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Smith, J. R., Smith, F. A. and Walker, N. A. 1987. Potassiumtransport across the membrane of Chara. I. The relationshipbetween radioactive tracer influx and electrical conductance.—J.exp. Bot. 38:731–751. The 42K influx () and the electrical conductance (Gm) were measured simultaneously for the ‘membrane’of internodal cells of Chara australis as a function of theexternal [KCl] (K?. In bathing solutions of pH = 5?0, progressively increased from 20?5to 430?60 nmol m–2 s–1 and Gm increased from 0?36?0?02to 3?8?0?8 S m–2 when K? was increased from 0?1 to 10mol m–3. The resting membrane potential difference (p.d.)was approximately -135 mV for low K? and approached the expectedNernst equilibrium p.d. for K+ ions when K? > 1?0 mol m–3.Measurements of 36Cl influx suggested that the 42K influx waspredominantly electrogenic. The equivalent Goldman permeabilityto K+ ions (Pk) was approximately 20–30 nm s–1 anddid not vary significantly with increasing K?. The equivalentconductance attributable to the electrogenic transport of K+ ions was calculated from assuming passive, independent diffusionof K+ ions and the ratio was found to be typically close to one. It was also found that themagnitudes of and Gm measuredsimultaneously for each individual cell were also well correlatedfor K? 1?0 mol m–3, and that the slope of the line ofbest fit was close to one. For each K? it was found that theconductance not attributable to K+ translocation and presumablyassociated primarily with the transport of protons or theirequivalents was typically 0?2–0?5 Sm–2. For K? >1?0 mol m–3 the results indicated that the transport ofK+ ions was essentially independent, i.e. there was no evidencefor flux interactions. The results also indicated that the equivalentconductance derived from the measured 42K influx could usefullyindicate the fraction of the electrical conductance attributableto the translocation of K+ ions. Key words: Potassium, conductance, influx  相似文献   

Smith, J. R., Walker, N. A. and Smith, F. A. 1987. Potassiumtransport across the membranes of Chara. III. Effects of pH,inhibitors and illumination.—J. exp. Bot. 38: 778–787. The effects of several treatments, normally used to inhibitelectrogenic proton transport, upon the potassium permeability(Pk) of the membranes of Chara were examined by means of simultaneousmeasurements of the 42K influx (inK) and the membrane electricalconductance (Gm). inK, PK and Gmwere found to be substantiallyunaffected when the external pH (pH?) was varied over the range5?0 to 85. However, when pH? was increased to 11 it was foundthat, although Gm increased considerably, both Pk and inK decreasedtypically by an order of magnitude. When cells were placed intotal darkness, PK decreased substantially only after one dayhad elapsed. For the particular experimental conditions used,the inhibitors DES, NaN3, and La3+ were found to alter PK, whereasDCCD left PK substantially unaffected. These results suggestthat care must be taken with some common procedures used toexamine the electrical properties of the electrogenic protonpump. Key words: Potassium, pH, illumination, inhibitors  相似文献   

Smith, J. R. and Kerr, R. J. 1987. Potassium transport acrossthe membranes of Chara. IV. Interactions with other cations.—J.exp. Bot. 38: 788–799. The 42K influx () and the membrane electrical conductance (Gm were measured simultaneously forintemodal cells of Chara australis bathed in solutions containingdifferent concentrations of various cationic species. It wasfound that the potassium permeability (Pk,) of the membranewas reduced significantly when the bathing [CaSO4 exceeded 01mol m–1. Concentrations of tetra-ethylammonium ions (TEA)exceeding 0?3 mol m–3 were found to reduce significantlyboth and , but even high concentrations (10 mol m–3)usually did not reduce the fluxes by more than a factor of 3.Na+ ions were found to be capable of reducing PK by a factorof 5?6 to a value of 4 nm s–1. This appeared to be aminimum value for PK which was not reduced even if several inhibitorycations were present simultaneously. This suggests that possiblyonly one of two different modes of K+ transport can be inhibitedby cations. The possible geometry of the inhibitable K+ channelis briefly discussed and the implications of the presence ofNa+ and Ca2+ ions in many common bathing solutions are considered. Key words: Potassium, calcium, tetraethylammonium, inhibition  相似文献   

