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D. B. Murphy 《Protoplasma》1988,145(2-3):176-181
Summary Vertebrate cells contain biochemical and genetic isotypes of tubulin which are expressed in unique combinations in different tissues and cell types. To determine if mixtures of tubulin isotypes assemblein vitro to form different classes of microtubules, we analyzed the composition of microtubule copolymers assembled from mixtures of chicken brain and erythrocyte tubulin. During microtubule elongation brain tubulin assembled onto the ends of microtubules faster than erythrocyte tubulin, resulting in copolymers with continually changing ratios of isotypes along their lengths. Unlike examples of microtubule assembly where the rate of polymerization depends on the association rate constant (k+) and the subunit concentration, the rate and extent of sorting in copolymers appear to depend on the dissociation rate constant (k), which governs the rate at which subunits are released from tubulin oligomers and microtubules and thereby made available for reassembly into copolymers. The type of microtubule seed used to initiate elongation was also found to influence the composition of copolymers, indicating that polymerization favors association of subunits of the same isotype.  相似文献   

It has recently been shown that the microtubule cytoskeleton is reformed during the execution phase of apoptosis. We demonstrate that this microtubule reformation occurs in many cell types and under different apoptotic stimuli. We confirm that the apoptotic microtubule network possesses a novel organization, whose nucleation appears independent of conventional γ-tubulin ring complex containing structures. Our analysis suggests that microtubules are closely associated with the plasma membrane, forming a cortical ring or cellular “cocoon”. Concomitantly other components of the cytoskeleton, such as actin and cytokeratins disassemble. We found that colchicine-mediated disruption of apoptotic microtubule network results in enhanced plasma membrane permeability and secondary necrosis, suggesting that the reformation of a microtubule cytoskeleton plays an important role in preserving plasma membrane integrity during apoptosis. Significantly, cells induced to enter apoptosis in the presence of the pan-caspase inhibitor z-VAD, nevertheless form microtubule-like structures suggesting that microtubule formation is not dependent on caspase activation. In contrast we found that treatment with EGTA-AM, an intracellular calcium chelator, prevents apoptotic microtubule network formation, suggesting that intracellular calcium may play an essential role in the microtubule reformation. We propose that apoptotic microtubule network is required to maintain plasma membrane integrity during the execution phase of apoptosis. Electronic Supplementary Material Supplementary material is available in the online version of this article at .  相似文献   

The structure of tubulin has recently been solved by electron crystallography of zinc-induced tubulin sheets. Because tubulin was studied in a polymerized state, the model contains information on the interactions between monomers that give rise to the αβ dimer as well as contacts between adjacent dimers that result in the structure of the protofilament. The model includes the binding site of taxol, an anti-cancer agent that acts by stabilizing microtubules. The present tubulin model gives the first structural framework for understanding microtubule polymerization and its regulation by nucleotides and anti-mitotic drugs at the molecular level. Received: 15 December 1997 / Revised version: 25 January 1998 / Accepted: 2 February 1998  相似文献   

Yessotoxin (YTX) is a generic name for a group of lipophilic compounds recently discovered and chemically characterized. Association measurements were done in a resonant mirror biosensor. The instrument detects changes in the refractive index and/or thickness occurring within a few hundred nanometers form the sensor surface where a molecule is attached. We used aminosilane surfaces where phosphodiesterase 3',5'-cyclic-nucleotide-specific from bovine brain (PDEs) was immobilized. Over this immobilized ligand different amounts of YTX were added and typical association curve profiles were observed. These association curves fit a pseudo-first-order kinetic equation where the apparent association rate constant (k(on)) can be calculated. The value of this constant increases with YTX concentration. From the representation of k(on) versus YTX concentration we obtained the association rate constant (k(ass)) 248+/-40 M(-1)s(-1) and the dissociation rate constant (k(diss)) 9.36 x 10(-4)+/-1.72 x 10(-4)s(-1). From these values the kinetic equilibrium dissociation constant (K(D)) for YTX-PDEs association can be calculated. The value of this last constant is 3.74 x 10(-6)+/-8.25 x 10(-8)M YTX. The PDE-YTX association was used as a method suitable for determination of the toxin concentration in a shellfish sample. The assay had sufficient sensitivity and can be used on simple shellfish extracts.  相似文献   

