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The trophic status of the Ramsar-accredited Nyl River floodplain, which is stressed by sewage treatment effluents, and its ability to restore normal conditions, were assessed in 2014–2015 using diatoms as biological indicators. The Trophic Diatom Index, Specific Pollution Sensitivity Index and the Generic Diatom Index were used to characterise water quality under high and low flow conditions in 2014. An additional survey was conducted in May 2015, following an accidental sulphuric acid spill above the Sewage Treatment Works (STW). Significant linear correlations were identified between physico-chemical parameters and the indices, as well as between the three indices themselves, validating their use to infer water quality. Water quality deteriorated from the source of the Klein Nyl River, especially at the STW, but improved within the Nylsvley Nature Reserve wetland sampling site (NYL).  相似文献   


The envisaged construction of a dam on a major tributary of the Nyl River will alter the hydrological regime with consequent effects on the structure and functioning of the downstream floodplain ecosystem (Nylsvley). Attempts to minimise this impact will be facilitated by knowledge of relationships between vegetation structure and key environmental variables. Historically flooding regime, and its co-variables, have been assumed to be the most important environmental factors controlling the distribution of floodplain plant species. Canonical correspondence analysis of selected soil characteristics (soil texture, electrical conductivity, pH and bulk density), elevation and plant abundance was carried out on the Nylsvley Floodplain in order to critically examine the assumption that flooding regime, measured as elevation, is the primary correlate of floodplain plant species distribution. Results indicate that, although flooding regime is the primary correlate of plant species distribution, other edaphic factors, not correlated with elevation, may play a more substantial role than earlier considered.  相似文献   

In late August 1998, a mechanical malfunction at the Nylstroom Sewage Treatment Works resulted in a massive quantity of untreated sewage flowing into the Klein Nyl River. Simultaneously, 5km upstream, a poly-aromatic hydrocarbon poison was simultaneously leaked into the same river from a 25 litre canister. These spills threatened the Nylsvley Nature Reserve, a newly acclaimed RAMSAR site, situated about 20km downstream of Nylstroom. The Limnological team of the Department of Zoology, University of the North, was asked to assist with the assessment of the effect of these spills, which resulted in a massive fish kill. A monitoring program was implemented in early September 1998 to assess the effect of these spills on the water quality of the receiving water body. The implications of the altered water quality on the aquatic biota are discussed.  相似文献   

This study examined the use of freshwater wetland restoration and enhancement projects ( i.e . non-estuarine wetlands subject to seasonal drying) by fish populations. To quantify fish use of freshwater emergent wetlands and assess the effect of wetland enhancement ( i.e . addition of water control structures), two enhanced and two unenhanced emergent wetlands were compared, as well as two oxbow habitats within the Chehalis River floodplain. Eighteen fish species were captured using fyke nets and emigrant traps from January to the beginning of June, with the most abundant being three-spined stickleback Gasterosteus aculeatus and Olympic mudminnow Novumbra hubbsi . Coho salmon Oncorhynchus kisutch was the dominant salmonid at all sites. Enhanced wetlands, with their extended hydroperiods, had significantly higher abundances of yearling coho salmon than unenhanced wetlands. Both enhanced and unenhanced emergent wetlands yielded higher abundances of non-game native fishes than oxbow habitats. Oxbow habitats, however, were dominated by coho salmon. Fish survival in the wetland habitats was dependent on emigration to the river before dissolved oxygen concentrations decreased and wetlands became isolated and stranding occurred. This study suggests that wetland enhancement projects with an outlet to the river channel appear to provide fishes with important temporary habitats if they have the opportunity to leave the wetland as dissolved oxygen levels deteriorate.  相似文献   

Synopsis Fish assemblages at eleven sites within the Mary River were sampled over a 15 month period by back-pack electrofishing. The study took place during a period of abnormally low flows but included two high flow events one of which approached record levels. Spatial and temporal variation in fish assemblage structure was pronounced. Spatial variation was related to position within the catchment and correlated with habitat attributes related to substrate composition and water depth. The absence of a strong effect due to water velocity was probably due to overall low water flows throughout the study period. Temporal variation at some sites, particularly headwater sites, was correlated with changes in the amount and type of cover available to fishes. Cover was significantly correlated with the mean species richness of each site. Flooding had very little effect on both fish assemblage structure and the physical structure of the habitat but resulted in substantial reduction in the amount and type of cover available to fishes. The flow regime of the Mary River was highly variable and consequently both the timing and duration of high and low flows was unpredictable.  相似文献   

