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The polytypic Cretan land snail Albinaria hippolyti has a range that is partly fragmented and partly subdivided by hybrid zones. For this reason, it has served as a model species for investigating speciation and radiation in Mediterranean Clausiliidae. The first internal transcribed spacer ( ITS-1 ) of the nuclear ribosomal DNA was sequenced in 20 populations of A. hippolyti and phylogenetically analysed using maximum parsimony. We employed a novel method involving logarithmic weighting of gaps and topological constraints based on bootstrap values. The resulting phylogeography suggests that the species has undergone a recent cycle of range expansion and range reduction. Speciation cannot be linked to major geological vicariance events in the Miocene and Pliocene, as has been suggested previously. The subspecies A. h. arthuriana appears unrelated to other A. hippolyti subspecies, which supports recent suggestions, based on morphology, to regard it as a separate species.  © 2004 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2004, 83 , 317–326.  相似文献   

Reversed chirality has frequently evolved in snails, although the vast majority coils dextrally. However, there are often sinistral species within a dextral genus or almost exclusively sinistral families, such as the Clausiliidae. Some populations of the predominantly sinistral clausiliid genus Albinaria, in the southern Greek mainland, coil dextrally. The origin, evolution and distribution of the dextral Albinaria are puzzling, and as there is no reliable phylogenetic reconstruction for this speciose genus, it remains unclear how many times a shift in chirality has really occurred. In this study, our aim was to elucidate the evolutionary pathways of dextrality in Albinaria. We undertook a molecular phylogenetic analysis of two mtDNA (16S and COI) and one nDNA marker (ITS1) and included dextral and sinistral representatives found in syntopy or not. Both mtDNA and nDNA tree topologies imply that dextrals did not evolve as a monophyletic lineage. Instead, dextral lineages have evolved from sinistral ancestors multiple times independently. The fragmented population structure in Albinaria facilitates genetic drift and contributes to fixation of the opposite chirality and overcoming of the mating disadvantage of left–right reversal. Stochastic phenomena and biogeographical barriers have trapped those reversals in a limited geographical area.  相似文献   

This paper presents a comprehensive revision of the Helicellinae of Crete (Gastropoda: Hygromiidae) based on characters of the shell and the genitalia. The native fauna includes eleven Xerocrassa species, two Pseudoxerophila species, and perhaps one Xeromunda species. One additional Xerocrassa species and eight species of the genera Trochoidea, Xeropicta, Xerolenta, Xerotricha, Microxeromagna, and Cernuella were probably introduced by man to Crete. The distribution patterns of the endemic Xerocrassa and Pseudoxerophila species do not provide evidence for the hypothesis that these radiations were caused by the fragmentation of the region of present‐day Crete into several palaeoislands in the late Miocene and Pliocene.  相似文献   

The mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) size of the terrestrial gastropod Albinaria turrita was determined by restriction enzyme mapping and found to be approximately 14.5 kb. Its partial gene content and organization were examined by sequencing three cloned segments representing about one-fourth of the mtDNA molecule. Complete sequences of cytochrome c oxidase subunit II (COII), and ATPase subunit 8 (ATPase8), as well as partial sequences of cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI), NADH dehydrogenase subunit 6 (ND6), and the large ribosomal RNA (IrRNA) genes were determined. Nine putative tRNA genes were also identified by their ability to conform to typical mitochondrial tRNA secondary structures. An 82-nt sequence resembles a noncoding region of the bivalve Mytilus edulis, even though it might contain a tenth tRNA gene with an unusual 5-nt overlap with another tRNA gene. The genetic code of Albinaria turrita appears to be the same as that of Drosophila and Mytilus edulis. The structures of COI and COII are conservative, but those of ATPase8 and ND6 are diversified. The sequenced portion of thelrRNA gene (1,079 nt) is characterized by conspicuous deletions in the 5 and 3 ends; this gene represents the smallest coelomate IrRNA gene so far known. Sequence comparisons of the identified genes indicate that there is greater difference between Albinaria and Mytilus than between Albinaria and Drosophila. An evolutionary analysis, based on COII sequences, suggests a possible nonmonophyletic origin of molluskan mtDNA. This is supported also by the absence of the ATPase8 gene in the mtDNA of Mytilus and nematodes, while this gene is present in the mtDNA of Albinaria and Cepaea nemoralis and in all other known coelomate metazoan mtDNAs.  相似文献   

