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Many governments have signed up to greenhouse gas emission (GHGE) reduction programmes under their national climate change obligations. Recently, it has been suggested that the use of extended lactations in dairy herds could result in reduced GHGE. Dairy GHGE were modelled on a national basis and the model was used to compare emissions from lactations of three different lengths (305, 370 and 440 days), and a current ‘base’ scenario on the basis of maintaining current milk production levels. In addition to comparing GHGE from the average ‘National Herd’ under these scenarios, results were used to investigate how accounting for lactations of different lengths might alter the estimation of emissions calculated from the National Inventory methodology currently recommended by Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Data for the three lactation length scenarios were derived from nationally recorded dairy performance information and used in the GHGE model. Long lactations required fewer milking cows and replacements to maintain current milk yield levels than short ones, but GHGEs were found to rise from 1214 t of CO2 equivalent (CE)/farm per year for lactations of 305 days to 1371 t CE/farm per year for 440-day lactations. This apparent anomaly can be explained by the less efficient milk production (kg milk produced per kg cow weight) found in later lactation, a more pronounced effect in longer lactations. The sensitivity of the model to changes in replacement rate, persistency and level of milk yield was investigated. Changes in the replacement rate from 25% to 20% and in persistency by −10% to +20% resulted in very small changes in GHGE. Differences in GHGE due to the level of milk yield were much more dramatic with animals in the top 10% for yield, producing about 25% less GHGE/year than the average animal. National Inventory results were investigated using a more realistic spread of lactation lengths than recommended for such calculations using emissions calculated in the first part of the study. Current UK emission calculations based on the National Inventory were 329 Gg of methane per year from the dairy herd. Using the national distribution of lactation lengths, this was found to be an underestimate by about 10%. This work showed that the current rise in lactation length or a move towards calving every 18 months would increase GHGE by 7% to 14% compared with the current scenario, assuming the same milk yield in all models. Increased milk yield would have a much greater effect on reducing GHGE than changes to lactation length, replacement rate or persistency. National Inventory methodology appears to underestimate GHGE when the distribution of lactation lengths is considered and may need revising to provide more realistic figures.  相似文献   

Dairy systems are a source of pollutant emissions, such as greenhouse gases (GHG) and NH3 that are associated with impacts on the environment. Gas emissions in barns are related mainly to diet intake and chemical composition, N excretion and manure management. A reduction in dietary N is known to be an effective way to reduce N excretion and the resulting NH3 emissions. However, most studies consider manure in liquid form with frequent removal from the barn. In deep litter systems, several processes can occur during the accumulation of solid manure that result in variable gas emissions. The objective of this experiment was to investigate the influence of the interaction between dietary CP (low or high) and manure management (liquid or solid) on gas emissions (NH3, N2O, CH4) at the barn level. Dietary treatments provided either low (LowN; 12% CP) or high (HighN; 18% CP) degradable protein to modify the amount of total ammonia nitrogen (TAN) excreted. The cows were housed for two 8-week periods in two mechanically ventilated rooms equipped to manage manure either in liquid (LM; slurry) or solid form (SM; deep litter). In the LM treatment, N balance was measured for 4 days. As expected, animals fed the LowN diet ingested 35% less N and excreted 65% less N in their urine, with no reduction in faecal N excretion and N secretion in milk. On the LowN diet, excretion of urea-N and NH3-N emissions were reduced regardless of the manure management. On the HighN diet, urinary urea-N excretion was three times as high, while NH3-N emissions were 3.0 and 4.5 times as high in LM and SM, respectively. Manure management strongly influenced CH4-C emissions, which were 30% higher in SM than in LM, due to the accumulation of litter. Moreover, gas emissions from solid manure increased over the accumulation period, except for NH3 on the LowN diet. Finally, our results suggest that methods used for national inventories would become more accurate by considering the variability in TAN excretion, which is the primary factor that influences NH3 emissions.  相似文献   

