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The LI818 gene from Chlamydomonas encodes a polypeptide that is related to the chlorophyll a/b-binding proteins (CAB) of higher plants and green algae. However, despite this relatedness, LI818 gene expression is not coordinated with that of cab genes and is regulated differently by light, suggesting a different role for LI818 polypeptide. We show here that, in contrast to CAB polypeptides, LI818 polypeptide is not tightly embedded into the thylakoid membranes and is localized in stroma-exposed regions. Moreover, during chloroplast development, LI818 polypeptide accumulates before CAB polypeptides. We also show that the LI818 polypeptide forms with certain chlorophyll a/c-binding proteins (CAC) from the haptophyte Isochrysis galbana and the diatom Cyclotella cryptica a natural group that is distinct from those constituted by CAB, CAC and the chlorophyll a/a-binding proteins (CAA). Such an association suggests a very ancient origin for this group of polypeptides, which predates the division of the early photosynthetic eukaryotes into green (chlorophyte), red (rhodophyte) and brown (chromophyte) algae. Possible roles for the LI818 polypeptide are discussed.  相似文献   

In the green unicellular alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, as in higher plants, the expression of the genes encoding the chlorophyll a/b-binding (CAB) polypeptides associated with photosystem I (PSI) and photosystem II (PSII) is regulated by endogenous (circadian clock) and exogenous signals (light and temperature). The circadian clock ensures that the oscillation in the levels of the different cab mRNAs is continuously kept in phase with light/dark (LD) cycles and is maximal by the middle of the day. On the other hand, light controls the amplitude of the oscillations. We report here the cloning and characterization of the C. reinhardtii LI818 gene, which identifies a CAB-related polypeptide and whose expression is regulated quite differently from the cabI/II genes. We show: (1) that in LD synchronized Chlamydomonas cells LI818 mRNA accumulation is subject to dual regulation that involves separable regulation by light and an endogenous oscillator; (2) that LI818 mRNA is fully expressed several hours before the cab I/II mRNAs and that the latter accumulate concomitantly; (3) that blocking the electron flow through PSII using DCMU prevents cells from accumulating cab I/II mRNAs but not LI818 mRNA and (4) that the accumulation of LI818 mRNA is abolished by blocking cytoplasmic protein synthesis, suggesting that these regulatory mechanisms are mediated by labile proteins.  相似文献   

A rapid procedure has been developed for the isolation of the photosystem two reaction centre complex (PS II RC) from a double mutant of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, F54-14, which lacks the Photosystem one complex and the chloroplast ATPase. Thylakoid membranes are solubilised with 1.5% (w/v) Triton X-100 and the PS II RC purified by anion-exchange chromatography using TSK DEAE-650(S) (Merck). The complex has a pigment stoichiometry of approximately six chlorophyll a: two pheophytin a: one cytochrome b-559: one to two -carotene. It photoaccumulates reduced pheophytin and oxidised P680 in the presence of sodium dithionite and silicomolybdate, respectively. Immunoblotting experiments have confirmed the presence of the D1 and D2 polypeptides in this complex. The -subunit of cytochrome b-559 was identified by N-terminal sequencing. Comparison of the complex with the PS II RC from pea using SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis showed that their polypeptide compositions were similar. However, the -subunit of cytochrome b-559 from C. reinhardtii has a lower apparent molecular weight than the pea counterpart whereas the -subunit is larger.Abbreviations DM n-dodecyl -d-maltoside - RC reaction centre - SiMo silicomolybdate, SiMo12O40 4– - TAP Tris-acetate-phosphate  相似文献   