Parapatric, morphologically characterized forms of the Mediterranean snail genus Albinaria have traditionally been regarded as biological species. Recently, this view has been challenged on the basis of small interspecific genetic distances and cross-breeding experiments. In order to test whether traditionally recognized species are reproductively isolated lineages, two cases of syntopy were analysed by means of isozyme electrophoresis. The data suggest that complete reproductive isolation is present. In one of the two cases, ecological differentiation on a small spatial scale was observed.  相似文献   

The land snail genus Acrotoma (Clausiliidae) from the western Greater Caucasus is revised and a molecular phylogenetic analysis of the genus is presented. Shells and, as far as known, genitalia of 13 species are described and figured. Two species are described as new to science, i.e., A. vespa sp. nov. and A. enguriensis sp. nov. The diagnostic characteristics are summarized in a table. All locality records are listed and shown in distribution maps. Based on Bayesian, Maximum likelihood and Maximum parsimony analyses of mitochondrial and nuclear DNA sequences we revise the classification of the genus and suggest a division into three subgenera, Iliamneme, Acrotomina and Acrotoma s. str. The radiation of the Acrotoma species in the Pliocene and Quaternary might have been triggered by the orogenesis of the Greater Caucasus, which created habitats, such as canyons and alpine environments, to which the Acrotoma species adapted.www.zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:6B14BE68-0E07-42EF-B08D-A75B2138B72F  相似文献   

Whereas the vast majority of gastropods possess dextral shell and body organization, members of the Clausiliidae family are almost exclusively sinistral. Within this group a unique feature of the alpine genus Alopia is the comparable representation of sinistral and dextral taxa, and the existence of enantiomorph taxon pairs that appear to differ only in their chirality. We carried out a molecular phylogenetic study, using mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) gene sequences, in order to find out whether chiral inversions are more frequent in this genus than in other genera of land snails. Our results revealed multiple independent inversions in the evolutionary history of Alopia and a close genetic relationship between members of the enantiomorph pairs. The inferred COI phylogeny also provided valuable clues for the taxonomic division and zoogeographical evaluation of Alopia species. The high number of inverse forms indicates unstable fixation of the coiling direction. This deficiency and the availability of enantiomorph pairs may make Alopia species attractive experimental models for genetic studies aimed at elucidating the molecular basis of chiral stability. © 2013 The Linnean Society of London  相似文献   

The hybrid zone between the Greek land snails Albinaria hippolyti aphrodite and Albinaria hippolyti harmonia runs exactly along the edge of a gorge. At two localities, we analysed patterns of variation in three enzyme loci, six conchological characters, and two anatomical characters across the zone. Clines in the various characters are largely coincident and concordant. They are narrow (approximately 30 m wide) where the ecological transition is abrupt, and wider (approximately 120 m wide) where a valley cuts into the gorge, making the environmental change more gradual. In spite of the obvious correlation with an ecological transition, we do not believe the zone is maintained by a selection gradient. Instead, direct and indirect evidence for hybrid disadvantage and evidence for directional dispersal at the edge of the gorge suggest that it is a tension zone, held at the ecotone by differential dispersal of at least one of the parental types. We speculate on the possibility that reinforcement may act in the hybrid zone. Our data on dispersal and reproductive isolating mechanisms lead us to believe that reinforcement may only be possible at localities where the hybrid zone is very narrow.  相似文献   