Drainage has turned peatlands from a carbon sink into one of the world's largest greenhouse gas (GHG) sources from cultivated soils. We analyzed a unique data set (12 peatlands, 48 sites and 122 annual budgets) of mainly unpublished GHG emissions from grasslands on bog and fen peat as well as other soils rich in soil organic carbon (SOC) in Germany. Emissions and environmental variables were measured with identical methods. Site‐averaged GHG budgets were surprisingly variable (29.2 ± 17.4 t CO2‐eq. ha?1 yr?1) and partially higher than all published data and the IPCC default emission factors for GHG inventories. Generally, CO2 (27.7 ± 17.3 t CO2 ha?1 yr?1) dominated the GHG budget. Nitrous oxide (2.3 ± 2.4 kg N2O‐N ha?1 yr?1) and methane emissions (30.8 ± 69.8 kg CH4‐C ha?1 yr?1) were lower than expected except for CH4 emissions from nutrient‐poor acidic sites. At single peatlands, CO2 emissions clearly increased with deeper mean water table depth (WTD), but there was no general dependency of CO2 on WTD for the complete data set. Thus, regionalization of CO2 emissions by WTD only will remain uncertain. WTD dynamics explained some of the differences between peatlands as sites which became very dry during summer showed lower emissions. We introduced the aerated nitrogen stock (Nair) as a variable combining soil nitrogen stocks with WTD. CO2 increased with Nair across peatlands. Soils with comparatively low SOC concentrations showed as high CO2 emissions as true peat soils because Nair was similar. N2O emissions were controlled by the WTD dynamics and the nitrogen content of the topsoil. CH4 emissions can be well described by WTD and ponding duration during summer. Our results can help both to improve GHG emission reporting and to prioritize and plan emission reduction measures for peat and similar soils at different scales.  相似文献   

Temperate pasture species constitute a source of protein for dairy cattle. On the other hand, from an environmental perspective, their high N content can increase N excretion and nitrogenous gas emissions by livestock. This work explores the effect of energy supplementation on N use efficiency (NUE) and nitrogenous gas emissions from the excreta of dairy cows grazing a pasture of oat and ryegrass. The study was divided into two experiments: an evaluation of NUE in grazing dairy cows, and an evaluation of N-NH3 and N-N2O volatilizations from dairy cow excreta. In the first experiment, 12 lactating Holstein × Jersey F1 cows were allocated to a double 3 × 3 Latin square (three experimental periods of 17 days each) and subjected to three treatments: cows without supplementation (WS), cows supplemented at 4.2 kg DM of corn silage (CS) per day, and cows supplemented at 3.6 kg DM of ground corn (GC) per day. In the second experiment, samples of excreta were collected from the cows distributed among the treatments. Aliquots of dung and urine of each treatment plus one blank (control – no excreta) were allotted to a randomized block design to evaluate N-NH3 and N-N2O volatilization. Measurements were performed until day 25 for N-NH3 and until day 94 for N-N2O. Dietary N content in the supplemented cows was reduced by 20% (P < 0.001) compared with WS cows, regardless of the supplement. Corn silage cows had lower N intake (P < 0.001) than WS and GC cows (366 v. 426 g/day, respectively). Ground corn supplementation allowed cows to partition more N towards milk protein compared with the average milk protein of WS cows or those supplemented with corn silage (117 v. 108 g/day, respectively; P < 0.01). Thus, even though they were in different forms, both supplements were able to increase (P < 0.01) NUE from 27% in WS cows to 32% in supplemented cows. Supplementation was also effective in reducing N excretion (761 v. 694 g/kg of Nintake; P < 0.001), N-NH3 emission (478 v. 374 g/kg of Nmilk; P < 0.01) and N-N2O emission (11 v. 8 g/kg of Nmilk; P < 0.001). Corn silage and ground corn can be strategically used as feed supplements to improve NUE, and they have the potential to mitigate N-NH3 and N-N2O emissions from the excreta of dairy cows grazing high-protein pastures.  相似文献   

