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Summary The Upper Permian Zechstein 2 Carbonate (Stassfurt Carbonate, or Ca2) platform facies of Northwest Germany can be subdivided into twelve subfacies types using slabbed cores from fifteen representative wells. Thin section and scanning microscopic analysis further provide subfacies-specific characteristics, based on distribution, size, shape, and spatial arrangement of the grains contained in the different subfacies types. Thirteen grain types can be distinguished within the different subfacies types on the Ca2-platform: 1) one type of oncoid, 2) one type of grapestone, 3) three types of peloids, 4) four types of ooids and 5) four types of aggregate grains. Both presence and composition of grains are indicative of the different subfacies types. There is also a relation between grain composition and porosity of the Ca2-subfacies types. The size and quantity of ooids correlate positively with increasing porosity, whereas an increasing amount of algal structures (algal-lamination) correlates negatively with porosity. The Ca2-platform carbonates almost exclusively represent highstand systems tract and lowstand systems tract deposits. The presence or absence of type-3 aggregate grains within the grainy shoal and algal-laminated shoal subfacies allows the assignment of these subfacies to highstand (grains absent) or lowstand (grains present) systems tracts deposits. The Ca2-highstand deposits can be subdivided into four shallowing-upward parasequences (PS3 to PS7) bounded by parasequence boundaries (PSB3 to PSB6) and Zechstein sequence boundary ZSB4. In contrast to macroscopic core studies, microscopic studies to identify Ca2-subfacies types can utilize cutting material. This allows reconstruction of the subfacies distribution on the Ca2-platform, and delineation of potentially porous zones in uncored Ca2 intervals.  相似文献   

The section at Shangsi in Sichuan contains one of the most detailed and best records of events during the Permian/Triassic (P/T) mass extinction. Continuous deep water deposition is only punctuated by a minor shallowing in the late Changxingian. The micritic mudstones and wackestones of the Changxingian Dalong Formation contain abundant ammonoids and radiolaria and diverse and common benthic taxa (mostly bivalves and brachiopods) in a thoroughly bioturbated sediment. The presence of a well developed tiered burrow profile is just one line of evidence for a fully oxygenated water column in the late Permian. The faunal crisis occurs in the top few decimetres of the Dalong Formation and severely affected all groups (benthos, nekton and plankton). The extinction coincides precisely with the development of anaerobic and dysaerobic facies. The basal Triassic sediments of the Feixanguan Formation are thinnly‐bedded or laminated silicic marls and contain pyrite and several levels of elevated organic carbon concentrations. The fauna is restricted to rare ammonoids and a few bedding planes covered in Claraia. The presence of abundant coccoid cyanobacteria in these sediments may indicate an unusually simple trophic web in the early Triassic seas as these picoautotrophs are normally grazed by zooplankton, they are rarely directly incorporated into seafloor sediment. The recent discovery of black shales in P/T pelagic sediments of Japan indicates that the anoxic event also affected deep ocean waters and further strengthens the link between extinction and anoxia.  相似文献   

