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A carbodiimide with a photoactivatable diazirine substituent was synthesized and incubated with the Na(+)-translocating F(1)F(0) ATP synthase from both Propionigenium modestum and Ilyobacter tartaricus. This caused severe inhibition of ATP hydrolysis activity in the absence of Na(+) ions but not in its presence, indicating the specific reaction with the Na(+) binding c-Glu(65) residue. Photocross-linking was investigated with the substituted ATP synthase from both bacteria in reconstituted 1-palmitoyl-2-oleyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (POPC)-containing proteoliposomes. A subunit c/POPC conjugate was found in the illuminated samples but no a-c cross-links were observed, not even after ATP-induced rotation of the c-ring. Our substituted diazirine moiety on c-Glu(65) was therefore in close contact with phospholipid but does not contact subunit a. Na(+)in/(22)Na(+)out exchange activity of the ATP synthase was not affected by modifying the c-Glu(65) sites with the carbodiimide, but upon photoinduced cross-linking, this activity was abolished. Cross-linking the rotor to lipids apparently arrested rotational mobility required for moving Na(+) ions back and forth across the membrane. The site of cross-linking was analyzed by digestions of the substituted POPC using phospholipases C and A(2) and by mass spectroscopy. The substitutions were found exclusively at the fatty acid side chains, which indicates that c-Glu(65) is located within the core of the membrane.  相似文献   

Meier T  Dimroth P 《EMBO reports》2002,3(11):1094-1098
The oligomeric c-rings of Na+-translocating F1F0 ATP synthases exhibit unusual stability, resisting even boiling in SDS. Here, we show that the molecular basis for this remarkable property is intersubunit crossbridging by Na+ or Li+ ions. The heat stability of c11 was dependent on the presence of Na+ or Li+ ions. For equal stability, 10 times higher Li+ than Na+ concentrations were required, reflecting the 10 times lower binding affinity for Li+ than for Na+. In a recent structural model of c11, the Na+ or Li+ binding ligands are located on neighboring c-subunits, which thus become crossbridged by the binding of either alkali ion with a concomitant increase in the stability of the ring. Site-directed mutagenesis strengthens the essential role of glutamate 65 in the crossbridging of the subunits and also corroborates the proposed stabilizing effect of an ion bridge including aspartate 2.  相似文献   

The membrane F0 sector of mitochondrial ATP synthase complex was rapidly isolated by direct extraction with CHAPS from F1-depleted submitochondrial particles. The preparation thus obtained is stable and can be reconstituted in artificial phospholipid membranes to result in oligomycin-sensitive proton conduction, or recombined with purified F1 to give the oligomycin-sensitive F0F1-ATPase complex. The F0 preparation and constituent polypeptides were characterized by SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and immunoblot analysis. The functional role of F0 polypeptides was examined by means of trypsin digestion and reconstitution studies. It is shown that, in addition to the 8 kDa DCCD-binding protein, the nuclear encoded protein [(1987) J. Mol. Biol. 197, 89-100], characterized as an intrinsic component of F0 (F0I, PVP protein [(1988) FEBS Lett. 237,9-14]) [corrected] is involved in H+ translocation and the sensitivity of this process to the F0 inhibitors, DCCD and oligomycin.  相似文献   

The interaction of Mg2+ with nucleotide-washed F0.F1 ATPase from pig heart was studied. Mg2+ had no effect on nucleotide-washed F0.F1 ATPase, but it competitively inhibited the hydrolytic activity of washed F0.F1 ATPase preincubated with ADP and slightly activated the hydrolytic activity of washed F0.F1 ATPase preincubated with ATP. In the last two cases, it revealed negative cooperativity. The effect of Mg2+ on F0.F1 ATPase is therefore closely related to the characteristics of the nucleotide binding sites on mitochondrial F0.F1 ATPase.  相似文献   

A homodimer of b subunits constitutes the peripheral stalk linking the F1 and F0 sectors of the Escherichia coli ATP synthase. Each b subunit has a single-membrane domain. The constraints on the membrane domain have been studied by systematic mutagenesis. Replacement of a segment proximal to the cytoplasmic side of the membrane had minimal impact on F1F0 ATP synthase. However, multiple substitutions on the periplasmic side resulted in defects in assembly of the enzyme complex. These mutants had insufficient oxidative phosphorylation to support growth, and biochemical studies showed little F1F0 ATPase and no detectable ATP-driven proton pumping activity. Expression of the b N2A,T6A,Q10A subunit was also oxidative phosphorylation deficient, but the b N2A,T6A,Q10A protein was incorporated into an F1F0 complex. Single amino acid substitutions had minimal reductions in F1F0 ATP synthase function. The evidence suggests that the b subunit membrane domain has several sites of interaction contributing to assembly of F0, and that these interactions are strongest on the periplasmic side of the bilayer.  相似文献   

