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In many group‐living animals, within‐group associations are determined by familiarity, i.e. familiar individuals, independent of genetic relatedness, preferentially associate with each other. The ultimate causes of this behaviour are poorly understood and rigorous documentation of its adaptive significance is scarce. Limited attention theory states that focusing on a given task has interrelated cognitive, behavioural and physiological costs with respect to the attention paid to other tasks. In multiple signal environments attention has thus to be shared among signals. Assuming that familiar neighbours require less attention than unfamiliar ones, associating with familiar individuals should increase the efficiency in other tasks and ultimately increase fitness. We tested this prediction in adult females of the group‐living, plant‐inhabiting predatory mite Phytoseiulus persimilis. We evaluated the influence of social familiarity on within‐group association behaviour, activity, predation and reproduction. In mixed groups (familiar and unfamiliar), familiar predator females preferentially associated with each other. In pure groups (either familiar or unfamiliar), familiar predator females produced more eggs than unfamiliar females at similar predation rates. Higher egg production was correlated with lower activity levels, indicating decreased restlessness. In light of limited attention theory, we argue that the ability to discriminate between familiar and unfamiliar individuals and preferential association with familiar individuals confers a selective advantage because familiar social environments are cognitively and physiologically less taxing than unfamiliar social environments.  相似文献   

Shoaling with familiar individuals may have many benefits including enhanced escape responses or increased foraging efficiency. This study describes the results of two complimentary experiments. The first utilised a simple binary choice experiment to determine if rainbowfish (Melanotaenia spp.) preferred to shoal with familiar individuals or with strangers. The second experiment used a "free range" situation where familiar and unfamiliar individuals were free to intermingle and were then exposed to a predator threat. Like many other small species of fish, rainbowfish were capable of identifying and distinguishing between individuals and choose to preferentially associate with familiar individuals as opposed to strangers. Contrary to expectations, however, rainbowfish did not significantly increase their preference for familiar individuals in the presence of a stationary predator model. Griffiths [J Fish Biol (1997) 51:489–495] conducted similar studies under semi-natural conditions examining the shoaling preferences of European minnows and showed similar results. Both the current study and that of Griffiths were conducted using predator wary populations of fish. It is suggested that, in predator sympatric populations, the benefits of shoaling with familiar individuals are such that it always pays to stay close to familiar individuals even when the probability of predator attack is remote. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

Preferential association with familiar shoal mates confers a number of potentially important benefits to individuals, including improved anti-predator effects and the reduction of aggression in competitive interactions. Until now, however, familiarity has been demonstrated purely between conspecifics. Here, we present evidence that familiarity preferences can override natural preferences for conspecifics. Individual focal fishes (chub, Leuciscus cephalus) were given a choice of two stimulus shoals of the same size composed of conspecifics or of heterospecifics (minnows, Phoxinus phoxinus) in a flow tank. A series of four treatments was carried out to investigate the effects of familiarity, induced by a 15 day association between the focal fish and the stimulus fishes, on the choices made by the focal fish. Focal fishes showed a significant preference for conspecifics over heterospecifics when both stimulus shoals were composed of non-familiar individuals. Focal fishes also showed a significant preference for stimulus shoals composed of familiar fishes over stimulus shoals composed of non-familiar fishes when both shoals were conspecific and when both shoals were heterospecific. Finally, the preference of focal fishes for conspecifics disappeared when the alternative, a shoal of heterospecifics, was composed of familiar individuals. The importance of this work is discussed in the context of species interactions in free-ranging shoals.  相似文献   

The ability to discriminate between familiar and unfamiliar conspecifics is important in territorial animals as it allows animals to distinguish neighbours from non-neighbours. This prevents wasting time and energy in unnecessary aggressive interactions. I investigated the ability of adult males of a territorial lizard, the tawny dragon (Ctenophorus decresii), to distinguish familiar from unfamiliar rivals in a laboratory setting. Males significantly reduced their aggression levels in repeat interactions with familiar rivals and increased their aggression levels towards unfamiliar males. The time taken for interactions to be settled was also significantly lower towards familiar than unfamiliar males. The results of this study suggest that adult male tawny dragons can discriminate familiar from unfamiliar conspecifics. Furthermore, animals were presented with three new rivals in succession and showed a robust ability to discriminate between familiar and unfamiliar males.  相似文献   

