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All cellular processes depend on the functionality of proteins. Although the functionality of a given protein is the direct consequence of its unique amino acid sequence, it is only realized by the folding of the polypeptide chain into a single defined three-dimensional arrangement or more commonly into an ensemble of interconverting conformations. Investigating the connection between protein conformation and its function is therefore essential for a complete understanding of how proteins are able to fulfill their great variety of tasks. One possibility to study conformational changes a protein undergoes while progressing through its functional cycle is hydrogen-1H/2H-exchange in combination with high-resolution mass spectrometry (HX-MS). HX-MS is a versatile and robust method that adds a new dimension to structural information obtained by e.g. crystallography. It is used to study protein folding and unfolding, binding of small molecule ligands, protein-protein interactions, conformational changes linked to enzyme catalysis, and allostery. In addition, HX-MS is often used when the amount of protein is very limited or crystallization of the protein is not feasible. Here we provide a general protocol for studying protein dynamics with HX-MS and describe as an example how to reveal the interaction interface of two proteins in a complex. 相似文献
Modupeola A. Sowole John A. Alexopoulos Yi-Qiang Cheng Joaquin Ortega Lars Konermann 《Journal of molecular biology》2013
The bacterial protease ClpP consists of 14 subunits that assemble into two stacked heptameric rings. The central degradation chamber can be accessed via axial pores. In free ClpP, these pores are obstructed by the N-terminal regions of the seven subunits at either end of the barrel. Acyldepsipeptides (ADEPs) are antibacterial compounds that bind in hydrophobic clefts surrounding the pore region, causing the pores to open up. The ensuing uncontrolled degradation of intracellular proteins is responsible for the antibiotic activity of ADEPs. Recently published X-ray structures yielded conflicting models regarding the conformation adopted by the N-terminal regions in the open state. Here, we use hydrogen/deuterium exchange (HDX) mass spectrometry to obtain complementary insights into the ClpP behavior with and without ADEP1. Ligand binding causes rigidification of the equatorial belt, accompanied by destabilization in the vicinity of the binding clefts. The N-terminal regions undergo rapid deuteration with only minor changes after ADEP1 binding, revealing a lack of stable H-bonding. Our data point to a mechanism where the pore opening mechanism is mediated primarily by changes in the packing of N-terminal nonpolar side chains. We propose that a “hydrophobic plug” causes pore blockage in ligand-free ClpP. ADEP1 binding provides new hydrophobic anchor points that nonpolar N-terminal residues can interact with. In this way, ADEP1 triggers the transition to an open conformation, where nonpolar moieties are clustered around the rim of the pore. This proposed mechanism helps reconcile the conflicting models that had been put forward earlier. 相似文献
H.A. Lewis C. Wang Y. Hamuro M.C. Kearins F. Lu J.M. Sauder K.S. Molnar P.C. Maloney D.R. Wetmore J.F. Hunt 《Journal of molecular biology》2010,396(2):406-24725
The ΔF508 mutation in nucleotide-binding domain 1 (NBD1) of the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) is the predominant cause of cystic fibrosis. Previous biophysical studies on human F508 and ΔF508 domains showed only local structural changes restricted to residues 509-511 and only minor differences in folding rate and stability. These results were remarkable because ΔF508 was widely assumed to perturb domain folding based on the fact that it prevents trafficking of CFTR out of the endoplasmic reticulum. However, the previously reported crystal structures did not come from matched F508 and ΔF508 constructs, and the ΔF508 structure contained additional mutations that were required to obtain sufficient protein solubility. In this article, we present additional biophysical studies of NBD1 designed to address these ambiguities. Mass spectral measurements of backbone amide 1H/2H exchange rates in matched F508 and ΔF508 constructs reveal that ΔF508 increases backbone dynamics at residues 509-511 and the adjacent protein segments but not elsewhere in NBD1. These measurements also confirm a high level of flexibility in the protein segments exhibiting variable conformations in the crystal structures. We additionally present crystal structures of a broader set of human NBD1 constructs, including one harboring the native F508 residue and others harboring the ΔF508 mutation in the presence of fewer and different solubilizing mutations. The only consistent conformational difference is observed at residues 509-511. The side chain of residue V510 in this loop is mostly buried in all non-ΔF508 structures but completely solvent exposed in all ΔF508 structures. These results reinforce the importance of the perturbation ΔF508 causes in the surface topography of NBD1 in a region likely to mediate contact with the transmembrane domains of CFTR. However, they also suggest that increased exposure of the 509-511 loop and increased dynamics in its vicinity could promote aggregation in vitro and aberrant intermolecular interactions that impede trafficking in vivo. 相似文献