Bioethanol from sugarcane is becoming an increasingly important alternative energy source worldwide as it is considered to be both economically and environmentally sustainable. Besides being produced from a tropical perennial grass with high photosynthetic efficiency, sugarcane ethanol is commonly associated with low N fertilizer use because sugarcane from Brazil, the world's largest sugarcane producer, has a low N demand. In recent years, several models have predicted that the use of sugarcane ethanol in replacement to fossil fuel could lead to high greenhouse gas (GHG) emission savings. However, empirical data that can be used to validate model predictions and estimates from indirect methodologies are scarce, especially with regard to emissions associated with different fertilization methods and agricultural management practices commonly used in sugarcane agriculture in Brazil. In this study, we provide in situ data on emissions of three GHG (CO2, N2O, and CH4) from sugarcane soils in Brazil and assess how they vary with fertilization methods and management practices. We measured emissions during the two main phases of the sugarcane crop cycle (plant and ratoon cane), which include different fertilization methods and field conditions. Our results show that N2O and CO2 emissions in plant cane varied significantly depending on the fertilization method and that waste products from ethanol production used as organic fertilizers with mineral fertilizer, as it is the common practice in Brazil, increase emission rates significantly. Cumulatively, the highest emissions were observed for ratoon cane treated with vinasse (liquid waste from ethanol production) especially as the amount of crop trash on the soil surface increased. Emissions of CO2 and N2O were 6.9 kg ha?1 yr?1 and 7.5 kg ha?1 yr?1, respectively, totaling about 3000 kg in CO2 equivalent ha?1 yr?1.  相似文献   

中国农业系统近40年温室气体排放核算   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
范紫月  齐晓波  曾麟岚  吴锋 《生态学报》2022,42(23):9470-9482
基于排放因子法构建了包含种植业和牲畜养殖业的农业系统温室气体排放核算体系,系统核算了1980-2020年我国全国尺度上的农业系统温室气体排放总量和变化趋势,并在区县级尺度下对1980、2000、2011年的中国农业系统的温室气体排放量进行核算,对比不同阶段农业系统温室气体排放变化的时空异质性规律。研究发现:1980-2020年我国农业系统温室气体排放量呈波动增长趋势,增长了近46%。CH4是农业系统排放贡献最大的温室气体,占总排放量的47.33%。我国农业系统温室气体排放与不同地区农业生产方式有关,CH4排放量高的地区主要位于我国主要水稻产区以及旱地作物产区。CO2排放量高的地区主要位于东北、西北等地区以及华东地区。N2O排放量较高地区主要位于西北的主要畜牧养殖地区,以及我国农业经济发展水平高的中南部地区。研究有助于揭示我国农业温室气体排放的动态特征,现状规律,以及空间差异性特征,从农业减排角度为实现双碳目标提供科学参考。  相似文献   

A continuous rise in the global demand for palm oil has resulted in the large‐scale expansion of oil palm plantations and generated environmental controversy. Efforts to increase the sustainability of oil palm cultivation include the recycling of oil mill and pruning residues in the field, but this may increase soil methane (CH4) emissions. This study reports the results of yearlong field‐based measurements of soil nitrous oxide (N2O) and CH4 emissions from commercial plantations in North Sumatra, Indonesia. One experiment investigated the effects of soil‐water saturation on N2O and CH4 emissions from inorganic fertilizers and organic amendments by simulating 25 mm rainfall per day for 21 days. Three additional experiments focused on emissions from (a) inorganic fertilizer (urea), (b) combination of enriched mulch with urea and (c) organic amendments (empty fruit bunches, enriched mulch and pruned oil palm fronds) applied in different doses and spatial layouts (placed in inter‐row zones, piles, patches or bands) for a full year. The higher dose of urea led to a significantly higher N2O emissions with the emission factors ranging from 2.4% to 2.7% in the long‐term experiment, which is considerably higher than the IPCC standard of 1%. Organic amendments were a significant source of both N2O and CH4 emissions, but N2O emissions from organic amendments were 66%–86% lower than those from inorganic fertilizers. Organic amendments applied in piles emitted 63% and 71% more N2O and CH4, respectively, than when spread out. With twice the dose of organic amendments, cumulative emissions were up to three times greater. The (simulated) rainwater experiment showed that the increase in precipitation led to a significant increase in N2O emissions significantly, suggesting that the time of fertilization is a critical management option for reducing emissions. The results from this study could therefore help guide residue and nutrient management practices to reduce emissions while ensuring better nutrient recycling for sustainable oil palm production systems.  相似文献   

