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Clarification of the role of the physical structure of mangrove for benthic faunal communities was sought by investigating the impacts of canopy shade and root structure on (1) the physical environment, including temperature, moisture and grain size of the substrate sediment, (2) benthic faunal distribution, and (3) food resource availability, using a field manipulated experiment at an intertidal mangrove forest around Sikao Creek, Trang Province, Thailand. Five treatments were established, including artificial shade cover, root simulated structure, mix (shade and structure) and control of the canopy gap (which had no mangrove vegetation), in addition to forest control under the mangrove canopy. Following 18 months of observation, species' richness and abundance of epifauna were found to have increased in shaded treatments, which had low temperature and high moisture substrate. Food resource conditions had also altered from abundant microphytobenthos (relatively high nutritional values) to enriched mangrove detritus due to shading. These results indicated that the physical structure of mangrove vegetation facilitates the habitation of intertidal epifauna, canopy shade having an important function in providing cooler wetter surface substrate, despite also inducing a reduction of favorable food resources (i.e. microphytobenthos).  相似文献   

Meiofauna (small-sized Metazoa and Foraminifera) may constitute a significant part of seafloor biomass and potentially play an important role in benthic metabolism. However, respiration measurements are limited and the methods used are diverse together complicating comparison or upscaling. Here we describe a novel glass micro-respiration chamber used to perform non-invasive measurements (built-in oxygen-sensitive fluorogenic membrane and stirrer) and together with direct organic carbon measurements report initial biomass-specific respiration rates of common intertidal meiofauna. Results indicate large differences between respiration rates of different taxa (biomass 0.7-5.2 µg C per individual) but very similar organic carbon biomass-specific respiration rates (1.6-2.5 µl O2 h− 1 mgC− 1 or on average 2.0 ± 0.3 µl O2 h− 1 mgC− 1). This new, rapid and accurate method allows the study of metabolic allometry of the different small-sized taxa and determining their functional role in benthic metabolism.  相似文献   

Summary Measurements of litter fall and litter removal by crabs, in conjunction with estimates of litter decay by microbes and tidal export of litter from three high-intertidal mangrove forests were made during a year-long study in tropical northeastern Australia. In forests dominated by Ceriops tagal and Bruguiera exaristata, litter standing stocks remained low on the forest floor (mean 6 g·m-2), although litter fall was high; 822 and 1022 g·m-2·y-1, respectively. Sesarmid crabs removed 580 (Ceriops) and 803 (Bruguiera) g·m-2·y-1, or 71 and 79%, of the total annual litter fall from the forest floor. Relative to the rate of litter removal by crabs, microbial turnover of whole, unshredded litter was insignificant, accounting for <1% of annual litter fall. Export of litter by tides was estimated to remove 194 (Ceriops) and 252 (Bruguiera) g·m-2·y-1 or 24 and 25% of annual litter fall. In a forest dominated by Avicenniamarina, in which an ocypodid crab was more abundant than sesarmids, litter standing stocks were higher (mean 84 g·m-2) and crabs removed less litter; 173 g·m-2·y-1 or 33% of the annual litter fall of 519 g·m-2·y-1. Microbial turnover of intact litter was more important in the Avicennia forest (168 g·m-2·y-1 or 32% of annual litter fall), and tides exported 107 g·m-2·y-1 or 21% of litter production. In areas where sesarmid crabs were absent or rare in Ceriops forests, there were significantly higher standing stocks of litter and slower rates of leaf removal. Taking into account the probable assimilation efficiencies of sesarmid crabs feeding on mangrove leaves, we estimate that in Ceriops and Bruguiera forests leaf processing by crabs turns litter over at >75 times the rate of microbial decay alone, thus facilitating the high sediment bacterial productivity in these forests. The importance of litter processing by crabs increases with height in the intertidal in tropical Australia, in contrast to New World mangrove forests, where the reverse is true.Contribution No. 445 from the Australian Institute of Marine Science  相似文献   