The Nyl River floodplain, a Ramsar site that provides habitat for a number of endangered species, is one of the jewels in the arid Limpopo province and thus its conservation and protection are vitally important. Very little work has been done on assessing its water quality and no data have been published on the metal concentrations found in this valuable system. The aim of this project was thus to provide baseline data for metal concentrations in the Nyl River floodplain system and to determine whether there were any point sources of pollution or if its metal levels were natural. Eighteen localities along the course of the Nyl River were selected as sampling sites. Water samples were collected quarterly, between August 2001 and July 2002, and analysed using ICP-MS to determine metal content. Zinc, copper, iron, selenium, cadmium, lead, aluminium, arsenic, chromium and manganese concentrations were determined. Although metal concentrations in the water were greater than target water quality range (TWQR) values for aquatic ecosystems, they remained relatively constant throughout the system and posed little or no potential threat to the system. The results suggest that the metal content originates from natural sources.  相似文献   

To analyse the relationship between spawning migrations and flow, cyprinids from ten fish ladders of the Elbe River (Czech Republic) were collected during the period of spawning migrations (April–June) in 1996, 2000 and 2001. Number of species and individuals in the fish ladders increased with increasing flow up to medium values, followed by further decrease during high flows, whilst length of individuals increased with increasing flow. Moreover, occurrence of four the most numerous species (bleak, roach, silver bream and barbel) showed species specific differences in response to flow variability. In early spring, the highest number of bleak in fish ladders occurred during the low flow, whilst later increased with increasing flow. Occurrence of roach and silver bream achieved the maximum during the medium flow values across the whole studied period. In opposite, occurrence of barbel increased with increasing flows during the whole period. Furthermore, it can be assumed that occurrence of fish in ladders was associated not only with spawning migrations but also reflected shifts in local fish distribution in response to flow variability in the main channel.  相似文献   

Off-channel habitats play a crucial role in the life-cycles of many riverine fish species, but lateral movements of fish into these habitats are poorly understood. We tested how flow dynamics affects the movement of fish and shrimps between the main river channel and different types of off-channel habitats: a riverine lake and a wetland. Our study site was the lower Waikato River, North Island, New Zealand, where there are numerous off-channel habitats. Fish were sampled using directional fyke nets. Shortfin eel (Anguilla australis) migrated mostly into the wetland at night, particularly during high river flows. Common bullies (Gobiomorphus cotidianus) were most abundant during the day and in low-discharge conditions, moving mostly into the riverine lake, whereas freshwater shrimp (Paratya curvirostris) moved mostly into the wetland. High numbers of non-native larval common carp (Cyprinus carpio) moved out of the wetland with retreating flood water. This study emphasises the importance of lateral connectivity and flooding in functioning of this river system where numerous native fish, but also exotic fish, used off-channel habitats. Floodplain management strategies should promote ‘controlled connectivity’ measures that provide access for native species at key times while limiting opportunities for introduced species to utilise their favoured off-channel habitats.  相似文献   