Sanders D 《Plant physiology》1981,68(2):401-406
The extent to which Cl is replaceable as the major anionic constituent of the vacuole of Chara corallina was investigated. It was found that external Cl is not essential in order for nongrowing cells to increase internal osmotic pressure. After growth of cells in low (9 micromolar) Cl, the vacuolar Cl concentration is one-half that of cells grown at normal external Cl concentration (850 micromolar). In contrast, both internal osmotic pressure and total concentration of the major cations, K+ and Na+, in the same cells were found to be only slightly sensitive to the external Cl concentration. Thus, it is proposed that, at limiting external Cl concentration, the cell is able to transport or synthesize another anion for vacuolar use rather than utilize a neutral solute.  相似文献   

1. Strongly electropositive porous membranes were prepared by the adsorption of protamine (salmine) on porous collodion membranes. These membranes retain their electrochemical chracteristics for at least 12 months without change. 2. They are distinctly electropositive between pH 1 and 10, the range of most pronounced electropositive behavior occurring in solutions between pH 3 and pH 8. The filtration rates and ohmic resistance of these membranes do not differ significantly from similar uncoated membranes. 3. The porous protamine-collodion membranes show very pronounced positive anomalous osmosis, the observed effects with proper electrolytes being similar to those obtained with oxidized collodion membranes. They also show very conspicuous negative osmosis with strong acids. 4. Protamine-collodion membranes which correspond in their properties to the activated dried collodion membranes were prepared by the adsorption of protamine on porous collodion membranes followed by drying in air. The concentration potentials across such dried protamine-collodion membranes closely approach the thermodynamically possible maximum.  相似文献   

1. The Teorell, Meyer-Sievers theory characterizes the electrochemical behavior of membranes by their selectivity constant "Ap" which is derived conventionally from concentration potential measurements at various concentration levels. The selectivity constant may, however, be derived also from entirely independent, different experimental data, namely base exchange studies. The constants arrived at in this second way are designated as "Ab." The selectivity constants derived by these two methods must be in reasonable, at least semiquantitative agreement if the basic assumptions of the theory are correct. 2. The selectivity constants Ap and Ab were determined for eleven different sets of membranes of different electrochemical activity and of different (8.2 to 80 volume per cent) water content. 3. The potentiometric selectivity constants Ap are in most cases several orders of magnitude greater than the corresponding Ab values. With membranes of great porosity and high electrochemical activity the Ab values approach at least in order of magnitude the Ap values. 4. It is concluded that the unexpectedly large discrepancy between the Ap and Ab values is due to some inherent weakness of the Teorell, Meyer-Sievers theory, most likely to its neglect of any structural factors.  相似文献   

1. Experiments were carried out to decide whether a homogeneous phase (solubility) theory or a micellar-structural theory more adequately describes the behavior of dried collodion membranes with solutions of strong electrolytes. 2. A number of dried collodion membranes were prepared from an electrochemically inactive collodion preparation (state I); the characteristic concentration potentials across them were low, about 30 mv. The membranes were activated by oxidation (state II) to give maximum or nearly maximum concentration potentials (about 50 mv.). The oxidized membranes are dried, dissolved in alcohol-ether, and a new set of dry collodion membranes prepared from this solution (state III). The concentration potentials across these membranes are low. 3. Since the properties of a homogeneous phase should not be influenced by a rearrangement of its constituent particles, the experimental results do not support a homogeneous phase (solubility) theory, but they agree with the predictions of the micellar-structural theory. The characteristic behavior of dried collodion membranes in solutions of strong inorganic electrolytes is therefore due to the micellar character of its interstices.  相似文献   