Biochar application to soils may increase carbon (C) sequestration due to the inputs of recalcitrant organic C. However, the effects of biochar application on the soil greenhouse gas (GHG) fluxes appear variable among many case studies; therefore, the efficacy of biochar as a carbon sequestration agent for climate change mitigation remains uncertain. We performed a meta‐analysis of 91 published papers with 552 paired comparisons to obtain a central tendency of three main GHG fluxes (i.e., CO2, CH4, and N2O) in response to biochar application. Our results showed that biochar application significantly increased soil CO2 fluxes by 22.14%, but decreased N2O fluxes by 30.92% and did not affect CH4 fluxes. As a consequence, biochar application may significantly contribute to an increased global warming potential (GWP) of total soil GHG fluxes due to the large stimulation of CO2 fluxes. However, soil CO2 fluxes were suppressed when biochar was added to fertilized soils, indicating that biochar application is unlikely to stimulate CO2 fluxes in the agriculture sector, in which N fertilizer inputs are common. Responses of soil GHG fluxes mainly varied with biochar feedstock source and soil texture and the pyrolysis temperature of biochar. Soil and biochar pH, biochar applied rate, and latitude also influence soil GHG fluxes, but to a more limited extent. Our findings provide a scientific basis for developing more rational strategies toward widespread adoption of biochar as a soil amendment for climate change mitigation.  相似文献   

Global warming will likely enhance greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from soils. Due to its slow decomposability, biochar is widely recognized as effective in long‐term soil carbon (C) sequestration and in mitigation of soil GHG emissions. In a long‐term soil warming experiment (+2.5 °C, since July 2008) we studied the effect of applying high‐temperature Miscanthus biochar (0, 30 t/ha, since August 2013) on GHG emissions and their global warming potential (GWP) during 2 years in a temperate agroecosystem. Crop growth, physical and chemical soil properties, temperature sensitivity of soil respiration (Rs), and metabolic quotient (qCO2) were investigated to yield further information about single effects of soil warming and biochar as well as on their interactions. Soil warming increased total CO2 emissions by 28% over 2 years. The effect of warming on soil respiration did not level off as has often been observed in less intensively managed ecosystems. However, the temperature sensitivity of soil respiration was not affected by warming. Overall, biochar had no effect on most of the measured parameters, suggesting its high degradation stability and its low influence on microbial C cycling even under elevated soil temperatures. In contrast, biochar × warming interactions led to higher total N2O emissions, possibly due to accelerated N‐cycling at elevated soil temperature and to biochar‐induced changes in soil properties and environmental conditions. Methane uptake was not affected by soil warming or biochar. The incorporation of biochar‐C into soil was estimated to offset warming‐induced elevated GHG emissions for 25 years. Our results highlight the suitability of biochar for C sequestration in cultivated temperate agricultural soil under a future elevated temperature. However, the increased N2O emissions under warming limit the GHG mitigation potential of biochar.  相似文献   

Rapid climate change and intensified human activities have resulted in water table lowering (WTL) and enhanced nitrogen (N) deposition in Tibetan alpine wetlands. These changes may alter the magnitude and direction of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, affecting the climate impact of these fragile ecosystems. We conducted a mesocosm experiment combined with a metagenomics approach (GeoChip 5.0) to elucidate the effects of WTL (?20 cm relative to control) and N deposition (30 kg N ha?1 yr?1) on carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O) fluxes as well as the underlying mechanisms. Our results showed that WTL reduced CH4 emissions by 57.4% averaged over three growing seasons compared with no‐WTL plots, but had no significant effect on net CO2 uptake or N2O flux. N deposition increased net CO2 uptake by 25.2% in comparison with no‐N deposition plots and turned the mesocosms from N2O sinks to N2O sources, but had little influence on CH4 emissions. The interactions between WTL and N deposition were not detected in all GHG emissions. As a result, WTL and N deposition both reduced the global warming potential (GWP) of growing season GHG budgets on a 100‐year time horizon, but via different mechanisms. WTL reduced GWP from 337.3 to ?480.1 g CO2‐eq m?2 mostly because of decreased CH4 emissions, while N deposition reduced GWP from 21.0 to ?163.8 g CO2‐eq m?2, mainly owing to increased net CO2 uptake. GeoChip analysis revealed that decreased CH4 production potential, rather than increased CH4 oxidation potential, may lead to the reduction in net CH4 emissions, and decreased nitrification potential and increased denitrification potential affected N2O fluxes under WTL conditions. Our study highlights the importance of microbial mechanisms in regulating ecosystem‐scale GHG responses to environmental changes.  相似文献   

