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Abstract: In radioligand binding studies, BIMG 80, a new putative antipsychotic, displayed good affinity at certain serotonin (5-HT1A, 5-HT2A, 5-HT6), dopamine (D1, D2L, D4), and noradrenergic (α1) receptors. The effect of acute subcutaneous BIMG 80, clozapine, haloperidol, risperidone, amperozide, olanzapine, and Seroquel was then investigated on dopamine release in medial prefrontal cortex, nucleus accumbens, and striatum in freely moving rats using the microdialysis technique. Four different neurochemical profiles resulted from the studies: (a) Systemic administration of BIMG 80, clozapine, and amperozide produced greater percent increases in dopamine efflux in medial prefrontal cortex than in the striatum or the nucleus accumbens. (b) Haloperidol induced a similar increase in dopamine concentrations in the striatum and nucleus accumbens with no effect in the medial prefrontal cortex. (c) Risperidone and olanzapine stimulated dopamine release to a similar extent in all brain regions investigated. (d) Seroquel failed to change significantly dopamine output both in the medial prefrontal cortex and in the striatum. Because an increase in dopamine release in the medial prefrontal cortex may be predictive of effectiveness in treating negative symptoms and in the striatum may be predictive of induction of extrapyramidal side effects, BIMG 80 appears to be a potential antipsychotic compound active on negative symptoms of schizophrenia with a low incidence of extrapyramidal side effects.  相似文献   

The in vivo effects of amperozide, a novel atypical antipsychotic drug, on the release of dopamine (DA) and the output of its metabolite, 3,4-dihydroxyphenylacetic acid (DOPAC), were investigated in the striatum and the nucleus accumbens of awake, freely moving rats using microdialysis. Amperozide (2-10 mg/kg, s.c.) significantly increased extracellular levels of DA in both the striatum and nucleus accumbens in a dose-dependent manner. It had a similar but lesser effect on extracellular DOPAC levels in both regions. d-Amphetamine (2 mg/kg, s.c.) alone produced a very large (43-fold) increase in DA release, together with a 70% decrease in DOPAC levels in both the striatum and the nucleus accumbens. Amperozide (1-5 mg/kg, s.c.) 30 min before d-amphetamine (2 mg/kg) dose-dependently attenuated d-amphetamine-induced DA release but had no effect on the d-amphetamine-induced decrease in extracellular DOPAC levels in both regions. The effect of amperozide on d-amphetamine-induced DA release in the nucleus accumbens may explain the inhibitory effect of amperozide on amphetamine-induced locomotor activity. However, the failure of amperozide to block amphetamine-induced stereotypy, despite marked inhibition of striatal DA release, suggests the need to reexamine the importance of striatal DA for amphetamine-induced stereotypy.  相似文献   

The effect of the racemic mixture of 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) on the synthesis of dopamine in the terminals of nigrostriatal and mesolimbic neurons was estimated by measuring the accumulation of 3,4-dihydroxyphenylalanine (DOPA) in the striatum and nucleus accumbens 30 min following the administration of the L-aromatic amino acid decarboxylase inhibitor, 3-hydroxybenzylhydrazine. MDMA produced an increase in DOPA accumulation in the striatum which was greater in magnitude and longer in duration than that in the nucleus accumbens. Although the concentrations of serotonin (5-HT) and 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid (5-HIAA) in both the striatum and nucleus accumbens were reduced 3 h following an injection of MDMA (20 mg/kg), 5-HT and 5-HIAA concentrations were significantly reduced only in the striatum 7 days after the administration of MDMA. Pretreatment with a 5-HT2 antagonist, ketanserin, significantly attenuated the reduction in 5-HT concentration in the striatum 3 h following MDMA administration and completely blocked 5-HT depletion at 7 days post administration. Moreover, ketanserin completely blocked MDMA-induced DOPA accumulation in the striatum. The results obtained in these studies suggest that MDMA activates nigrostriatal dopaminergic pathways via 5-HT2 receptors. In addition, these data are supportive of the hypothesis that dopamine plays a role in MDMA-induced 5-HT depletion.  相似文献   

