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Chrysichthys nigrodigitatus and C. auratus are important, highly valued and threatened freshwater species. To contribute with their ecological knowledge, the condition factor and diet of these two congeneric species were studied between April 2005 and April 2006. Food items of fish were evaluated by occurrence and numerical abundance methods, and the possible changes among sexes, seasons and sizes were considered. Results showed that generally C. nigrodigitatus were better conditioned than C. auratus. The males of C. nigrodigitatus and females of C. auratus were in better condition than their respective opposite sex throughout the year, and during the wet season compared to the dry. The food items of C. nigrodigitatus and C. auratus were similar and comprised twelve species belonging to five groups: Insecta (three species), Crustacea (five species), Arachnida (one species), Rotifera (one species) and Mollusca (two species). Other food items included fish scales, unidentified green eggs, plant parts, detritus and sand. Insecta and Crustacea dominated the food items in both species. For C. nigrodigitatus, insect consumption increased with fish size, while Crustacea items decreased (from 89.59% for 8.1cm - 12.0cm size class to 1.58% for 20.1cm - 26.0cm size class). However, while C. auratus smaller sized fish preferred Crustacea (98.72% for 8.1cm -12.0 cm size class), larger sized fish had both groups in relatively similar amounts. Schoener Overlap Index for both species and between seasons is 1.00. Diet breadth ranged from 0.00-1.47 for C. nigrodigitatus and 0.00-1.32 for C. auratus. Food Richness ranged from 0.00-1.44 for both species. Gut Repletion Index for C. nigrodigitatus and C. auratus are 76.39% and 76.27% respectively. Although, there is considerable similarity and overlap in the utilization of food resource for both coexisting species, condition factor and feeding behavior suggest strategies to reduce intra- and interspecific competition.  相似文献   

The distribution of variability was studied at various geographical scales in the tropical freshwater snail Melanoides tuberculata, in order to analyse the role of factors shaping this distribution, including the mating system and population dynamics. This parthenogenetic polyploid species reproduces mainly asexually, with males occurring at low frequency. About 800 individuals (38 sites) were sampled from Africa and the Middle East, where the species originated, and from recently colonized habitats in South and Central America, and especially the island of Martinique. We first described variation of general aspects and ornamentation of the shells. This analysis confirms the existence of discrete morphs. Second, individuals were studied at three microsatellite loci, showing that each morph is a genetic clone with some minor variation compatible with models of microsatellite evolution. The genetic analysis also showed much more variation within than between clones. However, two populations from Africa exhibited a large amount of variability, and a mixture of sexual and asexual reproduction might explain these genetic patterns. The worldwide distribution of variability is, therefore, compatible with the African origin of the species, and the introduction of a few clones in other parts of the world. These results also suggest that the distribution of variability in Martinique is influenced by flooding events, and that two morphs from Martinique can be interpreted as hybrids between two pre-existing morphs, based on morphological, genetic and geographical arguments.  相似文献   

Although primates are hunted on a global scale, some species are protected against harassment and killing by taboos or religious doctrines. Sites where the killing of sacred monkeys or the destruction of sacred groves is forbidden may be integral to the conservation of certain species. In 2004, as part of a distribution survey of Sclater's guenon (Cercopithecus sclateri) in southern Nigeria, we investigated reports of sacred monkeys in the Igbo‐speaking region of Nigeria. We confirmed nine new sites where primates are protected as sacred: four with tantalus monkeys (Chlorocebus tantalus) and five with mona monkeys (Cercopithecus mona). During 2004–2006, we visited two communities (Akpugoeze and Lagwa) previously known to harbor sacred populations of Ce. sclateri to estimate population abundance and trends. We directly counted all groups and compared our estimates with previous counts when available. We also estimated the size of sacred groves and compared these with grove sizes reported in the literature. The mean size of the sacred groves in Akpugoeze (2.06 ha, n=10) was similar to others in Africa south of the Sahel, but larger than the average grove in Lagwa (0.49 ha, n=15). We estimated a total population of 124 Sclater's monkeys in 15 groups in Lagwa and 193 monkeys in 20 groups in Akpugoeze. The Akpugoeze population was relatively stable over two decades, although the proportion of infants declined, and the number of groups increased. As Sclater's monkey does not occur in any official protected areas, sacred populations are important to the species' long‐term conservation. Despite the monkeys' destruction of human crops, most local people still adhere to the custom of not killing monkeys. These sites represent ideal locations in which to study the ecology of Sclater's monkey and human–wildlife interactions. Am. J. Primatol. 71:574–586, 2009. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Interpreting paleontological data is difficult because the genetic nature of observed morphological variation is generally unknown. Indeed, it is hardly possible to distinguish among several sources of morphological variation including phenotypic plasticity, sexual dimorphism, within-species genetic variation or differences among species. This can be addressed using fossil organisms with recent representatives. The freshwater snail Melanoides tuberculata ranks in this category. A fossil series of this and other species have been studied in the Turkana Basin (Kenya) and is presented as one of the best examples illustrating the punctuated pattern of evolution by the tenants of this theory. Melanoides tuberculata today occupies most of the tropics. We studied variation of shell shape in natural populations of this parthenogenetic snail using Raup's model of shell coiling. We considered different sources of variation on estimates of three relevant parameters of Raup's model: (1) variation in shell shape was detected among clones, and had both genetic and environmental bases; (2) sexual dimorphism, in those clones in which males occur, appeared as an additional source of shell variation; and (3) ecophenotypic variation was detected by comparing samples from different sites and years within two clones. We then tested the performance of discriminant function analyses, a classical tool in paleontological studies, using several datasets. Although the three sources of variation cited above contributed significantly to the observed morphological variance, they could not be detected without a priori knowledge of the biological entities studied. However, it was possible to distinguish between M. tuberculata and a related thiarid species using these analyses. Overall, this suggests that the tools classically used in paleontological studies are poorly efficient when distinguishing between important sources of within-species variation. Our study also gives some empirical bases to the doubts cast on the interpretation of the molluscan series of the Turkana Basin.  相似文献   