Schistosoma mansoni , the blood fluke responsible for human intestinal schistosomiasis in the Neotropics, was imported repeatedly with African slaves during the period 1500–1800. This trematode, and its intermediate host snails of the genus Biomphalaria , are widely distributed across Africa and the disease is thought to have quickly become established in South America and the West Indies because of the presence of an endemic susceptible congener, B. glabrata. We compared B. glabrata with four other Neotropical and three African species of Biomphalaria using 20 allozyme loci and found that it is phenetically and phylogenetically more like the African species; both parasite and American host snail are apparently of historically or geologically recent African origin. Furthermore, genetic distances, cladistic analyses and fossil data suggest the African Biomphalaria species may themselves have evolved from Neotropical founders following an initial trans-Atlantic dispersal in the reverse direction 2.3–4.5 Mya. Interpretation of existing patterns remains problematic as few African snails have been characterized genetically and both B. glabrata and African B. pfeifferi appear to comprise several cryptic species.  相似文献   

This paper presents a systematic revision and a molecular phylogenetic analysis of the Caucasian land snail genus Fruticocampylaea. The genus is newly delimited based on the reduction of the cavities adjoining the seminal duct in the penial papilla. Shell and genitalia of all five species (F. narzanensis, F. kobensis, F. tushetica sp. nov., F. christophori, F. daghestana) are described and figures provided. All synonyms and all locality records are listed. Maximum likelihood and Bayesian analyses of mitochondrial and nuclear DNA sequences (fragments of cox1, 16S rDNA, ITS2 and 28S rDNA) confirm the monophyly of Fruticocampylaea. The reduction of the dart apparatus and the conical plug, via which the dart apparatus inserts into the vagina, as well as the molecular phylogenetic analyses, suggests a sister group relationship between Fruticocampylaea and Circassina (without Abchasohela). Furthermore, the molecular phylogenetic analyses indicate that the Fruticocampylaea species originated in a rapid radiation. The uplift of the Greater Caucasus in the Late Miocene or Pliocene or climatic changes at the end of the Pliocene or in the early Pleistocene may have caused the radiation of Fruticocampylaea. Low intraspecific variability can be explained by population bottlenecks during Pleistocene glacial periods followed by postglacial population increase.

http://zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:AB15158D-21A3-4945-8D49-F7DE8E406E2B  相似文献   

This paper reports on the disruption of normally effective ecological and behavioural barriers, at a contact zone on Monemvasia peninsula (Peloponnese, Greece), between parapatric populations of the land snail species Albinaria discolor and Albinaria campylauchen. Detected outcomes were the increase of gene flow between these two species at the contact zone, the occurrence of rare alleles, as well as the occurrence of morphologically and ethologically intermediate A. campylauchen specimens. Furthermore, there was high genetic variability along with deficiency of heterozygotes, probably due to inbreeding. Additionally, the study of mortality of these populations, during the adverse summer aestivation period, indicated that A. campylauchen individuals with an inappropriate combination of morphological and behavioural characteristics suffered heavily. The maladaptation and disadvantage of these specimens revealed the possible action of a postzygotic isolation mechanism between these two morphologically, molecularly and electrophoretically distinct species, that can, however, mate under laboratory conditions. Finally, the above situation is discussed in terms of exogenous versus endogenous selection.  相似文献   

Rock-dwelling gastropods are usually patchily distributed in limestone habitats, presumably have low active and passive dispersal ability and often represent narrow-ranged endemic taxa. Their current taxonomy is predominantly shell morphology based, and it remains unknown whether the morphologically differentiated and geographically separated populations represent phylogenetic clades. In this study, we analysed the hyperdiverse, terrestrial door snail genus Montenegrina. Based on the current taxonomy defined by shell morphology, it contains 29 species and 106 subspecies distributed in the Balkan region. The constructed phylogenetic tree using three mitochondrial markers was used to test whether it agrees with the current taxonomy. In this comprehensive tree, about half of the species and subspecies are monophyletic. Some of the paraphylies could be reasonably resolved by taxonomic changes; that is, some subspecies should be reassigned or raised to species level. Other incongruencies probably arose due to introgression even between distant clades. The histone genes turned out to be unsuitable for elucidating the phylogeny of Montenegrina. In the species-delimitation tests, considerably more molecular operational taxonomic units were delimited than the number of presently described species. The present data indicate that (a) shell morphology-based taxonomy and taxon recognition can be problematic in such a large and morphologically highly variable genus; (b) the potential error due to incomplete sampling presents a problem in a genus as variable as Montenegrina; (c) multi-locus analyses should be conducted to arrive at a better basis for species delimitation; and (d) integrative approaches including genetic as well as morphological/anatomical data from a comprehensive geographic sample are necessary.  相似文献   