Reconstructing the terrestrial palaeoenvironment during the end-Permian is made challenging by widespread erosion and ecosystem destruction. High-resolution sampling for palynofacies and palynology in sections that preserve the boundary interval allows for detailed examination of the drastic environmental changes that characterize the Permian–Triassic mass extinction. In the Bowen and Galilee basins in eastern Australia, this environmental perturbation is recorded within a Marker Mudstone that occurs above the uppermost Permian coal seams. The Marker Mudstone is used as a stratigraphic reference level at many localities, but has previously only been studied at a single locality in the Bowen Basin. In the present study, borehole Tambo 1-1A drilled in the Galilee Basin was selected to clarify whether this black, organic-rich mudstone marks a marine transgression, and to examine potential indicators of the end-Permian mass extinction. A total of 22 samples were taken from the mudstone unit, and from the over- and underlying strata and processed for palynology, palynofacies, and carbon isotope analysis.Biostratigraphic data indicate that the Marker Mudstone itself covers the uppermost part of unit APP5, with the first index taxa of unit APP6 floras occurring in samples less than 80 cm above this interval. This can be correlated with several other localities in the Bowen and Sydney basins where this shift occurs just above the uppermost Permian coal seam. Palynofacies data agree with previous interpretations of a southwards prograding delta that subsides as base level rises to form an extensive waterbody in which the Marker Mudstone was deposited. A change from translucent phytoclast-dominated to opaque phytoclast-dominated palynofacies within the Marker Mudstone suggests a shift to more oxic conditions in the water column, while base level begins to fluctuate, or increased terrestrial input from fluvial systems as the hinterland rises. Algal bodies resembling Botryococcus are found in the strata above the Marker Mudstone, but differ in morphology from the algal bodies found in the deltaic facies below. The presence of acanthomorph acritarchs in the Marker Mudstone and in the overlying Rewan Formation may indicate marine influence. Forms resembling fungal spores are present, but they do not show a “spike” as seen in other P–T boundary localities.The relative position of unit APP6 to the P–T boundary itself remains unclear. APP6 assemblages are dominated by simple acavate trilete and cavate trilete spores, which suggests stressed environment dominated by ferns and lycopods. The presence of degraded phytoclasts towards the top of the Marker Mudstone may also be used to suggest a mass-extinction interval. They may also be indicative of shifting local palaeoenvironmental changes, an interpretation that is supported by the low magnitude negative excursion of the δ13C isotope values within the Marker Mudstone. More datasets from the Bowen and Galilee basins will be essential to decoupling these signals.  相似文献   

Lacertoid footprints are the largest component of the Upper Permian Arenaria di Val Gardena Formation ichnofauna that contains hundreds of specimens mostly referred to the ichnogenus Rhynchosauroides Maidwell 1911. In this paper, we analyzed unpublished material and re-examined the Rhynchosauroides footprints of that ichnofauna, in particular the figured specimens. Analysis of Rhynchosauroides and its type ichnospecies R. rectipes Maidwell 1911 was first necessary. This preliminary investigation highlighted several problems, including ichnospecies named on the basis of poorly preserved material and in some cases significantly different from the type ichnospecies.

The study allowed for recognition of three ichnotaxa referred to Rhynchosauroides: Rhynchosauroides pallinii Conti et al., 1977, Rhynchosauroides isp.1 and Rhynchosauroides isp.2 and Ganasauripus ladinus igen. et isp. nov. Other material previously referred to Rhynchosauroides is herein regarded as unclassifiable, in the light of present ichnological knowledge and procedures.  相似文献   

Summary Diverse and abundant trace fossils of the deep-waterNereites ichnofacies have been found in well-dated Early Permian deep-water turbidites (Lercara Formation) of western Sicily (Italy). Conodonts indicate a latest Artinskian to Cathedralian (late Early Permian) age. Microfossils (pelagic conodonts, albaillellid Radiolaria, paleopsychrospheric ostracods, foraminiferal associations dominated byBathysiphon), trace fossils (deep-bathyal to abyssalNereites ichnofacies) and sedimentologic data collectively indicate a deep-water environment for the Early Permian turbidites of the Lercara Formation. The dominance ofAgrichnium and of thePaleodictyon subichnogeneraSquamodictyon andMegadictyon suggests that this icnofauna is closely related in ichnotaxonomic composition to other late Paleozoic deep-water ichnofaunas. The occurrence ofAcanthorhaphe. Dendrotichnium andHelicoraphe, to date only reported from Cretaceous or Tertiary flysch deposits, suggests that the entire ichnofauna corresponds well to previously documented Silurian-Tertiary flysch ichnofaunas. Eight new ichnospecies and a new ichnosubgenus,Megadictyon, are described.  相似文献   

Patranomodon nyaphulii , known from a nearly complete skull, lower jaw and partial postcranial skeleton, is morphologically the most primitive anomodont therapsid yet discovered. It is from the Eodicynodon Assemblage Zone, the lowest biozone of the Beaufort Group of South Africa, which has a primitive therapsid fauna comparable with that of the Russian Zone I. Patranaomodon is primitive with respect to other anomodonts in having short palatal exposure of the premaxilla, an unreduced tabular, a slit-like interpterygoidal vacuity, a screw-shaped jaw articulation (which precludes fore-aft sliding of the lower jaw), and only three sacral vertebrae. The poorly-known Galechirus and Galepus from the younger Cistecephalus Assemblage Zone appear to be at a comparably primitive evolutionary grade, and the three genera are tentatively united in the family Galechiridae. The taxon Dromasauria is shown to be paraphyletic and therefore should be discarded.  相似文献   