The quartz crystal microbalance (QCM) was used to create a piezoelectric biosensor utilizing living endothelial cells (ECs) as the biological signal transduction element. ECs adhere to the hydrophilically treated gold QCM surface under growth media containing serum. At 24 h following cell addition, calibration curves were constructed relating the steady state Δf and ΔR shift values observed to the numbers of electronically counted cells requiring trypsinization to be removed from the surface. We then utilized this EC QCM biosensor for the detection of the effect of [nocodazole] on the steady state Δf and ΔR shift values. Nocodazole, a known microtubule binding drug, alters the cytoskeletal properties of living cells. At the doses used in these studies (0.11–15 μM), nocodazole, in a dose dependent fashion, causes the depolymerization of microtubules in living cells. This leads a monolayer of well spread ECs to gradually occupy a smaller area, lose cell to cell contact, exhibit actin stress fibers at the cell periphery and acquire a rounded cell shape. We observed the negative Δf shift values and the positive ΔR shift values to increase significantly in magnitude over a 4-h incubation period following nocodazole addition, in a dose dependent fashion, with a transition midpoint of 900 nM. Fluorescence microscopy of the ECs, fixed on the gold QCM surface and stained for actin, demonstrated that the shape and cytoskeleton of ECs were affected by as little as 330 nM nocodazole. These results indicate that the EC QCM biosensor can be used for the study of EC attachment and to detect EC cytoskeletal alterations. We suggest the potential of this cellular biosensor for the real time identification or screening of all classes of biologically active drugs or biological macromolecules that affect cellular attachment, regardless of their molecular mechanism of action.  相似文献   

A series of 2-anilinopyridine dimers have been synthesized and evaluated for their anticancer potential. Most of the compounds have showed significant growth inhibition of the cell lines tested and compound 4d was most effective amongst the series displaying a GI50 of 0.99 μM specifically against the prostate cancer cell line (DU145). Studies to understand the mechanism of action of 4d indicates that it disrupts microtubule dynamics by inhibiting tubulin polymerization thereby arresting the cell cycle in G2/M phase. Competitive colchicine binding assay suggests that 4d binds into colchicine binding site of the tubulin. Further from some detailed biological studies like mitochondrial membrane potential, caspase-3 assay, DNA fragmentation analysis and Annexin V-FITC assay it is evident that 4d induces apoptosis. Molecular modeling studies provide an insight into the binding modes of 4d with colchicine binding site of tubulin and the data obtained correlates with the antiproliferative activity.  相似文献   

Microtubules play an essential role in eukaryotic cells, where they perform a wide variety of functions. In this paper, we describe the characterization of proteins associated to tubulin dimer in its native form, using affinity chromatography and mass spectrometry. We used an immunoaffinity column with coupled-monoclonal antibody directed against the alpha-tubulin C-terminus. Tubulin was first loaded onto the column, then interphase and mitotic cell lysates were chromatographed. Tubulin-binding proteins were eluted using a peptide mimicking the alpha-tubulin C-terminus. Elution fractions were analyzed by SDS-PAGE, and a total of 14 proteins were identified with high confidence by mass spectrometry. These proteins could be grouped in four classes: known tubulin-binding proteins, one microtubule-associated protein, heat shock proteins, and proteins that were not shown previously to bind tubulin dimer or microtubules.  相似文献   

利用双偏振极化干涉测量仪(DPI)研究了界面上配基种类对BSA吸附行为的影响。采用3-氨基丙基三乙氧基硅烷(APTES)、3-(甲氨基)丙基三甲氧基硅烷(MAPTMS)和N,N-二乙基-3-氨基丙基三甲氧基硅烷(DAPTMS)对DPI芯片进行了修饰,利用X射线光电子能谱比较了芯片上不同配基的密度,采用原子力显微镜(AFM)和DPI对界面上BSA吸附行为进行了研究。结果表明APTES修饰界面上BSA呈饼状,高配基密度易导致BSA多位点吸附。相同偶联密度条件下BSA在DAPTMS修饰芯片的吸附量高于MAPTMS修饰芯片,但吸附层厚度一致,表明DAPTMS表面上BSA存在聚集现象;AFM扫描结果与DPI分析结果一致,证明了配基密度和种类不仅影响界面上蛋白质吸附量,而且影响蛋白质吸附密度和表面聚集行为。  相似文献   

