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The gene for dentin sialophosphoprotein produces a single protein that is post-translationally modified to generate two distinct extracellular proteins: dentin sialoprotein and dentin phosphoprotein. In teeth, dentin sialophosphoprotein is expressed primarily by odontoblast cells, but is also transiently expressed by presecretory ameloblasts. Because of this expression profile it appears that dentin sialophosphoprotein contributes to the early events of amelogenesis, and in particular to those events that result in the formation of the dentino-enamel junction and the adjacent "aprismatic" enamel. Using a transgenic animal approach we have extended dentin sialoprotein or dentin phosphoprotein expression throughout the developmental stages of amelogenesis. Overexpression of dentin sialoprotein results in an increased rate of enamel mineralization, however, the enamel morphology is not significantly altered. In wild-type animals, the inclusion of dentin sialoprotein in the forming aprismatic enamel may account for its increased hardness properties, when compared with bulk enamel. In contrast, the overexpression of dentin phosphoprotein creates "pitted" and "chalky" enamel of non-uniform thickness that is more prone to wear. Disruptions to the prismatic enamel structure are also a characteristic of the dentin phosphoprotein overexpressing animals. These data support the previous suggestion that dentin sialoprotein and dentin phosphoprotein have distinct functions related to tooth formation, and that the dentino-enamel junction should be viewed as a unique transition zone between enamel and the underlying dentin. These results support the notion that the dentin proteins expressed by presecretory ameloblasts contribute to the unique properties of the dentino-enamel junction.  相似文献   

The innermost shell lamella, which coats the inner surface of the shells in the estuarine clam Rangia cuneata, is a dynamic structure with a variable composition. In some populations the lamella is a phosphoprotein-rich structure devoid of crystalline mineral, and in others it is a glucosamine-rich structure often containing barite (BaSO4) inclusions. Mineral depositions was artificially stimulated in Rangia containing glucosamine-rich lamellae by scratching the inner shell surface. After stimulation, the lamellae were transformed into phosphoprotein-rich structures in which aragonite (CaCO3) was deposited. The mineral grew in spherulitic and dumbbell-shaped clusters characteristic of aragonite precipitated from strictly inorganic solutions. This study demonstrates that phosphoprotein particles accumulate in the innermost shell lamella during stimulated biomineralization but neither inhibit mineral deposition nor influence the crystal habits. Since phosphoprotein particles are high capacity calcium-binding proteins, they may be the source and transport vehicle for the calcium ions utilized in shell mineralization.  相似文献   

A cDNA construct (approximately 1 kb) of human BM-40 in a plasmid with the cytomegalovirus promoter and enhancer was used to produce several stable clones by transfecting two human cell lines (293, HT 1080). These clones showed a high expression of exogenous 1-kb BM-40 mRNA and no or only little endogenous 2.2-kb mRNA. These clones also secreted BM-40 at high rates (5-50 micrograms ml-1 day-1) into serum-free culture medium as shown by electrophoresis, radioimmunoassay and metabolic labelling. Transfection with the plasmid and overexpression of BM-40 had no effect on cell spreading, proliferation rate and adhesion patterns to extracellular matrix substrates. Recombinant human BM-40 was purified by anion-exchange chromatography and showed the expected N-terminal sequence and amino acid composition. The protein was also identical or similar to authentic BM-40 purified from the mouse Engelbreth-Holm-Swarm tumor in hexosamine content, electrophoretic mobility, circular dichroism and binding activity for calcium and collagen IV. Reduction of both authentic and recombinant BM-40 decreased binding activity which indicates correct formation of disulfide bonds in the recombinant protein. A specific and sensitive radioimmunoassay for human BM-40 was shown to be useful for detecting small quantities of the protein in human cell culture medium and blood. No significant cross-reaction was, however, detected between human and mouse BM-40.  相似文献   

Previous studies have reported that calreticulin (CRT), a calcium-binding and chaperoning protein, is expressed only in the endoplasmatic reticulum, nucleus and at the cell surface. In this study we clearly show that odontoblasts and predentin matrix contain CRT. To our knowledge, this is the first time CRT has been described in the extracellular matrix. The expression of CRT was studied by immunohistochemistry, ultrastructural immunocytochemistry and in situ hybridization in developing rat teeth. CRT was detected as a 59-kDa protein in rat pulp cell culture medium and dentin extracellular matrix extract by Western blotting. The presence of the protein was shown in rat odontoblasts and predentin with immunohistochemistry. At the ultrastructural level, the labeling was distributed in the rat odontoblasts, ameloblasts and predentin. Northern blotting showed the presence of CRT mRNA in rat molars, which was confirmed by in situ hybridization in odontoblasts and ameloblasts. We now present the first convincing evidence that CRT is found in extracellular matrix where it may play an important role in mineralization.  相似文献   

