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Duchenne muscular Dystrophy (DMD) is an inherited disease caused by mutations in the dystrophin gene that disrupt the open reading frame, while in frame mutations result in Becker muscular dystrophy (BMD). Ullrich congenital muscular dystrophy (UCMD) is due to mutations affecting collagen VI genes. Specific muscle miRNAs (dystromirs) are potential non-invasive biomarkers for monitoring the outcome of therapeutic interventions and disease progression. We quantified miR-1, miR-133a,b, miR-206 and miR-31 in serum from patients with DMD, BMD, UCMD and healthy controls. MiR-1, miR-133a,b and miR-206 were upregulated in DMD, but unchanged in UCMD compared to controls. Milder DMD patients had higher levels of dystromirs than more severely affected patients. Patients with low forced vital capacity (FVC) values, indicating respiratory muscle weakness, had low levels of serum miR-1 and miR-133b. There was no significant difference in the level of the dystromirs in BMD compared to controls.We also assessed the effect of dystrophin restoration on the expression of the five dystromirs in serum of DMD patients treated systemically for 12 weeks with antisense oligomer eteplirsen that induces skipping of exon 51 in the dystrophin gene. The dystromirs were also analysed in muscle biopsies of DMD patients included in a single dose intramuscular eteplirsen clinical trial. Our analysis detected a trend towards normalization of these miRNA between the pre- and post-treatment samples of the systemic trial, which however failed to reach statistical significance. This could possibly be due to the small number of patients and the short duration of these clinical trials.Although longer term studies are needed to clarify the relationship between dystrophin restoration following therapeutic intervention and the level of circulating miRNAs, our results indicate that miR-1 and miR-133 can be considered as exploratory biomarkers for monitoring the progression of muscle weakness and indirectly the remaining muscle mass in DMD.  相似文献   

Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) arises as a consequence of mutations in the dystrophin gene. Dystrophin is a membrane-spanning protein that connects the cytoskeleton and the basal lamina. The most distinctive features of DMD are a progressive muscular dystrophy, a myofiber degeneration with fibrosis and metabolic alterations such as fatty infiltration, however, little is known on lipid metabolism changes arising in Duchenne patient cells. Our goal was to identify metabolic changes occurring in Duchenne patient cells especially in terms of L-carnitine homeostasis, fatty acid metabolism both at the mitochondrial and peroxisomal level and the consequences on the membrane structure and function. In this paper, we compared the structural and functional characteristics of DMD patient and control cells. Using radiolabeled L-carnitine, we found, in patient muscle cells, a marked decrease in the uptake and the intracellular level of L-carnitine. Associated with this change, a decrease in the mitochondrial metabolism can be seen from the analysis of mRNA encoding for mitochondrial proteins. Probably, associated with these changes in fatty acid metabolism, alterations in the lipid composition of the cells were identified: with an increase in poly unsaturated fatty acids and a decrease in medium chain fatty acids, mono unsaturated fatty acids and in cholesterol contents. Functionally, the membrane of cells lacking dystrophin appeared to be less fluid, as determined at 37°C by fluorescence anisotropy. These changes may, at least in part, be responsible for changes in the phospholipids and cholesterol profile in cell membranes and ultimately may reduce the fluidity of the membrane. A supplementation with L-carnitine partly restored the fatty acid profile by increasing saturated fatty acid content and decreasing the amounts of MUFA, PUFA, VLCFA. L-carnitine supplementation also restored muscle membrane fluidity. This suggests that regulating lipid metabolism in DMD cells may improve the function of cells lacking dystrophin.  相似文献   