Kar3Cik1 is a Saccharomyces cerevisiae kinesin-14 that functions to shorten cytoplasmic microtubules (MTs) during yeast mating yet maintains mitotic spindle stability by cross-linking anti-parallel interpolar MTs. Kar3 contains both an ATP- and a MT-binding site, yet there is no evidence of a nucleotide-binding site in Cik1. Presteady-state and steady-state kinetic experiments were pursued to define the regulation of Kar3Cik1 interactions with the MT lattice expected during interpolar MT cross-linking. The results reveal that association of Kar3Cik1 with the MT occurs at 4.9 μM(-1) s(-1), followed by a 5-s(-1) structural transition that limits ADP release from the Kar3 head. Mant-ATP binding occurred at 2.1 μM(-1) s(-1), and the pulse-chase experiments revealed an ATP-promoted isomerization at 69 s(-1). ATP hydrolysis was observed as a rapid step at 26 s(-1) and was required for the Kar3Cik1 motor to detach from MT. The conformational change at 5 s(-1) that occurred after Kar3Cik1 MT association and prior to ADP release was hypothesized to be the rate-limiting step for steady-state ATP turnover. We propose a model in which Kar3Cik1 interacts with the MT lattice through an alternating cycle of Cik1 MT collision followed by Kar3 MT binding with head-head communication between Kar3 and Cik1 modulated by the Kar3 nucleotide state and intramolecular strain.  相似文献   

Lipid membrane and lipopolysaccharide (LPS) interactions were investigated for a series of amphiphilic and cationic peptides derived from human heparin cofactor II (HCII), using dual polarization interferometry, ellipsometry, circular dichroism (CD), cryoTEM, and z-potential measurements. Antimicrobial effects of these peptides were compared to their ability to disorder bacterial lipid membranes, while their capacity to block endotoxic effects of LPS was correlated to the binding of these peptides to LPS and its lipid A moiety, and to charge, secondary structure, and morphology of peptide/LPS complexes. While the peptide KYE28 (KYEITTIHNLFRKLTHRLFRRNFGYTLR) displayed potent antimicrobial and anti-endotoxic effects, its truncated variants KYE21 (KYEITTIHNLFRKLTHRLFRR) and NLF20 (NLFRKLTHRLFRRNFGYTLR) provide some clues on structure–activity relations, since KYE21 retains both the antimicrobial and anti-endotoxic effects of KYE28 (although both attenuated), while NLF20 retains the antimicrobial but only a fraction of the anti-endotoxic effect, hence locating the anti-endotoxic effects of KYE28 to its N-terminus. The antimicrobial effect, on the other hand, is primarily located at the C-terminus of KYE28. While displaying quite different endotoxic effects, these peptides bind to a similar extent to both LPS and lipid A, and also induce comparable LPS scavenging on model eukaryotic membranes. In contrast, fragmentation and densification of LPS aggregates, in turn dependent on the secondary structure in the peptide/LPS aggregates, correlate to the anti-endotoxic effect of these peptides, thus identifying peptide-induced packing transitions in LPS aggregates as key for anti-endotoxic functionality. This aspect therefore needs to be taken into account in the development of novel anti-endotoxic peptide therapeutics.  相似文献   

The molecular mechanisms underlying microtubule participation in autophagy are not known. In this study, we show that starvation-induced autophagosome formation requires the most dynamic microtubule subset. Upon nutrient deprivation, labile microtubules specifically recruit markers of autophagosome formation like class III-phosphatidylinositol kinase, WIPI-1, the Atg12-Atg5 conjugate, and LC3-I, whereas mature autophagosomes may bind to stable microtubules. We further found that upon nutrient deprivation, tubulin acetylation increases both in labile and stable microtubules and is required to allow autophagy stimulation. Tubulin hyperacetylation on lysine 40 enhances kinesin-1 and JIP-1 recruitment on microtubules and allows JNK phosphorylation and activation. JNK, in turn, triggers the release of Beclin 1 from Bcl-2-Beclin 1 complexes and its recruitment on microtubules where it may initiate autophagosome formation. Finally, although kinesin-1 functions to carry autophagosomes in basal conditions, it is not involved in motoring autophagosomes after nutrient deprivation. Our results show that the dynamics of microtubules and tubulin post-translational modifications play a major role in the regulation of starvation-induced autophagy.  相似文献   

We took a different approach to reviewing the commercial biosensor literature this year by inviting 22 biosensor users to serve as a review committee. They set the criteria for what to expect in a publication and ultimately decided to use a pass/fail system for selecting which papers to include in this year's reference list. Of the 1514 publications in 2009 that reported using commercially available optical biosensor technology, only 20% passed their cutoff. The most common criticism the reviewers had with the literature was that "the biosensor experiments could have been done better." They selected 10 papers to highlight good experimental technique, data presentation, and unique applications of the technology. This communal review process was educational for everyone involved and one we will not soon forget.  相似文献   

We report the NMR assignment of the PN2-3 subdomain of the CPAP protein. It has been previously shown that this motif interacts with tubulin, inhibits microtubule nucleation from the centrosome and depolymerizes taxol-stabilized microtubules. Marie-Jeanne Clément and Philippe Savarin contributed equally.  相似文献   

