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SYNOPSIS. A full account of the nuclear changes during binary fission and conjugation in a local race of Blepharisma is presented in this paper. The macronucleus consists of 2 nodes connected by a strand. Number of micronuclei varies from 6 to 18. During binary fission, condensation of macronucleus is followed by elongation and thinning of the middle region which finally breaks. Daughter nuclei later attain the typical vegetative form. Notably, during binary fission some micronuclei appear to complete their mitoses by the time the macronucleus attains the condensed form, while others lag behind and exhibit practically every stage of mitosis.
During conjugation, from 6 to 10 micronuclei undergo the first pregamic division, the same number through the second division, and two products of the second division take part in the third division. The rest degenerate. Division products of the nuclei in the paraoral region take part in synkaryon formation. The synkaryon undergoes either 2 or 3 divisions. In the former case, of the 4 products, 2 become the macronuclear anlagen, one the micronucleus and the fourth degenerates. In the latter case, of the 8 products, 3 to 4 become the macronuclear anlagen and the rest become micronuclei. Chromatin elimination has been observed during the division of the macronuclear anlage, followed by an extra metagamic fission of the cell.
Comparison with two other races from India and an American race indicates considerable diversity in the structure and behaviour of the nuclear apparatus in different races of Blepharisma undulans.  相似文献   

The macro- and micronucleus of Tetrahymena pyriformis are formed from a common diploid synkaryon during conjugation. Shortly after the 2nd postzygotic division, distinct morphologic and physiologic differences develop between the 2 nuclei. Micronuclei remain small, presumably diploid, and electronmicroscopic observations indicate that micronuclear DNA is contained in a dense, fibrous, chromosome-like coil. Macronuclei contain considerably more DNA than micronuclei, and the DNA of the macronucleus is found largely in the chromatin bodies typical of ciliate nuclei. The functional differences between macro- and micronuclei in vegetative cells also are striking. The template activity of DNA in the micronucleus is highly restricted compared to that in the macronucleus. Micronuclei synthesize and contain little RNA, and do not contain either nucleoli or ribonucleoprotein granules. Macronuclei, on the other hand, synthesize and contain large amounts of RNA and have many nucleoli and ribonucleoprotein granules. Macro- and micronuclei also have distinct differences in the timing of DNA synthesis during the cell cycle and in the timing and mechanism of nuclear division. Finally, during conjugation the macronucleus becomes pycnotic and disappears while the micronucleus undergoes meiosis and fertilization, ultimately giving rise to new macro- and new micronuclei. In short, the macro- and micronuclei of Tetrahymena provide an excellent system for studying the molecular mechanisms by which the same (or related) genetic information is maintained in different structural and functional states. Methods have been devised to isolate and purify macro- and micronuclei of Tetrahymena in the hope of correlating differences in the nucleoprotein composition of these nuclei with differences in their structure and function. The DNAs of macro- and micronuclei have been found to differ markedly in their content of a methylated base, N6-methyl adenine, and major differences in the histones of the 2 nuclei have been observed. Macronuclei contain histones similar to those found in vertebrate nuclei, while 2 major histone fractions seem to be missing in micronuclei. In addition, histone fraction F2A1 which is found in multiple, acetylated forms in macronuclei, is present only as a single, unacetylated form in micronuclei.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. During conjugation of E. woodruffi , the micro-nucleus divides repeatedly four times prior to synkaryon formation and twice thereafter. The first division resembles an ordinary somatic mitosis, resulting in the formation of two daughter nuclei in each conjugant. Both products of this division enter the second division which corresponds to the heterotypic division of other ciliates, characterized by a parachute stage. Following this stage sixteen bivalents appear and separate into dyads and pass to the poles. During the following divisions individualized chromosomes do not appear but only certain chromatin elements comparable to those seen in the somatic and preliminary divisions. These divide and pass to the poles. All daughter nuclei of the second division enter and complete the third division. Only two of the products of the third division enter the final pregamic division while the rest degenerate. Exchange of pronuclei and their fusion leads to synkaryon formation. The conjugants then separate and in each exconjugant the synkaryon divides twice in rapid succession. Of the four products one condenses to become the functional micronucleus, another enlarges rapidly to become the macronuclear anlage while the remaining two degenerate and disintegrate. The old macronucleus breaks into irregular and polymorphic bodies. As the macronuclear anlage enlarges the remnants of the old macronucleus reorganize and fuse with the macronuclear anlage to form a characteristic vegetative macronucleus.  相似文献   