The room temperature chlorophyll fluorescence decay kinetics of photosynthetic mutants of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii have been measured as a function of Photosystem 2 (PS2) trap closure, DNB-induced quenching at FM, and time-resolved emission spectra. The overall decays have been analyzed in terms of three or four kinetic components where necessary. A comparison of the characteristics of the decay components exhibited by the mutants with the wild-type has been carried out to elucidate the precise origins of the different emissions in relation to the observed pigment-protein complexes. It is shown that a) charge recombination in PS2 is not necessary for the presence of long-lived decay components, b) there are two rapid PS1-associated emissions (=30 and 150–200 ps), c) a slow PS1 decay is observed (=1.73 ns) in the absence of PS1 reaction centres, d) the two variable components (=0.25–1.2 and 0.5–2.2 ns) observed in the wild-type arise from LHC2 and e) a rapid (=50–250 ps) decay is associated with the PS2 core antenna (CP3 and CP4). These results show that the intact thylakoid membrane system is too complex to distinguish all of the individual kinetic components.Abbreviations Aexp preexponential factor (Amplitude) - chl chlorophyll - DCMU 3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethyl urea - DNB m, dinitrobenzene - FM maximum chl fluorescence level - F0 initial chl fluorescence level - Fv variable chl fluorescence (FM–F0) - LHC light harvesting chl a/b protein complex - PS photosystem - QA primary stable electron acceptor of PS2  相似文献   

In the green unicellular alga Chlamydomonas eugametos, cellular division is readily synchronized by light/dark cycles. Under these conditions, light initiates photosynthetic growth in daughter cells and begins the G1 phase. Genes whose expression is regulated upon illumination are likely to be important mechanisms controlling cell proliferation. To identify some of those genes, two cDNA libraries were prepared with poly(A)+ extracted from cells either stimulated with light for 1 h or held in darkness (quiescent cells) during the same period. To restrict our analysis to those genes that are part of the primary response, cells were incubated in presence of cycloheximide. Differential screening of approximately 40 000 clones in each library revealed 44 clones which hybridize preferentially with a [32P] cDNA probe derived from RNA of light-stimulated cells and 15 clones which react selectively with a [32P] cDNA probe synthesized from poly(A)+ RNA of quiescent cells. Cross-hybridization of these clones identified 4 independent sequences in the light-induced (LI) collection and 2 in the uninduced (LR) library. Four of these cDNAs correspond to mRNAs that are positively or negatively regulated upon activation of photosynthesis. One clone represents a mRNA that accumulates transitorily at both transitions. Finally, LI818 cDNA identifies a new chlorophyll a/b-binding (cab) gene family whose mRNA accumulation is controlled by light and a circadian oscillator. The endogenous timing system controls LI818 mRNA accumulation so that it precedes the onset of illumination by a few hours. On the other hand, light affects LI818 mRNA levels independently of active photosynthesis.  相似文献   

Primary charge separation within Photosystem II (PS II) is much slower (time constant 21 ps) than the equivalent step in the related reaction center (RC) found in purple bacteria ( 3 ps). In the case of the bacterial RC, replacement of a specific tyrosine residue within the M subunit (at position 210 in Rhodobacter sphaeroides), by a leucine residue slows down charge separation to 20 ps. Significantly the analogous residue in PS II, within the D2 polypeptide, is a leucine not a tyrosine (at position D2-205, Chlamydomonas reinhardtii numbering). Consequently, it has been postulated [Hastings et al. (1992) Biochemistry 31: 7638–7647] that the rate of electron transfer could be increased in PS II by replacing this leucine residue with tyrosine. We have tested this hypothesis by constructing the D2-Leu205Tyr mutant in the green alga, Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, through transformation of the chloroplast genome. Primary charge separation was examined in isolated PS II RCs by time-resolved optical spectroscopy and was found to occur with a time constant of 40 ps. We conclude that mutation of D2-Leu205 to Tyr does not increase the rate of charge separation in PS II. The slower kinetics of primary charge separation in wild type PS II are probably not due to a specific difference in primary structure compared with the bacterial RC but rather a consequence of the P680 singlet excited state being a shallower trap for excitation energy within the reaction center.  相似文献   

