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This communication addresses the state of aggregation of lipid-detergent mixed dispersions. Analysis of recently published data suggest that for any given detergent-lipid mixture the most important factor in determining the type of aggregates (mixed vesicles or mixed micelles) and the size of the aggregate is the detergent to lipid molar ratio in these aggregates, herein denoted the effective ratio, Re. For mixed bilayers this effective ratio has been previously shown to be a function of the lipid and detergent concentrations and of an equilibrium partition coefficient, K, which describes the distribution of the detergent between the bilayers and the aqueous phase. We show that, similar to mixed bilayers, the size of mixed micelles is also a function of the effective ratio, but for these dispersions the distribution of detergent between the mixed micelles and the aqueous medium obeys a much higher partition coefficient. In practical terms, the detergent concentration in the mixed micelles is equal to the difference between the total detergent concentration and the critical micelle concentration (cmc). Thus, the effective ratio is equal to this difference divided by the lipid concentration. Transformation of mixed bilayers to mixed micelles, commonly denoted solubilization, occurs when the surfactant to lipid effective ratio reaches a critical value. Experimental evaluation of this critical ratio can be based on the linear dependence of detergent concentration, required for solubilization, on the lipid concentration. According to the ‘equilibrium partition model’, the dependence of the ‘solubilizing detergent concentration’ on the lipid concentration intersects with the lipid axis at −1/K, while the slope of this dependence is the critical effective ratio. On the other hand, assuming that when solubilization occurs the detergent concentration in the aqueous phase is approximately equal to the critical micelle concentration, implies that the above dependence intersects with the detergent axis at the critical micelle concentration, while its slope, again, is equal to the critical effective ratio. Analysis of existing data suggests that within experimental error both these distinctively different approaches are valid, indicating that the critical effective ratio at which solubilization occurs is approximately equal to the product of the critical micelle concentration and the distribution coefficient K. Since the nature of detergent affects K and the critical micelle concentration in opposite directions, the critical (‘solubilizing’) effective ratio depends upon the nature of detergent less than any of these two factors.  相似文献   

Characterization of the solubilization of lipid bilayers by surfactants   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
This communication addresses the state of aggregation of lipid-detergent mixed dispersions. Analysis of recently published data suggest that for any given detergent-lipid mixture the most important factor in determining the type of aggregates (mixed vesicles or mixed micelles) and the size of the aggregate is the detergent to lipid molar ratio in these aggregates, herein denoted the effective ratio, Re. For mixed bilayers this effective ratio has been previously shown to be a function of the lipid and detergent concentrations and of an equilibrium partition coefficient, K, which describes the distribution of the detergent between the bilayers and the aqueous phase. We show that, similar to mixed bilayers, the size of mixed micelles is also a function of the effective ratio, but for these dispersions the distribution of detergent between the mixed micelles and the aqueous medium obeys a much higher partition coefficient. In practical terms, the detergent concentration in the mixed micelles is equal to the difference between the total detergent concentration and the critical micelle concentration (cmc). Thus, the effective ratio is equal to this difference divided by the lipid concentration. Transformation of mixed bilayers to mixed micelles, commonly denoted solubilization, occurs when the surfactant to lipid effective ratio reaches a critical value. Experimental evaluation of this critical ratio can be based on the linear dependence of detergent concentration, required for solubilization, on the lipid concentration. According to the 'equilibrium partition model', the dependence of the 'solubilizing detergent concentration' on the lipid concentration intersects with the lipid axis at -1/K, while the slope of this dependence is the critical effective ratio. On the other hand, assuming that when solubilization occurs the detergent concentration in the aqueous phase is approximately equal to the critical micelle concentration, implies that the above dependence intersects with the detergent axis at the critical micelle concentration, while its slope, again, is equal to the critical effective ratio. Analysis of existing data suggests that within experimental error both these distinctively different approaches are valid, indicating that the critical effective ratio at which solubilization occurs is approximately equal to the product of the critical micelle concentration and the distribution coefficient K. Since the nature of detergent affects K and the critical micelle concentration in opposite directions, the critical ('solubilizing') effective ratio depends upon the nature of detergent less than any of these two factors.  相似文献   

Continuous-flow resonance Raman experiments carried out in bacteriorhodopsin show that the exchange of a deuteron on the Schiff base with a proton takes place in times shorter than 3 ms. Exchange mechanisms based on a base-catalyzed deprotonation followed by reprotonation of the Schiff base are excluded. A mechanism is suggested in which a water molecule interacts directly with the Schiff base deuteron in a concerted exchange mechanism. It appears that in the dark, the binding site is more accessible to neutral water molecules than to charged protons.  相似文献   

