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The chemical composition and the in vitro schistosomicidal effects of the essential oil of Plectranthus neochilus (PN-EO) grown in Southeast Brazil was studied. β-Caryophyllene (1; 28.23%), α-thujene (2; 12.22%), α-pinene (3; 12.63%), β-pinene (4; 6.19%), germacrene D (5; 5.36%), and caryophyllene oxide (6; 5.37%) were the major essential oil constituents. This chemical composition differed from that previously reported for specimens harvested in Africa. Concerning the in vitro schistosomicidal activity against adult Schistosoma mansoni worms, PN-EO was considered to be active, but less effective than the positive control praziquantel (PZQ) in terms of separation of coupled pairs, mortality, decrease in the motor activity, and tegumental alterations. However, PN-EO caused an interesting dose-dependent reduction in the number and the percentage of developed S. mansoni eggs. These results suggest that PN-EO might be very promising for the development of new schistosomicidal agents.  相似文献   

A study of the death of Schistosoma mansoni cercariae during penetration of mammalian host skin: the influence of the ages of the cercariae and of the host. International Journal for Parasitology 3: 789–794. The number of cercariae of S. mansoni which die during penetration of mouse abdominal skin steadily increases with age following emergence from the snail. An initial mortality level of about 30 per cent is observed for 2-h-old cercariae which rises to 50 per cent at 8 h and 85 per cent at 24 h. These increased losses in the skin are shown to account substantially for the known decrease in infectivity which accompanies ageing of cercariae. The number of cercariae which die in the skin of very young mice (2 days old) is less than one-third of the level in adult mice. Losses in the skin increase with age of the host up to about 28–35 days. This increased mortality in the skin is shown to account for the observed age resistance of mice, where fewer cercariae mature into adult worms in mice of 1 month or more, than in very young mice.  相似文献   

Schistosomiasis is a neglected tropical disease that remains a considerable public health problem worldwide. Since the mainstay of schistosomiasis control is chemotherapy with a single drug, praziquantel, drug resistance is a concern. Here, we examined the in vitro effects of dermaseptin 01 (DS 01), an antimicrobial peptide found in the skin secretion of frogs of the genus Phyllomedusa, on Schistosoma mansoni adult worms. DS 01 at a concentration of 100 μg/ml reduced the worm motor activity and caused the death of all worms within 48 h in RPMI 1640 medium. At the highest sublethal concentration of antimicrobial peptide (75 μg/ml), a 100% reduction in egg output of paired female worms was observed. Additionally, DS 01 induced morphological alterations on the tegument of S. mansoni, and a quantitative analysis carried out by confocal microscopy revealed extensive destruction of the tubercles in a dose-dependent manner over the concentration range of 50-200 μg/ml. It was the first time that an anthelmintic activity towards schistosomes has been reported for a dermaseptin.  相似文献   

Prevention of food spoilage and food poisoning pathogens is usually achieved by use of chemical preservatives which have negative impacts including: human health hazards of the chemical applications, chemical residues in food & feed chains and acquisition of microbial resistance to the used chemicals. Because of such concerns, the necessity to find a potentially effective, healthy safer and natural alternative preservatives is increased. Within these texts, Plant extracts have been used to control food poisoning diseases and preserve foodstuff. Antimicrobial activity of five plant extracts were investigated against Bacillus cereus, Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Salmonella typhi using agar disc diffusion technique. Ethanolic extracts of Punica granatum, Syzygium aromaticum, Zingiber officinales and Thymus vulgaris were potentially effective with variable efficiency against the tested bacterial strains at concentration of 10 mg/ml while extract of Cuminum cyminum was only effective against S. aureus respectively. P. granatum and S. aromaticum ethanolic extracts were the most effective plant extracts and showed bacteriostatic and bactericidal activities against the highly susceptible strains of food borne pathogenic bacteria (S. aureus and P. aeruginosa) with MIC's ranged from 2.5 to 5.0 mg/ml and MBC of 5.0 and 10 mg/ml except P. aeruginosa which was less sensitive and its MBC reached to 12.5 mg/ml of S. aromaticum respectively. These plant extracts which proved to be potentially effective can be used as natural alternative preventives to control food poisoning diseases and preserve food stuff avoiding healthy hazards of chemically antimicrobial agent applications.  相似文献   