The Red Queen hypothesis predicts that sex should be more common in populations heavily infested with parasites, than in those without. This hypothesis was investigated in the aquatic snail Melanoides tuberculata, in which both sexual and parthenogenetic individuals exist in natural populations, and some populations are heavily infested by trematodes. The presence of fertile males and the higher genetic diversity of bisexual populations are indicative of sexual reproduction. We compared sites in 1990, 1999, and 2001, and we looked for a positive correlation between male and parasite frequencies. Male frequency was not correlated with the frequency of individuals infected by trematodes. This lack of correlation was reconfirmed in a retrospective power analysis. In a period of 9 years, male frequencies decreased but infection levels increased. These results do not support the Red Queen hypothesis. In samples with high male frequency the number of embryos was low, perhaps indicating that males may have a negative effect on embryo numbers. This effect of males on fitness could perhaps suggest that the cost of sex is fewer embryos. The reduction in embryo numbers may also represent a trade-off between mating and egg production costs.  相似文献   

刘雨芳  古德祥  张古忍  陈东  温瑞贞 《生态学报》2002,22(10):1699-1703
应用酶联免疫吸附(ELISA)双抗体夹心法,研究了稻田19种常见捕食性天敌对中性昆虫摇蚊的捕食作用。用摇蚊作抗原免疫雄性大白兔获得抗血清,用中和法、双向琼脂扩散实验及交叉反应对所制备的抗血清作特异性检测,抗体反应表明制备的抗血清对摇蚊抗原具有较高的特异性。测定了19种捕食者捕食摇蚊的临界吸收值。在检测的19种捕食者中,有13种捕食了摇蚊,占被检测捕食者种数的67.89%。ELISA阳性反应率最高的是在早稻前期采集的褶管巢蛛,阳性率高达50%,其次是晚稻中期采集的拟水狼蛛,其阳性率为40%。ELISA方法敏感,能快速检测捕食者对猎物的捕食作用及确定节肢类捕食者如蜘蛛对水稻害早控制作用大小,作为一种有效实验工具,可有助于发展水稻害虫综合管理理论。  相似文献   

We followed the invasion dynamics of the Oriental thiarid snail Thiara granifera on the Martinique island, French Antilles. This freshwater species was first discovered in 1991 in the Charpentier River, and its spread has since been analysed based on a yearly survey of the malacological fauna at more than 100 sites covering the whole island and representing 50 river systems and three pools. Four river systems were sampled at many sites. Thirteen river systems were colonized by 1997. Colonization within river systems occurred at a speed greater than 1km per year, probably resulting from both active and passive dispersal. Our results can, on the whole, be explained by a simple diffusion process. However, stratified diffusion has to be invoked in at least one river. Moreover, colonization was faster downstream than upstream, suggesting that current velocity plays a significant role in dispersal. Dispersal also occurred between river systems at a mean distance of almost 10km, though with a large variance, in accordance with the scattered colony model of stratified diffusion. The relative frequencies of T. granifera and Melanoides tuberculata, another recent invader of Martinique, were followed at three sites on the Lézarde River. The first species quickly outnumbered the second, though never wiped it out. The data therefore do not support any exclusion phenomena between these two parthenogenetic invaders. Our analysis does not indicate any obvious influence of the rise of T. granifera on the local freshwater fauna.  相似文献   

