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The stomach contents of eight species of predatory or omnivorous fish caught in gillnets in the Kafue River in May and June 2010 were examined to determine the relative importance, expressed as ‘prominence value’ (PV), of crayfish Cherax quadricarinatus in their diet. Four species, Clarias gariepinus, Schilbe intermedius, Serranochromis robustus and Serranochromis angusticeps, had fed on C. quadricarinatus. The PV of C. quadricarinatus was highest in C. gariepinus, in which the quantity and size of crayfish eaten was significantly correlated with standard length (SL) of fish >200 mm SL. Predated C. quadricarinatus were significantly smaller (mean carapace length [CL] 30 mm; SE 1.2) than those caught in gillnets (mean CL 76 mm; SE 0.9). No C. quadricarinatus remains were found in the stomachs of Oreochromis andersonii, Synodontis macrostigma, Serranochromis macrocephalus or Mormyrus lacerda.  相似文献   

Freshwater crayfish invasions have been studied around the world, but less so in Africa, a continent devoid of native freshwater crayfish. The present study reviews historical and current information on alien freshwater crayfish species introduced into South Africa and aims to indicate which areas are at risk from invasion. As is the case elsewhere, South Africans have shown a keen interest in both farming and keeping freshwater crayfish as pets, which has resulted in Cherax cainii, Cherax destructor, Cherax quadricarinatus and Procambarus clarkii being introduced to the country. There is evidence of successful establishment in the wild for C. quadricarinatus and P. clarkii in different parts of the country. Species distribution models suggest that the eastern part of the country and parts of the Eastern and Western Cape are at higher risk of invasion. At present, illegal translocations represent the most likely pathway of crayfish spread in South Africa. A continued risk of invasion by freshwater crayfish species in South Africa is highlighted, which reinforces the need for more research, as well as for strong mitigation measures, such as stronger policing of existing regulations, management or eradication where feasible and public education.  相似文献   

The invasion of Cherax quadricarinatus, the Australian redclaw crayfish, in the Sanyati Basin of Lake Kariba, Zimbabwe, is reported. A total of 79 crayfish were caught at 10 out of 12 sampling sites in the Sanyati Basin in November–December 2012. The average catch per unit effort (CPUE) varied from 1.1 to 4 crayfish per trap per night, carapace length ranged from 29 to 93.5 mm, and weight ranged from 4 to 196.2 g. Most crayfish were between 50 and 59.9 mm carapace length. Males (average 82.6 g) were significantly heavier than females (37.2 g) and males were larger in carapace length, carapace width, chela length and chela width. A feral population of C. quadricarinatus is now established in the Sanyati Basin. Possible modes of dispersal within the basin are discussed.  相似文献   

综述了我国2种主养的淡水螯虾(克氏原螯虾和红螯螯虾)在生理生态学与环境毒理学方面的研究进展。总结了淡水螯虾的环境条件(盐度、温度和pH)适应范围、毒性污染物(氨氮、亚硝酸盐、重金属和农药等)的半致死浓度和安全浓度,以及环境胁迫和毒性污染物暴露对淡水螯虾生长、组织结构、生理代谢和免疫功能等的影响,为淡水螯虾养殖的水环境监测与调控提供参考依据。  相似文献   

The Red-Claw crayfish, Cherax quadricarinatus von Martens, is native to freshwater habitats of northern Australia and Papua New Guinea. Owing to its large size and suitability for aquaculture, C. quadricarinatus has been widely translocated around the world. Unfortunately, C. quadricarinatus is also recognised as invasive, having already established feral populations in South Africa, Mexico, Jamaica and Puerto Rico. The hardiness and conspicuous colouration of C. quadricarinatus has also made it popular in the aquarium trade worldwide, including Singapore. Here, we report the establishment of feral populations of C. quadricarinatus in the water supply catchments of Singapore.  相似文献   

To investigate the effects of Procambarus clarkii on macroinvertebrate diversity, we conducted a mesocosm experiment simulating small pools in rice field pads after the rice season. We hypothesized that crayfish predation would negatively impact macroinvertebrate diversity, and the magnitude of this impact should vary with the size of P. clarkii. We conducted a short-term mesocosm experiment to determine macroinvertebrate diversity in the presence of three size classes and in the absence of crayfish, as well as the diet composition of crayfish from the three size classes. At the end of the experiments, the diet of crayfish was composed of the most available taxa (Culicidae, Chironomus, Tanytarsini and Orthocladinae). These results also show evidence that, in confined areas, crayfish are important predators of major rice pests such as rice Chironominae larvae. Macroinvertebrate diversity was negatively affected by crayfish presence, but the effect was inversely proportional to crayfish size. The highest diversity index was obtained in the absence of P. clarkii, and juvenile crayfish significantly reduced macroinvertebrate diversity. Thus, the impact of P. clarkii on aquatic macroinvertebrates is size dependent and may be relevant in small pools formed in rice field pads from early autumn to late winter. Overall, our findings suggest that the negative effects of P. clarkii on macroinvertebrate diversity may be particularly strong in local natural assemblages confined to puddles of water or small ponds in wetland areas.  相似文献   