A sensitive and rapid HPLC-UV method for in vivo determinations of cocaine levels in extracellular fluid of specific brain regions and plasma is described. Free drug levels resulting from intravenous administration of cocaine were sampled using in vivo microdialysis probes simultaneously located in the jugular vein, nucleus accumbens, and anteromedial caudate-putamen of halothane-anesthetized rats. In a separate group of animals, the influence of cocaine on extracellular dopamine concentrations in the anteromedial caudate-putamen was also assessed. The time dependences of changes in cocaine concentration in each of the above regions were congruent, and peak concentrations were reached 10 min after the drug was administered. The half-lives of cocaine in the blood, nucleus accumbens, and anteromedial caudate-putamen were estimated to be 31.5, 29.1, and 21.4 min, respectively. A repeated injection of cocaine, given 90 min later, produced a maximal cocaine level and pharmacokinetic profile that were indistinguishable from those of the initial infusion. Cocaine was concentrated to a greater extent in brain than in blood, a feature consistent with the action of a lipophilic drug. In addition, extracellular dopamine levels measured in the anteromedial caudate-putamen following cocaine infusions closely mirrored those of cocaine itself. The ability to measure the free concentration of drugs by microdialysis should be applicable to a wide range of in vivo pharmacological studies.  相似文献   

Systemic administration of ritanserin elicited rapid changes in dopamine (DA) and serotonin (5-HT) levels in both dialysate and neuronal tissue extracts. These effects occurred in both a site-selective and a dose-related manner. Increases in extracellular levels of DA and 5-HT in the nucleus accumbens were maximal at 120-140 min after treatment. A dose of 0.63 mg/kg of ritanserin elicited larger and more prolonged increases in extracellular DA and 5-HT levels than did the 0.3 mg/kg dose. By contrast, 0.63 mg/kg of ritanserin elicited no changes in either DA or 5-HT levels with dialysate collected from the striatum. Ritanserin also induced dose-related decreases in tissue levels of DA and 5-HT from the nucleus accumbens. The site specificity of action was again noted in that there were no dose-dependent decreases in tissue levels of DA or 5-HT measured from the striatum. Ritanserin exerted little effect on metabolite levels from either dialysate or tissue extracts. Taken together, these findings show that selective 5-HT2 receptor antagonism modulates DA and 5-HT neurotransmission in a specific manner. These actions appear to involve increased release of DA and 5-HT rather than significant changes in metabolism. These findings add further weight to the importance of 5-HT2 receptor interactions as an important component of antipsychotic activity.  相似文献   

The behavioral effects of cocaine are enhanced following constitutive deletion of the serotonin(1B) receptor. The neural substrates mediating the enhanced response to cocaine are unknown. The present studies determined whether basal dopamine dynamics or cocaine-evoked dopamine levels are altered in projection areas of mesostriatal or mesoaccumbens dopamine neurons following serotonin(1B) receptor deletion. Male wild-type and serotonin(1B) knockout mice were implanted with microdialysis guide cannulas aimed at the dorsal striatum or nucleus accumbens. The zero net flux method of quantitative microdialysis was used to quantify basal extracellular dopamine concentrations (DA(ext)) and the extraction fraction of dopamine (E(d)), which provides an index of dopamine uptake. Conventional microdialysis techniques were used to quantify cocaine (0, 5.0, and 20.0 mg/kg)-evoked dopamine overflow. Basal DA(ext) and E(d) did not differ in striatum of wild-type and knockout mice. Similarly, cocaine-stimulated dopamine overflow did not differ between genotype. The basal E(d) did not differ in the nucleus accumbens of wild-type and knockout mice. However, DA(ext) was significantly elevated in the nucleus accumbens of knockout mice. Cocaine-evoked dopamine overflow (nM) was also enhanced in the nucleus accumbens of knockout mice. However, the cocaine-induced increase in dopamine levels, relative to basal values, did not differ between genotype. These data demonstrate that deletion of the serotonin(1B) receptor is associated with increases in basal DA(ext) in the nucleus accumbens. This increase is not associated with an alteration in E(d), suggesting increased basal dopamine release in these animals. It is hypothesized that these alterations in presynaptic neuronal activity are a compensatory response to constitutive deletion of the serotonin(1B) receptor and may contribute to the enhanced behavioral effects of psychostimulants observed in knockout mice.  相似文献   

