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杉木林自疏过程密度调节规律的研究   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
提出了森林自然稀疏过程中密度调节规律新模型,应用收缩扩张算法以山杨、云南松等树种森林自疏过程中密度资料对新模型进行了验证。验证结果表明:所提出的森林自疏规律模型能很好拟合实际的观测资料,具有良好的使用价值;所采用的非线性方程最优拟合方法是科学的,从而丰富了该领域的研究方法。交提出的森林自然稀疏过程密度调节规律模型应用于杉木林自疏过程密度变化规律研究,效果很理想,可为杉木林经营管理提供参考。  相似文献   

同龄纯林密度效应新模型的研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
根据植物种群生物量增长模式和最终产量恒定理论,提出一种新的同龄纯林密度效应模型:V^-β=AN^β B。这里N和V分别为林分密度和平均单株材积;A、B、β分别是随生长阶段而变化的参数。采用杉木人工林密度试验材料进行验证,表明该模型能很好地拟合实际的观测资料,明显优于目前常用的密度效应倒数模型和二次效应模型,显示了较大的优越性和较高的准确性。在新的密度效应模型中,取β=1可得密度效应倒数模型,即密度效应倒数模型仅为本文新模型的一个特例。  相似文献   

BP-MSM混合算法及其在森林自疏规律研究中的应用   总被引:14,自引:2,他引:14  
森林自然稀疏机制一般是非线性的、动态的.人工神经网络具有逼近任意非线性映射的特性.本文阐述了人工神经网络模拟森林自疏机制的可行性和不足之处,并提出了基于改进单纯形法的神经网络模型(BP-MSM混合算法)的基本原理和算法,结合山杨天然林和杉木人工林自疏实例说明了其应用.森林自疏实例应用结果表明,BP-MSM混合算法模拟森林自然稀疏机制是理想的,模拟精度较高,从而继承和发展了人工神经网络方法与理论,丰富了森林自然稀疏规律研究方法.  相似文献   

油松植物种群自疏规律模型的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
根据植物生长的密度理论和有关生物学假设,推导出一种新的植物各自疏规律模型,即N=exp(aln^2B+blnB+c),这里N和B分别为种群密度和植物种群平均重量或平均胸高断面积,a,b,c为参数。将该模型应用于油松种群密度变化规律研究中,证明该模型能很好地拟合实际的观测资料,并且具有表达式简单等特点,因而,该模型是油松植物种群自疏规律的有效描述。  相似文献   

借鉴近自然森林管理理念,用阔叶林或针阔混交林替代南亚热带大面积人工针叶纯林已被认为是一种有效的森林培育方式.1993年,在位于广西凭祥的中国林业科学研究院热带林业实验中心伏波试验场营造了马尾松和杉木纯林.为了提高针叶纯林的生产力和维护生态平衡,2007-2008年间,运用近自然森林培育技术,分别在间伐后的马尾松和杉木纯林中套种等量混合的当地优质乡土树种红椎(Castanopsis hystrix)和香梓楠(Michelia gioii苗木,套种密度均为405株/hm2(以下简称“马尾松近自然林”、“杉木近自然林”).选择邻近地块相同林龄、相似立地条件的未经改造的马尾松、杉木人工纯林作为对照(以下简称“未改造纯林”),研究了马尾松和杉木人工针叶纯林近自然改造早期对群落特征和土壤性质的影响,以期为马尾松和杉木人工林的可持续经营提供科学依据.研究结果表明:(1)近自然林中马尾松和杉木的密度、胸高断面积均显著低于各自未改造纯林(P<0.05),但其平均胸径均高于各自未改造纯林,其中马尾松达显著差异(P<0.05).(2)近自然林成年树(DBH≥10 cm)的林木株数少于未改造纯林,树种仍以马尾松和杉木占据绝对优势地位,而近自然林小树(5 cm≤DBH<10 cm)和幼树(1 cm≤DBH<5 cm)的物种数、株数均多于未改造纯林,套种的红椎和香梓楠已经成为近自然林中重要值最大的幼树物种,红椎和香梓楠在马尾松近自然林中的生长状况优于杉木近自然林.(3)马尾松近自然林灌木层和草本层的物种丰富度指数、Shannon-Wiener指数、Simpson指数和Pielou指数与其未改造纯林均无显著差异;杉木近自然林灌木层的丰富度指数和草本层的Pielou指数显著高于其未改造纯林(P<0.05),其他指数则没有显著差异.(4)马尾松和杉木近自然林的土壤容重、总孔隙度、全磷、全氮、全钾和速效钾与各自未改造纯林没有显著差异,但马尾松近自然林的土壤有机碳含量和pH值显著低于其未改造纯林(P<0.05),杉木近自然林的速效磷含量显著低于其未改造纯林(P<0.05).  相似文献   