微塑料因在土壤环境中广泛存在及其潜在的生态风险而受到越来越多的关注。微塑料的赋存会改变土壤理化性质,并对土壤微生物群落及其驱动的生物地球化学过程产生影响,而相关研究尚处于起步阶段。可生物降解塑料作为传统塑料的替代品,越来越多地应用于农业活动,并释放到土壤中。然而,可生物降解微塑料对土壤微生物特性产生影响的研究鲜有报道。基于此,本试验以我国三江平原水稻田土壤为研究对象,选取了2种常见的微塑料为试验材料,分别为传统型微塑料聚丙烯(Polypropylene,PP)和可降解微塑料聚乳酸(Polylactic acid,PLA),进行了为期41d的微宇宙培养实验,旨在分析不同浓度与类型的微塑料对土壤可溶性有机碳(Dissolved Organic Carbon,DOC)含量及官能团特征、温室气体排放以及微生物群落结构的差异性影响。结果表明,传统型微塑料PP与可降解微塑料PLA添加均对土壤理化性质与微生物群落产生显著影响。其中,微塑料添加大体上增加了土壤DOC含量,PLA的促进作用较为明显,且增加含量与微塑料添加量呈正相关;PP和PLA均影响土壤DOC分子结构,削弱了土壤团聚化程度并促进了大分子量DOC化合物的生成;微塑料的添加促进土壤CH4排放,而有效抑制了土壤CO2排放;微塑料显著改变了土壤细菌和真菌群落的丰富度与多样性。相关分析结果表明,土壤CO2累计排放量与芳香族化合物结构及疏水性等官能团特征、变形菌门(Proteobacteria)与放线菌门(Actinobacteria)均呈显著正相关关系。以上结果表明,微塑料添加改变了土壤DOC含量及官能团特征与微生物环境,进而影响土壤温室气体排放。本研究为今后微塑料对土壤地球化学和微生物特性的影响研究提供了科学的思路,同时也有助于评估微塑料对土壤生态系统的生态风险。  相似文献   

Oilseed rape (OSR, Brassica napus L.) is an important feedstock for biodiesel; hence, carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4) and particularly fertilizer‐derived nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions during cultivation must be quantified to assess putative greenhouse gas (GHG) savings, thus creating an urgent and increasing need for such data. Substrates of nitrification [ammonium (NH4)] and denitrification [nitrate (NO3)], the predominant N2O production pathways, were supplied separately and in combination to OSR in a UK field trial aiming to: (i) produce an accurate GHG budget of fertilizer application; (ii) characterize short‐ to medium‐term variation in GHG fluxes; (iii) establish the processes driving N2O emission. Three treatments were applied twice, 1 week apart: ammonium nitrate fertilizer (NH4NO3, 69 kg‐N ha?1) mimicking the farm management, ammonium chloride (NH4Cl, 34.4 kg‐N ha?1) and sodium nitrate (NaNO3, 34.6 kg‐N ha?1). We deployed SkyLine2D for the very first time, a novel automated chamber system to measure CO2, CH4 and N2O fluxes at unprecedented high temporal and spatial resolution from OSR. During 3 weeks following the fertilizer application, CH4 fluxes were negligible, but all treatments were a net sink for CO2 (ca. 100 g CO2 m?2). Cumulative N2O emissions (ca. 120 g CO2‐eq m?2) from NH4NO3 were significantly greater (P < 0.04) than from NaNO3 (ca. 80 g CO2‐eq m?2), but did not differ from NH4Cl (ca. 100 g CO2‐eq m?2) and reduced the carbon sink of photosynthesis so that OSR was a net GHG source in the fertilizer treatment. Diurnal variation in N2O emissions, peaking in the afternoon, was more strongly associated with photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) than temperature. This suggests that the supply of carbon (C) from photosynthate may have been the key driver of the observed diurnal pattern in N2O emission and thus should be considered in future process‐based models of GHG emissions.  相似文献   