Anthropogenic activities in inland water can cause species loss and displacement. Therefore, there is a need to regularly examine species composition, abundance and diversity of freshwater ecosystem as a means to monitor its health. Ichthyofauna of Ikere-gorge, Iseyin, Oyo State was studied for a period of 24 month, from January 2017 to December 2018. Ikere-gorge was divided into four strata, each comprises three fishing villages. One village in each stratum was randomly selected as sampling site. The catches were sorted into taxonomic groups (species and families) using standard fish identification keys. Forty-one fish species from 13 families were identified in which species richness varied among the sampling villages. Asamu had 34, Agatu had 30, Spillway had 39 and Irawote had 29 species. The freshwater fish species of Nigeria is the richest in West Africa and more than 15% of these fish species are found in Ikere-gorge. Mormyridae family was the most represented with 10 species. Cichlidae was the most abundant by catch and by weight. Sarotherodon galilaeus has the highest abundance by catch and by weight. Gnathonemus brucii was identified as a vulnerable species. The result obtained from this study show that conservation program should be urgently put in place to prevent some fish from extinction. There should be introduction of closed season to allow for proper recruitment of fish population. Likewise, minimum mesh size should be set to allow juvenile and immature fish to escape and allow them to spawn at least once before being vulnerable to gear. There should regulation to set maximum number of fishermen to be allowed to fish at a particular day, this is to reduce fishing pressure.  相似文献   

The Physicochemical variables and Zooplankton of Asu River, Ebonyi State, Nigeria were studied monthly between October 2013 and June 2014 which covered the wet and dry seasons. The study was carried out monthly in two selected sites by collecting water samples for physiochemical analysis and zooplankton identification. Shannon-Weiner diversity and Margalef's indices were used to determine the zooplankton composition. Investigation on the physiochemical variables showed that water temperature, dissolved oxygen, total dissolved solids, pH, conductivity and carbon (iv) oxide all recorded maximum values in the dry season. The present result also showed that the river is not seriously polluted. However, only carbon (iv) oxide and nitrate varied significantly between seasons (p < 0.05). Forty two (42) zooplankton species comprising Rotifera (7 families; 23 species), Copepoda (2 families; 8 species) and Cladoceran (6 families; 11 species) were identified. Rotifera spp. were numerically dominant and the most diverse group but the crustacean, Thermocyclops oithonoides dominated the total zooplankton biomass during the study. Species abundance showed inverse relationship with species richness, Shannon-Weiner diversity and Evenness. Zooplankton abundance was at its peak in the dry season while species richness, Shannon- Weiner diversity and evenness increased from dry season to wet season.  相似文献   

深圳河口泥滩三种多毛类的数量季节变化及污染影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
蔡立哲  厉红梅  刘俊杰  林鹏 《生态学报》2001,21(10):1648-1653
在深圳河治理工程环境影响评估研究中,将1995年7月至1998年月在3个断面获得的3种多毛类的数量进行分析,得出深圳河口泥滩A断面和RB断面的小头虫有明显的季节变化,即冬季数量较其他季节高,秋季数量较其他季节低,ET断面的小头虫数量没有明显的季节变化,RB断面寡鳃齿吻沙蚕数量随时间推移有增加的趋势,与有机质含量的变化是相似的,寡鳃齿吻沙蚕和独毛虫的水平分布明显受盐度限制,盐度较低的ET断面寡鳃齿吻沙蚕数量较盐度较高的A断面和RB断面的低,独毛虫没有分布到ET断面,A断面的独毛虫在养猪场废水注入时大量繁殖,文中探讨了溶解氧和有机质含量与3种小个体多毛类数量的关系。  相似文献   

The Opa Reservoir, established for water supply to the Obafemi Awolowo University community, over the years has received direct linkage to township drains as a result of the widening and dredging of its river channels. The current study aimed at documenting monthly heavy metal loads at its riverine, transition and lacustrine zones in 2012–2013. Most of the heavy metals, analysed using an atomic absorption spectrophotometer, occurred within wide ranges, with coefficients of variation ranging from 60% to 300%, although the differences in heavy metal loads between the different zones were statistically insignificant at both the surface and bottom levels. The overall order of dominance of the metals was Ni > Cu > Fe > Zn > Cd = Cr > Pb, with nickel concentration being very high throughout. Heavy metal total mean concentration was higher during the rainy season (1.889 mg l?1) than the dry season (1.503 mg l?1) irrespective of sampling sites, having highly significant seasonal differences (p < 0.001) in Ni, Cd, Fe and Cu concentrations. The mean concentrations of Zn (0.074 mg l?1), Fe (0.176 mg l?1), Cu (0.507 mg l?1) and Pb (0.004 mg l?1) were within the WHO acceptable limit. However, the recorded levels of toxic elements Cd (0.031 mg l?1) and Ni (0.905 mg l?1) pose potential health risk to water consumers.  相似文献   