During Tetrahymena conjugation gamic nuclei (pronuclei) are produced, reciprocally exchanged, and fused in each mate. The synkaryon divides twice; the two anterior nuclei develop into new macronuclei while the two posterior nuclei become micronuclei. The postzygotic divisions were blocked with the antitubulin drug nocodazole (ND). Then pronuclei (gamic nuclei) developed directly into macronuclear anlagen (primordial macronuclei), inducing amicronucleate cells with two anlagen, or, rarely, cells with one anlagen and one micronucleus. ND had a similar effect on cells that passed the first postzygotic division inducing amicronucleate cells with two anlagen, while cells treated with ND at the synkarya stage produced only one large anlage. Different intracytoplasmic positioning of the nuclei treated with ND (pronuclei, synkarya and two products of the first division) shows that most of cell cytoplasm is competent for inducing macronuclear development. Only posteriorly positioned nuclei--products of the second postzygotic division--remain micronuclei. The total cell DNA content, measured cytophotometrically in control and in ND-induced amicronucleate conjugant cells with one and two anlagen, was similar in all three samples at 12 h of conjugation. Eventually, at 24 h this content was about 2 pg (8 C) per anlagen both in nonrefed control and in amicronucleate exconjugants. Therefore "large" nuclei developing in the presence of ND were true macronuclear anlagen.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. During conjugation of Kahlia the micronuclei divide 3 times before synkaryon formation and 2 times thereafter. The 1st division is heterotypic, as in other ciliates, in that it is characterized by the parachute stage. Following this stage, 24 to 26 bivalents and 4 to 8 univalents appear in the micronuclear area. When the bivalents move to organize the metaphase plate, the univalents lag behind and fail to reach the equatorial region at the same time. Due to this irregular behavior of the univalents there is no distinct metaphase in the first meiotic division. A few meiotic irregularities including the breakdown of the spindle apparatus have been observed. During the breakdown of the spindle apparatus the chromosomes fuse into irregular bodies which resemble the chromosome aggregates observed during the somatic divisions. Generally 1, and rarely more, of the products of the 1st division enter the 2nd division. The spindles of this division are oriented parallel to the long axis of the cell, and 1 of the daughter nuclei reaches the partition membrane separating the conjugants. This nucleus alone undergoes the 3rd division, resulting in the formation of gametic nuclei. Reciprocal exchange and fusion of the gametic nuclei result in the synkaryon formation. The synkaryon divides twice in rapid succession resulting in 4 daughter nuclei; 1 of them degenerates and 2 condense and become functional micronuclei. The chromosomes of the remaining daughter nucleus resemble in size and number the bivalents of the 1st meiotic division. They become polytenic and then reproduce to give rise to the polyploid macronucleus. The development of the macronucleus has been traced from a single diploid set of chromosomes and no evidence has been found for the formation of genetic “subnuclei.” During the early stages of the development of the macronuclear anlage, somatic pairing forces keep the homologs together, while in the later stages these forces cease to exert influence. While these changes are in progress the old macronucleus; breaks up into small irregular polymorphic bodies which are scattered throughout in the cytoplasm. The exconjugants usually encyst and the cysts are not favorable for detailed cytologic study.  相似文献   

During conjugation, the micronucleus of Tetrahymena thermophila undergoes five consecutive nuclear divisions: meiosis, third prezygotic division (pregamic mitosis) and two postzygotic mitoses of the synkaryon. The four products of the synkaryon differentiate into macronuclear anlagen and new micronuclei and the old macronucleus is resorbed. The protein synthesis inhibitor cycloheximide, applied during conjugation, induced several developmental blocks. Pairs shifted to the drug during early meiotic prophase (stages I–III) were arrested at prophase. Cycloheximide applied to cells at pachytene (stages IV-VI) to metaphase arrested the conjugants at the stage of modified prometaphase/metaphase with overcondensed, swollen bivalents. In contrast to other systems, in the presence of cycloheximide, separation of chromatids, decondensation of chromosomes and exit from metaphase I were inhibited in both diploid and haploid cells. Pairs shifted to the drug after metaphase I were arrested at postmeiotic interphase after completing one nuclear cycle. The same rule applied to the subsequent cycle; then cells were arrested at the stage of pronuclei, and those pairs with functional pronuclei and synkarya were arrested at the stage of two products of the first postzygotic division (pronuclei were not arrested in nuclear transfer and karyogamy). Only pairs with two products of the first postzygotic division were arrested at the same stage after the cycloheximide treatment. Pairs shifted to cycloheximide during the second postzygotic division were arrested in development of macronuclear anlagen and resorption of old macronuclei. The postmeiotic conjugants pulse-treated with cycloheximide (2 h) yielded heterokaryons retaining parental macronuclei (i.e. they exhibited macronuclear retention).  相似文献   