The deleterious effect of competition for space and food in animals increases with increasing population density. In contrast, familiarity towards conspecifics can relax the intensity of interference competition. Here, we hypothesized that familiarity towards conspecifics mitigates the effect of density‐dependent growth and dispersal behaviour in territorial animals. To test this, wild‐captured juvenile brown trout were subjected to two consecutive laboratory experiments. First, growth and fin erosion were measured for 40 d in a 2 × 2 factorial design manipulating density and familiarity. The density was manipulated via size of experimental tanks, while per capita food abundance and fish number was constant. All fish were subsequently exposed to an emergence test, giving them the option to leave their group and disperse to a novel unoccupied environment. The results show that familiarity increases growth and decreases the level of fin erosion (i.e. proxy of intensity of aggressive interactions). We found no significant effect of population density on growth rate. However, there was a tendency towards higher fin erosion in fish kept under high density. The growth of individuals was also affected by their size rank within the group, with the largest individuals in each group growing disproportionally faster than the rest of the group, probably due to their high social rank. However, the second and third fish in the size rank did not grow significantly faster and tended to suffer higher mortality than the rest of the group. During the emergence test, the largest individuals in the familiar groups left the shelter either as the first (six of 12 groups) or last (five of 12 groups) individual in the group, while no such pattern was observed in unfamiliar groups. Our results suggest that individuals in familiar groups receive less aggression and stress (i.e. fin damage) and grow faster than fish in unfamiliar groups. The mechanisms indicated in this laboratory study may be especially important in highly fecund organisms like fish which undergo density‐dependent bottlenecks during early life.  相似文献   

Association preferences and aggression intensity were investigated in relation to kin and familiarity in the self-fertilizing, clonal vertebrate, the mangrove killifish Kryptolebias marmoratus. Results indicated that fish preferentially associated with and exhibited less intense aggression towards members of their own genotype (kin), compared to members of a different genotype (non-kin). Furthermore, when fish were presented with stimulus groups of the same genotype that were familiar or unfamiliar, fish preferentially associated with and exhibited lower aggression intensity directed towards familiar groups. These results indicate that this species prefer to associate with both kin and familiar individuals and modulate aggression accordingly. These results are discussed with reference to the adaptive benefits of kin recognition and preferences for familiars, and place results within the context of current knowledge of the ecology of K. marmoratus.  相似文献   

Familiarity is conveyed by social cues and determines behaviors toward conspecifics. Here, we characterize a novel assay for social behaviors in mice—contacts with anesthetized conspecific—which eliminates reciprocal interactions, including intermale aggression and shows behaviors that are independent of the demonstrator's activity. During the initial 10 minutes (phase‐1), the wild‐type (WT) subjects contacted the anesthetized conspecifics vigorously regardless of familiarity. During the subsequent 80 minutes (phase‐2), however, they contacted more with familiar than unfamiliar conspecifics. We then applied this test to highly aggressive mice with a hippocampal CA3‐restricted knockout (KO) of brain‐derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), in which aggression may mask other social behaviors. The KO mice showed less preference for contacting familiar conspecifics than did WT mice during phase‐2 but no differences during phase‐1. Among nonsocial behaviors, WT mice also spent less time eating in the presence of familiar than with unfamiliar conspecifics, which was not seen in KO mice. In addition, KO mice exhibited reduced pain sensitization. Altogether, these findings suggest that CA3‐specific deletion of BDNF results in deficits in circuits that process social cues from familiar conspecifics as well as pain and may underlie empathy‐like behaviors.  相似文献   

Chemosensory recognition of familiar conspecifics has been reported in studies with members of several lizard families and may be advantageous to distinguish between intruders and neighbors or group members. However, few species have been studied and information on the ability to discriminate between familiar and unfamiliar conspecifics by chemosensory means is lacking for most lizard families. In this paper we ask whether juveniles of the Iberian wall lizard Podarcis hispanica (Lacertidae), can discriminate between chemical signals from familiar conspecifics with whom they have shared a terrarium for several months and those from unfamiliar conspecifics housed in a different terrarium. Experimental trials were conducted by transferring juveniles to a test terrarium with a filter paper substrate. We tested the responses of lizards to paper substrates labeled by familiar cage-mates, unfamiliar conspecifics, or unlabeled. Tongue-flicks and other behaviors in response to pheromonal stimuli were recorded for 10 min Juveniles directed more chemosensory behavior towards paper substrates bearing chemicals from familiar conspecifics than towards similar paper substrates labeled by unfamiliar conspecifics. These results indicate that juveniles in this lizard species can recognize familiar conspecifics and discriminate between familiar and unfamiliar individuals using only chemical stimuli. We discuss the role of habituation in familiar conspecific recognition and review possible explanations of the functional significance of this type of discrimination in lizards.  相似文献   