The parthenogenetic marbled crayfish, Marmorkrebs, has no known wild population, but has been introduced into natural ecosystems in two continents. Interactions with native crayfish, particularly through fighting, could affect the ecological impact of Marmorkrebs introductions. Marmorkrebs have been characterized anecdotally as having low levels of aggression, which could mitigate their potential to compete with native species. We isolated Marmorkrebs and Louisiana red swamp crayfish (Procambarus clarkii), then conducted size-matched intra and interspecific pairings. Marmorkrebs were as likely to win a fight as P. clarkii, although contests between P. clarkii and Marmorkrebs began significantly faster than contests between two Marmorkrebs. These results suggest that Marmorkrebs have the potential to compete with other species on the same level as P. clarkii, which is itself a highly successful introduced species around the world.  相似文献   

Aphanomyces astaci (Saprolegniales, Oomycetes) is classified among the 100 world’s worst invasive species. This species is endemic to North America and has been introduced into Europe by imports of their hosts, the North American crayfish species. As a consequence, extensive mass mortalities involved several populations of the European crayfish. Here, we checked its occurrence in four Italian populations of Procambarus clarkii, the most widespread alien crayfish in Italy. Digital image analyses and image processing techniques were used to select micro-melanized areas in the subabdominal cuticle of 2–10 crayfish per population. All the selected areas tested positive for A. astaci ITS nrDNA specific primers; moreover, the obtained sequences clearly corresponded to A. astaci, thus revealing that P. clarkii is an active carrier of this oomycete in Italy. Decisions are to be urgently made to control the spread of both P. clarkii and A. astaci for the conservation of the indigenous crayfish biodiversity.  相似文献   

The introduction of some crustacean species has produced alterations of freshwater environments and declines of native species worldwide. The red swamp crayfish, Procambarus clarkii Girard, was introduced in the Southwest Iberian Peninsula in the 1970’s, producing severe impacts on rice agriculture and on native biota such as macrophytes, gastropods, native crayfish and amphibians. We studied the distribution of P. clarkii in two areas of SW Iberian Peninsula: the Sado River basin (SW Portugal), an area colonized by this species around 1990, and the Parque Natural del Entorno de Doñana (SW Spain), colonized soon after its introduction in the Iberian Peninsula, in the 1970’s. Our main goal was to determine which factors limit crayfish distribution, which could help to identify the most effective management practices to contain its spread. Procambarus clarkii was found in most types of water bodies, including small and shallow ones. Distance to a crayfish source was the single predictor variable explaining crayfish occurrence in most types of habitats and in both areas. The only exception was for the Sado permanent stream points, where crayfish presence was negatively affected by an interaction between elevation and flow velocity. Other habitat characteristics have apparently little or no importance for its successful colonization. Moreover, this study indicated that overland dispersal is apparently a frequent phenomenon in this species. Our findings can be used to determine which habitats are most likely to be colonized by the crayfish and to develop practical measures which may limit its spread and minimize its impacts.  相似文献   

Aim Anticipating the potential distributions of emerging invasive species is complicated by the tendency for species distribution models to perform better when both native and invasive range data are available for model development. If invasive range data are lacking, species models are liable to under‐estimate distributions for emerging invaders, particularly for species that are not at equilibrium with their native range environment due to historical factors, dispersal limitation and/or ecological interactions. We demonstrate the potential to use well‐quantified niche shifts from established ‘avatar’ (i.e. the remote or virtual manifestation of an entity) invaders to develop plausible distributions for data‐poor emerging invaders contingent on niche shifts of similar magnitude or character. Location Global. Methods Using the globally invasive crayfishes Pacifastacus leniusculus and Procambarus clarkii as our avatar invaders, we quantify how niche position, size and structure differs between native and total ranges using Mahalanobis distance (a measure of multivariate similarity) and the climate predictors of annual minimum and maximum air temperature. We then generalize patterns of niche shift from these species to the emerging crayfish invader Cherax quadricarinatus. Results Some patterns of niche shifts were similar for Pacifastacus leniusculus and Procambarus clarkii, but niche shifts were of considerably greater magnitude for P. clarkii. When a native range model for C. quadricarinatus was modified with generalized niche shifts similar to Pacifastacus leniusculus and Procambarus clarkii, the potential global distribution for this species increased considerably, including many areas not identified by the native range model. Main conclusions We illustrate the potential to use avatar invaders to provide cautionary, niche shift‐assuming species distribution models for emerging invaders. Many theoretical and applied implications of the avatar species concept require additional investigation, including the development of frameworks to select appropriate avatar species and evaluate the performance of avatar‐derived models for emerging invaders. Despite these research needs, we believe this concept will have considerable utility for predicting vulnerability to invasion by data‐poor species; this is a critical management need because shifting pathways of introduction and climate change will produce many novel, emerging invasive species in the future.  相似文献   