Abstract. The relation between the occurrence of plant species in environments varying in moisture status and groundwater regime was tested using numerical methods. The groundwater regime during the vegetation period was expressed by means of four parameters, the average (AVG), mean highest (HIGH), mean lowest (LOW) groundwater level and the maximum fluctuation (AMP). 67 records of five vegetation types were selected from hydrologically stable sites in brook valleys in the northern part of The Netherlands. Response curves were calculated for 30 representative species. Calculated optima for AVG, HIGH and LOW are strongly correlated to each other. The vegetation reacts independently from overall wetness to the amount of fluctuation of the groundwater level (AMP). Response curves of single species as well as combinations of both present and absent species were used to find the best set of indicators for each parameter. The use of combinations of species clearly improves the indicating value of vegetation records. The vegetation appears to be the most sensitive to the parameter HIGH, which can thus be considered to be a key factor in controlling vegetation composition. The four parameters can be predicted satisfactorily only in the middle part of the investigated gradient. This is not only due to arithmetic artifacts, inherent to the applied method, but also to the fact that at average groundwater levels below - 60 cm or above 0 cm other factors become predominant.  相似文献   

Glycolipid patterns of cercarial and adult Schistosoma mansoni were determined and compared with those of Biomphalaria glabrata snails and mouse (BALB/c strain) red blood cells by high-performance thin-layer chromatography. Differences in glycolipid content were found between cercariae and adult worms and between these stages and their respective host tissues.  相似文献   

Malaria is a major public health problem in many tropical and subtropical countries and the burden of this disease is getting worse, mainly due to the increasing resistance of Plasmodium falciparum against the widely available antimalarial drugs. There is an urgent need for discovery of new antimalarial agents. Herbal medicines for the treatment of various diseases including malaria are an important part of the cultural diversity and traditions of which Kenya′s biodiversity has been an integral part. Two major antimalarial drugs widely used today came originally from indigenous medical systems, that is quinine and artemisinin, from Peruvian and Chinese ancestral treatments, respectively. Thus ethnopharmacology is a very important resource in which new therapies may be discovered. The present review is an analysis of ethnopharmacological publications on antimalarial therapies from some Kenyan medicinal plants.  相似文献   

Tuberculosis (TB) is one of the deadliest infectious diseases of human civilization. Approximately one-third of global population is latently infected with the TB pathogen Mycobacterium tuberculosis (M.tb). The discovery of anti-TB antibiotics leads to decline in death rate of TB. However, the evolution of antibiotic-resistant M.tb-strain and the resurgence of different immune-compromised diseases re-escalated the death rate of TB. WHO has already cautioned about the chances of pandemic situation in TB endemic countries until the discovery of new anti-tubercular drugs, that is, the need of the hour. Analysing the pathogenesis of TB, it was found that M.tb evades the host by altering the balance of immune response and affects either by killing the cells or by creating inflammation. In the pre-antibiotic era, traditional medicines were only therapeutic measures for different infectious diseases including tuberculosis. The ancient literatures of India or ample Indian traditional knowledge and ethnomedicinal practices are evidence for the treatment of TB using different indigenous plants. However, in the light of modern scientific approach, anti-TB effects of those plants and their bioactive molecules were not established thoroughly. In this review, focus has been given on five bioactive molecules of different traditionally used Indian ethnomedicinal plants for treatment of TB or TB-like symptom. These compounds are also validated with proper identification and their mode of action with modern scientific approaches. The effectiveness of these molecules for sensitive or drug-resistant TB pathogen in clinical or preclinical studies was also evaluated. Thus, our specific aim is to highlight such scientifically validated bioactive compounds having anti-mycobacterial and immunomodulatory activity for future use as medicine or adjunct-therapeutic molecule for TB management.  相似文献   