Balakrishnan S. Moorthy Lavanya K. Iyer Elizabeth M. Topp 《Journal of visualized experiments : JoVE》2015,(98)
Amide hydrogen/deuterium exchange (ssHDX-MS) and side-chain photolytic labeling (ssPL-MS) followed by mass spectrometric analysis can be valuable for characterizing lyophilized formulations of protein therapeutics. Labeling followed by suitable proteolytic digestion allows the protein structure and interactions to be mapped with peptide-level resolution. Since the protein structural elements are stabilized by a network of chemical bonds from the main-chains and side-chains of amino acids, specific labeling of atoms in the amino acid residues provides insight into the structure and conformation of the protein. In contrast to routine methods used to study proteins in lyophilized solids (e.g., FTIR), ssHDX-MS and ssPL-MS provide quantitative and site-specific information. The extent of deuterium incorporation and kinetic parameters can be related to rapidly and slowly exchanging amide pools (Nfast, Nslow) and directly reflects the degree of protein folding and structure in lyophilized formulations. Stable photolytic labeling does not undergo back-exchange, an advantage over ssHDX-MS. Here, we provide detailed protocols for both ssHDX-MS and ssPL-MS, using myoglobin (Mb) as a model protein in lyophilized formulations containing either trehalose or sorbitol. 相似文献
Hervé Rémigy Michel Jaquinod Yves Pétillot Jean Gagnon Hong Cheng Bin Xia John L. Markley John K. Hurley Gordon Tollin Eric Forest 《Journal of Protein Chemistry》1997,16(5):527-532
Hydrogen/deuterium exchange, which depends on solvent accessibility, can be probed by mass spectrometry (MS) to get information on protein conformation or protein–ligand interaction. In this work, the conformational properties of the cyanobacterium Anabaena wild-type ferredoxin as well as of two single-site mutants (Phe 65 Ala and Arg 42 Ala) were studied. After incubation of the wild type and mutant proteins in deuterated water and quenching of the exchange at low pH, the proteins were rapidly digested at high enzyme-to-substrate ratio using immobilized pepsin, and the resulting peptides were characterized using ESI-MS. We have identified specific regions for which the H-bonding or solvent accessibility properties were perturbed by the mutations. These results show that this approach can provide local information on the influence of mutations, even for a highly structured protein like ferredoxin, and sometimes in regions distant from the mutation point. 相似文献
Activation of AMP-Activated Protein Kinase Revealed by Hydrogen/Deuterium Exchange Mass Spectrometry
Rachelle R. Landgraf Devrishi Goswami Francis Rajamohan Melissa S. Harris Matthew F. Calabrese Lise R. Hoth Rachelle Magyar Bruce D. Pascal Michael J. Chalmers Scott A. Busby Ravi G. Kurumbail Patrick R. Griffin 《Structure (London, England : 1993)》2013,21(11):1942-1953
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Tatsuya Yamamoto Yoshihiro Shimizu Takuya Ueda Yoshitsugu Shiro 《The Journal of biological chemistry》2010,285(8):5646-5652
The ribosome from Escherichia coli requires a specific concentration of Mg2+ to maintain the 70 S complex formation and allow protein synthesis, and then the structure must be stable and flexible. How does the ribosome acquire these conflicting factors at the same time? Here, we investigated the hydrogen/deuterium exchange of 52 proteins in the 70 S ribosome, which controlled stability and flexibility under various Mg2+ concentrations, using mass spectrometry. Many proteins exhibited a sigmoidal curve for Mg2+ concentration dependence, incorporating more deuterium at lower Mg2+ concentration. By comparing deuterium incorporation with assembly, we have discovered a typical mechanism of complexes for acquiring both stability and flexibility at the same time. In addition, we got information of the localization of flexibility in ribosomal function by the analysis of related proteins with stalk protein, tRNA, mRNA, and nascent peptide, and demonstrate the relationship between structure, assembly, flexibility, and function of the ribosome. 相似文献