It has been known that, immediately after the third division of fertilization nucleus (synkaryon), nuclei localized near the posterior region of exconjugant are to be macronuclear anlagen and those near the anterior region are to be presumptive micronuclei in Paramecium caudatum. One of such posterior nuclei was transplanted into amicronucleate cell at vegetative phase in this work. The implanted nuclei were able to divide at every fission. Their DNA content was nearly equal to or less than ordinary micronuclei during vegetative phase. When conjugation was induced between clones obtained and amicronucleates, macronuclear anlagen developed from the division products of implanted nuclei and thereafter derivative caryonides were true to the marker gene of implanted nuclei. The results indicate that there was no intrinsic difference between nuclei localized anteriorly and those situated posteriorly in exconjugant. Differentiation of nuclei into macronucleus may be irreversible at the stage of anteroposterior localization of the nuclei. The role of nuclear division in differentiation may be only to transport the daughter nuclei into the cytoplasm/cortex differentiated anteroposteriorly.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. The Indian race of Blepharisma undulans described in this paper measures 150 μ in length. The macronucleus consists of 5–7 nodes, all of equal size. During binary fission, condensation of macronucleus is followed by its elongation and a thinning of the middle region which breaks with the division of the animal. It later attains the typical vegetative form.
During conjugation 7 or 8 micronuclei pass through the first pregamic division, 5 to 7 through the second pregamic division and one product of the second division takes part in the third division. The rest degenerate. At the same time, the macronucleus also starts degenerating. After the synkaryon has divided twice, the conjugating pairs separate. Of the 4 products, 3 become macronuclear anlagen and one, micronuclear anlage.
The micronuclei divide asynchronously both during binary fission and during conjugation. There is apparently considerable diversity in the structure and behaviour of the macronucleus and micronuclei in the different races of Blepharisma undulans.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. During conjugation in Spirostomum ambiguum, the micronuclei divide thrice before synkaryon formation and 20 times thereafter. During the first meiotic division 18-24 bivalents, each about 0.5 μ or less appear on the spindle. They separate and pass to the poles. The details of the 2nd and 3rd prezygotic divisions and synkaryon formation by reciprocal exchange of gametic nuclei resemble those described for other ciliates in the literature. The synkaryon divides twice resulting in 4 nuclei; 2 of them become micronuclei and the remaining 2 macronuclear anlagen. The micronuclei enter into division, but this division is arrested in metaphase. The chromosomes in the macronuclear anlagen resemble those appearing in the Ist meiotic division in shape and size. In their maximum stage of development the macronuclear chromosomes are at least 3-4 times larger than those appearing in the arrested micronuclear metaphases in the same cell. There is no banding pattern of the chromosomes and therefore the possible extent of polyteny is difficult to evaluate. The chromosomes duplicate 3-4 times resulting in about 200–250 before they become indistinct as separate entities. Spirostomum is the only nonhypotrichous ciliate in which these cytologic features are described.  相似文献   

Ciliated protozoans present several features of chromosome segregation that are unique among eukaryotes, including their maintenance of two nuclei: a germline micronucleus, which undergoes conventional mitosis and meiosis, and a somatic macronucleus that divides by an amitotic process. To study ciliate chromosome segregation, we have identified the centromeric histone gene in the Tetrahymena thermophila genome (CNA1). CNA1p specifically localizes to peripheral centromeres in the micronucleus but is absent in the macronucleus during vegetative growth. During meiotic prophase of the micronucleus, when chromosomes are stretched to twice the length of the cell, CNA1p is found localized in punctate spots throughout the length of the chromosomes. As conjugation proceeds, CNA1p appears initially diffuse, but quickly reverts to discrete dots in those nuclei destined to become micronuclei, whereas it remains diffuse and is gradually lost in developing macronuclei. In progeny of germline CNA1 knockouts, we see no defects in macronuclear division or viability of the progeny cells immediately following the knockout. However, within a few divisions, progeny show abnormal mitotic segregation of their micronucleus, with most cells eventually losing their micronucleus entirely. This study reveals a strong dependence of the germline micronucleus on centromeric histones for proper chromosome segregation.  相似文献   