This study was undertaken to characterize Streptomyces strains occurring in some soils of Tanzania as well as to evaluate their potential to synthesize antimicrobial compounds. Six main classes of isolates were observed according to the colour of aerial mycelium. These were gray, cream, blue, pink, red, and white. The gray colour class dominated. About 65% of the isolates produced soluble pigments of various colours while about 33% of the isolates did not produce any soluble pigments. Brown coloured soluble pigments dominated. About 57% of the isolates had spiral spore chains. Some Streptomyces isolates displayed strong (> 30 mm inhibition zone), moderate (20–30 mm), or weak (< 20 mm) antibiosis against the plant/animal pathogenic bacteria tested. Other isolates did not show any antibiosis against any of the test pathogens. The plant pathogens CMM IPO 542 (Clavibacter michiganensis ssp. michiganensis) and Xanthomonas vascatoria were inhibited by most of the Streptomyces isolates. Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae and X. campestris were inhibited by the least number of the Streptomyces isolates. Most of the animal pathogens tested seemed to show resistance to the antibiotics produced by some of the Streptomyces isolates which had shown high activity against the plant pathogens. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Weeds are the most productive limiting factor, especially in organic farming systems where the uses of synthetic herbicides are not allowed due to their negative impacts. Hence, synthetic herbicides need to be replaced with biological herbicides for weed management. Thus, the present study was designed to evaluate the herbicidal activity of conidia suspensions from Aspergillus niger, Trichoderma asperlium, Trichoderma atroviride, Trichoderma hamatum, Trichoderma harzanium, Trichoderma longibrachatum and Trichoderma viride against Bidens pilosa weed via a series of laboratory and lath-house conditions that laid out in a CRD and RCBD, respectively, with three replications for each bioassay. The results revealed that all fungi, except T. longibrachatum, had significantly reduced seed germination as well as early growth of the target weed compared to the untreated control. The inhibitory effects were measured to be varied among the types of conidia suspensions of fungal species and their level of concentration. The highest rate of inhibition was observed for conidia suspension from A. niger which suppressed with the maximum seed germination inhibitory level (65%) over control. Likewise, the plumule and radicle growth length of the target weed also significantly inhibited by the tested fungi (ranging from 10 to 85% and 34 to 97%) compared to the control, respectively. Based on their efficacy in the laboratory bioassay, the herbicidal potential of selected fungi was further evaluated in pot experiments. In contrarily to laboratory observations, the effect of different fungal conidia suspensions on various growth parameters of the targeted weed was insignificant in the lath-house experiments. In conclusion, the application of A. niger displayed some potential green light to be investigated as a biocontrol agent with promising retarding in the germination and early growth of B. pilosa. Hence, we recommend further investigation of those fungi under field conditions on different coffee weed species.  相似文献   

Crude methanol extracts from callus cultures of Nigella arvensis, N. damascena, N. hispanica, N. integrifolia, and N. sativa were investigated for their anti-microbial activity. Growth inhibition was determined in Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacterial strains as well as in yeast by using a broth-microdilution method. The results showed that the extracts of all calli tested exhibited significant anti-microbial activity, especially against Bacillus cereus, Staphylococcus aureus and Staphylococcus epidermidis. Compared with other Nigella species, a callus culture of N. hispanica was the most effective against the microorganisms used in this study.  相似文献   