Summary Although insects are known to be important seed predators in most terrestrial forests, their role in marine tidal (mangrove) forests has not been examined. Surveys at 12 sites in tropical Australia showed that between 3.1 and 92.7 percent of the seeds or propagules of 12 mangrove tree species had been attacked by insects. Seeds/propagules of six species (Avicennia marina, Bruguiera gymnorrhiza, B. parviflora, Heritiera littoralis, Xylocarpus australasicus and X. granatum) showed consistently high (>40%) levels of insect damage. Greater than 99% of H. littoralis seeds were attacked by insect predators. The survival and subsequent growth in height and biomass of insect-damaged and non-damaged control seeds/propagules of eight mangrove species were compared in shadehouse experiments. Mangrove species fell into 4 groups with regard to the effect of insect predators on their seeds and seedlings. Xylocarpus australasicus and X. granatum had significantly decreased survival (X 48 and 70%) and growth in height (X 61 and 96%) and biomass (X 66 and 85%). Bruguiera parviflora showed decreased survival (X 59%), but there was no effect of insects on the growth of surviving propagules. In contrast, there was no effect of insect damage on the survival of seedlings of Avicennia marina and Bruguiera exaristata, but decreased growth in height (X 22 and 25%) and biomass (X 22 and 26%). Survival and growth of seedlings of Rhizophora stylosa and Bruguiera gymnorrhiza were not affected. The influence of insect seed predators on the survival and growth of seeds of mangrove species in forests will depend on the relative abundance of seed-eating crabs and intertidal position in mangrove forests.This is Contribution No 499 from the Australian Institute of Marine Science  相似文献   

The response of bacterial growth to phytoplankton production and planktonic respiration (RESP) variation was examined over different stations and dates in the shallow estuarine system Ria de Aveiro. The temporal and spatial profiles of bacterial productivity (2.7-744.2mg Cm(-3)d(-1)) did not coincide with those of primary production (PP) (0.2-19.1 g Cm(-3)d(-1)) and RESP (0.1-8.2 g Cm(-3) d(-1)). The bacterioplankton production/PP ratio varied differently, depending on the season and location. The heterotrophic zones, with the lowest values of PP, exhibited the most intense bacterial secondary production. Moreover, the variation of PP in the system was rather small when compared with that of bacterial secondary production. These suggest that, in a large extension of the lagoon and throughout the year, bacterioplankton growth is largely dependent on non-phytoplanktonic carbon sources. Benthic PP and/or allochtonous organic matter from land have a fundamental role in the dynamics of the planktonic compartment of the estuarine system.  相似文献   

D. M. Alongi 《Oecologia》1987,71(4):537-540
Summary Mangrove-derived tannins negatively effected laboratory-reared nematode populations and natural communities of meiobenthos in tropical mangrove forests along the northeastern coast of Australia. In the low and mid intertidal zones of five mangrove estuaries, nearly all of the dominant meiofaunal taxa correlated negatively with concentrations of sediment tannins. Only nematodes correlated with low tannin concentrations in the high intertidal zones. The negative exponential equation y=be -mx represented the best-fit for most of the meiofauna-tannin relationships. The mangrove-dwelling nematode, Terschellingia longicaudata did not grow (r=0.001) in the laboratory on fresh, tannin-rich leaves of the red mangrove, Rhizophora stylosa. Population growth of the nematode was significantly greater on fresh, tannin-poor leaves of the grey mangrove, Avicennia marina (r=0.081) with best growth (r=0.112) attained on a diet of tannin-free, mixed cereal. These preliminary field and laboratory results suggest that hydrolyzable tannins leached from mangrove roots and leaf litter are an important factor regulating intertidal meiobenthic communities in tropical mangrove forests along the northeastern Australian coast.  相似文献   