Postpartum rats that had been previously raised in an artificial rearing (AR) apparatus, without their mothers or siblings during the preweaning period, show altered maternal responses towards their own offspring in adulthood. In mother-reared (MR) rats, nucleus accumbens (NAC) dopamine (DA) responses to pups evoke a robust sustained rise during the postpartum period and following treatment with estrogen/progesterone parturient-like hormones (Afonso et al., 2009). These MR females had siblings that received AR rearing with varying amounts of preweaning tactile stimulation (ARmin; ARmax). The present study examined NACshell DA responses to pup and food stimuli in these AR rats, and statistically compared them to their MR siblings. Microdialysis samples were collected from adult (90 days postnatal) AR females in different parity states (cycling vs. postpartum, Exp. 1), or after ovariectomy with different hormone treatments (sham vs. hormone, Exp. 2. After basal sample collection, pup and then food stimuli were individually presented to the females in the dialysis chamber. As with their MR siblings, basal DA concentrations were lower and pup-evoked DA responses greater in hormonally-primed AR females than in non-primed AR controls. Compared to their postpartum MR sisters (Exp. 1), AR rats had increased basal DA levels, reduced pup related DA elevations, and disrupted maternal behavior. The postpartum AR impairment in pup-evoked DA was reversed by additional pre-weaning tactile stimulation. Exogenous hormones (Exp. 2) eliminated AR impairments on pup-evoked DA responses. Although MR and AR siblings had comparable DA responses to food stimuli, upon reanalyzing MR data it was found that only postpartum dams had DA responses to pups greater than to food. These data suggest that that the hormonally induced suppression of basal DA levels may reflect saliency of pups which was greater in MR than in AR dams. Preweaning tactile stimulation could partially reverse these effects only in naturally cycling or parturient animals.  相似文献   

The present study investigated hormonal mediation of maternal behavior and accumbal dopamine (DA) responses to pup-stimuli, as measured in microdialysis samples collected from the nucleus accumbens shell of female rats in non-homecage environment. In Experiment 1, samples were collected before and after continuous homecage pup experience from either intact postpartum or cycling females. In Experiment 2, samples were collected before and after responding maternally in homecage from ovariectomized females given either parturient-like hormone or sham treatments. After baseline sample collection in the dialysis chamber, pup and food stimuli were individually presented to females. Upon sampling completion, all animals were placed back into their homecage with donor pups for several days, and then the sample collection procedure was repeated. Prior to stimulus presentation, postpartum and hormone-treated females had decreased basal DA release compared to their controls. In response to pup stimuli, only postpartum and hormone-treated females had increased DA release compared to basal release (both sampling days). In response to food stimuli, all females had increased DA responses from basal; although there were group differences on the initial day of sampling. Findings suggest that hormones associated with inducing maternal behavior in the postpartum rat play a significant role in modifying accumbal dopaminergic responses on first exposure to pup stimuli in the rat. However, the postpartum experience provides further modifications to this brain region to promote DA responses to pup stimuli.  相似文献   

