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The content of human physiology as an independent part of current physiology is discussed. Substantiated is the point that subjects of human physiology are not only special sections of physiology where functions are inherent only in human (physiology of intellectual activity, speech, labor, sport), but also in peculiarities of functions, specificity of regulation of each of physiological systems. By the example of physiology of kidney and water-salt balance there are shown borders of norm, peculiarities of regulation in human, new chapters of renal physiology which have appeared in connection with achievements of molecular physiology.  相似文献   

The content of human physiology as an independent part of modern physiology is discussed. It is substantiated that not only special sections of physiology where functions are specific for humans (the physiology of intellectual activity, speech, labor, and sport), but also the characteristics of functions and the specificity of regulation of each of the physiological systems are subjects of human physiology. The boundaries of the norm, the characteristics of regulation in humans, new chapters of renal physiology that appeared due to the achievements of molecular physiology and require fundamentally new approaches are exemplified by the physiology of the kidneys and water-electrolyte balance.  相似文献   

At present, the recovery of physiological functions in a cooled man after different kinds of accidents and sea catastrophes (accidental hypothermia) is a topical task of emergency medicine and, at the same time, an important problem of thermobiology, thermoregulation, and bioenergetics. This work outlines the disturbances of the physiological functions of the body at different stages of the development of accidental hypothermia, the main modern methods of recovery of these functions, and some unresolved problems of the physiology of resuscitating hypothermia victims. New achievements in the study of the mechanisms of cold-induced disorders of physiological functions are presented in this work, and the correction of the physiological methods for restoring the life activity of a cooled man is proposed.  相似文献   

In the article the history of comparative and evolutionary physiology since the early XIX is given. The most substantial methods of evolutionary physiology are described. In the mid-50ies Orbely put forward the suggestion concerning two tasks facing evolutionary physiology, namely the study of evolution of functions and functional evolution. In the present work attention is given to the principles underlying evolution of functions on different levels of physiological systems. The main aspects of functional evolution are discussed.  相似文献   

Stress is perhaps easiest to conceptualize as a process which allows an organism to accommodate for the demands of its environment such that it can adapt to the prevailing set of conditions. Psychological stress is an important component with the potential to affect physiology adversely as has become evident from various studies in the area. Although these studies have established numerous effects of psychological stress on physiology, a global strategy for the correlation of these effects has yet to begin. Our comparative and systematic analysis of the published literature has unraveled certain interesting molecular mechanisms as clues to account for some of the observed effects of psychological stress on human physiology. In this study, we attempt to understand initial phase of the physiological response to psychological stress by analyzing interactions between innate immunity and metabolism at systems level by analyzing the data available in the literature. In light of our gene association-networks and enrichment analysis we have identified candidate genes and molecular systems which might have some associative role in affecting psychological stress response system or even producing some of the observed terminal effects (such as the associated physiological disorders). In addition to the already accepted role of psychological stress as a perturbation that can disrupt physiological homeostasis, we speculate that it is potentially capable of causing deviation of certain biological processes from their basal level activity after which they can return back to their basal tones once the effects of stress diminish. Based on the derived inferences of our comparative analysis, we have proposed a probabilistic mechanism for how psychological stress could affect physiology such that these adaptive deviations are sometimes not able to bounce back to their original basal tones, and thus increase physiological susceptibility to metabolic and immune imbalance.  相似文献   

The principles of physiological functions formulated by J. Barckroft (constancy of the internal medium, reserves, any adaptation as an integration, principle of antagonism, doubling of mechanisms) are compared with principles of modern physiology. The place and role of physiology in the life sciences are discussed. The necessity of taking into consideration 4 level of regulation of functions (the nervous system, hormones, autacoids, physicochemical factors of the extracellular fluid) is substantiated, as well as the necessity of identification of 4 levels of organization of physiological systems. The main role of the water-salt homeostasis in maintaining the cell volume is suggested. Significance of various types of receptors and second messengers in regulation and modulation of functions is shown.  相似文献   

The Cannon lecture this year illustrates how knowledge of DNA sequences of complex living organisms is beginning to shape the landscape of physiology in the 21st century. Enormous challenges and opportunities now exist for physiologists to relate the galaxy of genes to normal and pathological functions. The first extensive genomic systems biology map for cardiovascular and renal function was completed last year as well as a new hypothesis-generating tool ("physiological profiling") that enables us to hypothesize relationships between specific genes responsible for the regulation of regulatory pathways. Techniques of chromosomal substitution (consomic and congenic rats) are beginning to confirm statistical results from linkage analysis studies, narrow the regions of genetic interest for positional cloning, and provide genetically well-defined control strains for physiological studies. Patterns of gene expression identified by microarray and mapping of expressed genes to chromosomal sites are adding to the understanding of systems physiology. The previously unimaginable goal of connecting approximately 36,000 genes to the complex functions of mammalian systems is indeed well underway.  相似文献   