Abundance, depth distribution, potential productivity and respiration of periphyton on short-time (1 month) and long-time incubated strips were followed monthly during the winter–spring (January–May) transition in a shallow eutrophic lake. A taxonomic shift occurred from dominance of diatoms under ice to chlorophyte dominance in spring communities on the long-time incubated strips, while diatoms dominated until May on the short-time incubated strips. Periphyton biomass accrual was low during the ice-covered winter months (November–January: 4 mg chl a m−2 month−1), but increased to a maximum of 112 mg chl a m−2 month−1 immediately after ice-out in February. During February–April, the biomass remained constant before declining in May. Periphyton on long-time incubated strips was equally distributed in the water column in winter (January–February), but was higher near the water surface in spring (March–May). Periphyton did not change with depth on the short-time incubated strips. The potential production to respiration ratio (P/R) was negatively correlated with periphyton biomass. Throughout the study, P/R was <1 for the short-time incubated periphyton, while this was only the case in March–April for the long-time incubations. This study showed a high productive capacity of winter periphyton, resulting in accumulation of a relatively high periphytic biomass early in the season. A massive periphyton density in eutrophic lakes already in winter–spring may potentially delay or prevent the establishment and re-occurrence of submerged macrophytes in the early oligotrophication phase following a reduction of the external nutrient loading. Handling editor: Luigi Naselli-Flores  相似文献   

Along ria shorelines mangrove assemblages are closely related to habitat types and there is a recurring pattern in their distribution that is linked to the origin and history of the geomorphic units. The coastal geomorphology is related to ancestral landforms developed prior to the post-glacial transgression, as well as to tidal levels, aspect, modern shore-forming processes, and types of hinterland/tidal flat contacts. These historical and process patterns develop distinct geomorphic units which dictate the distribution of habitats and their mangrove assemblages. Mangrove assemblages are classified according to their habitat: main tidal flat, hinterland fringe, alluvial fan, spit/chenier, tidal creek bank, tidal creek shoal and rocky shore. Within a given habitat there are various physico-chemical gradients which are instrumental in developing zonation within the assemblages. The variety of internal zones within an assemblage is related to the richness of species within the regional species pool which in turn is related to climate.  相似文献   

Mangroves are highly productive wetland ecosystems strategically located at the interface between land and sea. They play an important role in the biogeochemical cycles of the coastal environment, acting as sources of nutrients to adjacent marine and terrestrial ecosystems through active and passive transport. We examined the nutrient contents in mangrove and nonmangrove soils in and around the Bhitarkanika National Park, India and assessed whether the local agricultural producers were aware of and placed a value on this contribution of mangrove forests in enhancing agroecosystem productivity. Soil samples from both mangrove and nonmangrove areas were analysed and quantity of organic carbon, total nitrogen, available phosphorus and potassium were derived. The replacement cost method was used to derive the value of nutrients in mangrove soils. We estimated that each hectare of mangrove contains additional nutrients worth US$232.49 in comparison to nonmangrove areas. The difference in nutrient content in mangrove versus nonmangrove areas gave the value of US$3.37 million for the nutrients in 145 km2 of mangrove forests. The agricultural producers were aware that mangrove forests act as a source of nutrients and were willing to pay a higher price for the land adjoining mangrove forests. Around 92% of the producers ranked nutrient retention as a secondary function of mangrove forests. Despite crop depredation from wild ungulates and conflict with salt water crocodiles the agriculturist finds the benefit to cost ratio of mangrove forests high and more than 76% were in favour of mangrove restoration. This study provides an opportunity to highlight the importance of mangrove ecosystems to the livelihoods of the local people and the urgent need to sustain these through proper policy and market interventions.  相似文献   

The demography and growth of mangrove seedlings in southern Thailand were studied for an 18-month period. Plots for measurement of seedlings were established using gradients of light and surface soil texture. The number of established propagules peaked from April to August, the peak forRhizophora being earlier than that forBruguiera. Under the mangrove forest canopy, the survivorship of seedlings established during May to December 1982 was 33% in June 1983. Light conditions and soil texture did not strongly affect initial seedling establishment, and the relationship between species seed size and water depth at a particular site influenced that were able to become established there. The elongation growth was large during the rainy season and in open sites. The growth ofR. apiculata Blume,B. parviflora Wight & Arn. andB. cylindrica Blume in open sites was more than ten times that of seedlings established in the shade. It has noted that light conditions affected the growth of young trees (>1 year old) to a greater degree than that of current-year seedlings.  相似文献   