The effect of different carbon and nitrogen sources on the production of toxin by Clostridium argentinense was examined. The toxin production by C. argentinense in coculture with Pseudomonas mendocina increased in all the cases in relation to that produced by monocultures independent of the nature of the source. Using dextrin as carbon source C. argentinense produced the highest levels of toxin both in monocultures (300 LD50/mL) and in cocultures with P. mendocina (5000 LD50/mL). Experiments run in a microfermenter showed that the slow growth of cocultures associated with the assimilation of dextrin and the pH and Eh profiles favoured the production of toxin. Of the nitrogen sources assayed, corn steep liquor sustained the highest levels of toxin in both monocultures and cocultures with 3 and 2.8 fold increases with respect to that obtained using proteose peptone. The toxin production by C. argentinense cultures and C. argentinenseP. mendocina cocultures was highly dependent on the nature of the carbon and nitrogen sources used in the culture media. Growth of C. argentinense on substrates slowly assimilated stimulated the production of toxin.  相似文献   

Sailaja  M.V.  Das  V.S. Rama 《Photosynthetica》2000,38(2):267-273
Photosynthetic acclimation to reduced growth irradiances (650 and 200 µmol m–2 s–1) in Eleusine coracana (L.) Garten, a nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide-malic enzyme (NAD-ME) C4 species and Gomphrena globosa L., a nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate-malic enzyme (NADP-ME) C4 species were investigated. E. coracana plants acclimated in 4 and 8 d to 650 and 200 µmol m–2 s–1, respectively, whereas G. globosa plants took 8 and 10 d, respectively, to acclimate to the same irradiances. The acclimation to reduced irradiance was achieved in both species by greater partitioning of chlorophyll towards the light-harvesting antennae at the expense of functional components. However, magnitude of increase in the light-harvesting antenna was higher in E. coracana as compared to G. globosa. Superior photosynthetic acclimation to reduced irradiance in G. globosa was due to the smaller change in functions of the cytochrome b 6/f complex, photosystem (PS) 1 and PS2 leading to the higher carbon fixation rates compared to E. coracana.  相似文献   

Lin  Zhi-Fang  Peng  Chang-Lian  Lin  Gui-Zhu  Zhang  Jing-Liu 《Photosynthetica》2003,41(4):589-595
Two new yellow rice chlorophyll (Chl) b-less (lack) mutants VG28-1 and VG30-5 differ from the other known Chl b-less mutants with larger amounts of soluble protein and ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase small sub-unit and smaller amounts of Chl a. We investigated the altered features of Chl-protein complexes and excitation energy distribution in these two mutants, as compared with wild type (WT) rice cv. Zhonghua 11 by using native mild green gel electrophoresis and SDS-PAGE, and 77 K Chl fluorescence in the presence of Mg2+. WT rice revealed five pigment-protein bands and fourteen polypeptides in thylakoid membranes. Two Chl b-less mutants showed only CPI and CPa pigment bands, and contained no 25 and 26 kDa polypeptides, reduced amounts of the 21 kDa polypeptide, but increased quantities of 32, 33, 56, 66, and 19 kDa polypeptides. The enhanced absorption of CPI and CPa and the higher Chl fluorescence emission ratio of F685/F720 were also observed in these mutants. This suggested that the reduction or loss of the antenna LHC1 and LHC2 was compensated by an increment in core component and the capacity to harvest photon energy of photosystem (PS) 1 and PS2, as well as in the fraction of excitation energy distributed to PS2 in the two mutants. 77 K Chl fluorescence spectra of thylakoid membranes showed that the PS1 fluorescence emission was shifted from 730 nm in WT rice to 720 nm in the mutants. The regulation of Mg2+ to excitation energy distribution between the two photosystems was complicated. 10 mM Mg2+ did not affect noticeably the F685/F730 emission ratio of WT thylakoid membranes, but increased the ratio of F685/F720 in the two mutants due to a reduced emission at 685 nm as compared to that at 720 nm.  相似文献   

