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The stem specimens of Sigillaria cf. brardii were collected from the coal balls of Upper Permian in Shuicheng Coal Mines in Guizhou Province. The main anatomical characteristics of Sigillaria cf. brardii are described as follows: The stem is siphonostelic, with pith composed entirely of polygonal parenchyma cells, there are secondary walls in some pith cell cavities these secondary walls show the characters of cell division. Surrounding the pith is the continuous cylindrical primary xylem which consists entirely of tracheids. The outermost, and part are the protoxylem elements show spiral secondary thickenings. In cross section, the outer edge of exarch primary xylem appears regularly sinuous, with trace of mesarch leaf originating from the furrows. The centripetal metaxylem is characterized by scalariform wall thickenings on the tracheids, and delicated strands of secondary wall materials extending between abjacent bars, these structures are called fimbris, or williamson striations, and are characteristic in lepidodendrids. The secondary xylem consists of tracheids and vascular rays. The tracheids, too, have scalariform wall thickenings and fimbris. The rays are one-to twocell width and several to more than ten cells in height.  相似文献   

扁圆封印木(相似种)茎干的解剖特征   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
贵州省水城矿区晚二叠世煤核中扁圆封印木(相似种Sigillaria cf.brardiiBrongn.)茎干的主要解剖特征如下:管状中柱,具多边形薄壁细胞组成的髓。初生木质部成环带状,外缘呈规则的齿槽状,向心式发育。次生木质部显束状特征,横切面管胞为方圆至长方形,纵切面为梯状壁增厚,并具流苏纹。射线1—2列细胞宽,数个至十余个细胞高。叶迹起源于初生木质部外缘的槽中,中始式,但以向心发育为主。  相似文献   

A petrified stem of Leptophloeum rhombicum is described from the Huangjiadeng Formation of the Upper Devonian in Changyang, Hubei. In the xylem of the axis, the secondary xylem is not preserved, the greatest part of the primary xylem is composed of metaxylem tracheids that are scalariform and have Williamson's striations. Based on their connections between adjacent transverse bars Witliamson's striations would be considered as a part of the secondary wall material. The small protoxylem tracheids form vertical ridges at the periphery of primary xylem cylinder. In cross section, the ridges appear as small radiating teeth of protoxylem. It provides further evidence that primary xylem in Leptophloeum rhombicum is similar to that in Carboniferous lepidodendrid lycopods. The opinion that the systematic position of Leptophloeum should be transferred from the Protolepidodendrales to the Lepidodendrales could be accepted and reaffirmed.  相似文献   

Archaeopteris macilenta is one of the most widespread plants in the Late Devonian.Based on fossils from the Frasnian Huangjiadeng Formation,Yichang District of Hubei Province,for the first time we study in detail the anatomy of this progymnosperm plant in South China.Ultimate axes are protostelic with three xylem sympodia and lack secondary tissue.Penultimate axes are eustelic,bearing eight sympodia and a thin band of secondary xylem.Radially symmetrical sympodia of mesarch primary xylem produce traces of appendages in a spiral arrangement.Archaeopteris macilenta and A.halliana (A.roemeriana) are dominant in the Frasnian and Famennian,respectively.Comparisons with these two species from other tectonic plates indicate consistent stelar architectures.Global spread,continuous occurrence,and identical anatomy during the Late Devonian indicate that Archaeopteris survived the Frasnian-Famennian extinction event.In this time,endemic genera and cosmopolitan taxa,including Archaeopteris,suggest the palaeogeographic isolation of South China and certain associations with other plates.  相似文献   