The littorine genus Bembicium , restricted to Australia and Lord Howe and Norfolk Islands, provides special opportunities to examine the effects of contrasting modes of development on genetic divergence over large spatial and temporal scales. Two species, Bembicium auratum and Bembicium nanum , have planktotrophic larvae, and large, overlapping geographical distributions, whereas the three direct developers, Bembicium vittatum , Bembicium melanostoma , and Bembicium flavescens , are geographical replacements. Phylogenetic analysis of genetic distances at 28 allozyme loci supported the current taxonomic treatment of the genus and monophyly of the direct developers. Both individually and as a clade, the direct developers showed substantially greater divergence than the species with planktotrophic larvae. Controlling for geographical distance and for particular sections of coastline, genetic subdivision within the direct developers was shown to be much higher than in the planktotrophs. Low levels of subdivision in B. auratum and B. nanum over distances of 4000–6800 km indicate maintenance of substantial genetic connectivity, independent of habitat and biogeographical history. By contrast, the direct developers show clear genetic impacts of their geographical histories. Despite extreme genetic subdivision within species, the direct developers B. vittatum and B. melanostoma have geographically coherent and complementary distributions, associated with biogeographical provinces. Thus, speciation appears to be driven by special biogeographical circumstances, rather than simply by genetic divergence of locally isolated populations.  © 2006 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2006, 89 , 689–704.  相似文献   

Sperm morphology can be highly variable among species, but less is known about patterns of population differentiation within species. Sperm morphology is under strong sexual selection, may evolve rapidly, and often co‐varies with other reproductive traits that differ between populations. We investigated variation in sperm morphology in the simultaneous hermaphrodite land snail Arianta arbustorum in relation to parasitic mite infection. Variation in total sperm length and sperm head length was assessed in 23 populations sampled across the distributional range of the species in Central and Northern Europe. We found a pronounced variation in total sperm length among the populations studied, with a difference of 11.0% of total sperm length between the shortest and longest population means. Differences among populations explained 62.9% of the variance in total sperm length, differences among individual snails within population 23.4% and differences within individual snail 13.7%. Mantel tests showed that interpopulation differences in total sperm length increased significantly with geographical distance between populations. A minimal adequate model revealed that parasitic infection had a positive effect and longitude a negative effect on total sperm length. Thus, independent of the population examined, mite‐infected individuals of A. arbustorum produced larger sperm than uninfected snails and total sperm length decreased from west to east. Sperm head length also varied among populations, but it was not influenced by any of the factors examined. In a subsample of 12 populations restricted to the mountains of Switzerland (elevational range 440–2485 m a.s.l.), total sperm length decreased with increasing elevation. Our results suggest that selection pressures acting among populations may differ from those acting within. Stabilizing selection might be a possible mechanism for producing the reduced variation observed in sperm length within a population. © 2014 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2014, 113 , 1036–1046.  相似文献   

Species range boundaries often form along environmental gradients that dictate the success of the phenotypes present in each habitat. Sociality may allow colonization of environments where related species with a solitary lifestyle cannot persist. Social spiders in the genus Anelosimus appear restricted to low- and mid-elevation moist environments in the tropics, while subsocial spiders, common at higher elevations and latitudes, appear to be absent from the lowland tropical rainforest. Here, we seek factors that may simultaneously prevent subsocial Anelosimus species from colonizing the lowland rainforest while favouring species with large social groups in this habitat. To this end, we transplanted small groups of a subsocial species, which contain the offspring of a single female, from cloud forest habitat in the centre of its natural range to lower montane rainforest on the range margin and to lowland rainforest outside of the species range. Groups transplanted at the range margin and below their range limit were less likely to disperse and experienced increased mortality. This was correlated with greater rainfall intensity and ant abundance. We show that protection from rainfall enhances the performance of small groups of spiders in the lowland rainforest, and suggest that predation or disturbance by ants may influence the geographical range limits of this species.  相似文献   