Habitat fragmentation and modification have been recognized as the most serious threats to biodiversity. In Croatia, the intensive human activities resulted in the landscape transformation, reduction of grassland areas and loss of species number. Increasingly threatened are the wild edible and medicinal plants which contribute remarkably to the biodiversity of different grassland types. In northeastern Croatia, one of the last remnants of the steppe-like grassland remained preserved in a very complex anthropogenic landscape. We examined the diversity of vascular plants occurring on this small habitat patch. Among the relatively high number of plant taxa (in a total of 177) found during the two years of investigations, most could be used both for human nutrition (28 taxa), and for the treatment of a wide range of diseases (60 taxa), while some taxa have nutritional value for livestock (17 taxa). All 23 recorded taxa with edible and medicinal properties are threatened in Croatia, 21 are threatened across Europe, and two are Red Listed taxa. Our results showed that small and isolated steppe-like grassland represents an important refuge for variety of valuable plant species in intensively used landscapes. Accordingly, such small habitats should be, at least locally, effectively protected.  相似文献   

With the growing body of literature assessing the impact of invasive alien plants on resident species and ecosystems, a comprehensive assessment of the relationship between invasive species traits and environmental settings of invasion on the characteristics of impacts is needed. Based on 287 publications with 1551 individual cases that addressed the impact of 167 invasive plant species belonging to 49 families, we present the first global overview of frequencies of significant and non‐significant ecological impacts and their directions on 15 outcomes related to the responses of resident populations, species, communities and ecosystems. Species and community outcomes tend to decline following invasions, especially those for plants, but the abundance and richness of the soil biota, as well as concentrations of soil nutrients and water, more often increase than decrease following invasion. Data mining tools revealed that invasive plants exert consistent significant impacts on some outcomes (survival of resident biota, activity of resident animals, resident community productivity, mineral and nutrient content in plant tissues, and fire frequency and intensity), whereas for outcomes at the community level, such as species richness, diversity and soil resources, the significance of impacts is determined by interactions between species traits and the biome invaded. The latter outcomes are most likely to be impacted by annual grasses, and by wind pollinated trees invading mediterranean or tropical biomes. One of the clearest signals in this analysis is that invasive plants are far more likely to cause significant impacts on resident plant and animal richness on islands rather than mainland. This study shows that there is no universal measure of impact and the pattern observed depends on the ecological measure examined. Although impact is strongly context dependent, some species traits, especially life form, stature and pollination syndrome, may provide a means to predict impact, regardless of the particular habitat and geographical region invaded.  相似文献   

An aqueous extract of freeze-dried garlic (Allium sativum), when incorporated into growth media, inhibited many representative bacteria, yeasts, fungi and a virus. All microorganisms tested were susceptible to garlic. Quantitative assessment of the minimum inhibitory concentrations for bacteria and yeasts showed values ranging from 0.8 to 40.0 mg garlic ml-1. Fungal radial colony growth was inhibited by at least 25% at concentrations as low as 2.0 mg garlic ml-1. The 50% endpoint neutralization titre for rotavirus was 2.4 to 2.8 g ml-1. Lactic acid bacteria were the least sensitive microorganisms to the inhibitory effects of garlic. In mixed culture studies of Lactobacillus acidophilus and Escherichia coli, garlic prevented the establishment of E. coli, although the final outcome of competition was not affected.L.P. Rees, S.F. Minney and N.T. Plummer are with Interprise Ltd, Baglan Bay Industrial Park, Port Talbot SA 12 7DJ, UK. J.H. Slater and D.A. Skyrme are with the School of Pure and Applied Biology, University of Wales, Cardiff, P.O. Box 915, Cardiff CF1 3TL, UK.  相似文献   


The aim of the present study was to formulate six different plant seed oils namely canola, cotton, flax, olive, sesame and soybean as emulsifiable concentrates. The composition of the formulation comprises at least one organic solvent, one surfactant and one plant oil. Physico-chemical properties of the formulated oils (emulsion stability test, cold stability and heat stability tests) were measured. The successfully emulsified oils were evaluated for nematicidal activity against Meloidogyne incognita infecting tomato plants under greenhouse conditions. Emulsified canola oil proved to be the most effective oil as a protectant against M. incognita infection to tomatoes followed by soybean, cotton, flax and sesame oil. In addition, employing a high rate of the tested emulsified oils gave higher activity in suppressing nematodes both in the soil and in tomato roots than using a low rate. Moreover, all tested formulated oils at both rates of application had no adverse effect on the growth of tomato plants except sesame oil which significantly decreased the shoot length when compared to the control. The prepared plant oils might be used as potential sources for sustainable eco-friendly botanical nematicides to protect plants from nematode attack.  相似文献   