The abuse of anabolic androgenic steroids (AASs), such as nandrolone, is not only a problem in the world of sports but is associated with the polydrug use of non-athletes. Among other adverse effects, AAS abuse has been associated with long term or even persistent psychiatric problems. We have previously found that nandrolone decanoate treatment could produce prolonged changes in rats’ brain reward circuits associated to drug dependence. The aim in this study was to evaluate whether AAS-induced neurochemical and behavioral changes are reversible.The increases in extracellular dopamine (DA) and serotonin (5-HT) concentration, as well as stereotyped behavior and locomotor activity (LMA) evoked by cocaine were attenuated by pretreatment with nandrolone. The recovery period, which was needed for the DA system to return back to the basic level, was fairly long compared to the dosing period of the steroid. In the 5-HT system, the time that system needed to return back to the basal level, was even longer than in the DA system. The attenuation was still seen though there were no detectable traces of nandrolone in the blood samples.Given that accumbal outflow of DA and 5-HT, as well as LMA and stereotyped behavior are all related to reward of stimulant drugs, this study suggests that nandrolone decanoate has significant, long-lasting but reversible effects on the rewarding properties of cocaine.  相似文献   

Abstract: Cross-reactions between dopamine D3 and σ receptor ligands were investigated using (±)-7-hydroxy-N,N-di-n-[3H]propyl-2-aminotetralin [(±)-7-OH-[3H]DPAT], a putative D3-selective radioligand, in conjunction with the unlabeled σ ligands 1,3-di(2-tolyl)guanidine (DTG), carbetapentane, and R(?)-N-(3-phenyl-1-propyl)-1-phenyl-2-aminopropane [R(?)-PPAP]. In transfected CCL1.3 mouse fibroblasts expressing the human D3 receptor, neither DTG nor carbetapentane (0.1 µM) displaced (±)-7-OH-[3H]DPAT binding. R(?)-PPAP (0.1 µM) displaced 39.6 ± 1.0% of total (±)-7-OH-[3H]DPAT binding. In striatal and nucleus accumbens homogenates, (±)-7-OH-[3H]DPAT labeled a single site (15–20 fmol/mg of protein) with high (1 nM) affinity. Competition analysis with carbetapentane defined both high- and low-affinity sites in striatal (35 and 65%, respectively) and nucleus accumbens (59 and 41%, respectively) tissue, yet R(?)-PPAP identified two sites in equal proportion. Carbetapentane and R(?)-PPAP (0.1 µM) displaced ~20–50% of total (±)-7-OH-[3H]DPAT binding in striatum, nucleus accumbens, and olfactory tubercle in autoradiographic studies, with the nucleus accumbens shell subregion exhibiting the greatest displacement. To determine directly (+)-7-OH-[3H]DPAT binding to σ receptors, saturation analysis was performed in the cerebellum while masking D3 receptors with 1 µM dopamine. Under these conditions (+)-7-OH-[3H]DPAT labeled σ receptors with an affinity of 24 nM. These results suggest that (a) (±)-7-OH-[3H]DPAT binds D3 receptors with high affinity in rat brain and (b) a significant proportion of (±)-7-OH-[3H]DPAT binding consists of σ1 sites and the percentages of these sites differ among the subregions of the striatum and nucleus accumbens.  相似文献   

Abstract: Monoamine-uptake blockers were applied focally (0.1–1,000 µ M ) through a dialysis probe in the nucleus accumbens of freely moving rats, and the extracellular concentrations of dopamine, norepinephrine, and serotonin were measured. The selective dopamine-uptake blocker GBR 12935 increased dopamine preferentially with only a small effect on norepinephrine, whereas the selective serotonin-uptake blocker fluoxetine increased serotonin output preferentially. In contrast, the selective norepinephrine-uptake blockers desipramine and nisoxetine enhanced not only norepinephrine, but also serotonin and dopamine appreciably. Cocaine increased all three amines with the greatest effects on dopamine and serotonin. As in our previous study on the ventral tegmental area, there was a positive association between dopamine and norepinephrine output when all blocker data were taken together. The present results suggest a contribution of the increase in norepinephrine, but not serotonin, to the enhancement of dopamine after cocaine applied focally in the nucleus accumbens.  相似文献   