Calretinin (CR) is a neuronal EF-hand protein previously characterized as a calcium (micromolar affinity) binding protein. CR-containing neurons are spared in some neurodegenerative diseases, although it is as yet unconfirmed how CR plays an active role in this protection. Higher levels of some metal cations (e.g. copper and zinc) are associated with these diseases. At the same time, metals such as terbium (NMR and fluorescence) cadmium (NMR) and manganese (EPR) serve as useful calcium analogues in the study of EF-hand proteins. We survey the binding of the above-mentioned metal cations that might affect the structure and function of CR. Competitive 45Ca2+-overlay, competitive terbium fluorescence and intrinsic tryptophan fluorescence are used to detect the binding of metal cations to CR. Terbium and copper (half-maximal effect of 15 microM) bind to CR. Terbium has a similar or greater affinity for the calcium-binding sites of CR than calcium. Copper quenches the fluorescence of terbium-bound CR, and CR tryptophan residues and competes weakly for 45Ca2+-binding sites. Cadmium, magnesium, manganese and zinc bind less strongly (half-maximal effects above 0.1 mM). Therefore, only terbium appears to be a suitable analytical calcium analogue in further studies of CR. The principal conclusion of this work is that copper, in addition to calcium, might be a factor in the function of CR and a link between CR and neurodegenerative diseases.  相似文献   

Dentinogenesis imperfecta (DGI) is an autosomal dominant inherited dental disease which affects dentin production and mineralization. Genetic linkage studies have been performed on several multigeneration informative kindreds. These studies determined linkage between DGI type II and III and group-specific component (vitamin D-binding protein). This gene locus has been localized to the long arm of human chromosome 4 in the region 4q11-q21. Although this disease has been mapped to chromosome 4, the defective gene product is yet to be determined. Biochemical studies have suggested abnormal levels of dentin phosphoprotein (DPP) associated with DGI type II. This highly acidic protein is the major noncollagenous component of dentin, being solely expressed by the ectomesenchymal derived odontoblast cells of the tooth. The purpose of the present study was to establish whether DPP is associated with DGI types II and III, by using molecular biology techniques. The strategy was to use a synthetic degenerative DPP oligonucleotide probe to map this sequence to the long arm of human chromosome 4, 4q13-q21, by using somatic cell hybrids. Our results indicated that DPP is not localized to any region of human chromosome 4, thus suggesting that the DPP gene is not directly associated with DGI type II or DGI type III. Our data do not exclude the possibility that other proteins associated with DPP posttranslational modifications might be responsible for this genetic disease.  相似文献   

Summary The vitamin D-dependent calcium-binding protein (CaBP) was studied in relation to the age of the cell, in isolated epithelial cell populations removed from rat duodenum. Alkaline phosphatase and thymidine kinase activities were used as markers to characterize differentiated villus cells and undifferentiated (mitotically active) crypt cells, respectively. CaBP distribution along the length of the villus, as established by radioimmunoassay, appears as a gradient increasing from the crypt to the tip of the villus. CaBP concentration in cells is shown to be (i) negatively correlated with the thymidine kinase activity of cells, and (ii) positively correlated with the alkaline phosphatase activity of cells. This indicates that CaBP is absent in crypt cells and appears in differentiated cells with the development of the brush border. Thus CaBP, like alkaline phosphatase, can be considered as an indicator of enterocyte maturation. These data were also confirmed by studying the cellular localization of the protein. In addition both indirect immunofluorescence and immunoperoxidase staining methods reveal that antibody against CaBP decorates the terminal web, but not the microvilli of the brush border of mature absorptive cells. The results suggest that CaBP may act as a modulator of some Ca2+-mediated biochemical processes at the level of the enterocyte brush border.Portions of this work were presented at the Fourth International Workshop on Calcified Tissues, Israel (March 1980)  相似文献   

Dentin sialophosphoprotein (DSPP), a major non-collagenous matrix protein of odontoblasts, is proteolytically cleaved into dentin sialoprotein (DSP) and dentin phosphoprotein (DPP). Our previous studies revealed that DSPP null mice display a phenotype similar to human autosomal dominant dentinogenesis imperfecta, in which teeth have widened predentin and irregular dentin mineralization resulting in sporadic unmineralized areas in dentin and frequent pulp exposure. Earlier in vitro studies suggested that DPP, but not DSP, plays a significant role in initiation and maturation of dentin mineralization. However, the precise in vivo roles of DSP and DPP are far from clear. Here we report the generation of DPPcKO mice, in which only DSP is expressed in a DSPP null background, resulting in a conditional DPP knockout. DPPcKO teeth show a partial rescue of the DSPP null phenotype with the restored predentin width, an absence of irregular unmineralized areas in dentin, and less frequent pulp exposure. Micro-computed tomography (micro-CT) analysis of DPPcKO molars further confirmed this partial rescue with a significant recovery in the dentin volume, but not in the dentin mineral density. These results indicate distinct roles of DSP and DPP in dentin mineralization, with DSP regulating initiation of dentin mineralization, and DPP being involved in the maturation of mineralized dentin.  相似文献   