The solubilization of lipid bilayers by surfactants is accompanied by morphological changes of the bilayer and the emergence of mixed micelles. From a phase equilibrium perspective, the lipid/surfactant/water system is in a two-phase area during the solubilization: a phase containing mixed micelles is in equilibrium with bilayer structures of the lamellar phase. In some cases three phases are present, the single micelle phase replaced by a concentrated and a dilute solution phase. In the case of non-ionic surfactants, the lipid bilayers reach saturation when mixed micelles, often flexible rod-like or thread-like, start to form in the aqueous solution, at a constant chemical potential of the surfactant. The composition of the bilayers also remains fixed during the dissolution. The phase behavior encountered with many charged surfactants is different. The lamellar phase becomes destabilized at a certain content of surfactant in the membrane, and then disintegrates, forming mixed micelles, or a hexagonal phase, or an intermediate phase. Defective bilayer intermediates, such as perforated vesicles, have been found in several systems, mainly with charged surfactants. The perforated membranes, in some systems, go over into thread-like micelles via lace-like structures, often without a clear two-phase region. Intermediates in the form of disks, either micelles or bilayer fragments, have been observed in several cases. Most noteworthy are the planar and circular disks found in systems containing a large fraction of cholesterol in the bilayer. Bile salts are a special class of surfactants that seem to break down the bilayer at low additions. Originally, disk-like mixed micelles were conjectured, with polar membrane lipids building the disk, and the bile salts covering the hydrophobic rim. Later work has shown that flexible cylinders are the dominant intermediates also in these systems, even if the disk-like structures have been re-established as transients in the transformation from mixed micelles to vesicles.  相似文献   

High-resolution NMR studies of bacteriorhodopsin require the availability of the detergent-solubilized protein with both high concentration and small rotational correlation time. A procedure is described for the optimized preparation of such samples. Bacteriorhodopsin was first delipidated by detergent treatment of purple membrane under nonsolubilizing conditions for the protein. The delipidated aggregated protein could then be solubilized into monomers at concentration close to millimolar by selected detergents. The solubilizing detergent had an important effect on the rotational correlation time of the protein as shown by measuring in each case the temperature-dependent stability of the protein, the size of the detergent-protein complex, and the detergent viscosity. Consistently, a strong influence of the detergent was also found on spectral resolution in 13C NMR spectra of solubilized bacteriorhodopsin labeled with [1-13C]phenylalanine. Best resolution was obtained using n-dodecylmaltoside as detergent, with which relatively narrow well resolved 13C NMR resonances were observed at 50 degrees C. It is suggested that high-resolution NMR studies performed with this detergent may contribute to the structural resolution of bacteriorhodopsin.  相似文献   

Summary In this review the proton-pumping mechanism proposed recently for bacteriorhodopsin [Chou, K. C. (1993) Journal of Protein Chemistry, 12: 337–350] is illustrated in terms of a phenomenological model. According to the model, the-ionone of the retinal chromophore in bacteriorhodopsin can be phenomenologically imagined as a molecular piston. The photon capture by bacteriorhodopsin would pull it up while the spontaneous decrease in potential energy would push it down so that it would be up and down alternately during the photocycle process. When it is pulled up, the gate of pore is open and the water channel for the proton translocation is through; when it is pushed down, the gate of pore is closed and the water channel is shut up. Such a model not only is quite consistent with experimental observations, but also provides useful insights and a different view to elucidate the protonpumping mechanism of bacteriorhodopsin. The essence of the model might be useful in investigating the mechanism of ion-channels of other membrane proteins.Abbreviations bR bacteriorhodopsin - All-trans bR bacteriorhodopsin with all-trans retinal chromophore - 13-cis bR bacteriorhodopsin with 13-cis retinal chromophore - All-trans bundle the 7-helix bundle in the all-trans bR - 13-cis bundle the 7-helix bundle in the 13-cis bR - rms root-mean-square  相似文献   