马尾松人工林种群自然稀疏模型的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在福建北部丘陵山区生长发育正常的各种类型的马尾松人工林中,设置固定样地,测算胸径、株高、优势高、株数、蓄积量、年龄等数据,以植物种群生物量增长模型dB/dt=rB[1-(B/K)^θ]和3/2自疏法则为理论依据,出森林自然稀疏过程密度变化规律的模型:N={[A(1 ce^-ft)^b]^-p-[A(1 ce^-ft0)^b]^-p No^-p}^-1/p,该模型适用于描述各种密度林分的自然稀疏规律。经用闽北马尾松人工林固定样地资料验证,证明此模型能很好地拟合实际的密度观察资料,显示了较高的准确性和较大的适用性,有良好的使用价值。  相似文献   

自疏边界线是指植物种群发生密度依赖死亡时种群最大收获量的上边界线。已有研究由于在拟合自疏边界线的过程中对数据点的选择和参数估计的方法存在诸多的差异,进而导致产生对自疏法则的争议。该研究采用26年生杉木(Cunninghamia lanceolata)人工林的定位观测数据,对视觉法、死亡率法、等距区间法和相对密度法等4种数据点选择方法以及最小二乘法、降维分析法、分位数回归法和随机边界方程等4种参数拟合方法进行对比分析,以探寻客观选择自疏拟合数据和正确拟合方法的途径。比较4种不同的数据选择方法得出:视觉法具有较强的主观性;对于没有发生非密度依赖死亡的林分,死亡率法可以准确地确定林分自疏的起始点;等距区间法可以减少非密度依赖死亡的影响,得到的数据点能充分反映林分的自疏过程;相对密度法可以保证临界密度阈值以上的数据点拟合林分自疏边界线的有效性,并能排除非密度依赖死亡的影响。比较分析4种不同的拟合方法发现:最小二乘法和降维分析法拟合的林分自疏边界线均从实测数据"中心"穿过,与林分自疏边界线为林分收获量上边界线的涵义不相符合,无法真实反映林分的自疏进程;分位数回归和随机边界方程的拟合结果均与实测数据一致,能够较为准确地反映林分自疏的真实过程,但二者的统计推断要求都比较严格。分位数值的正确选取和残差足够小且趋于0,是分位数回归法和随机边界方程能否正确反映林分自疏动态的前提。  相似文献   

磷是限制亚热带地区林木生长的关键因素之一,研究土壤微生物群落功能多样性对土壤磷素的影响,对亚热带地区人工林可持续经营具有重要意义。在江西官山林场选取了3种不同林龄杉木+闽楠(4 a、7 a、11 a)复层林为研究对象,测定了土壤全磷、有效磷及无机磷组分含量,采用Biolog-ECO法研究了复层林表土层(0-20 cm)土壤微生物群落对碳源的利用特征,并分析了土壤磷素与土壤微生物功能多样性的关系。结果表明:(1)土壤全磷、有效磷及无机磷组分含量随复层林营建时间延长呈增加趋势;(2)不同林分类型土壤微生物群落功能多样性差异显著。土壤微生物碳源代谢活性(AWCD)以及多样性指数也均随复层林营建时间延长呈增加趋势;多聚物类是杉木纯林土壤微生物利用的主要碳源,7 a复层林对碳水化合物、羧酸和酚酸的利用强度较大,11 a复层林对氨基酸、胺类、多聚物、羧酸和酚酸的利用强度较大,并且11 a复层林土壤微生物群落代谢碳水化合物、氨基酸、羧酸、胺类和酚酸的强度显著高于4 a复层林和杉木纯林,而4 a复层林与杉木纯林土壤微生物群落对不同碳源利用率的差异较小(除多聚物外)。(3)土壤微生物多样性指数、氨基酸类、胺类和酚酸类物质与土壤全磷、有效磷、Al-P和Fe-P含量之间显著正相关,随机森林模型分析表明,氨基酸、胺类和酚酸是不同林分类型土壤微生物利用的主要碳源。因此,杉木纯林转化为复层异龄林更有利于森林土壤磷的储存和供应,土壤微生物群落代谢功能多样性的增大可能是提高复层异龄林土壤磷有效性的关键调控因素。  相似文献   