Some continental European populations of the land snail Cepaea nemoralis have mitochondrial haplotypes that differ by up to 20% at the 16S rRNA locus. I mapped the distribution of different lineages in populations from 36 different sites in Britain and Ireland. In 93% of individuals, one of two mitochondrial lineages was found, A or. N , which differ from each other by about 6% using a 16S rRNA fragment {approximately 300 base pairs). The distribution of these two types is very striking–one is confined to Wales, West and central England, and Scotland, while the other is found mainly in East and central England. The two types meet in a transition zone. The most likely explanation for the distribution is that it reflects two routes of colonization after the last ice age. Cepaea dispersal is leptokurtic, and only limited gene flow occurs between established populations, so that the original pattern could have been retained since the post-glacial colonization. However, many environmental gradients are orientated East-West, so alternative selective explanations are possible. A distinct mitochondrial lineage, as well as fossil evidence, suggests that Ireland was colonized separately from Britain. The implications of these distributions for the origins of the puzzling geographical patterns of shell types known as 'area effects' is discussed.  相似文献   

At the eastern margins of the geographical distribution in Europe, populations of Cepaea nemoralis are sparse and limited to urban environments to which they are possibly confined by relatively warmer climates. In 1999 we introduced 1101 C. nemoralis individuals originating from nine urban populations to a rural location in the area. The snails established a viable population, which suggests that confinement to urban settings is dispersal‐ rather than climate‐limited. The snails filled available habitats at a rate of approximately 400–600 m2 year?1. On the whole, morph frequencies remained remarkably stable; changes that occurred are attributable to segregation of alleles or chromosomes. However, snails responded to habitat heterogeneity: consistent and predictable divergence occurred between habitat types, such that light‐shelled snails were repeatedly more frequent in the open than in adjoining shaded habitats. This suggests the operation of climatic and/or visual selection. As the whole area encompassing seven distinct habitat patches was only 0.3 ha, and the maximum duration of population divergence was only 11 years (fewer than four snail generations), these results indicate extremely small temporal and spatial scales of adaptation during initial phases of population establishment and spread. © 2011 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2011, 104 , 462–470.  相似文献   

We compared the aquatic metazoan community structure in bamboo stumps between a lowland (Kosinggolan; 200 m a.s.l.) and a highland site (Moat; 1030–1050 m a.s.l.) in North Sulawesi. The lowland bamboo stumps harbored 38 taxa including 2 predators, and the highland stumps harbored 35 taxa including 2 predators. In total 45 taxa were recorded, including 3 predators. Dominant detritivores were Tipulidae, Scirtidae, Chironomidae, Culicidae and Ceratopogonidae. The sole dominant predators wereToxorhynchites mosquito larvae, which occurred in 67% and 28% of stumps at the lowland and the highland sites, respectively. Although the mean biomass per stump did not differ significantly between the sites, the mean number of species per stump was significantly smaller at the lowland site. In addition, the variation in species composition among stumps was greater at the lowland site than at the highland site. Among dominant taxonomic groups, the number of non-predatory culicid species per stump was smaller at the lowland site where their predator,Toxorhynchites, was more abundant, although both sites had the same number of culicid species. In the presence ofToxorhynchites, the density and biomass of other culicids per stump were reduced significantly. The difference in predator density might affect differences in the local-scale community structure of individual bamboo stumps.  相似文献   

Lymnaea peregra was collected at sites, predominantly from the Caha plateau, in south-west Ireland. These included sites investigated by previous workers and found to contain populations with a distinctive pattern of variation in shell-shape. Normally spired populations and non-spired ( involuta, sub-involuta ) could occur in adjacent loughs in the same watershed. The biochemical variation in some of these populations was investigated using horizontal starch-gel zone electrophoresis. Fourteen biochemical loci were investigated. Although circumscribed by difficulties in collecting and low sample numbers, the investigation showed that the pattern of variation in shell shape was still present and was not correlated or associated with the biochemical variation. While this did not support hypotheses of geographic race formation or incipient speciation, it was in agreement with the current view of variation and speciation in fresh-water pulmonates.  相似文献   

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