Genes encoding proteins of the major light-harvesting complex of photosystem II (LHCII) in higher plants are well studied. However, little is known about the corresponding genes in the green alga Dunaliella salina, although this knowledge might provide valuable information about the respective roles of each LHCII protein at the molecular level under extreme environmental conditions. Here, we describe an additional LhcII gene from D. salina. An LhcII cDNA cloned by screening a D. salina cDNA library contains an open reading frame encoding a protein of 261 amino acids with a calculated molecular mass of 27.8 kDa. The deduced amino acid sequence shows high homology with other LHCII proteins. Genomic DNA—obtained by PCR using a specific primer set corresponding to the 5′ and 3′ untranslated regions—was used to determine the intron-exon structure. Short-term changes in mRNA levels after a shift from low-light to high-light or dark conditions were analyzed by real-time quantitative PCR, and indicated that this gene expresses different mRNA levels under different light conditions.  相似文献   

Photoinhibition in Chilling Stressed Wheat and Maize   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Lidon  F.C.  Loureiro  A.S.  Vieira  D.E.  Bilhó  E.A.  Nobre  P.  Costa  R. 《Photosynthetica》2001,39(2):161-166
At chilling stress, the contents of photosynthetic pigments decreased significantly in maize, but in wheat the contents of chlorophyll (Chl) remained unchanged whereas the contents of total carotenoids (Car) increased. In both species the contents of + carotene and lutein + lutein-5,6-epoxide remained unaffected, but the de-epoxidation state involving the components of the xanthophyll cycle increased. Under chilling stress the photosynthetic electron transport also displayed a general failure in maize but in wheat only photosystem (PS) 2 coupled to the water oxidation complex was inhibited. Moreover, in stressed maize the quinone pool decreased, while the low and high potential forms of cytochrome b 559 increased. In wheat only the contents of cytochrome b 559LP decreased. Peroxidation of acyl lipids in the chloroplast lamellae became more distinct in chilling stressed maize but could also be detected in wheat. Thus in chilling stressed maize prevails an impairment of the acceptor site of PS2 while in wheat photodamage is restricted to the electron donation pathway from water to P680 or to the oxygen evolving complex.  相似文献   

J. P. Slovin  E. M. Tobin 《Planta》1982,154(5):465-472
Lemna gibba L. G-3 plants grown heterotrophically in the dark with intermittent red light (2 min every 8 h) contain a substantial amount of translatable mRNA encoding the light-harvesting chlorophyll (Chl)a/b-protein. However, very little [35S]methionine is incorporated into the apoproteins during a 1-h labeling period in the dark in these plants compared to plants grown in continuous white light. The Chla/b-protein mRNA is found to be associated with functioning polysomes in plants grown in the dark with intermittent red illumination (R plants). The small amounts of the apoproteins which are synthesized by these plants are found in the membrane fraction; neither the mature apoproteins nor their precursor(s) can be detected immunologically in the soluble fraction. The protein does not accumulate in these plants. Pulse-chase experiments with the R plants demonstrate that the newly synthesized apoproteins have a half-life of about 10 h in the dark. This turnover is not sufficient to explain the observed 20-fold difference in [35S]methionine incorporation into the apoprotein between white-light-grown and R plants. We therefore suggest that the synthesis of the Chla/b-apoproteins can be regulated by a light-dependent step at the level of translation, and that this regulation occurs after the initiation of translation.Abbreviations Chl chlorophyll - W Lemna plants grown in continuous white light - R plants grown heterotrophically in the dark with intermittent red light (2 min/8 h)  相似文献   