This study assesses the impact of a changing climate on fish fauna by comparing the past mean state of fish assemblage to a possible future mean state. It is based on (1) local scale observations along an Inner-Alpine river called Mur, (2) an IPCC emission scenario (IS92a), implemented by atmosphere-ocean global circulation model (AOGCM) ECHAM4/OPYC3, and (3) a model-chain that links climate research to hydrobiology. The Mur River is still in a near-natural condition and water temperature in summer is the most important aquatic ecological constraint for fish distribution. The methodological strategy is (1) to use downscaled air temperature and precipitation scenarios for the first half of the twenty-first century, (2) to establish a model that simulates water temperature by means of air temperature and flow rate in order to generate water temperature scenarios, and (3) to evaluate the impact on fish communities using an ecological model that is driven by water temperature. This methodology links the response of fish fauna to an IPCC emission scenario and is to our knowledge an unprecedented approach. The downscaled IS92a scenarios show increased mean air temperatures during the whole year and increased precipitation totals during summer, but reduced totals for the rest of the annual cycle. These changes result in scenarios of increased water temperatures, an altered annual cycle of flow rate, and, in turn, a 70 m displacement in elevation of fish communities towards the river’s head. This would enhance stress on species that rely on low water temperatures and coerce cyprinid species into advancing against retreating salmonids. Hyporhithral river sectors would turn into epipotamal sectors. Grayling (Thymallus thymallus) and Danube salmon (Hucho hucho), presently characteristic for the Mur River, would be superceded by other species. Native brown trout (Salmo trutta), already now under pressure of competition, may be at risk of losing its habitat in favour of invaders like the exotic rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss), which are better adapted to higher water temperatures. Projected changes in fish communities suggest an adverse influence on salmonid sport fishing and a loss in its high economic value.  相似文献   

The flood regime is the most important force determining seasonality in neotropical rivers. In the Upper Paran River floodplain, it is the primary factor influencing biological processes. The aim of this paper is to summarize information on the influence of dam-controlled floods on some fish assemblage attributes, reproduction and recruitment in the Upper Paran River floodplain, providing preliminary guidelines for dam operation upstream. Fish were collected in different habitats of the Upper Paran River floodplain (river, channels and lagoons) in the period from 1986 to 2001. The high water period in the Paran River usually occurs from November/December to April/May. Annual variation in the hydrograph affects species with distinct life history strategies differently, and influences the composition and structure of fish assemblages. Large floods were associated with higher species richness. Frequencies of individuals with ripe and partially spent gonads, which indicate spawning, were higher during the period of increasing water level. Dependence on floods seems to be lowest in sedentary species that develop parental care, and highest in large migratory species that spawn in the upper stretches of the basin and use flooded areas as nurseries. Migratory fishes were favored by annual floods that lasted more than 75 days, with longer floods yielding larger populations. The occurrence of high water levels at the beginning of summer is fundamental to the spawning success of migratory species. However, the flood may be less important for recruitment of juveniles if it is of short duration. Dam operation upstream (releasing more water during the raining season) has potential to promote greater floods with appropriate duration improving recruitment, particularly for migratory species.  相似文献   

Disturbance is a key factor in structuring fish assemblages in rivers; characterizing reactions to disturbance is especially important in systems containing endangered species due to their vulnerability to extinction. A natural disturbance event occurred in the Virgin River in 1985, when normal flow patterns changed due to the appearance of a sinkhole upstream of the hot saline Pah Tempe Springs. This led to abnormally elevated levels of temperature and salinity that propagated downstream. We examined changes in fish assemblages at five sites in a 21 km reach downstream from the hot springs in the mainstem Virgin River, which were monitored monthly (with the exception of 1 site monitored biannually) between 1984 and 1987. Specifically, we compared the responses of the different fish species in space and time. Of the six native species investigated, speckled dace, spinedace, and the endangered woundfin experienced declines in abundance at sites closest to the disturbance. In contrast, Virgin River chub, another endangered species, experienced increases in abundance in sites nearest the disturbance, and desert sucker and flannelmouth sucker showed no change. Redundancy analysis confirmed that changes in assemblage structure were significant. Differential responses to the disturbance appeared to correlate with differences in feeding ecology, with insectivores being the most affected group. In terms of recovery, species with higher abundances in neighboring sites experienced faster recoveries than those with lower abundances. This study characterizes disturbance reactions in the Virgin River, and emphasizes the susceptibility of rare species to natural disturbances and subsequent depression of recolonization rates.  相似文献   