For territorial organisms, recognition of familiar individuals can reduce the frequency and intensity of aggressive encounters (‘dear enemy’ phenomenon), stabilize social systems, and reduce the cost of territory maintenance. Here, we investigated the behavioural events displayed during contests between familiar and unfamiliar individuals in the lizard Liolaemus tenuis (Liolaemidae), a species in which males are territorial. The behaviours recorded were attack, warning, evasion, and submission, and the latencies to the first aggressive (attack or warning) behaviour. Additionally, we assessed the ability of individuals to remember a familiar conspecific after a period without social interaction. Individual males reduced and delayed aggressive behaviour directed towards socially familiar individuals compared with unfamiliar ones. These results suggest that males distinguished between familiar and unfamiliar conspecific males and are in agreement with the ‘dear enemy’ phenomenon. Other behaviours were similar in the contests between familiar and unfamiliar individuals. Recognition of familiar conspecifics was lost after 20 d without social interactions. This may be relevant for interactions with floater males or with neighbours that lose their territory and subsequently attempt to fight for their ex‐neighbour's territory.  相似文献   

Activity is a key behavioral trait that often mediates a trade-off between finding food for growth and evading predation. We investigated how activity of the damselfly Lestes congener is affected by larval state and predator presence and if larval behavioral type (BT) can be used to predict larval emergence behavior. Activity level of individual larvae was studied without predators at two different physiological states (hungry, fed) and in two predator treatments (familiar or unfamiliar predator cues). Larvae did not adjust their activity depending on state or when subjected to unfamiliar predator cues but a general reduction in activity was seen in the familiar predator treatment. Hence, active individuals remained active compared to their conspecifics, independent of state or predator treatment illustrating the presence of a behavioral syndrome. However, we found no correlation between larval BT and emergence behavior. Active individuals did not differ from less active individuals in any emergence characteristics. The results illustrate that the larval BT occurs in many situations keeping active larvae active even in maladaptive situations. Furthermore, we show that damselfly emergence behavior can be completely decoupled from larval BT, indicating a loss of stability in individual BT during critical stages in ontogeny.  相似文献   

Activity is an important behavioral trait that mediates a trade-offbetween obtaining food for growth and avoiding predation. Activeindividuals usually experience a higher encounter rate withfood items and suffer higher predation pressure than less activeindividuals. I investigated how activity of the damselfly Lestescongener is affected by larval state and predator presence andif larval behavioral type (BT) can be used to predict larvalboldness, foraging success, and adult BT. Activity level ofindividual larvae was studied without predator at 2 differentphysiological states (hungry and fed) and in 2 predator treatments:familiar predator cues and unfamiliar predator cues. Larvaedid not adjust their activity depending on state or when subjectedto unfamiliar predator cues, but a general reduction in activitywas seen in the familiar predator treatment. Hence, active individualsremained active compared with their conspecifics, independentof state or predator treatment. Active individuals were alsobolder and more efficient foragers than their less active conspecifics.Furthermore, both adult activity and boldness were correlatedwith larval BT. The results illustrate that BT of a larvae iscarried over many different situations keeping active larvaeactive even in maladaptive situations, demonstrating how a behavioralsyndrome may constrain behavioral plasticity. Furthermore, resultsshowed that behavioral syndromes can carry over from larvaethrough metamorphosis and dictate the BT of the adult.  相似文献   

Abstract Past research has shown that angelfish, Pterophyllum scalare , are capable of discriminating between shoals composed of familiar dominant and subordinate companions, whereas they show no preference for shoals of unfamiliar conspecifics. In this study, the relative importance of familiarity and social status (shoal factors) on the shoaling decision of juvenile angelfish, which also differed in social status (individual factor), was investigated as very little is known about such tradeoffs in fishes. Dominant and subordinate individuals were given the choice to shoal with a group of conspecifics composed of familiar dominants vs. unfamiliar dominants and composed of familiar subordinates vs. unfamiliar subordinates. The findings demonstrate that fish with different social status differed in their shoaling preference. Subordinate test fish showed a preferential association with familiar subordinates over unfamiliar subordinates, but preferred the unfamiliar shoal over the familiar one when both shoals were constituted by dominant individuals. The shoaling behaviour shown by dominant test fish, on the other hand, indicated no significant preference for any of the shoals regardless of their composition. A replicate preference test carried out 2 h 30 min after the first one indicated that the association pattern was relatively consistent. Results suggest that angelfish are able to differentiate between the stimulus shoals and demonstrate that the pervasive influence of familiarity on the shoaling decision may be restrained or overridden by the composition of the familiar shoals and the social status of the test fish.  相似文献   

