on all rock surfaces. The lichens found mainly belong to the family Peltulaceae and a few were present from the family Lichinaceae. Nine species of the cyanolichens and most of the cyanobacteria are new for the Ivory Coast. A gradient in total species number (cyanolichens and cyanobacteria) occurs from the savanna to the rain forest, with a decrease in species number towards the rain forest. Saxicolous cyanobacterial lichens reached a higher species number in the savanna type ecosystem (11) than on inselbergs in the rain forest (7). The cyanolichens and cyanobacteria found are characteristic for larger, light-exposed rock surfaces and species like P. congregate, P. lingulata, P. tortuosa and P. umbilicata preferentially occur on the granite or sandstone of inselbergs.  相似文献   

The southern African crab Hymenosoma orbiculare was recently split into five distinct species, of which three are estuarine/coastal and have peripatric distributions that are linked to temperature-defined marine bioregions. This suggests that the species’ ranges may be limited by physiological adaptations to their thermal environment. We explored this hypothesis by rearing the larvae of the warm-temperate lineage of H. orbiculare and the warm-temperate/subtropical H. longicrure at a range of water temperatures, and found clear temperature-dependent differences in the duration of larval development. Our study contributes to the growing body of evidence that stresses the importance of adaptation to regional environmental conditions, rather than physical dispersal barriers on their own, in limiting the mixing of marine species between temperature-defined biogeographic regions.  相似文献   


This paper reviews the desertification debate in South Africa and emphasizes the methods that have been used to understand the environmental history of the semi–arid rangelands in the eastern Karoo during the last 500 years. These mixed grass/dwarf shrub rangelands, with mean annual rainfall totals typically between 300–400 mm, are described and the main driving variables discussed. A brief historical account of the European settlement of the region is also presented. The desertification debate has focussed on three main issues. Firstly, because arid and semi–arid lands appear to be heavily influenced by climate, the changing climatic regime during the Holocene and particularly during the last two hundred years has been the subject of intensive investigation. While all studies conclude that there is no evidence in the historical record to support the popular perception that rainfall totals have decreased this century, the question of changing rainfall seasonality has not been adequately explored. Although mean annual temperatures over the last 50 years have not changed there have been significant increases in mean monthly maximum temperatures and significant decreases in mean monthly minimum temperatures for some of the stations investigated. The second issue of great interest in the South African desertification literature is that of the nature of pre–colonial environments. A wide variety of archaeological, historical and ecological techniques have been used, including analyses of fossil mammal bones in owl pellets, fossil pollen in hyrax middens, notes from traveller's accounts of the region and stable carbon isotopes in soil as well as fossil mammal bones. While all authors agree that the eastern Karoo was more grassy at some stage in the past there is disagreement as to both the timing and cause of the changes to a more shrubby vegetation. The final issue of great concern to the desertification debate in South Africa concerns the rate of change during the last 100 years. Satellite imagery, matched ground and aerial photography, survey data and an analysis of historical stock records cannot agree as to whether the Karoo is degrading or not. Certainly, the classic view of an annually expanding desert margin has been replaced in recent years by a more realistic understanding of the seasonal dynamics of the vegetation. The recent trend to detailed modelling of the demographic process in key species holds much promise for our understanding of the degradation process. The vibrant community of researchers, employing a range of archaeological, historical and ecological techniques, will make important contributions to South Africa's National Action Plan to Combat Desertification.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper was to investigate the potential for using functional feeding groups (FFGs) as indicators of water quality conditions in rivers, using the Buffalo River, South Africa, as a specific example. Multivariate classification and ordination techniques were used to investigate species and FFG distributions in relation to a number of physico-chemical variables at 16 sites from the headwaters to the estuary of the Buffalo River.Two-way indicator species analysis (TWINSPAN) of species composition ranked most of the sites sequentially down the river, irrespective of water quality conditions. Ordination of FFGs from a set of riffle samples collected in mid-late summer showed only weak relationships between FFG distribution and water quality changes, except where variables changed sequentially down the river (e.g. pH and temperature). Individual species responses to water quality gradients were examined for nine riffle-dwelling species representing diverse FFGs. Following correspondence analysis of a matrix of environmental variables and species frequencies, some species showed strong associations with defined ranges of some variables. In particular, Adenophlebia auriculata (Leptophlebiidae, Ephemeroptera) from the headwater sampling site, was associated with low pH and low temperature. Simulium damnosum occurred under conditions of high turbidity, while Afronurus harrisoni was found under high concentrations of potassium, ammonium and nitrite ions.We conclude that although there was a distinct headwaters fauna in the Buffalo River, and sequential downstream changes in species composition, most FFGs (apart from shredders) were represented down the whole length of the river. FFG classifications are therefore unlikely to provide useful indications of water quality conditions in the Buffalo River.Using a categorical approach to classifying water quality variables, and by applying correspondence analysis to the resulting matrix, we recognised nine species that could be used to define water quality. These indicator species can be used to define tolerance ranges of the fauna for water quality conditions in different parts of the Buffalo river.  相似文献   

AIMS: To correlate microbial community composition and water quality changes within wetland cells containing varying plant densities and composition in a free water surface (FWS) constructed wetland. METHODS AND RESULTS: Water chemistry was monitored weekly for nitrate, orthophosphate, and suspended solids, at various sites throughout the wetland for 6 months. Treatment ponds with 50% plant cover had about a 96.3% nitrate removal. The average change between the influent and effluent was 50-60% nitrate removal and 40-50% orthophosphate removal. Community profile of total DNA, generated by using denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE), was used to determine the major microbial composition associated with the wetland sediment, rhizosphere, and surface water. Bacterial cloned libraries were constructed, and 300 clones were analysed by amplified ribosomal DNA restriction analysis (ARDRA) and grouped into operational taxonomic units (OTUs). A total of 35, 31, and 36 different OTU were obtained from sediment, rhizosphere, and surface water, respectively. The bacterial members within the dominant group of our clone library belonged to unclassified taxa, while the second predominant group consisted of members of the phylum Proteobacteria. The dominant organisms within the class were in the gamma, beta, and delta classes. CONCLUSION: Microbial diversity as determined by Shannon-Weaver index (H) was higher in the wetland cells with 50% plant density than the 100%. This was in agreement with the most efficient wetland contaminant removal units. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: This study provides evidence that wetlands with 50% plant cover may promote the growth of diverse microbial communities that facilitate decomposition of chemical pollutants in surface water, and improve water quality.  相似文献   

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