Pavlov's concept of conditioned reflexes and Ukhtomskii theory of dominanta fall within the biological line in physiology. They unravel the integral adaptive and active nature of the organism behavior in the environment. It is impossible to develop modern concepts about the determinants of goal-directed behavior of animals and voluntary activity of humans without in-depth study of the achievements of these Russian physiological schools which not only formed the methodological basis for the current studies but also directed the way for their further development.  相似文献   

Ballistocardiography is an old, noninvasive technique used to record the movements of the body synchronous with the heartbeat due to left ventricular pump activity. Despite the fact that this technique to measure cardiac output has been superseded by more advanced and precise techniques, it is useful for teaching cardiac cycle physiology in an undergraduate practical course because of its noninvasive application in humans, clear physiological and physiopathological analysis, and practical approach to considering cardiac output issues. In the present report, a simple, low cost, easy-to-build ballistocardiography system is implemented together with a theoretical and practical session that includes Newton's laws, cardiac output, cardiac pump activity, anatomy and physiology of the vessel circulation, vectorial composition, and signal transduction, which makes cardiovascular physiology easy to understand and focuses on the study of cardiac output otherwise seen only with the help of computer simulation or echocardiography. The proposed system is able to record body displacement or force as ballistocardiography traces and its changes caused by different physiological factors. The ballistocardiography session was included in our medical physiology course six years ago with very high acceptance and approval rates from the students.  相似文献   

The serine/threonine kinase Akt, or protein kinase B (PKB), has recently been a focus of intense research. It appears that Akt/PKB lies in the crossroads of multiple cellular signaling pathways and acts as a transducer of many functions initiated by growth factor receptors that activate phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI 3-kinase). Akt/PKB is particularly important in mediating several metabolic actions of insulin. Another major activity of Akt/PKB is to mediate cell survival. In addition, the recent discovery of the tumor suppressor PTEN as an antagonist of PI 3-kinase and Akt/PKB kinase activity suggests that Akt/PKB is a critical factor in the genesis of cancer. Thus, elucidation of the mechanisms of Akt/PKB regulation and its physiological functions should be important for the understanding of cellular metabolism, apoptosis, and cancer.  相似文献   

本文阐述了心理对生理的能动作用。在一定的条件下,人的心理可影响其生理功能,两者互为因果、相互影响。生理是心理活动的物质基础,心理是其生理的驱动力和标志。本文论述了精神、情绪、意念、信念、暗示等心理活动对生理的影响和作用及中医论心理对生理的作用,中医利用情志疗法的理论达到心理对生理趋向健康的作用。同时论证了肠道菌群通过心理间接影响生理功能,通过微生态制剂调节肠道菌群的微生态平衡,可改善患者的神经症状,使之心理活动达到最佳状态,进而使人的生理趋向健康。  相似文献   

This article deals with the formation and development of the physiological methodological approach to microbial life-sustaining activities as related to M.V. Gusev’s scientific achievements. It summarizes M.V. Gusev’s concepts on microbial physiology and its role in the system of the life sciences. The main research directions developed at the Department of Microbial Physiology at Moscow State University are outlined.  相似文献   

Bradykinin plays many roles in normal and pathological physiology, but rapid enzymatic degradation made elucidation of its functions extremely difficult. Development of effective degradation-resistant antagonists made it possible to delineate these roles and to open the way for development of new drugs to control pathology due to excess production of bradykinin. Presently available peptide bradykinin antagonists are extremely potent, are completely resistant to enzymatic degradation, and are orally available. Non-peptide bradykinin antagonists have also been discovered. Development of bradykinin antagonists as drugs for cancer, inflammation and trauma is anticipated.  相似文献   

The paper considers the main tasks facing evolutionary physiology as well as the methods that allow these tasks to be solved. It is shown that alongside with traditional, classical methods (phylogenetic, ontogenetic, experimental, clinical), there developed and got recognition in the present-day evolutionary physiology principally new methodological approaches important for solution of actual problems of this discipline. It is the method of mathematical modeling of functions, which makes it possible not only to study on the model, in temporary scales convenient for analysis, evolution of the given functions under the given actions, but also to model the evolutionary process itself in its different manifestations. It is the method of gene engineering that allows studying processes of formation of specific functional systems, their interaction and “mutual adjustment” at the organism level. It is lastly the method of tissue cultures allowing reconstruction under artificial conditions various systems of organism and study of regularities and mechanisms of morphogenesis and formation of functions. The paper discusses trends of development of evolutionary physiology for the last few years, considers perspective directions of studies, using specific examples, and shows possible ways for practical applications of fundamental investigations in the field of evolutionary physiology. Journal variant of the report published in the Collection of Papers “Tendency of Development of Physiological Sciences,” St. Petersburg, 2000.  相似文献   