Rat skin calcium-binding protein is parvalbumin.   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Only one major low-Mr calcium-binding protein could be isolated by h.p.l.c. procedures from aqueous extracts of homogenized adult rat skin. This was shown by tryptic peptide mapping and independent amino acid sequence analysis to be identical in all 109 residues with the parvalbumin from rat skeletal muscle. This calcium-binding protein was not in skin epidermis, but was confined to the dermal layer. Skin calcium-binding protein is therefore parvalbumin.  相似文献   

Calcium-binding phosphoprotein particles are the most abundant extracellular proteins in the hemolymph of heterodont bivalves, and granular hemocytes are the most abundant cells in the same fluid. In this study, the hemocytes of Rangia cuneata were examined ultrastructurally and probed with anti-phosphoprotein IgG to demonstrate that the granulocytes are a probable source of the hemolymph phosphoprotein. The granulocyte cytoplasm is laden with large vesicles containing an amorphous homogenous matrix and variable numbers of electron-dense particles; the latter are ultrastructurally similar to the extracellular phosphoprotein. The vesicle particles and matrix are related forms of the hemolymph phosphoprotein as evidenced by heavy gold labeling when Lowicryl sections were sequentially treated with rabbit-anti-phosphoprotein IgG and colloidal gold-anti-rabbit IgG. The vesicles may be the loci for posttranslational phosphorylation and eventual secretion of the calcium-binding phosphoprotein, or alternatively the vesicles may be digestive structures which degrade internalized phosphoprotein.  相似文献   

A novel calcium-binding protein (molecular weight 23,000-24,000, pI 5.3-5.5), which we term neurocalcin, was identified in bovine brain. Using calcium-dependent drug affinity chromatography ((S)-P-(2-aminoethyloxy)-N-[2-(4-benzyloxycarbonylpiperazinyl++ +)-1-(P- methoxybenzyl)ethyl]-N-methylbenzene-sulfonamide dihydrochloride, W-77, -coupled Sepharose 6B), we purified neurocalcin from bovine brain. The partial amino acid sequence of neurocalcin revealed it to be an as yet unidentified protein with three putative calcium binding sites (EF-hands). Further purification and sequence analysis demonstrated the presence of four isoprotein forms designated alpha, beta, gamma 1, and gamma 2. When the 165 sequenced residues of neurocalcin beta are compared with sequences of other proteins, neurocalcin beta has a 38.2% sequence homology with visinin and 45.5% with recoverin (Yamagata, K., Goto, K., Kuo, C.-H., Kondo, H., and Miki, N. (1990) Neuron 2, 469-476; Dizhoor, A. M., Ray, S., Kumar, S., Niemi, G., Spencer, M., Brolley, D., Walsh, K. A., Philipov, P. P., Hurley, J. B., and Stryer, L. (1991) Science 251, 915-918). Both visinin and recoverin are expressed specifically in retinal photoreceptors and are not found in brain. Unlike visinin and recoverin, neurocalcin is purified not only from retina but also from bovine brain. Our results suggest that neurocalcin is a recoverin-like protein expressed in bovine brain.  相似文献   

