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The electrophoretic mobility (EPM) of a variety of Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacteria was measured with a Penkem S3000 analyser. Under standard growth conditions and neutral pH all cells displayed a negative EPM. The polysaccharide capsules of Escherichia coli strains K1, K5, K29 and K30 generated the highest EPM; to a lesser and varying degree O-antigens with charged groups and core lipopolysaccharides also contribute to the net EPM. Very little negative EPM was measured in suspension cultures of the gliding bacterium Cytophaga U67. No difference in the EPM was observed between rapidly growing and stationary-phase E. coli B. De-energization of the cell membranes by carbonyl cyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazone (CCCP) did not affect the EPM of wild-type and deep rough mutants of E. coli; and the EPM of Cytophaga U67 and Acholeplasma laidlawii remained unaltered by CCCP when measured in their respective growth media. Extrusion of filamentous bacteriophage f1 from cells of its host, E. coli A95, caused a shift to a higher negative EPM. We also measured a variety of Gram-positive strains, all of which displayed different EPMs. When membrane fractions of E. coli were adsorbed to latex spheres, characteristic differences between the EPM of beads coated with either inner or outer membrane were observed. The results suggest that the rapid EPM analysis is a useful tool to study the net electric charge of microorganisms and to examine changes of surface properties during interaction of cells with viruses, proteins (antibody) and charged antibiotics.  相似文献   

Two Drosophila melanogaster strains, each heterozygous for fast and slow alleles at the Adh locus, and each having balanced second chromosomes, were found to differ in the apparent thermostability of the slow allozyme. The two strains were crossed, and F1heterozygotes were separated on the basis of the origin of the slow allele. After electrophoresis, the cellulose acetate strips were treated 1 1/2 min at 35 C. The putatively more sensitive allozyme showed a strikingly greater response to heat. These findings further support the conclusion that electrophoretically cryptic allelic differences exist which are expressed in thermostability differences. Further application of this approach has revealed one similar sensitive slow allozyme and three cases of a relatively resistant fast ADH allozyme in wild-caught flies.This work was supported by NIH Grant GM18967-02-03.  相似文献   

Comparison of the organization and sequence of the hao (hydroxylamine oxidoreductase) gene clusters from the gammaproteobacterial autotrophic ammonia-oxidizing bacterium (aAOB) Nitrosococcus oceani and the betaproteobacterial aAOB Nitrosospira multiformis and Nitrosomonas europaea revealed a highly conserved gene cluster encoding the following proteins: hao, hydroxylamine oxidoreductase; orf2, a putative protein; cycA, cytochrome c(554); and cycB, cytochrome c(m)(552). The deduced protein sequences of HAO, c(554), and c(m)(552) were highly similar in all aAOB despite their differences in species evolution and codon usage. Phylogenetic inference revealed a broad family of multi-c-heme proteins, including HAO, the pentaheme nitrite reductase, and tetrathionate reductase. The c-hemes of this group also have a nearly identical geometry of heme orientation, which has remained conserved during divergent evolution of function. High sequence similarity is also seen within a protein family, including cytochromes c(m)(552), NrfH/B, and NapC/NirT. It is proposed that the hydroxylamine oxidation pathway evolved from a nitrite reduction pathway involved in anaerobic respiration (denitrification) during the radiation of the Proteobacteria. Conservation of the hydroxylamine oxidation module was maintained by functional pressure, and the module expanded into two separate narrow taxa after a lateral gene transfer event between gamma- and betaproteobacterial ancestors of extant aAOB. HAO-encoding genes were also found in six non-aAOB, either singly or tandemly arranged with an orf2 gene, whereas a c(554) gene was lacking. The conservation of the hao gene cluster in general and the uniqueness of the c(554) gene in particular make it a suitable target for the design of primers and probes useful for molecular ecology approaches to detect aAOB.  相似文献   