The conjugation of Halteria grandinella was studied in protargol preparations. The isogamontic conjugants fuse partially with their ventral sides to a homopolar pair. The first maturation division generates dramatic transformations: (i) the partners obtain an interlocking arrangement; (ii) the number of bristle kineties decreases from seven to four in each partner; and (iii) the right conjugant loses its buccal membranelles, the left the whole adoral zone. The remaining collar membranelles arrange around the pair's anterior end and are shared by both partners; finally, the couple resembles a vegetative specimen in size and outline. The vegetative macronucleus fragments before pycnosis. The micronucleus performs three maturation divisions, but only one derivative each performs the second and third division. The synkaryon divides twice, producing a micronucleus, a macronucleus anlage, and two disintegrating derivatives. Scattered somatic kinetids occur during conjugation, but disappear without reorganization. An incomplete oral primordium originates in both partners. The conjugation of Halteria grandinella resembles in several respects that of hypotrich spirotrichs; however, the majority of morphological, ontogenetical, and ultrastructural features still indicates an affiliation with the oligotrich and choreotrich spirotrichs. Accordingly, the cladistic analysis still contradicts the genealogy based on the sequences of the small subunit rRNA gene.  相似文献   

Ciliates represent a morphologically and genetically distinct group of single-celled eukaryotes that segregate germline and somatic functions into two types of nuclei and exhibit complex cytogenetic events during the sexual process of conjugation, which is under the control of the so-called “mating type systems”. Studying conjugation in ciliates may provide insight into our understanding of the origins and evolution of sex and fertilization. In the present work, we studied in detail the sexual process of conjugation using the model species Euplotes vannus, and compared these nuclear events with those occurring in other ciliates. Our results indicate that in E. vannus: 1) conjugation requires about 75 hours to complete: the longest step is the development of the new macronucleus (ca. 64h), followed by the nuclear division of meiosis I (5h); the mitotic divisions usually take only 2h; 2) there are three prezygotic divisions (mitosis and meiosis I and II), and two of the eight resulting nuclei become pronuclei; 3) after the exchange and fusion of the pronuclei, two postzygotic divisions occur; two of the four products differentiate into the new micronucleus and macronucleus, respectively, and the parental macronucleus degenerates completely; 4) comparison of the nuclear events during conjugation in different ciliates reveals that there are generally three prezygotic divisions while the number of postzygotic divisions is highly variable. These results can serve as reference to investigate the mating type system operating in this species and to analyze genes involved in the different steps of the sexual process.  相似文献   

Mass cultures of a stock of Paramecium polycaryum maintained over a period of several years showed abundant and frequent nuclear reorganization stages resembling those of ex-conjugant and ex-autogamous animals of other species of Paramecium. Conjugation has never been reported for P. polycaryum, nor has it been found in these studies. Cytological examination of stained preparations revealed a process of autogamy in P. polycaryum, closely similar to that described previously for P. aurelia. As a rule, all four of the micronuclei, the typical vegetative number in P. polycaryum, engage in the first prezygotic division which is characterized by the formation of prophase crescents. Variable numbers of the eight nuclei continue with the second division. A maximum of sixteen nuclei may result. Apparently, only one of these normally completes the third prezygotic division to form the gametic nuclei, although more than one may initiate it. A fusion nucleus (synkaryon) arises in, or near, a paroral cone, thus paralleling autogamy in P. aurelia. A series of postzygotic divisions produces eight definitive nuclei, four of which become macronuclear anlagen and four remain micronuclei. The first division of the synkaryon results, possibly, in the formation of a viable nucleus and a non-viable one, as in ex-conjugants of P. caudatum. After the last micronuclear division, a skein evolves from the old macronucleus which has become flattened and leaf-like. The skein rapidly segments into "sausages" which transform into spherical fragments, about thirty in number. Two cell divisions restore the normal vegetative nuclear complex.  相似文献   