Abstract: Alterations in the glutathione system and impairment in energy metabolism have both been implicated in the loss of dopamine neurons in Parkinson's disease. This study examined the importance of cellular glutathione and the involvement of oxidative stress in the loss of mesencephalic dopamine and GABA neurons due to inhibition of energy metabolism with malonate, the reversible, competitive inhibitor of succinate dehydrogenase. Consistent with previous findings, exposure to malonate for 24 h followed by 48 h of recovery caused a dose-dependent loss of the dopamine population with little effect on the GABA population. Toxicity was assessed by simultaneous measurement of the high-affinity uptake of [3H]dopamine and [14C]GABA. Total glutathione content in rat mesencephalic cultures was decreased by 65% with a 24-h pretreatment with 10 µM buthionine sulfoxamine. This reduction in glutathione level greatly potentiated damage to both the dopamine and GABA populations and removed the differential susceptibility between the two populations in response to malonate. These findings point to a role for oxidative stress occurring during energy impairment by malonate. Consistent with this, several spin-trapping agents, α-phenyl-tert-butyl nitrone and two cyclic nitrones, MDL 101,002 and MDL 102,832, completely prevented malonate-induced damage to the dopamine neurons in the absence of buthionine sulfoxamine. The spin-trapping agents also completely prevented toxicity to both the dopamine and GABA populations when cultures were exposed to malonate after pretreatment with buthionine sulfoxamine to reduce glutathione levels. Counts of tyrosine hydroxylase-positive neurons verified enhancement of cell loss by buthionine sulfoxamine plus malonate and protection against cell loss by the spin-trapping agents. NMDA receptors have also been shown to play a role in malonate-induced dopamine cell loss and are associated with the generation of free radicals. Consistent with this, toxicity to the dopamine neurons due to a 1-h exposure to 50 µM glutamate was attenuated by the nitrone spin traps. These findings provide evidence for an oxidative challenge occurring during inhibition of energy metabolism by malonate and show that glutathione is an important neuroprotectant for midbrain neurons during situations when energy metabolism is impaired.  相似文献   

Abstract— Free radicals are generated in the CNS by ongoing oxygen metabolism and biological events associated with injury and inflammation. Increased free radical levels may also persist in some chronic neurological diseases and in the aged. Nerve growth factor (NGF) is a member of the neurotrophin family of proteins that can regulate neuronal development, maintenance, and recovery from injury. NGF protected rat pheochromocytoma PC12 cells, an adrenal chromaffin-like NGF-responsive cell line, from the oxidant stress accompanying hydrogen peroxide treatment by stimulating GSH levels and enzymes in the GSH metabolism cycle and in the GSH/GSH peroxidase antioxidant redox system, a ubiquitous cellular antioxidant system. Specifically, NGF increased γ-glutamylcysteine synthetase (GCS) activity, the rate-limiting enzyme for GSH synthesis, by 50% after 9h and GSH levels by 100% after 24 h of treatment. NGF stimulated GSH peroxidase by 30% after 3 days and glucose 6-phosphate dehydroge-nase by 50% after 2 days. Treatment with NGF and cyclo-heximide, or actinomycin D, which inhibit protein and RNA synthesis, respectively, blocked the NGF stimulation of GCS and glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase. Increased GSH levels due to NGF treatment were responsible for the significant protection of PC12 cells from hydrogen peroxide-induced stress. Pretreatment of PC12 cells with NGF for 24 h rescued cells from the toxic effects of the extracellular hydrogen peroxide generated by the glucose/glucose oxidase system but did not rescue cells that were subjected to GSH deprivation due to treatment with 10 μMl -buthionine-(S,R)-sulfoximine, an inhibitor of GCS. However, treatment with 10 μMl -buthionine-(S,R)-sulfoximine alone did not affect PC12 cell viability, NGF stimulation of neurite extension, and NGF induction of GCS, GSH peroxidase, and glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase activity. When GSH levels were measured in PC12 cells that were treated for 24 h with other neurotrophins and growth factors, such as brain-derived neurotrophic factor, neurotro-phin-3, epidermal growth factor, insulin-like growth factor-I, and basic fibroblast growth factor, only epidermal growth factor was found to increase GSH levels by 30%. Whereas NGF increased GSH levels in the human neuro-blastoma SK-N-SH-SY5Y and the human melanoma A-875 in serum-free medium, addition of fetal calf serum to the medium abolished the NGF effects on GSH levels in the NGF-responsive cell lines, SK-N-SH-SY5Y, A-875, and the CNS C6 rat glioma subclone 2BD.  相似文献   