Roxana E Iacob Stanley R Krystek Richard Y-C Huang Hui Wei Li Tao Zheng Lin 《Expert review of proteomics》2015,12(2):159-169
IL-23 is an important therapeutic target for the treatment of inflammatory diseases. Adnectins are targeted protein therapeutics that are derived from domain III of human fibronectin and have a similar protein scaffold to antibodies. Adnectin 2 was found to bind to IL-23 and compete with the IL-23/IL-23R interaction, posing a potential protein therapeutic. Hydrogen/deuterium exchange mass spectrometry and computational methods were applied to probe the binding interactions between IL-23 and Adnectin 2 and to determine the correlation between the two orthogonal methods. This review summarizes the current structural knowledge about IL-23 and focuses on the applicability of hydrogen/deuterium exchange mass spectrometry to investigate the higher order structure of proteins, which plays an important role in the discovery of new and improved biotherapeutics. 相似文献
Hydrogen/deuterium exchange mass spectrometry (H/D MS) of monomeric actin (G-actin), polymeric actin (F-actin), phalloidin-bound F-actin and G-actin complexed with DNase I provides new insights into the architecture of F-actin and the effects of phalloidin and DNase I binding. Although the overall pattern of deuteration change supports the gross features of the Holmes F-actin model, two important differences were observed. Most significantly, no change in deuteration was observed in the critical "hydrophobic plug" region, suggesting this feature may not be present. Polymerization also produced deuteration increases for peptide fragments containing the ATP phosphate-binding loops, suggesting G-actin transitions to a more "open" conformation upon polymerization. However, polymerization produced decreases in deuteration mainly localized to the "inner", filament-axis side as predicted by the Holmes model. Mapping the phalloidin-induced decreases in F-actin deuteration onto the Lorenz binding site produced a single common patch straddling two monomers across the 1-start helix contact, again consistent with the Holmes architecture. Finally, both DNase I and phalloidin were able to alter the deuteration of regions distal to their respective binding sites. These results highlight the great opportunities for H/D MS to exploit high-resolution structures for detailed studies of the organization and dynamics of complex molecular assemblies. 相似文献
Gao X Bain K Bonanno JB Buchanan M Henderson D Lorimer D Marsh C Reynes JA Sauder JM Schwinn K Thai C Burley SK 《Journal of structural and functional genomics》2005,6(2-3):129-134
High-resolution structural information is important for improving our understanding of protein function in vitro and in vivo and providing information to enable drug discovery. The process leading to X-ray structure determination is often time consuming
and labor intensive. It requires informed decisions in expression construct design, expression host selection, and strategies
for protein purification, crystallization and structure determination. Previously published studies have demonstrated that
compact globular domains defined by limited proteolysis represent good candidates for production of diffraction quality crystals
[1–7]. Integration of mass spectrometry and proteolysis experiments can provide accurate definition of domain boundaries at
unprecedented rates. We have conducted a critical evaluation of this approach with 400 target proteins produced by SGX (Structural
GenomiX, Inc.) for the New York Structural GenomiX Research Consortium (NYSGXRC; ) under the auspices of the National Institute of General Medical Sciences Protein Structure Initiative (). The objectives of this study were to develop parallel/automated protocols for proteolytic digestion and data acquisition
for multiple proteins, and to carry out a systematic study to correlate domain definition via proteolysis with outcomes of crystallization and structure determination attempts. Initial results from this work demonstrate
that proteins yielding diffraction quality crystals are typically resistant to proteolysis. Large-scale sub cloning and subsequent
testing of expression, solubility, and crystallizability of proteolytically defined truncations is currently underway. 相似文献
Mazon H Marcillat O Forest E Vial C 《Protein science : a publication of the Protein Society》2004,13(2):476-486