Relatively little research has been conducted on how climate change may affect the structure and function of arid to semiarid ecosystems of the American Southwest. Along the slopes of the San Francisco Peaks of Arizona, USA, I transferred intact soil cores from a spruce‐fir to a ponderosa pine forest 730 m lower in elevation to assess the potential impacts of climate change on soil N cycling and trace gas fluxes. The low‐elevation site has a mean annual soil temperature about 2.5°C higher than the high‐elevation site. Net rates of N transformations and trace gas fluxes were measured in high‐elevation soil cores incubated in situ and soil cores transferred to the low‐elevation site. Over a 13‐month period, volumetric soil water content was similar in transferred soil cores relative to soil cores incubated in situ. Net N mineralization and nitrification increased over 80% in transferred soil cores compared with in situ soil cores. Soil transfer significantly increased net CO2 efflux (120%) and net CH4 consumption (90%) relative to fluxes of these gases from soil cores incubated in situ. Soil net N2O fluxes were relatively low and were not generally altered by soil transfer. Although the soil microbial biomass as a whole decreased in transferred soil cores compared with in situ soil cores after the incubation period, active bacterial biomass increased. Transferring soil cores from the low‐elevation to the high‐elevation site (i.e. simulated global cooling) commonly, but not consistently, resulted in the opposite effects on soil pools and processes. In general, soil containment (root trenching) did not significantly affect soil measurements. My results suggest that small increases in mean annual temperature can have large impacts on soil N cycling, soil–atmosphere trace gas exchanges, and soil microbial communities even in ecosystems where water availability is a major limiting resource.  相似文献   

Emissions of N2O were measured during the growth season over a year from grass swards under ambient (360 μL L?1) and elevated (600 μL L?1) CO2 partial pressures at the Free Air Carbon dioxide Enrichment (FACE) experiment, Eschikon, Switzerland. Measurements were made following high (56 g N m?2 yr?1) and low (14 g N m?2 yr?1) rates of fertilizer application, split over 5 re‐growth periods, to Lolium perenne, Trifolium repens and mixed Lolium/Trifolium swards. Elevated pCO2 increased annual emissions of N2O from the high fertilized Lolium and mixed Lolium/Trifolium swards resulting in increases in GWP (N2O emissions) of 179 and 111 g CO2 equivalents m?2, respectively, compared with the GWP of ambient pCO2 swards, but had no significant effect on annual emissions from Trifolium monoculture swards. The greater emissions from the high fertilized elevated pCO2Lolium swards were attributed to greater below‐ground C allocation under elevated pCO2 providing the energy for denitrification in the presence of excess mineral N. An annual emission of 959 mg N2O‐N m?2 yr?1 (1.7% of fertilizer N applied) was measured from the high fertilized Lolium sward under elevated pCO2. The magnitude of emissions varied throughout the year with 84% of the total emission from the elevated pCO2Lolium swards measured during the first two re‐growths (April–June 2001). This was associated with higher rainfall and soil water contents at this time of year. Trends in emissions varied between the first two re‐growths (April–June 2001) and the third, fourth and fifth re‐growths (late June–October 2000), with available soil NO3? and rainfall explaining 70%, and soil water content explaining 72% of the variability in N2O in these periods, respectively. Caution is therefore required when extrapolating from short‐term measurements to predict long‐term responses to global climate change. Our findings are of global significance as increases in atmospheric concentrations of CO2 may, depending on sward composition and fertilizer management, increase greenhouse gas emissions of N2O, thereby exacerbating the forcing effect of elevated CO2 on global climate. Our results suggest that when applying high rates of N fertilizer to grassland systems, Trifolium repens swards, or a greater component of Trifolium in mixed swards, may minimize the negative effect of continued increasing atmospheric CO2 concentrations on global warming.  相似文献   