Proteomics studies of pathogenic bacteria are an important basis for biomarker discovery and for the development of antimicrobial drugs and vaccines. Especially where vaccines are concerned, it is of great interest to explore which bacterial factors are exposed on the bacterial cell surface and thus can be directly accessed by the immune system. One crucial step in proteomics studies of bacteria is an efficient subfractionation of their cellular compartments. We set out to compare and improve different protocols for the fractionation of proteins from Gram-negative bacteria into outer membrane, cytoplasmic membrane, periplasmic, and cytosolic fractions, with a focus on the outer membrane. Overall, five methods were compared, three methods for the fast isolation of outer membrane proteins and two methods for the fractionation of each cellular compartment, using Escherichia coli BL21 as a model organism. Proteins from the different fractions were prepared for further mass spectrometric analysis by SDS gel electrophoresis and consecutive in-gel tryptic digestion. Most published subfractionation protocols were not explicitly developed for proteomics applications. Thus, we evaluated not only the separation quality of the five methods but also the suitability of the samples for mass spectrometric analysis. We could obtain high quality mass spectrometry data from one-dimensional SDS-PAGE, which greatly reduces experimental time and sample amount compared to two-dimensional electrophoresis methods. We then applied the most specific fractionation technique to different Gram-negative pathogens, showing that it is efficient in separating the subcellular proteomes independent of the species and that it is capable of producing high-quality proteomics data in electrospray ionization mass spectrometry.  相似文献   

The genetics of the biosynthesis of an exocellular polysaccharide (EPS) from Zoogloea ramigera I-16-M is being investigated. Tn5 insertion mutants deficient in EPS production were isolated by screening for the absence of fluorescence on plates containing the dye Cellufluor (Polysciences Chemicals). Complementation of these mutations was achieved with a Z. ramigera I-16-M gene library constructed in a broad-host-range cosmid vector and introduced into the I-16-M mutants by conjugation. Four recombinant plasmids able to restore EPS production to all of these mutants were found to contain at least 14 kilobases of common insert DNA. Subcloning of the common region and restriction mapping the locations of Tn5 insertions have identified two complementation groups contained within a chromosomal segment of DNA that is between 4.6 and 6.5 kilobases in size. We have clearly demonstrated genetic instability in this region which leads to spontaneous deletions and possibly rearrangements resulting in the loss of EPS production.  相似文献   

Intestinal bacteria were classified as gram-positive or gram-negative by an electrode system with a basal plane pyrolytic graphite electrode and a porous nitrocellulose membrane filter to trap bacteria. When the potential of the graphite electrode was run in the range of 0 to 1.0 V versus the saturated calomel electrode (SCE), gram-positive bacteria gave peak currents at 0.65 to 0.69 V versus the SCE. The peak potentials of gram-negative bacteria were 0.70 to 0.74 V versus the SCE. Gram-negative bacteria and gram-positive bacteria were also classified based on the ratio of the second peak current to the first peak current when the potential cycle was repeated twice. The numbers of cells on the membrane filter were determined from the peak currents. It was found that the peak currents result from the electrochemical oxidation of coenzyme A in the cells of Escherichia coli and Lactobacillus acidophilus.  相似文献   

Rapid method for distinction of gram-negative from gram-positive bacteria   总被引:32,自引:0,他引:32  
Summary A rapid method for distinction between gram-negative and grampositive bacteria by means of a 3% solution of potassium hydroxide is tested on 71 gram-positive and 55 gram-negative bacterial strains. The method proved reliable with one exception only, a Bacillus macerans strain. That strain was definately gram-negative on staining. Other Bacillus strains were proved gram-positive by the test, even those being gram-negative on staining.  相似文献   

Plate count-monensin-KCl (PMK) agar, for enumeration of both gram-negative bacteria and Escherichia coli, is composed of (per liter) 23.5 g of plate count agar, 35 mg of monensin, 7.5 g of KCl, and 75 mg of 4-methylumbelliferyl-beta-D-glucuronide (MUG). Monensin was added after the medium was sterilized. The diluent of choice for use with PMK agar was 0.1% peptone (pH 6.8); other diluents were unsatisfactory. Gram-negative bacteria (selected for by the ionophore monensin) can be used to judge the general quality or sanitary history of a commodity. E. coli (differentiated by its ability to hydrolyze the fluorogenic compound MUG) can be used to assess the safety of a commodity in regard to the possible presence of enteric pathogens. Pure-culture studies demonstrated that monensin completely inhibited gram-positive bacteria and had little or no effect on gram-negative bacteria. When gram-negative bacteria were injured by one of several methods, a few species (including E. coli) became sensitive to monensin; this sensitivity was completely reversed in most instances by the inclusion of KCl in the medium. When PMK agar was tested with food and environmental samples, 96% of 535 isolates were gram negative; approximately 68% of colonies from nonselective medium were gram negative. PMK agar was more selective than two other media against gram-positive bacteria and was less inhibitory for gram-negative bacteria. However, with water samples, KCl had an inhibitory effect on gram-negative bacteria, and it should therefore be deleted from monensin-containing medium for water analysis.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   