1. Freshwater resource managers are increasingly obligated to consider the impacts of large river engineering projects on ecosystem services. We evaluated the effect of altered water regime from the operation of a large dam on the production of the downstream tropical floodplain fishery of the Kafue River, Zambia. We compared the benefits of increased hydropower relative to potentially lost fishery production. 2. We compiled a long‐term data set consisting of experimental gillnet catches, artisanal harvesting effort and monthly river flows for 25 years prior to and 29 years after the 1977 completion of the upstream Itezhi‐Tezhi Dam. As a metric of the flood regime, we calculated a canonical correlation score for each hydrological year before and after dam closure. For the period following dam construction, we used the Muskingum method of flood routing to estimate ‘no‐dam’ flows through the fishery area and downstream hydroelectric turbines at the Kafue Gorge Dam. 3. We compared 16 alternative models of catch per unit effort (CPUE) with and without an effect of water regime on fish population growth rate. Using the two best fitting models, we estimated the total observed fishery harvest and simulated ‘no‐dam’ fisheries harvest and found no significant effect of altered water regime on fishery production. 4. We estimate that the large upstream dam increases downstream hydropower production by about $18 million USD per annum. The reduction in fishery production caused by the altered water regime is not significantly different than zero, although the average reduction amounts to about $2.3 million annually. The total estimated value of harvest ranges from $1.3 million to $56 million annually. 5. Large observed declines in fish abundance over the 54‐year study period are attributed primarily with similarly large increases in total fishing effort in this mostly open‐access artisanal fishery. 6. These results contrast with other examples of the effects of flow alteration on fish, probably because levels of fisheries exploitation on the Kafue River are very high relative to better studied regions on other continents; our focus on the whole fish community; and the unprecedented length of the time series we considered. If the goal is to sustain fishery production, investments in altering flow regime are likely to be less effective than investments to decrease fishing effort.  相似文献   

1. Despite the growing number of non‐indigenous crayfish species introduced worldwide, little scientific attention has been given to their effects on the recipient communities. Here, we quantified the impact of adult red swamp crayfish (Procambarus clarkii) on key components of the littoral community of a mesotrophic lake in central Italy. We used two densities of crayfish plus a no‐crayfish control, and two complementary methods –in situ enclosures and a laboratory study. 2. Both experiments showed that P. clarkii strongly affects the community even at a low density (4 m−2), although a high crayfish density (8 m−2) showed a more pronounced impact in a shorter time. 3. In enclosures, P. clarkii quickly consumed the pond snail Haitia acuta, notwithstanding its anti‐predator behaviour, but not the mosquitofish Gambusia affinis. The biomass of the hydrophytes Nymphoides peltata and Potamogeton spp. was strongly reduced by crayfish grazing, coupled with their non‐consumptive plant clipping and uprooting, which were particularly intense in the case of Potamogeton crispus. In contrast, Utricularia australis was avoided by P. clarkii, even when other resources were exhausted. 4. The introduction of P. clarkii could reduce biodiversity and increase biotic homogenisation in a short time.  相似文献   

The American red swamp crayfish Procambarus clarkii (Girard, 1852) was introduced in 1973 into the Iberian Peninsula for commercial purposes. As a result of both the expansion from the Iberian Peninsula and, probably, further introductions in other European countries, now it is widely distributed throughout much of Europe. The ecological impacts of this invading crayfish have received increasing attention, but nothing is known about its symbiotic entocytherid ostracods outside the American continent. The present survey has examined more than 200 crayfishes from 12 localities distributed over a wide area of Eastern Spain. Entocytherid ostracods were extracted from individual crayfishes and they were identified, counted, assigned to developmental instars and sexed. In all the study locations but one, we found at least one crayfish individual infected by entocytherid ostracods and the species determined was the same in all cases: Ankylocythere sinuosa (Rioja, 1942). The number of ostracods on individual P. clarkii varied notably in relation to crayfish size and also differed significantly among sampling sites. The crayfish size effects on ostracod densities might be related to the amount of resources and to the crayfish age and moulting frequency affecting ostracod distribution and population structure. In addition, the spatial variation in ostracod densities could also be related to site-specific habitat traits and the variability of crayfish population dynamics. Our study represents the first citation of an alien entocytherid species in Europe and demonstrates its wide distribution in the Iberian Peninsula. Further research is needed to know the potential effects of this ostracod species on the ecology of P. clarkii and of native species, with implications on the management of this aquatic invader.  相似文献   