The impacts of changing land use on hydrology and dominant plant species from 1850–1990 were investigated in a palustrine wetland in southern Wisconsin, USA. Aerial photographs, historic maps and water levels of the area were used to determine changes in land use, wetland vegetation, and groundwater and surface flows over time. Piezometers and water table wells were monitored weekly for two years. Vegetation was quantified in four one-square meter quadrats at each water level measurement site. Linear regression models and multivariate ordinations were used to relate wetland plant species to hydrologic, chemical and spatial variables. The current hydrologic budget of the wetland was dominated by precipitation and evapotranspiration, although overland flow into the wetland from the subwatershed has increased twenty-fold since 1850. Water level stabilization in the adjacent Yahara River, creek channelization, and groundwater pumping have decreased inputs of groundwater and spring-fed surface water, and increased retention of precipitation. Typha spp. and Phalaris arundinacea L. have increased in the wetland, while Carex spp. have decreased. Phalaris arundinacea was found most often in the driest sites, and the sites with the greatest range of water levels. Typha spp. dominated in several hydrologic settings, indicating that water depth was not the only factor controlling its distribution. The distributions of dominant plant species in the wetland were most closely correlated with site elevation and average water levels, with some weaker correlations with vertical groundwater inflows and specific conductance.  相似文献   

The impacts of changing land use on hydrology and dominant plant species from 1850–1990 were investigated in a palustrine wetland in southern Wisconsin, USA. Aerial photographs, historic maps and water levels of the area were used to determine changes in land use, wetland vegetation, and groundwater and surface flows over time. Piezometers and water table wells were monitored weekly for two years. Vegetation was quantified in four one-square meter quadrats at each water level measurement site. Linear regression models and multivariate ordinations were used to relate wetland plant species to hydrologic, chemical and spatial variables. The current hydrologic budget of the wetland was dominated by precipitation and evapotranspiration, although overland flow into the wetland from the subwatershed has increased twenty-fold since 1850. Water level stabilization in the adjacent Yahara River, creek channelization, and groundwater pumping have decreased inputs of groundwater and spring-fed surface water, and increased retention of precipitation. Typha spp. and Phalaris arundinacea L. have increased in the wetland, while Carex spp. have decreased. Phalaris arundinacea was found most often in the driest sites, and the sites with the greatest range of water levels. Typha spp. dominated in several hydrologic settings, indicating that water depth was not the only factor controlling its distribution. The distributions of dominant plant species in the wetland were most closely correlated with site elevation and average water levels, with some weaker correlations with vertical groundwater inflows and specific conductance.  相似文献   

Fish mortality and physicochemistry in a managed floodplain wetland   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Patterns of fish mortality and associated physicochemical factors werestudied during late spring in a managed wetland canal along the lowerMissouri River, Missouri. Mean dawn dissolved oxygen was lower and meanun-ionized ammonia and turbidity were higher during the fish kill thanbefore or after the kill, or than was observed in a nearby wetland canalwhere no fish kill occurred. Dissolved oxygen at dawn and un-ionizedammonia concentrations were at critically low and high levels respectively,so that both likely contributed to the fish mortality. Timing and magnitudeof observed carcasses suggested that Ameiurus melas Rafinesques wasthe most tolerant species for the sizes observed compared to Ictiobuscyprinellus Valenciennes, Lepomis macrochirus Rafinesque, Cyprinus carpio Linneaus, and Lepomis cyanellus Rafinesque.Decreasing mean lengths of fish carcasses during the fish kill for C.carpio, L. cyanellus, and A. melas, indicate that smaller fishes mayhave been more tolerant of harsh environmental conditions than largerindividuals of the same species. Differential mortalities among species andsizes during drawdowns in actively managed wetland pools may haveintentional and unintentional ramifications on wetland and riverine fishcommunity structure, fish-avian interactions, and implementing anecosystem management perspective to restoring more naturalized riverfloodplain wetland functions. Late summer and early autumn draining ofmanaged wetlands might be used to benefit a wider diversity of wildlife andfishes.  相似文献   