Bacteriorhodopsin's proton uptake reaction mechanism in the M to BR reaction pathway was investigated by time-resolved FTIR spectroscopy under physiological conditions (293 K, pH 6.5, 1 M KCl). The time resolution of a conventional fast-scan FTIR spectrometer was improved from 10 ms to 100 μs, using the stroboscopic FTIR technique. Simultaneously, absorbance changes at 11 wavelengths in the visible between 410 and 680 nm were recorded. Global fit analysis with sums of exponentials of both the infrared and visible absorbance changes yields four apparent rate constants, k7 = 0.3 ms, k4 = 2.3 ms, k3 = 6.9 ms, k6 = 30 ms, for the M to BR reaction pathway. Although the rise of the N and O intermediates is dominated by the same apparent rate constant (k4), protein reactions can be attributed to either the N or the O intermediate by comparison of data sets taken at 273 and 293 K. Conceptionally, the Schiff base has to be oriented in its deprotonated state from the proton donor (asp 85) to the proton acceptor (asp 96) in the M1 to M2 transition. However, experimentally two different M intermediates are not resolved, and M2 and N are merged. From the results the following conclusions are drawn: (a) the main structural change of the protein backbone, indicated by amide I, amide II difference bands, takes place in the M to N (conceptionally M2) transition. This reaction is proposed to be involved in the “reset switch” of the pump, (b) In the M to N (conceptionally M2) transition, most likely, asp-85's carbonyl frequency shifts from 1,762 to 1,753 cm-1 and persists in O. Protonation of asp-85 explains the red-shift of the absorbance maximum in O. (c) The catalytic proton uptake binding site asp-96 is deprotonated in the M to N transition and is reprotonated in O.  相似文献   

In our previous work [(1993) FEBS Lett. 313, 248-250; (1993) Biochem. Int. 30,461-469] M-intermediate formation of wild-type bacteriorhodopsin was shown to involve two components differing in time constants (τ1 = 60–70 μs and τ2 = 220–250 μs), which were suggested to reflect two independent pathways of M-intermediate formation. The contribution of the fast M was 4-times higher than the slow one. Our present research on M-intermediate formation in the D115N bacteriorhodopsin mutant revealed the same components but at a contribution ratio of 1:1. Upon lowering the pH, the slow phase of M-formation vanished at a pK of 6.2, and in the pH region 3.0–5.5 only the M-intermediate with a rise time of 60 μs was present. A 5–6 h incubation of D115N bacteriorhodopsin at pH 10.6 resulted in the irreversible transformation of 50% of the protein into a form with a difference absorbance maximum at 460 nm. This form was stable at pH 7.5 and had no photocycle, including M-intermediate formation. The remaining bacteriorhodopsin contained 100% fast M-intermediate. The disappearance of the 250-μs phase concomitant with bR460 formation indicates that at neutral pH bacteriorhodopsin exists as two spectroscopically indistinguishable forms.  相似文献   

The solubilization and mineralization of (14)C-phenanthrene in soil-water systems was examined with several commercially available surface-active agents, viz., an alkyl ethoxylate C(12)E(4); two alkylphenol ethoxylate surfactants: C(8)PE(9.5) and C(9)PE(10.5); two sorbitan ethoxylate surfactants: the sorbitan monolaurate (Tween 20) and the sorbitan monooleate (Tween 80); two pairs of nonionic ethoxylate surfactant mixtures: C(12)E(4)/C(12)E(23) at a 1:1 ratio, and C(12-15)E(3)/C(12-15)E(9) at a 1:3 ratio; and two surfactants possessing relatively high critical micelle concentration (CMC) values and low aggregation numbers: CHAPS and octyglucoside. Surface tension experiments were performed to evaluate surfactant sorption onto soil and the surfactant doses required to attain the CMC in the soil-water systems. Surfactant solubilization of (14)C-phenanthrene commenced with the onset of micellization. The addition of surface-active agents was observed not to be beneficial to the microbial mineralization of phenanthrene in the soil-water systems and, for supra-CMC surfactant doses, phenanthrene mineralization was completely inhibited for all the surfactants tested. A comparison of solubilization, surface tension, and mineralization data confirms that the inhibitory effect on microbial degradation of phenanthrene is related to the CMC of the surfactant in the presence of soil. Additional tests demonstrated the recovery of mineralization upon dilution of surfactant concentration to sub-CMC levels, and a relatively high exit rate for phenanthrene from micelles. These tests suggest that the inhibitory effect is probably related to a reversible physiological surfactant micelle-bacteria interaction, possibly through partial complexing or release of membrane material with disrupting membrane lamellar structure. This study indicates that nonionic surfactant solubilization of sorbed hydrophobic organic compounds from soil may not be beneficial for the concomitant enhancement of soil bioremediation. Additional work is needed to address physicochemical processes for bioavailability enhancement, and effects of solubilizing agents on microorganisms for remediation and treatment of hydrophobic organic compounds and nonaqueous phase liquids. (c) 1992 John Wiley & Sons Inc.  相似文献   

P. H. Nye  G. J. D. Kirk 《Plant and Soil》1987,100(1-3):127-134
Summary A simple model is described, and experimentally tested, for predicting the rate of dissolution of rock phosphates in soil, including the effect of solubilization by plant roots. The sensitivity of the model to its input parameters is assessed and it is seen that plants may significantly increase their P uptake by acid secretion. The model provides a rational basis for the selection of P solubilizing crops and inter-crops.  相似文献   