Moonlighting cholinesterases in non-synaptic cholinergic mechanisms The early phylogenetic and ontogenetic appearance of acetylcholine (ACh) and its cholinergic protein components render their possible functionalities, apart from purely neuronal ones, most likely. The capacities of cholinesterases (ChEs) to form large protein complexes opened wide functional fields for them. Already existent in stem cells, ChEs in cooperation with components of the cell matrix (ECM) promote cell differentiation, whereby their enzymatic activity is (at least partially) dispensable. This is independently supported by effects of inactive AChE protein exerted in non-neuronal cells, as well as the discovery of cholinesterase-like adhesion molecules (CLAMs). Therefore, much evidence supports the conclusion that the original functionalities of cholinesterases, and, more generally of cholinergic systems, are to be sought in cell-cell-communication. Here, these views were exemplified by some in vitro and in vivo model studies. In the vertebrate retina early differentiating amacrine cells co-regulate network formation. Similarly potent are cholinergic mechanisms during skeletogenesis. ACh accelerates bone formation, and ChEs not only regulate its concentration, but exert additional structural functions. As much convincing, a study on tadpoles documented that gut formation in Xenopus laevis depends strictly on the AChE protein, but not on its enzymatic activity. A full elucidation of ChE functionalities is essential, since a multitude of anticholinesterases (ChE inhibitors) are widely applied in public life (agriculture, health, security). It is timely that cholinergic research focuses on elucidation of non-synaptic ChEs, and on analyzing non-neuronal cholinergic systems (NNCS) in general.  相似文献   

Huang W  Sher YP  Peck K  Fung YC 《Biorheology》2001,38(2-3):75-87
Microarray gene chip technology is a powerful invention looking for applications. A general principle is proposed here to direct the power of the technology toward physiology, medicine, and pharmacology. Our principle is to match quantitative measures of gene expression with the trend of mathematical parameters that describe biological functions. Mathematical parameterization is the heart. The procedure is illustrated by lung physiology, including the hypoxic hypertension, rheological properties of the tissues, and the remodeling of the pulmonary arterial wall under hypertensive stress. We show first how to reduce the experimental results on these physiological functions into mathematical formulas, and how the parameters of these formulas describe the functional trends precisely. Then under the assumption that the microarray reveals gene activities quantitatively, we match the trends of the gene activity with the trends of the functional parameters. Genes whose trends do match are interpreted as relevant to the functions. Those that do not match are considered irrelevant to the functions. The more functions we consider, the fewer will be the number of genes that are relevant to all functions. Thus we learn about the generality and specificity of the influence of genes on physiology.  相似文献   

Flavonoids are ubiquitous in the plant kingdom and have many diverse functions including defense, UV protection, auxin transport inhibition, allelopathy, and flower coloring. Interestingly, these compounds also have considerable biological activity in plant, animal and bacterial systems – such broad activity is accomplished by few compounds. Yet, for all the research over the last three decades, many of the cellular targets of these secondary metabolites are unknown. The many mutants available in model plant species such as Arabidopsis thaliana and Medicago truncatula are enabling the intricacies of the physiology of these compounds to be deduced. In the present review, we cover recent advances in flavonoid research, discuss deficiencies in our understanding of the physiological processes, and suggest approaches to identify the cellular targets of flavonoids.  相似文献   

Academic physiology, as it was taught by John Hughes Bennett during the 1870s, involved an understanding of the functions of the human body and the physical laws which governed those functions. This knowledge was perceived to be directly relevant and applicable to clinical practice in terms of maintaining bodily hygiene and human health. The first generation of medical women received their physiological education at Edinburgh University under Bennett, who emphasised the importance of physiology for women due to its relevance for the hygienic needs of the family and of society. With the development of laboratory-based science as a distinct aspect of medical education during the later nineteenth century, however, so the direct application of physiology to clinical practice diminished. The understanding of physiology as hygiene was marginalised by the new orthodoxy of scientific medicine. This shift in the physiological paradigm enabled medical women to stake out a specific field of interest within medicine which was omitted from the new definition of physiology as pure medical science: hygiene and preventive medicine. Women physicians were able to take advantage of the shift towards science as the basis of medical theory and practice to define their own specific role within the profession.  相似文献   

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