Changes in lipid composition of Photosystem 1 (PS 1) particles isolated from thylakoids phosphorylated under reductive or anaerobic conditions have been studied. Under reductive conditions, there was an increase in monogalactosyldiacylglycerol containing highly saturated fatty acids and phosphatidylglycerol containing transhexadecenoic fatty acid. Under anaerobic conditions, the amount of all lipid classes was increased. As we have shown earlier (S. V. Manuilskaya, O. I. Volovik, A. I. Mikhno, A. I. Polischuk and S. M. Kochubey (1990) Photosynthetica 24: 419–423) these changes were due to a co-migration of some lipid species and light-harvesting chlorophyll a/b complex LHC II from PS 2 to PS 1. These data allow us to conclude that LHC II consists of the lipoproteins containing specific lipids. Different composition of lipids co-migrating with LHC II under various conditions of phosphorylation might be caused by the variety of LHC II subpopulations transferred under each reductive condition.Abbreviations PS 1 Photosystem 1 - PS 2 Photosystem 2 - LHC II light-harvesting chlorophyll a/b protein complex II - Chl chlorophyll - MGDG monogalactosyldiacylglycerol - DGDG digalactosyldiacylglycerol - PG phosphatidylglycerol - SQDG sulfoquinovosyldiacylglycerol  相似文献   

The effect of photon flux density on inorganic carbon accumulation and photosynthetic CO2 assimilation was determined by CO2 exchange studies at three, limiting CO2 concentrations with a ca-1 mutant of Chlamydomonas reinhardiii. This mutant accumulates a large internal inorganic carbon pool in the light which apparently is unavailable for photosynthetic assimilation. Although steady-state photosynthetic CO2 assimilation did not respond to the varying photon flux densities because of CO2 limitation, components of inorganic-carbon accumulation were not clearly light saturated even at 1100 mol photons m-2 s-1, indicating a substantial energy requirement for inorganic carbon transport and accumulation. Steady-state photosynthetic CO2 assimilation responded to external CO2 concentrations but not to changing internal inorganic carbon concentrations, confirming that diffusion of CO2 into the cells supplies most of the CO2 for photosynthetic assimilation and that the internal inorganic carbon pool is essentially unavailable for photosynthetic assimilation. The estimated concentration of the internal inorganic carbon pool was found to be relatively insensitive to the external CO2 concentration over the small range tested, as would be expected if the concentration of this pool is limited by the internal to external inorganic carbon gradient. An attempt to use this CO2 exchange method to determine whether inorganic carbon accumulation and photosynthetic CO2 assimilation compete for energy at low photon flux densities proved inconclusive.  相似文献   

Net CO2 exchange was monitored through a dark-light-dark transition, under 2% and 21% O2 in the presence and absence of CO2, in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii wild type and the high-CO2-requiring mutant ca-1-12-1C. Upon illumination at 350 l/l CO2, ca-1-12-1C cell exhibited a large decrease in net CO2 uptake following an initial surge of CO2 uptake. Net CO2 uptake subsequently attained a steady-state rate substantially lower than the maximum. A large, O2-enchanced post-illumination burst of CO2 efflux was observed after a 10-min illumination period, corresponding to a minimum in the net CO2 uptake rate. A smaller, but O2-insensitive post-illumination burst was observed following a 30-min illumination period, when net CO2 uptake was at a steady-state rate. These post-illumination bursts appeared to reflect the release of an intracellular pool of inorganic carbon, which was much larger following the initial surge of net CO2 uptake than during the subsequent steady-state CO2 uptake period.With the mutant in CO2-free gas, O2-stimulated, net CO2 efflux was observed in the light, and a small, O2-dependent post-illumination burst was observed. With wild-type cells no CO2 efflux was observed in the light in CO2-free gas under either 2% or 21% O2, but a small, O2-dependent post-illumination burst was observed. These results were interpreted as indicating that photorespiratory rates were similar in the mutant and wild-type cells in the absence of CO2, but that the wild-type cells were better able to scavenge the photorespiratory CO2.  相似文献   