Seven sites on three tributaries with intermittent flow regimes in the middle reaches of the Guadiana, i.e. Xévora, Caia and Degebe, were sampled approximately every 3 months from April 1995 to April 1997. The density and biomass of fish were greater in downstream rivers and sites. Along the Xévora River, a series of point abundance samples showed evidence of fish zonation along the river. Canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) suggested a simple relationship between the different species and their preferred habitat. The small-sized Rutilus alburnoides and Leuciscus pyrenaicus used most or all of the habitats with some cover and flowing water. Greater concentrations of larger fish were found in downstream reaches which generally had greater depths as stream width increased: large Barbus microcephalus , B. steindachneri and B. comiza preferred such sites on the Degebe River. Droughts in seasonal Mediterranean streams such as the Guadiana River are a predictable natural disturbance. In the summer, flow ceases and some stretches of river consist of isolated pools. This results in intense aggregations of fish and possible competition for food and/or space. Although some species are well adapted to natural droughts, habitat degradation and possibly the introduction of exotic species contribute to marked variability in species composition.  相似文献   

Wetlands are the largest natural source of the greenhouse gas methane to the atmosphere. Despite the fact that a large percentage of wetlands occur in tropical latitudes, methane emissions from natural tropical wetlands have not been extensively studied. The objective this research was to compare methane emissions from three natural tropical wetlands located in different climatic and ecological areas of Costa Rica. Each wetland was within a distinct ecosystem: (1) a humid flow‐through wetland slough with high mean annual temperatures (25.9 °C) and precipitation (3700 mm yr?1); (2) a stagnant rainforest wetland with high mean annual temperatures (24.9 °C) and precipitation (4400 mm yr?1); or (3) a seasonally wet riverine wetland with very high mean annual temperatures (28.2 °C) and lower mean annual precipitation (1800 mm yr?1). Methane emission rates were measured from sequential gas samples using nonsteady state plastic chambers during six sampling periods over a 29‐month period from 2006 to 2009. Methane emissions were higher than most rates previously reported for tropical wetlands with means (medians) of 91 (52), 601 (79), and 719 (257) mg CH4‐C m?2 day?1 for the three sites, with highest rates seen at the seasonally flooded wetland site. Methane emissions were statistically higher at the seasonally wet site than at the humid sites (P<0.001). Highest methane emissions occurred when surface water levels were between 30 and 50 cm. The interaction of soil temperature, water depth, and seasonal flooding most likely affected methanogenesis in these tropical sites. We estimate that Costa Rican wetlands produce about 0.80 Tg yr?1 of methane, or approximately 0.6% of global tropical wetland emissions. Elevated methane emissions at the seasonally wet/warmer wetland site suggest that some current humid tropical freshwater wetlands of Central America could emit more methane if temperatures increase and precipitation becomes more seasonal with climate change.  相似文献   

By promoting the biological recruitment of relevant natural resources, wetlands offer a major ecosystem service. This study investigates the importance of wetland habitats of the central Amazon basin as sites for spawning and/or initial development of seven of the most important commercial Characiforms fish species. In order to confirm this importance, samples of the eggs, larvae, and juveniles of these fish species were collected during the four seasonal phases of the hydrological cycles of 2010 and 2011, in different aquatic environments of the wetland ecosystem in the central Amazon. The results confirmed that the flooding phase is the most important for the spawning of these species, and that they preferred to use the marginal areas of the central Amazon as spawning grounds. The larvae of these species colonize the confluence zone of the rivers and the mouths of the floodplain channels, principally during the initial stages (pre-flexion) of their ontogenetic development. The channels that connect the lakes to the rivers are the main dispersal route for the larvae, especially those in advanced stages of development (flexion/post-flexion), towards the internal of the wetland habitats, such as the lakes and large mattresses of floating vegetation. The different wetland habitats of this region provide an extremely important ecosystem service, playing a critical role in the recruitment of commercially-valuable fish species, and thus require adequate protection and management to ensure the continuity of fisheries and natural stocks.  相似文献   