Na+-inhibitory sites of the Na+/H+ exchanger are Li+ substrate sites   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Amiloride-inhibitable Li+ influx in dog red blood cells is mediated by the Na+/H+ exchanger, NHE. However, there are substantial differences between the properties of Li+ transport and Na+ transport through the NHE. Li+ influx is activated by cell shrinkage, and Na+ influx is not, as we reported previously (Dunham PB, Kelley SJ, and Logue PJ. Am J Physiol Cell Physiol 287: C336-C344, 2004). Li+ influx is a sigmoidal function of its concentration, and Na+ activation is linear at low Na+ concentrations. Li+ does not inhibit its own influx; in contrast, Na+ inhibits Na+ influx. Li+ prevents this inhibition by Na+. Na+ is a mixed or noncompetitive inhibitor of Li+ influx, implying that both a Na+ and a Li+ can be bound at the same time. In contrast, Li+ is a competitive inhibitor of Na+ influx, suggesting Li+ binding at one class of sites on the transporter. Because the properties of Li+ transport and Na+ transport are different, a simple explanation is that Na+ and Li+ are transported by separate sites. The similarities of the properties of Li+ transport and the inhibition of Na+ transport by Na+ suggest that Li+ is transported by the Na+-inhibitory sites.  相似文献   

The purified F0 part of the ATP synthase complex from Escherichia coli was incorporated into liposomes and chemically modified by various reagents. The modified F0-liposomes were assayed for H+ uptake and, after reconstitution with F1, for total and dicyclohexylcarbodiimide-sensitive ATPase activity. The water-soluble carbodiimide, 1-ethyl-3-(-3-dimethylaminopropyl)carbodiimide methiodide, (1.2 mM), inhibited H+ uptake to a great extent. Binding of F1 was almost unaffected, but the hydrolysis of ATP was uncoupled from H+ transport. This is reflected by the inhibition of dicyclohexylcarbodiimide-sensitive ATPase activity. Woodward's reagent K, N-ethyl-5-phenylisoxazolium-3'-sulfonate, inhibited both H+ uptake and total ATPase activity. Modification of arginine residues by phenylglyoxal (20 mM) was followed by inhibition of the F1 binding activity by 80% of the control. H+ translocation was reduced to 70%. Diethylpyrocarbonate (3 mM) exhibited a strong inhibiting effect on H+ uptake but not on F1 binding. Modification of tyrosine (by tetranitromethane) as well as lysine residues (by succinic anhydride) did not affect F0 functions. From the data presented we conclude that carboxyl-groups, different from the dicyclohexylcarbodiimide-binding site, are involved in H+ translocation through F0 and, in part, in the functional binding of F1. Furthermore, for the latter function, also arginine residues seem to be important. The role of histidine residues remains unclear at present.  相似文献   

The rotation of an asymmetric core of subunits in F0F1-ATP synthases has been proposed as a means of coupling the exergonic transport of protons through F0 to the endergonic conformational changes in F1 required for substrate binding and product release. Here we review earlier evidence both for and against subunit rotation and then discuss our most recent studies using reversible intersubunit disulfide cross-links to test for rotation. We conclude that the subunit of F1 rotates relative to the surrounding catalytic subunits during catalytic turnover by both soluble F1 and membrane-bound F0F1. Furthermore, the inhibition of this rotation by the modification of F0 with DCCD suggests that rotation in F1 is obligatorily coupled to rotation in F0 as an integral part of the coupling mechanism.  相似文献   