中亚热带几种典型森林土壤养分含量分析及综合评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分析及综合评价不同森林植被对土壤养分因子的影响,对揭示森林植被与土壤养分的相互关系,全面衡量森林土壤养分水平具有重要的意义。以中亚热带杉木(Cunninghamia lanceolata)纯林、木荷(Schima superb)纯林、木荷+楠木(Phoebe ahenre)混交林、木荷+杉木混交林、青冈栎(Cyclobalanopsis glauca)天然次生林、毛竹(Phyllostachys edulis)林6种森林类型为研究对象,在分析不同森林类型土壤养分特征状况差异的基础上,采用结构方程模型确定土壤养分因子权重,对其土壤养分水平进行综合评价。结果表明:(1)6种森林类型0-60 cm土壤有机质、全氮、碱解氮和有效磷的含量分别为8.24-28.17 g/kg、0.67-1.31 g/kg、44.88-89.31 mg/kg和1.24-6.50mg/kg,其含量最高的都是青冈栎天然次生林,土壤有机质和碱解氮含量最低的是毛竹林,土壤全氮和有效磷的含量最低的分别为杉木纯林和木荷纯林,0-60 cm土壤全磷和速效钾的含量分别为0.15-0.21 g/kg和35.54-54.32mg/kg,其含量最高的都是木荷+楠木混交林,含量最低的分别为木荷纯林和毛竹林;(2)土壤有机质、全氮、全磷和有效磷的含量在6种森林类型中都一致表现出随土层加深而逐渐减小的规律,而碱解氮和速效钾含量在土壤垂直剖面的变化却因森林类型而异,没呈现出具体的变化规律;(3)栎类天然次生林的土壤养分等级综合评分值为3.47,评价等级属于中上水平,杉木纯林、木荷纯林、木荷+楠木混交林、木荷+杉木混交林的土壤养分等级综合评分值分别为2.45、2.76、2.83、2.68,评价等级均属于中下水平,而毛竹林的土壤养分等级综合评分值仅为1.95,评价等级属于土壤养分缺乏。  相似文献   

杉木人工林种子雨组成和季节动态   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杉木人工林已成为亚热带森林的重要组成部分,它具有可持续的自然更新能力,是决定杉木林群落演替方向和维持杉木林大面积存在的基础.本文以杉阔混交林和杉木纯林为研究对象,分析其种子雨的物种组成、数量大小和季节动态,以及林分优势物种种子雨数量特征和季节变化,揭示种源条件是否是制约杉木人工林天然更新的主要因素.结果表明:杉阔混交林和杉木纯林分别收集到13科18属21种和12科16属19种的种子.混交林和纯林的所有物种种子雨强度分别为3797和3300粒·m-2.乔木物种种子数量在种子雨中占绝对优势,混交林占89.1%,纯林占86.2%,其中杉木种子数量最多,其完整种子雨强度分别为825和345粒·m-2.两林分种子雨各类型种子所占比例均为完整种子>干瘪或腐烂种子>被取食种子.两林分种子雨均具有明显的季节动态,均在秋季到达高峰,且在落种高峰期种子雨以完整种子为主.无论是杉阔混交林还是杉木纯林都有充足的种源,种源(种子雨)条件不是制约杉木林天然更新的主要因素.  相似文献   