不同氮肥对东北春玉米农田温室气体周年排放的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为探明不同氮肥条件下高纬度农田土壤的温室气体排放特性,采用静态箱-气相色谱法研究了常规施氮(CN)、施用缓释肥(SLN)、尿素添加硝化抑制剂和脲酶抑制剂(NIUI)、不施氮肥(NN)对东北春玉米农田土壤温室气体排放的影响.结果表明: CN、SLN和NIUI处理产量分别为9618、9376和9645 kg·hm-2.与CN处理相比,SLN促进了玉米生长季土壤N2O的排放,降低了非生长季土壤N2O的排放;NIUI处理N2O累积排放量比CN降低了39.0%;各处理土壤CO2周年累积排放通量无显著差异;东北春玉米田是大气中CH4的弱汇,NIUI处理较CN促进了玉米生长季土壤对CH4的吸收.综上,尿素添加脲酶抑制剂和硝化抑制剂可以在实现玉米高产的同时有效减少土壤温室气体排放.  相似文献   

Wetlands can influence global climate via greenhouse gas (GHG) exchange of carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), and nitrous oxide (N2O). Few studies have quantified the full GHG budget of wetlands due to the high spatial and temporal variability of fluxes. We report annual open‐water diffusion and ebullition fluxes of CO2, CH4, and N2O from a restored emergent marsh ecosystem. We combined these data with concurrent eddy‐covariance measurements of whole‐ecosystem CO2 and CH4 exchange to estimate GHG fluxes and associated radiative forcing effects for the whole wetland, and separately for open‐water and vegetated cover types. Annual open‐water CO2, CH4, and N2O emissions were 915 ± 95 g C‐CO2 m?2 yr?1, 2.9 ± 0.5 g C‐CH4 m?2 yr?1, and 62 ± 17 mg N‐N2O m?2 yr?1, respectively. Diffusion dominated open‐water GHG transport, accounting for >99% of CO2 and N2O emissions, and ~71% of CH4 emissions. Seasonality was minor for CO2 emissions, whereas CH4 and N2O fluxes displayed strong and asynchronous seasonal dynamics. Notably, the overall radiative forcing of open‐water fluxes (3.5 ± 0.3 kg CO2‐eq m?2 yr?1) exceeded that of vegetated zones (1.4 ± 0.4 kg CO2‐eq m?2 yr?1) due to high ecosystem respiration. After scaling results to the entire wetland using object‐based cover classification of remote sensing imagery, net uptake of CO2 (?1.4 ± 0.6 kt CO2‐eq yr?1) did not offset CH4 emission (3.7 ± 0.03 kt CO2‐eq yr?1), producing an overall positive radiative forcing effect of 2.4 ± 0.3 kt CO2‐eq yr?1. These results demonstrate clear effects of seasonality, spatial structure, and transport pathway on the magnitude and composition of wetland GHG emissions, and the efficacy of multiscale flux measurement to overcome challenges of wetland heterogeneity.  相似文献   