Previously we have shown that beef heart mitochondrial F1 contains a total of six adenine nucleotide binding sites. Three "catalytic" sites exchange bound ligand rapidly during hydrolysis of MgATP, whereas three "noncatalytic" sites do not. The noncatalytic sites behave asymmetrically in that a single site releases bound ligand upon precipitation of F1 with ammonium sulfate. In the present study, we find this same site to be the only noncatalytic site that undergoes rapid exchange of bound ligand when F1 is incubated in the presence of EDTA at pH 8.0. Following 1000 catalytic turnovers/F1, the site retains the unique capacity for EDTA-induced exchange, indicating that the asymmetric determinants are permanent and that the three noncatalytic sites on soluble F1 do not pass through equivalent states during catalysis. Measurements of the rate of ligand binding at the unique noncatalytic site show that uncomplexed nucleotide binds preferentially. At pH 7.5, in the presence of Mg2+, the rate constant for ADP binding is 9 X 10(3) M-1 s-1 and for dissociation is 4 X 10(-4) s-1 to give a Kd = 50 nM. The rate of dissociation is 10 times faster in the presence of EDTA or during MgATP hydrolysis, and it increases rapidly at pH below 7. EDTA-induced exchange is inhibited by Mg2+, Mn2+, Co2+, and Zn2+ but not by Ca2+ and is unaffected by dicyclohexylcarbodiimide modification. The unique noncatalytic site binds 2-azido-ADP. Photolysis results in the labeling of the beta subunit. Photolabeling of a single high-affinity catalytic site under conditions for uni-site catalysis also results in the labeling of beta, but a different pattern of labeled peptides is obtained in proteolytic digests. The results demonstrate the presence of two different nucleotide binding domains on the beta subunit of mitochondrial F1.  相似文献   

Cell envelope vesicles of Halobacterium halobium synthesize ATP by utilizing base-acid transition (an outside acidic pH jump) under optimal conditions (1 M NaCl, 80 mM MgCl2, pH 6.8) even in the presence of azide (a specific inhibitor of F0F1-ATPase) (Mukohata & Yoshida (1987) J. Biochem. 101, 311-318). An azide-insensitive ATPase was isolated from the inner face of the vesicle membrane, and shown to hydrolyze ATP under very specific conditions (1.5 M Na2SO4, 10 mM MnCl2, pH 5.8) (Nanba & Mukohata (1987) J. Biochem. 102, 591-598). This ATPase activity could also be detected when the vesicle components were solubilized by detergent. The relationship between ATP synthesis and the membrane-bound ATPase was investigated by modification of the vesicles with 7-chloro-4-nitrobenzo-2-oxa-1,3-diazole (NBD-Cl) or N-ethylmaleimide (NEM). The inhibition pattern of ATP synthesis in the modified vesicles and that of ATP hydrolysis of the solubilized modified vesicles were compared under the individual optimum conditions. The inhibition patterns were almost identical, suggesting that the ATP synthesis and hydrolysis are catalyzed by a single enzyme complex. The ATP synthase includes the above ATPase (300-320 kDa), which is composed of two pairs of 86 and 64 kDa subunits. This is a novel H+-translocating ATP synthase functioning in the extremely halophilic archaebacterium. This "archae-ATP-synthase" differs from F0F1-ATPase/synthase, which had been thought to be ubiquitous among all respiring organisms on our biosphere.  相似文献   

In F1F0-ATP synthase, the subunit b2delta complex comprises the peripheral stator bound to subunit a in F0 and to the alpha3beta3 hexamer of F1. During catalysis, ATP turnover is coupled via an elastic rotary mechanism to proton translocation. Thus, the stator has to withstand the generated rotor torque, which implies tight interactions of the stator and rotor subunits. To quantitatively characterize the contribution of the F0 subunits to the binding of F1 within the assembled holoenzyme, the isolated subunit b dimer, ab2 subcomplex, and fully assembled F0 complex were specifically labeled with tetramethylrhodamine-5-maleimide at bCys64 and functionally reconstituted into liposomes. Proteoliposomes were then titrated with increasing amounts of Cy5-maleimide-labeled F1 (at gammaCys106 and analyzed by single-molecule fluorescence resonance energy transfer. The data revealed F1 dissociation constants of 2.7 nm for the binding of F0 and 9-10 nm for both the ab2 subcomplex and subunit b dimer. This indicates that both rotor and stator components of F0 contribute to F1 binding affinity in the assembled holoenzyme. The subunit c ring plays a crucial role in the binding of F1 to F0, whereas subunit a does not contribute significantly.  相似文献   