细菌视紫红质(Bacteriorhodopsin,或bR)是盐生嗜盐菌(Halobacterium salinarium)等细菌的跨膜蛋白质,其色基视黄醛的光致异构化作用触发细菌视紫红质的一系列结构变化,把质子从细胞质泵到细胞外空间。对细菌视紫红质中质子泵出分子机理进行了描述。  相似文献   

The binding of alkyl polyglucoside surfactants to the integral membrane protein bacteriorhodopsin (BR) and the formation of protein-surfactant complexes are investigated by sedimentation equilibrium via analytical ultracentrifugation and by small-angle neutron scattering (SANS). Contrast variation techniques in SANS enable measurement of the composition of the protein-surfactant complexes and determination of the thickness of the surfactant shell bound to the protein. The results indicate that alkyl polyglucosides can bind to BR as single surfactant layers or as a thicker shell. The thickness of the surfactant shell increases with increasing surfactant tail length, and it is generally unrelated to the aggregation number of the micelles even for a small and predominantly hydrophobic membrane protein such as BR. The aggregation numbers determined by sedimentation equilibrium methods match those measured by SANS, which also allows reconstruction of the shape of the protein-detergent complex. When the surfactant is present as a single layer, the BR loses activity, as measured by absorption spectroscopy, more quickly than it does when the surfactant forms a thicker shell.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to develop new surfactants for membrane protein solubilization, from a natural, biodegradable polymer: the polysaccharide pullulan. A set of amphiphilic pullulans (HMCMPs), differing in hydrophobic modification ratio, charge ratio, and the nature of the hydrophobic chains introduced, were synthesized and tested in solubilization experiments with outer membranes of Pseudomonas fluorescens. The membrane proteins were precipitated, and then resolubilized with various HMCMPs. The decyl alkyl chain (C(10)) was the hydrophobic graft that gave the highest level of solubilization. Decyl alkyl chain-bearing HMCMPs were also able to extract integral membrane proteins from their lipid environment. The best results were obtained with an amphiphilic pullulan bearing 18% decyl groups (18C(10)). Circular dichroism spectroscopy and membrane reconstitution experiments were used to test the structural and functional integrity of 18C(10)-solubilized proteins (OmpF from Escherichia coli and bacteriorhodopsin from Halobacterium halobium). Whatever their structure type (alpha or beta), 18C(10) did not alter either the structure or the function of the proteins analyzed. Thus, HMCMPs appear to constitute a promising new class of polymeric surfactants for membrane protein studies.  相似文献   

The efficiency of surfactant application to improve or inhibit metal solubilization and sulfur oxidation kinetics during the bioleaching of heavy metal-contaminated sediments was studied in suspension-leaching experiments. The river sediment used contained large amounts of fine particles and organic matter. Three types of surfactants were tested: sodium dodecylsulfate (SDS), a C12/14-alkanolethoxylate (Präwozell F1214/5N), and a wettable sulfur (Netz- schwefel 80 WP). Adding 10?mmol SDS/l led to transient inhibition of acidification, metal solubilization and sulfur oxidation. Inhibiting bioleaching for just 14?days required about ten times more SDS than the amount used for mine waste mitigation. The use of Präwozell resulted in poor inhibition; and using of wettable sulfur did not improve leaching efficiency. The bulk of these surfactants was sorbed onto the solid particles immediately on application, while the remainder in the aqueous phase disappeared within a few days.  相似文献   

王开彬  吴敏 《生命科学》2002,14(2):77-80
菌紫质(bR)是嗜盐菌紫膜中的唯一蛋白,具有光驱动的质子泵功能,迄今为止对于光循环和质子泵的具体分子机理仍未弄清楚,作者概述了近几年来关于bP质子泵机理的研究进展,介绍了两个较新的模型。  相似文献   

Crystals of transmembrane proteins may be grown from detergent solutions or in a matrix of membranous lipid bilayers existing in a liquid crystalline state and forming a cubic phase (in cubo). While crystallization in micellar solutions appears analogous to that for soluble proteins, crystallization in lipidic matrices is poorly understood. As this method was shown to be applicable to several membrane proteins, understanding its mechanism will facilitate a rational design of crystallization, minimizing the laborious screening of a large number of parameters. Using polarization microscopy and low-angle X-ray diffraction, experimental evidence is provided to support a mechanistic model for the in cubo crystallization of bacteriorhodopsin in a lipid matrix. Membrane proteins are thought to reside in curved lipid bilayers, to diffuse into patches of lower curvature and to incorporate into lattices which associate to form highly ordered three-dimensional crystals. Critical testing of this model is necessary to generalize it to other membrane proteins.  相似文献   

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