A new dicynodont genus and species, Idelesaurus tataricus sp. nov. (Cryptodontidae), from the Semin Ovrag locality (Tatarstan, Tetyushinskii District; Upper Permian, Upper Tatarian Substage, Severodvinian Horizon) is described. The skull patterns of the East European and South African Cryptodontidae and Aulocephalodontidae are compared from the morphofunctional point of view.  相似文献   

Trace element contents and stable isotopic composition of Middle Campanian marl-limestone rhythmites and belemnite rostra of Belemnitella mucronata were investigated. High strontium and low iron as well as manganese and magnesium contents of belemnite calcite and bulk rock samples suggest no diagenetic overprint. However, the orange-coloured cathodoluminescence of coccolith-rich sediments indicates diagenetic cementation and/or recrystallization. The non-luminescent belemnite rostra reveal an extraordinary preservation of the microstructures that is interpreted to have been favoured by a silification of the outer rim of the belemnite rostra. Carbon isotope ratios of the coccolith limestones and belemnite rostra are comparable, with higher δ13C variations observed for belemnite calcite. The 1.5-2‰ depletion in δ18O of the marl-limestone rhythmites relative to belemnite calcite is explained by diagenetic alteration of the sediments. Palaeotemperatures, calculated from the δ18O values of the well-preserved belemnite rostra, are around 12.5 ± 2 °C and suggest rather low sea-surface temperatures for the Middle Campanian epicontinental sea of north Germany assuming a water depth of less than 100 m.  相似文献   

Carbonate concretions with structures and fossil groups associated with microbialite developed in a dolostone crust at the Permian–Triassic boundary of the Xishan section in Jiangsu Province, South China. These structures include clotted fabrics and laminated carbonate needles, as well as abundant carbonate crystal fans. Fossil groups associated with microbialite include microconchids, small gastropods, and small foraminifers. These fabrics and fossils suggest that the concretions are carbonate microbialite blocks developed in the dolostone crust. On the basis of the analysis of the microfabrics and the fossil groups together with a comparison to modern analogues, we attribute the formation of the micritic patches in the microbialite concretions to the calcification of cyanobacterial mats via carbonate nanoparticles and we attribute the carbonate crystal fans to the direct recrystallization of micritic carbonates. The sparitic patches were interpreted as either the direct recrystallization of micritic carbonates or the precipitation of carbonate spars in the inter-/intra-spaces of metazoan shells together with the recrystallization of these shells. The similarities to modern stromatolites, both in morphology and in internal texture, suggest that the laminated carbonate needles are stromatolite laminae built by filamentous cyanobacteria. The preservation of these microbialite microfabrics indicates that early lithification by carbonate precipitation was widespread and intense following the end-Permian boundary events. The weak development of microbialites as small concretions may be attributed to the deeper water depth and the lower water energy in the Xishan area during the earliest Triassic.  相似文献   

The Urzhumian (Wordian) and Severodvinian (Capitanian) reference section of the Monastery Ravine (Kazan Volga region, Russia), contains two siltstone lithofacies: (a) laminated and (b) massive. Depositional settings of the laminated siltstones can be interpreted as perennial to ephemeral lakes; depositional settings of the massive siltstones are interpreted as floodplains with soil cover and periodical silt influx in wet seasons. The bulk geochemistry of siliciclastics has revealed a high degree of weathering of both types of siltstone. The similar chemical composition, mineralogy, and grain size suggest the same provenance of silt material. Geochemical data indicate eastern source rocks, which are the Permian red beds of the Cis-Ural plains.The main genetic types of paleosols hosted in the massive siltstones in the studied section, include moderately developed Vertisols and Calcisols with drab-colored root traces, calcareous nodules, low chroma mottles, angular blocky peds and slickensides. These pedofeatures indicate in general a semi-arid climate with clear seasonality of rainfall. Major oxides of the paleosol matrix were used to estimate paleoprecipitation through the bases to alumina (ΣBases/Al) ratio and chemical index of alteration minus potassium (CIA-K) proxies. Estimates from Urzhumian paleosols indicate relatively low mean annual precipitation (MAP) of 390 mm/yr. The transition to the Severodvinian paleosols is marked by a noticeable MAP increase up to 777 mm/yr. This climate moistening coincides with changes in the morphology of paleosols from dolomitic with low redoximorphy to calcitic with gley horizons. The pedogenic carbonate nodules consisting of dolomicrite (5–10 μm) are very common in the Urzhumian paleosols and their morphology, micromorhology and isotopic features indicate the pedogenic origin of dolomite.Sedimentological and paleopedological features of the studied siltstones, as well as the location of the Volga-Ural basin in a mid-latitude position (25–32 °N) indicate a monsoonal character of precipitation during the Middle Permian.  相似文献   