Soil conditions of mangrove forests in southern Japan were found to correlate largely with zonal distributions of the species.Kandelia candel grew in soils with low salinity and low pH,Avicennia marina, Rhizophora stylosa andSonneratia alba in soils with high salinity and high pH, andBruguiera gymnorrhiza in soil with a wide range of pH but limited range of salinity.Lumnitzera racemosa colonized soil with a wide range of pH and medium salinity. Seedlings ofKandelia candel, Bruguiera gymnorrhiza andRhizophora stylosa were planted in soils with differing salinity and pH. Optimum seedling growth ofKandelia, Bruguiera andRhizophora occurred when plants were cultivated in soils similar to those of their natural habitats, suggesting that growth of mangrove species and their zonal distributions were regulated by salinity and soil pH.  相似文献   

The last 20 years witnessed a real paradigm shift concerning the impact of biotic factors on ecosystem functions as well as on vegetation structure of mangrove forests. Before this small scientific revolution took place, structural aspects of mangrove forests were viewed to be the result of abiotic processes acting from the bottom-up, while, at ecosystem level, the outwelling hypothesis stated that mangroves primary production was removed via tidal action and carried to adjacent nearshore ecosystems where it fuelled detrital based food-webs. The sesarmid crabs were the first macrofaunal taxon to be considered a main actor in mangrove structuring processes, thanks to a number of studies carried out in the Indo-Pacific forests in the late 1970s and early 1980s. Following these classical papers, a number of studies on Sesarmidae feeding and burrowing ecology were carried out, which leave no doubts about the great importance of these herbivorous crabs in structuring and functioning Old world ecosystems. Although Sesarmidae are still considered very important in shaping mangrove structure and functioning, recent literature emphasizes the significance of other invertebrates. The Ocypodidae have now been shown to have the same role as Sesarmidae in terms of retention of forest products and organic matter processing in New world mangroves. In both New and Old world mangroves, crabs process large amounts of algal primary production, contribute consistently to retention of mangrove production and as ecosystem engineers, change particle size distribution and enhance soil aeration. Our understanding of the strong impact of gastropods, by means of high intake rates of mangrove products and differential consumption of propagules, has changed only recently. The role of insects must also be stressed. It is now clear that older techniques used to assess herbivory rates by insects strongly underestimate their impact, both in case of leaf eating and wood boring species and that herbivorous insects can potentially play a strong role in many aspects of mangrove ecology. Moreover, researchers only recently realized that ant–plant interactions may form an important contribution to our understanding of insect–plant dynamics in these habitats. Ants seem to be able to relieve mangroves from important herbivores such as many insects and sesarmid crabs. It thus seems likely that ants have positive effects on mangrove performance.  相似文献   

Soil respiration (heterotropic and autotropic respiration, Rg) and aboveground litter fall carbon were measured at three forests at different succession (early, middle and advanced) stages in Dinghushan Biosphere Reserve, Southern China. It was found that the soil respiration increases exponentially with soil temperature at 5 cm depth (Ts) according to the relation Rg=a exp(bTs), and the more advanced forest community during succession has a higher value of a because of higher litter carbon input than the forests at early or middle succession stages. It was also found that the monthly soil respiration is linearly correlated with the aboveground litter carbon input of the previous month. Using measurements of aboveground litter and soil respiration, the net primary productions (NPPs) of three forests were estimated using nonlinear inversion. They are 475, 678 and 1148 g C m?2 yr?1 for the Masson pine forest (MPF), coniferous and broad‐leaf mixed forest (MF) and subtropical monsoon evergreen broad‐leaf forest (MEBF), respectively, in year 2003/2004, of which 54%, 37% and 62% are belowground NPP for those three respective forests if no change in live plant biomass is assumed. After taking account of the decrease in live plant biomass, we estimated the NPP of the subtropical MEBF is 970 g C m?2 yr?1 in year 2003/2004. Total amount of carbon allocated below ground for plant roots is 388 g C m?2 yr?1 for the MPF, 504 g C m?2 yr?1 for the coniferous and broad‐leaf MF and 1254 g C m?2 yr?1 for the subtropical MEBF in 2003/2004. Our results support the hypothesis that the amount of carbon allocation belowground increases during forest succession.  相似文献   