描述一种采自湖北上泥盆统弗拉阶黄家蹬组中的石松植物。该植物茎轴纤细。叶基纺锤形,螺旋排列。叶线形,叶缘具刺。具顶生的孢子叶球。其孢子叶匙状或披针形,边缘具刺。孢子囊呈圆形或椭圆形。植物茎具原生中柱。原生木质部呈小脊状位于中柱边缘。后生木质部管胞由梯纹分子组成,在加厚棒之间没有类似“威廉姆逊纹”的连接物。该植物与采自湖南中泥盆统基维特阶的Longostachys(Zhu,Huand Feng) Caiand Chen可比较。它们在茎轴、线形和具刺的叶、纺锤形和螺旋排列的叶基、匙状披针形的孢子叶,以及叶、叶基和孢子叶的度量等特征方面均非常相似。两者在解剖特征上存有差别,即当前植物不具次生木质部,不具髓,后生木质部加厚棒之间不具连接物。考虑到现有特征并不足以建立新属种,暂归入cf.Longostachyssp.  相似文献   

Rhacophyton from the Upper Devonian of West Virginia   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A new species of Rhacophyton, R. ceratangium , is described from Upper Devonian rocks of West Virginia, U.S.A.; this is synonymous with R. incertum (Dawson) Krausel and Weyland but reasons are cited to indicate that the latter species name is not appropriate.
The collections include: stems up to 2 cm in diameter bearing bipinnate, non-laminate vegetative fronds; abundant well preserved fertile fronds that show clearly the distinctive morphology of their sterile and fertile pinnae; fragments of axes with woody tissues petrified.
The sporangia are particularly distinctive with their long slender tip; they dehisced longitudinally and contained several hundred spores; all available evidence indicates that the plant was homosporous. All petrified axes have a slender bar-shaped strand of primary wood swollen at either end and surrounded by strongly developed secondary wood consisting of scalariform tracheids and rays.
R. ceratangium is closely related to the Belgian R. zygopteroides Leelercq. A comparison with other Devonian and Carboniferous pteridophytes suggests that Rhacophyton is probably a primitive member of the Progymnospermopsida or immediately ancestral to that group.  相似文献   

Proteokalon gen. nov. is described from the Upper Devonian Catskill deposits of New York. Two orders of branching and ultimate appendages are preserved' by petrifaction and by compression. The first order bears branches decussately and has a skewed four-armed protostele that occasionally dichotomizes. Second-order branches dichotomize rarely and most have T-shaped or three-armed protosteles. They bear ultimate appendages alternately, either in lateral pairs, or singly from the abaxial side. These appendages divide several times in one plane. Their vascular strand is terete. Maturation of the primary xylem is mesarch, and it consists of tracheids and parenchyma. Secondary xylem and phloem and a periderm are present. The outer cortex has a system of hypodermal fibers. Proteokalon is most similar to Tetraxylopteris and Triloboxylon of the Aneurophytales. A comparison of the stratigraphic occurrence of Protopteridium, Aneurophyton, Tetraxylopterism, Sphenoxylon, Triloboxylon, and Proteokalon suggests some evolutionary trends among the Aneurophytales.  相似文献   

Abstract Archaeopteris macilenta is one of the most widespread plants in the Late Devonian. Based on fossils from the Frasnian Huangjiadeng Formation, Yichang District of Hubei Province, for the first time we study in detail the anatomy of this progymnosperm plant in South China. Ultimate axes are protostelic with three xylem sympodia and lack secondary tissue. Penultimate axes are eustelic, bearing eight sympodia and a thin band of secondary xylem. Radially symmetrical sympodia of mesarch primary xylem produce traces of appendages in a spiral arrangement. Archaeopteris macilenta and A. halliana (A. roemeriana) are dominant in the Frasnian and Famennian, respectively. Comparisons with these two species from other tectonic plates indicate consistent stelar architectures. Global spread, continuous occurrence, and identical anatomy during the Late Devonian indicate that Archaeopteris survived the Frasnian–Famennian extinction event. In this time, endemic genera and cosmopolitan taxa, including Archaeopteris, suggest the palaeogeographic isolation of South China and certain associations with other plates.  相似文献   