Ecological and mathematical considerations were made on Shinozaki's, Tadaki's and 3/2 power law models for the mean plant weight-density trajectory under self-thinning in even-aged pure stands, and interrelationships among these models were discussed. To overcome the discrepancy between the observed trajectory of the eastern white pine population and the one predicted from Tadaki's model, a new model was proposed. To construct the model the assumptions were made so as to incorporate the good properties of Tadaki's and Shinozaki's models in early stages of growth into those of the 3/2 power law model observed in later stages. Applicability of the model was tested for the pine population, which showed a good fit to the data. The growth analysis on the basis of the model revealed the growth curve of the pine followed a λw-type logistic cruve and suggested the existence of a lag time, a hyperbolic relationship between biological and physical time and a clear dependence of survivorship curves on initial density.  相似文献   

The competition density effect and changes of mean total tree weight (w) and stand density (ρ) during course of self-thinning were examined in even-aged pure stands ofEucalyptus camaldulensis Dehn. which were planted in the tropical monsoon region. The level of competition was controlled by changing the initial stand density from 625 trees ha−1 to 40,000 trees ha−1. Hozumi's model was used to describe thew-ρ trajectory with aging of each stand and thew-ρ relation between stands of different densities at each time. The higher density produced trees of smaller mean tree sizes. The higher the density, the sooner self-thinning began. The growth curve ofE. camaldulensis followed the logistic growth curve where both maximum size and intrinsic growth rate change with time. Mean intrinsic growth rate was maximized at initiation of growth after lag time and then gradually decreased as time progressed. Hozumi's model was considered to be the best model with wide applicability for describing and comparing the growth characteristics during the course of self-thinning among different species, especially in tropical forest plantations, in which many diverse species were used for reforestation.  相似文献   

A growth model for pure, even-aged stands of plants is asymptoticallybounded above by the self-thinning rule that relates maximumplant size to stand density. The model characterizes accretionin mean size as a deviation from the limiting size. It consistsof a function relating mean size to time and density and a companionsurvival model. The growth model is obtained by substitutingthe survival model for density in the mean size relationship.Model flexibility is demonstrated by fitting it to annual remeasurementsof mean size and number of plants per unit area in a stand ofPinus taeda L. 3/2-power rule, mortality, survival, stand dynamics, plant growth model, loblolly pine  相似文献   

The competition-density (C-D) effect for given times and self-thinning over time in even-aged, natural, pure stands of Pinus densiflora Sieb. et Zucc. were analyzed with the reciprocal equation of the C-D effect in self-thinning stands, and the equation describing the time-trajectory of mean stem volume and stand density. The C-D effect and self-thinning were consistently well explained by the two equations. Differences in mean stem volume and in stand density among the stands tended to merge with increasing stand age. The self-thinning line with a slope of approximately –3/2 was reached by the higher density stand prior to the medium and lower density stands. The skewness of tree height distribution showed positive values, which means that the distribution is more or less L-shaped, and in addition the skewness decreased with increasing mean tree height, which indicates that smaller trees died as the stands grew. This trend is consistent with the asymmetric (one-sided) competition hypothesis that self-thinning is driven by competition for light. The tree height distribution was analyzed using the Weibull distribution. The location parameter h min of the Weibull distribution increased with increasing stand age, and the scale parameter a tended to increase slightly with increasing stand age. The range of the shape parameter b of the Weibull distribution corresponded to that of the skewness.  相似文献   