Plasma malondialdehyde (MDA) levels were raised in Friedreich's ataxia (FRDA) patients. These levels correlated with increasing age and disease duration, suggesting lipid peroxidation increased with disease progression. Using fibroblasts from FRDA patients we observed that GSH levels and aconitase activities were normal, suggesting their antioxidant status was unchanged. When exposed to various agents to increase free radical generation we observed that intracellular superoxide generation induced by paraquat caused enhanced oxidative damage. This correlated with the size of the GAA1 expansion, suggesting decreased frataxin levels may render the cells more vulnerable to mild oxidative stress. More severe oxidative stress induced by hydrogen peroxide caused increased cell death in FRDA fibroblasts but was not significantly different from control cells. We propose that abnormal respiratory chain function and iron accumulation may lead to a progressive increase in oxidative damage, but increased sensitivity to free radicals may not require detectable respiratory chain dysfunction.  相似文献   

Maple syrup urine disease (MSUD) is a metabolic disease caused by a deficiency in the branched-chain α-keto acid dehydrogenase complex, leading to the accumulation of branched-chain keto acids and their corresponding branched-chain amino acids (BCAA) in patients. Treatment involves protein-restricted diet and the supplementation with a specific formula containing essential amino acids (except BCAA) and micronutrients, in order to avoid the appearance of neurological symptoms. Although the accumulation of toxic metabolites is associated to appearance of symptoms, the mechanisms underlying the brain damage in MSUD remain unclear, and new evidence has emerged indicating that oxidative stress contributes to this damage. In this context, this review addresses some of the recent findings obtained from cells lines, animal studies, and from patients indicating that oxidative stress is an important determinant of the pathophysiology of MSUD. Recent works have shown that the metabolites accumulated in the disease induce morphological alterations in C6 glioma cells through nitrogen reactive species generation. In addition, several works demonstrated that the levels of important antioxidants decrease in animal models and also in MSUD patients (what have been attributed to protein-restricted diets). Also, markers of lipid, protein, and DNA oxidative damage have been reported in MSUD, probably secondary to the high production of free radicals. Considering these findings, it is well-established that oxidative stress contributes to brain damage in MSUD, and this review offers new perspectives for the prevention of the neurological damage in MSUD, which may include the use of appropriate antioxidants as a novel adjuvant therapy for patients.  相似文献   

From 50 days on, after vitamin E deficient diet was given to guinea pigs, typical symptoms of muscular dystrophy were observed. Muscle protein of these animals was fractionated into 3 fractions, sarcoplasmic fraction, Triton X–100 soluble fraction and myofibrillar fraction.

Free catheptic activity (hemoglobin-splitting activity in the sarcoplasmic fraction), bound catheptic activity (the same in the Triton X–100 soluble fraction) and trypsin-inhibiting activity (in the sarcoplasm fraction) were determined in normal and dystrophic muscles.

In dystrophic muscles, great increase in free and bound catheptic activities was observed.

The increase of free catheptic activity was greater than that of bound catheptic activity.

Trypsin-inhibiting activity was also increased in dystrophic muscles two- or three-fold. At the same time, decrease in the content of myofibrillar protein in dystrophic muscles was observed.

These results were discussed in view of the degradation of protein in dystrophic muscles.  相似文献   

Following recurrent reports in the literature that it is possible to detect carriers of the gene for progressive muscular dystrophy (Duchenne), a survey of nine families was performed. No unequivocal results could be obtained in comparison of clinical data with circulation-time measurements or serum enzyme studies. It is concluded that carrier-labelling with respect to progressive muscular dystrophy is not yet at a satisfactory stage, although progress is being made.  相似文献   

First, second, and third leaves of barley (Hordeum vulgare L.cv. Atem) seedlings fumigated with 200 nl 1–1 ozone for5 d were divided into equal length quarter sections before analysisof glutathione metabolism. Since the first leaf is the oldestand the third leaf is the youngest and since monocotyledonousleaves grow from the base, sections were of a widely differingage. Lipid peroxidation rose moderately in all sections in all leaves.However, severe damage, detected visibly as chlorosis and analyticallyas loss of soluble protein, occurred only in the oldest tissue. The specific activity of glutathione reductase was slightlyelevated in old and middle-aged tissue whilst the specific activityof glutathione-S-transferase rose markedly in old, middle-aged,and young tissue following fumigation. This may reflect theimportance of glutathione-S-transferase in the protection ofplant cells from oxidative stress products formed in membranes. Fumigation with ozone also caused a loss of total glutathionein the tip sections of all leaves. Explanations for these results, including age dependent proteinloss, are discussed. Key words: Barley, ozone, glutathione, developmental age, glutathione-S-transferase  相似文献   