Pyritized axes of the vegetative branching system of Rellimia thomsonii, from the Givetian of New York were described with emphasis on the presence and position of the secondary tissues in relation to the known axis orders. The morphology and anatomy of four axis orders (N, N + 1, N + 2, N + 3) was described using two well-preserved specimens. One specimen showed the largest known (N) axis order, with spirally attached N + 1 axes. The other specimen, from a more distal portion of the plant, showed the N + 2 axis order with spirally arranged N + 3 axes. The shape of the primary xylem, discernible in three of the axis orders (N + 1, N + 2, N + 3), was a three-lobed protostele with mesarch maturation of the primary xylem. The protostele of the N + 3 axis order, with only primary growth, was identical to that of fertile N + 3 axes. The other axis orders (N + 2, N + 1, N) had wood surrounding the primary xylem. The wood of the N+2 axis was limited, and occurred only in the basal portion of the axis, but that of the N+1 and N axes was extensively developed with two and three growth layers, respectively. This wood was pycnoxylic with narrow rays similar to other aneurophytalean progymnosperms. Surrounding the secondary xylem was secondary phloem indicating the vascular cambium in Rellimia was bifacial. The presence of growth layers was discussed in relation to the climatic interpretation placed on their presence and how it correlates with paleogeographic reconstructions of the Devonian.  相似文献   

A new genus from a Middle Devonian locality near Cairo, N. Y., is described. Actinoxylon gen. nov. is based upon pyritic petrifactions. Three orders of branching are present: penultimate branch, ultimate branch, and leaf. The penultimate branch bears spirally arranged ultimate branches and leaves, the leaves apparently replacing the branches in the spiral. The ultimate branches bear opposite to subopposite and decussate leaves. The leaves are non-planated, unwebbed structures which show at least three dichotomies. Each segment of the leaf is terete as are all other axes. Internally the penultimate branch has a six-lobed actinostele with mesarch protoxylem areas, one or two per lobe. Secondary xylem is visible in the oldest parts of several specimens. The xylem has helical-reticulate, reticulate, scalariform and circular-pitted elements. The presumptive areas of phloem are occupied by cells with dark contents. The cortex is composed of a parenchymatous inner region and a sclerenchymatous outer region. The ultimate branch traces are at first three-lobed protosteles, later becoming four-lobed. Several ultimate branch traces also possess secondary xylem while within the cortex of the penultimate branch. The leaf traces are terete strands. Below each forking of a leaf segment there is a corresponding forking of the vascular strand. Actinoxylon is compared with the progymnosperms Actinopodium, Svalbardia, Archaeopteris, Siderella, and Tetraxylopteris. The anatomy of the penultimate branch of Actinoxylon is similar to that of Actinopodium, Archaeopteris macilenta, and Siderella. The ultimate branch traces of Archaeopteris and Actinoxylon are similar. The ultimate branch stele and pattern of trace formation in Actinoxylon is similar to the stelar configuration and trace formation in the r + 2 axes of Tetraxylopteris schmidtii. The unwebbed leaves are similar to those of Archaeopteris fissilis, Svalbardia, and the terminal units of the Aneurophytales.  相似文献   

A collection of over 200 petrified Middle Devonian plants was made from a single locality near Cairo, New York. This paper represents the second of a series enumerating the plants of the flora. Reimannia aldenense with a single lateral appendage containing a terete xylem strand that divides is present. Reimannia is thought to represent young branches within the Aneurophytales. Many of the sections made for the study of the flora contain small, terete axes. Some have a very distinctive epidermis. Some dichotomize several times. Cairoa lamanekii gen. et sp. n. shows closest affinity to the Aneurophytales yet differs in that the shape of the primary xylem is not consistently repeated from one order of axis to the next. It is suggested that Cairoa and Proteokalon represent a distinctive subgroup in the Aneurophytales.  相似文献   

Bostonia perplexa, gen. et sp. nov., was collected from the Lower Mississippian Falling Run member of the Sanderson Formation. The single short segment of an axis, preserved as a petrifaction, contains at least three vascular columns, each with both primary and secondary tissues. Primary xylem is two or three ribbed, and contains several mesarch protoxylem strands. Gymnospermous secondary xylem is characterized by both uniseriate and multiseriate rays. The ground tissue is parenchymatous except for a few clusters of sclerotic cells. In its apparent polystelic nature, the specimen superficially resembles members of the Pennsylvanian to Permian Medullosaceae. All evidence currently available, however, leads to the conclusion that this species should be placed in the Upper Devonian to Lower Mississippian Calamopityaceae. It has not been determined with certainty whether the species is polystelic (in the sense of the Medullosaceae), or whether the apparent polystely is the result of stelar branching proximal to the level of branch divergence.  相似文献   