Abstract: The mesolimbic system of the brain has been shown to be involved in the reward properties of a number of agents. It is possible that release of monoamines by nicotine in this brain area could be related to the pleasurable aspects related to cigarette smoking. In this investigation, the effect of nicotine on the release of [3H]dopamine in the nucleus accumbens of the rat was studied. It was shown that nicotine produced a concentration-dependent increase in [3H]dopamine release at concentrations of 0.1 μ M and above. The increase in release was found to be almost completely calcium dependent. The nicotine-induced release was only partially blocked by the nicotinic antagonists hexamethonium and d -tubocurarine. A number of cholinergic agonists, as well as other compounds, were tested for their capacity to mimic the effect of nicotine. At equimolar concentrations there was, at most, only 50% of the activity of nicotine. The results of this study demonstrate that nicotine stimulates the release of dopamine in the nucleus accumbens at concentrations similar to those in the blood of cigarette smokers. This suggests that the release of mono-amines in specific nuclei of the mesolimbic system may be an important determinant of the desire to smoke cigarettes.  相似文献   

Active uptake of 3,4-dihydroxyphenylethylamine (dopamine) is sodium- and temperature-dependent, strongly inhibited by benztropine and nomifensine, and present in corpus striatum and nucleus accumbens. In rat striatum dopamine uptake is related to a receptor that is specifically labelled by [3H]cocaine in the presence of Na+ and is located on dopaminergic terminals. The dopamine uptake is differentially affected in the two areas by single or repeated injections of cocaine. Cocaine inhibits dopamine uptake in slices of corpus striatum. Moreover Na+-dependent [3H]cocaine binding is not detectable in nucleus accumbens. Nomifensine inhibits [3H]dopamine uptake by interacting with low- and high-affinity sites in corpus striatum, but shows only low affinity for dopamine uptake in nucleus accumbens. The present data indicate that different mechanisms are involved in the regulation of dopamine uptake in corpus striatum and nucleus accumbens.  相似文献   

Microdialysis was used to assess extracellular dopamine in striatum, nucleus accumbens, and medial frontal cortex of unanesthetized rats both under resting conditions and in response to intermittent tail-shock stress. The dopamine metabolites 3,4-dihydroxyphenylacetic acid and homovanillic acid also were measured. The resting extracellular concentration of dopamine was estimated to be approximately 10 nM in striatum, 11 nM in nucleus accumbens, and 3 nM in medial frontal cortex. In contrast, the resting extracellular levels of 3,4-dihydroxyphenylacetic acid and homovanillic acid were in the low micromolar range. Intermittent tail-shock stress increased extracellular dopamine relative to baseline by 25% in striatum, 39% in nucleus accumbens, and 95% in medial frontal cortex. 3,4-Dihydroxyphenylacetic acid and homovanillic acid also were generally increased by stress, although there was a great deal of variability in these responses. These data provide direct in vivo evidence for the global activation of dopaminergic systems by stress and support the concept that there exist regional variations in the regulation of dopamine release.  相似文献   