An experiment was performed to study some serum enzyme changes taking place in artificially fed lambs made dystrophic on a skim milk ration supplemented with α-tocopherolextracted cod liver oil. In the course of two to three weeks the lambs showed highly increased serum values of aspartate- and alanine aminotransferase (AspAT = GOT and A1AT = GPT), total lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), and creatine phosphokinase (GPK). The latter enzyme proved to be the most sensitive test of myopathies, with serum values above 1000 times the normal level. A high-grade hyaline skeletal muscle degeneration was confirmed by histology. Myocardial changes were also present. Contrary to expectations, electrophoretic separation of LDH isoenzymes in the serum of the dystrophic lambs did not reflect any increase of the prevalent muscular cathodic thermolabile fraction LDH5. The use of a so-called LDH heat stability test as an aid in clinical diagnostic work, as previously suggested, therefore does not seem to be valid in this disease. The results are discussed.  相似文献   

《PloS one》2013,8(1)


The aim of the study was i) to assess the spectrum of changes over 24 months in ambulant boys affected by Duchenne muscular dystrophy, ii) to establish the difference between the first and the second year results and iii) to identify possible early markers of loss of ambulation.


One hundred and thirteen patients (age range 4.1–17, mean 8.2) fulfilled the inclusion criteria, 67 of the 113 were on daily and 40 on intermittent steroids, while 6 were not on steroids. All were assessed using the 6 Minute Walk Test (6MWT), the North Star Ambulatory Assessment (NSAA) and timed test.


On the 6MWT there was an average overall decline of −22.7 (SD 81.0) in the first year and of −64.7 (SD 123.1) in the second year. On the NSAA the average overall decline was of −1.86 (SD 4.21) in the first year and of −2.98 (SD 5.19) in the second year. Fourteen children lost ambulation, one in the first year and the other 13 in the second year of the study. A distance of at least 330 meters on the 6MWT, or a NSAA score of 18 at baseline reduced significantly the risk of losing ambulation within 2 years.


These results can be of help at the time of using inclusion criteria for a study in ambulant patients in order to minimize the risk of patients who may lose ambulation within the time of the trial.  相似文献   

The algebraic sum of the R and S waves (R-S) in the V1 lead of the electrocardiogram has been found to be significantly greater in female carriers of X-linked Duchenne muscular dystrophy (but not in women with limb-girdle muscular dystrophy) compared with normal women of comparable age. A similar E.C.G. abnormality is found in affected boys, and possibly certain carriers have a latent cardiomyopathy and may even be predisposed to cardiac failure.  相似文献   

张勇  陈岩  陈嘉薇  朱大海 《遗传学报》2005,32(8):779-783
进行性肌营养不良是一组以进行性骨骼肌萎缩和无力为特征的肌源性肌病。肌肉抑制素(Myostatin)是最近发现的骨骼肌生长发育抑制因子。为探讨Myostatin基因与进行性肌营养不良病理发生的相关性,采用RTPCR方法克隆了患者的Myostatin基因并测序、分析肌营养不良患者是否存在Myostatin基因突变;然后采用半定量RT-PCR方法检测患者中Myostatin基因的表达水平是否发生改变,同时用Western blot方法分析了肌营养不良患者中Myostatin蛋白的表达情况。结果发现,所研究的肌营养不良患者中没有携带Myostatin基因突变,但一些患者的Myostatin基因转录水平降低,部分患者Myostatin蛋白加工障碍。结果提示,一些类型(亚型)的进行性肌营养不良可能与肌肉抑制素Myostatin基因表达异常、蛋白加工障碍有关。  相似文献   

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