Each cell of Paramecium caudatum has a germinal micronucleus. When a bi-micronucleate state was created artificially by micronuclear transplantation, both micronuclei divided for at least 2 cell cycles after nuclear transplantation. However, this bi-micronucleate state was unstable and reduced to a uni-micronucleate state after several fissions. Although the number of micronuclei was usually 1 during the vegetative phase, 4 presumptive micronuclei differentiated after conjugation. At the first post-conjugational fission, only 1 of the 4 micronuclei divided, indicating that there is tight regulation of micronuclear number in exconjugants. Micronuclei that did not divide at the first post-conjugational fission may persist through the first and second post-conjugational cell cycles. The decision to divide appears to be separate from the decision to degenerate, as evidenced by division of a remaining micronucleus upon removal of the dividing micronucleus at the first division. Degeneration of micronuclei in exconjugants differs from that of haploid nuclei after meiosis. Nutritional state affected micronuclear degeneration. Under well-fed conditions, the micronuclei destined to degenerate lost the ability to divide earlier than after starvation treatment, suggesting that micronuclear degeneration is an "apoptotic" phenomenon, probably under the control of the new macronuclei (macronuclear anlagen).  相似文献   

Hyalophysa chattoni, borne as an encysted phoront on a crustacean's exoskeleton, metamorphoses to the trophont during the host's premolt. After the molt within 15 min to 2 h conjugants with food vacuoles appear in the exuvium, swimming along with the trophonts. Starvation in other ciliates usually precedes conjugation, but food vacuoles in conjugants do not preclude starvation. Only after ingestion and dehydration of vacuoles ceases, does digestion of exuvial fluid begin. Conjugants resorb their feeding apparatus as they fuse. A single imperforate membrane from each partner forms the junction membrane. In a reproductive cyst conjugants divide synchronously, but now the junction membrane is interrupted by pores and channels. After the last division the daughters undergo meiosis – two meiotic divisions and one mitotic division yielding two prokarya as they simultaneously differentiate into tomites. After fertilization, pairs separate and the synkaryon divides once into a macronuclear anlage and a micronucleus. Exconjugants leave the cyst and seek a host. The parental macronucleus remains active until the phoront stage when the anlage develops. Owing to random association of micronuclei during meiosis, Hyalophysa's exconjugants are more genetically diverse than exconjugants from conventional patterns of conjugation.  相似文献   

Paramecium caudatum loses the ability to form food vacuoles at the crescent stage of the micronucleus from 5 to 6 hr after the initiation of conjugation and regains it immediately after the third division of the zygotic nucleus. To assess the micronuclear function in the development of the oral apparatus after coniugation, prezygotic micronuclei was removed from cells at various stages of conjugation, and their ability to form food vacuoles were examined. (1) When all of the prezygotic micronuclear derivatives were eliminated before the stage of formation of the zygotic nucleus, the exconjugant did not regain its ability. (2) When a zygotic nucleus or postzygotic nuclei were removed, in some cases the cell formed as many food vacuoles as did nonoperated cells after conjugation, while in other operated cells the number of food vacuoles was subnormal. (3) When a micronucleus from a cell at vegetative phase (G1) was transplanted into a cell of an amicronucleate mating pair at the stage between 8 and 9 hr after the initiation of conjugation, the implanted cell regained the ability to form food vacuoles. However, no cell regained the ability when the implantation was carried out within 1 hr after the separation of the mates. The results show that the micronucleus plays an indispensable role in the development of the oral apparatus at the stages of exchange of gametic nuclei and fertilization and that the micronucleus transplanted from asexual cells can fulfill this function. On the other hand, removal of the macronucleus from exconjugants showed that the maternal macronucleus also has an indispensable function in regaining the ability to form food Vacuoles. © 1992 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