New material attributed to the species Iasvia reticulata ZALESSKY, 1934 and to a new species in this genus is described from the Salagou Formation (Saxonian Group, Lodève basin). Preamble to the taxonomic section, the wing venation pattern of Orthoptera is discussed. The numerous described specimens yield decisive information about variability of wing venation within the genus, previously based on a single specimen from the Russian Permian. I. reticulata is the first species from the Lodève basin that is already known from another site. The biostratigraphic implications are discussed.  相似文献   

Organic carbon isotope and geochemical changes across a continental interior Permo-Triassic boundary section from the Raniganj Basin, India, indicate a ∼9‰ drop in organic carbon δ13C in the Early Triassic and synchroneity of this event throughout the Pangea. The study demands a common causative mechanism for the perturbation of the global carbon reservoir and not a combination of multiple causes. A global sea-level fall and oxidation of marine gas hydrates possibly increased the 12CO2 input in the ocean-atmosphere system which caused a climatic shift from humid to warm semi-arid type and consequent extinction of land plants. Simultaneous increase in erosion from near-barren lands, change in the erosional base level and provenance deposited the boundary sandstone with positive europium anomaly and debris flow type matrix rich conglomerate. No extraterrestrial source, therefore, is needed to explain this Eu anomaly. The response of the terrestrial plant community to this perturbation of the carbon reservoir was, however, sluggish and the δ13C drop took place slowly, being maximal in the Early Triassic only.  相似文献   

Gerd Rantitsch 《Facies》2007,53(1):129-140
The Gartnerkofel-1 core provides a high-quality multi-element dataset that characterizes an Upper Permian to Lower Triassic shallow-marine carbonate sequence (Bellerophon and Werfen Formations) of the Carnic Alps (Southern Alps). Based on the well-known sedimentological evolution, robust sequential Factor Analysis is explored as a multivariate statistical technique to understand geochemical processes in carbonate platforms. The results demonstrate that 93% of the whole-rock compositional variability of the Gartnerkofel-1 core can be explained by the detrital input that is diluted by the carbonate production and the early diagenetic redox state. Two stages of anoxia, one at the Permian/Triassic boundary and one in the Mazzin Member of the Werfen Formation, are related to indicative factor scores. The factor scores within this interval suggest an enhanced dolomitization of shales and marls, a mobilization of manganese, and an accumulation of syndiagenetically precipitated pyrite.  相似文献   

The Sava River and its tributaries in Slovenia represent waters strongly influenced by chemical weathering of limestone and dolomite. The carbon isotopic compositions of dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) and suspended organic carbon (POC) fractions as well as major solute concentrations yielded insights into the origin and fluxes of carbon in the upper Sava River system. The major solute composition was dominated by carbonic acid dissolution of calcite and dolomite. Waters were generally supersaturated with respect to calcite, and dissolved CO2 was about fivefold supersaturated relative to the atmosphere. The δ13C of DIC ranged from −13.5 to −3.3‰. Mass balances for riverine inorganic carbon suggest that carbonate dissolution contributes up to 26%, degradation of organic matter ∼17% and exchange with atmospheric CO2 up to 5%. The concentration and stable isotope diffusion models indicated that atmospheric exchange of CO2 predominates in streams draining impermeable shales and clays while in the carbonate-dominated watersheds dissolution of the Mesozoic carbonates predominates.  相似文献   