Sex-Specific Aggression and Antipredator Behaviour in Young Brown Trout   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Sex differences in adult behaviour are often interpreted as consequences of sexual selection and/or different reproductive roles in males and females. Sex-specific juvenile behaviour, however, has received less attention. Adult brown trout males are more aggressive than females during spawning and juvenile aggression may be genetically correlated with adult aggression in fish. We therefore tested the prediction that immature brown trout males are more aggressive and bolder than immature females. Because previous work has suggested that precocious maturation increases dominance in salmonids, we included precocious males in the study to test the prediction that early sexual maturation increase male aggression and boldness. Aggression and dominance relations were estimated in dyadic contests, whereas boldness was measured as a response to simulated predation risk using a model heron. Independent of maturity state, males initiated more than twice as many agonistic interactions as females in intersexual contests. However, males were not significantly more likely to win these contests than females. The response to a first predator attack did not differ between sex categories, but males reacted less to a second predator attack than females. Sexual maturity did not affect the antipredator response in males. Since there is no evidence from field studies that stream-living immature male and female salmonids differ in growth rate, it appears unlikely that the sex differences demonstrated are behavioural consequences of sex-specific investment in growth. It seems more likely that sex-specific behaviour arises as a correlated response to sexually selected gene actions promoting differential behaviour in adult males and females during reproduction. Alternatively, sex differences may develop gradually during juvenile life, because a gradual developmental program should be less costly than a sudden behavioural change at the onset of sexual maturity.  相似文献   

The ‘dear enemy phenomenon’ predicts that territorial animals respond less aggressively towards more familiar neighbours than towards unfamiliar conspecifics if potential losses to strangers are more costly than potential losses to neighbours. Conversely, territorial animals should respond more aggressively to neighbours, if potential losses to them are more costly than potential losses to strangers. In social insects the question of how colony members distinguish neighbours from strangers, however, is intertwined with the more general question of how colony members discriminate themselves from non‐colony members; both genetic and spatial distance can correlate with levels of inter‐colonial aggression. In this paper I disentangle the role of experience, genetic and spatial distance on inter‐colonial aggression in a polydomous population of Iridomyrmex purpureus. In I. purpureus, aggression is related to the spatial distance between colonies irrespective of genetic similarity. Spatial distance affected aggression in two different ways. First, workers were more likely to exhibit aggression towards alien conspecifics of adjoining rather than non‐adjoining territories, suggesting the opposite of the dear enemy phenomenon. Second, workers were more often aggressive towards conspecifics of more distant colonies, implying that environmental cues play a role in the recognition system of I. purpureus.  相似文献   

Rahman et al. (Rahman, N., Dunham, D.W. and Govind, C.K. (2001). Mate recognition and pairing in the big-clawed snapping shrimp, Alpheus herterochelis. Mar. Fresh. Behav. Physiol., 34, 213-226.) demonstrated discrimination by snapping shrimp between former mates and unfamiliar conspecifics, but did not test individual discrimination. In the present study, snapping shrimp showed discrimination between familiar and unfamiliar same-sex conspecifics by preferentially entering that arm of a Y-maze leading to familiar individuals. Furthermore, after being exposed to water from the home tanks of unknown individuals, they later showed an elevated response to this water, if the direction from which the water came into their tank was changed to be novel. This indicates that test subjects associated a familiar chemical stimulus with its location in the environment. This discrimination could only have been made if that chemical signature were recognised as different from that of another chemically familiar individual. This result also demonstrates that the water surrounding an individual contains sufficient (chemical) information to allow discrimination of one individual from another.  相似文献   

In this study, the hypothesis that individual recognition is used as a cue to reduce the cost of contesting resources in rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss, was addressed. The predictions were that the second contest between familiar individuals should be settled with less aggression, and lower probability of status reversal, than a contest between strangers. To test these predictions, similar-sized juvenile rainbow trout were subjected to two dyadic dominance contests in one of four treatment groups: in half of the pairs, the initially subordinate and dominant individuals were staged against an unfamiliar opponent (of opposite rank to their own) in a second contest, while in the other the initial pair was reunited for the second contest. Further, in half of the pairs, contestants were separated for 3 d between contests, while in the other the second contest was staged immediately after the first. Levels of aggression in contests between familiar individuals were lower than in contests between strangers, which supports the hypothesis that individual recognition reduces aggression. Dominance status was reversed in 31% of the 62 tested pairs. Although the probability of status reversal was not significantly affected by individual recognition, the degree of change in competitive success appeared to be lower in familiar pairs. Separation interacted with familiarity so that the effect of individual recognition generally was less pronounced when pairs were separated between contests, suggesting that the ability to remember opponents is time/limited. In natural streams, salmonids may use individual recognition to reduce the cost of contesting resources within groups, to reduce aggression between territory neighbours and to distinguish ‘cheaters’ from honest signallers.  相似文献   