Zharova TV  Vinogradov AD 《Biochemistry》2006,45(48):14552-14558
The presence of medium Pi (half-maximal concentration of 20 microM at pH 8.0) was found to be required for the prevention of the rapid decline in the rate of proton-motive force (pmf)-induced ATP hydrolysis by Fo.F1 ATP synthase in coupled vesicles derived from Paracoccus denitrificans. The initial rate of the reaction was independent of Pi. The apparent affinity of Pi for its "ATPase-protecting" site was strongly decreased with partial uncoupling of the vesicles. Pi did not reactivate ATPase when added after complete time-dependent deactivation during the enzyme turnover. Arsenate and sulfate, which was shown to compete with Pi when Fo.F1 catalyzed oxidative phosphorylation, substituted for Pi as the protectors of ATPase against the turnover-dependent deactivation. Under conditions where the enzyme turnover was not permitted (no ATP was present), Pi was not required for the pmf-induced activation of ATPase, whereas the presence of medium Pi (or sulfate) delayed the spontaneous deactivation of the enzyme which was induced by the membrane de-energization. The data are interpreted to suggest that coupled and uncoupled ATP hydrolysis catalyzed by Fo.F1 ATP synthases proceeds via different intermediates. Pi dissociates after ADP if the coupling membrane is energized (no E.ADP intermediate exists). Pi dissociates before ADP during uncoupled ATP hydrolysis, leaving the E.ADP intermediate which is transformed into the inactive ADP(Mg2+)-inhibited form of the enzyme (latent ATPase).  相似文献   

The Na(+) F(1)F(0) ATP synthase operon of the anaerobic, acetogenic bacterium Acetobacterium woodii is unique because it encodes two types of c subunits, two identical 8 kDa bacterial F(0)-like c subunits (c(2) and c(3)), with two transmembrane helices, and a 18 kDa eukaryal V(0)-like (c(1)) c subunit, with four transmembrane helices but only one binding site. To determine whether both types of rotor subunits are present in the same c ring, we have isolated and studied the composition of the c ring. High-resolution atomic force microscopy of 2D crystals revealed 11 domains, each corresponding to two transmembrane helices. A projection map derived from electron micrographs, calculated to 5 A resolution, revealed that each c ring contains two concentric, slightly staggered, packed rings, each composed of 11 densities, representing 22 transmembrane helices. The inner and outer diameters of the rings, measured at the density borders, are approximately 17 and 50 A. Mass determination by laser-induced liquid beam ion desorption provided evidence that the c rings contain both types of c subunits. The stoichiometry for c(2)/c(3) : c(1) was 9 : 1. Furthermore, this stoichiometry was independent of the carbon source of the growth medium. These analyses clearly demonstrate, for the first time, an F(0)-V(0) hybrid motor in an ATP synthase.  相似文献   

Mammalian Na+/H+ exchanger isoform one (NHE1) is a plasma membrane protein responsible for pH regulation in mammalian cells. Excess activity of the protein promotes heart disease and is a trigger of metastasis in cancer. Inhibitors of the protein exist but problems in specificity have delayed their clinical application. Here we examined amino acids involved in two modeled inhibitor binding sites (A, B) in human NHE1. Twelve mutations (Asp159, Phe348, Ser351, Tyr381, Phe413, Leu465, Gly466, Tyr467, Leu468, His473, Met476, Leu481) were made and characterized. Mutants S351A, F413A, Y467A, L468A, M476A and L481A had 40–70% of wild type expression levels, while G466A and H473A expressed 22% ~ 30% of the wild type levels. Most mutants, were targeted to the cell surface at levels similar to wild type NHE1, approximately 50–70%, except for F413A and G466A, which had very low surface targeting. Most of the mutants had measurable activity except for D159A, F413A and G466A. Resistance to inhibition by EMD87580 was elevated in mutants F438A, L465A and L468A and reduced in mutants S351A, Y381A, H473A, M476A and L481A. All mutants with large alterations in inhibitory properties showed reduced Na+ affinity. The greatest changes in activity and inhibitor sensitivity were in mutants present in binding site B which is more closely associated with TM4 and C terminal of extracellular loop 5, and is situated between the putative scaffolding domain and transport domain. The results help define the inhibitor binding domain of the NHE1 protein and identify new amino acids involved in inhibitor binding.  相似文献   

The nucleotide substrate sites of sheep kidney medulla (NA+ + K+)-ATPase are characterized using CrATP, a paramagnetic, substitution-inert substrate analogue probe. The paramagnetic effect of CrATP on 1/T1 of water protons of water protons is enhanced upon complexation with the enzyme. Titrations of the enzyme with CrATP in the presence of Na+ and K+ yielded characteristic enhancements for the binary enzyme-CrATP and ternary enzyme-Mg2+-CrATP complexes of 3.3 and 3.6 and dissociation constants for CrATP of 5 and 12 microM, respectively. Substitution of Li+ for K+ in these titrations did not substantially alter the titration behavior. From the frequency dependence of 1/T1, the correlation time, tau c, for the dipolar water proton-CrATP interaction is 2.7 x 10(-10) sec, indicating that tau c is dominated by tau s, the electron spin relaxation time of Cr3+. The paramagnetic effect of enzyme-bound Mn2+ on 1/T1 of water protons decreases upon the addition of CrATP. Titration of the binary enzyme-Mn2+ complex with CrATP decreases the characteristic enhancement due to Mn2+ from 6.6-8.0 to 1.5. The failure to observe free Mn2+ epr signals in solutions of the ATPase, Mn2+, and CrATP demonstrate that this decrease in epsilon Mn is due to cross-relaxation between Mn2+ and Cr3+ bound simultaneously to the enzyme, and not to displacement of Mn2+ from the enzyme by CrATP. The relaxation rate, 1/T1, of 7Li+ is increased upon addition of CrATP to solutions of the ATPase, indicating that the sites for Li+ and CrATP are close on the enzyme. A Cr3+-Li+ distance of 4.8 +/- 0.5 angstrom is calculated from that data.  相似文献   