Here we discuss the duration and position of Upper Rotliegend and Zechstein stratigraphic units in relation to the absolute time scale, and reinterpret a carbon isotope (δ13C) global event recorded from Late Permian (Lopingian/Guadalupian) marine deposits. Based on δ13C isotope correlation (chemostratigraphy) and of climatic evidence related to the end-Guadalupian global marine and terrestrial crisis, the Guadalupian/Lopingian boundary is proposed as the boundary between both the European Upper Rotliegend (URII)/Zechstein sediments and the parallel south-west USA Ochoan/Bell Canyon Formation units. The Zechstein deposition was strongly influenced by climatic oscillations, and the marine ingressions recorded in the North German Basin and North American Delaware Basin are presumed to have resulted from the same eustatic sea-level changes in western and northern coasts of the Northern Pangaea Supercontinent. Existing constraints on the age of the Upper Rotliegend II (UR II) deposits are imposed by the uncertainty of the chronostratigraphic boundary of the Kupferschiefer and by a time marker that is Illawarra, the boundary of the reversed polarity megachron (Kiaman) and mixed polarity megachron. Three options (A, B, C) have been discussed, which are connected with a time span comprising deposition of the UR II rocks, assuming that the time span needed for the Dethlingen/Lower Noteć formations and Hannover/Upper Noteć formations is about 6 myr. The time left for the deposition of the Parchim/Lower Drawa, Mirow/Upper Drawa deposits and the time hidden in the erosional gaps and hiatuses range from 1.6 myr to 4 myr or even 8 myr. These were based on the time interval related to the Kiaman Reversed Polarity megachron, which can contain more transient normal polarity zones than currently accepted. The presence and absolute dating of all such magnetozones is difficult to determine because they are represented in continental strata characterized by numerous, poorly time-constrained erosional gaps. The proposed option C is provisionally integrated with magnetostratigraphic results and shows an alternative stratigraphical scheme for the Upper Rotliegend. This alternate Upper Rotliegend stratigraphy helps correlate rocks (deposited in dry arid climatic conditions) in the lower part of the Upper Rotliegend II of the Southern Permian Basin (Havel and Drawa subgroups) with similar rocks in the Delaware Basin (attributed to formations within the Leonardian Regional Series).  相似文献   

The 18O/16O and 13C/12C ratios in the otolith carbonate of pink snapper Pagrus auratus and tailor (bluefish) Pomatomus saltatrix, from several locations along the Western Australian coast, indicated that pink snapper stocks are location specific but that tailor stocks are less so. The hypersaline Shark Bay, on the coast of Western Australia, generated strongly characteristic isotopic signatures which serve as natural tags. Otolith carbonate from pink snapper from normal oceanic waters just north of Shark Bay showed no evidence that the fish had been in hypersaline water. Similarly, pink snapper from the hypersaline bay showed no evidence of having spent time at normal oceanic salinity. By contrast, some tailor from oceanic waters showed evidence of having spent considerable time in the bay, and some fish from the bay had oceanic signatures. This suggested that tailor were more migratory than snapper. The similarity in the distribution of the isotopic signatures (from oceanic to hypersaline) in otolith carbonate from tailor from oceanic waters north of Shark Bay (Koks Island), and from those within Shark Bay, indicated a single stock in this region (in contrast to pink snapper). Moreover, tailor from coastal south-western Australia and from the Shark Bay area could be considered seperately for some management purposes. For pink snapper stocks from oceanic waters, oxygen isotope signatures were clearly related to water temperature although the temperature relationship was obscured for fish within Shark Bay because of the strength of the signal generated by the hypersaline water. For tailor the temperature relationship was not obvious, probably because migrations of tailor smeared the temperature effect, and the hypersaline Shark Bay waters dominated, and, possibly, at the southern extemity of the range, the freshwater in some estuaries influenced the isotopic signatures of the otolith carbonate. Strontium/calcium ratios in pink snapper otoliths also indicated a separation of stocks, but for tailor overlap of signatures again suggested migratory behaviour.  相似文献   

The holotype of the Upper Permian gliding reptile Weigeltisaurus jaekeli is redescribed. Comparison with the Madagascan reptile Coelurosauravus shows that the two forms are congeneric. Coelurosauravus Piveteau, 1926 has priority. The Upper Permian genus Gracilisaurus Weigelt, 1930 is reviewed and referred to Coelurosauravus.  相似文献   

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