In conjugating pairs of Paramecium caudatum, the micronuclear events occur synchronously in both members of the pair. To find out whether micronuclear behavior is controlled by the somatic macronucleus or by the germinal micronucleus, and whether or not synchronization of micronuclear behavior is due to intercellular communication between conjugating cells, the behavior of the micronucleus was examined after removal of the macronuclei from either or both cells of a mating pair at various stages of conjugation. When macronuclei were removed from both cells of a pair, micronuclear development was arrested 1 to 1.5 hr after macronuclear removal. When the macronucleus of a micronucleate cell mating with an amicronucleate cell was removed later than 3 to 3.5 hr of conjugation, that is, an early stage of meiotic prophase of the micronucleus, micronuclear events occurred normally in the operated cell. These results suggest that most micronuclear events are under the control of the macronucleus and that the gene products provided by the macronucleus are transferable between mating cells. One such product is required for induction of micronuclear division and is provided just before metaphase of the first meiotic division of the micronucleus. This factor is effective at a lower concentration in the cytoplasm and/or is more transferable between mating cells than the factors required for other stages. This factor, which seems to be present at least until the stage of micronuclear disintegration, is able to induce repeated micronuclear division as long as it remains active. The factor can act on a micronucleus which has not passed through a meiotic prophase. Moreover, the results suggest the existence of a second factor which is provided by the macronucleus after the first meiotic division that inhibits further micronuclear division.  相似文献   

We studied cell size and shape, nuclear changes, and the ciliary pattern during conjugation of Protospathidium serpens, using protargol impregnation and morphometry. Preliminary data were gathered from Epispathidium ascendens and Apertospathula armata. Conjugation of P. serpens is temporary, isogamic, and without preconjugation divisions. Pair formation is heteropolar, and the partners unite obliquely with the oral bulge. The body becomes smaller and broader during conjugation, but no basic changes occur in the ciliary pattern. Conjugation and nuclear reconstruction follow the usual mode of ciliates. However, some peculiarities occur: only two of the four synkaryon derivatives of the second synkaryon division enter the third division and generate four macronuclear anlagen, which fuse to a single, long macronucleus strand. During conjugation, E. ascendens unites obliquely as P. serpens, while A. armata can pair dorsal-to-dorsal surface, ventral-to-dorsal surface, or obliquely as P. serpens. The nuclear processes of these three species are also rather different, showing a considerable diversity in union modes and nuclear events of spathidiids; E. ascendens even has preconjugation division. Confirming previous data, the present study shows convincingly that most of the spathidiid nuclear variability is caused by reconstruction processes occurring in post-dividers, exconjugants and, possibly, exautogamonts. When these specimens are removed from the populations, spathidiid species are as stable (or variable) as other ciliate species.  相似文献   

Genomic exclusion is an aberrant form of conjugation of Tetrahymena thermophila in which the genome of a defective conjugant is excluded from the genotype of the exconjugant progeny. This paper is concerned with the cytogenetic and nucleocytoplasmic events of genomic exclusion in senescent clones A*III and C*. In crosses between A*III or C* and strain B, functional, haploid gametic nuclei are formed only in the strain B cell. In some instances one of the gametic nuclei divides prior to transfer of the migratory gametic nucleus, and both products then undergo DNA synthesis. Two alternative cytogenetic pathways are followed after transfer of the migratory nucleus. In the first, the conjugants separate without further micronuclear divisions. This pathway was most common in A*III genomic exclusion. In exconjugants the former gametic nuclei undergo both DNA synthesis and (presumably) intranuclear separation of centromeres to restore micronuclear diploidy. The old macronucleus of each exconjugant is retained without autolysis. This class of exconjugant survives and contributes genes to future sexual progeny. In the second cytogenetic pathway the gametic nuclei divide and macronuclear anlagen are formed, as in normal conjugation. This pathway was more common in C* genomic exclusion. The initial DNA content of the anlagen ranges from haploid to diploid. Following two to three rounds of DNA synthesis, further macronuclear development ceases and the anlagen appear to undergo autolysis. The old macronucleus condenses and also undergoes autolysis, as in normal conjugation. Except for rare C* exconjugants, in which macronuclear development is completed, anlagen-bearing genomic exclusion exconjugants die. Death may be caused by aneuploidy, errors in the timing or receptivity to signals for autolysis, or the inability of anlagen-bearing exconjugants to feed. Anlagenbearing conjugants are frequently abnormal with respect to the number of anlagen and micronuclei. Most of the anomalies can be explained by postulating errors in the timing of both developmental signals and nuclear divisions. Rare conjugants in which gametic nuclei divide but do not give rise to macronuclear anlagen are also observed. In these instances, the old macronuclei condense and undergo autolysis. Destruction of the old macronucleus therefore is independent of the presence of macronuclear anlagen and requires cell pairing in order to be initiated.  相似文献   

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