This study focused on the distribution of fish with high reproductive activity along a basin, using a 430 km stretch of the Cuiabá River in Brazil as a model. The main objective of this study was to identify those fish that migrate long distances for reproduction, among all the basin species. Thus, a set of working criteria are proposed to classify species according to their reproductive behaviour (i.e., reproductive activity and distribution). Samplings were performed in the Cuiabá River basin, encompassing several environments (river, channels and lakes) during the reproductive periods (between October and February), from 2000 to 2004. Species occurrence (presence and absence – proxy of distribution) across the basin and index of reproductive activity values were used as criteria to identify the species that perform long-distance longitudinal migrations for reproduction. The study confirmed the classification of long-distance longitudinal migration species; nonetheless, some species were not classified as described in the literature. The proposed sequential criteria have proven to be effective in the classification of long-distance longitudinal migrations species and certainly contribute to filling some existing knowledge gaps of reproductive traits. This classification is of fundamental importance in planning new dam projects, in decision making and in the development of management and conservation actions for the ichthyofauna.  相似文献   

Distributions were predicted for 1430 native plant species as part of a biodiversity assessment in the forests of south‐west Western Australia. From these predicted distributions, an index of plant species richness was generated for the forest area. The most common predictors for distribution were found to be climatic surfaces incorporating some aspect of seasonality in temperature and precipitation. Although coarse, the index confirmed existing knowledge of areas of high biodiversity within the study area and introduced a new area, the Blackwood Plateau, for consideration as a conservation reserve with high species richness. An additional survey was conducted to sample actual species richness in 11 test sites. When actual richness was regressed against predicted richness, a significant correlation was obtained if both annuals and geophytes were excluded from the analysis. With refinement of the model and further data collection targeted at areas of low effort, the species richness index is proposed as a useful tool for conservation planning.  相似文献   

Extensive green roofs substrates should meet a list of physicochemical and biochemical requirements to be used as a basis for plant growth: high water holding capacity, good aeration, low bulk density, and proper drainage are some of them. In recent years, the impact of different organic matter doses and the substrate depth on the subsequent plant growth have been deeply studied. By contrast, there are not many publications about the effect of the inorganic component of these substrates on plant development and C and N sequestration potential by the green roof system, and even more under semi-arid Mediterranean conditions. Four substrates were made by mixing the same compost, at 10% by volume, with different inorganic materials: CsB (compost, silica sand, and crushed bricks; 1:1:8), CB (compost and crushed bricks; 1:9), CSB (compost, clay-loam soil, and crushed bricks; 1:1:8), and CsS (compost, silica sand, and clay-loam soil; 1:1:8). These were placed, a depth of 10 cm, on “cultivation tables” in an experimental farm located in the SE of Spain. Two native species were sown in each substrate: Lotus creticus and Asteriscus maritimus. Physicochemical, nutritional, and biochemical properties of the substrates as well as the plant development were evaluated during a 10-month experiment. The CsB and CSB mixtures had good physicochemical properties (high porosity and acceptable water holding capacity) although the levels of C, N, and humic substances were higher in the soil-containing substrates than in the CB and CsB mixtures. The hydrolytic enzyme activity was also promoted in these mixtures. The plant growth pattern showed differences regarding the inorganic composition of the substrate; L. creticus had superior development in the CsB substrate and A. maritimus was able to grow in all tested substrate mixtures, although its cover was low, being a more versatile candidate to establish a green roof cover. The greatest C and N sequestration potential was achieved by the CsS mixture, reaching 1.06 kg TC m−2 of green roof substrate. Therefore, substrate composition impacts the growth of native plant species as well as the C and N sequestration by the green roof system.  相似文献   

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