秸秆还田与氮肥施用是农田生态系统中碳氮元素的两大主要补给途径,其在调控稻田甲烷(CH4)和氧化亚氮(N2O)排放以及水稻产量方面具有重要作用。以往的研究主要关注秸秆还田或氮肥施用单因素对稻田温室气体排放的影响,而双因素互作对甲烷和氧化亚氮排放的影响尚未明确。同时,在秸秆还田条件下如何进行合理的氮肥施用鲜有深入研究。本研究基于3个氮肥处理(0、180、360 kg N/hm2)和3个秸秆还田处理(0、2.25、3.75 t/hm2)进行多年水稻田间定位试验,研究结果表明:CH4季节累积排放随秸秆还田量增加而增加,与施氮量无显著正相关关系;N2O季节累积排放随施氮量增加而增加,与秸秆还田量无显著正相关关系;秸秆还田对于产量的影响具有不确定性,两年均在秸秆不还田+不施氮处理(S0N0)出现最低产量,2021与2022年最低产量分别为5740.64和4903.75 kg/hm2。2021与2022年最高产量分别在秸秆不还田+高氮(S0N2)和高量秸秆还田+高氮(S2N2)出现,分别为10938.48和10384.83 kg/hm2。同时,本研究发现在低量秸秆还田条件下,在碳足迹(CF, Carbon Footprint)方面,施氮量为251 kg N/hm2时碳足迹达到最低点,为1.01 kg C/kg;而在生态经济净收益(NEEB, Net Ecosystem Economic Benefits)方面,施氮量为294 kg N/hm2时生态经济净收益达到最高点,为11778.15 元/hm2。为协同生态经济净收益与碳排放,在低量秸秆还田(S1)下,配合251-294 kg N/hm2的施氮量为最优施肥方案。研究结果为指导稻田温室气体减排、实现稻田碳中和以及农田管理提供了理论支撑,为实现水稻的高产稳产与低碳生产科学依据。  相似文献   

Livestock farming systems are major sources of trace gases contributing to emissions of the greenhouse gases (GHG) nitrous oxide (N2O) and methane (CH4), i.e. N2O accounts for 10% and CH4 for 30% of the anthropogenic contributions to net global warming. This paper presents scenario assessments of whole-system effects of technologies for reducing GHG emissions from livestock model farms using slurry-based manure management. Changes in housing and storage practice, mechanical separation, and incineration of the solid fraction derived from separation were evaluated in scenarios for Sweden, Denmark, France, and Italy. The results demonstrated that changes in manure management can induce significant changes in CH4 and N2O emissions and carbon sequestration, and that the effect of introducing environmental technologies may vary significantly with livestock farming practice and interact with climatic conditions. Shortening the in-house manure storage time reduced GHG emissions by 0–40%. The largest GHG reductions of 49 to, in one case, 82% were obtained with a combination of slurry separation and incineration, the latter process contributing to a positive GHG balance of the system by substituting fossil fuels. The amount and composition of volatile solids (VS) and nitrogen pools were main drivers in the calculations performed, and requirements to improve the assessment of VS composition and turnover during storage and in the field were identified. Nevertheless, the results clearly showed that GHG emission estimates will be unrealistic, if the assumed manure management or climatic conditions do not properly represent a given country or region. The results also showed that the mitigation potential of specific manure management strategies and technologies varied depending on current management and climatic conditions.  相似文献   

SUMMARY 1. The effects of increasing CO2 and nitrogen loading and of a change in water table and temperature on littoral CH4, N2O and CO2 fluxes were studied in a glasshouse experiment with intact sediment cores including vegetation (mainly sedges), taken from a boreal eutrophic lake in Finland. Sediments with the water table held at a level of 0 or at ?15 cm were incubated in an atmosphere of 360 or 720 p.p.m. CO2 for 18 weeks. The experiment included fertilisation with NO3 and NH4+ (to a total 3 g N m?2). 2. Changes in the water table and temperature strongly regulated sediment CH4 and cCO2 fluxes (community CO2 release), but did not affect N2O emissions. Increase in the water table increased CH4 emissions but reduced cCO2 release, while increase in temperature increased emissions of both CO2 and CH4. 3. The raised CO2 increased carbon turnover in the sediments, such that cCO2 release was increased by 16–26%. However, CH4 fluxes were not significantly affected by raised CO2, although CH4 production potential (at 22 °C) of the sediments incubated at high CO2 was increased. In the boreal region, littoral CH4 production is more likely to be limited by temperature than by the availability of carbon. Raised CO2 did not affect N2O production by denitrification, indicating that this process was not carbon limited. 4. A low availability of NO3 did severely limit N2O production. The NO3 addition caused up to a 100‐fold increase in the fluxes of N2O. The NH4+ addition did not increase N2O fluxes, indicating low nitrification capacity in the sediments.  相似文献   

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