Ibyka gen. n. is described from late Middle Devonian compressions and petrifactions collected in eastern New York State. It is a robust plant of which three orders of branching and ultimate appendages (leaves) are known. The latter dichotomize up to five times, are arranged spirally on all orders of branching, are three-dimensional, and all orders are terete in cross section. Fertile appendages, homologous with the sterile, are terminated by sporangia. The protostele has five or six arms, the maturation is mesarch, and the protoxylem disintegrates leaving lacunae at the tips of the arms. Traces to appendages are terete and arise spirally from the tips of the arms. The primary xylem consists of tracheids only, the phloem of thin-walled cells and probable tanniniferous cells. The cortex consists of parenchyma and groups of sclereids. Secondary xylem is lacking. Ibyka is placed in a new order, Ibykales, close to the Hyeniales (protoarticulates) and to the Pseudosporochnales all three of which probably evolved from Trimerophytina.  相似文献   

A new silicified wood, Sclerospiroxylon xinjiangensis Wan, Yang et Wang nov. sp., is described from the Cisuralian (lower Permian) Hongyanchi Formation in southeast Tarlong section, Turpan City, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, northwestern China. The fossil wood is composed of pith, primary xylem and Prototaxoxylon-type secondary xylem. The pith is solid, circular, heterocellular, with sclerenchyma and parenchyma. The primary xylem is endarch to mesarch, with scalariform thickenings on tracheid walls. The secondary xylem is pycnoxylic, composed of tracheids and parenchymatous rays. Growth rings are distinct. Tracheids have mostly uniseriate, partially biseriate araucarian pitting on their radial walls. Helical thickenings are always present on both the radial and the tangential walls. Rays are 2–14 cells high, with smooth walls. There are 2 to 7, commonly 2 to 4 cupressoid pits in each cross-field. Leaf traces suggest that Sxinjiangensis nov. sp. was evergreen with a leaf retention time of at least 15 years. Based on the sedimentological evidence, growth rings within the Sxinjiangensis nov. sp. could have been caused by seasonal climatic variations, with unfavorable seasons of drought or low temperature. Low percentage of latewood in each growth ring is probably due to the intensity of climatic seasonality and/or long leaf longevity.  相似文献   

A new genus of pleridosperms is described from the uppermost Devonian beds from Ballyheigue, Ireland. I.aceya hibernica May & Mat ten is represented by stems bearing spirally arranged fronds. The base of the frond is swollen and is about the same size as the stem. Pinnae are borne alternately and apparently in one plane on the rachis. The anatomy of the stem reveals a three-fluted protostele. Secondary xylem consists of rays and trachcids and secondary phloem is present. The inner cortex contains probable secretory and/or sclerotic cells. The outer cortex is of the spargaimm-type. Rachial trace formation is described. The U-shaped xylem strand of the rachis lacks secondary tissue. Pinnae traces are V- to C-shaped. A presumed adventitious root has a triarch protostele, a parenchymatous cortex and lacks a 'sparganum' outer zone. I.aceya is believed to be a member of the Lyginopleridaceae. The divisions of the sympodial protoxylem strand forming the rachial trace is compared among the Aneurophytales, Buteoxylonaceae, Calamopityaceae and Lyginopteridaceae and is shown to be similar.  相似文献   