1. Since avoiding predation can compromise animal fitness, prey are expected to respond to different predator species with an intensity appropriate to the level of risk. In fresh waters, the threat of predation is typically assessed by chemical cues, in particular by odours released by either injured/disturbed conspecifics (conspecific alarm odour) or predators (predator odours). Here, we used the most widely distributed crayfish in the world, the invasive North American Procambarus clarkii, to investigate the relative effectiveness of odours emitted by fish predators compared with conspecific alarm odour. We also tested whether P. clarkii is able to discriminate between fish predators of which it has ‘experience’ (either recent, via introduction to the same water body, or old, by sharing a native range), as well as between fish predators that pose low or high risk. 2. The study was carried out on introduced populations of P. clarkii from two sites, characterised by different fish assemblages: the Malewa River (a tributary of Lake Naivasha, Kenya) and Lake Trasimeno (Italy). Laboratory experiments consisted of three sequential phases (‘water’, ‘food’ and ‘smell’ phases) and five treatments. Treatments differed in the odour presented during the smell phase, i.e. no odour (plain water) and odours from either injured conspecifics or three fish species per site. Crayfish from the Malewa River population were confronted with the odours of largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides), common carp (Cyprinus carpio) and tilapia (Tilapia zillii) (all introduced to Lake Naivasha but absent from the Malewa River), and those from the Lake Trasimeno population with the odours of the introduced largemouth bass and carp and the native chub (Squalius cephalus). Largemouth bass is the only predator that imposes a high risk to crayfish, and it also shares its native range with P. clarkii. We analysed the time spent by crayfish feeding, in locomotion and in adopting a raised or lowered posture. A reduction in the time spent feeding and in locomotion, and an increase in the time spent in the lowered posture were considered to indicate alarm. 3. Crayfish from both populations responded with a more pronounced reduction in feeding to conspecific alarm odour rather than to predator odours. Crayfish from the Malewa River reacted with the same intensity to the odours of the three fish species tested, whereas, in Lake Trasimeno, the odour of largemouth bass was significantly more threatening than the odours of the other two species. 4. Procambarus clarkii seems to perceive a general fish odour that alerts it to possible predation risk without the need of either a direct recent experience or via sharing a common native range. However, where they coexist with fish, crayfish become able to distinguish among species, adapting the intensity of their response to the effective risk. Our results confirm the relatively high learning capacity of P. clarkii reported in previous studies and suggest the existence of mechanisms that make predator recognition particularly efficient in this extraordinarily successful invader.  相似文献   

The Louisiana red swamp crayfish, Procambarus clarkii, has had a major impact on aquatic ecosystems in Europe and America where it has been introduced for human consumption. In Lake Naivasha, where it was introduced in 1970, it is suspected of causing the complete disappearance of native floating-leaved and submerged plants by 1982 and again by 1996; recovery of submerged plants occurred in between, concurrent with a decline in P. clarkii. Examination of the feeding of P. clarkii by microscopic analysis of gut contents collected from the lake confirmed information from both its native and exotic ranges; that it is an omnivore with green plants and insects the predominant items recognised. Feeding experiments confirmed this omnivory, with a preference from herbivory over carnivory. They further showed the importance of native plants as opposed to exotic water hyacinth Eichhornia crassipes. It is concluded that P. clarkii could well have accounted for the observed elimination of native plant species in Lake Naivasha; the cyclical nature of populations of submerged plant species and of P. clarkii in inverse proportion to each other lead us to hypothesise that P. clarkii is a `keystone' species in the lake ecosystem.  相似文献   