Distribution of abundance, biomass, productivity and production of macrozoobenthos was investigated in four study areas in the Magellan region (South Patagonian Ice-Field, Strait of Magellan, Beagle Channel, Continental Shelf). Using a Reineck box corer and a multibox corer, a total of 277 quantitative benthos samples were taken at 78 stations in water depths between 8 and 1139 m during the Joint Chilean-German-Italian Magellan “Victor-Hensen Campaign” in 1994, the “Polarstern” expedition ANT XIII/4 in 1996 and the Chilean expeditions “Cimar Fiordo II + III” in 1996 and 1997, respectively, on board RV “Vidal Gormaz”. Mean abundance in the South Patagonian Ice-Field was significantly lower than in the Strait of Magellan and the Beagle Channel. Biomass and abundance decreased clearly with depth (20–300 m to 700–1500 m: 3.9 gC m−2 to 0.6 gC m−2; 2832 ind. m−2 to 569 ind. m−2). Average abundance, biomass and production of the whole Magellan region are lower (2318 ind. m−2, 3.2 gC m−2, 0.62 gC m−2 year−1) than in the high Antarctic Weddell Sea. In the Magellan region, macrozoobenthos composition of abundance is mainly dominated by polychaetes (56%), followed by arthropods (16%), echinoderms (10%) and molluscs (11%). Comparisons of our present results with those of high Antarctic areas make it clear that the Magellan region has a transitional character. Accepted: 21 December 1998  相似文献   

The structure of macrozoobenthos has been studied in the deep-water part of the Rybinsk Reservoir. A total of 73 species of bottom macroinvertebrates have been recorded, the majority of which are mollusks, oligochaetes, and chironomids. The macrozoobenthos on gray silts of channel parts of the reservoir was the richest in taxonomic composition and quantitative abundance. The maximum number of species has been recorded in the former mouth of the Mologa River, and the highest abundance of macrozoobenthos has been recorded near the village of Breitovo in June. Most of the macrozoobenthos is made up of oligochaetes and chironomid larvae; midge larvae dominate by biomass. Compared to the end of the 20th century, changes in the taxonomic composition and in dominating species of macrozoobenthos are observed.  相似文献   

Since its discovery in 1998, representatives of the extremely halophilic bacterium Salinibacter ruber have been found in many hypersaline environments across the world, including coastal and solar salterns and solar lakes. Here, we review the available information about the distribution, abundance and diversity of this member of the Bacteroidetes.  相似文献   

Many different species of fungi are often isolated from rotted cassava root tubers and pathogenicity studies have often implicated Botryodiplodia theobromae and Fusarium solani as the major causal pathogens. Consequently, more attention has often been focused on Botryodiplodia theobromae and Fusarium solani with little or no attention on the other minor pathogens. Considering the increasing importance of cassava to the Nigerian economy and the fact that minor root rot pathogens of cassava today could become major tomorrow, the aim of this research is to determine the incidence, pathogenicity and symptoms of the minor root rot pathogens in cassava from cassava fields within the derived savanna and the humid forest of Nigeria. Isolation of associated fungi was done on rotted root samples and the pathogenicity of these isolates were established by inoculating them into healthy cassava tuberous roots and subsequently reisolating them from resulting rotted tissue. The less frequently isolated fungi where Macrophomina sp., Trichoderma sp., Aspergillus niger, Aspergillus flavus, Sclerotium rolfsii and Fungus ‘A’ (a yet to be identified fungus). Repeated experiments confirmed a constant relationship between inoculated fungus and the resulting rotted tissue colour. The root rot tissue colours associated with inoculated pathogens in the laboratory were identical with the pathogens colony colour on potato dextrose agar.  相似文献   