1. Floodplain inundation provides many benefits to fish assemblages of floodplain river systems, particularly those with a predictable annual flood pulse that drives yearly peaks in fish production. In arid‐zone rivers, hydrological patterns are highly variable and the influence of irregular floods on fish production and floodplain energy subsidies may be less clear‐cut. To investigate the importance of floodplain inundation to a dryland river fish assemblage, we sampled fish life stages on the floodplain of Cooper Creek, an Australian arid‐zone river. Sampling was focused around Windorah during a major flood in January 2004 and in isolated waterholes in March 2004 following flood drawdown. 2. Of the 12 native species known to occur in this region, 11 were present on the floodplain, and all were represented by at least two of three life‐stages – larvae, juveniles or adult fish. Late stage larvae of six fish species were found on the floodplain. There were site‐specific differences in larval species assemblages, individual species abundances and larval distribution patterns among floodplain sites. 3. Significant growth was evident on the floodplain, particularly by larval and juvenile fish, reflecting the combination of high water temperatures and shallow, food rich habitats provided by the relatively flat floodplain. 4. Low variation in biomass, species richness and presence/absence of juvenile and adult fish across four floodplain sites indicates consistently high fish productivity across an extensive area. 5. Similarities and differences in fish biomass between the floodplain and isolated post‐flood waterholes suggest high rates of biomass transfer (involving the most abundant species) into local waterholes and, potentially, biomass transfer by some species to other waterholes in the catchment during floodplain inundation and after floods recede. 6. The high concentration of fish on this shallow floodplain suggests it could be a key area of high fish production that drives a significant proportion of waterhole productivity in the vicinity. The Windorah floodplain provides favourable conditions necessary for the spawning of some species and juvenile recruitment of the majority of species. It is also appears to be a significant conduit for the movements of fish that underpin high genetic similarity, hence population mixing, of many species throughout the Cooper Creek catchment. The high floodplain fish production in turn provides a significant energy subsidy to waterholes after floodwaters recede. 7. The identification of key sites of high fish production, such as the Windorah floodplain, may be important from a conservation perspective. Key management principles should be: maintenance of the natural flooding regime; identification of the most productive floodplain areas; and maintenance of their connectivity to anastomosing river channels and the remnant aquatic habitats that ultimately sustain this fish assemblage through long‐term dry/drought and flood cycles.  相似文献   

Temperature is important to fish in determining their geographic distribution. For cool- and cold-water fish, thermal regimes are especially critical at the southern end of a species’ range. Although temperature is an easy variable to measure, biological interpretation is difficult. Thus, how to determine what temperatures are meaningful to fish in the field is a challenge. Herein, we used the Connecticut River as a model system and Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) as a model species with which to assess the effects of summer temperatures on the density of age 0 parr. Specifically, we asked: (1) What are the spatial and temporal temperature patterns in the Connecticut River during summer? (2) What metrics might detect effects of high temperatures? and (3) How is temperature variability related to density of Atlantic salmon during their first summer? Although the most southern site was the warmest, some northern sites were also warm, and some southern sites were moderately cool. This suggests localized, within basin variation in temperature. Daily and hourly means showed extreme values not apparent in the seasonal means. We observed significant relationships between age 0 parr density and days at potentially stressful, warm temperatures (≥23°C). Based on these results, we propose that useful field reference points need to incorporate the synergistic effect of other stressors that fish encounter in the field as well as the complexity associated with cycling temperatures and thermal refuges. Understanding the effects of temperature may aid conservation efforts for Atlantic salmon in the Connecticut River and other North Atlantic systems.  相似文献   

Microgeographic genetic variation in populations of a wetland macrophyte, Hibiscus moscheutos L. (Malvaceae), was investigated using allozyme polymorphism. The species is a self-compatible insect-pollinated perennial, and seeds are water dispersed (hydrochory). Six hundred plants were analyzed from eight brackish and two freshwater populations within the Rhode River watershed/estuarine system. The genetic structure of the populations was assessed by fixation indices and spatial autocorrelation analyses. The degree of genetic differentiation among sites and gene flow between all paired combinations of sites (M ) was analyzed using three hypothetical gene flow models. Fixation indices indicated almost complete panmixia within populations, and spatial autocorrelations showed that genotypes were randomly distributed within sites, most likely the result of water dispersal of seeds. Allele frequencies were significantly different among sites, and estimated FST indicated moderate genetic differentiation (_ = 0.062). Genetic differences between populations were mostly explained by a gene flow model that accounted for the location of populations relative to the tidal stream. The importance of hydrochory in affecting spatial genetic structure was thus suggested both within and among H. moscheutos populations.  相似文献   

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