Creatine kinase (CK) isoenzymes catalyse the reversible transfer of a phosphoryl group from ATP onto creatine. This reaction plays a very important role in the regulation of intracellular ATP concentrations in excitable tissues. CK isoenzymes are highly resistant to proteases in native conditions. To appreciate localized backbone dynamics, kinetics of amide hydrogen exchange with deuterium was measured by pulse-labeling the dimeric cytosolic muscle CK isoenzyme. Upon exchange, the protein was digested with pepsin, and the deuterium content of the resulting peptides was determined by liquid chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry (MS). The deuteration kinetics of 47 peptides identified by MS/MS and covering 96% of the CK backbone were analyzed. Four deuteration patterns have been recognized: The less deuterated peptides are located in the saddle-shaped core of CK, whereas most of the highly deuterated peptides are close to the surface and located around the entrance to the active site. Their exchange kinetics are discussed by comparison with the known secondary and tertiary structures of CK with the goal to reveal the conformational dynamics of the protein. Some of the observed dynamic motions may be linked to the conformational changes associated with substrate binding and catalytic mechanism. 相似文献
Martial Rey Petr Man Benjamin Clémen?on Véronique Trézéguet Gérard Brandolin Eric Forest Ludovic Pelosi 《The Journal of biological chemistry》2010,285(45):34981-34990
The mitochondrial adenine nucleotide carrier (Ancp) catalyzes the transport of ADP and ATP across the mitochondrial inner membrane, thus playing an essential role in cellular energy metabolism. During the transport mechanism the carrier switches between two different conformations that can be blocked by two toxins: carboxyatractyloside (CATR) and bongkrekic acid. Therefore, our understanding of the nucleotide transport mechanism can be improved by analyzing structural differences of the individual inhibited states. We have solved the three-dimensional structure of bovine carrier isoform 1 (bAnc1p) in a complex with CATR, but the structure of the carrier-bongkrekic acid complex, and thus, the detailed mechanism of transport remains unknown. Improvements in sample processing in the hydrogen/deuterium exchange technique coupled to mass spectrometry (HDX-MS) have allowed us to gain novel insights into the conformational changes undergone by bAnc1p. This paper describes the first study of bAnc1p using HDX-MS. Results obtained with the CATR-bAnc1p complex were fully in agreement with published results, thus, validating our approach. On the other hand, the HDX kinetics of the two complexes displays marked differences. The bongkrekic acid-bAnc1p complex exhibits greater accessibility to the solvent on the matrix side, whereas the CATR-bAnc1p complex is more accessible on the intermembrane side. These results are discussed with respect to the structural and biochemical data available on Ancp. 相似文献
Yu-Hong Liu Lars Konermann Dasantila Golemi-Kotra 《Journal of molecular biology》2009,391(1):149-20244
A two-component system consisting of the histidine kinase vancomycin-resistance-associated sensor and the response regulator vancomycin-resistance-associated regulator (VraR) allows Staphylococcus aureus to sense antibiotic-related cell wall stress and to mount a suitable response. An experimental structure of full-length VraR is not available yet, but previous work points to similarities between VraR and the well-characterized NarL. This work employs hydrogen exchange mass spectrometry to gain insights into the phosphorylation-induced activation of VraR, a process that primes the protein for dimerization and DNA binding. Whereas VraR is highly dynamic, phosphorylated VraR shows less extensive deuteration. This rigidification is most dramatic within the receiver domain, which carries the phosphorylation site D55. Alterations in the DNA-binding domain are much less pronounced. Changes in deuteration within the receiver domain are consistent with a Y-T coupling mechanism. In analogy to NarL, the activation of VraR is thought to involve separation and subsequent reorientation of the two domains, thereby allowing the α8-turn-α9 element to engage in DNA binding. The current work suggests that this structural transition is triggered by a reduction in the effective length of the linker through enhanced hydrogen bonding. In addition, separation of the two domains may be favored by the establishment of noncovalent protein-protein interactions and intradomain contacts at the expense of previously existing interdomain bonds. α9 appears to be packed against the receiver domain in nonactivated VraR. Support is presented for α1 as a dimerization interface in phosphorylated VraR, whereas protein-protein interactions for nonphosphorylated VraR are impeded by extensive disorder in this region. 相似文献
Deuterium exchange of alpha-helices and beta-sheets as monitored by electrospray ionization mass spectrometry.