The increased availability of genomic resources for many species has expanded perspectives on problems in conservation by helping to design management strategies for threatened species. Tasmanian devils (Sarcophilus harrisii) are an iconic and endangered marsupial with an intensively managed breeding program aimed at preventing extinction in the wild caused by devil facial tumour disease. Between 2015 and 2017, 85 devils from this program were released to three sites in Tasmania to support wild populations. Of these, 26 were known to have been killed by vehicles shortly after release. A previous analysis indicated that increased generations in captivity was a positive predictor of vehicle strike, with possible behavioural change hypothesised. Here we use 39 resequenced devil genomes to characterise diversity at 35 behaviour-associated genes, which contained 826 single nucleotide polymorphisms (24 were non-synonymous). We tested for a predictor of survival by examining three genes (AVPR1B, OXT and SLC6A4) in 62 released devils with known fates (survived, N?=?39; died, N?=?23), and genome-wide associations via reduced-representation sequencing (1727 single nucleotide polymorphisms [SNPs]), in 55 devils with known fates (survived, N?=?38; died, N?=?17). Overall, there was little evidence of an association between genetic profile and probability of being struck by a vehicle. Despite previous evidence of low genetic diversity in devils, the 35 behaviour-associated genes contained variation that may influence their functions. Our dataset can be used for future research into devil behavioural ecology, and adds to the increasing body of research applying genomics to conservation problems.


Pullulanase ofKlebsiella oxytoca is one of a wide variety of extracellular proteins that are secreted by Gram-negative bacteria by the complex main terminal branch (MTB) of the general secretory pathway. The roles of some of the 14 components of the MTB are now becoming clear. In this review it is proposed that most of these proteins form a complex, the secreton, that spans the cell envelope to control the opening and closing of channel in the outer membrane. Progress toward the goal of testing this model is reviewed. Presented at the SymposiumRegulatory Aspects of Bacterial Cell Biology, Prague, October 16–17, 1996.  相似文献   

A predictive software system, SOSUI-GramN, was developed for assessing the subcellular localization of proteins in Gram-negative bacteria. The system does not require the sequence homology data of any known sequences; instead, it uses only physicochemical parameters of the N- and C-terminal signal sequences, and the total sequence. The precision of the prediction system for subcellular localization to extracellular, outer membrane, periplasm, inner membrane and cytoplasmic medium was 92.3%, 89.4%, 86.4%, 97.5% and 93.5%, respectively, with corresponding recall rates of 70.3%, 87.5%, 76.0%, 97.5% and 88.4%, respectively. The overall performance for precision and recall obtained using this method was 92.9% and 86.7%, respectively. The comparison of performance of SOSUI-GramN with that of other methods showed the performance of prediction for extracellular proteins, as well as inner and outer membrane proteins, was either superior or equivalent to that obtained with other systems. SOSUI-GramN particularly improved the accuracy for predictions of extracellular proteins which is an area of weakness common to the other methods.  相似文献   

Davison J 《BioTechniques》2002,32(2):386-8, 390, 392-4, passim
Gram-negative bacteria are extraordinarily diverse microorganisms that present a wide variety of characteristics worthy of genetic investigation. For historical reasons, the application of recombinant DNA technology to gram-negative bacteria in general has always lagged behind that of E. coli and its close relatives. However, the past 10 years have seen dramatic advances in the development of new tools and vectors for genetic analysis in non-E. coli hosts. Applications include various kinds of genetic manipulation, conjugation, transposition, site-specific recombination, protein secretion, protein purification, cell suicide, microbial ecology, biodegradation, and plant and animal pathogenicity.  相似文献   

Nisin, produced by Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis, has a broad spectrum of activity against gram-positive bacteria and is generally recognized as safe in the United States for use in selected pasteurized cheese spreads to control the outgrowth and toxin production of Clostridium botulinum. This study evaluated the inhibitory activity of nisin in combination with a chelating agent, disodium EDTA, against several Salmonella species and other selected gram-negative bacteria. After a 1-h exposure to 50 micrograms of nisin per ml and 20 mM disodium EDTA at 37 degrees C, a 3.2- to 6.9-log-cycle reduction in population was observed with the species tested. Treatment with disodium EDTA or nisin alone produced no significant inhibition (less than 1-log-cycle reduction) of the Salmonella and other gram-negative species tested. These results demonstrated that nisin is bactericidal to Salmonella species and that the observed inactivation can be demonstrated in other gram-negative bacteria. Applications involving the simultaneous treatment with nisin and chelating agents that alter the outer membrane may be of value in controlling food-borne salmonellae and other gram-negative bacteria.  相似文献   