Non-indigenous crayfish species, carrier of the oomycete Aphanomyces astaci, are the most important threats to European crayfish species. However, other ectoparasite species have been reported to be the pathogen of aquatic organisms. As little is known about other potential pathogens carried by the red swamp crayfish Procambarus clarkii, a total of 86 individuals of this species was collected in Lake Trasimeno from June 2007 to 2008. Phoma glomerata, never recorded in Italy, colonised more than 65% of the captured crayfish. No significant differences in prevalence were recorded between sexes, among life stages and between soft- and hard-shelled crayfish. This Coelomycetes is the causal agent of many diseases in plants, animals and humans. These results may contribute to a better understanding of the implications of epibiontic microfungi on the invasive crayfish P. clarkii, for both ecological and sanitary purposes.  相似文献   

The southeastern mountains of Spain represent the southernmost limit of the genus Austropotamobius and the species A. pallipes (Lereboullet). The taxonomic position of this isolated crayfish in southern Spain is not clear, being genetically close to A. italicus, but morphologically distinct. A severe decline occurred during the 1980s, especially due to expansion of the alien species Procambarus clarkii, a North American freshwater crayfish and a vector of the aphanomycosis disease. In order to design a strategy for native crayfish conservation, recent trends in native crayfish populations, influence of isolation and habitat variables on their survival and possibilities for their recovery through restocking were studied. A decline in populations was observed between 1991 and 2002 (from 26 to 14 populations), and a total extinction could be predicted within the next 13 years. Two well-defined periods of rapid extinction rates were detected, 1991–1994 (1.25 populations/year) and 1999–2002 (1.50 populations/year). Main causes of extinction for these two periods were invasion by P. clarkii and mortality by unknown causes, respectively. The isolation variables had some positive effects on survival of populations but these cannot offer a sufficient guarantee, since several cases of extinction can be affected by a large component of stochastic factors, including random catastrophes. On the other hand, survival trials and restocking experiments showed that it was possible to recover lost habitats, when P. clarkii was absent and environmental conditions were good. It is concluded that it is possible to avoid extinction of the native crayfish populations; however, the conservation strategies must be based on an urgent stocking/restocking program.  相似文献   

The responses of invasive and native species of crayfish to conspecific and heterospecific alarm odors were recorded in the laboratory. Individuals of the North American invasive Procambarus clarkii responded just as strongly to odors from crushed Austropotomobius pallipes as they did to crushed conspecifics. The North American invasive Orconectes limosus also responded as strongly to P. clarkii odor as to conspecific odor. The native Italian species A. pallipes responded more strongly to conspecific alarm than to heterospecific alarm from P. clarkii. The pattern of invasive species of crayfish using a broader range of danger signals than displaced native species appears to be robust.  相似文献   

The red swamp crayfish, Procambarus clarkii, native to northeastern Mexico and southcentral USA, is today the dominant macroinvertebrate in several European countries. While the first introduction of this species into Spain is well-documented, little is known about its pathways of invasion and the reason for its rapid spread in several European countries. Study of the biology of the species has revealed a number of properties that makes this crayfish a successful invader. Procambarus clarkii exhibits properties characteristic of an r-selected species, including early maturity at small body size, rapid growth rates, large numbers of offspring at a given parental size, and relatively short life spans. It is also plastic in its life cycle, able to disperse widely in the habitat and to tolerate environmental extremes. It displays generalist and opportunistic feeding habits, consuming macrophytes and preying on amphibians. Procambarus clarkii can also replace indigenous crayfish by a combination of mechanisms, including competitive exclusion and transmission of the fungus-like Aphanomyces astaci, responsible for the crayfish plague. Finally, this species shows a wide behavioral flexibility when coping with new types of predators. The results of these studies, combined with the increasing information available in the scientific literature on this and other crayfish species, will help us understand invasions in this taxon and make predictions about the identity of future crayfish invaders.  相似文献   

Aphanomyces astaci (Oomycetes) is responsible for the crayfish plague disease. This species is endemic of North America and five genotypes have been described using RAPD-PCR. The red swamp crayfish, Procambarus clarkii, is one of the most widely spread North American species and invasive in the world. However, no outbreaks on its specific genotype, i.e., genotype D, have ever been described in nature. We investigated three major series of crayfish plague outbreaks in indigenous crayfish populations of Austropotamobius pallipes, located in the areas of influence of P. clarkii. All samples collected tested positive for A. astaci using a rnDNA ITS-PCR test. We also performed an AFLP-PCR analysis on 19 isolates, and found that all isolates belong to genotype D. These isolates exhibited similar properties, i.e., adaptation to warm temperatures. We demonstrate, for the first time, the transmission of A. astaci genotype D to indigenous European populations of crayfish, and confirm that the properties of adaptation to warm water temperatures seem to be a specific character of genotype D. The results of this work emphasize once more the need of controlling invasive species and its trade, since they can carry harmful pathogens with specific adaptations or increased virulence in new environments.  相似文献   

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