Potassium transport has been studied in the marine euryhalinealga, Enteromorpha intestimlis cultured in seawater and in low-salinitymedium (Artificial Cape Banks Spring Water, ACBSW; 25·5mol m–3 Cl, 20·4 mol m–3 Na+, 0·5mol m–3 K+). K+ fluxes were measured using 42K+ and 86Rb+although 86Rb+ does not act as an efficient K+ analogue in thisplant. 42K+ experiments on seawater plants typically exhibiteda single protoplasmic exchange phase whereas 86Rb+ exhibitedtwo exchange phases. Compartmental analysis of 86Rb+ effluxexperiments on seawater-grown Enteromorpha plants were usedto deduce the intracellular partition of K+ between the cytoplasm(279±38 mMolal) and vacuole (405±68 mMolal). Theplasmalemma K+ flux in plants in seawater was greater in thelight than in the dark (563±108 nmol m–2 s–1versus 389±66·7 nmol m–2 s–1). Inlow-salinity plants, separate cytoplasmic and vacuolar exchangephases were apparent. Analysis of 42K+ efflux experiments onlow-salinity plants yielded a cytoplasmic K+ of 222±38mMolal and a vacuolar K+ of 82±11 mMolal. The plasmalemmaand tonoplast flux was 23±4·5 nmol m–2 s–1. The Nernst equation showed that, although K+ was close to electrochemicalequilibrium, active accumulation of K+ across the plasmalemmaoccurred in plants in seawater and ACBSW both in the light anddark. K+ was also actively transported inwards across the tonoplastin low-salinity plants. The electrochemical potential for K+across the plasmalemma ranged from 2·41±0·60kJ mol–1 in plants grown in seawater in the light to 5·79±0·87kJ mol–1 for plants in ACBSW in the light. Although K+is close to electrochemical equilibrium, the flux of K+ in plantsin both seawater and ACBSW media is high, hence the power consumptionof K+ transport is high. The permeability of K+ (PK+) was significantlyhigher in the light than in the dark in plants in seawater (about7·0 versus 2·5 nm s–1) but in plants inlow-salinity (ACBSW) medium the permeability was independentof light (about 12 nm s–1). The energy requirements ofactive K+ transport by ATP-dependent pumps is discussed. Key words: Enteromorpha, Potassium transport, Ionic relations, Saltwater, Low salinity, Thermodynamics  相似文献   

The ureolytic enzyme in Chara was investigated. This enzymewas shown to be a urease with an unusually high affinity forurea(Km = 158 mmol m-3). Little inhibition of urease activitywas found when intact Chara cells were exposed to the ureaseinhibitors hydroxyurea, acetohydroxamic acid and N-ethylmaleimide,although there was some inhibition of urea uptake. The distribution of radioactivity amongst the amino acid, organicacid and sugar/neutral fractions, determined by ion-exchangechromatography, was very similar whether the Chara internodeswere exposed to 14C-urea or to H14CO3. This suggests that thefraction of the urea-carbon liberated by the urease as CO2 andretained by the cell is used in photosynthetic carbon-fixation.During the initial 15 min of 14C-urea uptake, label appearsin the vacuole only in the form of unmetabolized urea. Afterthis time a variety of labelled compounds appear in the vacuole,presumably reflecting the gradual movement of carbon-fixationproducts from the chloroplasts to the cytoplasm and thence intothe vacuole. Key words: Urea transport, metabolism, Chara, urease  相似文献   

1. The electrochemical behavior of membranes prepared from commercial collodion preparations varies widely, some preparations showing very high, other ones very low electrochemical efficiency ("activity"). 2. The electrochemical activity of a collodion membrane depends entirely upon impurities of an acidic nature contained in the collodion used for casting the membrane. 3. The active acidic impurities are substantially due to partial oxidation which occurs in the manufacturing process. Sulfuric acid compounds; e.g., acid sulfuric acid esters play only a minor rôle, if any. 4. The electrochemical behavior of collodion membranes in solutions of strong electrolytes is decisively dependent upon the acidic groups built permanently into the collodion surfaces. Preferential ion adsorption plays only a minor, if any, rôle.  相似文献   