Plate count-monensin-KCl (PMK) agar, for enumeration of both gram-negative bacteria and Escherichia coli, is composed of (per liter) 23.5 g of plate count agar, 35 mg of monensin, 7.5 g of KCl, and 75 mg of 4-methylumbelliferyl-beta-D-glucuronide (MUG). Monensin was added after the medium was sterilized. The diluent of choice for use with PMK agar was 0.1% peptone (pH 6.8); other diluents were unsatisfactory. Gram-negative bacteria (selected for by the ionophore monensin) can be used to judge the general quality or sanitary history of a commodity. E. coli (differentiated by its ability to hydrolyze the fluorogenic compound MUG) can be used to assess the safety of a commodity in regard to the possible presence of enteric pathogens. Pure-culture studies demonstrated that monensin completely inhibited gram-positive bacteria and had little or no effect on gram-negative bacteria. When gram-negative bacteria were injured by one of several methods, a few species (including E. coli) became sensitive to monensin; this sensitivity was completely reversed in most instances by the inclusion of KCl in the medium. When PMK agar was tested with food and environmental samples, 96% of 535 isolates were gram negative; approximately 68% of colonies from nonselective medium were gram negative. PMK agar was more selective than two other media against gram-positive bacteria and was less inhibitory for gram-negative bacteria. However, with water samples, KCl had an inhibitory effect on gram-negative bacteria, and it should therefore be deleted from monensin-containing medium for water analysis.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Nisin, produced by Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis, has a broad spectrum of activity against gram-positive bacteria and is generally recognized as safe in the United States for use in selected pasteurized cheese spreads to control the outgrowth and toxin production of Clostridium botulinum. This study evaluated the inhibitory activity of nisin in combination with a chelating agent, disodium EDTA, against several Salmonella species and other selected gram-negative bacteria. After a 1-h exposure to 50 micrograms of nisin per ml and 20 mM disodium EDTA at 37 degrees C, a 3.2- to 6.9-log-cycle reduction in population was observed with the species tested. Treatment with disodium EDTA or nisin alone produced no significant inhibition (less than 1-log-cycle reduction) of the Salmonella and other gram-negative species tested. These results demonstrated that nisin is bactericidal to Salmonella species and that the observed inactivation can be demonstrated in other gram-negative bacteria. Applications involving the simultaneous treatment with nisin and chelating agents that alter the outer membrane may be of value in controlling food-borne salmonellae and other gram-negative bacteria.  相似文献   

Several bacteria from soil and rainwater samples were enriched and isolated with propanesulfonate or butanesulfonate as sole carbon and energy source. Most of the strains isolated utilized nonsubstituted alkanesulfonates with a chain length of C3–C6 and the substituted sulfonates taurine and isethionate as carbon and energy source. A gram-positive isolate, P40, and a gram-negative isolate, P53, were characterized in more detail. Phylogenetic analysis grouped strain P40 within group IV of the genus Rhodococcus and showed a close relationship with Rhodococcus opacus. After phylogenetic and physiological analyses, strain P53 was identified as Comamonas acidovorans. Both bacteria also utilized a wide range of sulfonates as sulfur source. Strain P40, but not strain P53, released sulfite into the medium during dissimilation of sulfonated compounds. Cell-free extracts of strain P53 exhibited high sulfite oxidase activity [2.34 U (mg protein)–1] when assayed with ferricyanide, but not with cytochrome c. Experiments with whole-cell suspensions of both strains showed that the ability to dissimilate 1-propanesulfonate was specifically induced during growth on this substrate and was not present in cells grown on propanol, isethionate or taurine. Whole-cell suspensions of both strains accumulated acetone when oxidizing the non-growth substrate 2-propanesulfonate. Strain P40 cells also accumulated sulfite under these conditions. Stoichiometric measurements with 2-propanesulfonate as substrate in oxygen electrode experiments indicate that the nonsubstituted alkanesulfonates were degraded by a monooxygenase. When strain P53 grew with nonsubstituted alkanesulfonates as carbon and energy source, cells expressed high amounts of yellow pigments, supporting the proposition that an oxygenase containing iron sulfur centres or flavins was involved in their degradation. Received: 21 December 1998 / Accepted: 18 March 1999  相似文献   

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