Individual recognition (IR) has been demonstrated in some Pachycondyla ants. The maintenance of such memories is challenged when queens are separated for the few hours of forage (attenuation) or when they are simultaneously interacting with conspecifics in a reduced space, that is, the nest (interference). By quantifying the level of aggression among familiar and unfamiliar queens of P. inversa, we showed that memories of social partner’s identity are robust to attenuation over the course of 2 days and to interference from subsequent interaction with five other individuals. Because wasps and crabs also remember familiar partners after separation and interaction with other conspecifics, we propose that robustness of social memories is widespread in invertebrates with IR abilities.  相似文献   

Rahman et al. (Rahman, N., Dunham, D.W. and Govind, C.K. (). Mate recognition and pairing in the big-clawed snapping shrimp, Alpheus herterochelis. Mar. Fresh. Behav. Physiol., 34, 213–226.) demonstrated discrimination by snapping shrimp between former mates and unfamiliar conspecifics, but did not test individual discrimination. In the present study, snapping shrimp showed discrimination between familiar and unfamiliar same-sex conspecifics by preferentially entering that arm of a Y-maze leading to familiar individuals. Furthermore, after being exposed to water from the home tanks of unknown individuals, they later showed an elevated response to this water, if the direction from which the water came into their tank was changed to be novel. This indicates that test subjects associated a familiar chemical stimulus with its location in the environment. This discrimination could only have been made if that chemical signature were recognised as different from that of another chemically familiar individual. This result also demonstrates that the water surrounding an individual contains sufficient (chemical) information to allow discrimination of one individual from another.  相似文献   

Many animals respond to the presence of predators with conspicuous signals such as alarm calling. These signals may aid the detection of the predator by conspecifics or may deter the predator from attack. The advantages of such signals may be dependent upon predator type and habitat type. We measured signalling behaviours (alarm calling and tail flicking) in foraging chaffinches in response to different predator models (hawk and pigeon control, cat and plastic box as control). In addition we measured responses to a cat model when chaffinches were foraging in different habitat structures (obstructed vs. open). There was no difference in the number of individual chaffinches alarm calling in obstructed vs. open habitat, but birds tail flicked more in open habitat, suggesting that tail flicking acts as a visual signal to the predator or conspecifics and therefore unlike auditory cues is influenced by habitat structure. Chaffinches were also more likely to tail flick in response to the cat model than the other three models. Our results are consistent with the idea that animals may respond to ground predators, which spend a large amount of time observing prey before attack, by using signalling behaviours, such as tail flicking and alarm calling. Further work on prey selection by predators is needed to separate the functions of signalling behaviour in response to predators.  相似文献   

Social animals learn to perceive their social environment, and their social skills and preferences are thought to emerge from greater exposure to and hence familiarity with some social signals rather than others. Familiarity appears to be tightly linked to multisensory integration. The ability to differentiate and categorize familiar and unfamiliar individuals and to build a multisensory representation of known individuals emerges from successive social interactions, in particular with adult, experienced models. In different species, adults have been shown to shape the social behavior of young by promoting selective attention to multisensory cues. The question of what representation of known conspecifics adult-deprived animals may build therefore arises. Here we show that starlings raised with no experience with adults fail to develop a multisensory representation of familiar and unfamiliar starlings. Electrophysiological recordings of neuronal activity throughout the primary auditory area of these birds, while they were exposed to audio-only or audiovisual familiar and unfamiliar cues, showed that visual stimuli did, as in wild-caught starlings, modulate auditory responses but that, unlike what was observed in wild-caught birds, this modulation was not influenced by familiarity. Thus, adult-deprived starlings seem to fail to discriminate between familiar and unfamiliar individuals. This suggests that adults may shape multisensory representation of known individuals in the brain, possibly by focusing the young's attention on relevant, multisensory cues. Multisensory stimulation by experienced, adult models may thus be ubiquitously important for the development of social skills (and of the neural properties underlying such skills) in a variety of species.  相似文献   

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