The effects of different spectral region of excitation and detection of chlorophyll (Chl) a fluorescence at room temperature on the estimation of excitation energy utilization within photosystem (PS) 2 were studied in wild-type barley (Hordeum vulgare L. cv. Bonus) and its Chl b-less mutant chlorina f2 grown under low and high irradiances [100 and 1 000 μmol(photon) m−2 s−1]. Three measuring spectral regimes were applied using a PAM 101 fluorometer: (1) excitation in the red region (maximum at the wavelength of 649 nm) and detection in the far-red region beyond 710 nm, (2) excitation in the blue region (maximum at the wavelength of 461 nm) and detection beyond 710 nm, and (3) excitation in the blue region and detection in the red region (660– 710 nm). Non-photochemical quenching of maximal (NPQ) and minimal fluorescence (SV0), determined by detecting Chl a fluorescence beyond 710 nm, were significantly higher for blue excitation as compared to red excitation. We suggest that this results from higher non-radiative dissipation of absorbed excitation energy within light-harvesting complexes of PS2 (LHC2) due to preferential excitation of LHC2 by blue radiation and from the lower contribution of PS1 emission to the detected fluorescence in the case of blue excitation. Detection of Chl a fluorescence originating preferentially from PS2 (i.e. in the range of 660–710 nm) led to pronounced increase of NPQ, SV0, and the PS2 photochemical efficiencies (FV/FM and FV′/FM′), indicating considerable underestimation of these parameters using the standard set-up of PAM 101. Hence PS1 contribution to the minimal fluorescence level in the irradiance-adapted state may reach up to about 80 %.  相似文献   

Chloroplast proteins were phosphorylated under two test conditions: white light irradiance alone and white light irradiance with the addition of glucose and glucose oxidase, used to produce an anaerobic medium. The interaction of phospho-LHC II with Photosystem 1 (PS 1) was studied for two types of PS I preparation. Changes in the chlorophyll a/b ratio and the ratio of 650 and 680 nm band intensities (E650/E680) in fluorescence excitation spectra were used in calculating the phospho-LHC II portion which became associated with PS 1. It is shown that the associated portion of phospho-LHC II varies for each of the PS 1 preparations and phosphorylation procedures. Possible conclusions as regards the transfer of various sets of LHC II subpopulations under different phosphorylation procedures and the differences of interaction with PS 1 are discussed.Abbreviations PS 1 Photosystem 1 - PS 2 Photosystem 2 - LHC II light-harvesting chlorophyll a/b protein complex II - Chl chlorophyll - fluorescence quantum yield - f life time of fluorescence at =685 nm - F735 fluorescence band with a maximum at 735 nm - F685 fluorescence band with a maximum at 685 nm - E650/E680 ratio of amplitudes in excitation fluorescence spectrum at 650 and 680 nm  相似文献   

Tůmová  E.  Sofrová  D. 《Photosynthetica》2002,40(1):103-108
Intact cells of Synechococcus elongatus were treated with different concentrations (0.1 and 1.0 mM = Cd0.1, Cd1.0) of CdCl2 for 24 h. Cd0.1 treatment stimulated growth of the cell culture and chlorophyll (Chl) a concentration in the culture. Cd1.0 inhibited both the above mentioned parameters. The oxygen evolving activity of intact cells (H2O BQ) as well as of isolated thylakoid membranes, TM (H2O DCPIP; H2O PBQ + FeCy) decreased after 24 h of Cd1.0 cultivation to 7 %. Photosystem 1 (PS1) activity was less sensitive to the effect of Cd2+ than PS2 activity. CdCl2 concentration in cultivation media after 24 h of cultivation proved that the cyanobacterium cells take up these ions to a large extent from the cultivation medium. After 24 h of the Cd1.0 treatment only 12 % of the amount of Cd2+ originally added to the cultivation medium was found. The ratio of external-antenna pigments, phycocyanin, and allophycocyanin to Chl increased approximately twofold with growing Cd2+ concentration in the cultivation medium. This ratio was found in both TM and dodecylmaltoside extracts.  相似文献   

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