Abstract. Dry forests occupy a larger area in the tropics than rain forests. They grow under a wide range of rainfall conditions; the determining characteristics are the occurrence of a dry season of 2–6 months duration, and the dominance of deciduous woody perennials. The knowledge of the ecophysiological properties of woody perennials from these forests, essential for the development of forest restoration strategies, is still scanty. This paper describes the ecophysiological behaviour of 10 species of woody perennials growing in a secondary dry forest, which has been recovering since 1944 on the hills of the Botanical Garden of Caracas. Four species, Astronium graveolens, Bauhinia megalandra, Sapindus saponaria and Tabebuia chrysantha, were initially planted while the others, Bursera simaruba, Capparis flexuosa, Erythroxylon cumanense, E. densum, E. orinocense and Eugenia casearioides, reproduced from seed sources existing in forest remnants growing nearby. Specific leaf areas measured are relatively high, covering a range from 11 to 34 m2/kg. Nitrogen and phosphorus levels are also high compared to data reported from dry forests elsewhere, therefore no nutrient limitation for photosynthetic productivity is apparent. Osmotic pressure (π) of leaf sap, extracted from frozen samples taken during the growing season, is correlated with the corresponding content of soluble sugars and the ions Mg and K; Ca-ions do not play a significant role in explaining the variance of π. Most species maintained a diluted leaf sap during the rainy season, characterized by π values between 5–15 bar. The osmotic pressure increased strongly in older leaves and during the dry season. Four species showed more stable π values throughout the growing season, with C. flexuosa and B. simaruba characterized by higher and lower π values, respectively. Proline was found to be a reliable indicator of water stress in these woody species, the amount of proline measured in leaf sap being logarithmically correlated with the corresponding π value. Osmotic pressure of leaf sap and leaf xylem tension was higher during the dry season for all species, while the contrary was true for leaf conductance. Leaf conductance was better correlated with leaf-air vapour pressure deficit than with leaf xylem tension. The most drought-tolerant species were C. flexuosa, E. casearioides and the three Erythroxylon species. Drought resistance of B. simaruba, B. megalandra and A. graveolens was associated with their high sensitivity to leaf-air VPD and lower leaf conductances. The other two species occupied intermediate positions.  相似文献   

Calcification and primary production responses to irradiance in the temperate coralline alga Lithothamnion corallioides were measured in summer 2004 and winter 2005 in the Bay of Brest. Coralline algae were incubated in dark and clear bottles exposed to different irradiances. Net primary production reached 1.5 μmol C g−1 dry wt h−1 in August and was twice as high as in January–February. Dark respiration showed significant seasonal variations, being three-fold higher in summer. Maximum calcification varied from 0.6 μmol g−1 dry wt h−1 in summer 2004 to 0.4 μmol g−1 dry wt h−1 in winter 2005. According to PE curves and the daily course of irradiance, estimated daily net production and calcification reached 131 μg C g−1 dry wt and 970 μg CaCO3 g−1 dry wt in summer 2004, and 36 μg C g−1 dry wt and 336 μg CaCO3 g−1 dry wt in winter 2005. The net primary production of natural L. corallioides populations in shallow waters was estimated at 10–600 g C m−2 y−1, depending on depth and algal biomass. The mean annual calcification of L. corallioides populations varied from 300 to 3000 g CaCO3 m−2. These results are similar to those reported for tropical coralline algae in terms of carbon and carbonate productivity. Therefore, L. corallioides can be considered as a key element of carbon and carbonate cycles in the shallow coastal waters where they live.  相似文献   

Predictions of how salt marsh primary production and carbon storage will respond to environmental change can be improved through detailed datasets documenting responses to real‐world environmental variation. To address a shortage of detailed studies of natural variation, we examined drivers of Spartina alterniflora stem allometry and productivity in seven marshes across three regions in southern Louisiana. Live‐stem allometry varied spatially and seasonally, generally with short stems weighing more (and tall stems weighing less) in the summer and fall, differences that persist even after correcting for flowering. Strong predictive relationships exist between allometry parameters representing emergent stem mass and mass accumulation rates, suggesting that S. alterniflora populations navigate a trade‐off between larger mass at emergence and faster rates of biomass accumulation. Aboveground production and belowground production were calculated using five and four approaches, respectively. End‐of‐season aboveground biomass was a poor proxy for increment‐based production measures. Aboveground production (Smalley) ranged from 390 to 3,350 g m?2 year?1 across all marshes and years. Belowground production (max–min) was on average three times higher than aboveground; total production ranged from 1,400 to 8,500 g m?2 year?1. Above‐ and belowground production were both positively correlated with dissolved nutrient concentrations and negatively correlated to salinity. Synthesis: Interannual variation in water quality is sufficient to drive above‐ and belowground productivity. The positive relationship between nutrients and belowground production indicates that inputs of nutrients and freshwater may increase salt marsh carbon storage and ecosystem resilience to sea level rise.  相似文献   