1. Theoretical considerations lead to the conclusion that dissociable acidic groups present to a varying extent in different collodion preparations determine the electrochemical behavior of membranes cast from these preparations. It is further reasoned that the base exchange capacity of the collodion surfaces is the true quantitative measure of the abundance of the dissociable groups. 2. The concept of base exchange capacity and the base exchange method are discussed. The conditions which allow a purposeful application of the latter are stated. 3. The base exchange properties of a number of fibrous collodion preparations of different origins and after various types of treatment, having widely varying electrochemical activities, are determined. 4. With the chemical (titration) and physical (electrometric) methods employed, no regular correlation can be found between electrochemical activity and base exchange. The base exchange capacity which is necessary to cause even great electrochemical activity of collodion is extremely small. 5. Measurable to high base exchange capacity always seems to be associated with good or high electrochemical activity; but base exchange capacity too low to be definitely measurable with the available methods may be found with collodion preparations of high as well as with preparations of low electrochemical activity. 6. The bearing of these results upon the problem of the spatial and electrical structure of the collodion membrane is indicated briefly.  相似文献   

The respiration of the green alga Chlorella pyrenoidosa, suspended in Knop''s solution, has been studied in the dark as a function of time and of temperature. The rates of oxygen consumption and of carbon dioxide production (at constant temperature) decline for about 25 hours to a low, constant level. From an analysis of the curves it is suggested that two substances, A and B, are utilized, whose respiratory quotients are 1 and 0.65 respectively. The values of the temperature characteristics were found to be: for oxidation of A, 19,500 (0.6 to 11.5°C.) and 3,500 (11.5 to 28°C.); for oxidation of B, 5,600 (23.4 to 0.6°C.).  相似文献   

1. The electrochemical behavior ("activity") of collodion membranes depends upon acidic, dissociable groups located in the interstices of the membranes. The active groups can be determined by base exchange measurements. High base exchange capacity is always found with preparations of great "electrochemical activity;" medium and low base exchange capacities occur with electrochemically active as well as with inactive preparations. The observed base exchange capacity is determined by two factors: the inherent acidity of the collodion (its mean equivalent weight) and the submicroscopic micellar structure of the collodion. A comparison of the base exchange capacity of various collodion preparations and their inherent acidities therefore allows certain conclusions to be drawn concerning the relative availability of the micellar surfaces in the different preparations. 2. The inherent acidity of various collodion preparations, their "acid number," was determined by electrometric titration. Collodion in the acidic state, i.e. after exchange of all other cations for H+ ions, was titrated in an organic solvent mixture with alcoholic KOH using a quinhydrone electrode. Details of the experimental procedure are given in the paper. The acid numbers, expressed in milliliters of 0.01 N KOH per gram dry collodion, vary from 1.0 for a highly purified collodion preparation of very low electrochemical activity to 3.3 for a highly oxidized sample of very high activity. Acid numbers of about 1.5 (corresponding to an equivalent weight of about 67,000) are found both with inactive commercial and with fairly active oxidized preparations. The base exchange capacity of the same preparations in the fibrous state as measured after 48 hours of exchange time varies from 0.0013 ml. 0.01 N NaOH per gm. dry collodion for the most inactive preparation up to 0.26 ml. 0.01 N NaOH per gm. for the most active preparation. Thus the acid numbers over the whole range investigated differ only in the ratio of 1:3.3, whereas the base exchange values differ in the range of 1:200. 3. In the inactive preparation only one in 770 acid groups is available for base exchange, in the most active collodion one group in 13; values between these extremes are found with commercial and alcohol purified oxidized preparations. 4. The high base exchange capacity of the electrochemically active preparations is not so much due to their higher acid number as to their more open structure. This difference in structure is ascribed to the presence of a small fraction of low molecular weight material which inhibits normal formation and arrangement of the micelles. 5. Short time base exchange experiments with fibrous collodion indicate that the number of acid groups available for the typical electrochemical membrane functions may be estimated to be about 50 to 1000 times less numerous than those found in the 48 hour base exchange experiments. It is estimated that in membranes prepared even from the most active collodion not more than one in 500 acid groups may be available for the typical membrane functions; with the less active preparations this ratio is estimated to be as high as one in 1,000,000 or more.  相似文献   