When dense populations of even-aged plant monocultures are subject to intense competition, mortality can occur in a process known as self-thinning, in which changes in biomass are accompanied by decreases in density. On a plot of log biomass versus log density, self-thinning populations show a linear relationship called the self-thinning line. Variations in the fertility level of the substrate are known to affect self-thinning in a number of ways. Populations from substrates with different fertility levels have been observed to self-thin along the same line, or along different lines. A review of several experiments using the one species grown at different fertility levels was undertaken to look for any mechanisms that might account for the different patterns observed. It was postulated that the critical difference between whether populations followed a common or different line was the way in which competition developed in the stands as biomass accumulated. For the common-line pattern, data on the canopy volume required to support a given biomass showed that biomass packing did not differ between fertility levels, supporting the model of a common competitive mechanism operating at all fertility levels. When different lines were observed, the development of competition differed as plants increased in size and biomass accumulated at each fertility level. Over the upper range of fertility levels, biomass packing values per plant increased as fertility declined and the position of self-thinning lines followed predictions from biomass packing data. At the low end of the fertility scale, biomass packing values still decreased with fertility level, but the position of self-thinning lines was not linked to the biomass packing of individual plants: root interactions were presumed to dominate competition and the trajectory of self-thinning lines.  相似文献   

Growth modelling is an essential prerequisite for evaluating the consequences of a particular management action on the future development of a forest ecosystem. Mathematical growth models are not available for many tree species in India. The objectives of this study were to estimate potential stand density and model the actual tree density and basal area development in pure even-aged stands of Eucalyptus camaldulensis. Relationships between quadratic mean diameter and stems ha(-1) were developed, and parameter values of this relationship were used to establish the limiting density line. Two different models were compared to describe the natural decrease of stem number. The model including site index as one of the variables performed slightly better than the model without site index. Seven different stand level models also were compared for predicting basal area in the stands. The models tested in this paper belong to the path invariant algebraic difference form of a nonlinear model. They can be used to predict future basal area as a function of stand variables like initial basal area, age or dominant height, and stems ha(-1) and are crucial for evaluating different silvicultural treatment options. The performance of the models for basal area was evaluated using different quantitative criteria. Among the seven models tested, the two models proposed by Pienaar and Shiver and Forss et al. had the best performance. The equations proposed to predict future basal area and stem number are related and, therefore, simultaneous regression technique has also been used to investigate the differences between parameter coefficients obtained by fitting the equations separately and jointly.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to present equation for estimating potential stand density and basal area projection model for unthinned pure even-aged plantations of Eucalyptus hybrid in Gujarat State of India. Relationships between quadratic mean diameter and stems ha(-1) were developed, which was used to establish the limiting density line. Eight different stand level models, belonging to the path invariant algebraic difference form of a non-linear growth function, were compared for projecting basal area. They can be used to predict future basal area as a function of stand variables like dominant height and stem number per hectare and are crucial for evaluating different silvicultural treatment options. The performance of the models was evaluated using different statistical criteria. The model proposed by Pienaar and Shiver performed best and hence is recommended for projecting the basal area in E. hybrid stands.  相似文献   

A critical assessment is presented of the literature on variabilityin even-aged stands of plants. The variance of weight per plantaccumulates during two physiologically distinct periods of growth,pre- and post-seedling emergence, and can be expressed as afunction of the variances and covariances of three physiologicalvariables - the rate of growth, the duration of growth, andthe size per plant at the start of the period. This providesa quantitative framework for analyzing the physiological sourcesof variability in plant stands. Variation, competition, self-thinning, growth  相似文献   

The growth of plants in even-aged, pure stands and the declinein the number of these plants are represented with a set ofS-system differential equations. The S-system representationcaptures the observed interdependence between average size andnumber of plants, demonstrates how a plant stand approachesthe well-established 3/2 power relationship between number andsize, and also accounts for the observation that in stands ofperennial species, old plants usually remain smaller than predictedby the relationship. The model includes, as special cases, earliermodels that only partially represent the mutual dependence betweennumber and average size. The S-system model incorporates well-knowngrowth laws, and thus circumvents the problem of identifyingthe most appropriate growth and decline functions in the analysisof actual data. For particular parameter settings, the S-systemcan be solved analytically to yield explicit closed-form relationshipsbetween the numbers and sizes of plants, not only in the rangewhere the stand dynamics moves along the size-limiting relationship,but also for large numbers of small plants and small numbersof large plants. Growth, plant stands, self-thinning, 3/2 power rule, S-system model  相似文献   

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