深圳福田两种红树林植物叶片分解研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
利用分解袋法研究两种红树林植物(秋茄、桐花)叶片在野外实地分解过程中的干物质和有机C、N、P变化情况.结果表明,秋茄叶片野外分解的速度要比桐花叶片快得多,初始非灰分物质干重(AFDW)损失一半所需的时间秋茄为12d,桐花35d左右.分解开始后,两种叶片的N含量均迅速上升,到达峰值后逐渐下降;而P含量则先略为下降,之后慢慢回升;叶片有机C含量则始终保持在相对较为稳定的水平上.试验的结果还表明,桐花叶片在红树林系统内沿潮汐梯度的不同滩面位置上分解时,各地点的分解速率间无显著差异.  相似文献   

Carbon dioxide and oxygen exchange procedures for measuring community metabolism (two open stream methods and three chamber methods) were compared on the same reach of a third-order stream. Open stream methods were complicated by high diffusion rates and yielded net community primary productivity estimates lower than those obtained with chamber methods. Chamber methods yielded variable productivity and respiration data. However, when normalized for chlorophyll a, productivity estimates from the chamber methods were within an expected range for the system. Balances of photosynthesis and respiration from the chamber methods were similar between methods and indicated that autotrophic or heterotrophic processes could dominate the system. Considerations in applying the various procedures are discussed.  相似文献   



Respiratory and speech problems are commonly observed in children with cerebral palsy (CP). The purpose of this study was to identify if inclination of seat surface could influence respiratory ability and speech production in children with spastic diplegic CP.


Sixteen children with spastic diplegic CP, ages 6 to 12 years old, participated in this study. The subjects’ respiratory ability (forced vital capacity (FVC), forced expiratory volume in 1 s (FEV1), peak expiratory flow (PEF), and maximum phonation time (MPT)) were measured in three sitting conditions: a seat surface inclined 0°, anterior 15°, and posterior 15°.


FVC was significantly different across three inclinations of seat surface, F(2, 45) = 3.81, P = 0.03. In particular, the subjects’ FVC at a seat surface inclined anterior 15° was significantly greater than at a seat surface inclined posterior 15° (P < 0.05). However, FEV1, PEF, and MPT were not significantly affected by seat surface inclination (P > 0.05).


The results suggest that anterior inclination of seat surface may provide a positive effect on respiratory function in children with spastic diplegic CP.  相似文献   

Behringer DC  Butler MJ 《Oecologia》2006,148(2):334-341
Seagrasses produce much of the organic carbon in the shallow waters of the Caribbean and it has long been assumed that a substantial portion of this carbon is exported to nearby habitats, contributing substantially to their food webs. In the shallow coastal waters of the Florida Keys (USA), seagrass intersperses with hard-bottom habitat where bushy, red macroalgae are the most prominent primary producers. However, the relative importance of seagrass-derived carbon versus autochthonous algal production or phytoplankton in supporting higher trophic levels within hard-bottom communities has never been investigated. We compared the carbon and nitrogen isotopic values of potential primary producers and representative higher trophic level taxa from hard-bottom sites on the bay-side and ocean-side of the Florida Keys. We also included in our study a set of bay-side sites that experienced significant ecological disturbances over the past decade (e.g., cyanobacteria blooms, seagrass die-off, and sponge die-offs) that may have altered trophic relationships in those regions. We did not detect any differences among regions in the trophic status of hard-bottom taxa that might be associated with ecosystem disturbance. However, our results suggest that autochthonous production of algal detritus is an important source of secondary production in these hard-bottom communities, with seagrass and phytoplankton contributing smaller fractions.  相似文献   

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