Eggert , Donald A. (Southern Illinois U., Carbondale.) Studies of Palerzoic ferns: The frond of Ankyropteris glabra. Amer. Jour. Bot. 50(4): 379–387. Illus. 1963—The major features of the frond of A. glabra are described on the basis of preserved parts found in Middle Pennsylvanian coal ball material from Illinois. The frond is planated and has well-developed foliar laminae. Primary pinnae arise from the petiole in 2 alternating series, and secondary pinnae arise in a similar fashion from the primary pinnae. Foliar laminae occur on the secondary pinnae and have dichotomous venation. The xylem of the petiole has a diupsilon configuration in the lower part of the axis, while higher in the petiole the xylem forms a strand resembling that of the European species A. westfaliensis. The xylem strands of the primary pinnae arise from the adaxial antennae of the petiolar vascular strand as somewhat C-shapcd bodies and develop antennae and become H-shaped at higher levels. A gap occurs in the antenna of the petiole vascular system above the level of departure of the primary pinna trace. Terete vascular strands occur in the secondary pinna axes which arise from the adaxial antennae of the xylem of the primary pinnae. The foliar laminae are relatively thin, have an irregular outline, and their histology is like that found in many living ferns. The frond of A. glabra illustrates that leaf evolution had progressed in at least one species of the coenopterid family Zygopteridaceae to the extent that an essentially 2-dimensional frond of modern aspect, and with well-developed foliar laminae, was present by Middle Pennsylvanian time.  相似文献   

Recent investigation on the Cathaysian flora of the Lower Permian Taiyuan Formation in Hebei Province, North China has led to the discovery of a new type of fern, Rastropteris pingquanensis gen. et sp. nov. Preserved as a permineralization, the stem, with a mantle of petiole bases and roots, shows a unique combination of anatomical characters. The vascular strand consists of a solid protostele with uniformly elongated tracheids and mesarch maturation of the xylem. In transverse section, the configuration of leaf trace xylem changes from reniform endarch to a tangentially elongated strand adaxially recurved at each end with several adaxial ridges. Stem and petiole cortex contains abundant sclerotic tissue with an interstitial tissue developed within the mantle of petiole bases and roots. A reinvestigation of Grammatopteris rigollotii , from the Permian of France, the type species of the genus allows interpretation of the latter as closer to Rastropteris than any other fern. Both taxa are provisionally reported to an incertae sedis group of filicalean ferns possibly involved in the origin of Osmundaceae.  相似文献   

An anatomically preserved lycopsid, Lobodendron fanwanensegen. et sp. nov. Liu, Wang, Xue & Meng, is described from the Upper Devonian (Famennian) Wutong Formation of Changxing County, Zhejiang Province, China. The fossil plant bears slender, dichotomously branched axes. The vascular strand consists of solid terete primary xylem and lobed secondary xylem, which implies the result from the activity of possibly discontinuous cambium. The new plant has character combinations that do not conform to any branches in the canopy of the tree-lycopsids known previously, but resemble those of the basal part of some pseudoherbaceous lycopsids. This new plant may exemplify a Late Devonian lycopsid with a pseudoherbaceous growth habit.  相似文献   

Stenokoleos is a genus for petrified axes from the Mississippian New Albany Shale to which an Upper Devonian occurrence in New York is added. Two orders of branching were known and the plant was thought to be related to coenopterid ferns. The new petrified axes from New York reveal three orders of branching. A pair of rachides emerges from one side of the stem at each node. Their position alternates at successive nodes (distichous). Each rachis bears alternately arranged pinnae. The shape of the xylem strand and the number of protoxylem areas are variable. Traces to the pairs of rachides arise either as two separate strands or as a single strand that is presumed to divide while still within the cortex of the stem. Traces to pinnae are ellipsoid or clepsydroid. Tracheids are scalariform and uni- or biseriate, circular-bordered pitted. Peripheral loops are present in all orders of branches. Protoxylem strands are numerous and maturation is mesarch. Cortex is parenchymatous where it is preserved but outer cortex is missing. Stenokoleos and Reimanniopsis are placed in a new family, Stenokoleaceae. This is classified as Incertae Sedis among Pterophytina in Tracheophyta. It is suggested that the plant is related more closely to the Mississippian pteridosperms Tristichia and Tetrastichia than to the coenopterid ferns.  相似文献   

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