The water-relations parameters of Chara inflata cells were determineddirectly using the micro pressure probe technique. The turgorpressure of cells in artificial pond water (0 = 0.06 MPa) wasabout 0.65 MPa and the half-time (T1/2) for water exchange wasabout 6.5 s. The calculated values of the hydraulic conductivity(LP) were in the range 1–2 ? 10–6m s–1 (MPa)–1.The volumetric elastic modulus () was 32.8 MPa for turgor rangingfrom 0.77 to 0.82 MPa. Large changes in the water-relations parameters and the electricalproperties of the membrane occurred when the turgor was decreasedto low values. These changes included: (i) a decrease in theT1/2 for water exchange, (ii) an increase in LP and (iii) depolarizationof the membrane potential difference (Vm). The micro pressure probe, which enabled the turgor pressureof the cell to be altered, was used in combination with thevoltage-clamp technique to determine the relationship betweenK+ and Cl conductances of the plasmalemma and the cellturgor. The K+ conductance increased reversibly as the turgorwas reduced in the range 0 to 0.6 MPa and the Cl -conductanceincreased as the turgor was reduced in the range 0.1 to 0.5MPa. It is suggested that these pressure-dependent K+ and Clconductances may have a dual role in electrical events and thenon-electrical responses such as changes in the cell volume. Key words: Chara inflata, membrane conductances, ion channels, water-relations parameters  相似文献   

Glyoxysome ghosts were isolated from germinating castor bean endosperms using established methods. Electron microscopic examination showed that some matrix material was retained within the glyoxysomal membrane. Two cytochrome reductases and phosphorylcholine glyceride transferase co-sedimented with the alkaline lipase, a known component of the glyoxysome membrane, in sucrose gradient centrifugation of osmotically shocked glyoxysomes. The activities of these enzymes in the glyoxysome membranes were compared to those in the endoplasmic reticulum relative to phospholipid content. On this basis, the phosphorylcholine glyceride transferase was 10-fold more active in the endoplasmic reticulum, whereas the lipase was 50-fold more active in the glyoxysome membrane. The cytochrome reductases were only 2-fold more active in the endoplasmic reticulum, indicating that they are components of the two membranes. Difference spectroscopy of the glyoxysome membrane suspension revealed the presence of a b5-type cytochrome similar to that found in the endoplasmic reticulum. Since the glyoxysome membrane is apparently derived from the endoplasmic reticulum, components of the endoplasmic reticulum such as these are likely to be incorporated into the glyoxysome membrane during biogenesis.  相似文献   

1. When solutions of KCl, NaCl, or LiCl are separated from water without salt by a collodion-gelatin membrane and when the pH of both salt solution and water are on the acid side of the isoelectric point of gelatin, water diffuses from the side of pure water into the salt solution at a rate increasing inversely with the radius of the cations. 2. The adsorption theory would lead us to assume that this influence of the cations is due to an increase of the P.D. between the liquid and the membrane inside the pores of the gelatin film of the membrane, but direct measurements of this P.D. contradict such an assumption, since they show that the influence of the three salts on this P.D. is identical at pH 3.0. 3. It is found, however, that the P.D. across the membrane is affected in a similar way by the three cations as is the transport of water through the membrane. 4. This P.D. across the membrane varies inversely as the relative mobility of the three cations which suggests that the influence of the three cations on the diffusion of liquid through the membrane is partly if not essentially due to a diffusion potential.  相似文献   

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