Acute cocaine administration preferentially increases extracellular dopamine levels in nucleus accumbens as compared with striatum. To investigate whether a differential effect of cocaine on dopamine uptake could explain this observation, we used in vivo electrochemical recordings in anesthetized rats in conjunction with a paradigm that measures dopamine clearance and diffusion without the confounding effects of release. When a finite amount of dopamine was pressure-ejected at 5-min intervals from a micropipette adjacent to the electrode, transient and reproducible increases in dopamine levels were detected. In response to 15 mg/kg of cocaine-HCl (i.p.), these signals increased in nucleus accumbens, indicating significant inhibition of the dopamine transporter. The time course of the dopamine signal increase paralleled that of behavioral changes in unanesthetized rats receiving the same dose of cocaine. In contrast, no change in the dopamine signal was detected in dorsal striatum; however, when the dose of cocaine was increased to 20 mg/kg, enhancement of the dopamine signal occurred in both brain areas. Quantitative autoradiography with [3H]mazindol revealed that the affinity of the dopamine transporter for cocaine was similar in both brain areas but that the density of [3H]mazindol binding sites in nucleus accumbens was 60% lower than in dorsal striatum. Tissue dopamine levels in nucleus accumbens were 44% lower. Our results suggest that a difference in dopamine uptake may explain the greater sensitivity of nucleus accumbens to cocaine as compared with dorsal striatum. Furthermore, this difference may be due to fewer dopamine transporter molecules in nucleus accumbens for cocaine to inhibit, rather than to a higher affinity of the transporter for cocaine.  相似文献   

The modulation of cortical dopaminergic and serotonergic neurotransmissions by neurotensin (NT) was studied by measuring the release of dopamine (DA) and 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT) from the prefrontal cortex (PFC) of freely moving rats. The samples were collected via transversal microdialysis. Dopamine and 5-HT levels in the dialysate were measured using high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) with an electrochemical detector. Local administration of neurotensin (1microM or 0.1microM) in the PFC via the dialysis probe produced significant, long-lasting, and concentration-dependent increase in the extracellular release of DA and 5-HT. The increase produced by 1microM neurotensin reached a maximum of about 210% for DA and 340% for 5-HT. A high-affinity selective neurotensin receptor (NTR1) antagonist {2-[(1-(7-chloro-4-quinolinyl)-5-(2,6-dimethoxyphenyl)pyrazol-3yl)carbonylamino tricyclo ( decan-2-carboxylic acid} (SR 48692), perfused locally at a concentration of 0.1microM and 0.5microM in the PFC antagonized the effects of 1microM neurotensin. Our in vivo neurochemical results indicate, for the first time, that neurotensin is able to regulate cortical dopaminergic and serotonergic neuronal activity in freely moving rats. These effects are possibly mediated by interactions of neurotensin with neurons releasing DA or 5-HT, projecting to the PFC from the ventrotegmental area (VTA) and from the dorsal raphe nuclei (DRN), respectively. The potentiating effects of neurotensin on DA and 5-HT release in the PFC are regulated by NTR1 receptors, probably located on dopaminergic and serotonergic nerve terminals or axons.  相似文献   

Decarboxylation of phenylalanine by aromatic L-amino acid decarboxylase (AADC) is the rate-limiting step in the synthesis of 2-phenylethylamine (PE), a putative modulator of dopamine transmission. Because neuroleptics increase the rate of accumulation of striatal PE, these studies were performed to determine whether this effect may be mediated by a change in AADC activity. Administration of the D1 antagonist SCH 23390 at doses of 0.01-1 mg/kg significantly increased rat striatal AADC activity in an in vitro assay (by 16-33%). Pimozide, a D2-receptor antagonist, when given at doses of 0.01-3 mg/kg, also increased AADC activity in the rat striatum (by 25-41%). In addition, pimozide at doses of 0.3 and 1 mg/kg increased AADC activity in the nucleus accumbens (by 33% and 45%) and at doses of 0.1, 0.3, and 1 mg/kg increased AADC activity in the olfactory tubercles (by 23%, 30%, and 28%, respectively). Analysis of the enzyme kinetics indicated that the Vmax increased with little change in the Km with L-3,4-dihydroxyphenylalanine as substrate. The AADC activity in the striatum showed a time-dependent response after the administration of SCH 23390 and pimozide: the activity was increased within 30 min and the increases lasted 2-4 h. Inhibition of protein synthesis by cycloheximide (10 mg/kg, 0.5 h) had no effect on the striatal AADC activity or on the increases in striatal AADC activity produced by pimozide or SCH 23390. The results indicate that the increases in AADC activity induced by dopamine-receptor blockers are not due to de novo synthesis of the enzyme.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