The tyrosination state of tubulin and the enzymes involved in the tubulin tyrosination/detyrosination cycle--tubulin:tyrosine ligase and tubulin carboxypeptidase--were determined in chick retina during development. The amount of tyrosinable (tyrosinated plus detyrosinated) tubulin increased approximately 110% from embryonic day 7 to 14. Then it decreased, and by day 19 it was similar to the value on day 7. This result did not change after hatching, at least up to day 20. The proportion of tyrosinated and detyrosinated tubulin significantly changed with the development of the animal. At embryonic day 7, these tubulin species were at a proportion of 70 and 30%, respectively, and after hatching, the values inverted, to 30 and 70%, respectively. This change did not correlate with the activity of the ligase relative to that of the carboxypeptidase, as measured in vitro. This observation suggested that a change in the turnover rate of microtubules, in the proportion of assembled and nonassembled tubulin pools, or in both had occurred. Coincident with the last possibility, the proportion of assembled tubulin was found to increase during the development of the animal. This finding suggests that the tyrosination state of tubulin may be determined, at least in part, by the assembly state.  相似文献   

Summary Upon squashing of the pollen grain, the isolated generative cell ofNicotiana tabacum looses its spindle shape to become spherical; this phenomenon is independent of the sucrose concentration used. The time necessary for this change can vary from 1 min (0% sucrose) to 20 min (30% sucrose). The microtubular cytoskeleton was studied by means of immunofluorescence and electron microscopy. Just after isolation, 5 to 15 clearly visible bundles in microtubules organized in a basket-like structure are present. After 15 min in medium with 15% sucrose, the microtubular cytoskeleton disappears, and a diffusely spread tubulin can be observed. Neither the addition of 10–20 M taxol to the medium, nor the omission of Ca2+ to the medium has any effect on the changes in cell shape and loss of microtubular bundles after isolation.Abbreviations GC Generative cell - SC sperm cell - BK Brewbaker and Kwack - CLSM confocal laser scanning fluorescence micros copy  相似文献   

Inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate 3-kinase A (IP(3)K-A) is a brain specific and F-actin-binding protein. We recently demonstrated that IP(3)K-A modulates a structural reorganization of dendritic spines through F-actin remodeling, which is required for synaptic plasticity and memory formation in brain. However, detailed functions of IP(3)K-A and its regulatory mechanisms involved in the neuronal cytoskeletal dynamics still remain unknown. In the present study, we identified tubulin as a candidate of IP(3)K-A-binding protein through proteomic screening. By various in vitro and in vivo approaches, we demonstrated that IP(3)K-A was a novel microtubule-associated protein (MAP), and the N terminus of IP(3)K-A was a critical region for direct binding to tubulin in dendritic shaft of hippocampal neurons. Moreover, PKA phosphorylated Ser-119 within IP(3)K-A, leading to a significant reduction of microtubule binding affinity. These results suggest that PKA-dependent phosphorylation and microtubule binding of IP(3)K-A are involved in its regulatory mechanism for activity-dependent neuronal events such as local calcium signaling and its synaptic targeting.  相似文献   

Microtubules are highly dynamic αβ-tubulin polymers. In vitro and in living cells, microtubules are most often cold- and nocodazole-sensitive. When present, the MAP6/STOP family of proteins protects microtubules from cold- and nocodazole-induced depolymerization but the molecular and structure determinants by which these proteins stabilize microtubules remain under debate. We show here that a short protein fragment from MAP6-N, which encompasses its Mn1 and Mn2 modules (MAP6(90–177)), recapitulates the function of the full-length MAP6-N protein toward microtubules, i.e. its ability to stabilize microtubules in vitro and in cultured cells in ice-cold conditions or in the presence of nocodazole. We further show for the first time, using biochemical assays and NMR spectroscopy, that these effects result from the binding of MAP6(90–177) to microtubules with a 1:1 MAP6(90–177):tubulin heterodimer stoichiometry. NMR data demonstrate that the binding of MAP6(90–177) to microtubules involve its two Mn modules but that a single one is also able to interact with microtubules in a closely similar manner. This suggests that the Mn modules represent each a full microtubule binding domain and that MAP6 proteins may stabilize microtubules by bridging tubulin heterodimers from adjacent protofilaments or within a protofilament. Finally, we demonstrate that Ca2+-calmodulin competes with microtubules for MAP6(90–177) binding and that the binding mode of MAP6(90–177) to microtubules and Ca2+-calmodulin involves a common stretch of amino acid residues on the MAP6(90–177) side. This result accounts for the regulation of microtubule stability in cold condition by Ca2+-calmodulin.  相似文献   

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