D. S. Wagner L. G. Melton Y. Yan B. W. Erickson R. J. Anderegg 《Protein science : a publication of the Protein Society》1994,3(8):1305-1314
Deuterium exchange was monitored by electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (ESI-MS) to study the slowly exchanging (hydrogen bonded) peptide hydrogens of several alpha-helical peptides and beta-sheet proteins. Polypeptides were synthetically engineered to have mainly disordered, alpha-helical, or beta-sheet structure. For 3 isomeric 31-residue alpha-helical peptides, the number of slowly exchanging hydrogens as measured by ESI-MS in 50% CF3CD2OD (pD 9.5) provided estimates of their alpha-helicities (26%, 40%, 94%) that agreed well with the values (17%, 34%, 98%) measured by circular dichroic spectroscopy in the same nondeuterated solvent. For 3 betabellins containing a pair of beta-sheets and a related disordered peptide, their order of structural stability (12D > 12S > 14D > 14S) shown by their deuterium exchange rates in 10% CD3OD/0.5% CD3CO2D (pD 3.8) as measured by ESI-MS was the same as their order of structural stability to unfolding with increasing temperature or guanidinium chloride concentration as measured by circular dichroic spectroscopy in water. Compared to monitoring deuterium exchange by proton NMR spectrometry, monitoring deuterium exchange by ESI-MS requires much less sample (1-50 micrograms), much shorter analysis time (10-90 min), and no chemical quenching of the exchange reaction. 相似文献
毛细管区带电泳/串联质谱联用法鉴定多肽和蛋白质 总被引:8,自引:3,他引:8
建立了毛细管区带电泳-串联质谱联用(CZE/MS/MS)对多肽和蛋白质高灵敏度鉴定方法,对Met-脑啡肽和Leu-脑啡肽的混合物进行了分析,用CZE/MS/MS方法验证了各自的序列,同样对细胞色素c的胰蛋白酶酶解产物用CZE/MS/MS方法进行了肽质谱分析,几科所有肽段的序列及其与在分子中的位置都得到了确定,通过SEQUEST软件进行蛋白质序列数据库搜索得到准确的鉴定结果,所消耗的样品量均在低皮可 相似文献
Scott E. Boyken Nikita Chopra Qian Xie Raji E. Joseph Thomas E. Wales D. Bruce Fulton John R. Engen Robert L. Jernigan Amy H. Andreotti 《Journal of molecular biology》2014
Despite high level of homology among non-receptor tyrosine kinases, different kinase families employ a diverse array of regulatory mechanisms. For example, the catalytic kinase domains of the Tec family kinases are inactive without assembly of the adjacent regulatory domains, whereas the Src kinase domains are autoinhibited by the assembly of similar adjacent regulatory domains. Using molecular dynamics simulations, biochemical assays, and biophysical approaches, we have uncovered an isoleucine residue in the kinase domain of the Tec family member Btk that, when mutated to the closely related leucine, leads to a shift in the conformational equilibrium of the kinase domain toward the active state. The single amino acid mutation results in measureable catalytic activity for the Btk kinase domain in the absence of the regulatory domains. We suggest that this isoleucine side chain in the Tec family kinases acts as a “wedge” that restricts the conformational space available to key regions in the kinase domain, preventing activation until the kinase domain associates with its regulatory subunits and overcomes the energetic barrier to activation imposed by the isoleucine side chain. 相似文献