We present the three-dimensional (3D) solution structure of a calcium-binding protein from Entamoeba histolytica (EhCaBP), an etiologic agent of amoebiasis affecting millions worldwide. EhCaBP is a 14.7 kDa (134 residues) monomeric protein thought to play a role in the pathogenesis of amoebiasis. The 3D structure of Ca(2+)-bound EhCaBP has been derived using multidimensional nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopic techniques. The study reveals the presence of two globular domains connected by a flexible linker region spanning 8 amino acid residues. Each domain consists of a pair of helix-loop-helix motifs similar to the canonical EF-hand motif of calcium-binding proteins. EhCaBP binds to four Ca(2+) with high affinity (two in each domain), and it is structurally related to calmodulin (CaM) and troponin C (TnC) despite its low sequence homology ( approximately 29%) with these proteins. NMR-derived structures of EhCaBP converge within each domain with low RMSDs and angular order-parameters for backbone torsion angles close to 1.0. However, the presence of a highly flexible central linker region results in an ill-defined orientation of the two domains relative to one other. These findings are supported by backbone (15)N relaxation rate measurements and deuterium exchange studies, which reveal low structural order parameters for residues in the central linker region. Earlier, biochemical studies showed that EhCaBP is involved in a novel signal transduction mechanism, distinct from CaM. A possible reason for such a functional diversity is revealed by a detailed comparison of the 3D structure of EhCaBP with that of CaM and TnC. The studies indicate a more open C-terminal domain for EhCaBP with larger water exposed total hydrophobic surface area as compared to CaM and TnC. Further dissimilarities between the structures include the presence of two Gly residues (G63 and G67) in the central linker region of EhCaBP, which seem to impart it a greater flexibility compared to CaM and TnC and also play crucial role in its biological function. Thus, unlike in CaM and TnC, wherein the length and/or composition of the central linker have been found to be crucial for their function, in EhCaBP, both flexibility as well as amino acid composition is required for the function of the protein.  相似文献   

R2D5 is a mouse monoclonal antibody that labels rabbit olfactory receptor neurons. Immunoblot analysis showed that mAb R2D5 recognizes a 22-kD protein with apparent pI of 4.8, which is abundantly contained in the olfactory epithelium and the olfactory bulb. We isolated cDNA for R2D5 antigen and confirmed by Northern analysis and neuronal depletion technique that R2D5 antigen is expressed predominantly, but not exclusively, in olfactory receptor neurons. Analysis of the deduced primary structure revealed that R2D5 antigen consists of 189 amino acids with calculated M(r) of 20,864 and pI of 4.74, has three calcium- binding EF hands, and has possible phosphorylation sites for Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II (CaM kinase II) and cAMP- dependent protein kinase (A kinase). Using the bacterially expressed protein, we directly examined the biochemical properties of R2D5 antigen. R2D5 antigen binds Ca2+ and undergoes a conformational change in a manner similar to calmodulin. R2D5 antigen is phosphorylated in vitro by CaM kinase II and A kinase at different sites, and 1.81 and 0.80 mol of Pi were maximally incorporated per mol of R2D5 antigen by CaM kinase II and A kinase, respectively. Detailed immunohistochemical study showed that R2D5 antigen is also expressed in a variety of ependymal cells in the rabbit central nervous system. Aside from ubiquitous calmodulin, R2D5 antigen is the first identified calcium- binding protein in olfactory receptor neurons that may modulate olfactory signal transduction. Furthermore our results indicate that olfactory receptor neurons and ependymal cells have certain signal transduction components in common, suggesting a novel physiological process in ependymal cells.  相似文献   

Calreticulin: not just another calcium-binding protein   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
In this paper we review some of the rapidly expanding information about calreticulin, a Ca2+-binding/storage protein of the endoplasmic reticulum. The emphasis is placed on the structure and function of calreticulin. We believe that calreticulin is a multifunctional Ca2+-binding protein and that distinct functional properties of the protein may be localized to each of the three structural domains of calreticulin. Most evidence indicates that calreticulin is a resident endoplasmic reticulum protein. However, it can also be found outside of the endoplasmic reticulum compartment, i.e. in the nuclear envelope, in the nucleus, in the cytotoxic granules in T-lymphocytes and in acrosomal vesicles of sperm cells. The evidence reviewed here clearly suggests that calreticulin has other functions in addition to its role as a Ca2+ storage protein in the endoplasmic reticulum.Abbreviations SR sarcoplasmic reticulum - ER endoplasmic reticulum  相似文献   

The structure of calerythrin, a prokaryotic 20 kDa calcium-binding protein has been determined by solution NMR spectroscopy. Distance, dihedral angle, J coupling, secondary chemical shift, residual dipolar coupling and radius of gyration restraints reveal four EF-hand motifs arranged in a compact globular structure. A tight turn in the middle of the amino acid sequence brings the two halves, each comprising a pair of EF-hands, close together. The structural similarity between calerythrin and the eukaryotic sarcoplasmic calcium-binding proteins is notable.  相似文献   

Calsequestrin was isolated from chicken fast-twitch skeletal muscle, and partial amino terminal sequence was determined. The sequence (NH2) EEGLNFPTYDGKDRVIDLNE shows high identity with known mammalian calsequestrins contained in the Protein Identification Resource data bank (1). Most importantly, this 20 amino acid sequence shares complete identity with the amino terminus of aspartactin, a putative laminin-binding protein of the extracellular matrix (2, 3). The possible relationship of aspartactin to calsequestrin is discussed.  相似文献   

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