This study investigated, using in vivo microdialysis in the striatum of freely moving rats, the role of striatal serotonin2A (5-HT2A) and 5-HT2C receptor subtypes in the modulation of dopamine (DA) and 3, 4-dihydroxyphenylacetic acid (DOPAC) outflow, both in basal conditions and under activation induced by subcutaneous administration of 0.01 mg/kg haloperidol. The different 5-HT2 agents used were applied intrastriatally at a 1 microM concentration through the microdialysis probe. Basal DA efflux was enhanced (27%) by the 5-HT2A/2B/2C agonist 1-(4-iodo-2,5-dimethoxyphenyl)-2-aminopropane (DOI) and reduced (-30%) by the 5-HT2B/2C antagonist SB 206553. It was unaffected by infusion of the 5-HT2A antagonist SR 46349B. The effect of DOI was abolished by SB 206553 but not modified by SR 46349B. Haloperidol-stimulated DA efflux (65-70%) was reduced by both SR 46349B (-32%) and the 5-HT2A/2B/2C antagonist ritanserin (-30%) but not affected by SB 206553. Conversely, the effect of haloperidol was potentiated (22%) when DOI was coperfused with SB 206553. Also, haloperidol-stimulated DOPAC outflow (40-45%) was reduced (-20%) by SR 46349B and potentiated (25%) by the combination of SB 206553 with DOI. These results indicate that striatal 5-HT2A receptors, probably through activation of DA synthesis, positively modulate DA outflow only under activated conditions. In contrast, striatal 5-HT2C receptors exert a facilitatory control on basal DA efflux, which appears to be both tonic and phasic.  相似文献   

Abstract: We investigated whether changes in the dopamine transporter in the nucleus accumbens or striatum are involved in cocaine-induced behavioral sensitization by using in vivo electrochemistry to monitor the clearance of locally applied dopamine in anesthetized rats. Rats were injected with cocaine-HCI (10 mg/kg i.p.) or saline daily for 7 consecutive days and then withdrawn for 7 days. Pressure ejection of a finite amount of dopamine at 5-min intervals from a micropipette adjacent to the electrochemical recording electrode produced transient and reproducible dopamine signals. After a challenge injection of cocaine (10 mg/kg i.p.), the signals in the nucleus accumbens of cocaine-treated animals became prolonged and the clearance rate of the dopamine decreased, indicating significant inhibition of the dopamine transporter. In contrast, simultaneous measurements in the dorsal striatum indicated a transient increase in both the amplitude of the signals and the clearance rate of the dopamine. The signals in both brain regions in the saline-treated animals given the cocaine challenge were similar to those in untreated animals given an acute injection of cocaine (10 mg/ kg i.p.) or saline. Behaviorally, not all of the cocaine- treated animals were sensitized; however, both sensitized and nonsensitized animals displayed similar changes in dopamine clearance rate. Quantitative autoradiography with [3H]mazindol revealed that the affinity of the dopamine transporter for cocaine and the density of binding sites were similar in cocaine- and saline-treated rats. The decrease in dopamine clearance rate observed in the nucleus accumbens of the cocaine-treated rats after a challenge injection of cocaine is consistent with increased do- paminergic transmission, but does not appear to be sufficient in itself for producing behavioral sensitization.  相似文献   

Animal behavioral and neurochemical studies implicate dopaminergic systems in the neurological sequelae induced by estrogen. In the present study, we demonstrated for the first time that MIF-1, a neuropeptide unrelated to classical dopamine agonists, when given prior to, concurrently with, and after 17β-estradiol, antagonized significantly the estrogen-induced increase in the density of dopamine D-2 receptor both in the striatum and the mesolimbic area of male rat brain. The current findings have implications for the prophylactic and therapeutic potential for MIF-1 in extrapyramidal motor disorders caused by estrogen imbalance in humans.  相似文献   

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