The topography of the subunits of the membrane sector F0 of the ATP synthase complex in the bovine mitochondrial inner membrane was studied with the help of subunit-specific antibodies raised to the F0 subunits b, d, 6, F6, A6L, OSCP (oligomycin-sensitivity-conferring protein), and N,N' -dicyclohexylcarbodiimide (DCCD)-binding proteolipid and to the ATPase inhibitor protein (IF1) as an internal control. Exposure of F0 subunits in inverted and right-side-out inner membranes was investigated by direct antibody binding as well as by susceptibility of these subunits to degradation by various proteases as monitored by gel electrophoresis of the membrane digests and immunoblotting with the subunit-specific antibodies. Results show that subunits b, d, F6, A6L (including its C-terminal end) and OSCP were exposed on the matrix side. Sufficient masses of these subunits to recognize antibodies or undergo proteolysis were not exposed on the cytosolic side. This was also the case for subunit 6 and the DCCD-binding proteolipid on either side of the inner membrane. Quantitative immunoblotting in which bound radio-activity from [125I]protein A was employed to estimate the concentration of an antigen in a sample allowed the determination of the stoichiometry of several F0 subunits and IF1 relative to F1-ATPase. Results showed that per mol of F1 there are in bovine heart mitochondria 1 mol each of d, OSCP, and IF1, and 2 mol each of b and F6. Subunit 6 and the DCCD-binding proteolipid could not be quantitated, because the former transferred poorly to nitrocellulose and the latter's antibody did not bind [125I]protein A.  相似文献   

When the effects of varying concentrations of ATP on the dissociation rate of the ouabain-enzyme complex were studied, the dissociation rate constant increased with increasing ATP concentrations up to 1 mM, and then decreased with further rise in ATP; indicating that ATP binds to two distinct sites on the complex. ADP and AMP-PNP had similar biphasic effects. GTP, CTP, UTP, and AMP-PCP reduced the dissociation rate. AMP and Pi had no effects. Increase in dissociation rate caused by 0.5 mM ATP was not abolished by saturating CTP, indicating the binding of CTP to only one of the two ATP sites. The data suggest the existence of separate catalytic and regulatory sites, with different affinities and nucleotide specificities.  相似文献   

Recently the F0 portion of the bovine mitochondrial F1F0-ATP synthase was shown to contain eight ‘c’ subunits (n?=?8). This surprised many in the field, as previously, the only other mitochondrial F0 (for yeast) was shown to have ten ‘c’ subunits. The metabolic implications of ‘c’ subunit copy number explored in this paper lead to several surprising conclusions: (1) Aerobically respiring E. coli (n?=?10) and animal mitochondria (n?=?8) both have very high F1F0 thermodynamic efficiencies of ≈90 % under typical conditions, whereas efficiency is only ≈65 % for chloroplasts (n?=?14). Reasons for this difference, including the importance of transmembrane potential (?Ψ) as a rotational catalyst, as opposed to an energy source, are discussed. (2) Maximum theoretical P/O ratios in animal mitochondria (n?=?8) are calculated to be 2.73 ATP/NADH and 1.64 ATP/FADH2, yielding 34.5 ATP/glucose (assuming NADH import via the malate/aspartate shuttle). The experimentally measured values of 2.44 (±0.15), 1.47 (±0.13), and 31.3 (±1.5), respectively, are only about 10 % lower, suggesting very little energy depletion via transmembrane proton leakage. (3) Finally, the thermodynamic efficiency of oxidative phosphorylation is not lower than that of substrate level phosphorylation, as previously believed. The overall thermodynamic efficiencies of oxidative phosphorylation, glycolysis, and the citric acid cycle are ≈80 % in all three processes.  相似文献   

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