A study of 25 paper mill slime deposits and one additive revealed nine pink-pigmented bacterial isolates, eight of which were different from pink-pigmented bacteria identified in the paper industry in the middle 1900s. The pink-pigmented bacteria described previously in pulp and paper included Micrococcus agilis, Bacillus subtilis, Serratia sp. and Alcaligenes viscosus. With the exception of one isolate, Micrococcus sp., these isolates possessed many cultural, biochemical and chemical properties which were different from the ones previously reported for paper mills. Eight of these bacteria were Gram-negative rods or filamentous, aerobic and positive for catalase production. Two isolates were methylotrophic, oxidizing methanol and identified as Methylobacterium zatmanii. Cellular fatty acid analysis and other characteristics showed one isolate to be Roseomonas sp. Using 16S rRNA gene sequencing, one isolate which was a Gram-negative rod was identified as Deionococcus grandis. Four bacteria had cells that were long or filamentous and these were isolated from mills with pink slime problems. The identity of one of the filamentous bacteria was determined by 16S rRNA gene sequencing to be close to Flectobacillus sp. strain MWH38. Most of the isolates were susceptible to 11 industrial biocides. Journal of Industrial Microbiology & Biotechnology (2000) 25, 74–80. Received 28 January 2000/ Accepted in revised form 09 June 2000  相似文献   

Poyang Lake plays a significant role in maintaining and replenishing the macrozoobenthos biodiversity in the middle Yangtze River. However, due to human activities and natural factors, the habitat of Poyang Lake has been seriously degraded, resulting in a decline in macrozoobenthos biodiversity. Here, we analyzed the effect of human activity and environmental elements change on the diversity of macrozoobenthos based on a systematic investigation of Poyang Lake Basin in 2016–2017. The current species richness, density, and biomass of macrozoobenthos were lower than those in the historical period. At the same time, the community structure of the macrozoobenthos assemblage exhibits significant temporal and spatial differences. In addition, the spatial turnover component was the main contribution to beta diversity, which indicated that a number of protected areas would be necessary to conserve the biodiversity of macrozoobenthos. Water depth, dissolved oxygen, water velocity, and chlorophyll‐a were significantly correlated with macrozoobenthos distributions and assemblage structure based on RDA. These results indicated that human activities have seriously destroyed the macrozoobenthos habitat and led to the decline in macrozoobenthos diversity. Therefore, habitat restoration and the conservation of macrozoobenthos have become urgent in Poyang Lake Basin, and an integrated management plan should be developed and effectively implemented.  相似文献   

椒江口滩涂大型底栖动物群落格局与多样性   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
为了解椒江口滩涂大型底栖动物群落格局与多样性, 揭示其对环境变化的响应规律, 作者于2007年10月、2008年1月、4月和7月在椒江口南岸和北岸潮间带, 沿河流到海洋方向共布设6条采样断面进行大型底栖动物调查。分析了大型底栖动物种类组成、栖息密度和生物量的时空变化特征, 在此基础上运用α, βγ多样性测度方法对大型底栖动物多样性进行分析, 同时探讨了大型底栖动物群落结构对环境变化的响应方向及程度, 结果显示: (1) 6条断面共记录到大型底栖动物78种, 总种数随季节变化显著, 在空间上沿河流到海洋方向呈升高趋势; (2) 栖息密度的季节变化不显著(P=0.145>0.05), 但空间变化显著(P=0.017<0.05), 生物量的季节变化显著(P=0.012<0.05), 空间变化极显著(P=0.004<0.01); (3) βγ多样性指数定量显示了椒江河口区域滩涂环境的多变性和大型底栖动物群落的多样性和更替性。  相似文献   

A survey was conducted on Jatropha plantations within Zaria to assess disease incidence and severity on two fields along Shika road and near the dam (Irrigation site) of the Institute for Agricultural Research (IAR) at Samaru and a plantation of the National Research Institute for Chemical Technology (NARICT) at Basawa. An assessment of incidence and severity of the disease was done on six accessions collected from four Local Government Areas (Giwa, B/Gwari, Soba, Lere) of Kaduna state and grown in one of the I.A.R fields along Bomo road at Samaru. The accessions were collected from Gangara, Maidaro, Farin Gida (Giwa LGA), Birnin Gwari (B/Gwari LGA), Kayarda (Lere LGA) and Soba (Soba LGA). The causal organism of dieback on Jaropha curcas L, was isolated and its pathogenicity determined. The isolated Fusarium sp. incited dieback/stem-rot disease when inoculated on healthy Jatropha seedlings. The disease incidence was significantly higher on NARICT plantation compared to the two IAR fields which were not significantly different from each other. The accessions from Gangara, Kayarda, Birnin Gwari and Soba did not significantly differ from each other but had significantly higher disease incidence than those from Maidaro and Farin Gida. Accession from Soba had significantly higher disease severity compared to the accessions from all the other LGAs, which did not differ statistically from each other.  相似文献   

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